T 5 r 1 O taiaii THE FLOWED COLlECTIOn t-'"jo'. t '- A Home Newspaper Published in the Interest of the People and for Honesty in Governmental .Affairs. ' VOL. III. NO. 29. Salisbury, N. O., Wednesday,, July 3rd, 1907. Wm, H . Stewart, Editor. Wate ine CONCORD AND CABARRUS COUNTY. Mr, Black's Scheme to Utilize Wheatteft by the Hail Storm. Concord Times. June 28th. We have refrained from giving any report of "the crop damage from the hailstorm that visited this section two, weeks ago. hop ing that the ' recuperating powers of favorable seasons would so mend the situation that that we would ! feel pretty well after all ; but two week's of fairly growing weather has done little toward re moving pur seuse of disappoint ment because of the irretrievable loss in the pbsent ;rop. The one-third to one-half of the cot ton crop that was. left us has made such little growth that it actually looks smaller than it did three weeks ago. Unless peo ple get one hundred dollars a bale for this year's cotton they will come out the small end of the horn. Carriker Cor. j Hall Black seeing that the hail had fixed his wheat sb he couldn't cut it, built a hog pen on wheels and had his hogs to move their washing to the wheat field. When they would eat all the wheat in the area of the pen they would move the pen on further, aud in this way they were perfectly sel sustaining. A neighbor told me that they even rolled their porta ble tenement from the field to the house whenever they wanted slop, but he must riot ask me to vouch for the second part of this story, Carriker Cor. Oscar F. Bernheim, of Allen town, Pa., youngest son of Rev. G. D. Bernheim, a prominent Lu theran minister of Charlotte, iias been elected tseasurer of Muhlen berg College. This college is one of the largest in in the North and one of the most important insti tutions of the Lutheran church, and the position he holds ranks next to that of President. t He was born in Mt. Pleasant and reared' in Wilmington. W. A. Freeland was married at noon Wednesday to Mies Myrtle Smithey,'at the Smithey Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Freeland .will fepend a few davs in Sunnyside and will then goto Concord where they . t .'will reside in future. Sunnyside ' Cor. D. M. Isenhour, of No. 4 town ship, brought five heads of cab- bage of his own falsing to town lastTuesday, the aggregate weight of which was 55 pounds, averag ing 11 pounds each. J. B., Sherrill left yesterday for Denver, N. C, to attend the mar riage of his niece, Marie Brooks, to Elmer Proctor, which occurred last evening. Mr. Culler's Recollection of 1856. Mr. Culler, one of the oldest and best' informed weather pro phets tells us that this spring season so far is very similar to the'spring and summer season of 1856. He savs that there was very little corn made in this sec tion in 1856. that it was a cold annnrr that, t.ho nrnrmft m n I PB Ann field mice destroyed most of the AAin mrA if. vaa imnnflRihlfl tin trfit. a a4-anl Tf 19 f.Via ooma TX7Q XT thlO , , j vear. Tne moles, mice and worms nave oeen tne worst in many years. He says that people m 1 1 i. " rxTn n A n tianl nnrn (mm Invar Uvio uav& vu unu-i w w x j j l-i u i. 4. Iredell and Mecklenburg that ' . . that Wilkes will not raise this vear near all the corn she needs. Wilkesboro Chronicle. ' Riired nf I iin? TroHhle. 0 (1t, . . . f 'It ia nnm olaxron xraa ra BinAO I .nm4fAn ' n n mA "i4D - "'vi leaoing ousiness man ot Kersnaw, -1 1 . , S. C. "I had run down in weight to 185 pounds, and coughing was! constant both by dav and by -;v,4. i?;-n t .u: xjt. jving g new discovery, ana continued this for abo u t six montns, wnen my cougn and lung trouble were entirely gone and was restored to my normal weight 170 poundB." 