1 v ' THt f LOWERS COLLECTOR i t . A Home Newspaper Published in the Interest of the People and for Honesty in Governmental Affairs. r VOJL. III. NO. 10. Salisbury, N. C, Wednesday, February 20 th, 19077 Wm, H. Stewart, Editor. i IJae , 1 fti. fill fcUUL 'V 'V "(Dlir1 SlATtSYlLLE AND IREDELL COUNTY, Car Legislators Teratd a "Set ef Pine : Weeds Lawyers." Measles fa Towa. ttSTil Landmark, February 12 th. Notwithstanding Statesville has stringent prohibitory laws, which are enforced about as rigidly as such laws can be, liquor was sold in town Saturday, openly and "above board, and bo far froni any body trying to prevent the sale, a company of anxious bidders crowded about the eelier and some of Mffifie apparently disap polutedTwne the supply was ex hausted. The seller was Deputy Collector Davis and he sold with out fear, for the product had been confiscated by the government be cause the makers thereof had fail ed to observe the formality ot paying tax on the same. Uuder the statutes in such casesmade and provided, TJucle Sam is not restrained by local prohibition laws from selling illicit spirits which have been - seized .and .for feited to the government, so that Deputy Collector Davis was en tirely within the law in making the sa.e. On such occasions any individual is free to purchase and the highest bidder takes the cake. Mr. Davis' office was well tilleu during the sale with people who were concerned 'abut the dispo-; sition of the goods, and they watched the bidding' expectantly and apparently w th a biting thirst. Others who didn't know of the sale until it was over suf fered sufficient mental distress to form a basi for a damage suit. In the course of his remarks at both services Sunday, Rev. C. A. Jenkins ssverly criticised the Legislature He termed the mem bers "a set of pi: e-woods law yers" that know nothing and care nothing f r the wishes of the peo plei In referring to the action it., changing the divorce laws, making - ten years separation cause for di vorce, Mr. Jenkins held that the legislators were fighting God, for it is plainly stated in the Bible, the; only true law book, that therV is but one cause for divorce. Oth er; remarks and suggestions, ai though amusing, were very' sen sible. He says the people should end the most pious and conserva tive men to make their laws in stead of a Jot of lawyers that take advantage of their opportunity and make laws for the whole Stat just to ring in some individual case. Mr. Jenkins wishes it were possible for bim to go somewhere and sleep all during the next ses ion of the Legislature. About uvery four or five years, more or less, an epidemic of mea- lea nasses tnis way and it iff wonderful how much material the treacherous and dangerous disease finds to work on every time, it comes alone. . For some weeks now the measles has enveloped Statesville and this section of the county like a blanket. It has se riously interfered with the schools and in many cases schools have almost been broken.up. H : The limit cf Life. . The most.eminent medfical soi :.en.tistB.a nnammous ii; the con clusion that the generally accept ed limitation of human life is many years below the attainment possible with the advanced knowl edge of which the race is now possessed. The critical .period, that determines . its duration, seems to be between 50 and 60 ; 'tbe. proper care of the body dur ; Ting this decade canbot be top strougly urged ; cart lssness then being fatal to longevity. Na ture's host helper after50 is Electric Bitten;" the scientific tonic medicine thato: revitalizes everi organ of the' body,: -Guar- anteea Dy an druggists.--wc. , - d , The Watchman's Contest Will Continue If you Want a Good Buggy Don't Fail to Get Busy at Once. 3, The biggest and best proposition ir llgay of a voting contet ever offered by The WATCHilipxrith set on foot. The conditions are brief and the Jr4eigreat. Now is your opportunity to get a splendid one-h&rse' buggy with out the outlay of a dime on your part. You want a good buggy and we want to increase the circulation of the Wamchman, hence we inaugurate the followinging voting contest. For every cent paid on subscription one vote will be given, except subscriptions brought in by some one act ing as an agent,' Hr which case two votes for each cent paid will be given. VotiLg coupons with the number of votes to which one is entitled theron will be issued to all who make payments. These coupons must be deposited at the office of the