.A- v-h-': .- -- . . . s . I v The net providing for a legaliz. edi primary for -Rowan coanty, has been ratified by' the legisla ture and is now a law. . ' Announcement lias ! been - tnade of the engagement of Miss Nina Wheeler and Thoi. J. Gold, both of ;H igh Jm n t.:-' Mips W hef?lerba8 been a f requent Visitor to iSaliiV bury anrf is wjl-'tn'own'heris : Mrs, D. McUmber, of Palmers Ville, is at the sad itoriam here for medical treatment. Dr..R M. Eames, who has been suffering with a severe attack of grippe, is able to be out. Thefuueral of the., late" Miss Miuuie Woolen was held Friday morning at the home of her. sis ter, Mrs. John Hege, 519 North Main taken street. The remains -'were to Wioston for interment. Hay den CLment, Esq., clerk of the House Judiciary Committee, came down from Raleigh ; aud spent Sunday at home Mr. Ci&Hi ent had several cases in court which needed his attention. There has been a slight change in the mail service cn the Yadkin road, which may result in some improvement of the same. The mail clerk now goes down to Nor wood on the morning iu stead of the evening train. The funeral of the late Thomas Graham, who died lat Thursday afternoon, was held Friday at the Franklin Presbyterian church, four miles from tho city. Th deceased received a stroke of pa ralysis about a year ago and never recovered. JL W. .Harry, of the Belk-Harry Co.'s store, lett last night for New York, where he will meet with the several buyers connected with the Belk-Harry stores for the pnrpocs of purchasing their priLg and summer stocks. ('if ' . j There are only email particles of the snow which fell on Feb ruary 4th still visible. ') i MrsL John A. Murphy has an ad, in this issue calling attention of the' ladies to the bargains she is offering in the tnillintry line. Death. Mis. Robert Beard, who was eriously burned las Monday, while assisting in the family wash- ' T owss catching art, e friends of Albert Klinicen: def were g;reatly; shocked Sunday corning" to learn "of his death, Vhich occurred at the home of M rs. W. H. Neave. The deceas- died Ust night from tha ejects of a arose in his visual health, ao rwJut J . ter.umar" fftr Ajrnrtw 'a s i. it Mg she was Miss Carrie Arthurs, WM w uj . p uuct iy aicerwara be uastonia. ws heard breathing heavilv and was found in the bath room in the MS Visit WlOfiQM. water Dr; McKenzie was hasti ly sum moned'and he worked with the stricken man for sometime, it was of no avail and the and came about 9 o'clock, death re rulting from apoplexy. Friends oL the deceased at Statsvill-, were notified and Ned Freuch came down on the morning train and took charge of the remains. A Bborfr funeral service was held at the house andthe remains were shipped to Statesvi lie Sunday-night. The deceased was as sistant manager of the G. W. Frix Company. He was about 41 years of, age and unmarried. Local Woodmen are looking for a visit from SoTereign Com mander Root and Sovereign Clerk Juo, T, Yates, both of Omaha, Neb. These gentlemen are ex pected in the course of a couple weeks, when they will meet with the Woodmen of this and Adja cent peighborhood. Mr. Root is the founder of this order. Okin DIseaso DacIIU Ulllod Dy VVintorgpeen Liquid Penetrates to tki Roots ot Distress . ins Allraests and 6iTes Quick Cvre. 01' of wintergrreen that ilmpla liquid so well known to Trylrujlt In the lai.d ia last eomlur to be urouerlr annreefatflil. It's .111. Ia. K.. W-A. . . V. ' .3 1 n 1 I I r i . . 