A Home Newspaper Published in the Interest of the People and for Honesty in Oovernmentar AHfaSrg; Salisbury, N. O. Tuesday; March 2nd, 1909. VOL. V. NO. 11 STATE PROHIBITION LAW. The Law as TraUfied bj 1ha People Last May 6iT8D for the Information of Our Readers. A bill to be entitled An Act to prohibit the manufacture and sale of intoxicating, liquois in North Caroliua. Ti e General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: . SeofciOn 1. That it shall be un lawful for any person or persons, firm or corporation to manufac- . ture or in any manner make, cr sell, or otherwise dispose of, for gain any' spirituous, vinous, fer mented or malt liquors or intoxi tuting bitters within the State of North Carolina: Provided, this ait hall not be construed to forbid the sale of suoh spirituous, vinous, fermented or malt tliquors or in toxicating bitters by a legal iz d medical depository or by any li censed and registered pharmacist, - for sickness, upon the- written prescription of a regularly licensed aEd actively practicing physician or surgeon having the person for whom such prescription is made under his charge, which said pre A script ion "shall specify the amount of spirits required : Provided fur ther, that wines and ciders may be manufactured or made from grapes, berries fruits and wine old at the place of manufacture only, and only in sealed or crated packages containing not less than two and a half gallons per pack age; but no wine when sold shall f be drunk upon the premises where ; )ld,: nor shall the package con taining the same be opened on said premises : And provided fur ther, that nothing herein contain ed shall be construad to prevent the sale of cider, iu a quantity, by the manufacturer from .fruits grown on nisianujwiuiiii iu? : state of Nortt?Carolina.c - sec . Ji ---.". mixtures name nailed, that will produce in ' toxicafeion, shall be constraed and held to be intoxicating liquors within the meaning of this act: Provided, that medicinal prepa rations manufactured in accord ance vith formulas prescriced by the Uuited States Pharmacopoea and National Formulary which ! contain no more alcohol -than is oeoesrary to extract the medicinal properties of the drugs contained in such preparations and no more alcohol than is ncessary to h Id the medicinal agents in solution, and which are manufactured and sold in medicines, and. not as beverages, shall not be held or construed to be or to come withio the-meauing or provisions of this act. Sec. 3. That any physician or surgeon wuo suuuujtt&u any pre scription (except in case of sick ness) fof the purpose df aiding or abetting any person or persons who are not bona fide under his charge to purchase auy intoxicating li quors contrary to the provisions of this act, and any licensed and registered pharmacist who shall sell or otherwise dispose of, for gain, any spirituous, viuous, fer mented or malt liquors or intoxi cating hitters without the written prescription of a legally qualified physician or surgeon, or who shall duplicate, the prescription of a physician or surgeon for intoxicat ing liquors for any person or -persons not bona tide under such phy sician's or surgeon's charge with out the written direction of the physician or surgeon who gave the same, shall be guilty of a misde meanor and upon conviction shall be fined or imprisoned, or both, in the discretion of the court, for each and everv offense ; and all li censed and registered pharmacists selling intoxicating liquors by prescription as aforesaid shall keep a record thereof, which shall bear the true d-ites of the sale, the names of nil persons to wnom Bal?s were made, the names of the physicians or surgeons upon whose pr Bcriptious the sales were made. which said record shall be subject at all times' to the inspection of the solicitor of the district, the . sheriff and other peace officers of the couuty, the mayor and police Continued uu last page. CONCORD AND CABARRUS COlHfTY. Infant Child Found Dead in Bed. Wedding at Mt. Pleasant. Concord Times. Feb. p-25. The one-yearjold child of H S. Henry, of the Brown mill, was found dead in beed last Sun L. . .. - day -morning. The child was ap parently well the night before, but when found ts body was bad- Iv swollen . It is not kucwn what was the cause offits death. A bill passed the State Seuate at Raleigh last Saturday making it a .misdemeanor to kill, trap, or otherwise take, ox sell auy quail, partridge r woodcock from this time until the 15th day of Decem ber, 1911, two years from next De cember. After f that time the close season shal be from Febru ary 1 to December 1 of each year