V- ..." x - - r " Z r - -e -to- A Home Newspaper Published in tle Interest of the "People and for Honesty in Governmental Affairs. Vol. ill, No. 35. Salisbury, N. C, Wednesday, August4th, 1907. Wm, H.Stewart, Editor. SUTESVILLE AND IREDELL BOUNTY ALBEMARLE AND STANLY COUNTY. PRIEST KILLS HOTEL MAN, NORTH CAROLINA WEEK AT JAMESTOWN. A $29,400,000 FINE. CONCORD AND CABARRUS COUNTY. LEXINGTON AND DAVIDSON COUNTY. Carolina IJtie v-: ,7 -si--. 1 I ir - Ooe of Those Appetites You Read About. Immigration Laws Should be Enforced. Stanly Enterprise, August 8th. Immigration laws iu this coun trycannot be too rigidly enforced, as the revolting crimes committed againBt innocent children in the "Graveyard" district in -New York City go to prove. J. S. Ewing was married Wed nesday afternoon of last week, near Palmerville, to Mrs Ella Hendrix, formerly" of Mocksville. Rev, R. D. Sherrill officiating. Mr, Ewing is well and favorably known in the county, having filled several offices for the county with honor and credit to himself. Rev. Dr. D. Atkins, presiding elder of the Salisbury district, filled the pulpit at the Methodist church Sunday and administered the communion at the close. He preached at Century church at night. Dr. Atkins preaches forc ible sermons and makes friends by his candid, honest, social qual ities. A visitor here from mission re ports the voracity of an appetite witnessed tliere last Saturday. A wager was made that Hartwell Furr could not eat a seventeen pound watermelon in a certain length of time. He ate it all in twelve minutes then ten crackers in four minutes, followed by a can of sardines. Locust corres pondent. A Store Robbed Near the Iredell Line. Thief Now in Rowan Jail. Stateavllle Landmark. August 6th, Bth. The two-story dwelling of N. R. Guy, bear Stny Point, was destroyed by fire Thursday night, with all its contents. Gov. Glenn has offered a re ward of $75 for the arrest of John Moore, colored, who recently shot and killed Jas. Ker.-, colored, on the farm of G. L. McKnight, in Coddle Creek township, this coun ty. Moore shot Kerr because" the latter refused to allow him to marry one of his daughters, and he also shot and wounded two of Kerr's daughters, who were at work in the field with their father at the time. On Everybody's Day, August SO. there will be a reunion of thi Confederate veterans in this coun ty, but especially the survivors of the Fourth regiment. Col. Bryan Grimes, son of Gen. Bryan Grimes, will be here and address them. Jordan Turner, a well-known negro, was found dead Tuesday in the woods on Rev. R, W. Boyd's place, east of Barium Springs. His remains were brought to Statesville yesterday morning and after funeral services at the col ored Baptist church were interred in the colored cemetery. Cashier R. B. Roberts, of Col lector Brown's office, reportB the following internal revenue collec tions for the past month : Lists. $659.20; spirits, $36,125.54; ci gars, $56.40; tobacco, $140,718. 69; special tax, $4,771.86; to tal, $182,221.19. A chemical analysis of the city water, made in Baltimore, shows a sample of one supply to be im pure. As soon as this report was received yesterday a change was . made at the pumping station bo that water is being pumped from the supply not contaminated. But in the abundance of caution all persons who drink city water are advised to boil it before using it for the present. - Deputy Collector J. M. D"avis and Deputy Sheriff J. M. Ward were in north Iredell Monday and Tuesday looking after blockaders. In Eagle Mills township Tuesday they found and destroyed two dis tilling plants that had apparently been doing a lively business. The first outfit destroyed waB located on the creek near Eagle Mills postoffice and consisted of a 75 gallon still and fixtures. Th second, a 150-gallon still and out-e fit, was located near the negro settlement known as Cuba, about two miles from the first site. A , large quantity of beer was found at both places and the nres were burning, but the operators had departed. J. D. Doughton, a young mu. latto, was arrested in Statosville Tuesday night on the charge of you this robbing the store of W. H. Woot- About a year ago' when Shooting Follows Reprimand of Priest and Woman Housekeeper by Hotel Man. Pittsburg, Aug. 