MWMlft IllilfK mmmasm ..V A Home Newflpaper Published in, the Interest of the People and ibr ?Honesty in Governmental Affairs. :.V - III NO, 6. Salisbury :N O., 23rd, 1 907. Wm, H . Stewart, Editor. ALBEUARLE AND STANLY COUNTY. CONCORD AND CABARRUS COUNTY. KILLED BY HIS WIFE; MR. YANDERFORO FOR UAYOR. LEXINGTON ANO DAVIDSON COUNTY. SlATtSYILLE AND IREDELL COUNTY. Brothers Haf 8i Row and ooe Stabs Ue ! Other. Contract Awarded. Stiualy Enterprise. January 17th. : An altercation occurred between the young -eons 'of Bort liOwder and Mrs. L. L.Xefler on Saturday at the mill. A Young Lowder used a top Blat to one of the machines aqd severely pounded the other Jboy about the side and chest, and jRave him a stab" between the shoulders with a "knife. It was thought awhile that the Lerler boy could not survive, but he seems to be getting along nicely and will recover. .: Contract has been awarded L. A. Moody for the erection of the Dew building for the Albemarle Koimal and Collegiate Institute. Mrs. D. L. Parker and sons Hubert and Kenney returned to their home at Spencer Friday af ter spending several days with relatives. Mrs. Parker was in Providence hospital at 'Washing- ton undergoing treatment during past six mouths, and her health is greatly improved. Rev.1 John . Kirk was hefe on a brief visit Tuesday. In the death of hia mother, Mrs. W. A. Kirk, near Ric.ifield on Snuday, Mr. Kirk has he sympathy oi his many tr ends at this place. County Commissioner J. A. Hahn. of Cabarrus, was here Mon day importuning the Judge and Solicitor to allow his county to work prisone - s sentencpd to a term on the roads from this couaty. The Wisoassett and Eflrd mills it--" ' ' deolared a semi-annual v dividend of 4 per cent at their, regular meetiug Tuesday. Both mills were found in healthy conditions The case against the negroes oharged with murder of the Ly erly family which was set for trial at court here, this week has, by consent been removed for trial at the next term of county. court in Iredell Some Workings of the Exeaptlon Law. As an example of the workings of the exemption law for bank rupts, we give an instance noted in an exchange. A firm that went ' to a near-by town a short while Pago and opened a mercan tile business, - soon made an as lignmen t. with liabilities amount ing to $2 400. The stock was ad judged to be worth f 700, and as tach member of the Arm is en titled, under our antiquated ex emption law, to $500, the' stock was turned over to them, and the creditors got nothing. Now if we had a law compelling creditors to chip in, in such a ease and make up the diff rence between the val ue of the property and the amount of exemption, it would, be just as sensible, just as fair and just as favorable to business as our ex enption laws are now. These laws were enacted in a time" of stress just after the war, when they i were imperatively needed. They are not i.eeded .now, and are nothme more than a shield for rascals to hide, behind .tex iugtouPispatchi f :Tfee Oiiariali WeDai is; not necessarily one ofperfect form and features. Many a plain -woman wno could never serve as an artist's model, possesses those Tare dualities that all the world admires; neatness, clear eye s clean smooth skin and tha sprightliness . of action and step that accomnanv good health. uuyaiHanj yv-.-- -w,w. -r - trie Bitters restore weak women, give . stmng nerves, bright eyes, s movth; velvetyk in t - beaun f ul complexion. I Guaranteed by all aruisti.' :i 50c. " :j T Pastor Installed at UcKlnnon Presbyteriaa Cbtfrcli. Deaths Reported. Concord Times. January Uthl Rev. John W. Lafferty was in stalled aj pastor of the McKinnoi. Presbyterian church Sunday; at 11 o'clock.; The installation ser vice was conducted by Rev, G. H, Cornelison, pastor of 4 he First Presbyterian church. Rev R. J. Hunter, made the charge o the pastor, and in the. absence of Rev. J. McLain, Mr. Hunter; also made the charge to the congregation. Miss Hermina Quantz, who has had a position at the telephone office, has reaighed. She went to Salisbury last Saturday, where she has accepted a position as I stenographer. Chas, Harris died at his home inNo. 11 township Saturday night, aged 88 years. He had beensick several days with pneu- monia. - Travis Cagle, of Forest Hill. accidentally shot himself with a pistol Saturday night, the load eatericg the right leg. "Dr. J. O. Walker attended him. Al. Cauble. a (negro convict, who escaped from the chain gang ast June, was captured ' Saturday night on Happy Hill, and return sd to the gang, ( The friends of H. L. Paris will be glad to learn of his improve ment in haalth in Asheville, where be has been for some time. W, C. Carpenter, formerly cf Concord, has just organized a general merchandize store com pany at Gaffney, $. -0. Mrs. FiJ 1 more Mabrv died at her hom in CannonriUe