i iu.iiiu 11 i 1- T i - i r .I m ,,i i im ii " " g T- p ., T -5 - , - A Home Newspaper Published in the Interest of the PeopUe and for Honesty in Governmeital Affairs. VOL. III. NO, 34. Salisbury, N. C Wednesday! August 7th, 1907 Wm, H.Stewart, Editor. LEXINGTON AND DAVIDSON COUNTY. CONCORD AND CABARRUS COUNTY. PUMPED RIVER DRY.' COUNTY SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION. FIGHTING THE WHITE PLAGUE. STATESVILLE AND IREDELL COUNTY. ALBEMARLE AND STANLY COUNTY. - , ?r - Watdlimaix I lie Whereabouts of Charlie Crowded Still a Mystery. 200 Delinquent Taxpayers. Lexington Dispatch, July 31st. Dr. A. B. Byerly is building a 12-room house on Fourth street and will, move here to practice medicine. He comes from Davie county. Dr. Byerly is a brother-in-law of Alderman T. F. Grimes. The New South Art Company is the latest industrial organization for Lexington. Messrs .W. H. Walker, J. W. Crowell and J. T. Hedrick are behind the enterprise. Preparations will begin this week for erecting a building. The firm will manufacture and job mirror and picture frames and mould ings. The hearing of the Metal Bed Co., case was continued from Aiheboro to Statesville and was finished yesterday. The result is that Messrs. Z. I. Walser and W. H. Phillips have been appointed to wind the business up. David Long lost the fingers on one hand at the Elk furniture faotory last week. ' He had on an old glove and was brushing away the shavings from the plate of his machine when the glove caught and drew his hand into the ma chinery. Friday night 200 delinquent taxpayer will he expjcted to ap pear before the aldermen and show cause why they should not be double taxed and indicted for failing to list their taxes. The board is not disposed to make anybody suffer hardships, al though the law is plain, but there if going to be enough done to show delinquents that it will be to their advantage to. list their taxes next pear. Capt. M. L. Jones is in posses sion of a gold brick which he got out of his gold mine which weighs 274 ounces aBd is worths $4,875. We are informed that it took just 16 days to mill this out of his mine. He says that he now has $250,000 worth of gold in sight, and just as soon as he gets his new machinery installed he will be able to get Out $1,000 worth of gold per month. The gold brick is on exhition in the window of the Bank of Thomasville. Saturday three convicts on the chaingang planned a murderous assault on Guard Eli Everhart, who managed to escape wit the skin of his teeth. A wagon was passing, and the guard's atten tion was attracted to it, and the negroes, seeing this, made him with their shovels, stepped out . of the way of team just in time to escape for He the the blows. One of the negroes, Frank JackBon, when arrested, was car rying a huge revolver, which iB thought to have belonged to a chaingang guard in Kentucky, whom Jackson attacked, escaping after disarming him. All three were soundly whipped for their attempt on the guard, and if a case can be made against them at court, they will be handled. The Charlie Crowder affair still furnishes a topic for considera- tion and speculation. The letter from one of the Miller boys last week,-stating that he knew where Crowder was but would not tell, was followed by a letter from Mortimer, purporting to be from Crowder himself, saying that he did go fishing, and while at the creek decided suddenly to visit his brother at Mortimer, who per suaded him to remain their and take a job with the Ritter Lum ber Co. He said in this letter, which was Bent to the police, that he wished a statement of hiB board account from Mr, McCrary, and would send the money when he got it, and would order his trunk shipped to him. Those familiar with his writing are pos itive that he never wrote the let ter, and since he cam .write well, they do not understand why he should get another to write for him. His sisters in Thomasville have heard not a word frm him Many people here still believe he was killed. There never was a " case that presented such a tangle. Senator Overman to Speak of Gillon School Picnic. A Freak Corn Tassle. Concord Times. July 88th, August 2nd. Big preparations are being made for the home-coming cele bration in n No. 10 township on Wednesday, August 7. The cele bration will be held at Sossamon Springs. - Rev. M. M. Long, of Nebraska, the newly appointed pastor of Forest Hill Methodist church, is expected to arrive today or tomor row, and will occupy the pulpit next Sunday. The Woman's Foreign Mission ary Societies of the Salisbury dis trict will hold a district meeting in Central M. E. church onThurs. day, August 8, 1907, beginning at 10 a. m. There were about 10,000 people at the big picnic at MooreSville last Thursday, given for the - ben efit of the Barium Springs Or phanage. The proceeds amounted to $1,538. The expenses were not over $500. . - W. M. Smith, the Concord at torney, has suggested a plan for reorganization of the Odell Man ufacturing Company, now in the hands of a receiver. This plan will