I lorrespondenee. FAITH. Misses Mamie Peeler and Mary Heller returned from Newton College to spend the holidays at home with their parents. Peeler, Bame & Co's teams have gone to Concord today with granite building stones and are hub deep with mud. J T Wyatt shipped a car load of granite to Wilming ton today. Granite is ship-' ped in all directions from Faith. In our next we wiir tell of all the young people who join hands and hearts during the holidays. We have good news along that line and it means more families to settle in Faith. L M Peeler is cotton gin and running his roller flour mill today. Grandma Lingle is very low at the home of her son, J. Calvin Lingle. Everybody is looking for a 1 m Dig Dooming Dusiness in granite work this coming spring. Venus wishes all the corre spondents and readers of this paper a happy Christmas and new year. All the stores here are get ting in lots of things for the Christmas trade and every one seems to be happy on every side. Owing to scarcity of money a five hundred dollar granite quarry is offered for one hun dred and eighty dollars spot cash to raise funds for the . owner. A young lady at Gideon .Eagle's. Li kj Mcuomos received, a letter from his wife at Mor ganton written by herself. fehe writes to the children and speaks of coming home soon. She is getting along line and is improving every day. John Fisher is shipping a big lot of millstones to Ala bama today. Mrs Annie L Lingle, moth er of J. C, D. C, A. L., and L R Lingle, died at the home of her son, J. C, in Faith, Saturday morning Her death was due to the ef fects of la grippe and old age, sne being 79 years of age She leaves a host of friends and relatives to mourn her loss among whom is five boys and three girls. Her remains were interred at Christiana, from which church the f u neral was held, having long been a member of same. Fu Fisher officiating. Venus r Jesse L Myers, of Reeds, who bought a plantation five miles west of Salisbury about a year ago, has finished a new house on the, place and will move his ily to it to-day. He was in fam town yesterday closing up some busi ness. We are sorry to lose Mr Myers from Davidson county but wish him success in his new home. There is a bunch of;running cedar" in the drug store of J. B. Smith that is quite a curiosity to many people who never saw the growth before. It is not often Beentherebeing'only one or two places in the ,'countywhere it grows. It is just like cedar and smells like it,only it is a vine. Mrs. Crawford Lentz, in passing from one room to another in her home on South Fulton street, one evening last week, fell and broke her hip. Mrs. Lentz is 72 years of age and quite feeble. The accident means much to her. It is the hope of many friends that she will soon be restored to her former good health. There is somethtng about Ken edy's Laxative Cough Syrup that makes it difierent from others, as it causes a free and gentle ac tion of the bowels through which the cold is forced out of the sys tem. At the same time it heals irritation and allays inflammation of the throat and lunge. It is pleasant to take. Children like it. Contains no opiates nor nar cotics. Sold bv James Plnmmar ft Tl rl nil Irnrrrriof o Subscribe to The Watchman. SOME MORE ABOUT THE SCHOOL. Bartlette Comes Back at Patrons' and Tells a Few More Tilings- Dunn's Mountain, Dec. 23. The weather at this point is still changeable. James Horah and family have moved to Mrs. M. J. Cauble's and will raise a crop. Glad to have Mr. Horah and family with us. John Leonard and family, who for the past two years, has been living in this neigh borhood has gone, departed, left, vamoosed, and never even said good-bye nor gave us anything to remember him by. Peace go with him, for a:: last we will have an abund ant supply of the same. We saw a funny thing a short time. ago. While cer tain parlies were at supper a kitten got some kind of a funny spell and ran around the room, ran against a win dow, a stove and did various other antics; causing the la dies to mount chairs. John H. Frick will soon close his gin for the season. Any one who has cotton for this gin will do well to haul it at an early date. Mrs. Christina Earnhardt is confined to her room with tuberculosis. However, we wish her a speedy recovery. It seems as if Patrons j. j - is u-ymg 10 give us a good one just below the belt. Well we can take our medicine