Saturdav, aged 28 years. -J . . . ine intant of R, H. Webb, oH night. , j A. C. Coley and Miss Lola E. Linker, of Cannonville, were mar ried last week. ' Bridge as 8ad as Craps. Society women and their hue-' bands are indignant at the charge delivered today by j Judgf C. W. Pite, in wnica ne practically or dered the grand jury to indict the players of bridge, euchre and society card games for prizes Judge Fite said : "All society gambling is gamblipg, and to my mind a man who gambles i. a parlor is just as guilty as a negro who shoots craps. Any one who j plays a game of chance for stakes, be it mcney or a chafing dish, is as guilty as a negro that plays craps. J waut yon gentlemen to investigate the question of so - cial gambling. : You have it in your power to require any one in the town cr county to come be-J fore you and testify against any ope ele, aud you can get all the evidence you need. The cambl- ing tha goes on in drawing-rooms and in which society women have part, must be stopped in my ju- dicial circuit." Cartersville, Ga.. dispatch. r long Life the King! is the popular cry throughout fiuropeau countries ; wnile in America, the cry of the present day 13 Long live Dr. King's New Discovery, King of Throat and Lung Remedies !" , of which Mrs; Julia Ryder Paine, Truro, Mass., says: "It never fails to give im mediate relief and to quickly cure a cough or cold,' Mrs,;Paine's opinpn is shared by a majority ox tne innaqitanis oi xnis coun ,,1,. jBwyjr. umes- wci& "MU m y.w...i for coughs rand colds dt'8 the on ly sure cure, . Guaranteed by all druggists,. 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free, Conductor Blair cf Atlantic -Coast Line ? Fatally Shoi: OdIbi Straggle. A sensational tragedy occurred in Sone of the leading residential sections this afternoon , Conduct or -McCullev W. Blair, of the Coast Line, whose run is between her and Laurens, being shot to death by his wife, a hands .me youHg woman, in their pretty home on" Marion, street. Four re ports were heard, but only two shots took" effect j one. Which caus ed deattu in the abdomen, and the other a flesh wound in the left hip, both ranging downward. Mr. Blair died in half an hour. He said there had been trpouble be tween himself and wife. . Mrs. Blair has been arrested but remains at home under guard. She appears to be nervous and in a-state of collapse. Mrs. Blair says her husband came home in' a drunken state aud started the row, and attempted torstrike.her. She warned him not to "strike Her, holding a pistol in her hand. He came upon her and Attempted to take the weapon from hr and in the struggle was shot. . It has been known for some time that Mr. and Mrs. . Blair had not been living happily. Mrs. Blaira home is in Greensboro. Mr Blair leavta several children by the wife who struck him down. He was a man of excellent reputation. . It is alleged that Blair accused his wife of infidelity and that-the shooting followed. Mrs. Blair was placed unde 'arrest,, but bw- mg to ner. prostrate . condition she was not removed f romher home. Blair made an ante-mor-t e"m Utatement, in which ;it is aVeged tnat ne iauacsed His wile's cnar acter. bne was Jmiss Jfitnex Jiar- f- nf a , n rn N n while his wife is SO. Columbia, S. Ci correspondence Charlotte Observer, 17th uapt. ana Mrs. 15 lair lived in Salisbury for some timet, but left ! this city several years ago. They were well known here. Mrs. Blair was a sister of the wife of Engineer West, who was killed in the .bstian bridge wrck, uear StatesviHe, iu ;1891. Ed Reeeiie Back Pay. spencer, ; Jan. . iy. lne em- ployes of the .Southern Railway Company all over th" system to day received back1 pay from Sep tember 1 of last year at the rate of 2) cents per day on account of an increase of wages given the machinists effective fopr months ago. The sum pa!id aggregates many thousands of dollars and tne machinists will hereafter re- ceive $3 20 per day according to an agreement reache d by, an arbi- .- - 1 tration board appointed following the strike of 'last October. It is stated ithati but few machinists received checks L r less than $100 for December labor, Special to Charlotte Observe?. From the Antilles. Obamberlalns Coagii Reoedi Benefits a City Coupclloan a Kingston, Jamaica. Mr. W. O'Reilly Fi eartv. who is a member of the City Cowici at Kingston, Jamaica, West In dies, writes -as follows: "One bottle of Chamberlairirs Cough Remedy had good .enect on a cough that was giving me trouble and I think I should . have been more! quickly relieved if I had continued the remedy. That it wai leneuciai and quick, in re- Ueving me there ie no doubt and it is my intention to obtain "an other bottle.'