Watchman to be counted and credited to the proper candidates. No one connected with the Watchman force in any man-' ner will be allowed to enter the contest, but all others now subscribers are invited to help in any manner they can. Work for yourself or help some one else to get it. DESCRIPTION OF THE BUGGY. Council street. These gentlemen will take pleasure m showing it and giving any information about it that may be lesimt. Kemember some one you want one why not make an SUBSCRIPTION PRICES. During this contest we have decided to make the most liberal prices possible' for full s follows: . , The Watchman, single subscription, new or renewal. . .75c 2 years, In clubs of two or more, 1 year, Those who enter the contest will be guided by the above, information we wi 1 be glad to Subscriptions for less than $1.00. OTHER Any one who sends us five uc givcii uuc jcdi rs Duuetiipuuu lice. Any one sending us ten subscriptions and $5.00, will be given a copy, of the San Francisco Earthquake book. Value $1.50. The Watchman will continue provement we may be able to support of all good people and patronage. Subscribers have the privilege of selecting their own can didates. New candidatesmay Vote for whom youwish and didate who gets the most vote - The firBt in the field generally stands a good chance to win, so if you are going to make an effort for- th buggy, a word to the wise is sumcient. nish upon request. Selfld to . FROST PROOF CABBAGE PLANTS- I have the general management of frost-proof cabbage plants from one of the larost growers in the South, and can furnish them P. O. B. YouugV Island, S. C. in lots Jess than 5000 in a lot to one address for $1.50 per 1000, over 5000 in a lot to one addtess, $1.25 per 1000. The, plants are ready any time from now until April 15th Should it unfa vorable to set plants when they come, put them in a trench, and cover well until it is favorable. Hold this ad; and when ready foT- plants senl your order to mewith cashor P. O. moneyorder, giving name of ex press office with person ordering, aud in a few Mays the plants will be there. RL. --BROWN,. N. 6 I buliabury, r. U. uggyHree! Latest and Biggest Now on. till June 1st. We haven't a suitable cut of the buggy which some lucky person will receive at the expiration of this contest, Tbut iu a general way we can say that it is a No. 12 Dia mond buggy madeby'the.Du-rant-Dort Carriage Co. It is of the open side bar type and one of the best makes on the market, substantial and first class in every particular. It can be seen by calling at the Barber Buggy and Wagon Co. '8 place of business, on will get it without fan. If effort to get it? , year subscriptions. They are , 4t 44 14 .... $1.00 new or renewal, each. .50c for the main prize, the buggy, but should they want other furnish them with same. one year will be at the rate of PRIZES. subscriptions and $2,50, will as it is with whatever im make upon it. It asks the will endeavorto merit their - be brought out at any time. as often as possible. The can wjll be awarded the prize. Any other information fur all money and communications Wm. H. Stewart, Salisbury; N. C , Rabid Dog Kicked to Death. New Bern, N. C, Eugene Land a salesman in a grecery store here was attacKed or an apparently rabid dog this afternoon and sus tained severe injuries. The aui mal fastened his teeth in the hand of the man and it was with diffi culty that he was shaken off. The rabid dog was fiaally killed by Mr. Land, who jumped on it and kicked it to death. Special to Charlotte Observer. It's the highest: standard of quality, a natural tonic, cleanses vour avetem. reddens the cheeks. brightens the eyes, gives flavor to all you eat." Hollister's Rocky Mouutaiu Tea will do this for von. 85 cfents. Tea or Tablets. T. W. Grimes Drue Co. LEXL1GT0N AND DAVIDSON COUNTY. :k AbU.:1 Lsw mt In Force. Liquor Men ireifly Looking; tor orders. Lvxlnffton OlspHtca, Felsruary 13th. Americans though we are, and North Carolinians, we find many things that constantly remind us that we are, uot far removed from t ancestors who were bom and rear ed in the old countries and who spoke their Lative tongue and kept up the habits and customs of their respective birthplaces. This is specially true in the block of counties here in the Piedmont section where tue Dutch settled thickly. The generation that spoke, the Dutch language is hard- y gone and we suspect that there are still a few or the old men and women who could express them selves