--..Ij!--- -".- - V -'- -- J - ------ -II MnounAUATiiunAr ! mi Tit CTCT7MIT. CiTta Pafc. SI 11 ctxtttr Jsa lth.mVt JE& fcSk a V CaU bmnv ML 0$ ofiir OA acl at Qm$tmb of t2WfctHlTJ Salisbuby. N. 0. July, 10thf '07. SoTar aa we Ynow, the Enter- ptiaewas the first paper in the ? ' - State to sugeet the baitoe of Hon. John S. Henderson for governor, a and it is with pleasure that we ' note his friends' are now backing him for the place. Salisbury has olaimed many hondiv' but this should not stand in the way ;; With all due respect to the others, Hon. John 'ST Henderson is' ihe biggest, brainiest and best ef j them all. He would make the State a good 1 goyernor. Stanly Enterprise. T " , r The Enterprise is entirely right in what it says in the above and is welcome to its claim of being " the original Henderson man, not withstanding we made a similar --iugtidtf teS-aeoV-'There - is no doubt as to Mr. Henderson' . acuity ana ntness for governor '"'and, so far Ss his individuality" is concerned; weJh"ave ralways be n lieved thftt ii election to any ;v' OffiWwas public blessing. -His J '"cousin A. H. Boy den, however, al hat long kept the mouths of his friends shut and their activities iaie. WREMTrpooTd 2 or 8-horse farm, fefLocke township, apply to Dr. RLJ Cowan, Salisbury, Route 2. - A." L. Lyerly, while harvesting sojie oate, Jast SattiYda;y had th misfort'uhet6'cnVKikfi'nWr which Raited !toill,stifelies;sl,,ll tell you.to look sharp the next time. - Mr a finson Wia wmdmu fi too yji V U&UV4SjU I bortrood. oased. nea'cefnllv awav last Sunday dveniWa't 5 oclock. "Bfie was iakenpnly alfew days ago Vfth' a stroke of paraysTs', which causea ner aeatn. one leaves three daughters and a numper of relatives and L friends to monrtf her loss, -The interment i was made this evening at 5 o'clock, in Rev. N. D. Bodie. : '--i 4V t k . July 8th; Nearly- all old .fashioned Cough Syrups ' are coustipatingr especi ally those that coutdirr. opiates They, don; t act just right..; Ken- nedv s Jazativa Gough Syrup con- tains' "no opiates. It drivbs the cold out of the 'system'!: by gently moving the bowels. Contains Hon ey and Tar and tastes Nearly , as good. as. .maple syruc , :Children like it. - Sold by James : Plummer and all dmggists. - , , - .BflLD HILL ; : : We , are having extremely hot weather here now. . ?: K ;": The threshers are at work in community. The - Sides-Leln t z wacuon engine ana tnresner pass- Public mission day at Union on third Sunday of this month. The ladies' are' preparing exercises! find arranging the program for the oc casion." There will be a sermon in the morning at 11 o'clock. v.v """ ""'iust closed a week's meeting here missions. -We wish to see 4 large , ulSJLiS- crowd present. . j " -r"- ? A rucus between Berrv"BftBinffer There wa n9 hch celebrating Atid 11 A. TPaiI nftftnrr w , done here on the Fourth as most Saturday, in which Basineer. we f the people visited Salisbury on ed r through here last- week, and he.;asinger x&t .M. organ tCo.'s threshing machine . went out p day, ""'" "! - Rev. Black, of Palmerville, and Rev. Summy.'.of Rockwell, have Mr. Proctor, the superintendent of the new minet on the Smith lot heret last,, reek hau1led,4ft farge bolder oyer to the mier' and; has finished the excavating and foun dation wbrkjior a ten stamp mill, which is to be. erected- at, once. It is reported jbhat the ore is very rich in gold, running from $10 to $20 per tou. , .; ; , . - Irvin Shaver and Will Jenkins .visited at ' Gladstone . last, ;week. Guess there will 7 be something doing down there in the near - fu ture..