OUR CIRCULATION can be Easily Proven to be about double that of any other pa per publishd here. Stick a Spike Here. KOW IS THE TIME to take advantage of 1 our Low rates and get the Best Paper in the county. You get all the news in it A Home Newspaper Published in the Interest of the People and for Honesty in Governmental Affairs. Vol. III. No. 19. Salisbury, N. C, Wednesday; April 24th, 1907. 1 Wni, H. Stewart, Editor. Care i . "... v . ... oa ; Watcliniaii Ine SUTESVILLE AND IREDELL COUNTY. When Does Easter Come? . Some Learned Views on This Subject. Statesvile Landmark. April 19th. R. W. Holland, of Ohn town ship, who was in the Landmark office this week, says that a few apples and blackberries will pfob ably be the extent of the fruit crop in his neighborhood this year. The peaches, pears, cher ries, quinces, etc., are about all killed. While blackberries are rarely injured by frost, the frost on the 11th of May last year re sulted in some damage to even this hardy fruit, but so far there is reason to expect a good crop this year and these with a few ap ples will be about the extent of the fruit crop. Mr, Holland be lieves the wheat is badly damaged but. its full extent cannot be esti mated until harvest. Adverting to Mel. Summer's statement that Easter comes after the fourth full moon of the yearn and will this year fall on the 28th, Mr. Holland calls attentions the rule which provides that when the moon fulls on a Sunday Easter is on the Sunday following. As the moon fulls on the 28th Easter, by this rule, wil b& due on the first Sunday in May. And now comes H. C. Cook and says the Dutch sign is not that Easter falls on the first Sunday after the fourth full moon of the year, but the first Sunday after the fourth full moon after Christ nias, which this year put Easter on the 81st of March, the date generally recognized. The notorious Fan Gillespie, one of the negroes charged with being implicated with the murder of the Lyerly family in Rowan county, last summ . r, but who was discharged for lack of evidence, was bef ore Mayor Steele for curs ing and fighting Sunday. There was two casWagamst her and she was fined in each case. ' This noted character has been a resident of Statesville since the trial of the case here. She has been cooking for Mat Massey, colored, and Sun day she made things lively on depot hill by cursing and fighting everybody comi ng, her way. Among others who had trouble with Fan was a negro named Claud Long who proceeded to slap her down. He was also in court yesterday morniDg and was fined. A Case ef Presence of Mind. W. L. Aljberty, who Jives near Crutch field, in this county, had a narrow and thrilling escape from death last Tuesday afternoon and an experience that he will not soon forget. While standing on the hounds of his wagon throwing off the remaining sticks of a load of wood, bis team became fright ened and suddenly dashed off, throwing Mr. Alberty down on the hounds. The wagon then struck a stump, throwing his head between the spokes of a rear wheel , and behind a standard. Fortunately he had the presence of mind to grasp the wheel and thus locked it. He remained in this position while the team was running a distance of 25 or 30 yards, holding on to the wheel . with grim desperation, fully re anzing tnac to relax nis grip meant instant death, for had the wheel revolved even a few inches his neck would have been broken. A Mr. Wood, who was with him, managed to stop the team and ex tricate Mr. Alberty from his per ilous position just s his strength iaiiea. wnue oaaiy snaKen up and bruised about tha neck and shoulders, Mr. Alberty was not ser iously injured. Mt. Airy Leader Yes, I Hate Found It at Lasi. Found what? Why that Cham ' m a oeriain s baive cures eczema and all manner of itching of the skin i t . on 'At m l nave Deen amictaa ior many years with skin disease. I had to get up three or four times every night and wash with cold water to allay the terrilble itching, but since using this salve in Decern ber, 1905, the itching has stopped and has not troubled me. Elder John T. Ongley Rootville, Pa For sale by James Plummer, Sal isbury, and Spencer Pharmacy, Spencer, W . U. ALBEMARLE AND STANLY COUNTY. Damage to Fruit has Been Great, but Can not now be Estimated. . Stanly Enterprise. April 18th. - Sheriff J.. D. "Love and J. E Kluttz were called 'to Statesvillle Tuesday to testify agaihstRose man and Bassinger, the two men arrested nere several days ago with a load of blockade liquor Roseman returned to Albemarle with Sheriff Love and was arrest ed on a new warrant charging him with retailing. J3e was busy yes terday fixing his bond. The Locust camp No. 149 Wood- m . T 1 r 1 1 1 m 1 men ot tne wona, win unven a monument at the grave of Hugh Turner on