We dont know anything about the blind leading act but from what we can learn irom reliable parties one has taken the lead and judging by results this one must have been blind, maimed and halt tor surely the whole push nave tumbled in the ditch LWe learn that Mr. Riblin has given up the school, because he was promised a certain amount and the law does no allow him this amount. Now we have known Mr. Riblin aoout as long as some of the rest around here, say 10 or 12 years, and can vouch for him for he is O. K., but has been mislead, as the matter of his salary stands. The commit tee should consist ot three good men, but it seems trom the statement of two of these that they have had no chance to act in any of these mat ters. Yes, if you can get a good teacher, hire iim for the rest of his natural life, Dut aon i promise mm more money than the law allows. AS -11 " j9ls ior aesKs, we nave never seen any new ones nor nave we seen any one who has. rhese desks were, so we hear, ordered about the time the desks were ordered for the Granite Quarry school, which came promptly, wnue me Dunn's Mountain desks have not arrived yet, As for Mr Kiblin, he will manage the school as it should be, if let alone, but as for Patrons do ing the kicking 'out act, he had better think twice before he starts on his kicking ex pedition, we don't believe Mr. Riblin will stand any such treatment. Don't do anything rash, for it may hurt your feelings, Brother Patrons. The Jr. O. U. A.M., Coun cil will meet Saturday even ing, the 4th of January, at 30 p. m. The new officers will be installed at this meet- ITT m 1 ing. we nope to secure a arge number of the members and as many other brothers from other councils as can come, if the weather is per, misable. Rev. Spreckie will preach at Union E. L. church Sun day, the 12th day of January. Kev. bpreckle is, so we learn, the gentleman called to this pastorate . We await patient- 1 1 1? t iy nis arrival. Wishingbur Editor and all the Bro. correspondents a merry Christmas and a happy new year, we are. , Babtlette. The pocket knives we are giving with subscriptions will make splendid chrietmas gifts OLD SHAFTS FULL OF WATER. The Stork Gets Liberal and Is Leading Old Santa a Close Race. Gold Hill, Dec. 23 The winter solstice struck our vil lage last night about 2 o'clock and it rained and it blowed, torrents of rain fell and old eellars and shafts were , full today to overflowing. Rev. John Summey preach ed here at the Baptist church Saturday night and Sunday morning. There will be preaching at the Holiness church Christ mas day. The committee having in charge the Christmas tree ar rangements went to Salisbury and purchased the materials fpr same and the tree will be at the Methodist church Tuesday night. ' Paul Smith and wife have gone to his father's, down in Georgia, to spend Christmas. This is Mr. Smith's old home, he came liere about 7 years ago and married here and has been making this his home. - The Southern's stamp mill has been running regularly, all last week. Mr. Proctor, the superintendent, went to Charlotte, JM. C, with the gold Saturday evening. ;Rufus Ludwick returned today from Alabama, where he has been employed in the coal mines. Rufus reports times very dull down there He says they are paying off in "scrip." Several other boy who are away, at work are ex pected home to spend the holidays. Jas. Rufty and others from here attended the fiddlers convention at Salisbury and report a nice time. B. P. Ba singer of Lisk secured the booby prize. Today is a very busy day with some of our merchants while others are not selling much. The weather has cleared off now, and the wind is blowing to beat the band T A 1 J 1 1 .Liet-er-Diow, it win dry up some of the mud. The stork has been libera with some of our towns people. John W. Honeycutt our efficient postmaster, has been wearing a broad smile since Friday last. They are twins, a boy and a girl. Mrs. Geo. W. Barringer is also re joicing over the fact that she is the happy possessor of a pair of twins. Mrs. Wm Hinson was less fortunate, as she has only increased the population by one. Other Christmas gifts are expected daily. Mike. CHRISTIANA. Dec 23 School closed at Crescent December 9th for the holidays. This term of school has been far more suc cessful than any in its history School will re-open January 7th, 1908. Mrs Lunda Lingle has mov ed from her