be discussed at the meeting of the stockholders and creditors hero August 14. It is understood that Rev. J. R. Moose, who left Thursday with his family for Korea to. resume missionary work, secured sub scriptions during his vacation amounting to $5,000, the same to be used for mitsidu work in Ko rea. Mr. Moose is supported by the Methodist church at Monroe. The Methodist church at Morgan ton has decided to., support Mrs. Moose. While returning to his home in No. 5 toWuship Wednesday, John Misenheircer's horse ran away with the buggy going down the incliuce on East Depot street. The trace became loose and fright ened the animal. He ran the buggy against a post, breaking it up pretty badly. Mr. Misen heimer held on to the lines and was pulled out over the bueav. but was not hurt. Henry Denny, a prosperous farmer of the hite Hall neigh borhood, brought to our office yes terday a corn tassel which had sprouted 25 ears of corn, varying in length from 1 to 6 inches. The ears, 01 course, were very small m circumference, but all of them contained grams of corn of an in ferior quality. It is a curiosity and Mr. Denny had it on exhibi tion at the farmer's institute here yesterday. The infant of Nathaniel Ful- nam, 01 jno. o townsmp, was f at- n burned to death last Saturday morning about 9 o'clock. The child had been placed in a quilt in tne mtcnen near tne stove. while the mother was at work in the garden. A coal of fire fell from the stove on the quilt, and in a short time the child was burned to a crisp. The mother was too far distant , to hear the screaming of the little one. The burial took place at Poplar Tent Sunday. The second annual picnic and reunion of old pupils of the Gil lon school, in- No. 3 township, thirteen miles from Concord, will be held this year, Wednes m mi r . day, August t. ine nrst picnic held last year was a big success, and the One next week is expected to be even greater. All who wnt last year will want to go again and those who missed the pleasant occasion then will make a special effort to be present this year. All who attended school at the Gillon school house prior to 1866, "and there are about- 185 of these on the roll which was made last year, are asked to attend. speeches will be made at the re union by Senator Lee S. Overman and also by Hon, Chas. H. Meb ane, of Newton. In addition to this literary feast, there will be a feast of good things to eat. Re iresnments will be served, and there. will also be plenty of amuse ment, music, etc. In tact it is I expected to be a great occasion al around. "Buck" Duke Strips Large Woolen Mills In Efforts to Please His Bride. Somerville, N. J., July 31. In an effort to make his 2,000 acre park look like a fairyland for his bride during their honeymoon, James B. Duke pumped the Rari tan river dry at this point and stopped the operation of the Rari tan Woolen Mill's, the largest in dustry here, which depends on the stream for its water supply. Mr, Duke has on his estate artifi cial lakes covering an area of sev-eral-hundrsd acres besides in-; numerable fountains and water- rfalls. All these are supplied by water from the Raritan river by means of a great pumping plant with a capacity of many million gallons a day, which has recently been installed on the river bank above the woolen mills. In honor of his bride ,the foun tains were made to shoot their spray higher, the lakes were 'filled to overflowing, the cascades dashed with unusual volume over the rocks' and the great pumps were kept pumping night and day to keep up the display: but all the while the Raritan river, which is the second greatest watershead in New Jersey, kept windling un til only a tiny stream -found its way through its bed and the in take of the Raritan Woolen Mills was left high and dry and there was scarcely enough water int he wells to supply the big boilers of the mills. The Raritan Woolen Mills are owned by the Einstein estate and employ more than 1,000 hands. While the managers of the mill were inclined to do honor to Mr. Duke's bride they were suddenly confronted by a business proposi tion which led them -to summon Manager Smith of the Duke es tate, to look over the situation. Mr. and Mrs. Duke had just left the estate for a three weeks' auto tour and the manager decided there was no need for a prolonged display and agreed to stop the de cline from the river and give the mills a fair shair of tin water. The Duke nummng plant was. closed down at midnight tonight and the river will be allowed its normal flow for several days. Mr. Duke's demands on the river is a matter of serious concern to the mills and farmers on the banks below his estate. Accord- ine to a recent, decision 01 tne State Spprene court he is prohib ited from infringing on the rights of the owders below. Special to Charlotte Observer. Chios in Whiskey Circles. Augusta, Ga., July 31. Chaos reigns in the liquor traffio in this State today since it U a foregone conclusion that the bill providing for absolute prohibition January 1st next will be signed by Govern