r4 -'r- .-' .i 3 . 'J r --a - - -a. 3i r Z V 4" . t j t ' r J THE CAROLINA WATCHMAN. Looal News Items T. S,: Watson ypf Watauga coun ty was in the city last week, hav " lug Drought down a lot of 42 fiue beef cattle. He sold them to M. L. Jackson and R. W.-. Price, our local butchers. Mr. Watson carries on a regular trade Jn beef cattle and he expects to be here again with another huge lot. x ae oouy or , a negro woman dro w ned in the Yadkin river last fall was recoveredMoijday. This woman was one of a party f five negroes who were drowned by the capsizing of a boat while crossing the river. Kev. V. Y. Boozer preached his farewell sermon at St. Paul's church Sunday. ; - The annual Yost .re-ujiionV. will be held at Yost, on Angnst 7th. These occasions are always quite an event iu the county and this one will be no exception. A negro girl named Maggie Maune, who has been employed as a servant at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S: H. 'Wiley, is in jail charged with stealing some money and a diamond ring from Mrs. Wiley. The valuables were re covered by officer Eagle. If you have a valuable dog upon which the tax has not been paid, you had better keep him close, for the officers have commenced to kill all dogs whose' owners have not paid for their right to live. The regular meeting of the board of aldermen will be held tonight. The change from Thurs day night was made on account of that day being a holiday. A city clerk and th& police officers will be elected at this meeting. Miss Jessie Sowers and Lonuie Kluttz, both of this city, were married in Charlotte last Sunday mornng. : Miss Roxie A. Lentz and Albert S. West were united in marriage last Thursday night at the home of the bride's parents on South Fulton street, Rev. M. M. Kinard officiating. The news of the mar riage was a surprise to the many irienas oi the popular young couple, ' iRey. Wm. B. AulJ, of..,-Lone Star, S. C, has accepted a call to the pastorate of St. Mark's E. L. church at China Grove. He 'will enter upon work in his new field inV September. J. D. Phillips, of this county, who was sentenced to the peniten tiary for four years Ifor larceny; has been pardoned by the govern or. The judge who sentenced the man stated to Governor Glenn that he thought he had sentenced him to too long a term, It is announced that the Souths erri has commenced the erection of a large office building at Spen cer. A number of citizens tendered P. A. Frercks a banquet at the Central Hotel last Wednesday . night, on the eve of his departure for a visit toEurope. Mr. Frercks will be accompanied, on his trip by his wife, and his many friends will wish him a pleasant journey. Superintendent McMannus, of the .Southern, visited Spencer last week on a tour of inspection. Last Thursday Officer Pool ar rested Charles Bryan, a white boy about 17 years of age. He was arrested on a telegram from offi cers at Hendersouville and is charged with robbing the depot St that place. While exercising recently . with roller skates, Miss Mable McCnb bins "fell on a cement walk on Fulton street and broke one of her arniB. :y JS T. W.' Summersett, who recent ly graduated from the Barnes school :-of ' sanitary science, em - balming and undertaking, has re ceived a iiceused from the North CortharoTintr State Board of Embalmers. The chimney and foundation of the .old Plyler house, corner of Fisher and Caldwell streets, are being torn away preparatory to moving it to the lot adjoining on Fisher street.. We presume a new house 'will be erected on the lot made vacant. r A H UUli. X U U JN i? con- taining some money and the name or u, Ar uavis. Apply to J. L Holshouser,' RockwelC-N. C. Kerb, Bareok, about 18 vears oi 829. aied QUDdav niErht Rt,'Tisiea lour, ffhiteiand- Rfivftn nfiorh home near, Sumner, 'this countv. The funeral took placerMoudav aiternoon, Kev. J ; A. J; ; Farring- wu ujuiuijtuijg, sqa me interment was in Chestnut Hill cemetery. . - Harrth Mp w M been quite ill for a week or more, i t w. . villi t uau died at ; her home in the -West ward last Wednesday afternoon. The funeral was held at Harris ChapelRev. Rev. E. A. Osborne, f Charlotte, officiated. The de ceased was Miss Mamie Harris and was married twelve years ago to W,,M. Harris. Mrs. Harris is survived by a husband, four chil dren and other relatives. Bkdneb, Mrs .Chas. H., died at her residence on South Fulton street at -8:30 o'clock Friday morning. Mrs. Bruner was Miss Katie J5. McKenzie, the youngest and last member of the family of mr 4 w a .... - mqauorab. McKenzie, a