-fv N orres pond enee; 41 " resulted of 5 . to "us." . - POOL. July'Bth. Ratts Briggs, who has been very sick for some time., is able to be up now, Jarvey Morgan will start his machine threshing wheat next Wednesday. - ' , Pool and Morgan X Roads teams crossed. bits on the latter's ground SatlS'afrnoon and the score 8 in favor of 'They will play another game on our ground near Pool, July 20th. Everybody is invited to come. Ice cream and all kinds of cold drinks will , be served. Roby Crook and family visited their daughter Sunday. Miss Tmv Cole is getting up a subscription school heTsjfynd will basin in about two weaktfv Hf she is5 successful in getting it up. J. A. Morgan killed a crane that measured 5 feet and 8 inches high andj6 feet 4 inches from tip totiD.It had a bilk 12 inches long. He is coming up with Trotter, of Henderson's Crossing, it seems, hut this is an actual 9 fact. Duke Morgan, of Salisbury, vis ited here July 4th. He went fish ins and can eh t a nice lot. The boys were glad to see him. There will be an ice cream' sup per at Walter Barrages Saturday night. July 20th, Everybody invited to come. It will be given for the benefit of the "orphans.' Mrs. K. Jones Keid was in our town today and says she must dig her potatoes as they are getting bo large the ground won't hold them. This looks like raising "taters.' Itemizes cmitq on wm - . - wwwiii uwiiniii - Jnly 8th." The weather has changed -from warm to hot. It is . the thins to make the corn grow fast, but the thing to make cotton grow f Bt has not come along.- What about he past few nights? Exl. Julius Castor's father and Wht- ey Beck and wife visited him;; the night before the Fourth of July. Mrs. Wensil was caHed to the bed side of her daughter in Ca barrus county,' who is very low with typhoid fever. Marlie Parks was plowing a mule and tne mule Kicked at a fly, kicked one trace Ioobg and dropped two links and kicked it back at the same time. If any one has a mule that can beat this fet us hear from him. George Beaver has been unable. to do anything for about two weeks. Chills has been the cause The seventh annual Yost re union will be held at Yost's store, August 7th, 1907. It is too 'soon to make preparations -yet only TLea pen up the old rooster. Miss Cora Shaping has been visited by a tew en ills quite re cently, but is able to be out now James N. Carter swapped his white mule and got a black one He made a fine trade in favor of himself, we are glad to note. The public debate at Crescent the night of the fourth of July between the Crescent and St Mary boys, was decided in favor of Crescent. LOWER ROWAN. - July 8th. . The crops of our qommunity are looking dull. Miss Ada Eagle, of Salisbury, who- has been visiting relatives and friends in thier community ' returned 'home last week. . ' ' The ice cream supper at C. G. Morgans, Saturday night was at tended by a very large crowd. All report a nice time. - Q There will be preaching at Zion M, E.' church Sunday, the 14th, at eleven o'clock a. m. There will also be preaching at Luther's E. L. church at 3 p. m. James Honeycutt and Miss Lil lie Beaver visited at Jacob Arey's Saturday and Sunday, Marshall Arey, who is working at" Sal isbury, visited home folks Saturday and Sunday. Messrs. J. W. Taylor and I. W. Goodman are-cutting up the tim ber of I. 0. Shaver which was blown down by the storm. The little child of Mr. And Mrs. Ira Goodman is sick at this writ ing, we are sorry to say. Miss Nannie Eagle, of Salisbury, is visiting relatives and friends in xut community, Mr. and Mrs, P C. Shaver, ," of - Salisbury, who have been visiting relatives and friends, have re turned home. Misses Mary J. Wyatt and Bes sie Lisk visited Misses Minnie and Addie Shaver Sunday. A crowd of our girls and boys visited at W, C. Lisk's Sunday. . Guess they all heard the talking machine, I - Messrs. Neely Lisk and Harvey Wyajtt were pleasant visitors at A. 1 W. Shaver's Sunday. Guess there must be something doing around there. Ira Goodman has purchased a ne bicycle. Guess he must be going to ride. John L. Shaver, oldest