or Smith before the end of the week. Dispatches from Savannah and other cities tell a story of financial loss that runs into many millions. Augusta will lose two and a half million dollars in prop erty values and license taxes Columbus also will lose almost treble that of all other whiskey selling towns in the State. Bruns wick's loss ot revenue from many saloon properties' and one of the fines brewries in the South. It was stated here to-day that the railroads have offered to transport breweries and stills to other States free of freight charges. Florida and Alabama are the States to which the whiskey interests wil move from Georgia. - Neighbors Got Fooled- "I was ; -literally coughing my self to death, and had become too week to leave my bed; and neigh bors predicted that I would never leave it" alive; but they got fooled, for thanks be to God, I was induced to try Dr. King's New Discovery. It took just four be digested when the blood is at dollar bottles to completely cure high temperature. At this season the cough and restore me to god we should eat sparingly and prop sound health," writes Mrs. Eva erly. We should also help the Uncapher, of Grovertown, Stark . I stomach as mueh as possible by Co., Ind. This . King of cough ' the use of Kodol For Indigestion and cold cures, and healer of and Dyspepsia, which will rest throat and lungs, is guaranteed the stomach by digesting the food by all druggist. 50c. and $1.00. itself. Sold by "James Plummer Trial bottle free. ; and all druggists. 'J- Thursday and Friday, Aogu22-23. TheUOth'annual convention of the Rowan Sunday SoaoDl Con vention will be held this year at St. Paul's Lutheran church, about bur and one-half miles from Sal isbury on the Concord road, and will take place Thursday and Fri day, August 22nd and 23rd, be- . .. a ' mi ginning at 1U a. m. inursaay morning. The programme ar ranged for the occasion is as fol- ows : . Thursday, 10 aj m. The president. Rev. W. B. Dut- tera, presiding. - Song Service. Scripture Reading and Prayer, Rev. L. W. Blackwelder. Words of Welcome, T. D. Brown. Response, Rev. O. I.jHinson. Enrollment of Towuihips. Appointment of Committees. Roport os Executive Committee, P. S. Carlton. . Report of Treasurer, W. L. Kluttz. . 11:30. Address, Rev. N. D. Bodie. Adjournment. A FTERNOON. 1 :80. Devotional Service. Report of Townships. Report of State Convention, Dr. C. M. Poole, State President. 1:50. Subject: A Wide-awake Sunday School, how realized?" Revs. M. M. Kinard, Ph.D., C. B. Heller, W. B. Summersett. 2:45. Subject: "Teacher Train ing and Teacning tne Lesson." A. L. Smoot. Revs. C. S. Currie and H. A. Trexler, Election of Offiiers. Election of Delegates to State Convention, Barlington. Place of next County Conven tion. Question Box. Adjournment. Friday, 9:30 a. m. Devotional. Subject: "Increasing the En rollment. How?" Revs. C. P. Fisher, C, S. Minor. 10 :30. Subject : "The Bible in the Sunday School." H. O. Peel er, Revs. Walsh; J. H. Dunaway and J. D. A. Fisher. Bible Society. Adjournment. AFTERNOON, Devotional. 11:20. Noon. 1:30. Subject: "Is a One-day Conven tion Desirable?" Rev. J. M. L. Lyerly, Jos Eagle and M. G. M. Fisher. 2:30. Subject: "Missons in W. Smnday School." Rev. W. Rowe, W. R. Davis, and W. L Kinball. Miscellaneous buisness. Report.of CommitUe. Installation of officers. Final adjournment. Musical numbers omitted. Cornered the Store. John D. Rockefeller was on the witness stand in Chicago last week being questioned as to the wealth of the Standard Oil Co. There is a great cry against old man John D., for cornering oil Now, let s see a minute : We heard of a man the other day that had moved his stock of goods from one stand to another, and in order to prevent any one opening up at the vacated store he rented it himself. Now, what's the dif ference in that. and what Rocke feller is doing? There are plenty of people who would be a great deal meaner than John D., if they had the opportunity, Chester field Advertiser, "We never repent of eating too little," was one of the. ten rules of life of Thomas Jefferson, presi dent of the United States, and the rnle applies to every one with out exception during this hot weather, because it is hard for food, even in small quantities, to To be held at St. Paul's Lutheran Church, of the Organized Assault Upon , Tubercalosls. The war which this country is waging on the white plague grows more vigorous every year. When the National Association for the Study and Preventation of Tuber culosis began active work two years ago there were only seven defiant State societies in existence. Since that time eight new States societies have been organized ai d and in eight other States provi sion tor similar wors nas been made. The distribution of these societies is amatter of intorest. The East and the . middle West seem to be alive to the seriousness of the problem. The far West and the South are backward. By the census cf 1900, there were 38 cities with a population of more than 100,000 each. Fif teen of these cities rave organ ized