highly . - . , ... . I of Rowan. Mra. Rrnnar hA nnt been in good health for vears. but he cause of her death was of re cent origin, bejng internal in flammation. She was born at. th old McKenzie homestead, a few miles this side of China , Oro. and lived the ereater norr.ion t hr life there, but lived several years in Witflh.ncrfcnn than . ahnt at China Grove and dunng the I last few Vftftra in Saliahnrw . fro 1 last few vears in Salisburv. Mrs. jBruner wan murrind Hhna TT I Bruner about 28 years ago and eight children was the result of this union,, twp sons and four daughters survive and mourn her loss. Mrs. Bruner was a member f of one of .Rowan's largest .and most highly respected families. ane was a sister of the late Chas. H. and John W. McKenzie and was re:aiea to innumerable Dersonalo throughout the county and State. mrs. jjruner was ot a gentle, cnarming, loyabie and peaceful uisposiwon. .pone Knew nef but to be drawn nearer by her numer- ous excellent traits of char acter and she will long be re membered by a ho s t of r e 1 a tives and friends. The fn n- eral and interment took place at Hams' M. E. Chapel, of which she was a member, near her old "'"""i kJBDuiuajr wveuiLig, xiev. Hi. i K. McLarty, of the First M. E. church, Salisbury, and Rev, Ay- cock, pastor of Harris Chapel of ficiated. There was an unusual ly large concourse of sorrowing relatives and friends in attend ance of the services . to pay her (iheir last respects. A good wo! man has been lost to the county. I Familw Pahhaira - ' Our good friend, L. W Safnt, ot orescent, was it the city last inursaay on bnsiness, and among he good things he brought with uimwasa ion oi nice caooage. Uut one head deserves special no- tice. is weignea la pounds and had 21 heads on one "stalks One large, solid head and 20 smaller ones all round the lower part. IxU. batrit says its appearance suggests the name of "family cabbage," and. its looks makes the name seem quite appropriate. It was left at this office for'exhi bition purposes, but as it was in danger of drying up or spoilnff. and as the editor was hungry for fresh cabbage he hereby testifies to the flavor, filling and other good qualities of the "famil y ab- bage." A Serious Charge. Cora Setzer. a neero srirl of the China Grove neighborhood, is in jail here charged .with having at tempted to poison the members of her father's family. Recently all the members of the family ex cept Cora ; were taken violently ill. The physician who attended the sick ones was convinced that the sickness was caused bv ooison. The girl was suspected and she was placed under arrest." She was subjected to close questioning and she finally admitted that she bud pu. -some Rough on Rats in the coffee. She was bound over to the Superior court in the-snm of $200. The bond -was not made and the enrl wn.a mmmiMoil . .1 -""" jail. ' - '. ' 'r '' - -r on. : For constjipatiqn there is noth ing quite so nioeas Chamberlain's Stomach and Jiver Tablets. They always produce a' plasent move ment of the bowejs (without any disagreeable effeqt. Price 26 qents. Saniples; free. Sold by James Plummet, Salisbury, and Spen cer Pharm acy, Upencer, 0. County CoIesiflsers.lieet. iThe County. Commissioners held v ths ir regular, moatfly meeting orf Monday, all the members xt th& board bemDresent. " Superintendent JaartlevrreDorti convicts at his camo. - The cletk, was directed: to cor respona .with counties not? using" vw uuuvioou sne puoiic roaas; with a view.to securing their con- victs.Jor tneiowan roadB Supt. Carter, reported 26 col ored and one white convict at his camp Dr. Busby, was allowed-15 cents each for891 persons vaccinated in East Spencer this number re porting that they did . not have the, price. Dr.. Young. was allowed 15 cents each for 291 persons vac cmated. j A petition was presented from citizens of Atwell township TP questing improvement on the road, from Enochville to Pethei's X Roads. It was ordered tht W. L. Harris be aDDointed to exam ine Tfiad and report. Uiirriororf Die I inriloriw mUHtlllll III kUUUIBHIl Reference is made in one xf our dispatches to ,the qase of Joe and killed Mrs. Walker of Lvnch burg, Va., with whom he was boardng- Misenheimer is quite qwa here and has borne a f unsavory reputation ana iswiie separatea some time ago. In May "last he" came to SalisbW5S4ad 80me trouble with his .wifaC auovireatened to '. kill ne He Was, placed Iniail : but f&a reJeaaedupoh promise to leave uwr na never retur ud mistreated wife has gone to Lynchburg to render what