home in the country to Chestnut Hill. Miss Cora Lyerly and P D Brown are spending the holi day vacation at home. Also Misses Roxie -Trexler and Maggie Bame are from teach ing school. D C Lingle and Tom Ban gle each helped themselves to a new ton buggy last week Rev R L Brown ordered one from Sears, Roebuck & Co some timeago. Uur people sure believe in "going" well. Several Sundays ago Miss Maggie Earnhardt and John 0 Cauble were united in the holy bonds of matrimony by Rev J r Miller, of Mt Fleas- ant. May their efforts thus united make for them a long and happy life and may there never exist anything but peace and tranquility.between this couple so happily united. The entertainment at Gran ite Quarry given by the High School was a great success. The Rockwoll brass band fur nished music for the occa sion; First on the programme was America, rendered by a crowd, of girls, large and small. Then followed recita tions, dialogues and drills, which were in every respect of the highest order. Be quiet, the old year lies dying, It has a word for you and me. v Say, do you not hear it speaking, in its xast dying agony I 'As you are now, so once was I, So listen to what I shall sav. A joyful youth without one sigh i. came to travel on my. way. Now I am old, my work done. No longer with you shall I be, And with the setting of my sun I will be in obscurity. "Yet God may grant for you to live To see my kindred come and go.1 So now;, this message I must give. It is for you, young man, to know. "Time is fleeting and onward goes, No human hand can stay the flight Though he has conquered all hia foes. Yet you are left to end the fight. "Fate is just what you have made it, 'Tis wafted by the battli tide Thus has cruel fate decreed it. And so by this you must abide. "If yon desire to conquer sire, To win from fate a golden crown , With hope you must the fight begire Andwith hope lay life's armor down Wih this the old year passed away, And thisls what it had to say. If you have any work to do, With hope begin at it today. - Xebxes. Labor Mora Plentiful, Wages Lower. A contractor of the city said this morning that he was paying labor 26 cents per day less than he did for the same number of hours last August. He also stated that men were, hungry for work and are out hunting jobs, where only a few weeks ago men could hardly be obtained for any kind of public works. Concord Trib une. - Constipation Baked sweet apples, with some people, bring prompt relief for Constipation. With others, coarse all-wheat bread will hare the same effect. Nature undoubtedly has a vegetable remedy to relieve everyZailment known to man, If physicians can but find Nature's way to health. And this ia triklntrlv true with regard to Constipation. The bark of a certain tree in California Cas cara Sagrada offers a most excellent aid to this end. But. combined with Egyptian Senna, Slip pery Elm Bark, Solid Extract of Prunes, etc.. this same Cascara bark is given its greatest possible power to correct constipation. A toothsome Candy Tablet, called Lax-ets, is now made at the Dr. Snoop Laboratories, from this ingenuous and most effective prescription. Its effect on Consti pation, BHiousness, Sour Stomach, Bad Breath, Sallow Complexion, etc, is Indeed prompt and satisfying. No griping, no unpleasant after effects are ex perienced, and Lax-eta are put up in beautiful lithographed metal boxes at 6 cents and 25 cents per box. - For something new. nice, economical and effective, try a box of a GRIMES DRUG William B. Sm ot Bismarjk Cap s SM00T & CAPPS, ATTORNEYS & COUNSELORS AT LAW Room No 6, Court H,ouse Annex, SALISBURY. N. C. Practice in State and Federal courts. Handle collections, ioan money and handle promptly all business entrust ed to our care. Charles W. Woodson, M, D., Medicine and Surgery. Offers hjs Professional Services to the Public. Office Phone 600; Res. 336 J. OFFICE: Wachovia Bank Building. 4 Per Cent. We pay 4 per cent, on money in savings department, adding the interest to the principal every 90 days, and offer every safe guard to the depositors. We also loan money on real es tate and personal security. THE PEOPLES' BANK AND TRUST CO. D. R Julian, J. D. Norwood, Cashier. A. Peeler, Teller. President. H. Thompson, J, V.