4 ' . I:. -- ' it ilSTORY FROM UAIME. Mow Eitreaa Cold Waatbsr Caesed 1 man j It certainly dos gt cold tip in Maine now aud then, and as the wind oc ftuonalty blowi at the rate uf forty miles an. hour when the tnercnry k between thirty and forty degrees Heiow zero, it seeme colder than it is. A right smart snap always brings out a batch of es. John Sterens Pierce says that up in the r logging "camp it stayed cold' so long last week that a small trout pond near the ji-b frr.zu solid And the men were able to chr p out all the fish the camp needed Some of the trout dag into th mud to ;save themseir but this also- frZ4. So intensely vcc Id i - i - were the fish thatrthey copied thf pail of, scalding water with' ut limbering up. Wheri "Long Jim" Weston came in the other day with his whiskers off and his hair still down to bis schoulders. folks thought it quer until he 'Xp!ain edl Jim said that a few ; ight ago he drove against a head wind to gefr a doctor, and that it wa this trip which cost him his lux uriant beard. " It was about f srt y below zro, but he th ught little of this,1 as his fur coat and whig kers kspt him warm. He joggingalong at a fair rate whsv he began to get amazingly thirsty This was because he. ate salt mackerel for supper. Finally he could stand it, no longer,! and, coming to a br ok. he' got i at of hi? sleigh, bent vnr and took a long drink. Then ht got back into the sleigh ai d drove along. It was not-many minutes before his whiskers flr stiff, and putting his hand to his face, he found they had dip ped into the brook and fro zen solid. This didn't bother because he knew he could out.- He would if, while hitching his horse the doc tor's dog hadn't startled th aiii mial. The horse ran. Bill fel; f jrwnrd on his face and thn brit tle whiskers broke ff ch se to hh chin. ! A few spears on 'the side w0re saved, but he had to cut tfipm off to match the rest of hie face Ashland, Me,, correspond ence New York World. SPEAKS FOR SMOOTH Seiiitor Kncr Spiifti in Belalf ottbs ; p: :" y IMtn.; From:iUtah.gs Washington Feb. 14. Senator Kuox addressed the Senate in op positioo to the; resolution "that 3 moot is not entitled to his seat as United Senator from Utah." He said he should not be ex pelled for believing in' Mormon-ism.;- that in this; country religi ous belief is not ffensive or a de fens". He said : 4 The Constitution undertakes to prescribe no moral or mental qualifications, as it does prescribe the Senate by a majority vote shall judge of their existence in nuch case,, whether the question is raised before or after the Sena tor hns taken his seat. That as -o all matters affecting a man's mortal or mental fitness,' the states are to be the judges in the firat instance, subjecVhowever to the power of the Senate tore verse1 their judgment by a two U irds vote." Dr. Calicell tD Lem, prifulmt Xi OilcliJBintends to leaire shortly iot -CharTestowc West Ta.v where aeiunorm &re partnership with Ur.rrim- s;f that place. rtfpalJpBll. expects to engage-in geral hos pital andjprivate wprltJThcSal isbury friet ds of DrfeDftldweil wish him na full measurejof suc cess and prosperity vt jis jnew field. . : : im ;;- The festive ppwu&' auer marsupial with prehensiletalil but last week he T was in a new role and : was caught stealing a pig' from K. Kendall's sow in Shely The sow had a dozen pigs, "but the number, one by one, diminishe every night mysteriously. Que morning Mr. Kendall, who lfved in the main part of Shelby,, foun; one-pig partly -devoured ,??bbt; he could not at JBrst solve the myp tery - One morning one pig wss in the stable apart from its-moth- er, then he searched diijgentiw aud " round, under a logm tbf table, the thief, a big 'posnum, which had devoured nine pigs.' The ."possum waa killed and ha had 'possum and taters. Ruther fordton Sun. ' ! .... : ( i i..