aid sh can lo awDMpana Mf. Clark Accepts. RflV. Rvmnfi fikrt nf RftiH more, who was recently extended Mn f uannrn First Presbyterian church here, has notified the congregation that he will accept the call. Mr Clark did not fix the date of his coming here, but it will no doubt be in the early fell. Mr. Clark is a minister of much" ability and is said to be a fine pastor as well as preacher. He is a native of North Carolina and will be- ?lad tn rn. turn to the State of his birth Salisburv wilf extend him I warm welcome They Were out for Blood. There was a shooting affray in the vicinity of Livingstone Col lege last Wednesday, incvwh.ich a nsgro named Spencer Gladden. was seriously wounded. It seems that Gladden had given his wife a brutal beating, breaking one of uer ieS8 Bna oinerwiBe injuring Albrook. relatives of the woman. heard of the matter and went af- ter Gladden with" euns. Whn they found him. they proceeded to perforate him. The two men wereplaced in jail. The Bible Conference. . During last week thern was quite a nottble gathering of-Bap- tist ministers -hre. the occasion beiDga Bible c!nfereuce ThtrH were numerous talks ..(FT d-i-cas-sions upon matters of int. rest ' to Bible studeuts and a number of able addresses were made by the geutletnen present. The confer ence wks attended by several very able Baptist ministers from the Capblina3 and Georgia. The Bingham School for Boys- We have received the Bingham fchool catalogue for its 114th year, it s best year financially, and in area of patronage since 1793. Besides the North Caro linians there are about 130 pupils from; other localities, represent ing an area reaching from New York-to Mexico. 2.500 miles, and from California eastward, through tne U. S., across tne Atlantic anq Mediterranean to Armenia and Persia, into the Pacific to the Philippines, 1,000 miles, three quarters around the' globe. We congratulate. Col. Bingham that this N. C. school is refusing pu pus every year, and that its equipment astonishs eyery one; whOi.insperQt8 it. ' A cleansing, clean, co o lip g soothin g, he a ling r e m ed y is DeWitts Carbolized Witch Ha 2el Salve. For burns, scratches, cuts, bruises, insect bites a'iid.sorei feet it is unequaled. Good' for Piles. Beware of imitations Get De Witt's. " It is the best: . Sold by James Tlummer and.ail druggists. EYE TROUBLES THJtt; L ' Can be corrected so that J thejieadaches-lisappear. That is a simple truth, but mauy still doubt" and any risk with us. - Weguar an tee-to do, what we say. If youf eyes cause head ache, we can relieve the v strain andgive you perfect' comfortV . . I No Charge td: Show yon. How. , ' W. H. LEONARD, 5 Jeweler and Optician, 128 N. Mat St., ' jBalUbury, N. 0.'f Trinity Park School, " A First-Class Preparatory, School.--fertlflcates of Graduation Accepted for entrance to leading Southern col- -leges. '' Best Equipped Preparatory School In the South, faculty of I en Officers ' and Teachers. VCampus of.75 acres. r Library containing Thirty Thonsand " Volumes: We i Equipped Gjmuasl- nm. High Standards and' Modern Methods ofluatraction, T Frequent Lectures. by Prominent Lecturera Expenses Exceedingly Moderate. Seven Years of Phenomenal Success. For Catalogue and other Informa- v tlon, address H. M. NORTH, Headmaster, Durham, N. C. NOTICE. I. the undersigned . have hftVn the agency to sell the Greenville K u unaayr wasning machines for the Greenville, Michigan, Com pany. They are what the people want, they are the best washers made, they give perfect satisfac tion in every resnect. thev are guaranteed to wash wristband n and collars perfectly clean with-, out any bard rubbm? or wash board. Wash anything from- the smallest garment to the heaviest bedding. They are guaranteed to last twelve years, guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction iueyery, respect or money refunded. I have the right to sell in Rowan county. I will -keep them on hand and sell reasonable. 'For further information write - me or call. I will canvass the- conntv . Yours "very truly, DANIEL; EAGLE. Aet.. 8m. R. F. D. 2. Richfield. N. C. 9 . A TMle Tract of Land For Sale. I will sell my farm on r the the Gokft Hill and China Grove public roadf 2 miles from Rockwell. 154 acres . Rood land, 40 acres in timber, 2 acres in meadow. Has fine orchard, a good dwelling of 9-rooms Running water at four places on farm. Half -mile to cnurcn ana school. Good .neighbors near Land is level and in cunH nn. dition for machinery. H. W. BOST, 7-3 4t-.