A. '..' 55 i "trr . Ar i-r is-:. : Ur -an 'if r.ir-;ii coffee d isagree Probably it does! v-Then- tryvDirf Shdop's Health Cofltee " Health Ooffee" f itNlevef: of parohed cereals and nnts. Hpt a grain of real Coffee,1- remember, im Dr. Shoop's Health Coffee, vat its flavor and taste matches closed lv old Java and Mocha. Coffee. If your stomach, heart . or kidneys can't stand Coffee drinking, try Health - Coffee It is wholesome, nouriihidg and satisfying;: It's safe even for the youngest child. Bold by N. P. Murphy, i .". ; . T Do you pin your hat to your own hair? Can't do it? Haven't enough hair? It must be you do not know Ayer'i Hair Vigor! Here's an intro duction ! May the acquaint ance result in a heavy growth of rich, thick, glossy hair! list this splendid hair-food, stop your falling hair, and get rid of, your dandruff. Th best kind of a testimonial "Sold for over sixty years." Kate try r. c. Arm Co., ijoweii. Alio auau&otaxwrs of yers SASSAPABILLA. PILLS. - ' CHEEKY PECTORAL. s3 NOTICE TO CUSTOMERS. For every bushel of good N6, 2 milling wheat, 401bs of floor and. 141bs of bran will be given. A fine water power enables to do this. Jan. 0th, 1907. ftt. Rothrock Roller Mills. 111 ,Of course you're not, uu lsss you have put in years of study. That's what we have done. That's why we cau to day positively guarantee Che quality of the goodi we at 11. It yom are not drug wise yom'll have to depend upon a druggist's word for thequal- itj of jour drug purchases. You can dspend upon, us very time for quality, puri ty, accuracy and perfect ser vioe. -May we be your drue- ;gist7 SALISBURY ;DRU6 CO., 116 N. Main St. : If you . haye .-any money idle or IYlIK tZ- tri I Art d it for you, Pirst Mortgage on SeafEstate, taking the : mortgage and note in your name, and in sdU ; dition give you the 3 WRITTEN 6UARANTEE V :p of our Company that both princi- h pal and interests will be paid . I IN FULL - ' at they fall' due. - u n.t assume all risk and -stand luotniagcan moiest,us ormakeus ! wiiwnq von ana DossiDie loss. i i : Our guarantee h as : more than IJO,000 back pt it; and, loans j Blade through our Company -har DOUBLE TH( SECURITY OF a BANK t paying yon all the time. yl - I.lcCobblns & Harrison Co., - 5Pnid in capital $20,000, Loaui; . Keal EstateFite and Life Ineur- -anee, Salubtny. N. , i, w rtfAMi Atcs, UCZlIen a Arnica SalVO V XX CsSyo to W'Zt . H Hello 1 we are more ; than glad to hear f roni Brb? Bartleite. Now giveusFyour sid;ters let us hear from you more regularly A very dear friend " of "urs ask ed,rus othe cthsHdaywhy wedid not writeH more when we sent in news; N6w we would like to say right here that as last yeskrwas a hard year on crops, andl especial ly so with the "news" crop, which was very late, that we don't like to pull our news before it gets ripe, Dcn't you think dear sister, that when our news is scarce that we don't tell all we know, for we tell all we know and heaps of things we never expect to know. On the first Sunday in Febru ary the members of St. Peter's E. L. Church extended a call to Rev. J, A. Linn, of Rockwell, as supply pastori Rev. Linn ac cepted the call and will preach to us on the first and third Sundays in each mouth. Miss Clara Proctor, who taught the kindergarten class at the Gold Knob school, closed her school last Saturday. Miss Clara taught a successful term and gained the love of all the little ons who at tended the class. Miss Lucy Bar rier will have control of the whole school now. Some time ago some one 'broke in the Dutch Creek Roller Mill near this place, and stole from the cash box $15 or $20. He made good his escape. Archie Holshouser had a barn covering last week. fBrp. Bart., if you find any o boys wandering around ycur i 6ri who can't give the counter aign, jnst tag tuem ana turn tnem William Proctor, of Salisbury visited in our town last week Uncle Andrew Barger is farm ing some. He has ordered some wheat which will produce from 50 to 60 bushels to the acre. This i looking O. K. Now he has got oats the heads of which will meas ure 25" inches. Golly, wouldn't