1 nousadds of per sons are iieaiea every year, vruar 1 T 1 anteed by all druggists. tnju ana f LOO. Trial bottle free. LEXIN6T0N AND DAVIDSON COUNTY. The Engineer Proves He Had Steam. Farmer Loses Heavily by Lightning. Lexington Dispatch, Jane 86th. Wheat harvest will be over this week in almost every community. As a usual thing the crop is better than expected, although in some places it is very poof. We hear that Albert Whortou, who lives near Clemmons, suffered the loss of his barn and .much of its contents Sunday afternoon be tween 2 and 3 o'clock. Lightning struck the building daring a ter rific storm and as the family was shut up closely in the house, nothing was known of the fire until a colored, man living some distance away" brought the word. Besides feedstuff and vehicles, seven head of horses perished in the flames. W. M. Cross, engineer at the power house, denies that on the night of the fire at Mr. Burk head's there was insufficient steam and therefore no pressure atfirst. He says, moreover, that he sound ed the alarm whistle promptly on receiving the 'phone message. The . trouble, he claims, was that the firemen did not cut off the standpipe so that the pumps could work directly on the mains, and that until this was done, both pumps were running full speed, pumping into the standpipe. In the melee that night the top of the hideous fire whistle was blown clear off, which Mr. Cross main tains without fear of successful contradiction, is proof positive that he did have some steam on. Vice president J. M. Culp, of the Southern, announces that the double track between Salisbury and Greensboro will be completed and put in use by the first of the month. Some paits of the new track have been used for some time. This section' of the South era, or from-iJharlotfce to Dan ville, is the busiest portion of the road and is often so full of trains that it is dfficult to handle them. Long freights have stood on sid ings throughout a night, unable to get into Spencer. This double track is of inestimable value to this part of the country. J. G. Walser, who spent a lit tle time at the Jamestown expo sition, tells us that the big show is all right. It is near comple- tion, ana is reaay ior me most critical person now. He says that the tale of overcharges at the ho tels and other places is not true now. You get a room from fifty cents up and the restaurants give you anything you want at any price. An average citizen can go down and stay for not more than two dollars a day, and surely. tbat is little enough to see the- great est show on earth. A Curious Cotton Bloom. A cotton ' bloom has been brought to this office and on the branch on which that bloom is (growing mere are eignt.snapes and small bolls within about six inches, It is a fine specimen of a ""r a cotton stalk but it did notgrovrin Union luuuuiv. xu uaiuo Hum esuuklicjiu Mjreoreia ana was .urougus m uy I J . , . , and was .brought in P. H. Deason who came in last night on a visit to relatives m this section. Mr. Deason reports - , ... . r tnai crops in nis section are iau . Maxalato I'.nrn in laid hv Mftll. , Best Medicine In toe World for Colic and ui T lKA r.humWloin rirtlio 1 4. uuu vunux vruuaiu d vvxv, I be tne Deatin me wona, saysmr. n T. florfor nf Sir rnm. A a I V - ' V w., I - m B11biect tocolio and diarrhoea. Last spring it seemed as though I would die, and I think I would if 1 hadn't taken Chamberlain's Uolic, Cholera and Diarrhoea ed with it since until this week when I had a verv severe attack and took half a bottle of . the 25 I cent size of Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy - and this morninc I f bbI lik a new I - - man." For sale bv James Plum mer, Salisbury, and Bp e n c e i Pharmacy,- Spencer, N. C. NEGROES SCORE PRESIDENT. Speakeos Handle Execotiae and His Offi cial Family Without Gloves. : - - Baltimore. Md., June 26. President Roosevelt and members of his official family "were han dled without gloves by speakers at the tenth annual meeting of the Afro-American Council, which began a three-days' convention here today. Senator Foraker was a favorite ani every mention of his name was received with vociferous ap plause. Bishop Alexander W&t ters, of Jersey City, president of the council, made the principal address at the night session. He called the Ohio Senator the "no blest Roman of them all," and places him in the same category with Charles SumneT. He claimed that th Vfo&ien-Jd the negro race art injusticlf in his last meg- I sage to Congress, saying hev re ferred to tnes negro as a race of criminals. Rev. S. L. dorrothers, of Wash- ington, scored tfie-l'e&iseaVSec-retary Taft and Booker Washing ton, characterizing the latter as the political agel-of the Presi dent. Rev. A. L. Gaines, pastor