the nill, which japplies only to Cabarrus couiuy will become a law, and wei think will meet "with general approval.! oo many bird3 have been killed iu this county that the species is almost in dan ger of becoming extinct. To-morrow at noon a? wedding will take place m Mt. Pleasant, which will be of much interest to the people of that town. J.J. Erwin, a young druggist of Cam eron, will be married to Miss Vernie Matthews, the popular daughter of DtJM Matthews of Mt. Pleasant, j The cer .mony will be performed at 12 o'clock at the home of the bride'B father by Rev. W. L Hdtch"u8, of Con cord, a friend of jboth the bride and groom. Mr.Erfwin and his best man, Mr. Hunter, will arrive m Co-'cbr.i to-night I After the c r emony Mr. auJ Mrs Erwin will b i driven to ?onc rd, where they will take the train for, a northern tour. . I A bill became a 0a w in the Leg- erring police powers on deputy Bherilfs at Kannapolis, iniorder to protect the property ard preserve the peace of that towa. The deputy sheiffs residingin Cabarrus couLty have "the authority and it is their duty to arrest without warrant all violaters of the faw within one mile of David Franklin" Cannon Memorial Hall and cake them be fore a Justice of tlje Peace of this oouuty. This apjplies to both Cabarrus and Row&n within one mile as above stated In case of arrests in Rowan the offender is of course, to be tried by a Rowan magistrate. j Notwithstanding the fact that Concord has an ordinance against passenger trains passing here with out stopping or at & fast speed, the following trains dj not stop here: N03. 37, 2iTand 43 going south, and Nos 88 and 30 gong north, five trains out of a total of fourteen. While it would uot be necessary for these trains to make this a regular stop, it ought to be made au fhg stop toi them. Cone" rd has' 12,000 people, audis a city of too much consequencelaud yields too large a revenue t the railroads not to be granted' anything she wa..ts with Regard o this matter A few weeks smce High Point wbs cut out as a reglaf stopping place for No. 29, and Ithe citizens at cuce began to want to know ''how come'' and to get fbnsy for it to stop there, with the result that this is now done. Concoud people can do the same thing if they will. .4 Two Leaves on Qce Stem. John Warner, of the King ses- tion of Stokep, brought P. . Wil son, of Brown's warehouse, quite a curiosity in the shape of two al most perfect tobacco leaves which grew about the same stem. One of the leaves was consideraMv larger than the Other, but the small one was just as well devel oped-as the larger one. Many o 7dities are noted m to bacco leaves, but this was the first time any of the local tobacco men had seen two su sh perfect leaves with only orie stem . Win ston Sentinel. 1 i If you'd be dubbfd a handsome girl, ; Aud win a hadsomeJKnight, Tho secret here I do impart, Take Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tsa at night. CorneliBon and Cook. - ALBEMARLE AND STANLY COUNTY. Rer. Geo. H. Atktasen Installed as Pasfor. Dr. Rowe Conducting a Meeting, Stanly Enterprise, i'eb. 25th. An item announcing the death of Church Carpenter, au agedc.ti ZiU oi :owfer onauiy, was mauvei teutly omitted from our paper last week. The death ocoured on the 13th instant, the interment taking place the following Sunday at Silver Spriugs church. Rev. Geo. H. Atkinson was duly installed on Monday evening as pastor of the-Presbyterian church. Revs. A. B. Shaw, A. A. Mc Geachy, D D., and W. M. Kin- caid, D. D., .all of Charlotte, car ried out their repectivo parts ac cording to announcement. The sermon by Dr. McGeachy was short, but was a gem of literary merit and spiritual force. The charges to the paBtor by Df. Kin caid, and to the congregation by Mr . Shaw ere of a high odnr a- d enjoyed by the large congregation present. Thus the ohurch and town claim this much beloved man and minister as wholly their own R. E. Austin, Eq. is suffering rom his eye, and went to Salis bury for special treatment undei Dr. R. V. Brawley. A. turnip weighing 8 pounds was sent to us by young Lee Mbry, on Route No 1 It is a fine, specif men. C Rhv Dr. R we is preaching h most excellent series of sermons at the Methodi9t church Despite the inclement weather, good con gregations are present at the 3 : 15 o'clock and evening 6ecvoeS,' The Doctor s one or thoajarnestJUid scuoiary speaaers wnr always gives his hearers something worthy of best attention. The New Cabinet. HeT;e Tb what pliVports to be the cabinet which has been selected by President-elect Taft. It will be noticed that the Secretajy of th Treasury does not appear in this liBt. A