' , ! - w.Mriy,if- t - 'Kfc-wMiiiii.iwiii stfire't.rui ..J r 1. - - '-T-- i r i. jiiL-r-jagt '7.JL -' THE CAROLINA VATCHMAH. hHORT LOCAL ITEMS Since the first of the year there has been a marked degree of ac tivity ifmonij the quarries at Grauito Quarry. Several of the concerns there have large con tracts to fill and several hundred granite workers are kept busy." The burial of H. M. Iienhour, who died at his home iu the coun ty las Wednesday, took place Fri day, afternoon at St. Stephen's Lutheran church. Rev. Off man, pastor of Mt Morian Lutneran cnurcn, near Landis, is away on a vacation and Killed in a Wreck. Last .week in a wreck at Stoker- land, Va , four miles south of Dan- hrilleEugiueer A. P. Satterfield was killed and his fireman, Ellis Davis, badly injured. There is a double switch at the point where the accident occurred, it being; the place where the Danville & West ern road branches off from the main liue of the Southern. The D. & W. leaves the other road on a shasp curve, and the switch hav ing beerr left open for the branch line, when the eugins of No. 35 struck it at high speed it left the track and turned over down an embankment. The j unfortunate engineer was caught under the en- gine and crusnea to aeatn. xwo during his, absence his pulpit will mail cars and the express car were be supplied by Rev. S W. Kuhn's, derailed. The passenger coaches of this city. ... were somewhat shaken up but none Ti j iL.i. t t -t'-j of the nasseneers were hurt. It x is Biatwu tuat Jur. a. d. vjuuu-i . man nf nrpant. will Hhnrt.lv has been stated that the switch move to Lenoir. He has already 8bowed the proper sign light and , . --. l- l how the switch happened to be snipped some oi ms uouseiioia ;- .nnA. T)r flnnflman i ftUl. tbrown has not been explained. 7 j r a. The dead engineer made his home losing him. DEATH BY DROWNING. Aged Lady of the County Is Found Dead In Creek Near her Rome. .Miss Mary Josey, aged 65 years, was drowned in a creek a half milf from the home of her brother, Milas Josey, with whom she lived, near Organ yesterday morning about 8 o'clock. Miss Josey had been complaining of being unwell for the past several days but no special attention was paid to her complaints She arose at the usual hour yesterday morning ana some time between 7 and 8 o'clock left the house. Aftex sometime had elapsed and Miss Josey failed to refurn, her brother and a neigh bor, W. Gr. Parks, made a search for her with the result that her lifeless body was found lying in the edge of the creek a half mile from the house. From the time the woman left home until she was found was probably an hour and a half. Where the body was found was about ten feet from a path which led over to a neigh- OUR ANNUAL VOTING CONTEST. ID opencer. Duu iormeriy rwoiueu uui b, juuu ouuj-ui g. uoicpiiuuo m uanvilie. ana me news ui u uiesuago wan ocm iu iu uuo miuuui Van m n nnt ntrv l a rtoinrr T a PDfl I i"n j death was a severe shock to his authorities at Salisbury and per in the Salisbury Steam Laundry famjiy an(j his friends. A son of mission was given to remove the ana ino capacuy pi ine esiaonsn- M gatterfield was on the train body from Ithe creek to the home ment has been largely increased. uon tihft wreck occurred. The ot Mr. Josey, where it was pre- Attantioa is called to the adver- remains were taken to Danville pared for burial. Miss Josey, it I . . I - I 1 X tisement of the Summersett Un- where the funeral was held last is saia, was suDjeci i,o nervous Aaxr oft.ftmnnn. '. The deceas- spells and the opinion in the are among the best in their j line ed was highly esteemed by his as to be found anywhere. sociates as well as by a large cir w.w 4"Viq foit cle of friends and acquaintances driveway from Main street to the national cemetery has been com- Engineer Injured. menced. Earlv Friday mornihg Engineer iu. mu m A Rrtavftr. of this citv. was ! H IT H H I inm 1 j - Thp hit aftla at partment store is still in progress seriously iujuredin a wreck m the and is. no doubt, offering wme yards oi tne oouLneru uw xv.uD- excellent bargains. ville. He was pulling passenger . train No. 29 and ran into an open T.E. Webb, who lives in the switch In a Reidsville dispatch county, wnne cnopping m a .t .g 8fcated that Eogineer Beaver woods recently had one