of the church in which the coun cil is holding its session, also at tacked the President. Dr. Broughton Sticks to It. Spartanburg, S. C, June 28. Rev. Dr. Leu G. Brouhtou, who has-been conducting revival ser vices in the First Baptist church here for ten day1 or more, brought his meeting to a close this morn ing. During the course of his sermon he made an attack on the, Charlotte Observer because of cer tain editorial utterances in that paper with reference to hi cru sade against cigarette smoking, which were copied in a local newspaper. . W , Mr Broughton U'said that Hue Charlotte Observer had b8en try ing to destroy the force of his fight againBt cigarettes for ten years. There were two reasons for this one because the men who manage the paper' are liquor ied cigarette men ; another rea son, he said, is because the paper is a sheet of the American Tobac co Company. . In spite of the Charlotte Ob server he said he still stuck to his statement that a man who smokes cigarettes for ten years will lie and steal. Special to Charlotte Observer-. ' ; - Southern Sued in 181 Cases. High Point. June 28. T h e greatest number of suits ever in stituted against the Southern Railway Company in this part of the country at one time had their beginniLg in High Point today There are 181 such cases and the majority, of them are action to nenalize the joad for days, with incident damages,, ftc Coione Westcott JJobera- n rji h his ih railway company and D Steele has been employed by .th Mer chants' Claim Association and the North Carolina Case Workers Association. Such action is brought, embodying a number o cases by reason of the fact-that changes made by the last General Assembly of North Carolina would preclude such damages at a period later than the immediate docket of the court that is hi act of pending. This institution of so many actions has oreated a marked sensation and the pro ceedings will attract wide atten tion throughout thisentire sec tion. Special to Charlotte Ob server. Wise Counsel From the South. 'I want to give some valuable advice tojthose who suffer with lame back and kidney trouble." says J. R. Blankenship, of Beck, Tenn. "J have proved to an ab soluie certainty that Electric Bitters will positively cure this distressing condition. The first hnt.tle cavame great relief and after taking a few more bottles, wafr completely cured; so com pletely that it -becojhesr a pleasure to recommend this great remedy." riSold under guarantee by all drug gists. Price 50c. Y0UN6 MAN SUICIDES. t ' J A Life Filled With Promise BoogM Sud denly to a Sad Ei. s Durfiam, June 27. Will tan M. Smith, son of Rev. T. Siith, of Concord, killed himself 'here this afternoon. He wasa gradu ate of Trinity College, having ta ken his master's degre'it h i s month, and for three jweeks has been in the employ of the Ameri can Tobacco Company. No reas on , is assigned for the rash act other than that he was tired of the fight with life and ;jgae up all hopes. t William Smith, better kjbwn among his more intimate friends anS baseball enthnsiastsfas ,rBil- lie," had been captain of the team for two years, playing as short stop. In addition to his athletic work in the college he won honors in his studies, was president of his class in his seni- or year, manager oi tne innity Archive and also manager of the South Atlantic Quarterly. He made good at all these. Soon after leaving college he accepted a position wit h t h e American Tobacco Company . in Durham aud was assigned to learn the business. This morning at about 10 o'clock he went to the manager and told him tha his i services were not sucn aB to give him (Smith) satisfaction and sug gested resigning. He -was cheer ed up and told to go to a t doctor and get some help' that would re- ieve him of his depression and meiancnoiy irom wnicn no was suffering. He did as directed and then went to his room. When the medicine was delivered before o'clock this afternoon Mb dead body was- found in the room that he occupied. V; , J " From tin circumstances in the case it was evident -that he stood before a mirr.tr and there fired he.fatal pistol shot through his nzain, lie nad 'undressed pre paratory to retiring as directed by the doctor, and the general im- -pression is tuat