8f- ludwiz Jamestown Will Hail Men People h It this The Standard Oil Company Gftea a Heavy Week than the Celonisis tier ureaneii ou Blow by judge Lands. Jamestown Exposition Va., Aug. J The press dispatches sent out Sczegiel, said to be an unattached 12tb.The programme for North from Chicago last week tell of the Polish priest, of Chicago, walked Carolina week jat the Jamestown largest fine on record. Judge in a South Side hotel 1111 Carson Exposition, which will be one. of Landis, of the Federal oonrt, in street today, and without warning the most notable events m connec- Chicago, Satnrday a -week ago it is said, whipped out a 38-calibre tion with the big fair has just been rendered a decision againet the revolver and opened fire upon the I anuounoed by those in charge of Standard Oil Company, convicted proprietors, twin-brothers named the arrangements. It is as fol- of violating the anti-trust act in Steven and Andrew Starzynski. Ilowes 'i accepting rebates from the. Chi Encampment of North Carolina J cago & Alton Railway, which ag land and naval forces August 12 gregated $223,000 during 1903-05. to 16, inclusive. The decision of Judge Landis is - Daily Military exercises by the j regarded as one of the most im- North Carolina troops and other portaift in many years.' It was military organizations. lengthy and touched on many vi- Steven died within an hour and Andrew may not recover. The cause of the shootiqg is unknown. When Sczegiel came to Pittsburg, about ten days ago he went to the hotel kept by the brothers, acompanied by a woman! Daily concerts by North Carolina J tal issues, especially rate regula whom he introduced as his house- military bands. tion. At thev close of its reading keeper. They secured an apart- Augtst 13. i Judge Landis ordered the draw- ment of two rooms. The woman At 10 a. m. the Governor will ing of a grand jury to indict the Francisca Sprock, is held as a arrive via Seaboard Air Line Rail- railroads which gave rebates to suspicious person. She denies all wa v. at Pourtsmouth, about o:SOi the Standard Oil Company, one knowledge of the shooting, Scze- p. in. They will be met .at the of which was fined $40,000 some giel, it is said, had been drinking, station by a committee from the I time ago for rebating. Mrs. Starzynski.wife of Andrew, I North Carolina Society of -Norfolk Blow after blow was dealt the said that about ten minutes before 1 who will escort them to their hotel oil trust and every prop knocked the shooting her husband had J in Norfolk, where they will be J Trpm beneath the biggest corpora reprimanded the pair for making guests of the North Carolina Soci- tion on earth. Judge Landis said a disturbance. He then reioined 1 etv. lit would be no burden on this ei nis nronner in tne aimng room, i august 14. - iganuc monopoly to nne it one a iew minutes later sne saia tne i At 1U a. m. the uovernor anditnira ot its net earnings lor a priest appeared. I party will be driven over the city year. It was shown that the grosB of Norfolk in automobiles, bearing I receipts of the company for 1903 the colors of North Carolina. 05 were $199,800,000. The capital 1 p. m.- Upon the arrival of stock is $100,000,000. Or. Sczegiel applied yesterday to the rector of St. Adelbert's Polish Catholic church for employment i as assistant but the request was ! refused. Francnca Sprock, the priest s female companion stated to day that she had only come to Pitts burg on Tuesday and was on her way to visit a brother in Combria J. 0. Walker Dies. Mr. Overman Made a Good Speech at Gillon. Concord Times. August th, 9th. The annual reunion of Company H, 8th In. C. Regiment, will be held at St. John's churoh on Thursday, August 15th. The new rate, 2 cents, on the railways iu North Carolina is now in effect. " You can go to Char lotte for 48 cents, and to Salis bury for 50 cents. Arrangements are being made to put in the handsome new front in the old Racket store building, which has been completely remod eled and will be occupied by the Browns-Cannon Co. - Ed, C. Ray, of Charlotte, was In Concord last week canvassing for contributi ns for the purpose of establishing9 a permanent place near Black Mountain for the con ferences of the Student's Move ment and Missionary bodies. M. Crawford Walter, a well known citizen of Concord, died last Thursday night at Black Mountain, where he had gone rto spend the summer. It was known here several days before that he was in a very serious condition, and his death was not a surprise. Dr. Jas. O. Walker, died Ret. W. H. Rich Preached in Our Neighbo City. Experimenting With Cotton. Lexington Dispatch, August -7th.