of. hislegs reoeived order8 to take the brofcen oy-a tailing iiree. ioa gidetra-ck at Reidsville and later bones of. his leg were broken and wgre guper83ded by orders badly crusnea. nenaB tne Bym. to meettrainNo gSat Bensja. A pathy of a large circle of friends traiumau who wa8 not aware of The Vanderford Hotel was for he last orders, opened the, switch mallv opened the first of the week, to throw No. 29 on the siding i-iti4ai. tYta no or man fttrftmftnfc. The onoinA WAS overturned and hotel has been thoroughly reno- Lne engineer was badly hurt. neighborhood of her relatives is that her mind became unbalanced and she threw herself into the water for the th-jory is advanced that even it she had been going along the path to Mr. ShupiDg's she would not have left it and gone to the creek bank somy feet away. Besides her brother, two sisters survive, they being Mrs. Jane Kluttz and Mrs. Charlotte Beaver, both living m tbis county. The funeral will be held at Organ Lutheran church today at 1 o' clock, conducted by the pastor, Rev. H. A. Trexlor. " Officers Elected. The annual meeting of the Old Hickory Club took took place last Hin Wednesdav night at the rooms of vated and a number of changes right arm and his left wrist were made which will add to the com- broken and he received severe fort and convenience of guests. wounds about the head. He is tx T n..L:,i v. Uflt.tinff alon-z as well as could be U. Li. VT&S&Ul uatJ (juituaocu uuo i o c .i i OH thQ exnected and no serious tUaUb lit; at uaiuci, nuunu i 'Mftrv Hall land." There are are anticipated. three hundred acres in th;s tract. TT E. Johnson, who has been C Tm f0f Ald" connected with the Southern . D. Sadler Bruwuhas returned n-i i :' u r.oor.;fw rf from Washinrrton where he went IS.R11WHV llnlH. Ill Ulin ,UJUUiV! a "i J special agent, has been transferr ed to Winsou. Did you notice advertisement of the First National Bank last week? If not look it over now. It makes a most excellent show ing. It is one of the safest and most reliable in the State, The Salisbury Dry Goods C. starts a big sale this week and your attention is called to the ad vertisement in today's paper. Thfl rftnntation of this Store 18 r such that when they advertise bargaius, bargains is what you may expect. They never disap point. A number of Salisburians went to Raleigh to be present at the in auguration of Governor Kitchin. M. C. Qainn went to Raleigh Monday night to attend tne ses sion of the Grand Lodge of the Masons of North Carolina. 1 A freight train wreck Sunday night, near Asbevilie.caused sever al hours delay to trains. A. L. Carter, a former Rowan man, but who haj been living at Spokane, Washington, for some -Tooi-a h&a been vieitinz friends and relatives in the couuty. S a - Hnnter suffered a stroke of paralysis Monday afternoon EnaineerD. A. Beaver was still . improving when last heard from to consult a physician regarding injuries received Beveral weeks ago at the shops of the Southern lowg in Snencer. - It is stated that the M- the club, in the Merouev theater building. President P. B. Beard, who is also the chairman of a com mittee aroointed to select new results quarters for the club, made a re prt. The organization will oc cupy the eighth Lfloor of the new buildine to be erected at the corner of "Main and Inniss streets In addition to the usual club quar ters will be a roof garden for the use of the club. Officers for the i -i f i ensuing year were elected as ioi B. B. Miller, president; Geo. K. Collins, nrst vice-presi The Watchman is Preparing to Conduct a Larger Contest Than Ever Before. The Watchman's annual voting contest will start a little earlier this year. It will begin on or about the 18th day of January, 1909, and will close about May 1st, It is our present intention to give away a first-class top buggy and a splendid sewing ma chine. Both articles.of practical value. The buggy will be the first prize and the machine will be the second prize, ,The contest is limited to the subscribers of The Watchman, any white per son among whom, man, woman or child, may contest for either prize. The contest will be con ducted on the same general lines that have governed our former con tests. Voting cjupons will be is sued to all subscribers who make payments on subscription to The