. : . Jf:vV-.l.!!',;: . T- jr. '-5 i 11111 mBBBttmm mm . ' -;. i V 4 . - . 1 O A"-e.. Newspaper Published in th6 Interest of the .Pwple and for in Governmental Affairs. Vol. III. No. 4. SaisbOi Wm, H. Stewart, Editor. LEXINGTON AND DAYIDSOM COUNTY. CONCORB AND CABARRUS COUNTY. THE LYERLY MURDER TRIAL. EVROBT; COITJNSTALLEfi. S1ATESVILLE AND IREDELL COUNTY. ALBEUARLE AND STANLY COUNTY. s i i ' C y Te Anend Town Charter. Pasters Ctinge f : oewLccatioiisr - Lexington Dlapatcb, January, ind The next legislatare will be ask ed to amend the charter of 1 the town of Lftxiugtoii. This was of . ficially determined at a meeting of the -eom laksioners Monday after noon whn the committee appoint ed to draft the amendment made their report and the same was ac cepted. Among other things, the amendment wili provide for the - election of a mayor and commis sioners every two years, instead of auLuallv. as at present. The amendment will also giv? the com i missioners the authority to bor row money for street improve ments. It will also authorize the , town of Lexington to conduct an electric power plant and water system. When the bill enlarging the incorporation of the town was passed, a slight error was made, leaving out a small strip of prop erty running v from the Nolcomis mill to Center street, and the pro posed1 amendment includes this property in the incorporate limits, as it was formerly intended to be included The amended charter also- prohibits the increasing of the salary of any official or em ploye of the town during the term of office to winch; said official or employe was elected or appointed. The papers have been saying many witty things about the late ness of the trains, but a Lexington darkey hit it off better than any when, in speaking of tram No. 12 which was -hours late one night . last week, on which he doubtless exted his Christjrias-JS?hitkey7 he said it was "nol-prossed." Rev.Veffi Lanniug, of Denton, is wanted as pastor in the eastern part of the state at a salary double what he is getting now. He will probably visit the field at an early date. He can make no de cision before going. Bev. WT H. Causey and famllyi left Monday for Concord, where Mr. Causey goes to become pastor of Trinity Reformed church. He has served the Upper Davidson charge for several years most ac ceptably and leaves with the warmest wishes.bf his people. "Rib work heretofore has embraced Bethany, Pilgrim, Hebron and Buelah churches. Rev. Mr. Cau sey is a splendid man personally, and is a very able preacher. 1st Sergeant Walter P. Doby, qfthe Lexington Rifles, has re ceived notice of his appointment if- ' as a'special officer of the mounted police department of the Powha tan Guard, during the Jamestown , Exposition, Only ex-soldiers are eligible to this position. Mr. Doby served three years irk the army and has been a member of the " national guard for several years, He will accept the James town position and will go tpNor- folk in a few weeks to acquaint himself with the duties ot his po sition. ! - -y. Senator TiilQio. The Senator is getting himself 5Hp much trouble by attempt iug toauare his hatred of President Roosevelt with his convictions as to the iustioe of the President's acts Chattanooga Tims. y Bai StoaacliTrfiBWe CBred Having been sick for the past two pears with a bad stomach trouble, a friend gave me a doSel of .Chamberlain's Stomach" and Liver Tablets. They did me so much good that I bought a botth of them and have used twelve, bottles in all. Today I am well of "a bad stomach ; trouble. Mrs -John L6we, Coop e r, . M a i n e. These tablets' are for sale by Jas. PJ ummer, Salisbury, and Spencer Serleuslf Hurt by a Mad : Ball. County ; RomiD Veri Ban Condition. Concord Times, January 4th. Dan V Kfimminger, a well known citizen of 11 township, had a narrow escape from death on last Wednesday afternoon. He was at Geo. C. Heglar's when the latter's big bull made at him, sticking his' horns in Mr. Krim minger's stomach. The flesh was torn open by the mad animal and the lower rib broken. Had the bull's horn's gone a little deeper, Mr. Krimminger could not" have escaped death. His wounds were promptly dressed by Dr. Young. and Mr, Krimmmger is now: get ting along all right. Mrs, Dovie Spears, who. lived at the corner of Spring and Buffalo streets, died last Wednesd ay afternoon. Her death was the re sult of old age, she being 92 years ot age. Eli Eagle, who went to Greens boroto attend the Holiness con vention, has returned, and says he enjoyed himself to the fullest rxtent. Liberty X Roads corres pondent. Rev. J. Walter Simpson, pastor of the A. R P. Church here and it Bessemer City, is seriously ill. His brother, Dr. Simpson, of Rock Hill, is , here visiting him Mr. Simpson's many friends will earn estly wish for his recovery. Rev. J. L. Morgan seems pretty well satisfied with his past year's