- ' Rev, W. H. Rioh, 6f Masorr Georgia, preached in the Baptist church Sunday morning and night. Next Sunday he will preach again. He is well known to our people, having served churches in this . county several years. He is fear less, able and convincing, and is one of the strongest preachers we know. Mr. Rich is a native of Haywood county this State. Sunday night the saw mill of Thomason & Simerson was burned on the place of Mrs. E. J. Finch, a short distance from town, There being no fire under the boiler at that timetogether with other considerations, it is supposed the fire was of incendiary origin. The cab on the engine was burned, but the machinery was not badlv damaged, There wis no insur ance. county. The police are of the I who ha will romftin Winr TJnrth I last resort. The people of the opnion that she had no part in I Carolina week. country will hear of the punish the shooting. 4 d. m. The Governor and ment of this trust with Pleasure- The priest was committed to I nfflni a1 norfv will vipif. frio 'Nf.ti I lrVll8D til 110W8 WAS C& 11" 18(1 tO jail on a charge of murder, while nftmlina xhibifc in fcha variona President Roosevelt Saturday the woman was held as a witness. A Charlotte Couple Marry in Salisbury. Miss Julia Jackson, Christian, a grand-daughter of Stonewall Jackson, and E. R. Preston, . an attorney, both of Charlotte, came to Salisbury and were married Thursday night, -Rev. Byron S. Clark, of the First- Presbyterian church, officiating. It was a run away affair. The Charlotte Ob- MOBUIMBt for YOBng EsteS. server says : J Reidsville, Aug. 8.- Col. Upton "Mrs. Preston is; the grand-JB. Gwym of this county, is very daughter of General and Mrs. much interested iu the movement Stonewall Jackson and daughter I to erect a monument to the i of Mr. W. E. Christian, of this memory of young Theodore Estea city. She has spent her life in In an interveiw he said to the in Charlotte, where she has been Observer's correspondent : and is one of the most popular of "I see that the women of Nelson the city's young people. Beauty, I county, Va., are intent on the con refinement, culture and all the su ma tion of a noble act the erection graces are hers, so that it is no Icf a monument 'to the memory of wonder that her friends are legion. The dore Estes, who was slain by "Mr Preston is one of the city's! Judge Loving, as a testimonal of 1 1 .111 s-a - best-Known ana most highly es- their conhaence in tne innocence teemed citizens. As a member of young Eate of the crime for of the legal firm of Ruffin & Pres-J which he was shot. There could ton he has made a reputatlOB of ha no more emnhatic rebnkea to a which anyone mignt oe proua. an resort of the 'unwritten recognition oi aia merits ana i . , I 1 .LI - 1 1 1 13 tha Governor of North Carolina The size of these figures makes ABUUUiU w"r " "u v, f.UAn n.nnnj i,A ;uKt,A fnni u gone to be with his father who be received at the gates by a recep- be able to overthrow any plea for tion committee, consisting of the mercy which the trust might officials of the JameBtown Expo- make in the higher courts, for of sitiou Company and escorted, to course the convicted company the North Carolina state building will carry the case to the court of The superintendent of the light and water department made his report for July. He showed a net cash profit of $029.16 for the month. The balance, including the deadhead items, such as street lights, etc., was $1,040.94. The water bill for the month was m about $777, and the light bill was was in with typhoid lever, it is thought Dr. Walker's death was dne to rheumatism of the heart. Dr. Walker was One of Concord's most highly and respective citi zen s. ms remains were mtered at Randleman. $520, The Southern Railway uses $64 worth of water a month. Lexington has almost forgotten that Supt. Lake, lately of this di vision of the Southern, told us months ago that the depot would be