- . Rockwell. N. G. Where to Go f o Buy - GOOD, RELIABLE When in need of good, reliable. single or double wagon or buggy Home-made Harness don't fail to hunt up our place on the corner of I finis and Lee Streets. .' We also dp flrst-elass repairing on short notice and at reasonable prices. Our line of Saddles, Collars, Bridles, Halt9rs, Whips, Brushes, Combs, Robes, Harness 6il and other horse supplies is always complete and ready for inspec tion. : We solicit ,a portion of your patronage and invite you to call and see our stock. Ifyour horse is injured in any way get a bottle cf our Horse Liniment No cure, no pay. Hartline & Co. Phone 438, : 180 East Inniss St. For nODEIUJOENTiSTRY rat prwes irtieach of all call on Everything, guaranteed to. we do be.up-fto date JLientist- ry. We; extract teeth with as little n anfiAAhl. II . - - 1 - Gce 12Maintree Overman Building. ! Dr. FOX, Manager. MWM IlVIIUllUllbU M A n urnn hAnNtpo PhiladelphiaDeiitalAssciaUn -UrJaJeeby, wjio i had charge qf the3e(reshment jStandat the paw. Iiaa peeaplaced wider bond o(.50ft'foJ)if appearatice.f.before the,5uperior; Court. He is charged with carrying a concealed weapon, assanltud flourishing a pifltolxn a stjreetvpar, .LaBt ,Thurs4aynight the. JightsT in iiigj.place Iwera : ex tinguished, .whether by. accident. or by. s.ome t ona.-sitchiug ithem oflin a spirit ,of fun, is not known Saleeby thojight 7i the . latter . .was tha, case :?JHe , lost $ his. .temper. and boarding a crowdedcar with his peapon madethxeat8 as T to what would (lo ; . to theparson who turned off his lierhtn. "TTa brandished his Distol to the terror nf Jadies and children, ' but" was p acedr uodef;.Arre8t before, any harfnfw,as dner e The man is, said to have .'been in a , mot , savaize mood, and it is fortunate tthat othmg serious resulted. FINE CLOTHING o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o JO o The o 0 o COrjTAINO IJolbers endorsa 1t tar Men, Women Children. A t iy .dHl MeArbrall Other coutk cutm are consUjUnt. eectally those contalnint Optatea. Kennedy's fiatiY8 For sale 6reit6Irls These. V ; Last week," two young ladies, Misses -Mary and Carrie Deal, fdanghters Jacob 'Deal who lives in the 1$ wer r part of : Ro wa n County,"- operated a reaping-machine pulled by fiya horses says the -Mooresvilie Enterpsise.j dn the morning referred to the fath er and son were working the ma chine -and the father was taken sick and one of the - young ladies went to -the field and took the place "of her father and worked until juoon. : After the noon hour the son was sick and was unable to return to the field, and the'otfc Ler young lady went out and assist- ea,witn tne reaper and - the1 two girls, who are J4 and 16; years of agQ ran the machine until night: These young eirls oroved that the v could be depended upon for, an e nersencv. and . that the father had two daughters . that he cou Id not nelp but feel proud of . ii Ll( (liilli We are showing a very complQte stock of above goods at the radst reasonable , prices. If it come : fromr our store, tHe' price, style and quality must be right. ..q Koy Shirtat 25o and 48c. Q . We-; thiij and beleive we can prove by comparison that we O have ttiebest value to be had in Men's Shirts, 48c and $1.00. 'O iMenT Odd Pants at 98c and $5.00. O o Don't fail to see our q BEFORE THE. FOURTH SPECIAL 8 " IN SUMMER SUITS.. ;5 ' o Blue Serge and Fancy Worsteds. Price, $10, $12.50 $15. Q BELK -Brand best Shoes made for Full mew Stock of thorn Just .Received. HOMEY Children like It by James FIuniRier anq all l -- FAITH. BfrL. .Pickler . and ,his ; frienda lyent .fiflfeioinSLoBg creek and caught a'-2fish; -two feet and two inches long, 14 inches around and weigheJJienT.pounds. - -Who-can beat-that ' " . Peas brought $2 bbt bushed at Hoflfner's sale. - A flax hackle was bought by JiJWyatfcwith a date pu it, 1T85. v. Howold was it? It w.as .owned .by -JMr. o-Hoffner's father, who was a. very old man ,when he died. J. C. Lingle cried the sale and J. C. . Bernhardt was the clerk. . .. r:, . ' Wehad a big,rain -.again, Tues day evening. , f.omething ..doing' ;now r everv Wednesday 1 night , at : Gra n i t e Quarry I; O. O. F. lodee. Sir new members coming in. - H . C, Farmer is mating 'roasting ears. Who -can beat that? " ; - ' '... . . Venus.- o o o O O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o jO o o o o o o o o o o JO JO o ,o o V.; RRY CO hoes and o o o o . ...... . rO, - o o ,o . . Oi . . -Of ' - O " 1 -oi : 40 AND mm Tastes ijof good Couth Syrup mores thTbowels, contains no Opiates. CHICAGO DruoQists. 0S' s-C.