''? I. U t J drrespondenee. nimiBf iiffcimtinnmummummtii I SOUTH ROWAN, April 22nd. We all went to preaching last Sunday at Rock's Grove church. There was one of the largest gath erings there that has been at preaching for some time. Every seat in the church was full and quite a number outside. There will be preaching again on the third Sunday in .May at 8 p. m. The pastor announced that there would be a revival meeting in August, ' Rev. Aycock is well lik ed by all who. have heard him preach in this community. Mrs. Mary Miller is visiting her daughter. Frank Parks and Burl Castor have completed their job of put ting up barbed - wire fencing for Miss Fannie Shuping. Miss Betsey Curf is visiting her kmfolks. Shuping Bros, have erected near their planing'machine,a rip saw with which they will rip lum ber. This is a handy trick. Mrs. Adeline Yost is visiting her daughter, near Shuping Bros, mill, RodKER. Please write on only one side of the paper. Ed. LIBERTY X ROADS. Wheat is looking some better now. The lice have about stop ped their work. Miss Ida Bamhardt, of Ores cent, visited at F. M. Tyack's re cently We think Mr. Burrage will ride in the'new buggy after the con test is over. Zebulon Trexler, of Crescent, visited home folks recently, Rev James Wilson preached a good sermon at Liberty last Sm ? day Joe Parker is contemplating go ing to Cooleemee for work soon. Hope he will succeed in getting & job. A. crowd visited at Jos. 'Bradys, last Sundrfy. Gump was present. Misses Ida and Annie Eagle visited at Mose Goodman's lately. Some people love to see their names in the paper and then nev er do anything worth printing. B. F. Goodman and wife visit ed at Mose Goodman's Sunday. Some people say a photograph is a good thing to keep dogs out of the kitchen. Guess they have tried it. 1 . 1 -r iravis uoisnouser, who went tojlllinois-some time ago, is back and he thinks there is no place like home. If J m Host oi tne tarmers have got their cotton 'ground ready and are expecting to plant when spring opens up. Gumpy. BOST'S MILL. Well, it looks like spring at last. With good rains things will grow. Fruit is about all gone. John Harkey lost a $40 cow. Beef will be killed next week for synod and chickens are fattening. op M. J. Bost is painting his house. Aunt Jane Menius is not able to walk yet.' People are busy fixing to plant corn and cotton seed. Rev. H. A, Trexler took a trip below town last week to visit his brother, Boydm Trexler. Last Monday was a busy day at old Salem Church. About fifty of thejmembers gathered there to put up their bell. The-bell was . successfully raised and placed in the tower. The ladies cleaned up the church and put down the new carpet. Synod will open May 1st at 11 o'clock. All members of the synod who come by rail will be in Salisbury early Wednesday morning. Conveyances will be there to carry all members to the place of meeting. After early in the morning, there will be no con veyances to carry any one. O Cauble is still confined to his bed. Corn. that was planted before the cold spell has rotted in the ground and will not come up. Wheat and oats are looking sorry. John. iniiriNM) UNION CHURCH. April 22d. : Corn planting is at' a standstil1 at present. Much ot the crop if being planted over, ... Charlie Dry seems to be th early Mrd, as he has phrnted cot ton seed already. How. doelTthat strike you, Bro. Bart? J : Whon we visit we see so manv visiting that we don't try to give particulars.. Curious .things will happen, especially when the cooks go to the dining room and find that they have had visit o r s Look out boys, you better opeu your eyes next time. Mrs. N; D. Bodie is improving. We wish her a sppedy recovery. Mrs. Catherine Wise is sick, but is improving. C, M. Lyerly is doing the fin lehing work on his.; new dwelling house. The miller at the Kesler mill had'the pleasure ofgofug'to Sal isbury last Saturday. . Guess he didn't see the town for the houses. W. F. Rafty and family visited at A. LLverlv's SnnHav loot. Charlie Rimer was a visitor at M. J, Poole's last Sunday. Of course that's nothing new. Don't, forget, services at the Kern-Trexler school house, the fourth Sunday in April, by D. R, Myers. We will say luck to all till yen hear again from Chub, GRANITE QUARRY. w J. C. Morgan, ofiGold