Watchman. Five votes will be given for every C9nt actually paid in and one coupon will be printed in each paper which will be count ed when presented according to the rules. Nominating Candidates. In order to select the candidates for the prizes, we have decided to let the readers of the paper select the candidates in advance of the contest, hence, presnt herewith a voting coupon which will be couu- I tn'.i it presented vi or berore tne op. niiig day of the contest. The coupon herewith costs you norhing ai.d is merely an invitation to you to suggest the name of some repu table person whom you would like t j see obtain one of the prizes of fered. Cut it our, hll in the blank places and bring or send it to this office at once. Remember it 13 best to get your candidate started early, so if you do not happen to be in town this week or next, cut out the nominating coupon, paste it oil a postal card, or put it in an envel pX" properly filled out and mail to this efhce Thereis hard ly a subscriber that cannot name some one, and by naming a friend or neighbor it may be that you will le the means of said neigh bor being the proud winner of one of the prizes offered . Filloutthe coupous and send them iu. Some have already been suggested, but none will be pub lished until the contest opens in parueat. whan all will start on an equal haeis and ail will be given Tf w:ii endeavor to ffive vou all the haDDeninffs ol the towm .. O 1 1 - Rowan's Oldest, Largest and most Widely circulated weekly Newspaper. It is published at 9 in the interest of the town of , Salisbury and county of Rowan. THE WATCHMAN is a 7-column, 4 to 8-page paper, and will be published on Tuesday of each week at Only $1.00 per Year. I e th special the two for same. to those ntinns at work arranging an engine front board iB composed of P. B. Beard, Xhis contest will not open until the door was closed upon him by TT Harrison. R. L. Bernhardt Mondav. January 18th.. Watch his helper and he was badly aud j a. Rankin. crushed V physician told him that treatment d H L-Gri8wold seoondvioe- b9 W lD"83 WD, would be rles8and: that time Linn, secretary- "Si aioue woum ihvu1D " t.rp.asnrer. The new eovercLneU Mh nn snlr Something for Sunday Sches Teachers to Consider. Salisbuiy, N. C, Jan. 5, 1909. To the Superintendents and Sun day Schools, Rowan county Died From Burns. Last Wednesdav atternoon a four-year old boy of Mr. and Mrs David Miller, who live m th Dunn's Mountain neighborhood, This contest will be conducted county ana state oi general, or special interest, its nrst ouject jointly by the watchman of sai- wjU"be to publi8h the news when it is news, and its second ob- lsbury, and The Rowax Record, r j. r 4-U of china "Grove. Subscribers to ject will be to advocate, at all times, the best interests ol tne either paper win i,e permitted to community according to our light on the subject, and, thirdly, entr the contest and the lules, c'r. v j-i ii x scnpti&u price, etc , will nave ix, Will CUUCaVUr IU iStJUUIC ICUlUUCltttlUU 1U1 tlic lauuio ui its proprietor and business manager. The patronage of the pub lic, therefore, being a necessity to the successful conduct of the paper, is earnestly solicited. Any further information can be had by writing to or calling on A J.H.RAGAN, China Grove, N. C. v. i or each paper. A S. - r rr ' Ml I OUDO'.J at lOUU VOt,63 Will the paper for the announcement W TT Pron.. Salisbury, N. C, or ffivincr detailB fall. All wish ins to name a tnend to ent9r the contest may do so by tilling mt one of the coupons below. Only one of these nominating coupons will be counted. The Nominating Coupon. Committees for Church Work. At a recent meeting of the con gregation of the F.rst BjpUsfr church, officerj were elected lor the comiuff vear. The former hoard of deacons was continued in office. C. B. Jordan was elected treasurer ; H. L. Duval, assistant fraoB.irftr! L. J. Hess, church iorir Rav. R L. Motlev evi dently belioves in running a church and congregation on a ua;..aaa nrinc.inlA. He has di- vided the church work into eleventeacher training secretary Kowan Hanort.mAnU and a committee for each department has been select ed. P. S. Carlton was elected superintendent of the Sunday school and will manage this after his own methods. Our friends of