in that tongue. One day this week an old lady died in the- county whose age was written down in the old family Bible in Dutjh, and not one of her family could read it, so that ber exact age was not ascrtained. At their meeting Friday night he aldrmau passed an ordinance requiring all plumbers to pay an annual tax of $25. People own- ing property in the fire limits are rushing things to get their plumb- a u j u t. e s u ing finished by the farstof March, the time set by the aldermen for all connections with the sewer to be made in the fire limits. A gentleman who has been keep ing his eye on Ltsinfcs as a 114 for investment, arrvtt hers out night last week on a late train. accompanied by his wife. Sleet coyered the ground and was fall ing rapidly. And it was very cold. He wai tuprited to find no sort of eonveyaficeiatthe depot, and there was noising to do but to shoulder his baggage and wa'k through the ice to his destination. Lexington is probably ,the only town on earth that makes no provision for train arrivals in the way of vehicles. Everybody who cjmes here for tbe first time wonders why. It fs told us that three separate Danville liquor houses have agents in Lexington this week taking or ders for liquor. We do not know the law od tbe case, and contra dictory expressions are heard re garding the action of other towns iu the state under similar circum stances. News from Thomasville says that a petition is being circulated over:there against the proposed dispensary in Lexington.- evi dently Thomasville is under the impression that there is danger of a diipensary here The anti-jug law went into ef- feet for this county fast Sunday, No more whiskey cau legally be shipped into Davidsou from points mithiu the state. Barn Barner 6ets 15 YearsA After beine out iust one hour the jury in the case of Gary Cas tles, charged with burning the barn of Mrs. Brown Grier in Steele Creek, on January 15th, returned a verdict of euilty. Be fore pronouncing sentence, Judge Justice asked Col. T. L. Kirk patrick if he had anything to say for his client, and the defending attorney submitted a plea for the mercy of the court on. account of the present age of the defendant u -F- KO .1. ' T,,:,- who is 52 years old Plumaoer Stewart, assisting iu the protecu tion, asked tor a long sentence in order that some influence might be brought to bear upon the De. 6 r groea in the neigh borhood who are bilieved to have continued the i practice of burning barns. Judge j Justice sentenced Castles to an imprisonment in the State ,peni- tentiarv of fifteen years Char- lotte News. CONCORD AND CABARRUS COUNTY. Lutheran Minister Resigns. Mr. Purr to Locate in Salisbury CoBcerdTlmeg. Februk'- 12tb. -7 Daniel M. Stirewalt, a promi nent citizen of the. Rimer neigh borhood, dropped dead last Fri day morning at the home of his son, Martin stirewalt. wnere ne had been waiting on a sick child. He had gone fo feed the horse. A f:?w minutes later Paul Yost, who was there, saw Mr Stirewalt lying near the barn. He went to him fltTd found that ha was dead. Rev. J; Wi. Strickler, who has been pastor of St. Andrew's Lu theran church for some time, ten dered bis resignation to take ef fect the last of April. Mr. Strick ler has not yet deoided as to his future location. He has sevoral calls under consideration. He has done a good work here and nis congregation will regret to give him" up. Thornton Gihion Furr isimong those who were last week granted license to-practice law by the Su- preme Court. He is a native of Rowan county, and a promising young man. He will probably lo cate in Salisbury. . ., . Kev. Wm. Hadley, pastor of T x xt.-,". . ville, will preach at the First B;i tist church here next Sunday Mr. Hadlsy comes here to mfcet. the people and to look over tbe field. It is more tha prubiib.e that call will be Extended bin to become pastor cf the church. Both the Magnolia Cotton Mil lis, which have been running at niglbt as well as in tue day time tor some while, this weok shut oft tue night work. This step seems to have been necessary on account of the scarcity of hands. John Harrington, a colored man ot Concord, who was well known, died last Tuesday-night. "Uncle Johu,r was cne ot the old time darkies whose kind is now too rare. He was as polite as a dancing master, and his "good morning, boss," was known by nearly every white mn in Con eord. Wanted to Shoot. Columbia, S. C, Feb. In state Dispensary Director John Black this afternoon attempted to