Hill, ha rented the store of L. J. Kluttz and'will be leady for business by May 1st. ur. j, t. reeler is putting nic lence around his residence, with garnite posts. unarlie - Lyerly and Charlie Hipp wbnt to Whitney April 12th. They must be awful heavv as it tc ok two engines to bring them back. - Miss Mary Lyerly, of Crescent, visited Mrs. Tobias Lyerly on April 12th. Uncle Charles Lyerly has been on the sick list the past few days. We hope he will soon recover. Miss Marv Cress, of Cabarrus county, has been visiting friends and relatives herer for the past week. Mrs. Walter Rector and chil dren visited her father, Cicero Ludwick, near Gold Hill-, Sundav April 14th. Sister Patsey, you have been telling us all about the visitors in your place, but you never say anything about the young mer chant from this place, who visits there so often on Sunday and Sunday night. John Lyerly has a large sale in the fertilizer line.- He has al ready sold several car loads and has several more coming. The insurance company is hav ing W. S. Earnhardt repair the house of Mrs. Susan Wiley that was struck by lightning some time ago. We are very glad to say-that Bro, Bartlette, who has been work ing in our town for several weeke, gives us a lot of good items from his section occasionally. Charlie Liugle, of Crescent, visits Miss Mamie Frick very of ten Sunday nights. Sadie. A Woman tells how tj Relieve Rheumatic Pains. I have been a very great suffer er from the dreadful disease, rheu matisra, for" a number of years. I have tried many medicines but never got much relief from any of them until two years ago, when I bought a bottle of Chamber lain's Pain Balm. I found relief before I had used all of. one bot tle, but kept on applying it and soon felt like a different woman. Through my advice many of my friends have tried it and can teH you how wonderfully it has worked.- Mrs, Sarah A. Cole, 140 S. New St., Dover, ' Del. Chamber lain's Pain Balm is a liniment. The relief from pain which it af fords is alon wort many times its cost. It makes rest and sleep possible. For sale by Jas. JPlum mer, Salisbury, and Spencer Phar macy, Spencer, N. C. v FAITHr 3-V Lafayette, Josey departed -2 this life April 17, 1907. He,was born August 2nd, 1886". He leaves- a widow, four children, . 13 grand,. children, one brotherand one sis tor. A large concourse of rela4- tives and friends accompanied the remains to Organ churJ) where the funeral was pleached by Rev. C. A. Brown. The pall bearers were his old comrades ot the civil war, as follows : " -Active Crawf ord Peeler, Alex ander Lyerly, John Deal, Solomon Yost, John Yates, Rufus Fisher. Honorary Wm. McCombs Am bros Casper, J Shinn, J. A, Shive, Green Eller, A. Wiley Kluttz, Obediah Eller, Mose Frick. Mrs.. Alfred Miller is visiting her daughter Mrs. H. C. Farmer. Chas. A. Peeler left Tuesday morning for Burlington where he .will be for a few days renreeent- iug Granite Council, No. 24, D. of L., in the State meeting which conveued there on the 22nd. He has the best wishes of his counoil for nice time while away. A primary election was held here last Saturday and the follow ing town officers nominated : For mayor, P. "A. Peeler. For alder men, J. Peeler, G. A. Brown, M. A. Stirewalt, R. B. McCombs. Miss Leslie Lefler, of Misen heimer Springs, is visiting at Mrs. D. H. Fraley's. mr.jiuQ Mrs. Jacob anive are visiting his son here. Mr. and Mrs. Nimrod Barger are visiting their son, P. L. Bar Mrs. J. Yates is visiting her sister, Mrs. H. A. Beaver. Mrs. Paul Barger is visiting her father, Jacob Castor. . MiBS Mattie Foster, of Fork Church, and Miss Lillie Foster, of Mocksville, 'are vistiug their cousin, Mrs. D. C. Hinceman, this wetfk. Mrs. Bingham Fink is very low, she to jk very sick in the last day or two, Venus. MISENHEIUER, 1 April 20th, My items have been absent from the Watchman for several weeks, 1 will now scribble a few lines from Misenheimer and my sur rounding community. The most important subjects with the farmers of this section is T1 anting corn, cotton, etc., and the cold snaps that have kept a good many of them from plant ing earlier, and frozen the fruit: Geo. W. Culp and W. A. Wag jner, both carpenters, have gone to Pa'mersville. to help work on a dwelling house. . There are a good many persons