ww f p, h mr n sit i L Ji. rHUIfcAY AUQKIST 30, 1891. VOL. N0.29. :- l '. ., ' - '.- ... .". in,, ,r I . .v.' rHh -. ' -a iTi" . 1 .'. i '" r "rMi . rr ... fr. What is 3 CastnriaV is tr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opininj Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for '-Paregoric, Drops -Soothing Syrups, andCastor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by MilIiois of Mothers. Castoria Is the Cliildrens Panacea the Mother's Friend. - Castoria. h- ;.- :i 1 - ; Cirtori iss( wjl adapted toehfldren that i n-oorrjii?riHt as silptrior to any prescription .1 . known t UK'. ' It A AKfWER, at'U., Tl So, Oxfjfrd SI., Brooklyn, N. Y. iw.' of ' Canforia ' is so universal and Its inrt-(t?i n -w-U known that ft tux-m a work of stp'oraiou to endorse it. Iw are the int-Uifnt fawili5 im do not kwp 'Cattorja within euy reach." f ' " -' Caklos Maktttn, D. !.. f New York City. 1 Castoria: Castoria cures Colic, Constipation, Suur Stomach, Diarrhoea, ErucUttioi, Kills Wonns, frives aluep, and nrotnotea di Kftion, ' Without injurious medication. ' For several years I have recommehdec your 'Pibtoria,' and shall always continuetc do fjicas it has invariably produoed beneficia nsulte." - ' X Euwin F. PAKrn, M. h.. ' ' Turpln't lien lriJealer. The comniissipnr charged wth the efcatmnatjon liave Uirned in their rc- jVvrt to the I--rene4 War - Minister 125th Street and 7t!i -; , New York City TUib Ckntaur Cohpat, 77 Muurat Strkkt, Nkyt York Crry Crop Prospects. The erop report is favorable on the whole. In the Eastern district, says the Raleigh ,'corresponpent of the r.ejTcral Mereier. They consider that Wilmington ilesseriger, very heavy it fW necessary to thake prompt ex- rains occurred atthe beginning' of jeritnentivNvith ;the j new engine, but, the past week. Cotton and young knangenwigii,1 th report' says that corn were damaged cotton to shed '"ijt.no ease eanTTurpin be present at bolls. The weather was very warm the experiments." ' Jus-t why-the in- uutil the Jatter-part of the week, venter should Ik- exc luded is! ,a my- Fodder pulling has begun in some iterv. Several 1 will: descriptions of sections. Rice, tobacco and sweet the thiri" liavc alrcadv appeared in potatoes are reported good. The cousist in i lie su ectrtes, l ul Mi-irpiw neii,t' upon the p box.' use.l ,bv the i the French pa ers but the latest rains, reported were: Wilmington, goes into soiat 'details which give it .2.76 inches; Clarkton, 3.80; Greeen a certain color of aacuracv. ; ft .appears iiowjlthat it does not chey's 1.50; Pantego, 2.16; Nashville division f pro- 0.77; Saratoga, 5.50; Columbia, in -an improve-r 0.-i3; Jacksonville, 3.00: Currituck, esent grqpeshot 1.00; Tarboro, 2.98.. x-y "rench artillery. It is now seen that the heavy rains Thti m.'rchide is very simple; but. which occurred in the southern part : : tievethelessjif adopted it will ueccssi- of the Central district at the end ow tale a complete; renewal-of the whole last week (5th and 6th) caused cpri- antilkry criuipcicnt ui the French siderable damage to cottonand '; Apny It has an immense advantage corn and the recent hot shine has : ojS'er'the present machine, which ex- caused some scalding oi crops. Cot- : pkides its projectis at a fixfed dist- ton is reported as shedding at one or j '.ihce, because it- cah be exploded at tv.'O places. The damage has not ,,;yv distance at ill. To exphkle been very wide-soread and probably tliK nej 4tltair at he nuinlxr of not as great asfs at present estimat , metres desired, it s anlv nevessarv ed. The week-has been verv warm, tiy movcj the yeut or plug with a 6th and 10th probably the warmest pmiing iron, that w orks like a gim- days of the season. A storm passed j Id. out. to the j lintj thdt marks the over the northern part