I " - - ' 4 'I i -fir vf - 8 j(fiCStef iP-jt THE CflBOUHA VATCHLlAtl. Local Nes Items ;' -The,. Salisbury district: couter : ence of the M . E. Church South, will be held at New London, to irforrow. " " ' ? 1, J. Robert MouToe, son - of the late J; 1VT. Monroe, ia quite ill." The Masonic picaic will be held r at Mocksville this year on -August 8th. Whitehead Klottz, Esq., will be one of the orators. " ! H. T. Sffiithdeal's hardware store at Spencer, was entered by way of back door ' Thursday night and a: small amount- of cash1 to gether' with some guns pistols aud other small articles, were car ried flF. At first there was no ?; clue tothe thief , but later- Fred Glosson, a young whitd iman em pioyeq. at apencer, contessed to -v. n uigu Vll III IUB dViltt giHUUUi f - i lB OlUfll I UU41U " - f W ill . Fesperman, who. has made Most probaHl without beLaf a habit of 'standing-'bfi ' his Ihead desire . to? fiiVingly cefbratef .tbe on the toprof a vthirty-fo6tirpole fourtfr efrJulyJ the?street car com for a number of years, came j very pany, the saloons and sorue f rdiis. near : discpntinuingj theTpraciiqV ttf -both ndf considerable faaex usual exhibition had climbed the pole for so doing, jsiderable crowd of thirsties 'and but, owing to being a little limber- some others dJTrrivedj -5 and, jointed and sleepy, he failed to outside of those attracted by the hold with a grip sufficient to as- sqeaking of theandsca few po sure his remaining at the top of licemen on horses, some folks in the pole and . completing " his per- buggies arid the hose wakon, " the , . ' ' m.- ir'ji i j -J-. formance. His decent was very bars and cars, v did a 'laud office sudden and liad, it not been for business, hpnce ,t'hey. greatlj ap the solid ground below he might precrate the opportunity to:-eele have been falling , yet. " i sud- brateOf i, course i Sister vtOatrie den stop jarred him some and the Nation " succeeded 7 in AbHving a life fluid that came out of his crowd andirgaiherihg 'inVqaan-mouth-caused some of the many tity of jbpe E. luribug.Uui cpit, spectators to imagina that h was that she is' .now so. energetically injured. But not ' so. Bill will chasing. And.the baseball-game, not allow 'a little thijg like i that not highball, astb' Stavllle to stop his -sport. He asf picked Landmark insinuesiJv to. p p:oyeu f: p tt ' - -Vrjup, takeh to the hospita;s0on re- ace; It was almosequai:to the t 'u"Mry. a,, , oaa oougnii y ftd returned to hislhome, performances.fchat cabe viewed some lauaanum ana i misndeaao. FridaySmorning Httie' the? worse in most; any old field, about the uuiuiuib.euiuio. . no waB.iven a , hearing before Magistrate Ray and A bound over to courtl He gave e bond for his appeafancei V i E. F. jBuchanan'nof NarcrosV, Ga., has been made vice-president of the Whitpey Company; suci ceeding E. B. C. Hambly. The management of this Company, has been in the hands of - HoihT John . X OUU DU J lMy4 'II IVU OMUV dhambrlkin's Salve haaone for; me that I feel bound to. write-to. you and: tell-you - so," says; Mrs; KOorc u My (ton , - o ionn .ot.it Hamilton, jOnta'rior "My f little daughter had- a bad burn on her knee.", I 'applied : Chatdbei44mV (alv6and it healed beautifullyJJ This Salve allays the pam of a banalmqstins.atjtly. JLt is for sale7 b'y James Plummer,", Salis bury and .' Spencer Pharmacy Spe.icer, Nl CL ' ' v ' : f -i . How to Cure Chilblains, ) , "To enjpy freedom from chil bt'ai A s',' ! writes John Kemp, East Otisfield, "Me:, 1 : applyBuckleHB- Arpioa Salve. . Have area tused it for sallvhijm 1with?;exeellent,reT suits." Guaranteed-- to cure fe ver Bores,1 indolent ' ulcers, pitSs, 1 burns wounds, ifcrost - bites , and skjvdiseases. 