-Presideut. Commissioner's Sale ol Valuable Farming Lannds. Pursuant to the Drovisions of an or der obtained from J. Frank Mcfinh- bins, Clerk of the Superior Court of Rowan County, in the special proceed ing entitled J. Samuel McCuhhins. Admir., of John A. McCubbins. vs. J. S. McCubbins, W. C McCubbins et ah. appointing the undersigned Commis sioner to sell certain lands for the pur pose of making assets, I will expose for sale at the Court House door in Salisbury, on Monday, January 6th , 1908, at 12 M.. the followinc described tracts or iana : 1st. Beginning at a stone on TT w McDaniel. T. C. Correll and .1 V Campbell's corner, thence S. 88 deg. E 14.35 chs to a locust, thence S, 1 deg W 22.35 chs to a stone, thence S K deg W 7.75 chs to a nonular on east. side of branch, thence S 18J deg E 12 chs to a stone, thence S 22 deg E 4.44 chs to a noilar on south hunt nf branch, thence N 85 1-2 de? W 11 94. chs to a stone on H. G. Sane's line, thence N 8 deg W 47 51 chs to the be ginning, contaning 56 acres, 10 rods. 2nd Beginning at a sycamore on the north bank of 4th creek, thenno N 1 1.9 aeg tL 13.70 chs to a pine, thence N 16 deg W 2.86 chs to a stone, thence N 8 deg W 5.11 chs to a stone on H G. Sane's line, thence S 85 1-2 dee E 11 24 chs to a roplar on south sideof brinch. tnence JN 22 1-2 deg W 4.44 chs to a ston, thence 83 1-2 deg E 21,50 chs to a atone on H. G Lippard's line, then-e S 2 3-4 deg W 17,44 chs to n ash on north bank of 4th creek, thence with tne meandering of the creek 47 chs to the beginnjng corner, containing 64K acres. 3rd. Beginninsrat a stone on J. F Campbell's corner, thence S 1-2 deg VV i io ens to a noular on east bank of branch, thence S 18 1-2 deg E 12 chs to a stone, thence S 88 1-2 dee E 21.50 chs to a stone on H. G. Lippard's line. thence N 2 3-4 dee E 27.06 chs to a stone on 3. A. Campbell's corner and l. J. Lippard's line, thence S 83 deg W 4.50 chs to a black lack, thence N 62 deg W 2 75 chs to a stone, thence S 49 deg W 11,73 chs to the beginning cor ner, containing sixtv acres. This lat ter tract is the dower tract assigned and set apart to Mrs. Amanda McCub bins and will be sold subiect to her ife interest therein. Terms of sala: V. cash. U in six months, in nine months, with inter est on deferred payments. Title re tained until full purchase price is paid. This November 30th, 1907. J. SAMUEL M'CTJBBINS, commissioner. II A 1 CO. Job. L. Rendleman. attorney. ' Why Refer ociors Because we make medicines for them. We tell them all about Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and they prescribe it for coughs, colds, bronchitis, con sumption. They trust it. Then Aft I you can aitora to trust it. Ask your own doctor. The best kind of a testimonial t "Sold for over Bixty years.' Made by J. O. Ayer Co., Lowell, Also manuiaoturers or 7 SARSAPARILLA. yers PILLS. HAIR VIGOR. We have no secrets ! We publish the formulas of all our medicines. Ayer's Piils greatly aid the Cherry Pectoral in breaking up a cola, Cures Blood, Skin Diseases, Cancer, Greatest Blood Purifier Free." If your blood is impure thin, diseased, hot or fuil of humofs, if you. have blood poison, cancer, cartuncles, eating sores, scrofula, ec zema, itchinfr, risings and bumps, scabby, pimp y, skin, bone pains, cata rh, rheuma tism, or any blood or skin disease, take Bo tanic Blood Balm, (B B B) Soon all sores heal aches and pains stop and the blood is made pure and rich Druggists or by expret-s $1 per large bottle Sample free by writing Blood Balm Oo Atlanta, Ga. B B B is especially ad vised for chronic, deep-seated cases, as it dares after all else falls Eugene H. Bean, Attorney and Counselor at Xaw. Office: Over Wachovia Bank, 11-13 Salisbury, N. C. pd THE STATE'S STRONGEST ING INSTITUTION. $600,000.00 Capital. Over Million DoliarsAsssts 4 PER GENT. a 1 I 1 lniesesi guaranteed on money re maining t,ure months in the Sav ing department, yet you can get your money when you want it. J Waeiievia Loan & Trust Go,, Salisbury Savings Bank Building THE ROOSTER CRIED "I could swear if I tried That there goea a bonnet With my tail feathers on it U .4.1.1 i , , . oumtumii lu crow aoout is our baraple Shoes at 67c on the dollar. Have you seen our new arrivals in our Lone: 117 OT 0 -TP i . vvtjar onoees n not you re behind the times. -Better cal A. ... J T 1 uu ub couay ana maKQ your selection beiore the holiday rush. Our stock is the lar gest in the city to pick from (POPULAR PRICE FOOT WEAR TtRMS oTRICTLr CASH North Carolina, Rowan County In Superior Court