- i - . ,J L Lj THE CAROLINA WATCHMAN. WM. H. STEWART. Hd. and Pub. - , j . r PubUsh4 Ewy WedaMday at ISO Wast Inalas Street . , . ' ''- LL- i J Subscription Price $1 per rear strictly cash la advance Entered as secosd-elass matter'Jaa." 19th. 1905, at the port offlee at Salis bury, N. O, uader the act of Congress of March Srd. 1M7. Salisbury, N,C., April 24th, '07. THOSE IN ARREARS. It ought not to be necessary to call to the attention of those who are iu arrears mau iiuw ib voxj appropriate time to come forward and make a settlement. At the small price we are offering the Watchnan, your- home paper, no one should expect us to ait on them at all, but as some have unintentionally or otherwise al- lowed the time to slip by, we take this method of gently reminding them our iterms are cash and prices made just as low as it is possible to furnish the paper. There is not the least offense in- tenaea, pna snoma you - notice a blue X mark after your name, you will understand that this has reference to you. PARTIZAN BIAS SEED. GONE TO Mayor BoydeUj of ; Salisbury, who was re-nominated ? Tuesday 1U1 UU 1UUJ L1I term, said in the 8Peec Vh Di?ht t. his supporters, referring to his work and specially to the duty of noiding mayor s court: "1 de- spise that feature of it. And I want to say that if lever did wrong in the trial ,of those cases, it was because I djd not know the facts. I am not ashamed that I have dealt leniently with poor, friendless people, and standbier here before you, I am not asham- ed to say that I have been kind, to the necTO All hnnrr tn Viim for following that policy and for uttering that sentimentl The rich and influential can take care of themselves but when the poor ana inendless get into court thev have nothing to hope for vexcept from the justice and humanity of meir juage. unariotte Ubserver. No man, in'the position of the editor of the Observer, can suc cessfully make the plea of an ig noramus. 'lhere has been too many facts made public, ready to be backed up with ample evidence for any intelligent man to go so far out of his way to endorse any thing this man Boyden might say, at least without some grains of allowance. The above looks very much as though our good neigh bor has sat long and hungered for just some such doubtful ray of light to expose his prejudice and fellow feeling for an old chum. This phrase can be just as truth fully arranged something like this: "And I want to say that if I evei did wrong in the trial of these cases, it was because I did not "care to have" the facts. I am not i ashamed that I have dealt "harshly," etc. The above has not been written with the . intention or desire to wound the sensibilities of the edi tor of the Observer, nor for the purpose of " offending any one. But seeing things as we do, we feel that it is a solemn duty encum bent upon us to expose anything that intentionally, unintention ally or otherwise, tends to uphold demagoguery and the flaunting of false colors in the face of the public. In this particular, all any fair, unbiased person need do, is to delve into the great mass of ever ready and tangible evidence. After which, if the endorsements are not scarcer, it will be because such a writer will have gone to some distant solitude to repent of past mistakes. As for us, we also heartily endorse the sentiment and respect any one who may tru ly follow such a policy, but this same appreciation of high senti ment, lofty motives and unalloy ed justice, causes unbounded amazement when we see it so reck lessly misapplied and unworthily bestowed. Stolen Express Money Recovered. St. Paul, Minn., Anril 18. The $25,000 atolen at the Union depot Tuesday night, was today recovered by the police. John Gunderson, the suspected robber, who was arrested on Wednesday, told the police where he had hid den the money. Oae package containing $10,000 was found un der a piece of dirt in Jaoksdn street, and two other packages containing $15,000 were found under the platform at the Great Northern shops. CAU6HT IN MACHINERY. H. C. Millerrof Statesfllle, ihs Victim of a Horrible Fatality. ' Statpsviile. April 20. A very tragic and distressing death oc curred hre this morning about. 