enlarged almost immediately. A pleasant reminder that such exhibit palaces, where they will be received by members of the North Carolina commission. v - 3k; ImnuP Ti- ooir arxnrt of hinrf rtier U CFU Bx XO, KOBTH CAKOLINA DAT. I J At 11 a. m." the Governor of When the news was earned to North Carolina will leave the John u- KocKeieuer, president oi North Carolina state building, the Standard Oil Company, he accompanied by. hiB staff, mem- also nftd nothing to say. One bers. of the North Carolina com- would have expected him to de mission and a military, escort of Hver a spiel about oppressing cor- porations. At least he should orriirinfT a fhB Anditnrinm hniM. have delivered a Sunday school work is going to be done is the Sidney J. Ludwig, of Mt. Pleas- news that the material is arriving ant, has been ottered $1,5UU a year and a lot of it here now. The to go to the Philippines as a band depot will be extended consider morning, ne had nothing to say instructor, but has declined. Me ably, so as to give us the needed whatever. One would have ex- will be here for several months facilities, and it will also be fitted pected such a strenuous trust instructing the Forrest Hill band- with water pipes He is a fine instructor, and has more talis for bis jservicts than he can accept. ing at 11 :80 a. m., where the fol-l Plowing exercises will take place: M. Critz- AUDITOKIDM, 11:80 A. Admission Free. Opening prayer by Rev ley, Music Overture, selected. Hon. G. S. Powell, president of the North Carolina commission i j -' k;i;7 toq hio oianfi ana. law nisiigawr oy a crimi. ana master oi ceremonies, win ItUlllUJ Tl O a 4.4? VAWVAWA W !DlO I " sent Mecklenburg county in the nally lalse statement; not only to I present Hojj Jtl. bt. George Tuck lower house of the state Legisla-lshed innocent blood, but, strange I er, president Jamestown Exposi ture last iau, ano: ne rose to his t0 8ay to shield at the same time tion Company, who will deliver oppomuiw uwmcflonerea the4ife q ft marderer by Bnoh 1 here is no en, in Rowan county. Hb was taken to Cleveland Wednesday by Mr. Wooten and Policeman Thos. Kerr and was tried before Justice of the Peace Rosebro. who him to the Salisbury jail to await Rowan Superior court. Mr. sn.t-.iaffl.rtt.inn tr his innat.itnanr He is president also of the Greater Perjured testimony. Charlotte Club." such record extant where, women have come to the. rescue ot a Had an Awful Time. But Chamber ain's man's reputation charged with Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy wronging one of their, own sex Piirail Uim I 1 U,.. .. A.-Ut- 4-V. 4- It is with pleasure that I give reputation was purjnrfd awa by a unsolicited testimonial. woman but it took the same sex 1 had a I to vindicate his" character 'and measles 1 got severe case oi caught out in a hard rain and the measles settled in my stomach and bowels. I had an awful time and had it not been for the use of sent Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy I oould not wipe out the false impressions the court record may transmit to posterity. "There is no sadder case than this of Estes. with regard to the the address of welcome on behalf of the exposition. MusicTT-Dix'o, Address by Governor Claude A. Swanson, of Virginia. , Music. Selected . Address by Lieut. Governor Francis D. Winston, of North Carolina. Music The Old North State Forever. Address, by Robert B. Glenn, Governor of North Carolina. talk to accord with his average pious demeanor. cut it he was silent in seven languages, he did not play golf Saturday morning, as is his cus tom, and that may mean that he was perturbed in spirit. Twenty nine million dollars is not- picked up every day. even by the Standard Oil Company, which has exceptional facilities for rak ing in the coin. Twenty-nine million, however, is a small thing tor such a cor poration. The moral effect of the conviction of such an outfit as this trust is worth far more Col. G. F, Hankins, although a townsman and a bachelor, ha's a garden behind his resldentfe on W.