on the sick list at this writing. Wrs. David Fraley and her molk- er Eller Long, Samuel SJI and Mrs. W. E. Culp, Mrs. Istokea Earnhardt, of Mlseu heimer, in a very teebie condition with a lingering trouble. Miss Verer Moss, who has been going to school at Athens, Tenu., arrived home today. Lina Shadd, one of those .good old time darkies, died recently. Her death resulted from dropsy. She "was highly' thought of by a good many white people of this community. Carpenter Burrage, who has been clerking at Spencer, has come home to take a vacation for the betterment of hs health. A big boy at Henry Blackwel der's.; ' The meaeels are getting near Misenheimer. They are at Rich field It is a busy time now for farmers to get the measles, but they can't hlp it if they happen to get a dose. " Stanly Boy. May be Held up, The matter of voting on the question of 'establishing a record er's court in this city, may inoJi come up to be voted upon at th municipal - election iu May. It has been claimed that, the act authorizing the election provides that thirty days notice sliall1 be given of it in a newspaper.- and this requirement has notBeen complied with. The matter will be investigated and then we : will be able to decide just wreiir are at." Since writing the above it is learned ' that the recorder question will not be voted 5nfor the present. . . '.Jr-' " "Z. - " BOSTIAN'S X ROADS ,-V: 1 ' 'v V'r" April 22nd' We hada fif e ran. for the much- frozen wheat, wh cb is looking a littleetter now. The peach cTop ....... , .. . - f - is about all killed; S rawberries and cherries will be very scarce. , J. A. Eddieman pn rchased a fine animal from Sam" Eddieman, of uoncora, recently, ior wbih heis going to use on his farmr Rev. Paul A. Barrit.ger, of Mt. Pleasant, preacned two very in teresting SHrmon to a large au dience, after which Rev. W. B. Duttera, of Salisbury, delivered " - . i the installation service by wnicn Rev J. M. L. Lyeriywas install ed pastor of of Mt Hope and Bethany chuiches. Mrs: Sarah CreBs is visiting her sister, Mm. Roseman, for a few days. A. Cress, of China Grove, hai been confined to his room for sev eral days with a very bad cold, is able to be out again, we are glad to say. Messrs S. and L,, we have one scholar, judging from a small item i- a recent issue of a news paper, who cannot write his name. We hope he may be able to vote (by the help pf the grandfather clause) for a big-stick boss and a four-term candidate, at the next election, who may be able to se cure enough tax money to get him in a writing school so that he will not forget how to vote and write after 1908. The Sunday school at Mt. Hope that was organized a few weekB ago, with Geo. Shuping as super intendent, Martin Weaver as sec retary and Miss Lillie Stirewalt as organist, is having a very good attendance. A.TAX, What a Woman can do. Former representative Walter Mabrey, of Wellsville, was hold ing a baby with one hand the other day a ad reached with the other hand to pick up some ob ject from the floor. The move ment strained him so that he broke his wishbone. It is evident Walter doesn't know much about babies. A woman can grab a ba by with one hand, button her hus band's collar, make the bed, dust 1 1 the furniture, take up the ashes, put a stick of wood in the stove, wind the clock, pick a pn off the floor, swat a fly on the back of her nack, shoo the chickens out of the fllower yardj aTid: knock the cat but of the milkpan with the other hand and never strain a muscle. 'LouisianaMprt Press. Effectiie. A well known 'Manitoba editor writes: "As an inside worker I find Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tabets invaluable for th touches of biliousness natural to sedentary life, their action being gentle and effective, clearing the digestive tract and the head." Price 25c. Samples" free. Jas. Plummer, Salisbaryv and Spencer-Pharmacy, Spencer, N. C. CHEWERS ' BEGOEV.ING TIRED OF HEAVILY SWEETENED TOBACCOS CAUSED REYNOLDS' SUN CURED, , IN SO SHORT A TIME, TO WIN FROM THE OLD BRANDS OF MUCH LONGER STADiG THE PLACE AS FAVOjllTEJVITH CHEWERS OF SUN CURED TOcAcCO. SOLD AT 50c. PER POUND JN 5c. CUTS; STRICTLY 10c. Aftpicl AND IS LIKE THAT YOu fSRMERLY GOT, COST ING ;Flt0Ul30c. TO $1.00 PER POUND AtlD hS- in sun : ;.:ed CAMIPE PIZOLUCED FOR