T11E CAJ10LHIflv,ATCH!.1AII. WM. H. STEWART, Ed. and Prop. Publfsheeveiy : Wednesday at 120 , West Inniss Street. Subscription Price $1 per year strictly 1' cash in advance. Entered as second-class matter Jan. 19th, 1905. at the post office at Salis bury, N. O., under the act of Congress of March 3rd, 1897. Salisbury, N. G., Jan. 12, 1909 PUBLICATION DAY CHANGED The day of publication of The Carolina Watchman has been changed from Wednesday to Tues day of each week. Special atten tion of this change is called to ad vertisers, as advertisers wanting a change will find it necessary to get their copy in the office not 1 at er than Monday, preferably soon . er, but never later. We cannot take out or change ads. on Tues day without great inconvenience and delay, so pleasahelp ns to the extenf of having your ads. in on Mondays. This is much to the advertisers' interest,, in that his ad, fs well circulated by the last of the week and results will be ob tained with more certainity and during the same week. To our readers this change is of greater interest. B-side the pub lication of The Watchman on Tuesday, we will publish,. The Rowan Record on Friday, The Watchman giving, the news of the the first half of the week and The -Record, of China Grove, giving the news of last half of the week. This, in substance, will give to those who desire it, a semi-weekly service second to none in the State. The price of the papers is as follows : , The Watchman,. 1 yeaj, $1.00; if paid in advance, spot cash, .75 ; less than a year at $1.00 rate. The Rowan Record, 1 year, $1.00; if paid in advance, spot cash, .75; less thau a year at $1.00 rate. The Watchman and Record, 1 year, $1.50; if paid in advance, spot cash, $1.00; less than a year at $1.50 rate. WEDDINGS. Sloop-Lipe. Mia. Margaret C. Sloop, daughter of Wm,-SJoop, and Caleb J. Lipej both of Atwell township, were united in marriage at the parsonage of Salem church, Rev. B, S. Brown, ;officiating. Mr. Lipe is one- of Atwell's best farmers and a progressive citizen i and Miss Slocp is a splendid young woman. Sechler-Cress.- Janu a r y 6, 1909, Paul Cress and Miss Jemima Sechler were happily united in the holy bonds of wedlock by the Rev. C. A. Brown, the bride's j)as tor, at the Lutheran Chapel par sonage, China Grove, N. C. The groom and bride are popular young people, and have the well wishes of many admiring friends in their new relations. Jackson-Sloop. Jau u a r y 6, 1909, John L. Sloop and Miss Jauio Jackson were happily united in the holy bonds of matrimony at the home of the bride's parents, J. H. Jackson, near Kannapolis, N. C. The young couple are pop? ular and have the well wishes c many admiring friends in their new relations. Rev. C. A. Bragn, the groom's pastor, performed the ceremony. WANTS TO BE SHOWN. While ,The Watchman knows nothing oL-this frauise matter which hasTreated considerable comment during the past few days, ajUg from hearsay, it it not pre pared to discuss it at this time. As our readers know, certain citi zens applied to the board of coun ty commissioners for a franchise, or franchises, to build and operate certain lines of street railway. Later the Merchants' Association adopted, resolutions strongly fa voring the plan and requesting the commissioners to grant the desired franchise without any un necessary delay.. Whereupon, Chairman Beard, of the boarJ, comes. out with a letter vhich has been published in the city pa pers setting forth the reasons or me Doara tor desiring o give the matter careful consideration before passing upon it. Without any reference to the specific cause in question it may be stated that too much care and judgment cannot be exercised in matters o , this sort. The principles laid down by Chairman Beard in his article, are good ones in them selves and as applying to the granting of f anchises in general. While it is well to encourage and aid in any project tor the up building of the community, and while it would be very unwise to deliberately hamper these enter prises, it is just as essential that the' rights of the public be guard ed. The Watchman wants to commend the spirit shown by the board, iri that it seems desirous of looking upon the public good as the prime factor in the case. STAUNCH FRIENDS OF PE-RU N A. About the worst feature in the prohibition matter, so far as it affects North Carolina, is the fact that the State will Soon be flooded with all sorts of so-called temper ance drinks, many of them no doubt being warranted to kill at thirty paces. Look out for this slop aud try to know what is of fered you before you touch it. It behooves the druggists of the -State to be exceedingly circum spect, for a while at least. They will be watched very closely and f topers purchase any intoxicat ing fluids from them they a least lay themselves open to suspicion., And this is not de signed as any reflection upon the druggists, for as a class, they are 8 body of as honorable, upright men as we have. Chairman Beard States Attitudes of Com missioners on Railway Franchises. At a recent meeting of the Mer chants Association, resolutions were passed asking the county commissioners to grant franchises and rights of way for the proposed electric lines, the particulars of which have already been mention ed. Chairman Beard, of the board; publishes an article in the Eveniug Post of Saturday last, ! in which he explains the attitude of the board with reference to; this fran chise .matter. The article gives some excellent reasons why the matter should be given careful consideration,, and as it makes good readiug it is herewith repro duced: "In reply' to the resolutions passed by th Merchants' Associa tion of Salisbury published in your paper