1 4 jr -vif-t ? V- : - - J- OUR CIRCULATION - can be Easily Proven to be about double that of any other pa per publishd here. Stick a Spike Here. . 1 SI- 1 ---ft.-''".'-.-". r-- nt ft Lflitf rntRS and fist? thb? best Paper " i A i. .!. q H x In tho county. Tou est cllllio news in it A Home Newspaper EublishedHn the Interest of the People and for Honesty in Governmental Affairs. Vol; III. No. 20. Salisbury, N. C, Wednesday. May Isxfl907. Wm, H.Stewart, Editor. ts vm ' vvyjJ- Oi.u.ju u-vu V V " A" y " " 'H MI II Air" i 'It 4 -i V -3 1 ft - ALBEMARLE AND STANLY COUNTY. Old Citlzen Dead, Prof. Whitsett to Talk to the Graded School. Stanly Enterprise. April 26th. Rev. B. W. N. Simms began a series of revival, meetings in the Baptist church Sunday night, Mr. Simms is conducting it only by the help at hand, and during this week will hole night .service pnly. He remarked at the close of the Methodist meetings that the good work had but just begun, and he felt impressed that he should carry the meetings on in his church. -" The cow and hog belonging to Mrs. D. R. Seago, wbijh were bit ten a few weeks ago by the dog that bit the two childrenwho are now undergoing the Pasteur treat ment, went mad last week and had to be killed. The horse owned by Mrs. Seago is supposed to have been bitten also and it- is being watched closely. Th cost of the treatment of the child and the loss of the cow and the hog fall heavily upon Mrs. Seago. County treasurer "Dock" Park er is nothing if ni t a wit. It if jiOt a studied thing with him, but effervescent and natural. When approached a few days ago and asked to use his influence in be half of a certain candidate, he remarked: "I can't afford to dabble in this little town election, I am afraid it would hurt me na tionally." Who are the . pilferers? Two houses have been entered recent ly at night, several glasses of jel ly were taken from one and tracks left in another; buggy shafts and cushions displaced at a third. It must be parties from some back- woods place who camp near by I and come in at night to plunder, for surely our people have all had J better training vthan that, Big Lick Cor, Prof. WhitBett, of Whitsett, will deliver the address to the graduating class of the Albemarle graded school near the latter part of May. Rev. Geo, H. Cox, D. D.. will preach the baccalaureate sermon. W. D. Thompson, who has a no sit ion with the Southern at Spencer, iB at home for a while. Mr. Thompson had the misfor tune of getting one of his hands badly lacerated, blood poison set in tnd the wound is very painful. Norwood Cor. Newspaper Men Have a Round. Elizabeth City, April 25. lively scrap took place this morn- ing in the main offices of the Economist Publishing Company, between the manager, F. F. Co- boon, and news editor Porter, Mr. Porter was with the company "only a month or so ago. - 'This morning he entered the office and requested Manager Cohoon to give him a check for his salary. The manager replied that this would have to be done by Mr. Chaplin, manaeer of the Daily Economist, published by the Economist Co. An altercation ensued and Porter struck the other man two heavy blows in the face. Mr. Cohoon pressed the fire poker into service and between the three the com pany's type was pied to a consid erable extent, no one being pres ent to stop the conflict, Mr. Co hoon received several se r 1 o u s blows. Mr. Porter paid a fine of "five dollars in tht police court, Special to Charlotte Observer. Good Words for Chamberlain's Cough . Remedf. : People everywhere take pleasure in ,testifyingto the good qualities of Chamberlain's, Cough Remedy. Mrs. Edward Phillips, of Barclay. Md.. writes: I wish to tell you that 1 can recommend Chamber plain's Cough Remedy. My little girl, Catharine, who is two years Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis , simply old, has been taking this remedy to prove merit. . Preventics are whenever she has had a cold since little Candy Cold Cure tablets she was two months old. About No Quinine, no Laxative, nothing a month ago I contracted a dread- harmful whatever. Prevent i c s ful cold myself, but I took Cham- prevent colds as the name im berlain's Cough Remedy and was plies when taken early, or at the soon as well as ever." This reme- Sneeze Stage." For a seated dy is for sale by James PJummer, Salsbury, and opencer rnarmacy, i saieiy ana quicKiy witn rreven Spencer, N. C. tics. .. Sold by Grimes Drug Store. LEXINBTOOND DAVIDSON COUNTY. Wagon Struck by Train. A Number of Damage Suits Against the Southern. Lexington Dispatch, April 24th. ... The Everhart grocery building will not be condemned. At first it was thought to be unsafe and steps had been taken to condemn it, but experts, upon examination, declared that the house was en tirely safe. The upper part of the wall separating