work. The exercises at his church were of a very gratifying nature. The young people of our village, and the young ladier in particu lar, deserve credit for the pleas ant time snven the children, audi the Sunday school has been given much encouragement by them, and we all feel that we ought to appreciate their efforts and I think we all do. Enochville cor respondent. The country roads are said to be in the worst fix ever known at this season of the year. At Cold Water Creek on the Mt. Pleasant road the road is almost impas sable. A Braie Boy. At Lenoir, N. C, a few days since four or five prisoners made an attempt to break jail, but were prevented "by the cool presence of mind displayed by young Wilford Smith, the 16-year-old son of the sheriff. The jailer himself was not at homo and Young Smith and his sister were giving the prisoners their supper. The boy had locked himself inside the cage, but had the keys with him Prisoner noticing this fact) made an attempt to get the ,ieys away from him, but the boy bravely struggled to the iron gate and threw the bunch of keys out be tween the bars, leaving himself locked up with the disappointed men. The sister screamed for help and in two or three minutes a good crowd of people was on the cence. The men were then all locb din cells. Monroe Inquir er. . Froo fhs Antilles. Gfaaialwlains Cough Reaeiif Benefits a City Gonnciiaan at Kingston, Jaiaaica. - , Mr. W. O'Reilly P garty, who iaa member of the City Council at Kingston, Jamaica, West In dies, writes as follows: "One bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy had good effect on cough that was giving me trouble and- I think I should " have been more quickiyj relieved if I had continued the remedy. That it was beneficial and quick iii re lieving? me-there is no doubt and it is my intention to obtain an other bottle." For sale by Jas: Plummer, Salisbury, and Speu- oer Pharmacy, Spenoer, lvv ; Considerable Specnlation Indyiged In as to the Ootcoine. ; v. The negroes, charged with com phcity md the Lverly murders at Barber's Junction lasteummer, will be tried at Stanly court next week. - Those accused are Delia, the widow of Jack Dillingham; who was unlawfully hung . at . Salis bury, with Nease Gillespie, and Henry Gillespie and George Ir vm, ana they are here in the Mecklenburg county jail. There is considerable specula tion as to the result of the trial of these negroes. Men who have studied negroes do not believe that as shrewd a negro as Nease Gillespie would have taken a pack of women and boys with him to commit such a dastardly crime as the one that was done in Rowan, Those who forget their prejudice against the negro dp not believe that the women had anything to do with the murder of the Lver- lys. It - is pretty . generally be lieved that the guilty negores died at the ends of the lychers' ropes at Salisbury. Therefore the in terest in the coming cases is very insignificant -Charlotte Observer. The 'Unwritten Law." We boast of the supreme maj esty of the law ; we prate of jus tice and demand that it be given all men and yet we carefully and zealously guard what we deem an inalienable right the privilege of applying, when it suits our purpose, an unwritten law which is lawlessness. The same spirit that moves a jury to acquit an injured 'hus band or an injured wife, is the spine that moves mobs to hang men who are safely held in jails ; the same spirit that applies the torch to the fagots that burn to a crisp the, tremblin g wretch pinioned to a stake and th newspapers cry but in thunder tones against the wild mob s ao tion but no word when another criminal is turned loose bv a spirit as lawless as that which ruled the mob of man burners. You cannot say that unwritten laws should obtain. You cannot in safety say that the law, in certain cases must be cast aside, for when you do you commence to undermine the very foundation, stones of society and pretty soon in the course, of ' years; the Un written law wlrch today may ap ply today to but two or three cases, will apply to many. And when that, reign is on, law be comes palsied he Iplees and it is hit or miss whether the just or the unjust be 'punished. Pair brother's Everything, Wilson Dispensary. Clears $30,000. , Wilson, Jan. 4. The Wilson dispensary during the year just. 6nded made at; profit, of $30,000. Of this amount -$13,500 goes to the town & similar amcunt to the county ahd$8;000 to the State for taxes, v The profits for the year preceding were a few thousand less. Special the The Observer. . - Tfee GIiarQlng Woaai is. not necessarily .ore of perfect form and features. Many a plain woman who could never serve as an artist's model, possesses those rare qualities that all the :: .'world dmires neatness; clear ey e s, clean smooth skin- &h d th a t sprightlinesB' Of action x and-Step that accompahj good health.