son of A. W, Shaver, is very sick with something like cholera morbus. Also Mrs. Clara Ann Parker has been very sick. We wish them a speedy recovery. . ' : William Fry and family visited at John Heglar's Sunday. Mr. Heglar has been on the. sick list for -the past few weeks. - - Neely Parker is sick with some thing like typhoid fever, we are sorry to say. The Sunday school convention will be held at Luther's E. L. church on Friday, August 9th. Everybody is cordially invited : to - come and bring" their baskets filled with something good to eat. . . Any one wishing '. to buy : call on I. Cowan Shaver. pigs A revival meeting will star next Monday night at Fanniel's Baptist church, so we are in formed. There was a section of road be low Faitn, on the Mt. Pleasant road, which was reported to the supervisor to be in a bad condi tion. So the road hands had to walk over it. The overseer and the hands tell us there were but two small holes in the road. The Rock boy's second nine de feated the Kluttz boys in a game of base ball. The score was 41 to 18 in favor of Rock. There was a large crowd of girls present and we wish for those who cheered so loudly success next time. There will be an ice cream sup per at Will Canup's next Satur day night'. The public is cordial ly invited. The Fourth of July is a thing of te past now. Almos"everybody about here went to Faith and all that went were entertained well by the number of races and the good music mad6 by the Rockwell band. Rocker. BOSTAIN X ROADS. Jul 8th. The crops are looking some bet ter since the last rains and warm days and nights, but no cotton bloom yet. - Sunday was the hot est day of the season, the ther mometer registered 98 degrees. Communion services 'will be held at Mt. Hope Reformed churched next Sunday. Prepara tory service on Saturday at 3 o'clock p. m. T A P. Roseman has his auto matic pump installed now and it is giving satisfaction Those who wish to buy such a machine will do well to call on him and see it work and get good prices. It is a very good thing to bring water to the house. ' " - Miss Lillie Stirewalt, who had the misfortune to have-her jaw hone fractured last week, is get ting along very welt; we -are" glad to say. V Geo. W. Hill and family visited his brother-in-law, William All bright, Sunday. Paul A. Cress visited friends near Rockwell Saturday and Sun day. We find courting very unprofit able in our old days, as we attend ed two courts and did- not fet . a brownnie. - 1 Geo. H. Hill, has a curiosity in tin way jot a cabbage head, which he says .has 22 "heads and. weighs 14 pounds Who can beat it? -FAITH. "".- -" "" -"- - July 5th -The fourth .of July celebration was well, attended here thia. year. There was between 45 and 50 old soldiers ia attendance and the Junior Order gave them a fine din ner . The address of welcome was delivered by Rev. G. B, Heller and the-response by Revs. R. L. Brown, P. M. Trexler, and after the devotional exercises by Revs. W. R-.-avis and.C. P. Fisher. The speaker of the day was PfSfessor W..H. Swift, of Greensboro, who was introduced by Rev.W. R. Da vis. . lie made a nne address and we hope to have him with 'ns again at somef future date. The races , and other entertainments were interesting. C h arl e y Raney beat in the egg race. Eating, half dozen crackers was won by Lee Barger over Char lev Fink. Charles S. BostHid some good acrobatic performing. He would do to go with a show. Four rounds of boxing between Luther Hess and R. P, Stirewalt resulted in a tie. Jumping race was won by Bill Barger The wheel-barrow race w aB won by Bill Barger. - John Raney won the saok race. Bill Barger won in the foot race. Augustus Basinger and Barger had a rock drilling race which was won by Lee Bar ger by about 1-4 of a minute. Mr. James Ritchie has gone" to attend the funeral of his step mother, Mrs, Peter Ritchie, above Salisbury. Mrs. J. E.M. Davenport, wife of Rev. J. E. M. Davenport, of Spray, N. C., 's visiting at Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Stirewalt's. Monroe Stirewalt is going