Sy--: 1 SJ nr PfiQnnn ri An p.a .....--.-....... - .. - - TROM PINEY WOODS. Jan, 11. Everybody enjoyed the holidays as usual and we have nothing unusual to rport. Neely LiBk has been rn the sick list with lagrippe, bub is improv ing at this writing. ' . Mrs. I. C. Shaver, who has been confined to her bed. is out again we are glad to report. i - - The JoihtJStock Telephone Cc m pauy are contemplating buying a larger switchboard. About fifty .phones aire connected into the board, and more are to be install ed soon, which will necesitate a new board. Everybody is getting phones in Piney Woods. ' E. C. Shaver & Co. will move their saw mill near Prosperity school houBe. " J. A. Arey and wife visited D. C. Arey Sunday. Mr. Arey is one of Gold Hill's enterprising merchants.' - Charlie Basinger bought a horse this last week and is going to farm ing. Charlie Morgan, Ivey" Hoffner and. mother, of Lowerstone, visit ed at Jno. C. Wyatt's last week. Mr. Hoffner will bs in The Watch man's contest which opens Jan uary 18th. Jesse Fry is erecting a nice two story dwelling. Jno. I, Barringer is doing the work. C. L. Basirjger is thinking of moving to Richfield to accept the position of chief of police. ' Real estate is getting valuable in our section. The Mary Snider place was sold recently for $450 Dr. 0. C. Grunitz, of Cincinatti, Ohio, has located at Richfield, He seems to be a well read man. - W. C, Lisk is taking advantage of theae moonshiny nights by run ning his saw mill day and night. Anybody - wishing to subscribe to The Carolina. Wa tchman can do so by seeing Neely Lisk, Every body subscribe, subscriptions are going at panic prices. Southerner. Why Do We Make This Enormous Reduction in Prices? OdEB MBASOTO WHY ; 1 . We bought heavier than ever before; sales were less, owing to local conditions and the mild weather; consequently we find our counters loaded with goods instead of cash 1o our credit. We have resolved to unload rather than carry these goods over. Besides we need the money. We have resolved to offer the greatest inducements ever presented to the citizens of Rowan and adjoining counties. Our past record is a guarantee of our statements. Read some of our Gash Slaughter Prices. JANUARY 9TH, Children's Suits. $10 GO . i ..... for $7 85 9 00. for 6 85 7 50.... v....... ........ .. for 5 95 7 00 -7 to 5 45 6 00 for 4 95 5 00. 1 for 3 95 4 00..... for 2 95 3 50..... .for 2 45 2 50 for 1 85 Overcoats, Hats Caps, Gloves, etc., at same reduction. Stetson Hats reserved. Mf (2, &lMEgo .J,...... - - ..... - - - - . - - - - . - a WgDUBEBTY X ROADS. Route 1, Gold Hill, Jan. 10 . The infant of John Parkes.which recently died, was buried at the Liberty cemjitery last Monday. .Allen Trexler has moved to his son-in-law's, Roby Hill. T H. Morgan will have his corn mill ready to work by the last of the week. Mr. Morgan will also put up a molasses factory next summer. C. A. Campbell, our deputy, is having a lot of business to attend 1 i . s to along now. """ RichajTd Frick is stepping high and wearing a broad smile. It's a boy. A society known as the Liberty Debating Society was organized at Liberty school house recently. Zebulon. Trexler was appointed president and Joseph C. Eagle as secretary. Mrs, John Morgan, who has been very ill with pneumonia for some time, is improving, we are glad to say. Doctor Morgan visited his fath er, J. M. M.organ, last Saturday, night. J. A, Ribelin has resumed work at his saw mill up in western Rowan. Geo. Kuupp lost a fine hog recently. J. W. Barringer visited friends near Winston recently. Rev. WT. C. Cruse preached a forcible sermon at the Holiness church last Sunday. John Trexler is improving from a severe case of brights disease we are glad to note. J. T. Cranford has postponed operations in his i well til, the water gets lower in the ground. Game is getting scarce in this section. Nat Troutman is thinkiner of going to Atlanta to help Mr. Taft eat potatoes and 'possum. Billy. Firoces ROCKWELL. Jan. 11. As Santa Clans has kept Youngster' busy until now. he has been unable to send in theJ news of this hustling little town for the past lew weeks. ' Christmas passed off joyfully in Rockwell this timer J. M. Holshouser has tak)n the pontract to build the hardware' store in this place. He began work on it this morning. McCombs, Park & Co. have moved their goods in the Junior hall, bo that they can have more room. The Rockwell Furniture Co. has started np again with renewed vigor and it is expecting to do a good business thiB year. J. W. Peeler