the store from the burned stores, will be rebuilt. Dave Walker, who shot a negro woman the other day at the rail road camps, was captured Monday night in a camp near Thomas ville by Deputy Sheriff Morris, and was brought to jail here. ' He is one-eyed, and this made him an easy capture, since he was quickly recognized.' The woman is living. There are quite a number of damage suits on the calendar this court, more than twenty being against the Southern Railway. Monday the case ct L W. Haz zard against the Southern was settled by paying $29.82 damage. The case of Dupre Clodfelter against the Southern, for dam ages resulting from land being burned over, ended by the plain tiff getting a verdict for $50. One afternoon last week a wagon belonging to Jess Dorsett was hit by train No. 7 at the Cot ton Grove crossing, just below the Wennonah mills. .The wagon was pretty well used up and its load of wood scattered. The driver and team escaped injury. This crossing is a regular death trap and something ought to be done to lessen the danger. View of the track in each direction is shut-off by an embankment and people passing can neither see or hear a train coming. Superin- tendent Lake told the aldermen Thursday night that he would give special instructions to engin eers to sound bell, arid whistle long and loud at this crossing, and this would help some. Neil Gans, or Neal Gant, or Cornelius Gans or Gant, whatevfir his name may be, the assailant of Mrs. J. H. Swicegood, is in the State prison at Raleigh and will stay there until court wnicn is next August. Tuesday morning of last week the sheriff of Guil ford county 'phoned thtf sheriff here that the commissioners there had decided they would not keep the negro, for fear a mob would ack the jail. They had heard a lot of fool reports about a mob being en route and believed them. Sheriff Delap then 'phoned Gov, Glenn and told him the situation, and the governor said it might be best to take the negro to Raleigh and to do so. Consequently he wa taken there-by the sheriff, There were reports here Tuesday night that a mob had runners in the town and that the woods were full 0f vehicles and men, all of which we do not believe. Still it might be well for the governor to have the State guard on duty at I the pen lest a mob-attempt to get at Gans at Raleigh. Resisted to the End. Guntersville, Ala., April 25. j Bob Watts a young white man, was hanged in the jail yard here today under tragic circumstances. He had become possessed of a knife and resisted to the end. Ammonia was thrown into his cell and Watts, was overcome and dragged to the scaffold by force Watts was hanged for the murder of Perd Winkles, an old Confed erate soldier, in the fall of 1904. Winkles had drawn nis pension money, amounting to $80, .from the State, and was en route home when he was murdered. Free "samples of "PreventicB" - and a booklet on Colds will be gladly mailed you. on request, by cold3 or "Lialirippe, break it up S1ATESYILLE AND IREDELL COUNTY. Implements at Federal Building. Mad - Dog Causes Excitement. Stateavile Landmark. April 26th. , - Thos. Twasta, : a "young man from" New Jersey, , is serving a term on the Iredell chain- gang. Twasta and a companion,' hobo ing, fell into the hands of officers at 'Lenoir and were held for car rying concealed weapons. Judge Peebles gave them six months each on the roads and they were brought to Iredell to serve theiT terms. Twasta's mother in New Jersey is much concerned about her boy and has written to an at torney here to see if a pardon can be secured. A mad dog ran" amuck in the neighborhood of D. J. Fullbright's store, in Shiloh township, Satur day night And Sunday. It was at Mr. Fullbright's but harmed noth ing. At Unas, uo ble s it bit a dog and chicken and came near biting Goble. The animal bit dogs at a number of other places. It was killed Sunday night. Jerry Earnhardt, colored, for more tnan a generation a notel porter in Statesvillef died Tues day night after ' about a week's illuess and was buried Wednes day. Jerry had lived in States- ville for 87 years. He bore an excellent Character and was well liked by the white people, to whom he was well known. J. H. Devereux, the pub lie building inspector who was in Statesville last week, will recom mend that some improvements be made at the Federal building here. Some changes will be made in the third story, the interior will be painted and a concrete walk will be laid in front of th building. The First National Bank of Statesville has been designated a United States depositary. The bank will not only be a regular depository for governmeat funds hut will be a depositary for the disbursing accounts of ment officials, M. C. Banner, who was placed in jail last week in default of a $100 bond for stealing $20 from his room-mate at the