of yesterday,, I, beg to say that from the tone of the res olutions adopted by the Mer chants' Association it is very evi dent Othat the Association has misconceived the position of the Board of Commissioners of Rowan county. "Th . proposition submitted to the Board by the gentleman ask ing the several franchises waB such that the Board did not fel justified in granting the franchises without careful consideration and especially without the same hav ing been submittedito our counsel. We were asked to grant exclusive and valuable franchises to certain gentleman who railed in any manner whatever to satisfy the Board that they themslves have either present or prospective means of beginning or completing the several lines for which they ask franchises. These franchises tne .board understands, are very valuable, aud as sworn officers who have charge of; the county's iuterests, they did hot feel that they ought to , grant, give away and tie up the property of the people of Rowan county without some assurance that the parties requesting these franchises wil DuiJd tnese inter-uroan lines and F not use the fianchases for the pur pose of speculation. "The Board of Commissioners are very anxious to see these lines erected and stand ready to aid in any business, like manner any en terprise tending to upbuild the county or her industries, but they do not feel justified in granting away the public's interest to any person or persons, unless these persons are anie to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Board that they intend to act in good Let no food impair tne powers of the stomach. Eat mm WHEAT FLAKE CELERY mm. which is the most perfect food for the brain workers, clergy njen, lawyers, merchants, j grow ing children,' arid the muscle wonting classes. Grandmothers and Grandfathers Who Believe In Pe-ru-na. "i; OAN recommend Perana as a good medicine for chronic catarrh of the stomach and bowels. I have been troubled with it severely for over a year, and also a cough. 'Now my cough is all gone, and all the distressing symptoms of catarrh of the stomach and bowels have disappeared. 'I will recommend it to all as a rare remedy." Mrs. P. E. Little, Tolono, 111. T HAD catarrh of the stomach, bow X els and lower internal organs. Had a great deal of pain in my right hip, which felt like rheumatism. Also, pain in my internal organs. The water was highly colored, my back was weak, was constipated, and very restless. "I commenced to take Peru n a accord ing to directions, and began to improve. I have taken ten bottles of Peruna and think I am cured." Mr. VV . G. Hemp bill, Louisville, Miss. K 7TRS. H. G. GREEN and family, of 1VJL Lewis Creek, Ind., write : "We cannot express to you our thanks for what Peruna has done for mother. .'When she began your medicine sho was not able to be up all day, but now she is helping with the work and at present has gone on a visit. Her health is improved in general. S'o discharges. Good appetite. Sleeps well and looks well." nY following your instructions and XJ taking your Peruna and Manalin I am cured of catarrh. "I had catarrh for twelve yCars s?nd quite a bad cough so I could not steep nights. I do not have any eouli now. If I feel anything in the throat I take a swallow of Peruna and I am all right.' Mr. W. D. Smith, Sr., Forest 81., Port Huron, 2lich. oooootfdotoooooo Q o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o rail Mm E u pec i all n all Ladies' and Children's Goats to close out. WhatM3oat Suits we have left are being closed aw fully cheap. Now is an opportunity to buy a real nice coat suit for a very little money. ' EHillinery also going at Sacrifice Prices. New Spring Dress Gingham just in. Price 10 & 12ic. Extra good Apron Gingham at 5c yd. You get the best a,ad get it at the very' lowest price if yoir trade vat faith. Tho Board feels that they should not grant auy public fran chise to any persons unless the Board may be assured by bond or otherwise that the agreement will be carried into effect. "The action of the Board is in no way antagonistic to the public interests of the county or city but i3 simply the honest and conscien tious endeavor of the Board to do, fsom a business standpoint, what may be for the bfjst interests of the Deople of Rjwau ccunty. "The gentlem hi, who are seek ing thebe .franchise, know their own capabilities and fhould have faith in themselves ; if they feel confi dent that the work will be undertaken and completed, they certainly should feel no hesitancy in putting up a nominal bond as guarantee of good faith, sueh bond to be returned to these gen tlemen when the proposed lines are constructed." Wanted to trade a good work horse for a milch cov. Apply at Watchman cflice. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Si OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQCOOOOOO O rri r i rry J- JLtL JIj For sale by all Grocers o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o CLEAN SWEEP o o o o o o A. W. WINECOFF'S IS Still in Progress And will Continue for a Few Days yet. The knife has been put deep into the prices and g )od goods are beeing offered at remarkably low prices. ' I do not wish to over-rate myself nor use extravagant language that would" cause you to expect more than is reasonable, but I do want you to call, in ease of need, and investi gate my stock and prices. By this meth od there can be no decsption and no dis agreements a square deal and satisfac tion to all. Come in and see me while these special inducements are being of fered and you will not regret it. Very respectfully, A. W WN EGOFF O O o o Q O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o m o o Q o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o