25c ,fJt all rug: gists, -'h5:...4.-.rf.-M-e-i Yf TROOBLES THAI because of -his : experienced church in Charlotte, WiQuld go, to ITnrao oa a miaainnaTO.BCTtlfl time S. Henderson since Mr. Hamblys hU To thls endAev. Coit town at any .. time-you have-the time to waste that ?"way. : Salis bury made a score of 0, and Lex ington 8. The tire, works at night are said to : have . bten. passable, but liked about $170 of being $200 worth, Mr, My Self's speech,. of TTinlrnrv. wna wnrt.h a -nirJiftfti IfAitn tor,.of the Second Presbyterian Lo any one who does not kn6w 1 i iik.Aitf n nt(ii ii-t rrr ta - - Recently itfBf aoijouncetd from the pulpit of the First Presbyte rian church here that sRv Robt. L. Coitf wno'fe now asstafit pas- t r. . v - " ,-- . has made -appJicatioD and at a re . NMawall foreign mis- f rom the eastern part Of the; State sion committee;' t)f the "Sou bhern Where he'; instituted two councils Presbyterian rjbhupft'Tfilild in "O of the Daughters of Liberty. 1 M Nashville, Tenn., it was decided ' w- I to aoDoint Rev. Coit toth'e field Luther luyuuaT uvwuau via noiu uauu' I ' nil a 'nttnn hinnm den Wint he decided to enter. anything or had never heard any thing. The sham battje was properly-named Hurrah for the: fourth of July 1 May it come every year. ' ;" . Marriages Hoffman, Salisbury's With Rev. clever meat dealer, surprised many who 'states that -.it rwas fromaUQd Mrareston alreat-ork pf hisfriends'last; week.aki6g mUelvnn K? -:rir ih if.v' fin Korea, this will give Salisbury unto himself a bride. The ceremony William Davis. formerly of a fairly good , representation in; took place atUooleemeeiJasliW- Mocksville. better known as "Cot- ne wore now going on. mitnat nesaay, ine onae was rars. -ance ! . " n n r iit 11 ton Bill Davis," is running Mr, distant iana; epienaia resuus uranam oe wooaiear, jsvj. Fink's farm this vear and nulled are reported Dy tne workers mere, crown omiciated. Mr Moflman s the hloasom and held it till his ar- " -" many friends all wish htm muclf rival. He is quite proud of this A FrMk Pfltat08. ' joy in his new relations and has goodreasoxi to believe Jt j4 p Webb, who lives in Unity J. W. Williams, of Danille, is the firsiof the season in Rowan, township was in the city Satur- Va., and Mis& Shelby- Tarlton-i bf TThA--TIfti4.il StftW T,inn -!r fin., dav and brought with him a pota- Spencer, - . s . t t in s were married at the is the name of a new concern for toe freak.tfonsists of ah Irish tgride's moer, "Mrs. Salisburv. Its name indicates potato vite with a lot of mall -SS5 Tuesday.