1 tv ivi mm wvu AUVWU n 1 hire UltSUlVBt-fJ iui.'iig aiB resiaeuce in iQll City proiesuon, Dut only pa recent years has It T tr' ' j 3 rf I been found that a proper mixture, combined iui.,auugouuou uiuv uiUY warm -wiTnoinerooimnara-nts, acts instantly In r j , , , . . a 1 cases of skin diseases, stoppizur lmmsdi- tnends who siocerely mourn his tiy that awfai itch. Jeath, Till Wait i Bridge. 1 .. ! : At !a r iit mating of the Mer- .1ehallt!i, As ocaticn Theo, Buer- ibanm presented a resolution that the county c-'OimispioLers be ask- a to om id stei oiidge across jthe South Yadkin river South River, about 9 miles from , Salis bury.' Mr. Butraum cited in stances of several places which had added much to their commei cial importance . by the 1 uiiding of bridges and roads. The idea seemed to take well and create a favorable impression. The mat ter willibs presented to the county icemmissioners f r their consider ation; i Asks tor Severance of Pastcnl Relations. Rev. John H. Grey, pastor of the First Presbyterian church o this city, has asked his church to co-operate with him in bringing about a dissolution of the rela tions betweeu himself and the Concord Presbytery. is under stood that there will be a congre gational meeting held next Sun day for Hie purpose of taking acfcT ion on tha matter. Mr. Grey has been away from Salisbury for several mjiithx endeavoring to re cover his health, and while his condition shows some improve ment he does r.ot feel that he will be able to resume his work soon. It will be a matter of -sincere re gret to the congregation, and to the many outside friends f Mr. Grey, that he nas felt compelled to take this action. Mr. Grey is not ouly an ideal pastor, tut. is ne of those christian ministers who poshes in a marked degiee the faculty of reaching and im pressing others. While quiet and unobtrusive, he is a man of strong influence for good in the commu nity, and few people have come in contact with him personally who did not feel that they were opnefiud. Mr. Gray's place will be hard to fill, for there are few like him. the m-dicai proic salon with f ? rm diseases the skill of the doctor has been ent to get ting to the roots of the disease. It has been found t at vii of wtutergreen, properly pre i aredwith othr ntcessAry Ingredients, while itself not aflfeetingtn the least the delicate texture of the heaUhy skin, (rets to he base of -it, attacks ttie germs lodge d there and de .troys them. Oce of the doctors to whom great credit Is doe in developing this dlscoTe:y is Dr. Ue c.tur D Dennis, who. by combining oil of wint rgreen in proper propor ions with st eiai other remedial agents, devised a refresh ing wash that did away with greasy ointments and old-fashioned sterna h remedies. The medical mrn were prevailed upon to give the general public the benefit of this lotion in he shape of "D D. D. Preseilptlon," now put upb a Chicago hou -e, the compat y which makes the famous t, D. D skin soup few drops si op that awful iteh, and con- psoriasis, silt rheam, ringworm, dandruff! ana ail otner dist ressing diseases of the skin vet a bottle of D D D Prescrl tion today, and stop that itch AT ONCk T W Grimes DruK Co Sechler An BU Stilt Basket. : 'I Death at Cbbi Groie. V . Cook a good f riand of the Watchhan's, who lives fix milee from Salisbury on the Wilkeetboro road, was in the city Saturday and showed us an old time dough basket, one that he had made to a p resident f of ChirJaJ Grpre,' waa f oundnhii room dead jast Friday miorningV Therewere yaribus eurmes as tf tha cause of death and there were j some intimations that the man u: i i j - i Tho haJrfit war vrv clnalv nrnvnn I and was made 'of rye straw and white ok""eplits. Mr. Cook says he mad a great many in his young days and found ready sale for them. The baskets wereauite velopments, ; however, satisfied the officials that death had re sulted from natural causes.