- i I jif i. i!tii .'it o mre- or naroor my, aaugoper, Prudy, aged Dout 14, - weighs about 100 1 be, jet black and ban a large head. JultA-Ann ITttLt-y:- increase -Melds Per Acrs him thaw them Hi Bittird HIS Pit. Dr. Shearer, of Dav i d s o n, Mr ho it a close observer and has iravfled good deal; especially in hm South and Southwest, told the other,day this incident that ought to interest North Caroliur iaus es one of the peculiarities of in Tar H el inhabitant. " While e was connected with the South western Presbyterian University, thi-r came to thfr institution a you? g roan, who engaged board at his table. For some reason the young fellow, who had recently come from Texas, wotili not let it be known, and kept everybody wonderiug aud j?ue;MDg. After discussion and gieest g had about run its course, Dr S.iearer spoke up aid said: 'l cap tell you what tste you came from, yom are from Nurth Carolina, for I have nver seen any bodv butter pie like you do, except N rtb Carolinians.'1 The boy confessed that hn was a Tar Heel. Dr. bhrarer added that this character istic '8 especially' true of this section of the State. Special to Charlotte Observer. One 0 Hie Results of liberaUy nslngr our fertili zers, is to pay off a mortgage on the old farm Bead the fol lowing from. Messrs. Wherry & Son, owners of the Magnolia Fruit Farm1Durant.:iiss.:' "We made $900 from one acre strawberries. onjrhlchfyour fertilizers were used. Eight years ago we bought this place at $20 per acre. It was then considered to have been worn out twenty years-before, bat by. liberally using- . Virgirua-Carolina Fertilizers under peas and velvet beans, we can now erow almost any thing, and awe been offered , $35U per acre for the place. We experimented with a great ' manv brands of frrtili but find the highest per-cent. cheaper.' Now doa'tyou think . Virginia-Carolina Fertilizers ,would enable you to pay off a ' mortgage If you had one? w en, aont use any other. Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co. Richmond, Va Norfolk. Va. Durham. N. C. Charleston, 8, C. Baltimore, lid. Atlanta, Ga. Savannah, Ga, Montgomery, Ala. . Memphis, Tenn. Shreveport, La, ALL I: G AfJD PnOHPT SERVICE. U M FRESH DRUGS, A CGUfl ATE C0r,l POU iD The Chestnut Hill Drug store is the place to have your pre- Ifc scriptions filled for the followirit: good reasons : i; W e handle none but Dure fresh drues. f . vrv-'r.'.,. w We have a prescription ist,ojF 22 years experience wh aecu rately and promptly ccmpounds all prescriptions sent us. .. y Our service cannot be -equalled for promptness and general satisfacts u. . ' iir : i; t : n patent medicines, etc. -:r. We have uit installed, a handsome soda fountain and will 7 disp -nse all kinds of soft drinks made from pure fruit sirups. Your patronage is reepectlnlly solicited. ' CHESTNUT HILL DRUG CO., C. M. HIGGINS, Druggistv T. A, DENNISS, Mgr. i- - - Orders Filled Same Day as Received. : " Orderly Mail. . Quick .. ' and Satisfactory Service -'Guaranteed. - . - ' x - loth, iith--Fand Q Sts., , - WASHINGTON, D. C ; SPECIAL SALE OF RUGS. We offeFa lot of Spe tially Priced Rngs in patterns which have ben dropped bv th maker and twhichcarmot be dupli cated. 1 hy wr- purchased t a pricf concession, which en ables ua to ffr th- m at about 20 per cent less than regular prices. Now Wre. . - ' - - Now. Were. xi2ft. PreiclLBriltoi! $i oo 60 oo ioexi8.eft. Bmssells Eisi $22 50 $29.50 9x12ft. Angu-Indian 50 DO 60 00 8JBxl0.6tti Brussels Rugs 10.00 15 00 9x12ft Wilton rugs .. 