! For , sale by Jas. Plummerj Salisbury," and ' Spen- oer Pharmacy, Spencer, N. 0. One of Salisbury's UostProgressIre ant Public Spirited O'tlzens Anaoancis His CiBtfJia , SafbuxyjJ N- CM JanV22di 1907. To TH CtJIZENS OP THE ClTY OF SALisBiJr In a re$feut interview with the Evening ifjsV reporter, I stated that I expected to be a candidate J for Mayor T nqw, make this for- mai announcement to say. that 1 1 SSf 1" iF. - -vT-"-9F-' . .U ' . . r. , 7-.-:. - ,! . ' . t . mm am a Democrat, believing in! the principles and usages oi tne jar- tyaud Tenter the race, subject to the action ; of the Democratic primary; and convention which will be called by the Executive Committee,- imf city, l am proud to say, hast iu the general progress of j the spoke for themselves. He explain South, attained such proportions ed that one gun was his, the rest tht she . a"w among the best in our Beoiioji. ana jl regard ner pos- sibil itles8 second to none. It is an honor to be her mayor, audi in I asking tife suffrage of her people, L do 'so, Reeling that those who bestow tliit hono? are entitled to my profound respect. Xcamfito Salisbury forty-six j years ago, a very small boy, and have known no other home. Her interests has always been mine, and every movement now on foot, orwJbicOjnay -be projected, iot the, Advancement of this city, and every part of it, will " receive tny zealous, support. I have always had at heart the best interests of this community and offiyery rin dividual in it, and I promise that whether elected or not, I will cjpn tinue,tpflabpr, for Salisbury and herjple ;J My pnrpoierias. been, is, and tlways iBTill teV to uphold all con- ditions wnicb maintain our pres ent prosperity and the : safeguard ing of ur busluBBs and political interests: la the accomplish- meut of this purpose, I have no enemies to punish, and I seek the respect and co-operation of all. Very respectfnlly, T. H. VANDERFORD, eoieraor Wis Too 4'Fnsh.M; London, England, Jan. 21. After a conference between the officials of the foreign and the oolonial office the latter, cabled Governor Sweetenham of Jamaica, asking for bis version on the situ ation which Iftd to the withdrawal of the American warships. The Foreign office suggested the propriety of securing the gover nor's statement without delay as it was felt the incident might cause irreparable miury to tne friendly relations now existing between the two governments if not promptly explained. The officials of the Foreign of fice said: "It is uuexplafnable," adding :; 4 We are sure none re gret it more than we do." An official of the Foreign office said the greatest appreciation was expressed every where when it was announeed that Admiral Evans had dispatched the vessels and no criticism was heard anywhere of the landing of armed men. Its difficult . to - find justifica tion for the Governor's letter," he said, adding : "We shall make every effort to have the af fair cleared up without delay and we hope the Americans will with hold judgment until this can be done." Lnalier Oal. ; ifoushee and Uurrent have pur chased 4,000,090 feet of timber in Yadkin county, at a rate of $15 per thousand feet. The timber is said to be of a very fine quality. Mr Current "is one-cf Rowan'i County Commissioners. ; and has been ciuite' successful in the lum ber business. ; A Walking Arsenal. Preacher hart In ...'"-- tnnaiay. Lexington Dlapateb, January 16tb. ' : Saturday night Policeman Ford arrested' one C. O. Herndon. ) a foreman bp the double track work who had been discharged Tuesday of last week. The charge against him was that he enticed laborers to leave Lane Brothers and Jones to go to a point in Virginia and work on another railroad. After the arrest he proved to be a walk ing arsenal, having four revolvers and many knives of various sizes on his person. He was placed in jail and tried. The evidence was not sufficient to convict him of enticing laborers, nut tne guns and the knives being- property pawned witn mm oy negroes wno owed him. The mayor placed him under a bond of $100 to answer at court. Herndon said he had been working fXilroads for years, that his father lived near Grover and that his brother was a merchant at Grover, Cleveland county, N, C. He gave bond, leaving proper ty as surety. Dr. C. M. Clodfelter met with a very laughable experience Monday night, and it might have been se- nous, but it wasn't, and tne laugn is on him. He had a call to the country and when a mile or so from town thought he would cut off some by, leaving the main road, and was swinging along at a good gallop when he ran into a man's yard, the proximity of which was made known to him by a clothes line wire catching him under the chin and lifting him from his horae. -He rested his chin on the wire an instant and then sat down on the ground with more spesd than , grace. Mean- time the horse stopped and began grazing on the tender blades of grass which this lovely January weather has coaxed odt u4bre