-'.;':' '- - - Miss Margaret Newel is visiting friends here.; Miss Newel taught onr public school , recently closed, and is very popular here. i Martin & Leonard have erected ainew store building andare con ductins a general merchandise business. , . f'JnlyQth. Ihe farmers are settiutr out of I - - . . . - 1 understand, got the best of Foil, cutting several gashes in, or about his head which required a phy sioians needle. Fisherman. that day. The Union Copper and Goll Hill mines are working quite live ly now, the Gold Hill mine has changed superintendents. Mr. Haggarty being-replaced by. Mr. Shepherd, of California, who is ; buildiug a tram road , from the I'll step your pain free. To show you first before you spend a penny what my Pink Pain Tab lets can do, I will mail you free, J a Trial Package of them Dr. Shoop'r Headache Tablets. Neu ralgia, Headaohe, Toothache, Pe riod pains, etc., are due alone to blood congestion. Dr. Snoop's Headache Tablets simply kill pam large bedies of ore in the Barn- Barnhart shaft to the stamp mill, also is putting in a switch from the Southern road . to the stamp ! mill to put in coal and haul out concentrates. Wheu this , is fin ished the stamp mill will, it is saia, run reguiariy, as tnere are by coaxing away the unnatural blood pressure. That is all. Ad dress" Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. Sold by Grimes Drug Store. nan ana Miner snaits wnion are now both un watered, and ready to commence breaking and hoist ing the ore. I John Arey is erecting a large two-story house near his store. Gnesa he will tnke her in when the house 'is completed. f C. R. Morgan is building a door, Bach and blind factory near the depot He has the boiler and engine placed and the building erected. t Mike When the baby is teething it is cross and restless ; it becomes fe verish, and in many cases vomits 4 great deal and oftentimes can not even keep cool water on the Stomach. All the delicate little organs of the stomach are affect ed,, .bringing on colic and diar rhoea. ClSCaSieet for babies and children makes the stomach right and al lavs inflammation and pre vents irritation. ClSCJSWBBt makes the baby happy and well. Sold by James Plummer and all druggists. Milleb, ToBiASf- a prominent and usef uV citizen of Gol i - Hill township, diecLat bis home near Lower Stone church, . Saturday morning, at the age. of 69 years, 9 months and 5 days. The funeral and ; interment took place at Lower Stone church, although Mr. Mil ler was a member of Organ church . Mr Miller was a brave confeder ate soldier and a member, of the 57th Regiment, -Company F, N. u. state troops, jue leaves one brother,, Rufus Miller, jf- Salis bury, one sister Mrs. Catharine Kluttz, of Concord, arid one half brother,1 John Miller, who lives near Hattershops this county and one half-sister, Mrs. Paul Kluttz of Manning, also one son, George J. Miller, who lives at the home place, and Mrs. Minnie Peary, of Plyler. Stanly county, to mourn his loss. Mr. Miller's wife has bean dead about 80 years. McBeeJVIes V A died at Sawnee Tenn, Saturday night after short illness Mis McBee was the mother of Thomas McBee who is well known here, and also a sister of MrsCH McKenzieof Salisbury Mrs C M Sumner who has been at Where was Bi o. ltemi?er t J3,e, was not up here, Samil6nkfed tail him Knt. AA rofc - Bftft him .Yon inRt; ,..s -...v. . ... m.a mi? KOblllUK VUt JX i ; w - v J tbe.gr.8. .gain. gne.-th6y m.de 'iJKJSS "S - w. va. UIO Udg J H c Keuzie and Miss Edith McKenzie went to Lincolton's Monday to attend the funeral The health of this community is very good at this, writing. Henery C. r Trexler bought a new organ ; recently, fcruess . we will have music now. It seems by the writings of the "Brown.Eyed Girl" that some of the gents , of our neighborhood had a good, time at Shavertown. That is right Harvey I dont blame you bam likes to have a good time too. The Pool Town boys and our boys : i 1 . 1 t c t croaaea oais laBi oaturaay on our grounds and the score .was 18 to 18 WOtyhbllow I though Br,.Jtemize.r w&s coming whether any one else did or not. $e ready toi " hollow When we come down. Xetuffknowi' when you want us to come. e,We will come most any old time.. - Sam Sniggleton, Jr. When there is the v slightest in dication of indigestion, 'heart burn, flatulence or anjrfdrm of Btomach trouble take alittle Ko dol occasionally and you will be afforded prompt relief. ( ; Kodol is a compound of vegetable' 'acids and contains the juices found in a healthy stomach. : Kodolr-. digests what yoja eat, makes your food do you good. Sold by jameS!Plum mer and all druggists. ' Piles get quick and certian re lief from Dr. Shoop's Magic Oint ment. Please note it is made alone for Piles, and its action is positive