of thedistrict ' number . o sectindp desired,) which on the 10th, accompanTed bv hail correspond with the ntnnbcr ot vvhich caused damage in parts of ! i f I i kilometres ijndicati . hi tlu fuse, as Rockingham, Forsyth and Warren W in the case of fuse sliells. When the counties. It is still to dry in parts entjs opened the projectile is , placed of Stokes and Orange counties. It .. V ijpon a speeiaf maeiitie, the mechan-Jis still to dry in parts of Stokes and i ?m ol vvhich vvap explained by Orange counties. The crop of corn "urpin when. he ws before the com- is the finest for ten years and will mission, and it t exploded by. a bring big prices. Fodder pulling has quick matchjof a nefw pattern. J begun and crops will be very large the projct'tile ts5 hurled with a Farmers are turning land for fall ; toree three times as grcafas that ob- planting. There is so far no reason gained by melinite, to wing to the new to changeOpihion that crops of this powdef. which Turfcinjhas invented, this district will bt the finest for Five hundred .metres" jn front of the I many years. object fired &t ;the projectile bursts, wn in .1 OnAidiiifi. reading out like a fan and forming ln his talk ftt ghelby Spring Ala n-. vast -circle, . Q.f tiying iron, which Sam ones said. , . .! .1- i r sweeps- away ., every imng oe.ore u. A good many people are laying up Men, horses, cations and -wagons treasures in Heaven at the rate of a are mowed down. Of course, to ob tain such force, it J rpepjirea An abso lutelyxextra(rdinary ballistic power, and it ii hi ihijs power that the im portant part of t.hfc invention really 1ks.;i. r ' -hoots iVIft-h Ettwrt. AUvlekaco we printed a dispatch Chicago. Aug. Jl. .xd unite, a om we4tef Nebreiska'ifbAt a good , Writer in the liw. fkiir. on a Chicago paper, shot Bha K. II n ines hf the groinatCassand Drists 5 Step miii.v WSthc farmers there, aged by fhe'barl crofls of s successive years, had fecentlv State and ; reetsjast night. .White ond bki gone sfvuthvard in searcrl of a larW :cere arrested and ake to the ingifegion which sufferers! less fmrn mt Chicago pobce staUon. Last CT E ; . ... .... ... ... . - climatic vic!situdes. Wd now learn . evcnfhg Airs, wmtc aued on tnenqs from tneiXorth Carolina papers tfit an auvancea tsodv , of tnese farmers have ririmil in that Stat, aod have ' strcct m c,om43&ny w h Hames, near hr homo and returned to her boarding liouse at Xrc. 115 Cops given assurance that, if tljey bko the ook of things there, they vill be fofc owd bvjj a large number irf their Nebraska! brethren. We need not ftfthjr 7fs.iauc. for fe have a dispatch I from Plattsmotitb, Neb.. it. U S - - ' i ' . - i r f: ina t long trains pi o(nvfjs-coverea wagons I re ! constantly, passing through that place filled t vvitb dis- leartcned settlers who are anxious to fine? homes elsewhere, and that as many as jl 0,000 of themj have left since tfhe failure of this year's crops. There is news of a similar! movement from western Kansas, anq also from western .ojoiadp. The farmers all thtough thit partxof tne country say that jt Is too hard for them,,: and tuat wjc sivps apu weacnernere are top ; uncertain, the j blizzards, drqugiits and insects being very de struetiivel 1 j The North Carolina papers offer a welcome to; these people tell them that land can be be bought or leased there on easy term, and declare that the; Old orth State is just the place foritheini "r 1 Other Southern States are desious of attracting the fugitives from Jve braska, Kansas, Colorado, and Oklahoma. It is probabie that the population of the S)uth rili thu ye enlarged within the next flew years. The hardest-up farmers iri this coun trv are in? tfiose regions which those settlers are'4eaving. New York Sun, Pardoned, y t recollect the misfortune ?; of