ne conceived tne idea of self-destruction but a mo ment before the act was commit ted, elt was probably on the im pulse of the moment. The remains of Mr. Smith were taken from here to Concord this evening, being joined here by the mother and two sisters who had been visiting in Clinton, this State. The only brother who was not in the sad family party is T. W, Smith, of Petersburg, Va., He will join the party at Greens boro. Tonight his friends are un able to assign any cause for the rash act other than that he was despondent and ill. and commit ted the deed in a moment of rash ness Special to Charlotte Ob serve. Bad Burn Quickly Healed. "I am so delighted with what Chamberlain's Salve has done for me that I feel bound to write to you and tell you so," says Mrs, Robert Mytton, 457 John St., Hamilton, Ontario. "My little daughter had a bad burn on her knee. I applied Chamberlain's Salve and it healed beautifully." xnis saive allays tne pain ot a burn almost ins'.ai.tly. It is for sale by James Plummer, Salis bury, and . Spencer Pharmacy, Spe.icer, N. "C. Jamestown Ter Centennial Exnosition. Nor- fnlk Va Anril Sfith Nnv anth IQfl7 nifill WVt I1WJI VVUl V W I S l ern Railwv announces extremely low rates to Norfolk, J r j v a., auu tstuiu uu buvuuud ui tut) above occasion. The following round trip rates will apply from Salisbury, N. C: Season tickets, $14 50 oixty-aay ucKets.. Fifteen-day tickets.. 11.16'. Coach excursion tickets. . . 6.60 Coach Excursion ticEets will be sold on. luosday, with limit seven uaytj irum uate 01 saie, win Dei tampea "jnoi good in ruuman t -. . , . or Parlor cars." Other tickets will be sold daily April 19tfa to April 19tfa November 80th, inclusive. TheJ3outhern Railway will af ford excellent passenger service to aud from Norfolk on account of For further information and 11 Pullman reservation address any agent Southern Railway or write R. L. Vernon, T. P. A.. ' Charlotte, N. C. W. HfTAYLOE, G. P. A., - till 11-30, Washington, D. C, THE L0YIN6 CASE. fiourt Appears to be Favorable Toward the "Unwritten Law." Houston, Va., June 28. Argu ment in the trial of former Judge Wjlliam G. Loving foT the mur der of Theodore Estes was begun late this afternoon after a. day spent by counsel for both sides in the preparation of instructions, and a wrangle over them before the court. The instructions as read by Judge BarksdaJe, discuss ed murder, its various degrees, the question of reasonable doubt, the time allowed for a man 's an gry passions to subside and espe cially insanity. The( following instruction "pre pared by the prosecution touch ing on the "unwritten law" was stricken out by the,court : "No man under the protection of the law has a right to be the avenger of his own wrongs; if they be of a nature for which the laws of society give him an adei quate remedy thither should he resort ; but be they of any nature whatsoever, he has no right to avenge them except in the man ner prescribed by the lasThe unwritten law by which iB meant the right of the citizen to become f he avenger of his own wrongs in a manner not authorized by law or against the law has no place in the criminal jurisprudence of Virginia." Were Foraker Hade President. Just suppose Foraker were to get the nomination and be elected president. What a rush there would be of neg roes to the White House seek i n g feder al offices ; and many would get them, especially in the South. Mr. Foraker's election would be a calamity to the conn try. It would reopen the race question in the South with all the intensity and bitterness of reconstruction days, and would bring to the white people of the North such experiences in race antagonism as they have jlever dreamed of. We do not supnose he would appoint many negroes to office in those states, but his election would give to the negroes there more than at the South the feeling of having won the victory over the whites in a contest based on the race question. Mr. Foraker's speeches to negroes in Ohio were . of the moBt violent and race prejudice producing kind. They showed an animosity toward the South which it is hard t3 realize that a citizen of this country -could entertain against the people of any section. Not only that, but his effort ha J been to make the