two years ago for the preven tion of tuberculosis. During the past two years eleven cities have followed suit and four others have provided for organized work. The number of local associations in smaller communities has more than doubled during the past year. "In casting about for a method of educating the public, "says the secretary 01 the association, "no single means has been discovered which has been as effecitve as that of the exhibition, which has play ed a prominent role during the immediate past in our national crusade. "To Baltimore, in this country belongs the honor of this idea, and when later the national associuou joined hands with the New York committee and formed the nation al exhibition . the time was ripe for its successful progress through the States. ODeniug in November, 1905, it has been shown uninterruptedly in sixteen of our own cities as well as in Toronto and Mexico, and the testimony is unanimous as to its value in the local campaigus The attendance for the year has been 221.981 with a total atten dance since its formation, seven teen months ago, of 372,000." Two years ago there were only four State sanitarums in exietance At the present time those either already established or defintely provided for number seventeen. -Outdoor Life. Priest In a Conspiracy to Murder. New York, July 81. Four indictments now lie against Father Martoogessisn, the Armenian who, it is alleged, sometimes laid aside his priestly robes to practice extortion and blackmail. The priest is just now the central fig ure in the conspiracy which- the district attorney seeks to prove has for its object the robbery of Armenians and led to the murder of the rug merchant, Tavshanjiau and others who refuse to be finan oially bled. From the slayer of Tavshanjiau, Bedros Hampartzoomaiu, aB he is known here, the police hope to secure a confession establishing that the youth unwittingly was the agent of the blackmailing cerrbists Of the three additonal indict ments 'against Martoogessian brought in by the grand jury to-day two charge attempted robb ery and one alleges extortion. The latter charge that the priest was responsible for at least one black mail letter which quickly follow ed the death of the rug merchant. The letter was ma i 1 e d in .New York the afternoon of July 22d, the day that TavBhanjian was shot. It was written in red ink in the Armenian laaguage and was signed by the symbol of the terrorist, three hands with daggers uplifted, poised above a red heart. Hunting for Trouble. "I've lived xi,n California 20 years, and am still hunting for trouble in the way of burns, sores, wounds, boils, cuts, sprains, or a case of piles that Bucklen's Arnica Salve won't quickly cure," writes Charles Walters, of Alleghany, Sierra county. No use hunting, Mr. Walters ; it cures ev?ry case. Guaranteed by all druggists. 25o. Distillers Have Another Move. Cotton Mill for Mocksiille. The Lamentations of Statesville Landmark. July 80th, August 2nd, Work is progressing as rapidly as possible for the connection for the electric power to be furnished Statesville by the Southern Pcwer Co. The First Baptist congregation expects to hold the first service in the new church, corner Davie ave uue and Broad street, the second Sunday in September. Work on the church is nearing completion. W. C. Lester, of the firm of Zimmerman & Lester, architects of Winston, was in town this week and delivered the plans for the Patterson-Anderson buildings on West Broad street. They will be of brick and terra cotta. 54x 110, and three stories high. " When prohibition became ef fective in Statesville, four years ago last spring, some of States- ville's liquor dealers moved to At lanta. The Georgia Legislature this week passed a prohibition law for the State of Georgia ef fective January 1st next, and the Statesville folks who moved to Atlanta have another move com ing to them. Clay Gaither, colored, who went to Salisbury some weeks ago for beer for certain thirsty citi zens, lor wnicn ne was bound over for retailing by the mayor, was not tried this term. The solicitor did not think the one .instance constituted an offense and no bill was sent to the grand jury. The Commonwealth Bank be gan business at Black -Mountain yesterday. S. E. McNeeley, late of Statesville, is cashier, J. W. Dougherty is president and C. E, Cotton is vice-president. J. D. Murphy, a prominent attorney of Asheville, is one of the directors and attorney for the bank. J H. McElwee has bought from W. E. Current a half interest in the Eupeptic Springs property. Messrs. McElwee and Current will improve the property and put the water on the market. It will be recalled that this mineral water received the silver medal at the St. Louis exposition. It has been highly recommended, and the promoters are very hopeful of securing a large sale for the water. The Iredell Blues leave States- vine inursaay tor tne encamp ment at Morehead City. About 45 men will go. Capt. J. E. Deitz will have charge. The Blues go from Moreheadto James town the 13th and