lr. Jasi H. Yar- rougi) wiiq was tried jn 18S7 at Emporia jlvansas, for the killing of A special to the Newsand Observer- frnm Tv' irlimrnrl 'n .,,r O'J sporting departuaenfcj . t . .... , fMr. J. M. VS instead, I'resident ol the PKAnont Hand at Greensboro. N. C, Committed suicide hete thi morn iog by iumuini: from the tower of theaew Citv Hall, a di stance ol abxut one Hundred and eighty feet. In felling lit st rued the iron railing arciund the building and was dis emboweled; both legs were torn ofT and -were left hanging only by! sHredte. I Tie had on his person money and' bonds amqunting to about nine thousand dollars. No papers were foiifl giving cause of the suicide. Wbqn he approached the janitor he appeared to be laboring under great mental excitement. la falling he came near striking a negro boy who was passing along the street and who looked up to se the time of day and saw the body somersaulting in the air. Mr. Winstead arrived here last evening and was stopping at Ford's IJotel. He was a prominent Meth odist and of; ememplary habits. Tbe tragedy occurred about 8:15 o'clock. Mr. Winitead first pulled Off shoes and coat and threw them out. . Thex inquest is now in pro gress" ; Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report f 1 A : - 1 ' H !. yi i Our readers will all i a Mr! Collier. The killing! was done undpjlircjuinstances of gijpss provo cajtiph, and his conviction was a great surprise to his, friends in the boutn. tne sentence, according to thelaws! df Kansas, whs confine- merit for life in the State Prisbn, but a recognition of the unjusthess of such severe' punishment! under the circtimstdnces moved his friends in this! Statt and Kansas ip made an early; effort to secure his pardon; A movement with this obiejet in yiew was jinaugWated by H0n. C. M. Cooke several years ago The first appiiication was, ior some reason, notlaeted upon immediately and a secdnd'.abplication was made thV Gaston, summer and so strongf was the sho.winj; made that uoonlthe unani- monsreepmrnendation ofthe Board of Pardoh'S, the Governor of Kansas granted bim a full and immediate pardon. His petition was signed by thefeenatars and Representatives in Her hwsbanf&rari to meet thfe vtlple, and a quarrel endued. ITcvf words passed between, the men before White is said to have-knocked htsanjtajv ist dovtftvand to bav kicked f a,t -b prostra teierm. Police Officer Thjbip son saV theencotinter,and4birried to thfc men. Haines jumped o his feet and smarted to run. Thompson saysi Wrhite reti at the ftigutive and Haines fell to the sfdewalk. HainesJ is about 33 years of g;e-and is con ncted with the Irdn Age inan, editor ial capacity. White came recently from Richmond, Va. Mrs. White is a handsome wormin of 30 years, tnreeyears younger than her husband. She was married in New York city May 28th last. Death of the Heaviest Han on Earth, Many Journal readers and New Bernt Fair visitors will recall the ro tund figure of John Hanson Craig, who was at the New Berne' Fair in 1892, and was then the .heaviest man in the world,"4iis weight being 907 pounds. Mr. Craig we are sor ry to. say, is no -longer the heaviest man on catth', fo he died lastwcek in Danville Indidna. At the time Mb. Craig wttts at ou-P fair he Weighed 80f pounds; (at ilc ime of hrs dmth he weightd 735 pounds. A special colju, o. cotfrge, had to be prepared for hin IHs firsi wife, Mfss Mary .Bossier, ler, is soid to have been almost, as kirge as her husbaml-. His last wife was a small kady. Mm Crajg ham one child, the offspring of the last marfiage. A State News. Senator jarvis and wife have gone to Virginia Beach for the summer Mrs. Jarvis is quite feeble. Hon, A. WT. Graham; Deiiocratic candidate in Settles district, was in Washington last week collecting matter for the