CHEWERS. ilii. riST:::iic:7: ::fCcb CO., Vyinston-Salem, IL c. Pale mm, N, ? ervous t Then your blood must be in jx very Daa condition, iou certainly know what to take, then take it Ayer's Sarsa parilla. If . you" douBt, then consult your doctor. We know what he will say about this grand old familyTnedicine. Thl is the flrit question your doctor would ask: "Are your bowels regular?" He kuowg that daily action of the bowels Is absolutely easential to recovery. Keep your liyer afetive and your bowels regular by taking laxative doses of Ayer's PUla. Mid by O. Ayer Co.. Xiowell, Masa Also maauiaoturers or J HAIR V1Q0R. f i0 rO AGUE CURE. If W O CHERRY PECTORAL. W have no seorets I We publish the formulas of all our mediotues. m . Flavoring Extracts Hade Just for You It stands to reason that in making flavoring extracts for our own trade, and requiring only a moderate" profit, we can supply better extracts than some distant manufac ture who must provide for two or three profits. There is a distinct saving here that eoesjinto the qual ity of our extracts. Try them for cooking and se how much fresher, stronger and more appetizing our extracts are. SALISBURY DRUG CO., 115 N. Main St. For MODERN DENTISTRY at prices in reach of all call on Philadelphia DentalAssociation Everything we-do is guaranteed to uffSpyt be up-tc date Dentist- ry. We extract teeth with as little pain as p.acticable. S,jrive us a tiial. Office 122 W. Main Street Overman Building. - Dr. FOX, Manager kKvAA4. 5o years tf EXPERIENCE D Trade Marks Designs Copyrights tc Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is probably patentable. Communica tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive tpecial notice, without charge, in the Scientific American. A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir culation of any scientific Journal. Terms, $3 a year ; four months, $L Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN & Co.36,Brod New York Branch Office. 625. F St. Washington. IX C THE BEST VALUE tobacco that Is necessary in -every house aR alh entprprise and business is regulated by system aud time - - - TIHE SAVED IS Gal ttnd see the pplendid line of Eight-Day Clocks from $2.50 to $10.00 - - - - SALISBURY E. J. LEBEN, Ngr. - We trended a Broken Heart the Other Day. It belonged to a lady, and it was an attractive brooch, in deed. It was easily worth f 10.00, but, a mishap rendered it useless. . 50 cents put it. into service again. . And that's the way it goes. Every day our repair department restores to usefulness rings, and pins and watches and clocks and things. Our work cost a few cents.Tnaybe, while the renewed article again takes its plaee as a thing of beauty. Isn't there something belonging to you that requires our services? Remember the line of goods that we carry in . stock. They are the most artistic, up-to-date and the most dependable. - If you haven't done so, give us an ALL ROUND trial. GORHAH & GREEN, LEADING JEWELERS AND OPTICIAN, Salisbury, fencer, Harion . C. MATTIM'! I am now s BIG LINE OF to supply your every want. I have a full line of the LATEST STYLES OF FURNITURE, Bed Room Suits, Parlor, Dining Room aud Kitchen Furnishings. Come and see uur Matting, Refrigerators and Screen Doors. Very UVuIy Yours, "W". B. Summersett Draw Your own Conclusions s s 0 lvijrr. 49 STYLE 10 SAFETY make an excellent har ness combination. Yours for the purchase price (a moderate one) if your investment in horse goods is made here. Prove it? Cer tainlyfirst time you see us. ' 0 i 'I 0" -mmm ft 7 9 5 (9 S Noce our Cash Prices 0 i 115 E. Council Street. ,MO UCM oc,vc Ia ,ne, ww- EC HONEY SAVED- JEWELRY CO. ? - - - 1 04 N. Main St. ready with a SPRING GOODS m BE! aFto oar Carnages and wagons, but how are you going to know un less you see them and try them? These few lines are meant to in vite you here. Will you come? You will if you wish to serve your Offn best interests. 8 :: sonic io nil you, your friends and "the man in the street". Q is anv one of our many 0 vehicles Carriages, 0 Surreys, Runabouts, 2$ Mantels, etc. "They're k built that way." Also built to last ano? run easy without runniDg S into much money. ?Z for ihe Next 30 Days, jp t Surdy Stop Tbal CougJu g3 IV 1 If i - . "

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