the first Sunday in May, at 1 o'clock p. m. The many friends of the late Mr. Turn er in all sections of the couuty, and especially the Woodmen are invited to be present, the exer cises to take place at Beulah resbyterian church at Locust. Mrs. O. D. Morris returned home Sunday, after having spent many weeks in the sanitorium at Salisburv. Her condition is so much improved that promise of complete restoration to health eeems assured. This will be good uews to her many friends who have been solicitous as to her health. The weather damage to the fruit crop during the past fifteen days has been great, but cannot now be estimated. While the wind has been a source of annoy- . . i auce, it nas , proved a oiessing in disguise, in so completely dissi pating the moistuue. Tender ve getation is nearly all killed and wheat and oats injured. In the death of ber brother at Mt. Holly on Saturday, Mrs. E. M. Asbury has the profound sym pathy of her many friends in this community. Mrs. Asbury receiv ed the sad intelligence in time Saturday to board the evening rain for Mt. Holly to be present at the burial. On yesterday afternoon, at the residence of the bride s parents, H. J. Fesperman was married to Miss Annie B. Forrest. Rev. C. M, Gentry officiating. The bride is the younger daughter of Couuty Commissioner and Mrs. J. D. For rest. Rev. G. W. Belk has received letter from Governor Glenn ac cepting the invitation to deliver the address at the laying of the corner stone of the Normal and Collegiate Institute, on June 6th. The last ray of hope for the preservation of the fruit crop was entirely eradicated Monday morn ing when the cold had reached the lowest degree. Locust Cor. Officer Recalls Memorable Days. Lieutenant Cabaniss, a retired United States officer has been a welcomed visitor to Fort Mill. The object of his visit was to in spect the Fort Mill Light Infant ry. So hearty "was his welcome that he could not refrain from recalling his visit to this section thirty years ago in the strenuous days of 1876, when Hampton suc ceeded in wresting the State gov ernment from tha rule of the ne groes. Lieutenant Cabaniss says he was in command of the gov ernment troops stationed here and at Rock Hill to keep guard over the election. Without trepida tion he recalled many incidents which at this late day were inter esting and mutually amusing. He recalled the fact that the Repub lican tickets were painted red so the negroes could identify them and the scheme of the whites hav ing theirs also printed in red and adroitly exchanging them for those of the negroes. Ft. Mill, S. C, special to Charlotte Observer. Thousands have pronounced Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea the greatest healing powef on earth. When medical science fails, it succeeds. Makes you well and keeps ycuwell. 35 cents Tea or Tablets. . T, W. Grimes Drug Co. OUR HONOR ROLL. Some -Names That go to Show That the Watchman Is the Paper. The following are the names of some of the good people of Row an who read the Watchman and pay for it : John Harkey, Addison Over cashJE L Linn, A S Correll, Capt J C Low, A R Beaker, G B Ketch ie, J D Ketchie, G H M Trout man, Julian Troutman, Solomon Morgan,' M B; Rufty, Jno ;A M Brown, Geo T Brown, Martin T Terrell, Mrs Martha Beaver, C A Miller, Murray L Trexler, John A Lyerly, J B Park, T J A Barger, W C A Park, Jno A Castor, W H Hammill, A L Walton, Henry W J W Coppley, H M Pethel, J M E D Bostian, G A Koontz, W R Felker, J W Ftlker, G L Walker, Levi Powlas, David A E.ller, Mrs Mary -A Mills, John Lowrey, John j H Tippett, Jerry A Boggs, A W File, J P Mault, I W File, J L Kistler, C L Walton, L O Ritchie, Jacob Arey, G A Canup, Ernest Ritchie, M E Coursen, L F Horan, Mrs Mary S Mahaley, Richard L Morgan, ATC Morgan, Wm T Morgan, James R Hill, W C Pool, A D Morgan, JT Eagle, L A Troutman, Henry F Morgan, R M Carter. Caleb Moss. Mrs P A Martin, Mc C Morgan Jr, John S Beaver, Julius A Earndardc, J A Peeler, HA M Bai ringer, B A Earnhardt, G A Boat, B A Mil ler J C Misenheimer, G A Bar ringer, Thomas E Webb, J H Sides, Grover Leonard, Tobias Miller, C J Kerherker, Sohn Ship- ton, Irving E Shaver, John E Beaver, J R Stadler, A A Castor, W M McCombs, Geo A Goodman, Ira B Trexler. R A Moose, J P A Beaver, T M Funderburk, J H Smith, C C Deal, AW Earnhardt, Robt S Ward, A M Safrit. Am brose Casper, M A J Roseman, Geo W Hill, RF Pool, W L A H Pool, J W Pool, Lewis A Beaver, B D Dry, J R Rufty, R L Shaw, L M GordyWe C Ketch ie, i L rool, Sidney tJarringer, A H Reid. J C Trexler, George Ingram. L C Trexler, Jas Austin. H J Hagler, C V Heglar, A H Newsom, Maxwell Holshonser. Jno L Lefler, R A Bostian, W L Sechler, Jas M Bostian, G W Bringle, L M Holshouser, A D Sechlfr, T H Kirk, A L Kirk, J O