and certain. Itching, painful, protruding or blind piles disappear like magic by its use. Large nickel-capped glass jars 50 cents. Sold by Grimes Drug Store. a VUZIK: I M "People with delicate, sensitive stomachs should eat the following, and it is good enough for anybody: Take a shallow dish and put what quantity desired of 17HEAT FLAIIE CELEBV Fill say, fill the dish two-thirds full of the flake; then put top of this the berries, or any other fruit desired '(the fruit should be prepared by allowing it to stand for an hour with sugar on it); serve with whipped cream. Berries, pineapple in fact any fruit; stewed prunes served this -way wm nil a long-felt want. This kind of shortcake won't hurt anyone who can eat. Jf this food hurts anyone, it is pretty-" gooa eviaence tnat sucn a one snould be on a last." is. PRICE CEREAL FOOD CO. mm m mm mr ml : on If. , ) 1 0 118 W. MAIM 5TOEET, IH MASHIWGT0W BUILDING. r m iff xi ii 1 1 1 . . 1 x 11 1 1 ! x 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -' x i ; i i a i 1 i a i :Ml u y .v,.7 ui u ui u L-V 9 A, Wb;WIHeOFF9 AM o Dry A T PI Goods, Shoes, h WE ARE GOJNG TO DO THE BATTLE OF OUR LIVES WITH , Ladies and Gents' Furnishings, Carpets, Mattings, and Notions. 1 nnir, cno tup hi can quccd qihm itpenot.s.soone.fourth LUUH i Uli I IIL ULL.nil UIILLI UIUI1, 1 to one-half on your Purehaies. LOOK FOR, THE CLEAN SWEEP SIGN, It Denotes a Saving of One-fourth f to one-half on -your Purchases. f 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 dMPIE-M WD3DDM We a-e going to do battle for the masses and hot the classes. IBSIID"A. !es. TEN DAYS we want to make this the greatest Cash Ciatherincr Carnival that nvpr nnnparAHl Within t.TlA Tl i atrvi rvf f a nTiriTr Alt former attemDts at merchandising by us or any other concern within 50 miles of this city., will be ecliDsed hftvond turn otft to this harvest for all the people and not the favored few. Absolutely $1.00 will do the work of $1.50 to $2.00 elsewhere on many lines. From one end of this big store to the other you will find the greatest fluttering of red tickets, with the price of destruction marked on them and staring you in the face. The whole shooting match goes to the people. We want to do ten times 'the busi ness of our lives. We have put on extra salespeople, and no matter if the sun shines or whether it is raining, it will pay you to come down and see the greatest display of dry goods and furnishings sold for the least money that ever appeared to your eyes or any other personVeyes since you were born. Wholesale prices and less reign throughout this entire big institution - Our 10 Bay's Special values, are Exceptionally Interesting of DRY GOODS, CARPETS and MATTIES -4- OUR LINE OH jSHOES HAS BEEN QREATLY RliDUCED ,vNr PRICE IN PLAIN FIQURES FOR ANV AND EVERYBODY Lac!leaf Shoes. ' "ClM'AS 8WEKP PBICES Job, Children's 50o. 24o Job, Children's $1 00 and $1 25 . 69o $1 00 and $1 50 Shoes. 98c Job, $150 and $200. 89c $150 and $200... .$189 2 50 and $8 00 Shoes v2 19 $115 Shoes.......; .....189 '$2 00 Shoes... ...169 $2 50 Shoes 198 $8 00 Shoes .2 69 Ladies' Lace Stripe Hose, 25 cent . kind 18c, 2 for 25c White Footed, 15c kind . . . . , , 12 l-2o Job Children's Hose, 15c kind. . . .8c Children's Hose, 15c kind.. . . . ..12c ..2o ..4c ..7c .12c , . Hon's Shoes 6lan swep prices $1 50 Shoes ? 2 00 Shoes Job $2 50 and 8 50. $3 00 Shoes...... $3 50 and $4 00 Oxfords. . . . Shoes .-. r Shoes ..188 ..168 ..198 ..2 89 ..2 98 ..8 29 ..8 49 V . Hosiery CLEAN SWEEP PBICES Men's Hose Men's Hose, 10c kind. Men's Hose, 85c kind Ladies Hose, 15c kind. X V' -Jot Mien's1 Hose, 15o kind so 10 o A V O 0 O 0 ..4c . 7c ..9c .21o: 18o Handkerchiefs. ' 'OI.EAN SWEEP PBICES 60 Ladies . . . . 10c 12 1 2c 19o. ....... Men's Hats CLEAN SWEEP PRICES $1 50.. .. . ..,......4.98o $2 00..... .......129 $8 00.,. ............289 Caps 9c and np $5 00 Stetson, to close 8 69 Gents'Furnlshings CLEAN SWEEP PRICES 75o Meo's Dress Shirts ..48o 50c and 75c Men's Dress Shirts. .89c $1 00 and $1 25 Dress and Shirts . . 89c 75b Fancy Underwear . . . 