-ev A J? 1 0 rlJJ'. vray 01 nciaiea its business. potatoes growing on the top of . .r . l. nL. 1 3. i : j I mL. . ti -iL- ne Y.1UO. auo vmw mu, wbjuc , , . - Pl4BfB,rlL originated at Spencer some weeks - .tf.' a n a ' For constipation there is tioih 111 i.ni 1 nun iiiin jMy a w - r j - . . . ago, has seen its finish. Dr. I. H. " - . t t A 1D 4w 80 nice as unamb jriaiir;s Foust, superintendent of health .ese are. of the Red Stomach nd Liver. TaKJI? W j;;a u i.u Jiss variety ana tais is hoihb6uiuk aiways proauce a pieasent move- has dismissed the last of the in- . Mr. Webb ment of the bowels ' without 'anv mates of , the pest ipuse. ri:ff disagteeable effect. fHle"25 Ml fimiL western,-r WL,. it u overflow ,d ?rmp'e' 'ffiuES? w.l - 1 T1 1 1 J. iL I . - . i , ui..avur. uu WUUU- niu, wnue in tne city on ine were crowded out of tbe ground. cer Pharmacv. Snenfter "NT' fL " Fourth lost her purse containing 1 " ' 'L J--ty V. . f - T - i I DOnOH ulalge dBlilBS 2 Dig (laaBi onil lnaiatori nnnn t.hA nUTiriflnt nf I a $5 reward. She paid,it. X; , t n case has -: -filRum ua ck f Hea Bd. r Messrs. George rnd Walter Sikttformeri;xe8ident.vbfSali- buy :but"ff&W6- Ridhmotia'Were irf the' ATTORNEYS COUNSELORS' AT LAW rj.S.-Hoom No6 Court House Annex , U . v ' kLWtfclT, N.C. practice State" tfcnd? Federal cqu.irta. . Handle colle(ioX.roan nony and handle promptlvTbusinesB'entxfi . ea to our, pare, r X , XT ' r. CAUSE HEADACH ft: Can be corrected so that . . the headaches disappear. ' ....That is a simple ; truth, r but many-" still doubt and -! t hesitate, . You do not take any-Tisk with u.i' We guar.- ; anfee to do what we 'say.' " ' If !your eyes cause head 'ache," we' can relieve the . strain and give you perfect -. comfort. - ' ' . ! 1 Nj Chatgp to Showtt ftwxf.- W. H. LEONARD. Jeweler ancf Optitian, V: - 128 N. Main 8U -. 8Hbury, N p. TRIHITY:COtH56E nnrPi ii "i 'i mi' i' ii ii .Four Departments tJollegiate, i Graduate. Encineerine and Lav. X LgfiibraryfScmti -TWf tf Jbquq9ped dabpatci3 j inral JM parimeiits di science. ! ujnasiam furnished with best japparatus,, -Expenses' very moderate." --Aid' or werthy-tuaents. i f' ft r Yotfog Men wishing to Stlidy , Law should investigate the 4by tbDepart meat -tot Law; in Trinity College. For catalogue antSfustherinfocr matiouddresa' ' r- ' L T J Oartaun. N. C. rpin ivfarKbCflooi r A- "First-Class , Preparatory School.. for entrance to leading- Southern col leges, jy, . Best. BaulDDed . PrDrtor SchoWl 'in' J-vthe South. TTFiculty of Tea Officers f ( io4 :J)ea5heru-;r Campus of ; 75 - cres. Library t)tefafnfigrMrty" Thooeand ' Volames. We 1 Equipped GjmDasl- nm fTlrh Ktanflarfla. ndfUodeni Ij I'ii' I: W) -r-V -i-r'-' - ' Frequent Lectures by Prominent Lecturers Expenses Exceedingly Moderate. . Seven Years of Phenoraeoal Success., For Catalogue and other Informa ttl9n, address . i : ! ' -s -v : . Dnrham, N.C. BINGHAM CHOOL 179a90ar FOR US YEARS boys have been prepared for COLLEGE and. fojLIFE.and have been trained to be MEN" at THE BINGHAM SCHOOL. ideally tocatetf on AshevSIe Plateau. Organization MILITARY for discipline, control and carnage. . Boys expelled from other schools not recetved.. VtciOUt boys expelledas soon as discovered.- Hazind excluded by pledge of honors Limited to 136. ".Rates reason., able. Addrtss Co "R. BrWGHAM. SoptrR. F. -PrWo:g ASHEVltXE, If.x:. u 0 I,U'1.AA ri (. r.