Safley, W A Blackwelder, C C Goodman, AW Miller, N C Hoffner, John L Waller, James C Cranford, J A Menius, Geo D Peeler, Alexander Peeler, H W Cauble, Amandus Lyerly, G M Miller, J M Hipp, Jas M Canup, G M Barringer, J A Watson, M H Redwine, Lee Scott, John Mor- tTf f a TP TTk TT a gan, wm omnn, j it raggart. Alice Ludwick, W R Mowry, Eli Morgau, Thomas Reimr, A G Trexler, J.hn C Kluttz, J H Bame, L I Cbiible, C S Busti.ui, AH Eller, J.hn L MiMer, W A Agder, JT Wals-r,J M StMwell, A Cress, Mrs A L Sfchb r, Rufus Beaver, L F Holshou er. C R Ly erly, S C Letchie, Lee M Ketchie, J F Lyerly, Luther Hoffman. This list contains a fairly good number, but it is net as long as it could be, or should be. We mean by this that there are a dumber of others who inteiftl to pay up and renew their subscrip tions, but as yet haven't done so The time is rapidly passing ai;d the day set for the close f the contest and the reduced price period will soon be atr hand, so if you wish to take advantage of our special low price, now is the proper time tor doing so. Liet us have your name for our next list Hard Times in Kansas. The old days of grasshoppers and drouth are- almost forgotten in the prosperous Kansas of to day; although a citizen of Codel', Earl Shamberg, has not yet for gotten a hard time he encounter edl He Bays: "I was worn out and discouraged by; coughi n g nieht and day, and could find no relief till I tried Dr. King's New Discovery. . It took leBs than one bottle to completely cure m The safest and most rel;able cough and cold cure and lung and throat healer ever discovered. Guaranteed by all druggists. 50c and $1.00, Trial bottle free. " The Watchman's Contest Will Continue If you Want a Good Buggy Don't Fail to Gel Busy at Once. The biggest and best proposition - in the wav of a votine contest ever offered by The Watchman is herewith set on foot. The conditions are brie'f and the prize is great. Now is your opportunity to get a splendid one-horse buersrv with out the outlay of a dime onyour part. You want a good buggy and we want to increase the circulation of the Wamchman, hence we inaugurate the followinging votine; contest. For every cent paid be given, except subscriptions ing as an agent, in which case will be given. Voting coupons which one is entitled theron will be issued to all who make payments. These coupons must be deposited at the office of the Watchman to .be counted and credited to the proper candidates. No one connected with the Watchman force in any man ner will be allowed to enter the contest, but all others now subscribers are invited to help in .any manner they can. Work for yourself or help some one else to get it. DESCRIPTION OF THE BUGGY. Council street, These gentlemen will take pleasure iii showing it and giving any information about it that may be desired. Remember some one you want one why not make an SUBSCRIPTION PRICES. During this contest we have decided to make the most iberal prices possible for full year subscriptions. Thev are as follows: The Watchman, single subscription, new or renewal. . .75c 2 years, In clubs of two or more, 1 year, lnose who-enter the contest will be guided by the ab6ve, information We will be glad to subscriptions for less than 1.00. OTHER Any one who sends us five be given one year's subscription Any one sending us ten subscriptions and $5.00, will be given a copy of the San Francisco Earthquake book. Value $1.50. The Walchman will continue provement we may be able to support of all good people and patronage. Subscribers have the privilege of selecting their own can didates. New candidates may Vote tor wnom you wish and didate who gets the most votes iucuiei iu iuc uciu generally stands a good cnance to win, so it you are going to make an eftort tor the buggy, a word to tne wise issumcient. nishd upon request. Send all to After the Mine Owners. Atlanta, Ga., April 17. At the closing sfssion today of retail coal dealers' convention the fa':t was developed that a mine-owner will be boycotted by the members of the Southeastern "Retail Coal Dealera'Aesociation if he sells di rectly to consumers. There vera several mine owners present, who declared that this practice, in stead of doing them injury re dounds to their good. All of to day's session was devoted to dis cussing the benents derived from the Association. Before final ad journment Knoxville, Tenn., was practically selected for the next meeting lace. Piano Durability. A piano maye ever so charm ing in tone and appearance, but unless it has that lasting, staying quality it wifi finally prove a dis appointment. Why not pay a little more far a genuine Weaver Piano, whi'chTS both attractive and lasting. Tfieri you will con gratulate yourself on the wisdom of your selection in after