campaign. Mrs. Lyraanof Asheville a lady-in high life applies for a deVorce from her husband. She is English in man ners and tastes. T. C. Cain and W. J. Allen received last week $200 each for the capture of Louis Stavall and his brother, James murderrers of Geo. W. Cur tain. . ' The Sampson Democrat says that hogs are dying at a rapid rate in A-Art Aral TJorxra I missionaries in China have recently . occurred. Cholera is spreading westward through German' in spite of the ef forts to check its progress. The Pope has written n letter to M. Turquct Confirming papal adhe sion to the French Republic. - The New York World classes Sena tor Gorman as the Jesse Jame of the Senate. He is great on "hold tips." The States can now tax the nation al bank notes and United States Treasury notes. The President sign ed the bill. The great exposition to be held in Atlanta, Ga., next year is assured Mr. Crarg's weight at tw6 years old was 206 pounds, at which time he took the thousand dollar pre mium in Barnum's baby show n 1858. New Berne Journal. Mining tn North Carolinn, In North Carolina, the production of gold and silver is qaite widely distributed; as fs shown in the sub joinefl tabular view of the output by counties: Cottxties. Gdtu. Harvard Hill, Mass., Aug. 23. Stephen K FowJer died at home in West Roxford last evening of heart disease. He was born in the house where he died 76 years ago. In ear ly life he went to New Orleans, ap prenticed to a firmofmerchants.who sent him to trade with Indians. La ter hewas taken into the firm. When the war broke out he lost $75,000 by the burning 6f-eotton byGen. IWler. Later he bougut-cotton in Mexico. He was on Gen. Bragg's staff in the Confederate army until the fall of Yicksburg. He lived in Paris until the close of the war. He 0 afterward speculated in mahogany in Central America, then went into dry Lgoods buisness in New York, and lost $3,000,000; in the panic of 1873. He managed a mine in Colorado for a sytKlicateaudsunk $200,000. Of late years he had been engaged in market farming in West Roxford. Mr. Fow ler was a lecturer. 0n3 of his daught ers s married to the private secreta ry of the King of Italy, and the oth er to Martelli, the artist. . Both live in Rome. v'' that section. Those apparently well great success as congress gave $200, in the evening are found dead in the 000 for its use Burke, Cabarrus Caldwell, Catawba, Davidson, Frank lin, 44,352 83 3,162 83 428-52 210 82 782 G 3,106 11 1,358 51 n so 180 82 1,851 04 5 17 12 Silver cajnfng value S3 95 1TG7 . -r ' 4 3 2 13 ,7im2 21 53 quarter a year-, and then the old fools will never get thereto enjoy it. At uoci s eye never looked upon a grander sight than a royal, noble, brave, true.hearted, genuine man. Nancv Hanks is a -much lncher It. is expected that the experiments brcd animal th Sullivan and Cor- will be thoroughly satisfactory. It bett. I like thoroughbred horses. I will beeasy to;see why theicommis- Wlsh we had more thoroughbred siou did not take i'Urpin's invention people jt everv mother work on offhand, .whence reflects that if the plan that she will wish her sons the invention is judged to be practi- to marrv duplicates of their sisters e.vl, it means tfie end of all tbe Bange aud her daughters dunlictPs of their artillery and ?