- i '. I 0 , r, place" businessiand-get-ona of 0 ournew cups:4 u it .d WO 1 .a 4- o All we ask yjoaitoaoior. us - to nse tiie - cup at tout Jime 0 0 0 0 '.'ii .4 0 0 0 r o -.;fSd icaadJ ! ?l I"' lit ' i' ' " -,-T - . f irist been settled bv a decree from ; The residence of G. W. Lentz, rd jame8 E. Boyd, which di- who lives on Jast Henderson ctg the receiver. Burton Craige, street was entered one night 'last h? ' frt 0n ;n iho nIH hondu week and gobbed of $12 in cash. Lmrtllllf:nty 100 000 &d tav j M t umu vua w " " J ' - r x Chas. L. Walton, who livas off this principal with the money near Union Church, was in the raised by a new. issue of bonds, city today. He brought with him The decree also provides for Hhe a cotton bloom pulled from his payment of ,$15,000 in, interest patch i yesterday;! rius show? Mr. due on thex Id bonds, Bfr. Orafg Walton is one of the widea-wake was in' Greensboro Friday 'for the farmers of the countv. tjumose of attending to tins mat- At f.ha Lot moot nf tha Rftlin. 1. hnrv frnn Hlnh thpi followincr of I AAS)s a jaafAAnnA ficers were elected: P, B. Beard, j I8U4 UOIIil MIO I0rr$J,oUU president; E. H, Harrison, ref- Philadelphia, Pa. June 6-Three eree; Unas. Arey nem captain; fcnousand six- hundred-dollars uook Ulayton, secretary. ani i . ..lUlUr ItiiU V-sw a,. r v - sL,'- snirts orotner summer furnishings right now. f TfaeHT1iulal i3eii;.aV we'll as-tnefcononiieal men) find their demands met in this- most.. com Dlete iMen's 0 "Prompt servictlfOT Hi selected stocfe?, complete shop- assprtments In eacHfidiyidualline, .mafcft . the. " ping both pleaeani and t)rjofitabiei ' . Attention is directed.tftheV folio wing splendid va-lvJ' ues in Neglige Shifts, JJi?'drwear, .-Sfljt,- Wash Ti8t'tc.f H i t treasurer. v f . Mrs. Misenheim'errwif of "Joe 5 Special Value in WMte;NegUefe; Shirts. Sticknev collection of Coins recent- Misenheimr, who shot and killed , JU pmiadejnhia Henry Ghapman his iaudlaby in L,yncnDurg last was the bidder for A: .collector week, bas gone to mm, it is sup- kn)wn oniy a8 Hercules.1' He was osed with the idea of helping the Bame who f aid'OO' !for uim out oi uib uuuuie. .. Proohar TSThts- Yrh- rionbloon r 1 DUO VkWDUVs 1 Mr. and Mrs. M. Maxwell and face value $16, yesterday.- The children of Suffolk, Va spent a dollar that sold for $3,600 .was few days last week with Mrs Max- one of the remaining six silver dpl- welFs aunt. Mrs. . J. Ellington, lars of the mintage .of 1804,-Dur Thev were on their , way home ing the first hour of the sale gold from Asheville, where they have coins were Bold, ijierewas apintea been visiting foi some time. . bidding for an 1815 one-naif eag'e $&: nearlv all the con missioners T 1 Joe UcDaniei Killed la a Rflliaway. ; and collectors present contested Joe McDaniol, a voung white for it. It was finally knocked down man employed by Ernest Arey as to o. H. Chanman for $2,000. Mr; driver, was thrown from hiB wag- Durham of Chicago, paia $560 for He drii;r 1819 5piSo? and two pr mo,e whAn hi- hora took frieht and of the same denomination wre ran away. By jome means Mo sold to S. M. Chapman, an 1821 for Daniel got his foot caught- in the 200, and 1824 for $120rMr. Brand wheel and he was dragged a con-1 ft the suceessfulbidder for four 