negroes believe that their race has been discrimi na.t.ed APRinflt-. nnd nnfracroonslv f.rftf hrr tha Mt rT i W m. VW v w - 'j VUVS n U1VU JVWJiV MT 1 control of the national govern ment. He has made himself their champion in a contest to be waged against the white people of the whole country, and if he wins he will be forced to make good in order to prevent his negro sup porters turning against hun. It will be a sad day for the country and especially- for the South on which he" is .elected president. Wilmington Messenger. llnwrlttan I Dlavrisil - Spartanburg, S. U., June 2y. Wm- Mll,8 charged with he mur I j. e in i t i - ni T aer OI rrBUJt "eBI J1 v,uru I county, tnree mourns ago, was - found guilty with a recommenda tion to mercy at Gaffney today. 'Mills claims that he killed Deal Knfl v,A hju1 rn;nftd hiH home. . iA y , , , , Hw tt7 pleaded the un written law," but the judge in I structed the jury that this had no weight with the court and should , Ka Th0 uuiu uuuq niuu uuo ju&T. .uw , , ..: .. caBe uwlwl muu" How to Cure Chilblains.- blains," writes John Kemp, East Otisfield, Me., I apply Bucklen's Arnica Salve, Have also used it for salt rh9um with excellent re suits." Guaranteed to cure ie- Iversores. indolent ulcers, piles. i burns.' wounds, frost bites and skin diseases. ; 25c at all drug gists. ALBEMARLE AND STANLY COUNTY. Mining at New London. Robber Enters Farmer's House io Search of Spoil. Stanly Enterprise. Jane 87th. Rev. H. tA. McCullough and family are expected here today. The town isglad to receive them, and the Lutheran congregation has reasons to rejoice over having (a resident pastor. The different cotton mills of Albemarle will close down Satur day week for their annual picnic, to be held in the Efird grove near the old. mill site. There will be speaking, band-music and refresh ments, and the occasion will no doubt.be made an enjoyable one for those who participate, Mre. Zeb. B. Sanders has re newed her boDd as postmaster at this place. The salary of the of fice was recently, increased to $1,000. As yet the appointment of a successor to Mrs. Sanders is a matter of doubt and speculation. In the death of Mrs. Martha Noah at Gold Hill on Saturday, the 18th instaiit, there passed away one, the beautifying influ ences of -asase life were shed abroad in herm of a few years in our midst in: siuch away as to draw the lovend warm esteem of everyone to her. Ed. Lyon, of Greensboro, and Mr Brinkerhaff, of Pittsburg, Pa., were nere on last Thursday in specting the mine. Mr. Brinker haff is a real estate and mining expert. Others will be here next week. Report has it that the mine will surely to begin to operate soon. The two gentlemen have ordered a park cleaned off about one hundrad yards below the depot, at the fine mineral spring, near the Yadkin railroad. The couuty commissioners have received plana, and specifications for the annex, to the . county , jail, and the matter will soon be opened to bids : f rOin contractor. "The capaoity of the present building will be doubled, and many im provements added. The work will be executed without an additional tax levy or bond issue. Last Saturday morning while all the family werein the field at work a marauder entered the house of W. L. Teeter, pillaging and overturning almost every thing in the house in search for money. About nine o'clock the children returned and on hearing a notse in oue1 of the room, but thinking it a chicken, they made and investigation, and discovered tne perpetrator, rney were very much frightened and made the alarm when he raised a window, jumped out and ran. ie was tracked for some distane, and Mr JTeeter was very good proof as to wETfe was. Locust correspond eirt. , - - Columbus just landed ; meeting" a big Iudian chief with a package under his arm he asked, what it was. "Great medicine, Hollis ter's Rocky Mountain Tea," said the Injun. 