32 5ib 40.00 3x6fL Wilton Rugs.... 6.00' 8.00 9xl2r't; Arlington J-ugs . 80 00 , 40 00 3x94t. Smyrna Rugs. . . .7 7.00 11 60 flxl2n. Serebend rngs. . 2500, S0tK 3 12ft. Smyrna Rugs.. 8 00 12 00 Pxl2ft. Bodj Bn sseis... 22 &i 30 00 3s 12a Wfrton Rugs. . .1000 H&.W 9x12ft SmyrnaRug...'2a0d 27-0 27x54in Bath Rngs. . . 1:25 2.00 9x12ft. Rtussh18 Rogs... 15 00 17 50 -30x60nath "Rugs.; . . 1.50 2.50 9x12ft. Kashmir Rugs.. 10 00 12 50 27x34io. COttOB WfltOS BU2S. 1 25 1.75 Also a small lot of rlngt:h..!u?, in attractive patterns, siae 3xft. $6.50 each Value $8 00 Special Safe of Portieres, couch covers. Uphols tery Fabric Box couches, etc. At Very Special Prices. - - . The peasonableiiess of the merchandise offered, the high qualities, and the very exceptional .values appeal forcefully to those needing anything in these Hues for preset or future use; Portieres. Included are the remainder of the season's best colorings ard designs, in one to foiir pairs of a kind, offer ed at th following special prices : $6.50 pr. Ware 17.00 to 10 $8.00 pr. Wer- $9 00 to $ 1 1 $10.0&flna fl2.00. vVre$1200to$1650 Rope PoTtires, in red and green ad mixed effects. $3.50 each. Were $4 50 Couches. . We are offering a lot of Woodwnrd & Loth op Hand-Made Box Conch es, made from short pieces of wtll seasoned wood, "fitted with best steel tempered springs and covered Couch Covers. Extra Heavy Tapestry Conch Covers, in rich oriental effects ; full length and width. ' $3.75 each. Were $5 00. Tapestry and Red Couch Covers t with plaif and fringed edges. $5.00 eacL Values, $6 00 and $7 50. Importers Samples Art - Fabrics. j 50 24 inch Squares, consisting of with short lengths of are denim : an Tapt stries. Reps, etc.; suitable for excellent asportmr-nt ot desigrs. covering chair seats, cushions etc. $1 1.50 each. Value $13.50 25c. each. Value 50c. Willow Furniture. 75 24 inch Squares, consisting of '.Attention is called to anew line the better grades of furniture cover- vrr:i im t'., . . logs. rockers, easy chairs, reclining chairs, tables, etc., especially ;tr sirable for the boudoir. Values, $1.C0 and $1.25. 75 pieces Tapestries Damasks and Valours, in lengths ranging from We r ffer as a special value a well- 1 h2 to 31-3; yards specially suit made ard comfortable Arm Ohair, aDle for large. chairs, 3 piece .parlor finished m natural clor. suites etc ' Special Price? $6.00 each 1.3 to 1-2 Off Regular Prices. L-gls'ators. Ti. : . . l i. 4,1, - it i nuw vry Main iuab radieai and wild-ve1 and wild idead nieiiia the Legislature vare in the mi o' rity. There are men there whose dispos ti'n aud de terminatioi. is to juuin on and karass various interests in the State, and they have ben play ing to the galleries and pandering tp what thf-y supposed was popu lar sentiment. Ttie maiority, however, are safe aud sane men, whose deiro is to do justice to everybody and every interest con cerned. We learn that nne , f the radical sort- threatened a few days ago to resign and return to bi hoxne because seme of his extreme measures were balked .by his tii'ii conservative colleagues. Concord Times. Eloping 6iil Freezes Feet. Mary Zughwert, a sixtppn year Uiy Appoint Negri t8 Qffici In OSio. The determination of the Presi dent to appoint a negro surveyor of customs at Cincinnati to suc ceed Amor Smith, Jr., , arouses amused interest among Southern Democrats in Congress. It is un derstood that the President will nominate Ralph Tiler, of Colum bus, for the place. In this way he will work revenge on Senator Foraker, who has so faithfully es p msed the cause of the blacks in connection with the Brownsville afT ur. Foraker has been looking for a candidate but has no idea -f reemmeuding a negro, despite the