- Th deceased was a bricklayer and had recently boen at work in '"'Sails'-- substantial and were used to holdibnry. Hh is said to have left thtr dough while cooking in, the i here for Chii-a Gfove on the 8th old time Q)atch ovens which were so popular 50 years ago. in8t. He had been dead several days when his body was found; The lo5ail(DJWOI31piano The BE&T Piano in the tnJorld. PREFERRED AND USED BY PUGHO, de PAGIKiniArjrJy SEUBRIGN. PRIX Xa.HXS, 1QOO. G!zl&2tz znzzz:v st. x-otjis, iqo-i- FOR FURTHER INFORMATION APPLY TO B. P. JARRETT, SALISBURY, N. C, f 02 O will bny this POST ALTYPE WRITER. li . Jxe very thing for ministers,, lawyers, doctors, merchants, stons contractors &c. Tt 1 made of the best material, made for service and to Jast; and will do the work of the more c: tly;, visible writing and universal key board, it ean b had on time, and at a liberal "Iscount to the dergv for eash. Write R .'L. Brown, No. 6, Salisbury, N. C S 2 4t. 1 v v Recently Enlarged WITH 25,000 New Words New Gazetteer of the World with more than 25,000 titles, based on the latest census returns. New Biographical Dictionary containing' t he names of ovc 10,000 noted 1 persons, date or. birth, death, t ze. Edited ry T7. T.HAliRTS, Ph.D., LL.D., United S Latcs Comniissiouer of Education. 2380 Quarto Pages New Plates. 000 Elustratioas. Rich Eic3:ngs. Needed a Every Home i Also Webster's Collegiate Dic-ionary 1118 Pages. liC9 IUustrs-.:o-:-3. Regular Edition 7xl0stfacLos. SI .a: De Luxe Edition esSfit'i in. PHr. same plates, tu bi.,a paper. 2 tx'ant! f:-1 ! i T'-m t I FREE, "Dictionary Wrinkles." lUttra. o- p. 'ubllshers. princfield ELECTSC BITTERS 'THE BEST FOB BILIOUSNESS AND KIDNEYS. Ml List His CcfflR. a gentleman from the Granite Quarry neighborhood was in the bflalerlast'Saturdayud gave Tub W itchman an aeccui t of a iomev whalt peculiar incident. An old begroj named Ueo. Waehington Lowe died last Wed ieday. On Thursday Irvin Lingle, who Urea near (Crescent, came to town after a coma for the dead man. xie se cured one, loaded it on hia wagon and started h6me. W hen near Granite Quarry the bin i 'gate of hinwaffoh fell out and later th coffin jolted out and fell in the road. Mr. Lingle drove on. half a mile or ao before he missed his load, and then went back to find it. Another man driving a wagon was following along the-road at some distance behind Mr. Linjrle, and seeing the coffin laying in (he road, and knowing who it was in teLded for, be put it on his wagon and took it with him until he m?t Mr Lingle on hia return trip, and then he turned it over to him. It is not often that a man ; loses a c- ma wnii ariving aioug puu Tfce inebriate Assiciitiu. The Inebriate Relief Association held a meeting Sunday afternoon at the Fi'st Methodist church and a permanent organization was ef fected. A. L. Smoot waa elected president, and G. W. Wright sec retary. A committee was ap pointed to solicit subscriptions, of which R. Lee Wrieht was made chairman, each ward of the city to have two representatives on the committee as follows: North Ward, Dr. John Whitehead and C B. Jordan, South Ward, Jaa Pluwmer and R. L. Shaver, West Ward, A. L gmoot and W. F. Snider. East Ward, R. Lee Wright and one other who is to be selected. The officers and chair man, with Dr. John Whitehead, constitute the advisory boards A. L Smoot, W. F, Snider, G. W. Wright, Pr. Whitehead