10 o'clock, when H. G Miller died at thp sanatorium from, the effvcts.of injnrips received a short while before." The acsudnt oc curred at the City Roller Mills, which was owned afld operated by the dead man and his brother, R. A. Miller. Ebout 9 :15 o'clock the fireman at tha mill, who was in the engine room, heard a scream in the main A 1 1 1 JI 1 l Dart oi in ouiiuiue ana wau uj answered the call for help he eaw Mr. Miller entangled in the ma chinery which was splattering blood right and left. The fire man rushed back to the engine Ln(j shut it down, in the mean tjme calliug for help. A number 0f people were near by. Kerr Miner, a brother of the dead man, wag driving along in his buggy. The injured man was taken from the machine, placed in the buggy and hurried to the hospital, but dieda few minutes after reaching fehere jjls arm8 aud nead were terribly mangled and he never re- gained consciousness. It is sup posed that he was trying to ad just a belt, when his arm became entangled in the machinery. Mr Miller was about 28 years old and one of Statesville's most promising business men, and his traffic death ha caused untold distress to his close friends. He . , , . was married only last spring aud ms young wire, wno was miss vjar rie Sheltan, and his mother aud father are prostrated with grief. Mr. Miller was a member of four different ledges and his fellow members will have charge of the funeral and burial. The fnneral will be condncted from the First Methodist church tomorrow after- noon aud the rempins will be in- terred at Qakwood cemetery. Special to Charlotte Observer. Was Disguised as a Stoker. Maples, April 21. Details were obtained today of the escape from Italy of Enrico Alfano, known as "Erricone," head of the Camorra Secret Society, whose extradition is sought by the Italian authori ties. The local police authorities who had long suspected him of being connected with the Camor ra, ordered a squad of gendarmes to arrest him. But Alfano, hav ing associates among aU classes of the population, was notified of the intention to take him into custody and succeeded in leaving Naples. He wens from village to village under varied disguises iu efforts to elude capture. At San Leucio, near Caserta, the gend armes Surrounded a house in which Alfano was concealed, but the Camorra chief succeeded in escaping and took a train for Rome. On arriving in that city Alfano consulted a lawyer and re mained hidden for week at the c pital. But, lacking the certain protection of the Canorra, which is a Neapolitan organization, Al fano returned here. The gend armes, however, began closing in on Alfano, who eventually secured a false passport and escaped to the United States disguised as a stoker. Paris Hotels Don't Want Him. Major Taylor, the champion American bicyle rider, ws forced to leave the hotel where he had registered on account of the color lii.e. American tourists at the hotel are responsible for the ne gro's being ordered out, declaring tnavthev would leave' unless the negro was compelled to move. In an interview, Taylor, who is a member of the negro ''400" ex plained that this treatment is in contrast with the welcome usually accorded him. He declared he would not seek admission in any other hotel but" would take a home of his own. Paris, France, dis patch. His Dear old Mather. "My dear old mother, who is now eighty three years old, thrives on " Electric Bitters," writes W B. Brunsun, of Dublin, Ga. "She has taken them for about two years and enjoys an excellent ap petite, feel strong and sleeps well," That's the way Electric Bitters affect the aged, and the same happy results follow in all cases of female weakness and gen eral debility. Weak, puuy chil dren too, are greatly strengthen ed by "them. Guaranteed also for stomach, , liver and kidney troubles by all druggists. 50c, Filing Fisft Struck Sailor. -. When the liner Korea was bowling along on a smooth sea in ihe tropics, between Yokohama nd Honolulu, a flying fish struck S-cond Umcer K. Allman as ne stood on the bridge- and caused Kim some little injury. The fish was one of a large school and had flown to unusual height at the time. Allman waa it the moment taking an observa tion when he felt a blow on his right side. A h'asty glance down ward disclosed the flying fish, which lay on the bridge stunned from the impact with the officer's body. ' Allman was not seriously hurt and he saved the flying fish, which is retained as a niomento of his strange experience. The bridge of the Korea, where All- man stood, is about 50 feet above the surface of the sea. San Fran cisco Chronicle. Tunnel Caves' in. Kuoxville, Tenn., April 22. A portion of the Copper Ride tun uel, on the Louisville &Nashville railroad, 17 miles north of this city, caved in today. Wie cave in smothered a fire which had been burning since yesterday when a rear-end freight collision occurred in ti e tunnel. Two brakemen were injured. It is es timated that 1,000 feet of the tunnel is damaged by fire burning the wood lining and supports, and by the cave-in caused by the sup ports falling. A locomotive, ca boose and tnree coal cars .were consumed. The tunnel may be closed to traffic for several weeks Aycock for President. At a banquet in Chattanooga one night last week Editor John Temple Graves suggested, in speech that Mr. Bryan nominate Mr. Roosevelt for a third term There will be no need to nomi nate