will be on the exposition grounds till the 16th, at which .tiine they return to Statesville. Gen. J. F. Armsfield will command all the State troops at Jamestown. Dr. M. D. Kimbroueh, of Mocksvjlle, who was in town yes terday on professional business, stated that a stock company, con sisting of Messrs. E. L. Gaither, J. L. Sheek, T. J. Byers and others, has been organized in MockBville with a view to build ing a $50,000 cotton mill at Mocksville. The mill seems to be a certainty,, half the desired amount having already been sub scribed. Passsengers on trains from Charlotte to tatesville yesterday morning were highly entertained fer several minutes at Moorsville Junction. Just as the train stopped and more passengers started to get aboard those inside were startled by the screams of a woman on the outside. Every passenger in the train rushed to the side of the car to see and more than one head was stuck out of the same window. Every body expected to see a dead body dragged from under the train. But they saw instead a coal black negro woman, with her face buried in her hands, shedding great tears. Her screams were probably heard for miles around. She never let up but was taking on at a terrible rate when then train was out of sight. The inquiry of everybody was answered by the conductor, who said that the woman's sister was leaving for West Virginia to cook. f Rowan Pastors Install Rev. McCullougb. Miss Ritchie and Irenus Russell Escapade. Stanly Enterprise, August lat. We learn that S. S. Wolfe ex pects to move his family to Spen cer about August 20th. We will be sorry to lose this estimable family. Last Sunday was a favorable d y for the Lutheran church here. The pastor, Rev. H. A. McCul lough, was installed in a most im pressive manner. Rev. Geo. H. Cox, D.D., delivered the address to the pastor at 11 a. m. The address to the congregation was delivered by Rev. V. Y. Boozer at 8 15 p. m. The congregation both morning and evening was large and seldom have ite heard two better and more appropriate addresses. Miss Pat Miller, of Ritchfield, has accepted a position with Belk- Harry Co,, of Salisbury. Irenus Russell, who lived near Whitley postoffice, in this county, had been visiting this community very frequently and making bis visits quite lengthh. He called on Miss Lillie Ritchie, who lived two miles west of Richfield, on Saturday evening, June 29th, and stayed till Monday morning when they both walked off taking noth ing with them except a little money, which was thought to be about $70. They remarked as they started that they -were going to the station and get on the train and go just as far as their money would carry them. They went to High Point and spent the night and the next day went to Greens boro, and said they were married. Since then they have been at sev eral points in Virginia and from there nobody knows where. From what we can gather Russell is about 30 pears old. He was mar ried several years ago to a woman but did not live with her but a short time after they were mar ried. She worked in the cotton mill in Conoord and is now in Albemarle. Neither of them have any divorce. She is now having him looked after and will have him brought back and dealt with according to law if found. He is said to be of a very good family and his parents and several broth ers are doing well. Miss Ritchie is also about 30 years old, daugh ter of the late William Ritchie. They are good, respectable, hard working people. She was the only unmarried daughter at home with her mother. She had a small tract of land worth some $200, at least, which she sold on the morning of their departure for $50. Richfield correspondent. A Widower Who Couldn't Be Headed Off. Chas. A. . Henderson, of Woodlawn, North Wilksboro, was married last week for the third time, .two of his wives having died. Last week, one day, Mr. Hender son camd to the register of deeds and procured license for one of the belles of Woodlawn name Kate Martin. But that night he and Kate fell out and Kate broke up the engagement. Nothing daunt ed, Henderson came next day, returned the license he had purchased and got another license for another Woodlawn belle, and happly married, they say. You can't head off a widower when he wants to marry. Wilkesboro Chronicle, Had an Awful Time, But Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy Cured Him. It is with pleasure that I give you this unsolicited testimonial. About a year ago when I had a sevbre case of measles Igot caught out in a hard rain and the measles settled in my stomach and bowels. I had an awful time and had it not been for the use of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy I could not have possibly lived but a few hours longer, but thanl? s to this remedy I am now strong and well. I have written the above through simple gratitude and I ahall al ways speak a good word for this remedy. Sam H. Gwin, Concord, Ga. For sale by James Plum mer, Salisbury, and Spencer Pharmacy, Spencer, N, C, .

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