St. Charles hotel, received the bond from his people in Mitchell county Wed nesday and was released. An infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Parker, who live on South Center street; died Wednedcay morning. He Was Quieted. Bob Killett, the bully of En oree, d um wnne nnea up at tne bar with a pack of toughs, saw an iuoffensive yonng man and "ailed him to come in and drink. The boy, named Lawsou, rfnsd, and this made the bully furious. He ran out, dragged him in and 'pro ceeded to butter him op He had him on the floor joyously kicking him in the face, and all the bul ly's palls vwere laughing in glee, when lol L.awson pulled out a gun as he lay on th floor and sent a ball into Mr. i&iilett s car cass. The ramping rhinoceroos of Enoree, who had everybody else bluffed, thereupon grew quiet and the boy escaped. At last ac counts the bully was peeping through the cracks at death. Ex Let me mail you free, to prove merit, samples of my Dr. Shoop's Restorative, and my book on eith- er uyspepsia, ine nearc, or tne Kidn'evs. Address me. Dr. Shoop. Racine, Wis. Troubles of thefen approved by Stomach, Heart or Kidneys, -are merely symptoms of a deeper ail ment. Don't make the common error of treating symptoms only. Symptom treatment is treating the result of your ailment, and not the cause. Weak.' Stomach nerves the in sid nerves means Stomach weakness, always. And the Heart, and Kidneys as well, have. their controlling or inside nerves.: weaken xnese nerves ana you inevitably have weak vital organs. Jiere is wnere jjt. onoop s Restorative . has made its tame. No other remedy even claims to treat the "inside nerves." Also for bloating, biliousne s s, bad breath or complexion, use Dr. Shoop's Restorative. Write for my free Book now. Dr. Shoop's Restorative sold by Grimes Drug Store. X - The Watchman's Contest Will Continue till June ist. If you Want a Good Buggy Don't Fail to Get Busy at Once. The biggest and best proposition the way of a voting contest ever offered by The Watchman is herewith set on foot. The conditions are brief and the prize is great. Now is vonr ODDortunitv to tret a snlendiH nnA-TinrnA hnwo-v -Wlfli.. out the outlay of a dime on ouggy ana we want to increase tne circulation of the Wamchman, heifce we inaugurate the f oilowingiug voting contest. For every cet paid on subscription one vote will be given, except subscriptions brought in by some one act ing as an agent, in whicfi case two votes for each cent paid will be given. Voting coupons with the number of votes to which one is entitled theron will be issued to all who make payments. These coupons must te deposited at the office of the Watchman tq .be counted and credited to the proper candidates. ISo one connected with the Watchman force in any man ner will be allowed to enter the contest, but all others now subscribers are invited to help in .any manner they can. Work for yourself or help some one else to get it. DESCRIPTION Council , street. These gentlemen will take pleasure in showing it and giving any information about it that may be desired. Remember sonie one will get it without fail. If you want one why not make an SUBSCRIPTION PRICES. During this contest we have iberal prices possible tor full as follows: govemH3 Watchman, single subscription, new or renewal. . .75c ' 2 years,- In clubs of two or more, 1 year, Those who enter the contest will be guided by the above, information we will be glad to subscriptions for less than $1.00. OTHER Any one who sends us five be given one year's subscription free. Any one sending us ten subscriptions and $5.00, will be given a copy of the ban Francisco Earthquake book. Value $1.50. The Walchman will continue provement we may be able to support of all good people and patronage. Subscribers have the privilege of selecting their own can didates. New candidates may be brought out at any time Vote for whom you wish and as often as possible. The can didate who gets the "most votes will be awarded the prize. 1 he hrst in the held generally stands a good chance to win, so if you are going to make an effort for the buggy, a word to the wise is sufficient. Any other information fur nished upon request. Send to The Sentence Approved. Twenty-five years impr i s o n ment, twenty of which shall be at hard labor, is the sentence of the court-martial which recently tried Maurice Burke, a seaman attach ed to the cruiser Tennessee, for murdering James A. Doug las, chief master-at-arms and assault ing and attempting to kill Wm McGool, master-at-arms, both of that vessel. The sentence has Secretary Met- calf. Burke's crime was com mitted on the night of February 6th, last, while the Tetrnessee was lying at the.League'lsland Navy Yard, Philadelphia. He return ed in an intoxicated condition af ter being given shore leave an when summoned