- A. Joyner, of White Hall, Main street that is filled up with showed us Monday the analysis garden "sass." Among other by the State Chemist of the water! things he has is cotton, the sight in a well on his place. The water of-which would make any man supply gushes upt six feet high ask what in the thunder it was from a solid rock. The analysis I there for. Col. Hankins is ex says the water is absolutely pure, I perimenting with the fleecy staple. and fine, therefore, for drinking He has planted about fourteen water. rows being five feet apart and the 1 1 1 1 P X 1 rf-ll We note with pleasure that the nuiB aiBO nvB 1881 aPar- 01- x I TT 1 ' 1 1" t 1 i -1 farms in this county are develop- r11"8 sieves on gooa ing into a higher stage of cultiva- iana coon P1Ml.Ba ms wav wm tion. The young farmers have viem more tnan 11 n 18 Pntea closer together. The reporter counted 110 bolls on one stalk, and there were two stalks in hill. that young certainly improved upon the old fogy methods of their fathers, and the more modern way of farming is causing Mother Earth to produce her largest and best crops r rues get quicK and certian rc c t a. M from Dr. Shoop's Magic Oint- fiauu Ui wuwlu ment. Please note it is made Fuel Company was burned com- aione f or Piles, and its action is pletely down Tuesday morning 1 positive and certain. Itching, than the mere fine. and is more injurious to the trust, about 3 o'clock, It is not known painful, protruding or blind piles how the fire originated as the appear hk e magic oy its use buildipg wa. burioK briskly when "0 ' Drul discovered. 1 he plant was owned stnrA Somthlng for Parents to Think Oier. We often wonder why it is so many young men can Jte seen loaf ing upon our streets until a late hour of night. Many . from our ! hovo rt.iaaiHlv 1 1 rar? Vinf. a -four " ' , ' " " I , . . n i , . i i i . ii lnhmn Kf fh.nl. eny mstinea Dy tne uudUDitanie 'unwritten law' which when prop 2 p. m. Luncheon at the Swiss Wfon'a Rtnrfl i lnnafftd near hia jt j n fata n tV,a nrnmo.tmn nn Alps Village tO the UOVemorof ww- m . HfiiMi V 1 M.U1 11(1 W Kill UI 1 V H. I 1 1 1 Wnll. I i. IMJ UO Uw fit A T J VUV w. w wwM vtvru uw i . . w. . - hnmo in t.hfl fide of Rnwan ennn. I T hv writ.tfiii th ahnv fhrnnTi man f hnnnr fail .n talrA JNortn roImft ana OHlOial party. la . . - I I IMTTTUmTT T1 Om A TT f.ir fnnr milflB from Tnnl Snrinir. dimple gratitude audi ihall al L1v.nf.o nf hnf ivnuU f.nv hia MYWHiawMii. iu: rr j ; ways speak a good word for thisk -, V I 5 p. m. Review by Governor liitld WUUHVl WUlUllJfi , - " TT" n -, I iiailU 1U OaSO Ul UUUUlr. i. J I 11 ft .. . remeay oam a. vjtwin. uoncord. . . . . .. wibuh, bbbwuou uy wuo jrovemors wnen ne went to the store ue Qa. For sale bv James Plum- "It must be a great consolation of Virginia and Massachusetts. found the front door open and-ra- mer Salisbury, and Spencer to the raletives and friends of the Major-General F. D. Grant, Ad- vestigation showed thit the bar Pharmacy, Spencer, JN, U. slaughtered young Estes to know mirai Harrington ana other army across the double doora had been U.hA namn nfTCatfia-. vnt. nnt. th era and navy representatives. U I , , . , , ..W.h atanda vindicaffid hv the KOVieW WUf COUSlSt Ot the BOl i m nor o nn l n cr nr. t.mp t.i iror. nin n nw i . j i 3 j 1 1 . . 1 " " " 0 - , . ,. .., ' 1 I uie ro uuu naiiurB Htauoaea as ine best homes. The fathers of the Music. Star Spangled Banner, young men, many of them at least Music will be furnished by the are numbered among our bestciti North Carolina Regimental Band removed. Knowing this , to the work of a thief Mr. Wooten immediaiely went to look for about $30 that had been left in the store the night before, and found the whole amount was gone. Without giving any alarm Mr. Wooten started out as his own de tective to run down the thief. After rambling about the neigh borhood several hours making in quiries, he found that Doughton had left home very unexpectedly the night before, and had told several different storms as to where he was going. He followed his clue to Statesville whereabout with a hand full of money, and of his native country although expogitiou the North Carolina he and officer. Thos. Kerr made a t " " w . ' woops ana omer mnuary orgam- dash for him. Seeing the officer ce 10 Bomespui career 01 a iu Rations encampea attne exposi to ture gener ationto cast stigmo upon erected to noble an to his women 9 o'clock Mr. Wooten spotted his, Salisbury jail from there. tion. uetauea military pro gramme mil be arranged later. 