and R. Le Wrieht will compose "the - - examiiiintr board, and will inyes- tigute each case before aenfling any one away for the pure cf tb .drink or morphine habit. - Eight new membera were added to the list. The members will pay $1.00 per mouth dues, beginiug with March 1st. All winter goods must go at some priqe. We prefer sacrificing to carrying over, so we will make the price at COST and less for above date on Shoes, Cloth ing, Underwear and all winter goods, Catch. step and march to the tune ot LOW PKICES at Belk-Harry Co's. Sample Shirts - FoBidDsii. , Asheboro, N. C, Feb. 17;- 0 :8 Ex Sheri ff Rush, a resident of thu city, waa found dead today lean ing against a tree on hia farm aeven mrlea west of town. N He 4 Q waa'about 78 yera old, had aerved f T two terms aa.sherifl cf the county A 4r.d was the father of Wiley Kusli who at t he time of hia death was the eolicitor of North Carolina f or h9 Xtftth, Judicial diitncl. j One lot of Men's Sample Under shirts. This is a big bargain worth 1.00, 1.25, and 1.50, Sale Price 5Qc 25c Underwear for 19c All Men's and Ladies' 25c Under wear at this Sale at ...... 19c 50c Underwear for 35c A lot of Men's & Boy's Sample Undershirts, are a little soiled. O-SaleFrice .. JDC All of our m w 3.98 Suits to go for... ... 198 Men's 4 48 and 4 98 Suits to go at. . 3.98 7.50 and 8 00 Suits to go at 5.98 Suits of fine wearing fabric, con- jgervative style, d-ubie or single breasttd, wrth 10 U0, Sale Price ...............7.48 Suits in all the swell est modes, Michael Stern's well-known make, .worth 12 50. Sale Piice! . 9.75 Michael -Stern Suits in all the newest single or double-breasted models well tailored, worth 15.00. Pale Price . . . . . : 11.35 Youth's Suits worth 2.48 and 3.48 age 13 to 19 years for . . . . . 1.48 BoyV Suits only. . . . . . . . . . . 35c One lot of Boy's Suits a little stock worn, sizes 6 to 15 years, were 75e, Sale Priee . . . . 3 5 C it Boys' Suits that sold for 98e, some 1.25 Sale Priee 6Se Boy's Suits that sold for 1 25 and 1.48. Sale Price, 98c All Boy's 2.00 Suits -148 2.50 1.85 300 "... .3.18 3.50 3.4-8 Tatie TJotice. Understand all Winter Suits, Over coats and Trousers must go. They have been marked at eost and less. Come in tomorrow if you can, or at your earli est opportunity, as bargains like these will soon find new owners. (Overcoats. Boy's 2.50 Overcoats, 8 to 14 years- ...... 1.48 : Men's 3.98 Overeoats all sizes 3 48 Men's 5.00 44 u " 3.48 Men's 10.00 " -1 " 7 35 en?o Odd Pants Reduced. Men's 1.25 Pants for .... Men's 1.50 Pants for. : . Men's 2.00 Pants for...... jtfen's 2,50 Pants for... . . Men's 3.00 Pants for Men's 3 50 Pants for. .... ....98c 1 35 148 -3 18 248 Sample Shoes. , Lots of Samples and odd lets broken sizes, in men and women's shoes.Many will go for less than half prices We have made 4 counters, 98c, 1 48, 1 98 and 248. 98c Counter. On this counter you will find shoes that sold for 1 25 to 3 f0. Choice 8c 1.48, 1.98, 2.48. , On theee counters you ean buy shoes from'l 00 to 2 00 a pair less than regu lar priee. " Miscellaneous Bargains for This Sale. ' " t - - Mens '10& Sup mdeps C.... 5C MensJOc "Handkerchief .... 5C Nice iOe Huck'Towci fir...... ............ 6C 1 2566uriterpane large size.-. .. qq Pearl Buttons i and 5C - - .DOZ 12 1-2 rersian Lawn ..,.....-IOG Cotton Plaid Dress Goods ipC Talcum Powder, large box lQC 3 Cakes Laundry Soap for 5C 2 Cafes of fine Toilet Soap. :2Jqq w 8 0 o OOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OCCOOOCOOGOCOOOOO wimmu Wmr ii I I itlbL- HOitltiL ito l3adLo 6