shoot William P. Norfolk, blender for the State dispensary. The incident' took plaee m the room of the dispensary board, at the Capitol, where Mr. Norfolk had gone to secure his pay check. Bl; ok came in while Norfolk was in the room . and demanded to know what be was doing there1. Norfolk replied that he came for his check, whereupon Black or 1 dered bim out, using violent lan guage. Norfolk did not leave im mediately and protested against the language of the director Black then drew his revolver and advanced upon Norfol k, w h e aavauoea upon jsorioi w u 1 CUff Mobley and- others interfer- ed, Norfolk, who appeared to be unarmed, then left the room, mud the incident seems t be closed, J although no arrests have been made. Coirespodence Charlotte Observer. Endorsed by the Connty. 4The most popular remedy pi8ego county, and the best friend of.JftyfamilyVwrUes Wm M. DietZ, "editor and publisher of the Otseeo Journa I ,-: Gi 1 bert s v 1 1 1 , N. Y -.w uti lug s iNew discovery, It has proved to be aii infallible cure ior cougus ana comsaaing I ohnrr. work of the worat. of them. w aiwaVB t,BetJ a bott le in the 1 honse. I believa it to be the most valuable prescription known for Lung and Throat diseases." Guar- anteed to never disappoint the taker, by all druggists. Price I 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. ALBEMARLE AND STANLY COUNTY. Mad- Dogs Numerous, Old Citizen Dies From Paralysis. fUmly Knterftrlat. February 14th. Albert P. Mills, of Ansonrille township in Anson county, Jwas drowned on Tuesday afternoon of last week. The horse which he was driving became unmanagable and ran. The accident occurred oh the RhodyStatou road;-some 500 yards ahove the Hancock mill, where a bridge crosses Lane Creek. When the horse reached this point he took the ford instead of the bridge. The creek was swollen and the young man's bat tle for life was a short one. Tbe Southbound is serving no tice on owners to clear timber from rights of way, in readiness for contracts that are to be placed for cross-ties. Looks like busi ness. The condition of Hon. J. M. Brown has been rather worse the past few days than at any time since his suffering from paralysis, a neuralgic attack having set in. Mad dogs have caused much ex citement in this and adjoining neighborhoods lately. Several . rabid dogs have been killed, after having bitten a number of other dogs and hogs. Some people narrowly escaped being bitten L cust correspondence. . The Wiscasset Mills Company has placed a contract wish the lo cal company for drilling six ar tesian wells at various points on the hill. , News comes from Frank, H. Heath, who recontly located on a ranch in th West, that he is get ting along nicely, with the ex ception of that warm feeling for home that cornea to one who ii far away. The death of Nathaniel Eflrd, who jlived near Efird Mills, oc curred Monday morning. 'He Wat about 81 years of age, and paraly sis hastened the inevitable end of quite a long period of feebleness. Mr. Efird was one of. our well known and most substantial citi zens.. Thaw Trial Stopped Temporarily. New York, Feb. 14. Another tragic chapter in the history of the Thaw-White episode was writ ten tody when grim death step ped in to halt the famous trial in its fourth wok. The wife of ju ror No. 11, Mrs. Jos. B. Bolton, . - i passed away this? afternoon soon after her husband reached her bedside. He had been summoned from the - court room where the trial had been in progress -less than four minutes. The formal announcement of Mrs. Bolton's death was made in court shortly after - the hour set vfor the after noon session, and Justice Fitz gerald immediately orderedb adjournment of the case until next Monday morn i n g. T hie CQUrt alg(! orderfed .with the cpn. "l " jurymen ne given tneir liberty and no longer be held together. lie, admonished the jurors to be guided by their bono r 'and their oaths and not to read the newspa pers or discuss the Thaw case with anybody. A Reliable Opinion. A, C. Scammell. composer, church organist and dealer of BellevHe. Ohio, says: .-The per fect scale, brilliant tone and: re sponsive acting' in the Weaver Piano appealsto every musician who tries it. Customers are de lighted with it. Personally, I con sider it a strictly high grade in strument." Sold only by G. W. Fbix & Co., Salisbury N. C. 4 , lI 1 4 . 7., ram;.;1.-. "Vijg. -. . -r;-3w-rn -fff."v f " s' -' " . 111 " 1 11 1 i

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