this, congregation are neginning May 1. the first of the year well. contest. County S. S. Association. Approved by the executive committee. Some one is going to get a good buggy or sewing machine about Kead about our voung S "'i'ifiSi - It seems that manyof the Sun- was burned so severely that death day schools are again going into resulted Thursday morning, Mr. winter quarters, following the an- Miller was burning off an old field tiquated custom of shutting up and the little one was playing g for the next three months. near the fire. His clothin? caught gg In view of the fact that there is fire and was burned off h:m betcre ereat neei for better qualified assistantance could be rendered eachers iu the Sunday school, The child's flesh was all outned Could they not . employ much of 0ff with the exception oi" :jat on this time in fitting themselves to one foot do better work? Every opr ortunity is offered for them to take up a brief course ct readiug or study, either under the direction of their own denomina tional board or independently. The cost involved is so small that any earnest worker can gain the benefits of such efforts and be the better qualified to perform his duty. j Some may not realize their re-' sponsibility and be indifferent to j the welfare of those committed to their care.. But those who are vitally interested will not ignore the pre-eminent opportunity thus presented for improving them selves in the work of teaching. Any one desiring to learn fur ther along this line can do so by writing to me. , Cordially, W. B. DUTTERA, INDIGESTION ? DYSPEPSIA? FLATULENCY ? S? O X! ' SMS -' P5 i . ; .2 i 3 Wm 3 : i as u i m 1(1 .12 i a ! fm 9k ! jo 1 IB IP uo l 1 8H 2I 1 Sa- Pi i .3 ii s m 11 I "3 a wM s? &c bo i S a MS Pn3 eg o 'g g II I i il5- II m 5H II II - ' m Special Offer! Clubbing arrangements have been made with The Rowan Record, the county's latest weekly newspaper, published in China Grove, whereby those who pay $1.00 cash in advance, will be given both papers, The Carolina Watchman and The Rowan Record, one full year, for the price of one. This is probably the 'best newspaper proposition ever made in the county. The Watchman will be published on Tuesday and The Record will be published on Friday. Thus, to all intents and purposes, our offer to subscribers is a first-class semiweakly service, Two papers per week, giving all the news, at the price ot one. Don't delay, but subscribe at once. Sample copies free. Call on or write to Wm. H. STEWART, Salisbury, N. C, or J. H. RAGAN, China Grove, N. C. Do You Want to Help Make Good Times ? FOR SPEEDY RELIEF. THE GENUINE HAS THE mm RED CL ON THE FRONT OF EACH PACKAGE AND THE SIGNATURE AND SEAL OF J. H.ZEILIN &CO., ON THE SIDE, IN RED. Then put your money in our bank. We will put it into Circulation and pay you 4 PER CENT INTERES1 This will make prosperity and ! everybody will be benefited. Step by and Step will the New Year go down in History. Piece by Piece can you Supply your Home with CABBAGE PLANTS. From the first of Nov. to the last of March we are prepared to furnish more plants of that fine cabbage, and at better prices. 156 per ICO or $1.25 per 1000, von pay the express. Large or ders make the express less per 1000. State the a mount, kind and place you want them sent, and send the cash or money order for same to R. L. Beown, No. 6 Salis bury, N. C. . 10-28. Leave vour watches with E L. (iranite O.uarrv, for re pairs, or get a new one there. 11-H WACHOVIA L OAK S TRUST GO The State's Strongest Banking Institution Land Posters for sale at The Watch man office, 10 cents per dozen. Fine Chickens. ' i nave lor sale a lew tborongn-Dred young roosters. Buff Orpingtons ana Barrea Fly mouth Rocks. Price, ftl.00 to $1.25 each, de livered to any point in Salisbury. Eggs for hatching will be offered later. Address. L. B. 8PRACHBK, K. P. D. 4, Salisbury. N. C. . 4t Old Newspapers for sale WATCHMAN omce. at The NEEDED FURNITURE by baying from W. B. SUMMERSETT, x The House Furnisher.' He carries a large and varied stock of Furniture and Furnishings. Something for every part of the house, from attic to cellar, from parlor to kitchen, and, for pocketbooks large and pocketbooke email, and, reasonable prices and courteous treatment to all. Very respectfully, W. B. Summersett.