fact that the normal 50,000 Republican majority in Ohio re presents the total ot the colored vote cast in that State. It is in teresting to hear the comments o: N rthern Republicans with re gard to this appointment. They av the President is trying to force a carpet bag negro on the people of Ohio. They talk uuder their breath, for they know it will never do to defeat the confirmation Accep 1 ie Gifts Are Things that may be of Probably a Gift of this Kind would be more Appreciated. At any rate be sure to come in and look over the old girl ' eloped here ytnrday of a - negro appointed to a $5,C0O With ; Smnl TTr.rh .rrori libon the recommendation of s I . m . v ft . mnffHrincr fmm fri,7Mn Ut n.,o Booker Wasnington. 'Boutnern foot,! and possibly both will have nators in discussing the matter to be amputated to save her life. iaid. if tQe Brownsville agitation The girl's feet were frozen while resulted, in nothing more, U will on a Northern Pacific train durifig accomplish good if it induces tmf a tie up due to a snow storm, resident to extena tne appomt The couple aroused the susDicions m80 of &egro officeholders to the of the trainmen, who had them North. Washington dispatch. j arrested. Koodh and the girl o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Mammoth Stock of Furniture, Car O pets, Rugs, Household and Office O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O oooooooooooooooooooooooooo SPECIAL Furnishings, 0 Chinaware, Lamps, Toilet Sets, etc, carried by me. We have a large and varied Assortment in Quali ties and Prices. You are cordially invited to give me a call. Very respectfully, We offer Intil Bareh 1st I FOR CASH ONLY, 1 West Inniss Street. were to have been married tody, but the ceremony "will be delayed j-tmtil after the operation Koodh say theTailroad company will be prosecuted for the injurv to his I gin i nance and for false imprisonment, j Tacoma, Wash., dispatch. Skin Dlseaseeof 20 Years' StandlDgCEred. I want you to know how much Chamberlain's Salve has done for me. It has cured my face of a disease of almost twenty years'; standing. I have been treated by several as smart physi- oiti i s va have in thi ennrttrv Boarders Wanttd! 1 aiid they did roe no g00a, but two The Salisbury House, 120 South 1 boxes of this salve has curd me I Long Street: is prepared to ac- I Mrs. Faunie Griffon, Troy, Ala: vivxuiuvuaw t J n ' V CJ as. V- U Ul 'rl ittlli O OSIYO -IB 1U1 Bait? Rooms ni3e1y furmehed, ta b 1 e by James JPlummer Salisbtiry, ! well suppled and prices reasona- and Spencer Pharmacy Spu blt. ; , . 2-13 if. ' cer, N. C. - ; - ' 0 0 DDrjrJER LATE AGAIW, Children late for school, husband late for work. Everything twisted. All because the Clock wenti wrong. - Don't tinker with it. Bring it to our Clock Hosv pitaL We will diagnose its case in short order. Adjust il a little here and there Clean it up spick and spanand away it goes again, endowed with new life and vigor. The cost? Oh! not very much. . Notning near as mucji as a new clock-j Nothing near as much as the confusion caused by aa Uncer tain Clock. Give us a trial with your work. GORPArJ & GREEK, . LEADING JEWELERS AMD 0PTICIAT1S, Salisbury Spencery RarEon, fl. C. no trading of old vehicles, one of the largest and best selected stocks of fine and medium grade vehicles ever seen in Salisbury, at PRICES that will move them. We make this offer for the reason that we must move some of our goods immedi- ately to secure storage room. Remember that you have a GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY ----- - . - for the next ix' weeks. 115 E, Council Street 07 (St 6 r-f ' a. r4 ; l - .

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