88c 50c Overalls. . . .42c $1 00" Overalls :.89o 50c Men's Working Shirts : .89c Linen Collars 2c and up 50o and 75c Balbriggan Underwear 89c 25c and 85c Underwear 21o " Suspenders - CLEAN SWEEP PBICES 10c Suspenders 80 20c " 14 35c " ..21c ILaiJIespprsets CLEAN SWEEP PRISES 50c yaJueB now. . 860 Job," $1 JDO values now L . . . ...,.890 10c Bleas Cotton '. '. 80 9q Brown C Island ' . . i , ..7 7-8 80 Brown Cotton 7c 12 l-2c Linen Finish Ceptury Cloth .........9 7-8 10c Standard Dress Gingham . .... 8c 12 1-2 M ' i ..10 1.2c 8c Apron Gingham . . j .6 l-2c 60 Plaid 0uting Special 5c India Li can Walstlngs CLEAN SWEEP PRICES 10c quality Waistings .80 12o quality Waistings 100 46-inch Mercerized Lawn 19c 40-inch French Batist. 19o 28-inch Mercerized Batist. ...... 14c 1 lot Silk, Mulls, neat designs. . ,19c 1 lot Silk' Mulls, neat designs 89c 1 lot Fanoy Lawn, per yard llc 1 lot Curtain Swiss, 10c quality i 8c 1 lot Curtain Swiss, 15c quality 12c ;Pf! Pleads CLEAN SWEEP PRICES Job lot, Bed .Spreads 49c Job lot Bed Spreads. .99c $1 75 Bed Spreads. -. . .$1 29 , $2 60 Bed Spreads : . . 1 89 1 lot Laces lc per yard and up Hamburg Embroideries. .4c and 11c Dress Goods CLEAN SWEEP PBICES 75c Blue Mohair. 50-inch, ner yd 49c clean, sweep pbices 75c Black Panama, 50-in, per yd 49c 10c quality India Linen, 8o, ; 60c Black Mohair 44-in, per yd 44o 12c quality India Linen ..... , lOio 86-inch Granite Dress Goods, yd 24c 15c quality India Linen .12o 86-in fancy dress plaids, per yd 22$o 25c quality India . , Liuen ; . . l9o - 86-inch Dress Goods ...89c 1 lot fancy silks. 75c, $1 quality 33c 36 inch White Japan Silks 39c 86 in Peau D'Soie, $1.25 quality 98o 86-in Peau D'Scie, $1 SOqnal'y $1 19 86-in Tafetta, $1 50 quality yd $1 19 v Galico CLEAN SWEEP PRICES Shirting Prints, per yd .5o Ladles'1 Muslin Underwear PriceB 10c, 15c, 25c, 50c, 75c, $1 and up , Lace Curtains CLEAN SWEEP PRICES Job lot Lace Curtains, $1 25 and and $1 50 quality. .98o Lace Curtains from ... $2 00 to $5 00 Big Reduction Special on Mattinr, Rog and CARPETS 9x12 Axminster Art Square. . $21 00 Fringed Rugs,27x54-in taps $1 25 quality . . 98c Fringed Rugs, 27x35-in taps, 90c qualty 69c Fringed Rugs 27x-40in taps $1 75 quality 133 Big lot Carpet Samples, all wool . .29o Big lot Carpet Samples, union . . .22c Axminster Carpet, $1 25 quality .98c Brussells Carpet, $1 00 quality. 83c Brussells Carpet $1 00 quality . . 65c Ingrain Carpet . 40c to 60c a yd. 1 lotrJap Mattings worth 25c per yard, at 20c by the roll - - : z 1 lot China Matting worhh 25c par yd u at 20o by the roll. . , . ... ,-. 1 lot Jap Matting, good quality 17c . per yard, by the roll ' - V -5 9 1 ' ' ' 1 -i i ' t Parasols CLEAN SWEEP PRICES - ' Big lot Parasols to close at slaughf- ; ter prices Big lot of Trunks and Dress Suit Cases and Hand Bags at very spec ial prices .4 STRICLY CASH SALE No Goods Charged 5 COUPON 4 Br ng this Coupon, with yen signed by Agent at your destina- tion and get your railroad fare paid Name : . . Ayent-- County ...... . State;.". 3,- eat ""TCTW. Winecoff bids you welcome under the roof-of. their big store,. and that meand it is a .wslftoms that romas from the bottom of his heart.1" We want to nart with onr - Tirv (InnAa fi Trunin atid Furnishings, and wewantto part with them quick. We are going-to gell these goods, and at Such prices as have never been heard of before in this city. The whole shooting match 6eli you and your family at a saving that means dollars ahd cenfs to you. nd there is nothing that reaches people quicker than to hit their pocketbook. We want you to bringat along, however beise n "iu pv&un -v' " vv vuuvjvu uu quv iuuiu uu&y 1U1 U, u.Vl.Aa. tuau JTUU O V CI PO. W 1H VOUr 111 --061 Or6. And now if we have left ouf anything, don't hesitate to come td us for it, because we go. Wholesale cost is not considered. We lool only to the, prices that, will make them Such prices as we give will, do the work for certainly no sane person wilTpay twice. the prices elsewhere that we have it, and von can buy it cheaoer than von ever did before. Prices on onr Stock that git up and git! will 'make1 the ffoortH ITJE BID YOU TJELGODE. Salo Gotnraencoo "S 9 O'clocli 11ednesday orning July 10th.

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