35 cents, Tea or Tab ets. T. W. Grimes Drug Co, Stops Improiements. Richmond, Va., June 27. C. P Longhore, the Virginia con tractor, J. C. Carpenter & Com pany and Matthews, Curtis ''Com pany, of Clifton Frge, have been ordeied to quit fheir construction work in connection with the Ches apeake and Ohio Railway Com pany' on July 1. The Chesapeake and Ohio have been doing con sitinrable tracking, lowering o grades and straightening curves The reason assigned for diecon tinning this work is that further money would have to be raised for its continuance aud in the conditions of the market at this time it would not be desirable to float new securities. Two thous and men are affected. The Right Name. . Mr. August Sherpe, the. popu lar overseer of the poor, at Fort Madison. Ia., says: "Dr. King's New Life Pills, are rightly named ; tbey actmore agreeably, do more good and make one feel better than any other laxative." Guar- anteed to cure biliousness, and constipation. 25c atSNall druggists. SUTESVILLE AND IREDELL COUNTY. First Shave In 35 Years. Destructive flail Storm lit Iredell. States vile Landmark. Jane !5th. Stock to the amount of $2,550 has been subscribed to the States ville Air Line railroad in States ville. With this amount the pre liminary Burvey is assured. A dog, supposed to have been mad, bit several dogs Sunday night in a neighborhood a- few utiles east of town. D. C. Rufty, who is by no means as old as his white hair and beard wpuld indicate, walked into a barber shop Wednesday and was shaved for the first time in 35 years and for the first time in his life by a barber. Hedidn't sacrifice, his handsome beard, however that would have made him unr- cognizable but compro mised on a partial shave. The suit of Lee Wood vs. J. J. Kincaid et al.. which was tried at the recent term of Iredell Supe rior court, has been settled by compromise. Wood fell in a vat of boiling water while working at the veneering plant of Kincaid & Knox at Cleveland. He sued for damages and got a verdict of $1 000. The defendants appealed but the appeal has been withdrawn ani the case settled on the pay ment of $1,375. Mrs. Henry Lippard died Tues day at her home in Fallstown township, aged 67 years and 10 months. Her husband and three stepsons survive, one.of tnese be ing Rev. C. K. Lippard,. Lutheran missionary in Japan. C. M. Miller, of Salisbury, was here Wednesday to survey the ' Turnersburg - road, where, the ; chaingangis at work. Thefr&dV was surveyed as far as the Davis ' place, and in this distance there will be no material changes in the old road bed. Some sort of an - insect has de stroyed many of the elm trees in Statesville, but up to this time the maples have been- immune. The Chronicle says the maples in Wilkesboro are being attacked by an insect and that the limbs in fested by the insects soon die. Statesville people interested in shade trees and all of us ought to be should take note of this and begin work in time to save tHstrees if possible. . A destructive rainstorm visited the Amity section of Iredell andJ contiguous v territory late Satur day afternoon, and Sunday after noon a heavy rain itorm accompa nied by much electricity and con siderable wind, passed over States ville and environs. In addition to the serious and fatal results of these storms lands were badly washed and much wheat in the shock was blown down and dam aged. The weather laBt week was fine for crops and a period of hot dry weather now will be very ben eficial. The weather has been fine this week, but we're almost afraid to mention it lest it change by the time this item is "read. Harvest has been in full blast and weather eruditions for saving the wheat have been favorable. A few more days of sunshine will mean that an excellent wheat erop has been saved in good condition, and if the warm weatner continues the- f corn and cotton will grow so fast that they'll soon male up for lost time. Let's look on the bright side now. Conditions are never quite so bad as they seem and this may yet be' a good crop year, notwithstanding the unfavorable conditions in the spring. Free, for Catarrhust to prove merit, a Triatf size Box of Dr. S hoop's Catarrh Remedy. Let me send it now. It is a sncw white, creamy, healing, antiseptic balm. Containing such healing ingredi ents as Oil Eucalyptus, Thymol; Menthol, etc!, it. gives instant and lasting relief to Catarrh of the nose and throat. Make the j free test and see for yourself what i this preparation .can and will ac- compish. Address Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis.- Large jars 50 cents, I Sold by Grimes Drug Store. t -