before his su periors, drew a revolver, killing Douglas and wounding McCool. Washington dispatch. For stomach troubles, bilious ness and constipation try Cham berlain's Stomach and Liver Tab lets." Many remarkable cures have been affected by them. Price 25c. Samples free. For sale by James Plummer, Salisbury, and Spencer Pharmacy, Spencer, N. C. firee! uggy Latest and Biggest Now on. your part. You wanta ffoodlacyiJpw have the cro8Bes readv OF THE BUGGY. We haven't a suitable cut of the buggy which some lucky person will receive at the expiration of this contest, but in a general way we can say that it is a f No. 12 Dia mond buggy madebytheDu rantDort Carriage Co. It is of the open side bar type and one of the best makes on the market, substantial and first class in every particular. It can be seen by calling at the Barber Buggy and Wagon Co.'s place of business, on effort to get it? decided to make the most year subscriptions. They are - " $1.00 new or renewal, each. .50c for the main prize, the buggy, but should they want other furnish them with same: one year .will be at the rate of PRIZES. subscriptions and ,50, will as it is with whatever im make upon it. It asks the will endeavor to merit their all money and communications Wm. H. Stewart, Salisbury, N. C. How About it? By the way, who was governor of North Carolina when both Gov ernor Glenn and Lieutenant Gov ernor Winston were in Washing-, ton Saturday? Would it not be well for these two officials to havt. an understanding in the future as to their itineraries beyond borders of the State? It strikes us that when 4he governor goes away from home he should notify the lieu tenant governor that he wanted him to keep house officially for him during his absence. If such . . . conditions continue to arise seri ous questions might be raised as to conduct of the affairs of the ex ecutive department. Wilmington Messenger. Sore Nipples. Any mother who has had ex perience with this distressing ail ment will be pleased to know that a cure may be effected by apply ing Chamberlain's Salve as soon the child is done nursing. Wipe it off with a soft cloth before al lowing the babe to nurse. Many trained nurses use. this salve with best results, For sale by James Plummer, Salisbury, and Spencer Pharmacy, Spencer, N. C. CONCORD AND CABARRUS COUNTY. Bishop Hendrii to Oelirer Address. Ants say winter is Over. Concord Times. April S5th. It is a common saying that when the flying ants come out winter is broken. They came ouT in large quantities here yesterday, so we may. look for spring weath er. A lady in Concord recently had a hen setting on 18 eggs when some one's dog came around and ate up the hen and all her eggs. The heu had been setting two weeks. , The Daughters of the Coufed- for tne Confederate veterans who hae applied, 40 in number. The veterans are requested to come on the 10th of May to get these crosses, as if they do not get them they cannot get them till the 3rd of June. There will be suitable exercises May 10th as usual. Bishop E. R. Hendnx, of Mis souri, one of the Bishoos of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, has accepted the invita tion to deliver the annual address at the elosing exercises of our graded schools on Tuesday, May 28th. Mrs. J. H. Walker died last night at her home at White Hall, Hei death was caused by pneu monia following an attack of measles. Mrs. Walker is the lady in whose house the voung men. Walter Blackwelder and Grover Page, weni one night recently, shortly after which cbe latter was shot and k'Ued, There was a severe wind storm at White Hall on Tuesday eve ning. The heavy wind iwas also felt here, but no damage asdohe. At White Hall the barn of W? A. Jovner was blown down and wrecked, but a horse and two cows which were in in it were not hurt. The wind also blew down the smoke stack of the ginnery of Joyner & Co, We have not heard of any damage being done by the wind at any other point. On last Friday morning about 9 o'clock John Sapp and wife, of No. 5. came to Concord and as they were crossing the bridge at the high fill over the Three Mile branch just outside of- town the horse got stubborn and wouldn't go. He ran off the embankment on thiazide of the bridge, which is about 20 feet high, Mr. Sapp jumped ut just in time, but th& horse and buggy wi n Mrs, Sapp went down the embankment, turning over several times. Mrs. Sapp fortunately fell in a bed of sand, and although she was bruis ed and badly shaken up uo boneB were broken and she is getting along very wel'. She was taken to Dr Archey's office and given every attention, and after several hours was able to return heme. The horse was so badly hurt that he had to bo killed, Four Miners Killed in Explosion. Seattle, Wash., April 26. Four miners were killed and nine severely injured today in an