ground. Gates Spry, white, has been dodging the officers tor several days. He is charged with vagran cy, in that he does nothing and lives on the earnings of his family. He put up a small cash bond, but forfeited it, and has been hiding out since then. - Rev. A. L. Bolick, pastor at Holly Grove, sustained painful in juries last week in a runaway as he was going to preach the funeral of Mrs. Hunry Palmer, His horse was frightened and ran when he was about three-fourths of a mile from Beck's jchurcb . Mr. -Bol ick was thrown out and his shoulder dislocated, and- he was painfully bruised. He was able to be in town Monday, and asked us to state that he would' probably- be able to fill his appointments at Book's and Lebanon next Sunday. Negroes Endorse Prestdent's Action. Baton Rouge, La., Jan. 18. Speaking for the 50,000 negroes who compose its membership, the Grand Council of the Nationalln- dustrial Association of America, v in convention here today adopted a resolution endorsing President Boosevelt's action in; dismissing the-negro soldiers at Brownsville. Bad Stomach Trouble Cored. Having been sick for the past two pears with a bad stomach trouble, a friend- gave me a dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They did me so much good that?! bought a bottlt of ; them and have used twelve bottles in all. Today I am well of a bad stomach trouble. Mrs, JoEnT Lowe. Coop e r4 JMa in e These tablets are for sale by Jas. Plummer, Salisbury, and Spescer Pharmacy, Spencer, H. C. lilss Long and Congressoaf Hatkett to bo Wedded Soon. SUtearllle Landmark, January 18th. Fire, early Wednesday morning, almost completely destroyed the large building and. plant "of the StatesviHe Flour Mills, located near the depot. Tbemill build ing proper, a -fouvktory brick structure, and the large sheet iron grain elevator, Nearly 100 feet high, adjoining the east end of the building, and which at that time contained about 20,000 bush els of wheat, were entirely - de stroyed. The mill warehouse, lo cated west of the mill and just across a narrow street from it, was slightly damaged by the fire and a lot of flour stored in the house was damaged by water. The es timated Jopb to the mill people is $75,000, with about $58,000 in surance, $12,000 or $15,000 of this being on the warehouse. - The following invitations were issued yesterday : Judg e a n d Mrs. Benjamin F. Long request the pleasure of your company at the wedding reception of their daughter Lois and Richard Nathaniel Hackett, on Thursday evening, the thirty-first of Janu ary, one thousand ninj hundred and seven, from seven until nine o'clock, 440akhurst," StatesviHe, North Carolina! The marriage, which will be prvate, will take place at 6:30 Thursday afternoon. The bride eJct is the eldest daughter of Judge and Mrs, Long and is an attractive, accomplis h e d and popular young woman. Mr. Hack- ett, who is tha UongreBsman-elect from this district, js. known all over the. State., 7 rf The Landrnjarkhas urged the people to Volant ; Trees r A lady who had aome youn trees, called up. the ojKca yesterday to say the tree ''nad ' been brbken by boys v-swwging , on them. Sometimes rees are damaged, by children who are simply thoughtless, but the punishment for the act ought o be sufficient to remember next - mm . m time, in other cases trees are damaged by boys who are simply vicious and who want to destroy something. In this case the-pnn- ishment should be as severe as possible- so severe that the vi- cionsness will be curbed, if not eradicated. ; The people who are careless . enough to hitch horses so they damage trees should also be given a dose that will stop that practice.- P. A. Pos ton, who sold his in terest in a business here about three months ago,' has decided to locate in Salisbury and he and Mrs. Poston expect to move there the first of next week, Mr. Post on has two or three Salisbury of fers under consideration and, will accept one of them, but "has' not decided which one. -N. T. Summers, who operates a saw mill in Sharpesburg town ship, will move his mill to the Lingle farm east of town and saw the timber on the" place for the Gaither Lumber Company, f t Quality Appreclalad. , We frequently hear from peo ple who purchased Weaver , Or gans many years ago and were so dilighted with the -musical quali ties as well as their durability that they are anxious for a piano of the same quality. By purchas ing the" Weaver ; Piano and-no other,, the same high standard of excellence will be assured , and the organ . will be tasTen in exchange if so desired. Ask for a cata logue and a proposition.' WEAVER ORGAN & PIANO CO. , Manufacturers, York. Pa. ' - - . . . - -':' . . -:" - ' - ' - - : Or - - vi ' ' v - t " - ,v.Mi -if-irii'iiii ''t "i f ''. - . - 4 . iV---.- n il,.

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