years. G. W, Frix & Co., soleVagentB, Salisbury. KrOv uggyEree! Latest and Biggest Now on. till June ist. on subscrintion one vote will brought in bv some one act two votes for each cent paid with the number of votes to We haven't a suitable cut of the buggy which some lucky person will receive at the expirationof this contest, but in a general way we can say that it is a No. 12 Dia mond buggy madebythe.Du-rant-Dort Carriage Co. It is of the open side bar type and! one of the best makes on the market, substantial and first class in every particular. It can be seen by calling at the Barber Buggy and Wagon Co.'s Dlace of business, on will get it without fail. Ifl effort to get it& ' " " . .. $1.00 new or renewal, each. .50c for the main prize, the buersrv. but should thev want other furnish them with same. one year will be at the rate of PRIZES. subscriptions and $2,50, will free. as it is with whatever im make upon it. It asks the will endeavor to merit their be brought out at any time. as often as possible. The can will be awarded the prize. Any other information f nr. money and communications Wm. H. Stewart, Salisbury, N. C. Felt in South Carolina. Charleston, S. C, April 19. A slight earthquake shock was felt in Charleston and Summersville at 3:25 o'clook this morning.' In the latter place it was said that dishes rattled and ornaments were knocked from the mantle in one house. In Charleston only a very few people knew of the shake un til after breakfast. From variouft points in the city, people report ed having been awakened by a rumple followed by three slight wave movements sufficient to identify, but not to disturb plas ters or chimn ys. It lasted about eight seconds, according to -some reports and was apparently from southeast to northwest. Whooping Cough. I have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in my family in cases of whooping cougn, and want to toll you that it is the best medi cine I ever used. W. F. -Gaston, Posco, Ga. Tbis remedy is safe and sure. For sale by Jas. Plum mer, Salisbury, and Spencer Phar macy, Spencer, N. C. CONCORD AND CABARRUS COUNTY. An Error Corrected. Rev. Keller to Yisit Europe This Summer. Concord Times. April 19th. In a recent issue of the Times we published an article iu regard to the attempted suicide of Mrs. Solomon Rogers, of No. 4, in which we stated: "It is stated that the attempt on her life was (caused by the bad conduct of one of her sous, which caised her much trouble." A member of the family writes us that Mrs. Rogers1 attempt on her life was not "caused by th bad conduct of her sons" but by a different cauee. The letter adds: "She has been vry norvous for some oime. The attempt was made through a nervous excitement and she could not overcome tbe uervousness while hf.r mind was somewhat affected. She is a christian woman, and would not have attempted such a thing had sha been entirely rieht at mind. As yet she cannot realize what she did. I trust you will correct the error."- Burglars entered the company store at China Grove last Tuesday night through a window on the second floor and took quite a lot of goods. Some of the articles taken were three suits of nice Qlothes, ttn pairs of pants, four pairs of shoes, ten watches, silver and gold-filled, fifteen gold-plated finger riugs, two suit cases, cravats, suspenders and quiie a lot of other wearing apparel. There is no clue to the guilty par ties. Rev, J. H. Keller expects to leave about the first of June for a trip to Euope and other places. He will be gone two months. Rev. Paul Barringer, of Mt. Pleasant, will fill Mr. KeHer's pulpits while he is away. -No. 5 township Cor, Concord Presbytery meets at Statesville on the 23rd. B. E. Harris is delegate irom the First church here, and H. I. Wood- house alternate. Thomas Blackwelder died at his home at J. Mack Coley's last Weduesday at about 11 o'clock, of consumption, aged 26 years. Mrs. E. K, McLartyandy ung est child, of Salisbury, spent yes terday in . Concord, the guest of Miss Nannie Alexander. Mrs. Nola Fisher, of Salisbury, has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P, R. Misenheimer. Upper Stanly Cor. Fruit iu our community is all killed. Sunday night finished it. Landis Cor. Dead in Wreck. St. Louie, Mo,, April 17. Dis patches today from High Hill, Mo., announce that the operatoi kilUd in the Wabash wreck there was H., T. Youmans, whose home is in Greenville, S. C. The body was buried in the High Hill cem etery, but will be disinterred if relatives in Greenville so request. The' coroner's jury inquiry into th wreck in which two men were killed and six badly injured, ha? adjourned until the train crew of the first section of 92 cau be sum moned as witnesses. The evidence ind cates negligence on the pari of the