- A physically 7 weak . wcTman'is never; attractive, jBven to herself. Elec tric Bitters restore weak women, give strong nerves, "bright eyes, 8 month, velvety skinj beautiful cqmplexion. Guaranteed . by all druggists. ; 60c. '" ".' ''' The Installation Senicis Were Very Inter r I estingj anil Inpresslie. Last night in 'the Second Pres byteryian church , in the pres? ence of a large congregation, Rey. Rol5et D Coit was ordainedf to the ministry of . the Presbyterian church, and was installed as co pastor of the Second church, Mr. Coit has been assisting the pas tor, Rev. Martin D. Hardin, D. D., and he has already won the confidence. 4nd high regard of the congregation, and he has done an excellent worx. He is a young man of well-trained intellect audi consecrated life. a. young man who, wherever lie is known, is re- cognized as a young man who commands confidence on account of hisV consistent Christian life. He is a Christian " worker of eri- erg7uancl earnestness, and will no doubt be a valuable addition to the Presbyterian, forces of the city 1 Mr. Coit preached his in stallation Bermon yesterday morn ing, his message being directed especially to the officers and the teachers of the church and Sun day school, and to all other Christian workers. Rey A. R. Shaw conducted the ordination and installation ser vices, and was assisted in the lay ing on of hands, in ordaining the the young minister, by Rev. M. U. Hardin, Rev. Alexander Mar tin and J. C. McNeely. The charge to the pastor, in the in stallation service, was delivered by Mr Martin, and Mr. Shaw de livered the charge to the people. Charlotte Observer 7th, Wllllnmtlgiti Statecwt. Raleigh, Jan. 8. Governor Glenn today said that he would first investigate the statement of Congressman Blackburn to the ef fect that he, Blaokburn, was not responsible .for the charge' that the Governor was guilty of cor ruption in connection with the school book award, before decid ing finally what criminal action should be taken. "As the ' matter stands now," Said Governor Glenn, Mr. Black burn has denied that he gave out the letter containing the accusa tions, but I am advised that it was furnished the press, by the private secretary of the congress man. Mr. Blackburn's retraction does not end the matter, so far as I am personally concerned." A Smart Son. J hn was at home from college to- spend his vacation, and the family were gathered around the supper table to hear him give an account . of himself. He had expounded at length Darwin's Descent of Man and the theory of evolution in general, at which the home people seemed very much5 impressed. "Yes pa,". he concluded, "you are descended from a monkey; and a long time ago your ahcesr tors swung by their tails from the trees in the forest." Hbw onnatural," . ventured the timidmother, to whom these new doctrines were little short of blasphemy: ' Wal, I dunno, . said the old man, as he leaned forward to take another piece of ham from the dish, and" then resumed, between intervals of deliberate munching, "I dunno, I dunno. - Mebby it uhv4 no more onnatural than to have a jaekass for a son." Ex. The Price of Peace, : ' The terrible itching and smart ing. incident to certainK skin dis eases, is almost instantly allayed by applying Chamberlain's Salve Price 25 cents. For. sale by Jas. Plummer, Salisbury, and Spencer Pharmacy, Spencer, si. U. Industries to be Writtee op. Hnegry ban Jy'tomlSI-Hflll.---;.'' " StatesYllle Landmark, January 1st License was issued Saturday for the marriage of Jno. Wesley White and Miss Maggie Gilbert, both of Alexander county. Li cense was issued yesterday for W. S. Pool and Miss Molly Reavis. v The New Year was Welcomed in StatetiJle withithe vxlqsion of fireworks and ringirig jd 'bells the explosives sedff being largely in excess t)f those at Christmas. The watch night service at the Methodist church was largely at tended. Fayette Byers and John Brad Shaw, two. negroes employed at the depot, were before Mayor Steele Wednesday and were bound to court in $50 bonds for assault with deadly weapons. Byers was also tried for being drunk and dis orderly at the depot and was sent to the chain gang for 80 days. The directors of the Imperial Furniture Company met yester day and declared a dividend of 8 per centfor the past year. The annual meeting of the stockhold ers of this company will be held on the 10th. Sunday afternoon while Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Rockwell, who live on Kelly street, were in their sitting room, some one entered the premises fromthe rear, the door being unlocked, and took from the dining-room i table a choice cake, a part of which had been eaten, half pound of cheese and some beaten biscuit. -There was another cake, ham, and va rious add sundry other things on the table. Whether the thief was simply modest or whether he was