ay. Kooseveit or any one else if the South will assert her rights and nominate Chas, B. Ay cock, of North Carolina, and put his campaign in the hands o Mr. Simmons, of the same state Mr. Aycock is a bigger and bet ter man than Mr. Roosevelt or any other republican in this re puMic, without the inconsistency or impulsiveness of the present occupant' of the White House His sterling qualities and silvery oratory would win many votes al over this country, aud votes are what the Democrats need in i presidential election. Gaffn e y S. C. Ledger. Filipinos to the Exposition. San Francisco, April 21. Among the passengers on the Japanese steamer, America Maru which arrived last night, were 100 Filipinos enroute to the James town Exposition. Three civilized and three savage tribes are repre seuted. Among the 6avage Fili pinos are two surviv rs ,tf the Mount Dajo. battle and Priqce Sansaluna, son and heir of tb notorious Datto Ali, of the Moros Sansaluna has five slave with him The civilized tribes represented are the Tagola, the Viscayan and tne 1518010., me savage members are from the Bagato, the llano and the Muro tribes. The Filipinos are in charge, jOtf W. A. Sutherlanda and will leave for the East tomorrow. Trinity College Catalogue. . The annual Catalogue of Trin ity College for the year 1906-10Q7 has just come from the preea.. . It makes a volume of 172 pages, well executed from .a typographical standpoint, and setting forth fully the educational work of the col lege. The fifteen departments of the college now offer 103 full year courses, and in - addition,, the school of law offers 23 courses. The professors, instructors, and administrative officers of Trinity College are 37 in number, aud the Trinity Park school employs five masters, making a total of 42. There are enrolled in Trinity Col lege 270 students end in, i the Trinity Park school 186, making a total of students on the Trinity campus 456 Boarders Wanted! The Salisbury House, 120 South Long Street, is prepared to ac commodate a iew boarders. Rooms nisely furnished, ta b 1 e well suppled and prices reasona ble. 2-18 fef. SDr. Williams' Indian Pile Ointment will cure Blind, Bleeding and Itching Piles. It absorbs the tumors. allays the itching at once, acts as a poultice, elves instant re lief. Dr. Williams' Indian Pile Oint ment Is prepared for Piletfand Itch- ingot the private pfitt?. Every box la warranted. By drarsniita. by mail on re eelpt of price, ftO oents and f 1.00. WILLIAMS MANUFACTURING CO.. Fropa-. Cleveland, OUa mil U U Had Three WirnKWaoted AiotiieTr - W G. Underwood , for merly-the western saleS manager5 for the Fairban.ksMi.raH Scales-Conliny, is charged with huvii.c led a quadruple existence. ,Jn the past fifteen months, he is said to have made a coection of three happy homes, three unhappy wives and a bride-to-be. Just as Mr. Under wood was preparing to rent n fourth littld happy home for bis ourth bride, the three other Mrs. Qnderwooda got together. War rants were issued am meo lately. Other warrants were issued by the Fairbanks-Morse Company, charg ing Underwood with having col lected money on bogUB checks. Dora Underwood claims the proud distinction of being ' the first Mrs. Underwood. She was married to Underwood in Dan ville, 111., December 5th, 1898.. Edna Lapelle Underwood is the second. Last night she exhibit ed a certificate attesting to her mamage to Underwood in Sioux City two weeks ago The .third wife is alleged to have been mar ried in Sioux Falls. The bride-to-be is a Chicago woman and her name has been suppressed. Chicago dispatch. Dr. Price, the famous food expert, has produced a product called 0 WHEAT FLAKE CELERY o)o which is considered to represent the highest food .production. Its healthful qualities are unsur passed. 10 cents a package. 3 Fop sale by all Grocers Barley, Bread and Beer Ml and yeast are each both are wholesome foods. In Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer the Pabst Eight-Day Malting Process matures the malt slowly and uniformly, thus transforming every particle cf nutriment in the barley into perfect food substances. To these are added the invigo Pabst Beer I J. F. Ludwick, 225 E. Ennis St, Salisbury. Phone 75. 9 i Si CHIP TOBACCO is one of the best and largest plugs of flue-cured goods ever offered the consumer at 10c. It is manufactured by a strictly INDEPENDENT firm, a con cern depending solely upon the good will and patrpnage of the people at large; a patronage only desired .upon the strength of the superior quality of their tobaccos. That it has earned this appreciation is amply proved by the tremendous and rapidly increasing demand for CHIP. In fact, wherever their tobaccos come into competion with other makes, whether with the people or before judges of the world's great expositions, they are invariably winners Call for CHIP and -save the tags as they are valuable. A copy o our 1907 premium catalogue, which is one of the largest and most attractive ever gotten out by a tobacco manufacturer, will be mailed to any addrena in tha United States on receipt of only 4c in postage stamps or S of the tags we are redeeming. HancocH Bros. Q Co., Lynchburg, Va. - Does Coffee disagree -with yon? f probably it doesl Then try DtH Shoops tleaitn yon.HH: - it f C ffee" is a clever "cbminatioi of ?arched cereal e and i.uts N- t IT a gr-iiu f real Coff' e, reiiiember' in Dr. Khoop's Health O.