6iaeraoieaistance. xiis rignx. i3K , iqo f. fiA iMniT-narrio u s.t w ani n rm, iiii and shoulder were broken and ne T-ZVr.Zk A'-1 cKKeviJZ c was otherwise bruised and disfig- i remains were intered in Chestnut Gold pieces of the $250 denomina- f nui cemetery tnis evening. tion sold as low as Jpii. io to as mgu s. White S ript-ri MadrarKfeglige Shirts, i made M style, 'wilh flatted front; 'tiid, cuffs atfa'cMdFV rts are 6Ut f All -"both in body, and sleevel, sizes' 0 U-:.Men coat Thesershi from 14- to 16 iitclusive prfee. 1 .00. AYorth more. Special Value iti Colored Negligee Shirts. Men's Colored Neliee Shirts made both d'oaV'style' and with regular closed shirt; plaited lor plaii veoffc ,trpnt; cuffs5 attaclied;or paraterrtJTb.e patterns and coionngs are sucn as oeiong lo iue one-mty smrxs,. , a,nd are very ajttractive.il sizes, I i opeciai rnce. i.uu eacn. -5 Sibillnlaish Ties. !.-; I l.-'L V;v . V J.rl f 5 Men'rsrWhlte an&" jtJ.9lo3Wasibte Fotir-in4ian(is; just the sort needesi foi vacation trips. .Made of Ma; Odras and cheviots, in plain,. colors and fancy, figures 8 hull Bin pes. p ty icb auu uiiwppiiijttuMCi-ujLia.fcM.i.fc.u.c 25c kind. v--,i Snenlnl nifos. S f ni Jinn. Special Value in GauIMeSbzvK ' Pabst Mue RibboiBeer is the? ideal su&n& drinkfr oi tne outaoor luncneon ior it is a iooa as wcii as a anm IJtbsJ ic as vell as for purity and " flavor ?abst found the qnly way to get aU of the food-values inait oy grctwing it siowiy ana sciennncaiiy, anan mcre- r fore perfected the Pabst Efgm-DTWlaTtrng Process. "Jbst 11" f Quality food than other beers" The Pabst Perfect Brewing Process blends the ri& fppd, values of PaMalt : . isaiore isethftn' iTjie Beer wholesbihe tion that hiiebpositive purityiljivhSe reduclngifthe a"' m-mTT P.SfcfcSW W lW AWWW ai. v t-'oVsc?- T31iia T?Ki-tr-i ic 4-WA.ulAAliBEiriAtl'cz fAACt..lwAaa4i small drink. 5 1 jF7.-.-.M.--.-- .wJ fos.abst Blue Made by 'And Bottled-only at the Brewery. ,-,'mtJ.V.i'iudwlck.i; tf 225 E. -Ehnia'iSt!: SallaBury.! r Phmie 75. CLEARANCE' ooooooooooocOo ill WILL'. BEGIN -iQrt'. tna art I a ann h.ffl ifvrfTsi.': spliced.. m&6mm W&ible fcatfaJ)Eic AU sizes. Ha 20Q foE.. 179T indt J165 ioJ-n D, , r - 0 , iwvH - nnr,n ni2Q unueB uoms sooth iu g, healing re me dy is DeWitt's Oarbolized Witch Ha by Mr; rDime.'; Tne mgnw xel Salve. For burns, scratches, price paia ior a goiuuunisx cuts, bruises, insect bites and sore $30 ' feet it iB unequaled, : Good for The first dollar sold, a 1T94 the lh Special Value m Cyepe Tlndrwear. Meirs Inaia t'rene Underwear tne sort, tnin, crinK- L Idhd fbr 'hot' weather, shirts have half sleeves; pecial pvice 50c per garment. '.: . " -. :' ' TT?fcart Hfofon hrnnffhfc SlWlMrom I n . W I : ti" 'O 0 5 o 2 and Q Qi-- 0 Ilf 1 8th and Continue for ii) Dapll This is an annual event looked forward O deal of interest by the Bargain; Hunters of tlm'sfetift'tt. V 0 " a s 1 S i r -m . ; : You-ll Jfind baygliryyd So you; .jSffiEteg OSHfSrl 1tHuyKday OSalct ciiie any .daj.y h mm ro - O-"' 0 r-Sic O .. r c. UnmO t . IT JulvaS;thi,to 07,trrr 88SS .by James rmmmer ana ., aii-arug-"""4 - . iOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOO0OOO0OO0O 1 Mt 1-

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