was elected secretary and treasurer of the company again. The Rockwell Mercantile Co. is taking inventory today. EdgarJCJozart took in a better- j half during the holidays We wish him a bappy life. There will be preaching here in the Reformed church next Sunday night. Everybody is cordially invited. Rev. Baninger will de liver the charge to the pastor; Linker, Fesperman & Co.'s Liew saw mill has arrivnd and they are doiDg good work with it. The Barringer Mfg Co. will start to putting in machinery in a few weekB. J. W. Peeler has been having something like the grippe for the past week. C. W. Holshouser visited Mt. Pleasant Sunday, I guess he en joyed himself. Youngster. WOODLEAF. Jan. 9. Mrs. E. B. Foshee, who was recently operated on in States ville, has returned home much im proved. ' Julius Cauble, of Asheville, is visiting old friends around here this week- Our boys have about all left Woodleaf. Dan Wetmore, Clar euceGillian and OscarNesbit, have all gone to the A. and M. College in Raleigh. ' layglhteredl sis Suits. $37 50 for 85 00, for 30 00.. for 27 50 for 25 00 for 22 50 for 20 00 j ..for 18 50 for 10 50.. for 15 00 for 12 50 fc r 10 00 for The new arrivals here to enter the high school are : Charley Link,' of Salisbury, two of Joe Hall's boysT-two of Hugh Dobbins', boys, of Watauga ; one from Iredell county. So you se;we still have some bpys yet to keep the.Wcod- l leaf "girls company. The Woodleaf Telephone Co. is building another line. This time it goes by A, C. Gibbons, W. C. Gillian, C. A. Deal, D. W. Myers, Levi Powlass, Thomas Thompson and others. When this is com pleted everything will te wired in up here. Battle Wetmore has been ap pointed mail messenger for this office vice Clifton Lazenby. One of the Boys. UNION CHURH. Jan. 11. Mov'ng from Salis bury as the order of the day last week. Five or six families passed I our vllla89 for Morgan township. There are several cases of va rious kiuds of sickness ii: this com munity at present. Our hunters have auit huntine - - - a, and gone to work. That's right I boys, there is no game to hunt. I School has opened at Union Academy with a full attendance. C. J. Lyerly will leave in a few days fer Manchester, Va., where he has secured work. The Hustler has muscular rheu- i matism in bis right arm. It is j not very pleasant company. The stork recently visited at Charles Frick's and presented him with a young farmer, Hustler. 60LD HILL. Jan. 11. H. M. Isenhour died last Thursday at 4 a. m.. and was interred on F.iday, at 3 p. m,, at St. Stephen's, three miles from here. Mr. Isenhour was probably the oldest man in this vicinity being in his 88th year. Paralysis caused his death, Wesley Morgan, who resides three miles south of this place, has lost his mind and has been taken to tbe Morgantou hospital for the insane. Edmunds, the former section foreman here, has gone to Geor A M., TO" JANUARY 20TH. $28 50 $7 00. 6 50. 6 00. 5 00. 400. 3 50. 26 00 23 00 20 00 18 50 6 50 5 00 13 50 12 50 10 00 9 00 7 50 $2 50 2 00 1 50.. 1 00 50 gia. He is succeeded here by Mr Bost, who has moved his family in Thoi. Moyle's house. Wm. Martin and Rich Morgan visicea at uoccora or urowu mhi last Sundry. . Geo. Faggart and Lucile Shavt-r have retnrn9d to Mt. Pleasant to school after spending the holidays with their parents. Dr. Bowers, who was taken se riously ill while on his honey moon, is now in . the hospital at Greensboro, where he underwent an operation. He is doing very well at last report. We have been having numerous parties, dances, etc., here during the holidays which were attended by old and young, married and single. Matthew Small and wife have gone to Arizona where he will work in the mines He has two brothers out there, who are doiDg very well in their adopted home. Mr. and Mrs. Arey were given an old time belling on their re turn home, last Thursday night, from their honeymoon to Jack sonville, Fla. 'Drums and bells, plow shovels, etc., were freely used, and pandemonium reigned supreme for awhile. Mr. Wertz, the new superinten dent of the Southern mine, has arrived, but has not commenced work yet, Cal Morgan has commenced work on his dwelling house to be erected on Albemarle St. Geo. Morgan has completed the addition to his house of a nice large room and porch, and now has a. large well arranged house. The public road leading from Gold Hill to Salisbury is in the worst condition I have, ever seen it at this time of the year, Some one should look after it. Mike. . FAITH. Jan. 11. Mf? and Mrs. Newton "Koykendall, of Asheville, N. 0., is visiting his son and the family of Adolphus Gant this week. A young gentleman has arrived at Mr. and Mrs. Will Stirewalt's. Peeler, Bame & Co. shipped VIA ftUeveir Shoes. for $5 50 for "for for for for 5 00 4 95 3 95 3 35 2 85 Underwear. for $1 85 for 145 for 1 20 ..... for 85 for 40 three Jots of granite todayr-January 1 1 th, to Raleigh , High Point rnd Mofehead City, N. 0.