ral Water' that Defies Drugs Nature's Great Blood Tonic The recent drugrexposures" in this Country have proven to all that deadly poisons and stimulants lurk in many Patent Medicines. You never know when you might be taking- some of that class. ; - Nature has made ample provision for restoring- vigor and vitality to humanity, and the public, as well as doctors, resort to Natural Remedies, when all others have failedw Are you troubled with Dyspepsia, Nervousness, Malaria, Kidney or Bladder Trouble, Chronic Diarrhoea or Dysentery, and above all, that dreadful disease Scrofula, which has almost baffled human skill, or Diseases pecu liar to Females? Piedmont-Bedford Concentrated Iron & Alum Water Is Nature's Remedy for Nature's Ills. Yes, when you consider that disease comes from impoverished or run down conditions of the system, this Natural Mineral Water furnishes the system what it needs. The analysis of this Water, shown on the bottle, tells you what Nature thinks you should take when sick, and'the doctor who reads it will agree. Do you think the grouping together in this Water of 17 different minerals, which are recognized by medical writers as most powerful bipod tonics, could have been accidental ? Reason answers, NO ! An 18-oz bottle of Piedmont-Bedford Concentrated Iron and Alum water contains all the minerals of 25 gallons of the average natural water Then why buy a barrel Waati?p wnen you can get a bottle of minerals at the trivial cost of one dollar. The dose is a teaspoonful in a glass of your own spring water. How this Water acts upon the system is not clearly known. It is judged mainly by its works. It has cured all the diseases numerated above, and many more, evidently through its action as a powerful BLOOD TONIC. " We have many valuable certificates, which we will be glad to mail, it you are interested. - J. M. ECHOLS CO., Lynchburg. Va. Sold and Recommended T. W. Grimes DruffCo,, Chestnut Hill Dm? Co., H. M. Cooke Pharmac- -r I Luckey P-cvas Lucky. There may be something in a 0,'amo after all. Rowan Lnckev, a negro of the Woodleaf neighbor hood, who was convicted aLd sen tenced to the penitentiary in 1004 on tho charge of murdering his wife, ha? benn pardoned by tho governor. A number of persons who knew Luckey "quite well. have believod that his story of the kill ing wag accidental, was true. At the time of of the trial a daugh ter of Luckey ewore that her father had deliberately shot and killed her mother. Later she changed her story aud says she was influenced to make the former statement by the relatives of her mother. Clement and Clement were Luckey's attorneys and they have worked unceasingly for a pardon for their client. V The nf gro had borne. an (.xollent reputation in the connianitty where he lived. A Jaunt tj Cuba. A party of Salisbury ladies left Monday morning on the Southern Railway's Cuba excursion trip. iney expect to visit a number of points on the southern coast be fore creasing to Havanna. The party will be gone about, eleven days, aud as it will be in the hands of guides who are familiar with the localities visited, many things of interest will be seen. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, Office cf tbs Supervising Architect. Washington. D. C, January 11, 1909 SEALED PROPOSALS will l received at this office until 3,o'cl ck . m. on the 17th day of February, 1909, and then opened. for tiio construction (including plumbing, gas piping, heating ap paratus, electric conduits and wiring) of the U. S. Post Office at Salisbury, N. C, in strict accord ance with the drawings and speci fication, copies of which mav bw obtained from the Custodian of Ojthe site at Salisbury, N C, or at o o oooooooooccooooooaoooooooo this office at the discretion cf the Supervising Archite ct. - JAMES KNOX TYLOR, 1-12 2t Supervising Architect. The Queen Cf Fashion's Ri-he.-t r.rd choicest creations are most elegaritsy and, perfectly reproduced oie the. Standard Eotary. The World's Best Sewing Machine The ouly machine which makes abso lutely perfect lock and chain stitching on the same machine. Ladies When you are in need of a sewing ma chine, you no doub intend to give the matter intelligent consideration and should buy one which will last a life time, the Standard Rotary. You Owe It to Yourself to learn iow the Standard Rotary will do more and better work, in les time, and with more real comfort and pleas ure than any other machine made. Send for circular. The Ktandard SewlDg Machine Co., For sale by Atlanta fin T. E. WITHERSPOON & CO' Salisbury, N. C. OPEN AN ACCOUNT WITH THE FfRST NATIONAL BANK. SALISBURY, N. C. W. C. Coughenouk, President, T. C. Linn, Vice-President, W. H. White, Cashier. Capital - - - $50,000 00 Stockholders' Liability - 50,000 00 Surplus and. Profits - 53.581 56 Deposits January 1, 1909, 317,785 06 Resources January 1, 1909, 459,736 84 Directors : John S. Henderson, D. A. Atwell, T.C.Linn, H. N. Woodson, Burton Craige, W. S. Blackmer, Walter H. Woodson, W. B. Strachan, A. H. Price, C. Coueheiour. Every accommodation extended con sistent with safe banking. W. H. WHITE. Cashier. Plant Wood's Seeds For The Garden G Farmr Thirty years in business, with a steadily increasing trade every year until we have to-day one of the largest businesses in seeds in this country i3 the best of evidence as to V Vhe Superior Quality X of Wood's &&1c We are headquarters for Grass and Clover Seeds, Seed Potatoes, Seed Oats, Cow Peas, Soja Beans and &U Farm Seeds. Wood's Descriptive Catalog the most useful and valuable o.f Garden and Farm seed Catalogs mailed free on request. T. W. WOOD & SONS, Seedsmen, . Richmond, Va.

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