those oats make lawyers? P. H. Lyerly, of this plaoe. has accepted. a -position as clerk with: B. A. Fesperm n , at tiock wel 1 . We can't report any weddings because we have had no preacher to tie the knot; 4mfc-'very body is wall and livingW,t the same. Xno. Waller and family spent Saturday and Sunday at Barber, visiting relatives. ; Geo. and John Lyerly will spend Sunday in town if nothing breaks W will present the editor with the gavel this weak. .. - Say," let's have a ' correspond ent's contest. What shall it be? Put on your thinking cap. It us bear from Grandpa Venus and Uncle Sam Snort; Just : tell the editorVbat you have . in view but don't sill talk t-oiiCd.! We want tororinvr the correspndfc nts from all points. --Where ; ia BrOi. Dick; :of Roctwell ? ; Old man 'get the moss off your back r and cbme ?The jjjo. u; A. Mat well, , will soon -be prepared -to baiJd:. their: large hall ; at that place. The plans are in the hands ot the committee and work will begin :as early - as arrangements can Be made. The building will be 80x60f eet. 22 f eet high. - We hope that by spring-that we will be safe iu our own quarters were Croupcan " dfitiraly be ' itop ped id 20 miDutaa No vomiting -nothiDgto -aicten :or distress yopr child. , A iweet, pleasant and safe Syrup, called lr. Shoop's Croup '.Core, dees the work and does it quickly.". Dr. - Shoo p's Croup Gore ife f or.Croup alone, r me xnberv It . doea - not claim " to cure a dozen ailments. It's for; Croup, that's all. Soli by Grimes Drug Store.- 1 : . February 13th. Cf; Miss Pearlie Lingle and Miss Mabel Farmer are visiting .; M iss PeaJrlie's sisters in Salis'ury this ;jfMisses Katie and; Eliza Fesper mian are- siok at their: home near Faith. ' If the people do not soon get a railroad into Faith, they will build one themselves. : Another farmer has sold out, retired from farm life and mo ved to Faith to live. This tima it is Green B. Slier, an. old Confeder ate soldier. He is , living with his , daughter and his sbnjn-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Beaver. He is 76 years old and is looking for a valentine on the 14th because it is his birthday. Venus. . " . , A COMMUNICATi M. Editor: . We: see that our State would have honest laws and they would begin to loosen their grjp on a great many things that want a, tight grip. Now let me say that just as lore as the people send young lawyers to make the laws,"' that long the grip will be there, If we had 'the whipping post Jaw it would be a grip curer and crime reducer. But that would do for those that want the grip. But if we want to be squeezed like lem- ons just follow those . who have their grip on you, new brought about by a Republioin policy to what itever did through a Demo- oratio policy. Let me say to eve- rv Watchhak reader, reffardl.. ofhow you voted in the last elec- tion. don't von think our monov. in a large measure, is beinglegis- cod of uing his office for fur lated into the hands of a few, therauce of private ends should while the masses nav it. W old Republicans admire the Watoh- HAN for its stand inpjalHicTfor a square deal, AuiMWi &e to hear from those wXbJffer from us in politics, Mftrhat thy think of the grip in Raleigh on Republican money. My own opinjon is that if the present leg- islature Tnsteaa of getting the grip, would have only passed three asts and then adjourned, it would have done more for the masses of the people thatto get the grip. They formulated a bill to go before the people for , them to ratify, "to extend thegrand- uier clause m me sunra g e amenament to ivu. ine second . 