trainmen of the second sec tion, who had received a caution card at New Florence that the block was not clear. Thp News-No Pure Drug Cough Cure Laws would be needed, if alf Cough Cures were like Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure is-and has been for 20 years. The National Law now requires that if any poisonB enter into a cough mixture it must be printpd on the label or package For this reascn mothers and oth ers, should insist on having Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure. No poison marks on Dr. Shoop's labels-and none in the mediciue, else it must by law be on the label. And it's not only safe, hut it is said to be by those that know it best, a tru ly remarkable cough remedy. Take no chance particularly with your children. Iusist on having Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure. Com pare carefully the Dr, Shoop pack age with others and see. No pois on maiks there! You can always be on the safe side by demanding Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure. Simply refuse to accept any other. Sold by Grimes Drug Store. LEXIN6T0N AND DAVIDSON COUNTY. The "Judge" Phillips Thinks There Will be Plenty of Fruit. - Lexlncton Dispatch, AprU 17th. Judge Phillips sticks to it that there will be plenty of fruit. He was telling this to a farmer Sat urday, who laughed unbelieving ly. "If there is any left, it is pretty tough," he said, "and will He so tough nobody can eatit. The judge, however, was undis turbed. He knows positively that there will be an abandance of fruit. Although not here ground hog day, he claims to be in pos session of facts that prove beyond a reasonabl doubt that the cold snrfp has not damaged the crop any great amount. As to wheat, he is rather "jubious," and thinks perhaps when it rune up the joints will show a decided weakness and the stalks will fall over. How much water do you sup posa was used at the fire . Friday morning? The stapdpipe, to be gin witi, was full, which means about 148,000 gallons. About 149,000 was in the reservoir. The standpipe was half full when they got through, the reservoir wss empty and the pumpa had been throwing 80 gallons per minute, under a pressure of 100 pounds, directly into the pipes. Four streams of water werej playing most of the time. On the whole about 300,000 gallons, or perhaps even more than that, was used. There was a veritable creek 'on Depot street where the water es caped. ' The people who have held up the Southbound, demanding four prices for rights of way, are now scared to death lest the railroad has fallen through for keeps, and they won't even get the two prices offered by the Southbound for rights of way. Lexington and Davidson county have lost this new railroad partly on account of local opposition, prejudice and an effort to gouge the jcompany, and whether you think so or not, this loss is the hardest lick Lex ington has had, or perhaps ever will have. Part of the wall in the burned block fell Sunday afternoon and the entire building, including the Everhart portion, will probably be adjudged unsafe and condemn ed. This means that a new build ing will be erected on the site, and there is strong talk of making a Shree-story hotel while they are at it. The Lexington lodge 'of Pythi ans waB the only lodge ih the 9th district that did not have a rep-" reeentative at the district meet ing in Spencer last week. Distin guished speakers were present and after the jneeting a banquet was held. It was really a "Pythian big night." The cold weather has affected all sorts of business especially the fertilizer business. Sales have dropped off considerably, but are again picking up. The prices this year are ten cents higher on . the bag than last year. Grand Excursion. Charlotte, N. C, to Norfolk, Ya., April 25th. Account of Opening of the Jamestown Exposition. Southern Railway will operate Special Train to leave Charlotte, N; C, at 4.:00 P. M., passing Sal isbury at 6:50 P.M., Thursday, April 25th for Norfolk, Va. This train will consist of Pullman cars and day coaches, arriving at Nor folk at 7:00 A. M. the following morning. The following round i rip rates will apply from Salis bury: Uoach Excursion ticket?, good seven days, $6 :60 Fifteen Day tickets $11.15. Sixty Day tickets $12.10. Season tickets $14.50. . Approximately low rates from other points. The programme for the opening day is most in teresting, beginning with a salute ot 300 guns, followed by address by President Roosevelt. It is es timated that at least 75 war ves sels from various nations will take part in the Naval Parade. For further information, and Pullman reservations address any Agent Southern Railway or write, W, H, Tayloe, G. P. A., ' Washington, D. C. R.L. Vernon, T. P. A., Charlotte, N. C