frightened away before he could take more is a question. All manufacturing enterprises in Statesville, of any kind what ever, great and small, are asked to send at once to Mayor Steele the name of the enterprise, how long in business, the capital stock, etc. Only a brief state ment is desired but this may in clude an idea of the business done if the manufacturers wish to give it. A brief write-up of States ville is to be made for an indus trial magazine and the informa tion is desired for the article. The statament must be furnished not later than Friday. Give it attention at once. For Complimentary Vote For Senator. Washington, Jan. I. Congress man Spencer Blackburn has shied his castor into the ring, and will, it is reported here, make an effort to-secure the complimentary vote of republican members of the leg islature for the Senate. Spencer B. Adams and Marion Butler, as hitherto stated, are aspirants for the honor, but they are handi capped by reason of the fact that most Of the republican members of the legislature come from the western counties, where republi cans generally- are aligned on the other side. Long Liie tbe King! is the popular cry throughout European countries ; while in America, the cry of the present day is Long live Dr. King's New Discovery, King of Throat .and Lung Remedies!" of which -Mrs. Julia Ryder, Paine, Truro, Mass., saysrIt never fails to gve im mediate relief and to quickly cure a cough or cold." Mrs, Paihe's opinion is shared by a majority of the inhabitants of this coun try New Discovery cures weak lungs and - sore , throats after all other remedies have failed ; and for coughs andicolds it's the on ly sure cure, Guaranteed by all druggists, 6o and $1.00, Trial bottle free, , They Want an Antl-ng Law. Negroes to be Tried for Lyeriy Unrder. - Stanly Enterpriie. January 3rd. Representative Eddins is a man who will be guided by his best judgment as to what is right, and we do not care to anticipate or suggest steps to be taken by him mthe legislature. But, to quiet the doubting Thomaes, we feel assured that Stap'y will be re-: stored to the p: rotection of iihe anti-jug law and that no Demo crat j however much ''he may like liquor and the liquor trafficwill desert the party two years from now on account thereof..: Thel county needs this piece of legisla tion, and there are hundreds of good people in Stanly who will welcome the day when the jug train is cut -ff. The criminal term of our Su- peior court will convene January 14th, with Judge Moore, presid- ing, lhe chief interest will be. that of the three negroes, George Irwin, Delia Dillingham and Hen ry Gillespie, who are charged with complicity in the murder pf the, Lyerly family at Barber Junction last July. The case will call forth ho special demonstration, and that the negroes will receive a fair trial goes without saying. John P. Morris, of Palestine, ' died on December 23rd, and was buried in Montgomery county on the following Tuesday, The law firm of Hatcher and Honeycutt has. dissolved.. In the : near future Mr. Hatcher will go to Sals bury, but for the present each member of the firm will con tinue in business for himself . '-. G. D. Palmer is home from Kansas City where he graduated ' in a school for opticians. He will enter his profession at once, and may decide to make Alber- marle headquarters. j. Lee Pickler has sold his resi dence in Eust Albemarle to Sher iff J. D. Love and nnrchasftd tha old home place two miles east of town, where he movees his fami ly this week. To Rid Army ot Negroes. Congress will be urged to rid the army of all negro troops when it next takes up the Brownsville affair. Army officers tmd mem bers of Congress are giving the matter thought. Four regiments would be affected. Tne sugges tion grows out of the fact that ever since the incident leading to the discharge of the Brownsville rioters a wave of crime seems to have swept over all jthe negro troops in the army. Washington dispatch. - . Filled by White Clerk. Hattiesburg, Miss., Jan. 5. The vacant clerkship in the Hat tiesburg postoffice, to which the negro, W. T. George, was appoint ed has been filled by a white clerk. George recently notified the post office department that he feared personal injurylf he accepted the. Hattiesburg position. The vacan cy was filled after George had been notified to appear and failed to respond. White residents of Hattiesburg claim that George's fear of violence was not well founded. : A Cheap Piano. is a worthless piece of furniture after a few years use.J It destroys a love for real music ind educates and fosters a rag time musical public. The Weaver Piano stands for all that is noble and dignified in piano music. Don't buy a cheap piano if you can afford to buy a Weaver Sold only by G, W, Frir& Co., Salisbury, N..C. life"

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