-? Mr. Barnhardt,: the surveyor is here-today running off land for for some one. ' . A big birthday dinner was given at W. Earnhardt's Friday, January 8th. This was his fif tieth, birthday. A large crowd was there and all spent a pleasant i day- . he citizens of Faith are all glaaHo hear thai there is a good chance for a car line in the near future. . - The streets in Faith are being improved. Venus. The House Will Strike Back. The special committee consid ering the references to Congrejs and the secret service in the Pres ident's annual message is to re port to the House on Friday. It is expected that there will be con siderable debate on the report of the committee,? which will be presented to the House by Repre sentative Perkins, of New York, the chairman. Representatives Tawney, of Minnesota; Smith, of Iowa; Fitzgerald, of New York, and Sherley of Kentucky, who were referred to by the President in his special message following the action of the House in resent ing the objectionable portion of the President's message, will take the opportunity to reply to the Presdent. Representative Grigg, of Geor gia, on Monday moved that the special message of the President be returned to the Chief. Execu tive, but-jgithdrew his motion on the advice of some of his Demo cratic colleagues. It is under stood that the report of the spe cial committee, however, will be a rebuke nearly as severe as would have been the action proposed by Mr. Griggs, if it is not more so. It is stated that the report of the committee will recommend either the refusal by the House to receive that portion f the President's annual message which it is claim ed reflected on the House or will severely rebuke the President in some other manner. Washington dispatch. Heforeo Pants. $9 00. 8 00 7 50 7 00. 6 50. 6 00 5 00. 4 00. 3 50. 2 50. 1 50. Shirts. $2 00. 1 50. 100. '75. 50. V On the . Passing of Booze, C ; (The -if ollowing . pathetic lines are. from the pen of a - Lexington, poet, the dryness of Salisbury fur nishiDg'the inspiration) Out of the town, out of the town, out of the town 1 Out of the town the bar-rooms go Carrying their cheer and carrying their woo - -Out of the towa the bar-rooms go I Never again can I T speed between trains ' And order a beer or a pint of corn. Never again can I go to stay ' And take me a grip that will 0 say A gallon or for a rainy day Never again I Salisbury's dead, boysrsue's kick ed her last kick ; What's the use to buy a tick? The old town's dry, and the clouds hide sky, And it's hellacions damn lonesome son, In Lexington 1 Charlotte Obser ver. . A New Candidate. Late to-day the contest for the judgeship took a most interesting turn. Some friends of ex-Judge W. S. O'B. Robinson, of Golds boro, presented his name and re port in a way as to attract tbe Pres ident. The appointment will be postponed several days so thSt the recommendations can be sent in. Judge Robinson never ap plied for the place or asked any one for an endorsement. Wash ington correspondence Charlotte Observer. fit might be said in connection with the above thai the content referred to in connection with the appointment of a United States Judge, to succeed the late Judge Purnell 'who recently died. Spen cer B. Adams and U. S. District Attorney Harry Skinner are both candidates for the position. Ed. Bids for Public Buildings. Attention is called to the adver tisement in this paper calling for bids for the erection and equip ment of the public building to be erected in Salisbury, Specifica- tions can be seen by calling Post master J. H. Ramsay. . According to this it is presumed work on the building will not be much longer delayed. WATER POWER. 38 lbs. of Cream of "Wheat flour, 36 Best Patent and 14 lbs. of bran and shorts per BUSHEL of WHEAT. These two brands of flour are as staple in Row an as sugar and coffee. This should be satisfactory even to the most exacting. Effective at once. 1-12 3mo ROTHROCK ROLLER MILLS. ' a m for $6 75 . for 6 25 5 75 5 25 4 95 445 3 75 275 2 45 1 85 1 20 for . for . for . for . for . for . for . for . for for $1 45 fo,r, 1 20 for 85 for 60 for x 40 ;( 3 m x Z' i" - i -