& the rojecriis which brothers. -the French are at present! turning i don't know of but one politician out. A gotd :many cootracts mast in America who is absolutely un be broken and a great dtalj of Gv- purchasable and unbulldozable and umMv uiMucy, iuu ad iruTn that is old Qrover Cleveland. A t.l.1J .C T i- I - Many ou planus, lurpiu ma- rd rathcr run with a rascal like chine is adopted in the l;rench army, rx-mocrat than a fool like a Populist, and perhaps this may account for at rcWathcr be a rasca, than afool fQr least some i oi rue extraoruinary Congress? ifrom both Kanses and North Carolina, the Governor and other State officers, Judges of the Supreme Court, members of the bar and a great number of lirivate citi zens in Ni C. In addition to the peti tioh frora this State, his pardon was reepmmeaded by the Judge and jury who; triedliim, the District Attorney and the popple of Empdria, besides many of jthe prison officials. He re turned to Louis burg last Monday and ;was received with geat delight by jh!is many friends. He is looking remarkably well and showed no signs of his long confinement. The entire cdmmunity, both; town and country ,'join his family fin their re turn. AYe'wish for him much bappi ness and success for the future. News and Observer. Guilford, Lincoln, McDowell, . ikleeklenburg, Montgomery, Randolph, K6van, Rutherford Stanly, Union. Miscellajous aMl unknown 12,500 49 1,541 o5. 12,311 50 3,712 U 2,037 5G 933 71 005 02 morning. Last week at Greensville the pri soners escaped jail in broad day light. They were all present at breakfast but when the Sheriffs assistants went to take dinner they were all gone. The State Farmers' Alliance has authhorized the organization of the "Alliance, manufacturing company," for the purpose of manufacturing 10 43 75 to 30 83 46 40 31 2G 18 52 42-24 523 "13 98 1C3 31 ! Oxford, Ala., August 7. As the west bound Georgia Pacific train was nearing Bynum's a station ten miles west of here, the beautifull seventeen jsar old daughter pf Lee Vfent threw herself in frpnt of the engine and was instantly killed. Her body was thrown a hundred feet. She made an attempt a few clays ago to kill herself in the same manner, but was preven ted. Disappointment in love is said to be at the bottom of the suicide. The Amoskeage Mills of Mauches ter N. II. started up Monday-running on lull time. This will employs 8,000 aperatives. Miss Madeline Pollard, plaintiff in the Breckinaidge-Pollard scandal case, has determined to go onj the. stage, and has Tntered into a icon tract with a New York manager. A destructive fire occured at Cin- shocs, clothing, and hats, tanning cinnati. 0., last week which destroy- leatner leatner etc. e. the n rr , I - uwu Arrangements have been mabe for several fine railroad palace a grand reunion of ex-Confederates Loss, $500,000. Dnl:nl. .... U';:,4 C o i I last week while attending a base ball show. Additional, at HebrpnjKy., a base ball player waskilledby light- The North Carolina Association of ning while "catching a flv," on 12th, Democratic Clubs is to be at once instant. ' j ' reorganized, by Col. JaHan S. Carr, In the Pourth district of Indiana its president, nd B. C. Beckwith, willinm S. ITnlmrm tin. "hir v was renominated on the first ballot, Pair week, October 24-th. The man agers say several thousand will at tend. pars. ning its secretarv. tor some years these j clubs have done good work and have co-operated fully with the State De mocrtic committee. Hon James A. Lockhart, after an all night session of the convention in Lumberton, was nominated on receiving 164. his opponent 30.- At the end of this term he will have been in congress 30 3'ears. Thomas E. Watson, the People's party leader in the Tenth congrcss- I- i rr. 1 t the 340th ballot. Cansler of Char- louai OI Georgia, nas enrc- if0 o ..;,, c,...u rrr-A nominated again this year. Certain to his candidate, Adams, as a poor boy. Judge Bennett in reply said that Lazarus was a capitalist beside " Jeems" Lockhart. ; Capt. H. A. Gudger, of Buncombe county, through the influence of Sen defeat again awaits him. Hon. J. C. C. Black, Democrat will run against him. 5,109,32 $15-,3I1G 32 Total c'iningv'lue, f 70,505 64 London, Aug. 21. The Star, com nrenting on the attitude of the - Irish numbers in the House of Commons la9t night, cordially supports their contentions and expresses the opin oh that they had abundant reason for their action. "It is a fact," the Star says, "that Lord Rosebery and Sir William Har court have for some time past been The total mining industry in North suspected ot snuiy-snanying wiiu Carolina has been much "depressed, curtailment of the Lord's power of and dtrring the year 1893 sank to a vtto. This can be endured no longer lower point than has been knoti in and the Government must now obey twentvive vears .