1 . A tf-VAA I one to repeal tne nomestuad law, t.l 1 . . I u le-wwiun me whipping post. 3ut -if we study iu:. -ii n , , l w w411-.ee : me grip is nara .v, BC. A.uemwa me at.unnstmas tnat he voted uur.piweui, iKigiators anane A k 1.1 -i r -ir J cents, i ou . MO ' " um u "emocraiie, grip a long time. A- -A A.. : J- bwotb ib xjaraiy as ciear " ib m,Sut , out possiniy trie ' -1 l - ..... .. - I XWPW0 eir styre. X Rai for Smugglers. f Bren such tricks as hiding jew Is .in hollow shoe heels or swaK owing diamonds cannot longer ye depended on to cheat the custom oflBcials, In the French govern- ment test 6t the X ray detectives of Alphonse ie Roux, persons rep- i resenting smuggling passeugers hate been'- examined without re- tuovai ui ciuimug or any. lpuiffin- tv: beino dfttainfid nffiw minnto. before the apparatus, and so r.ap id ir the process that 157 persVuts received attention in forty-five minues On these individuals were articles of many kinds rari-jrnsIv:-concaaled, Watches were revealed in the fining of a man's coat, rings in the hem of ai wo man s skirt, a t in y locket under a ' young man's tongue, watch chains and a bracelet... in the coils, of Ia: wuujuu b uair, cara cases id a man's shoes, and ev proving the usefuln. onin. Philadalpbi man's shoes, and even buttn8 loess of. this ma- Philadelphia Ledfiar. v j SEMATOR.BAILEY'S CASE, i r ly: ? It was stated today,- by a;irial who claimed to know, j that7 one aud possibiy, more f : the" Demo cratic Seiatpir8woud etbexv cludf : Senato r B ai 1 ey .' f rpjm: Democratic ; caucus, .;De - mad the statemeijtliat Iptiofby Dem crati of tho Senate had s tatt ed positively that ;Jie ftwoqld' hot be willing - to en ter - the caucus with the Texan: Senator, and that he would vote to exclude him - . .Shortly afterwards "it Was learn ed that Senator Bailej, despitf the'eharges which have been made against him with so mucn circum stantiality and which ar now being investigated by a commit V of the Texas Legislature, is sti ! ' candidate for the position of ti minority leadership of the Senate An effort was made toda' to as certain the feeliug of the Demo cratic Senators towards Senator Bailey. It was impssiblei to in duo any of thein to talk for pub Picatiou. But several did not 9 heiitate to express their diap proval of thft course of the Sna tor from Texas in at fiwt denying every charge made agai'ist him, and then admitting their truth and explaining them, and in his refusing to permit an iuvestiga tion was forced, in limiting its ,0P ,0 greatly" to make it loot dangerously like a farce. 4 There is very, strong likelihood an attempt being made to have ihe Sente audertake to invetti ate the c0' against Senator Bailey. The investigation would no kve any reference to the onf- ow being conducted in Txas. -Ii December, 1905, Senator Bailey himself, in fpeakiwg in faor of ht resolution to exclude Senator Burton, saii that the verdict of thf coun should not end the mat er oenator woo wasac- nofe sit in the Senate. Senator Teller, following Penator Bailey, declared that the courts might find a man Dot sjuilty'-of a serious charge, and yet his guilt might be crtain, and that a verdict of a Court 8bonld ne t preclude the Senate from conducting an iu- estigation. A senatorial investigation intc the charges against; Senator Bail- y wou-d be more searching than the one now being conducted at AuBtill-Washiugtou Special to nicnmnd Journal. AgliRSt Frit Sill. President C. S. Barrt.k -of t.h wational Farmers' Union, in interview here .declared emphati cally iu favor of the defeat ot the ?nTtirnmpnt fr(lft hni hvt.u Tjuited States Senate. He depre- j cated the fccti0nof the House in nvArP;n, th ro -t ,k. cultural; committee. He said : -The whole custom is a graft Dur9 .and .jmDie. Evrv knows tiat if it was not for nn I itma 1 - effof ftio rrnvantm . ftDnnhM hvfl-H;it;nMOA e -o- - - v..-wM..u tbit needles, annronriktion. ' TrT ar, can b- ftnntPniftd hv; f0. seeds - d istributed by the ebvern- ment and the farmers themselves have answered this ti m e a nVd gini by 'taking emphatic posi tion arainmSthrs form of graft. There is no fairmer in the couu try who d4ei uot see clearly into this vote-gettiiig scheme. Jh a seed game fras.played out and the money could bti appropri a ted much 2more,vadvantageous l,y by givmgVit to' agricultural schools iuuu i ahbu, vi., dispatcn. To- stop a cold with "Pn veu- tics is safer than . to let-it run and cure it afterwards. Taken at the "sneeze- .stage"" Preveu 1 1 c a will head oft' alJ colds and Grippe and perhaps save