8:30 to 11 p. m. Reception' to the Governor of North Carolina by the North Carolina Stateroom mission in the North Carolina state building. 'Music by the North Carolina 3d ' o . 1 1 jj 17K&UlwJ-IV UUUU of the stolen among" wuom u wa8 uom uu The front part of the . reviewine stand (1,200 seats including boxes) belongs: to North : Carolina, and jxortn uaroiinians can secure tickets there for the review at p. m., August 15th, by : applying at the Worth Carolina state build ling. Doughton threw the monev the floor and made a dive for the in the cemetery will stand a t ti, - uwu J evidence of. his vindication a l.j, 1 - 3 1 1 j officer was too ouick for him and 8ive ine "e 10 ana oul 1885 ana paught him like a mouse in a trap.. iDe ont any Buob written ro5ord When Doughton was arrested he ne mouumem nr.. Aaao.A v. I memory by the n ud xv3BacivA. 11 11 n nrni i . 1 1 n. v iiik i spent about $12 m on 07 for - ,.ow DnU nt ntaa raised." Charlotte Observer. and a pair of patent leather shoes; Doughton spent Tuesday night in r DeWitt's Little Early Risers the county jail, was taken to don't sicken or gripe. Small ! Cleveland Wedneedav and sent to PiUs, easy to take. Sold by Jas. 1 1 1 Plummer and all druggists. zens. it tneir cow or tneir iav orite dog was away from home after dark thay would be out on a search, but their own children can roam the town all night with apparently no effort being made to find them. The boy seems to be turned loose at a tender age to wander at will into the paths of vice, and then we wonder where all our ' tramps and worthless specimens ot humanity come from. It is a reeetable fact that too many of them come from seed germinated in good homes and then sown in a careless manner upon our streets ana oacK aiieys. Concord Times. Hunting for Trouble. "I've lived in California -4 - . years, and am Btin hunting trouble in the way of burns, sores, wounds, boils, cuts, sprains, or case of piles that Bucklen's Arnica Salve won't quickly cure,'' writes Charles Walters, of- Alleghany, Sierra county. No use hunting, Mr. Walters ; it cures evary case Guaranteed by all druggists, 25c. by a stocK company and was in charge of Messrs. Smittenburger and Fred Seek, and was located near the depot! There was $8,000 insurance on it. Miss Mabel Barrier,, daughter of A. C. Barrier, of Mt. Pleasant, was married last Tuesday after noon to E. M. Dry. The wedding was celebrated at the bride's home, and the ceremony was per formed by Rev. V. Y. Boozer, Mr. Dry is the superintendent of the Tuscacora mill, and is one of Mt. Pieasant's bast young men, and his bride is a most popular young woman. On the 22nd of August the teachers, school committeeman and all mends 01 education in this ana adjoining counties, are invited to a grand educational mass-meeting at White Hall. Dr Jno. C. Kilgo, president of Trinity College, will speak to the people on. educational matters. Let 201 everybody come out to hear him, r 1 . . . . ior or ha la one ot f.ne tnramoat. ora tors of the South. The home-comiDg day in No." 10 township last Wednesday was a great success. The day was an ideal one, and the people poured in from every direction. Nearly everybody in the township was there, and many from Concord and other townships. Th3 cele- bration was at Sossamon Springs and the genial and ubiauitous Col W. G. Newell was master of ceremonies. About 2.000 people A. M. were present. The second annual reunion and picnic by the students of the old Git Ion school was held last Wed nesday. There was a large crowd, 1.000 being the lowest estimate of the number. About 75 of the old students of the school were there, aud the reunion with their old school fellows was very pleasant indeed. The feature of the occa sion was a speech by Senator Lee S. Overman, who spoke for an hour and a quarter. The speech was an able one and most eagerly listened to. Senator Overman Bpoke largely on national issues, touching on the subject of States rights, the Appalachian Park and other live matters of interest to North Carolinians. The manag ers of the reunion were peculiarly fortunate in securing this elo quent orator. Ie is making a fine record" as Senator, and has always been deservedly popular in Cabarrus,

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