to rent his farms on Buffalo creek and continue to live in Faith. Rev. C. P. Fisher has gone to liold a series of meetings for Rev. R. R. Sowers at Troutman, N. C. Arthur Taylor's little baby died Julv 3rd. It was about 2 or 3 months old. A. W. Shuping has a pig 7 weeks old which he says weighs 49 lbs. Whcan beat that? Trot out your pig. Milas Overcash reports seeing a young fellow hoeing cotton inthe field, in Rocks Grove church settlement the other day with an umbrella fastened over him with out apparently any inconvenience. Who can beat that? A good idea for these hot days. We bet he is a young genius and will have a patent on something oon. Misses Anna and Daisy Carpen ter, of Maiden, are visiting their school mates at Rev. and Mrs. C. B. Heller's. Mrs Lawson Beaver, of Okla homa, is in on a visit to her fath er's, P. A, Sloop, Esq, She has been living in the west for 14 years and this is h9r first visit during that time. Misses Lillian Cline and Ollie Foil, of Mt. Pleasant, have been visiting Rev. C. P. Fisher at Faith. , Robert L. Steele, of Reeking ham,N. CM has just awarded the contract to J. T, Wyatt for the granite that goes in his new build ing. Peter Ritchie who has been liv ing in the western portion of Rowan, is moving down to live with his son, James Ritchie, since his wife died last week. He is getting old and feeble and don't care to live by himself. The county road force is pitch ing their camps in our midst. We have been looking for them for a long time. We have piled up for them a large amount of granite ready for them to work on. We will now soon have a good road to Salisbury. Solomon Yost, an old soldier, is con fi a ed to his bed and is not able to be up, and Adam Earn hardt is also confined to his bed; He is another old soldipr. They were unable to attend the old sol diers' reunion and their dinner was sent to them by the mittee of that department. T Lawson Lud wick has a big ice cream party atr his home Satur day night. r '- The threshers are in the settle ment. 'Adam Earnhardt's crop, has been threshed and several oth ers and the wt eat is good, V V J. T. Wyatt has received the contract for another lot of window sills for a party in Rockingham, n. c. j ; - " " " ;' .' V Venus. . There was a homicide . in Mad ison county Saturday which re sultpd in the death of Alex-Hen- dergon : Heude won and ; v id1 Phillips, who live near Marshall had adispute; and Phillips shot Hendrsou three times, causing death. Phillips has not been cap tared. - There was a wreck on . the Sea board Air Line, near KittrelL Sun day, afternoon. It was caused by the buckling of the rails. A pull man coach jumped the track and threw Mrs; C. E. Hajris, of Aber deen, out of a wiiidow, crushed her headTa-. d caused her death jn stantlyJtT " Bad sick headaches, biliousness or constipation are quickly reliev ed by DeWitt's Little Early Ri sers. " Small pill, sure pill, safe pill prompt and pleasant in ac tion. Sold by James Plummer and all druggists. HelplHelpl I'm Falliriq - - - - v Thus cried the hair. And a kind neighbor came to the res cue" with a bottle of Ayer's ilair Vigor, lhe- nair was saved !' Thi sw a $ beca us e' Ayer's Hair Vigor is a regular hair medicine. Falling hair is caused by a germ, and this medicine completely destroys these germs. Then the healthy scalp gives rich, healthy hair. The best kind of a testimonial '"Sold for over sixty years. A Kadt7 -t n m xroi. an.. Lowell. Bmb. Also manuvbur9r w. - r: SA8SAPAWLLA. PILLS. ' ' . CHERRY PECTORAL. uers 0 APPROPRIATE. 0 8 GIETS '-TN- O STERLINGjSILVER, OUT (JLASS 0 0 8 8 0 0 - HospftaLfor WatehesT Clocks and all kind of re pair work.; All mik guaranteed." . . : SALISBURY JEWELRY CO., tr BRYsarj, iigp; - - ) - 104 ,:Ia,,, s- - - mm--... miinmi ipni iniiWHuiimm hiimii fw miiwtTr"' n hihiimmihimmhih.m 50c IN GASH o 100 Coupons FROM The Cigarette ot Quality 2 Coupons in each Package Coupons also Redeemable for Valuable Presents Premium Department AMERICAN TOBACCO CO. Jersey City, N. J. St. Louis, Mo. com THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal arid Industrial College. Oa miiar nniir... loariincr tn Dipr9 of Bachelor of Pedaeoev. Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, and a new course-leading to the degree of JJachelor of Music. "Rnarrl lunnrlrv. tuition . and fees for use of text book i, eta'., $170 a year. For fwfi-tnvl:irn stndants. $125. ' ' Thk TJobhtat. DiPASTiuniT eives thoroueh instruction in the subjects taugh in the schools and colleges, and special pedagogical training for the professi in of teaching. Teachers and Uraauates of other colleges are onerea a one-y )ii oefLcial course in Pedaeoey and allied subjects. The Commercial Dkpabtmbkt offers practical instruction in Stenogiahy TyDewritine. Book-keeping and other business subjects. Thk Departments op Manual Abts ajjd Domestic Science provide instruc tion in Manual Training and in such subjects as relate directly t tlia home and family. The Music Depabtment, in addition to the degree course, Dfriri i certificate course in vocal and instrumental niusic. To secure board in the dormitories, all free-tuition animations should be made before July 15th. The fall teim opens September 13th, 1907. For catalogue andjother information, address, J. I: FOUST, Pbesident, Gebensboko, N. C oooooooooooooiooooooooooooo o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o D o o o o o o o o o o o , o oooooooooooooiooooooooooooo The Warm Season is Upon Us And one of the great needs of housekeepers will be Reliable Refrigerators. We have them in all styles and at all prices. Some, cheaper than others, but all good . , . r . . . . PORCH7 SCREENS A SPECIALTY. We were never better stocked than at present in all lines of Furniture and House-Furnishings. Call and look over our goods and get our prices West Inniss Street. OUR SAY SO- 'Our Say Sa" is all the guarantee you need. If we sell you a watch "which we tell you m "so and so," and if that watch doesn't carry : out our promises why . it simply means a new one in its place without cost to you, provided, of course, that you give it decent treatment;- 1 rioWni VionrHino- nrifl orf,asional clea"ninp:.. If it - i jn.1 i ji ill. itxj v " - " " grows tired and looses tine, or gets frisky a away tnegomen iiiuihcul, wu no uaYc a xrrill Tribal TxrifTT ltfa f.af?fi. fir works, (iive us a trial. GORMAN & GREEK, leading Jewelers and opticians, - " - - " Salisbury Spencer, KIarionf N-C. and races repair de rather its llX' I am now ready with a c j I am now ready with a BIG LINE OF SPRING GOODS to supply your every want.' I have a lull line of the LATEST STYLES OF FURNITURE, Bed Room Suits, Parlor, Dining Room and Kitchen Furnishings. Come and see our Matting, Refrigerators and Screen Doors; Very Truly Yours, W. B. Summersett. r- m COFFINS CASKETS CAREFUL ATTENTION TO DETAILS 8UW1MER8ETT BELL UNDERTAKING GO., REASONABLE PRICES AND SATISFACTORY SERVICE UNDERTAKING- is EMBALMING ARE YOU THINKIMG of buying an Engine, Thresher, Binder, Mower, Rake, Disc Harrow, Cultivator, Buggy, Surrey, One or-Two Horse Wagon, (And by-the-way we have a full stock of TWO HORSE WAGONS which we can sell for cash at .a figure 9i per cent, below tor days market. These Wagons are the MITCHELL, VIRGINIA & BARBER. Don't fail-to give atten tion to this part of this ad,) a set of nice single or double harness? Have You that you would have your old repainted or re-rubbered? Been Thinking vehicle overhauled, You S hould Remember 6? that we are HEADQUARTERS for anything men & tioned above and that we are in position to serve A you to the very best advantage from almost auy Biauupumi jnu la&c. uur jrxiLyjLk5 are as low as 9 good workmanship and material will permit and tA I and OVERHAULING GENERALLY any old job 0 are Glad to Show You anything in pur line whether you buy or. not. only ask for'V chance to please, , You can buy iamoue.. utjj u ivic u & VVAIJiKTUWN from us. - . - We the vehicles ; 115 E, Council Street. O ;ff o Ilodol Dyspepsia Cure ELECTRIC BITTERS - v Blue. Eyes. aaiOUSNES3 ND KIDNEYS. uigosts wtiaryou eat.

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