yotr trom Pneu monia or ?Bronchiti8.. Prevent ics art, little tootbsomcandy cold cure tablets selling in 5 cent and 25 cent boxes. If you are cbillv. ii you uegiu Fneeze." trv rre- ventics. Ibey will pufelv cheek the cold, and nleaee' you. bold - :i by Grimea Drug Store. ': The IsUQg Increased demand for Sdn Cured tobacco, creaU'd and sustained by the distinctive quality ' of the oiiginal Reynolds' Sun Cured tobacco, has encouraged other manufacturers to place on the market imitation brands and tags which are made to look so near like the genuine Reynolds' Sun Cured that unsuspecting; chewers and dealers receive the imitations under the belief that they are getting the genuine Reynolds Sun Cured tobacco. Look close and see that the letters on the tag spell R-e-y-n-o-l-d-s Sun Cured, and yoii cannot be deceived in getting what you ask for and want, the best valtte for your money that can be produced from the genuine Sun Cured tobacco grown where the 'best sun-cured tobacco grows. ASK FOR "REYNOLDS'" and see that you get the original and genuine Sun Cured tobacco. Its like you formerly got, before Reynolds' Sun Cured was offered to the -trade, costing from 60c to $1.00 per pound, and is sold at 50c per pound in 5c cuts, strictly 10 and 15 cent plugs. R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., Winston-Salem, N. C. COMMISSIONER'S SALE. Pursuant to the provisions of an or der of the Superior Court of Rowan county in the special proceeding en titled : "Ludora Van Pool vs H. A. TrexJer and others," the undersigned. Commissioned, will expose to public sale to th highest bidder for cash,; at the Court House door in Salisbury, on Monday, the 4tn day of March, 1907, at 12 o'clock m. the fo'lowirig described land: Beginning at a stake in the pub lic road, Dr. Pool's comer and runs thence N. 52 W. 25 85 chs. to a. stone Pool's corner on Har key's Jine ; thene N 49 E 13.70 chs to a stake in a road, Harkeys corner ; thence N 59 W 7 85 chs. to a stone pile, Cauble's corner ; thence N 13J E 16.11 chs to a etake, thence N 86 E 12 chs to a gtake Cau ble's corner ; thence N 19 E 4 62 chs to a stone, Cauble's corner; thence 35 W 2 chs to a stone, thence N 16 E 16.70 chs to a stake, near a road thence S 86 E 670 chs to a stake. Pool's c r er ; thence N 21 E 21 chs to a b ack oak, saidlPtol's corner ; thence S 86 E i J.66 ens to a white oak stump, thence 8 11 W 48.30 chs to a black gum bush, n Holmes' 1 ne : thence 8 59 W 25 chs to a stake in the public road. Holmes corner;' thence with said road 83Ji W 25 36 chs to the beginning. Known as tneo. v. Jrool home pj ace. ; - January 29th 1907. IRVING A. POOL, Commissioner. B. B. Miller, attorney. Commissioner's Re-Sale oi a Valuable Fram- By virtue of a decree of the SnDeri- or vourt or rcowan county in the spe cial proceeding entitled John J. Stew rf-f m -w-v . art vs Wf Iter C. Mahaley, Thomas i?raiey, Jennie V. Fraley and others, wherejn the undersigned were appoint ed commissioners and directed to sell the real estate described in the petition for partition, we "will sell at public auction to tne highest piacler for cash, at tne court house door in Salisbury, i. vy. , on i Monday, March 4th, 1907, at 12 m. , the following tract of land : In Providence township about 5 mile East from Salisbury, beginning at, a stone in C. Kesler's line Geo. Bnrring er's corner, and running 30 E 52 chs to a stone corner to Jos. Mahalev's lot. il thence K 34.15 chs lo a stone on South bock branch thence with the brat ch to .aatakQBJackwell's nd Sandy Wige' corner; thence S 1 V 12.50 chs" to a stake Bandy WisVs c rfter, S W 15J50hs to a red oak, thence 3 28 W 33.13 chi to a fallen pngt oak, -George MHftge&a. cornei ; thence "12 50 chs J:ngiriiuin 150 acres rfiOre r less and known as. the Julius A. Mahaley farna, the above described land is well timbered witlf v forest pine iijuu oaK, also oia neia pine, ana is con ciucreu va'uaDie i arm. - inere are ounaings on tne place. Terms of sal one-half cash balance in three month. Bidding . to bpgin at $2,134.00. - - . ' This Jan.; 30, 107. . '! ,. r JOHNiSfTEWART, - 'J', HAYDEK CLEMENT, . v : jnommiii:oneri Jno. L. Rendleman. L. H Clement. Walter H. Woodson; attorneys. i For ODERfJ DEfJTISTRY at prices in reach of all c&ll da Philadelpfiia DentalAssociation --, jyveryining , s - we do is gnurauteed taiUTtwJi-be np-to date Dent fat ; i - 'icrl- We extract teeth with as little pain as p.acticable-Uive ns a tiial. ' : y . Office 122i;vain' Street Overman Building. 