-Charlotte Kews. ttje mandated its supponerb The Peoples party have renounced all affiliations with Gen. Coxey. They see he is trying to fleece them tor Ransom he has been offered a a Veedersburg, be charged tor ni twenty-five hundred dollar position, speech and announced that he would with traveling expenses added in the speak to the people of De Kalb for Denartmcnt of Justice, and it is be- ten cents a head. lieved he lias accepted., mere are A burglar entered the post office only six ot tnese places in tnat ae- at Emporia, Ya., a few nights ago, partment. bored a hole near the combination, R. Z. Linucy, Esq, of Alexander, broke the lock of the safe, procured has been nominoted twiecAvithin the three registered packages, $195.00 past two days for Congress from the in cash and stamps, and has not eighth district Wednesday by the been detected, it appears "to have - Pnrtttli'St; nrl vftrprflfi v v the i o- Kfn tVif lunrl- n;in iYivrl nuhlicans and is the man whom n ! . I The receipt of over $100,000 in' ( nncrrpm!in Rnivpr will nnvp tn I 1 ' beat this fall. He is a lawj-er of un questioned ability but a child in jo r Aug. 20.- -The en - ;H jr Baltimore, Md. gaijemeni of Mr. Richard Johnson,; ol w asnington, l. tciNliss uaisv. Trnlii Hobbcr t'nged on the Car Top. A lMcbmond i niiurc. Indianapolis, inu., vug. j. 1 . ... ! . 1. a ;,i L Richmond, Ya., August 22.-E. "W train roooers, wno in w Ullman, proprietor of the Booth plunder sleeping caring cars on a Wall Paper Company, mad an as- Morning train bear Delphi were sign men t to-day. Two deeds were driven upon the roof an .captured by filed, one from the company and one .the trainmen. Great excitement was Ullman personally. The total liabi- caused among the passengers by the litics are $37,000, estimated assets affairs. The during couple xgave l . t ; rwm their names at ron t lewis ana.. V VV t : -r George Bohen, and were sent to jail United States gold coin from Havana. recently, is said by bankers to be a , . J I -,, . , j lldlUldl lUUtlUlUlk (Ik LUIS 31I19UU U. litics and the job will not be fonnd a . difficult one of acctmiplishment.- the car- It is practically the repay- tnent ol the monev sent to Cuba ear ly in the season to facilitate the The Stanley News says it is due I planting and cultivation of sugar. Mr. Jerome to say, and due the Dem- The Ncw York Hvcning World ocratic party, inasmuch as the re- . . o ... , " n(. mtn . nA wnmpn Charlotte Observer. second daughter of Senator Arthur P. cr(?P bulletin isgueci to-day shows Gorman, is announced. fMr Johnson 1 that, except in aew central drttrieis, is the sxn of Mr. Kurtz fohnson, the wcU-kuown banker of Yashhigtcm, hostility by whic New i York Sun. 1 the inventor has been pursued, TjlieWar Minister,! General Meriier his bitter enemy. you can reform a rascal. Congressman Wroodward has left Congress and returned to his home in Bock Mount. . choice between one man, and anoth- ' t r a. l - .1- - t- i.l er. u Lue xoe iemocrauc opic f fa 0',, want Jarvis, Mr. Jerome stands .t . readj to carry out their wishes. If The Georgia Farmers' Alliance has . 