Lillie Dartie vs. Murtle -Dartie Action for Divorce. ine defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced against mm in tne superior court of Kowan connty to obtain a divorce from the Donas of matrimony on the grounds of infidelity: that the said defendant will further take notice that he is re quired to appear at the February term, iuus, of. the Superior court of Kowan county to be held on th Si-H Monday before the first Monday of March, 1908. and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief therein demanded. Jiovomber the 1st, 1907. J. F. McCUBBINS, Clerk Superior Court Kowan County P. S. Carlton, atty. 6t Sale cl Valuable Lasd for Division. Take notice that ihe ux.dei-8i.i.cd will sell for division on Saturday, Dsceoiber I4tfi. "1807. ai i2 Sixty-five and One-fifth (65 1-5) acres of good farming land, situate in Provi dence township, about h, miles south east from Salisbury, N. C, and near Union Lutheran ehurch, and being a part of the Julius Mahdley lands more particularly described as follows : Be ginning at a stone, Geo. Basinger's corner on Cox's line, and runs thence N. 3 E. 45.85 chains to a stake on Earnhart's line near a spring ; thence a new line S. 68 E. 14 50 chains to a ?take ; fhence S. 22.50 chains to a stake in a field; thence S. 75 E. 5.80 chaiDs to a stake on Cauble's line; thence with said line S. 28J VV. 19.85 chains to a stone, Cauble's corner on Barringe-'s line; thence with Bar ringer's line W. 12.50 chains to the be ginning, containing 65 acres. 9fi above described land is located a dwelling and large barns and out houses. Dated this November 14th, 1907. P H. Thompson. I to D 1 A I 01 LH 1ST CO J . W. Neavb. We are still giving away tnose splendid pocket knives to all who pay a year's subscription, xin advance, to The Caeo lina Watchman. Pay up and get one for a Christmast gift ooooooo 1 J. O. WHITE it, CO., .Carriage and FARM AND DELIVERY WA&ONS, OPEN AND We sell the celebrated Geo. Log Wagous, fully warranted. ' Old Carnage8nd;Buggies! repaired, painted and made as good as new. " 1 New Tops made and old Tops repaired.'New Cushions I furnished and old Cushions repaired. New Dashes furnished andOld FramesTle-covered. Rubber Tires a Specialty; steel tired wheels changed to Rubber Tires. Old rubber tires repaired. Allrkinds'o? Wood and IronWork done at short notice. We have skilled workmen in each department. Surreys, Buggies andJWagons for Sale. Harness of all kinds made and repaired. Call and get prices. J. O. A WORD OF ADVICE TO FARMERS. You are no doubt fairly well satisfied with the prices which you are getting for your products. the money you receive for what you sell, you should need a few pieces of Furni2 ture, we would advise you to go to the Big Furniture Store. This store is lo cated in the Empire Block, near, the Central Hotel. You will find there the $ Best Prices to be had in Salisbury. If you doubt this statement you can veri fy it yourself, if you will take the time to see them before you buy. T. E. WITHEKSPOON & CO. 0 Hj4cjte OxhjC Id WAIGW During September we will offer for CASH a number cf Two-Horse Wagons at cost. COST ! Think of it. If you need a wagon now or expect to need one later you will make , money by pur chasing KOW- If you will investigate we can show you where you are saving at. least 15 percent., and a lit fcle later, more than that figure. 9 9 We offer for CASH onlv. 0 0 ell, Virginia and Barber. These wao-otis gained a reputation through MERIT only, and our Jt saiiefied customers stand as a monument to this 3 iact. tonvince yourself as to the saving .in"'price Z 7 and quality of goods offered . - - - 0 Te rea80U ?or the offer of Two-Horse Wagons at COST 0 is that resire to discontinue handling two-horse wagons 0 a? aud confine ourselves to the sale of On-h j$ and medium grade Buggies i.a lob . &9 II it if BA without fail. 9 I Barber Buggy & Waion Co. 115 E. Council Street. 4? SALISBURY Wagon Builders. DRAY WAGON . TOP, BEST QUALITY AND STYLE. E. Nissen & Co'n Farm WHITE &TCO. If, in exchange for 9 IFosf nrHiL 0 at COST. Mitch- have and Carriages, Mantels, Tile and (A m,- Our Stock OF SURREYS AND BUGGIES is large and oompased of the latest styles and are offered at prices to'attract the most indifferent purchase r. O a I I M 1 1 L, t( f 'us at once, - - - N. C. SIJLE I 'w w tf v xjy J0

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