-ffee, vet its flavor and taste closely matches old Java and Mocha Coffee. If your stomach, heart or kidneys can't eti nd Coffee drinking, try Health Cotfe. It is wholesome, nourishing and satisfying. It's nice even for the youngest child irs. Dr. Hoore Lady Tooth Extractor, Will be in Salisbury Monday, April 29th For a short stay Extracting Teeth by her Painlees Meth od at . 116 West Inniss Street. Next to Watchman Office. BUY THE Before You Purchase Any Other Write ME NEW HOME SEWQ MACHINE COMPANY ORANGE, MASS. Many Sewing Machines are made to sell retard less of Quality, but the " New Home " is mad to wear. Our guaranty never runs out We make Sewing Machines to suit all conditions jf the trade. The "Ne-w Home" stands atthe lead of all High-grade family sewing machine Sold by authorized dealers only, FOR SALE BY W. M. RUTH, Salisbury, N. C. These three words are derived from the same Anglo Saxon root breowan. All three are foods. Barley, a grain that makes both bread and beer. Bread, a solid food. Beer, a liquid food. In making bread, flour and yeast are used; in . making beer, barley-malt, hops used. The same principle is in rating properties ol the choicest heps, by the Pabst brewing process, which insures absolute purity. Your system re quires a liquid. Why not use one that is a1 both food and dvivk.- lue Ribbon of Quality The special . value of Pabst Blue Ribbon at meals is that it encourages the fluids of the stomach to readier action thus aiding you to get the fullest nourishment from 3our food. You can prove t.e value of Pabst Blue Ribbon as a food, by order ing a case today for home use. Mad? by Pabst at mavvaukse. Ji v l oooooooccOooooooooooocsoofi ji wmmm a Lotnrop, l i 10th, 1 1tlv F and G sts. rjashinoton, D. O. 0 1 Sale of Umbrellas at Half Price e: I We have st cured from a manufactur a lot of WomeD's and Men's Umbrellas at a concession which enables us to offer them at OnAahalf 'Rignular Prine&. e . a These umbrellas were made. tor a nrm wnicn iauea-Deiore Q they were ready tor delivery, we were tortunkte in getting q Q the entire lot (about 200).-.which we offer at half price. Q There's a variety of handsome handles, including sterling 0 silver, ivory, pearl, silver, copper and natural wood. They are devided into two Women's, $1.00 to $12.75 Values, $2.00 to $25.00 Men's. $2.00 i to $14.00 Values, $4.00j (tp $30.00 0 Guimpes for Jumpers. Just received a new line of Lingerie Guimpes, to be worn with jumper suits. A variety Q of pretty styles lace and em- H broidery trimmed, f and full K length sleeves, Prices $1.00 jj and op. () ovelty Net Curtains. Now showing a splendid lin6 of Novelty Net Curtains in all the latest and best effects, A trimmed with plain and ruf- M fled edges, suitable for aum- mer homes and cottages U Sash Curtains, 2 yards long 0 $1.50 a pair. S Ruffled Curtains, 3 yards lcDg, $2.00 a pair. a Full-size' Curtains, 3 yds X long, $2.25 a pair. Rcifl Tnmatn Mavonnaise Dishes. - Bright Red Tomato Mayon naise Dishes, in three sizes AMERICAN BEAUTY Styfe 626 Kalamazoo Corset Co., Mdkt. Our Corset Department Is now complete in every respect. It con tain? every imaginable Style and Shape, suit able for every figure from the young maid en to the stately maid en. , . -Any grade iury Dry Goods (k, T. 1.1. KESLER, f.1gr. Opposite Court House, Salisbury, -H. C. , . 0 0 0 lots, as follows : complete with saucer and cv er. As it may be some time Q before we ean obtain another a shipment of these, we would M recommend an early inepec- tiou. p 38, 60 and 85c, complete. Q Vitaophane. A substitute for stained glass. Vitrophane is a mate-'. f rial made in Europe for the If decoration of plain window -.Jr glass, to give the plaine and 9 otherwise unattractive win dows a decorative appearance, ' Q .to shut out an uirattractive ,a ' view, without shutting out the S light. It comes in a variety of patterns, in rolls of about ' nine yards long; it .is sold either by the roll or by the yard. It is so simple to apply that any one can do it with peneoii results. j: Width 18 inchps, price 50c 0 a yard, $4.25 a Toll (8$ Q yards,) Q you like from- 0 0 o 0 0 0 CORRECT CORSET STYLE

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