1 The Whiskev Trust hns fShiu Down. they want some one else, he will gone to pieces. After a stoi my meet The Sanfcld Distillery vvas shut j alike obey their wishes. ing held at Dublin, with only seven- Ihere has been no lelieffroin theKe down on ! the 22nd in accordance, Mjss Eliza Burt Gamble of Detroit Uy-five delegates in attendants, this qViLVMBUs, O,, Aug. 14. ThcStat 4 default of $1000 bail. port has been circulated herethat he is ready to cat a vote in respect to the majority sediment of the dis trict wherc it ti.ira to exercising the residing in that city who will have to pay an income tax of from $1,000 to $178,000. It puts Mrs. Hetty Green at the head of the women and William Waldori Astor at the head rjble drought, and tit? eflfeot uoonl with the notice given the day before m 1 Dnrt-litr ' groVriiwl ctqps is disastrdoa Dois I b the whiskey trust. The doors of County family, and ha4 been prom-' shrivdiag Ud ouoC tb upods6o cbe furnaces were sealed by internal ineht oii the Eastern Shore for inanyf years Ciss Daisy is very popular io S. BjGregorW. tek of IIon. F. A. ! Washjntonand in lodal society p Upward Count v lAnotlier engagement in Senator Gormanfs family just mjadVpublic is that of bis daughter. Miss Madie to total failure mewlrere Half a iron Ire-venue officers and the machinery may be secured ttftder favorafeJcdbti- Tdetached. while the keys of the place ditionsfrjom now on? Even fVesa-rer were given up to Collector Mize as dying, and wells and pringg-afe dry ing up. iHtstures are deads and farm ers are feofting their cattle. The po tato crop is certainly ruined. Buck- her cousin, Mr. Stehen Dambrlll, fr i wheat is; poor and tobacco is firing Hf Annlpanrp fnllina arm orratvic Cambrill is the son oijMr. Stephen badly. This week Governor Carr will visit odard's committee; has returned tne farms on the Roanoke in com M) Washington, ,a)id says Populism pany with Superintendent Leazar Gambrill , of Laurel, 'ho married ; alone promise a fair yield watjing in jlHalifax, and it is be- and several of the directory. It is 1 Scnator Gormati'' sistfcr. Both the lyed bymany - tjiat Capt, Kitchen said the crops on Uiese farms present oambrills. father andpon, have po yill be back in the Democratic party, a remarkable spectacje. The acreage skions Ja the departments at Wash- F riends let hiin stay. is larger than ever before. 1 mslton. The Hendersortville Register (Rep) calls Chairman Tohn B. Eaves the Uriah tteep of the Republican party, tfle law directs. There is now but one distillery in operation in Chica go. ij Mr. Jesse Wrood, of Leachburg, Tnhnstoh emintv. brought the first iljaleof nw cotton to Raleigh this ssason, aiad was an object of much Jtitprpsr. The bale weighed 450 nnunds. A bid of Gli was offered .1 y and refused. has taken a good deal of pains to de- course vvas letermined on. i ne monstrate that women are the supe- leaders endeavored to effect an riors of men. This has quite natur- amalgamation with the Populist ally aroused the ire of Mr. Andrew party; but it was determined to Lang, who says that it is childish to close out the business of the alliance call either sex the absolute . superior I exchanger discontinue the publica- of the other. "There-is doubt." tion of the Living Issue, and disband savs Mr. Lang, "as'to which sex is the order. . . - - . t t ' 1 LI. nhvsicall v and mentallv the strong- U ednesday morning at x x u o, 1 r i - er. There is no dotibt that men are the better workers, fighters, poet, painters, musicians, even mediums, if it comes to that. But it takes both men and women to make a worlH. nnd each sex is superior for groom's brother, a -nc "vr V.irk Sun. man. of Concord. N. C. near Warrentorj, Prof. J. T. Alder man and Miss Lillian Watson, daughter of Win. Watson, were uni ted in the holy bonds of matrimony by Rev. T. J'. Taylor, assisted by the Rev. J. O. Alder ! i. . & 1 1 . 4

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