1 mQKvm 0mcfu et what Sale, of Valuable Farm laslor Partition By vrtue Of a judgment of the Su perior Court of Ruwan county, in the special proceeding entitled D. Q. Mc Clean, W. A. McClean et al. vs. John Miller and wife Maggie Miller, John Tern pie ton et al., .the undersigned, Commi-sioner, will expose fo- sale -at Ipublic auction for casn on Saturday, February 16 b, 1907, on the premises of the lands herein after cUscrib d, at the h. ur ot 12 M., the following lands situate in tweli Township, Rowan eounty : Beginning at a stake in sid Mc Clean's line, thence N. 83 deg. E 69 poles to a siake n ar J. Deatnn's corn er, thence with hi line South 1 deg. E. 148 poleg to a stak in..G. M Mc Knight'g line, thenee 8 485?deg. 53 poles to a. black oak . his ' with his line N. 6 dftk' - - a srake, thence 8- 86 ef. N . 23 poles to a state, G W. McUlean'r Jin- thence with his line, N, d-g H . 106 poles to tie beginning, contain; - g 5b acres more or less, adjoining the lands of E. T, Goodman, Mact Rodgers, Look Mc- JcLnight, Ed Deaton et al. A second tract, adjoining t he above, begin; ing at a1 hickory, in (4. I. Kc Knight's line and running E crossing creek 64 poles to an applt tree, form erly a hickory, G. G. McKnigh't's corn er, thence IS. 1 deg.; W. 328 poles to a stone, Mack Rodger's corner, thenee with his corner 22 poles - to maple, thence 8. 19 deg. W. V j des to a stone, thence 8. 75 deg. W. 20 odes to a stne, thence 3. Z deg. E 259 poles to the beginning, containing 119 acres, more or less. A third tract, ad joinii g the above, beginning at a stone, on Melon's corner on McClean's line and runs thenee 8. 36 Chains to a stone on McKnight'sline, thence W 137 chains to a stone, thence N 1 deg. W. 36, 12 chains to a stone an old line, thence E . 2.50 chains to the beginning, containing 7 acres. This Jan: 16th, 19 6. t . 1VQ MoCLEAN, John I. Rindlkman, Attorney. Mortgage Sale ol Valuable M J state. -Pu-fcuant to the DJ ovisionsnrntRiner! in a Mtitgge Trust Deed executed August lOih 1906 by W.A. Clark and wite Dannie Clark, and registered in the office of the Register ot Deeds for Rowan C ounty' in Book of M".rt. gatrtB No. 28. naKe 236. ta the, nnria. signed, to secure the payment of a certain note described inlaid Mort gage Trist Deed, default ha'v ing been made in the pay ment of gaid debt "which said mortga- was given in secure, the Kueu wu eu ior-i-asJi:cat the louse door in jgaligbury, N. C, Friday Ujftiistk 1907. : on ' at the hour of. 12 M, the, iollowing de scribed real; estate,? vv-v ; s-. . m Beginning At a takfe Vyestcoraer,rtersecti6b of Shaver and Andrew - streets, then.ee M feet with Shaver street ta a .stake,-- thence" 169 -feet, parallel with Andrew : street to a a 12 tool nJ ley rthence with iin of alley. 50 feet toa Make. thenceaeaparid- ' ? lei .wiM" . Andrew sti eettq,her-begin-mng being lot Hoinliljk 66 m the Henderson andrJVandeV" ord. addi tion to the town of Hnenceft ; v - A secoud tract, beginning afa : stake 76 feet from the West" corner, inter- I section ol Andrew and Shiver streets" thence with Shaver street; eafeet to a stakes thence 169 fet, parallel with : .u.u i.eJlW ieet .to a stae, -theuceeQ feet parallel h ith. Andrew ' uTnJ? rtginning, being lot No,; 1 I i6, S11? the Henderson Ind.Viti W, derford addition to the' towrvolr Spen cer, Hie above lnnds hav.ng been con." veyed by the said W. A, Ciafk and wife, Nannie t lark: ti e. iii kJ ' vidett for in faid mortgaue. xcu. 4Ain, iyu.. S-VV. k'.tf. eiiiMenian 0 att ne v . 1: .' -W ' 1 - . :. i: ;,-f ft . ."-iC-'C'-t 1 -IMWis;-3W It 4 '' ' ' .. ... 5- -t

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