ex plosion on the sixth level of the Morgan Slope at the Black Dia mond mine of the Pacific Coast Company on the Columbia & Pu get Sound Railw y. Forty men were waiting to be dropped into the mine wnen the explosion oc curred, Thirteen had alighted at the sixth level and the explosion followed as soon as the first man in the working ran into the gas, wnicn nad gatnered in tne mine this morning following a cave-in. He Fought at Gettysburg. David Parker, of Fayette, N. Y., who lost a foot at Gettysburg, writes : 4 ' E lectnc B i tters ha v e done me more good than any medicine I ever took. For sever al years I had. stomach trouble, and paid out much money for medicine to little purpose, until I began taking Electric Bitters. I would not take $500 for what they have done for me." Grand tonic for the aged and for female weaknesses. Great alter a tiy e and body builder j sure cure f or lame back and . weak kidneys. Guaranteed by all druggists. 50c. RCXDUNCAN'TAUS. Says all Is Serene Acoig 4he Republl can Bretheren in This State. E. C, Duncan, national Repub lican committeeman, is in j Wash ington today calling on Geo. B. Cortelyou, Secretary of the Treas- ury. Ustensibly Mr. lunoan s business is official, but actually it seems otherwise, f :r he made an important announcement tonight which does not. appear to have a great deal to do with his duties as collector of internal revenue. "The Republicans of North Caro lina are with the President," he said, "heart and soul, and they are for all of the President's pol icies. They are absolutely loyal to Roosevelt and will be. for the man that Roosevelt wants for President." This is quite different - from what certain other North Carolina Republicans have . intimated of late, but Mr. Duncan says unre servedly that any who says that North Carolina Republicans are against Roosevelt, not only don't know what they are talking about, out they are of no noticeable im portance themselves. "Any in timation to the contrary of what I tell you," said Mr, Duncan, "ief unwarranted and is made by par ties who have not got enough standing in North Carolina to ap preciate the situation one way or the other, Judge Adams, State chairman of-North Carolina and referee, is an honorable man, and he is as loyal to the administra- tson as any man of the President's own official family. All the Re publicans in the State are for the Piesident and it is only a ques tion of who can yell the loudest." These remarks of Mr. Duncan are considered significant for the reason that he is understood to be speaking!' for the organizat i o n crowds 8eyeral tjf jwh,omhave been suspected in administration .cir cles of a leaning towards Foraker, Fairbanks or some other of the President's enemies. The organ ization crowd and Marion Butler, it seems, are having a little con test for the. smiles of the Presi dent, and as Mr. Duncan says, it is a question of who can shout the loudest. -Washington corre spondence Charlotte Observer. A Stranger, and They Took him in. R. C. Parks, of North Carolina, is making loud, bitter and vindic tive complaints tonight over hav ing purchased from a stranger for $2,000 the Citizens-' Bank build ing on Main Btreet, the skyscraper of which Norfolk is so proud. The' story of Parker is that he was standing on the street admiring the buildiug, when a well dressed and pleasant spoken man ap proached him with , the remark that he owned the building, which , he desired badly to sell because of his urgent need for ready mon ey, lie said tnat ne . would take $2,000 for the property. Parks was much interested and, -after being shown v through the corri dors, offered to give $1,500. The stranger, however, gave the uame of H. E, Holmes, declined to ac cept this sum. It was arranged - that Parks should pay .$800 down and be accorded a long length of . time in which to. meet the de--ferred payments. Parks, who- had nearly $1,000 handed it to the affable stranger, who., made a precipitated retreat. It was not until several hourslaterjbhat the North Carolinian learned that he . had been swindled. Norfolk.'Va; special to Charlotte Observer. A Hard Debt to (ay. "I owe a debt of "gi&ttude that can never be, paid offi., writes G. S. Clark, of Westfield, Iowa, "for my Arescue-from death, by Dr King s New Discovery; .Both of the lungs wereo seriously affect ed that death seemed imminent. hen I commenced takingvNew Discovery. The : 'ominousd r y," hacking cough quit -before- the firstlbottle : was used, and two. more bottles- made ' a complete; cure;' Nothing has ever tqual!; ed New Discovery for coughs' colds and all thrqaV and lurlg' complaints. .Guaranteed by all -druggists. ' 50o and$l.0 Trialf Dottle iree. - - a,--; - s v - .,: . .... J . 1 - . I :Li,. .... ry m r r v A - f . -

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