Washington dispatch states that Mr. Taft has not yet decided upon the man for this place: Secretary of State Philander C. Kubx. Attorney General George VV. VVickersham of New, York. Secretary of War J. M. Dick insou of Tennessee. Secretary of the Navy Gnorge von L. Meyer, of Massachusetts. Secretary of Commerce ind La bor Charles N-igel, of Missouri. Secretary of the Interior R .A. Ballinger, of Washington. Postmaster General Frank H. Hitchcock, of Massachusetts. N Seqretaryof Agriculture James Wilson, of Iowa. Apple Wine. "There is a new industry which promises w ugiue in appie secuons or tnis section, a., u. walker, ot tne uruaniee, nas a process by which he manufactures Dure aDDle wine and those who are indees eav' say that it is fine win" - JO ml qual to the senppernong. It i a Bocret process ana u put in us tne ap pie wine industry will be a big thing. With the w:n and cider made of apples in this Beet ion, the west can't argue tjxCt the east is favored by the prohibition law." Wilkes Chronicle. Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applications, as they can not reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that's by the constitutional remedies. Deaf ness is caused by an inflame 1 con dition of the mucous lining r f the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed, Deaf ness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken 6ut and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be de stroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed con dition of the mucous surfaces We will give One Hundred Dol lars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars fre. F. J. CHENEY & CO Toledo, O Sold by Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation, STATE NEWS, A negro who recently escaped from Bumcombe cHty chain gang, has been captured iu Geor gia. " J- Greenville, N. C , will furnish the consul t Cartagena;, under the Taft administration, f His name is Charles Latham. David Covington, --a Monroe young man, died recently in Chi cago. The Asheville Citieen thinks spring is close at hatld, because the grasshoppers have commenced popping. Ex-sheriff T. M. Webb, o Burke, county died' last week at Mrgauton. Beu Cuuuoil,of Watauga county, is known in iiis section as a Sue c ssful shep raiser. He now has ten ewes that mother 23 lambs. THE HONORED NAME OfJeffsisoft Davis Wdl lis restored to Cabin John fridge. Official amende for the seusa ti uial elimimrtio i ofJefferson Da v s' name fr in the stone tablet on Cabin- , John Bridge, six miles west of this city, during president Lincoln's administration, is given iu directions issued to daythr ugh the Secretary of war' to cheif of -.ngiueer8-;-kjf the the army to restore the name. - The tablet is on the bridge that arches Cabin John run on the Maty land side of the Potom u river, a structure fa mous for years as the longest single-span stone bridge ia the world. The bridge carries the conduit which brings Washington's water supply from the upper Potomac. It was bguu uuder Davis as Secre tary of War and when he joined the Confederacy and htcame itu i resident, his name under govern wiit orders wis chilled from the tablet . ' R p ated efforts to restore it have been made At the -1907 con vention ot the Daughters of Cour federacy at Ric hmond a res lution was adopted atkit g for the Davis restoration and Representative Myer, of Louisiana, sought unsuc cessfully to h?ive th's carried out. The erasure of the name was by direction of Caleb Smith, Lin coln's Secretary of the Interior, af ter a suggestion by Galusha Grow, of Pennsylvania, then Speaker of the Houses-Washington dispatch. Death of Or. Cbrait. The following is from the States ville Landmark of Feb. 26th : "Dr. William F. Chenault of Cleveland, who suffered a srol e of paralys s Sunday m ruing, died Wednesday night at 11 o'clock. He never rallied from the attack and t iere was ractica'ly no hopj for him trom the outset. The funeral services will take placu at lUleveland at 1 :oU P m. t -day. y The remains will be brought to Statesville on No. 21 this after- jne nooni arriving a6 3:50, aud will . be taken from the station direct to Oakwood cemetery for interment. Dr. Cheuault, aa the Landmark has stated, was about 49 years old, was a native of Catawba and was reared at Catawba station. He is survived by his mother aiid his wife, the latter beiug the daughter ot Geo. F Shepherd, of E'mwood He first located at Elmwopd for the practice of medicine and was married while living there.. Some years ago he moved to Cleveland. H3 was a kind-hearted, popular man aud enjoyed a large practice. Dr. Cheuault was the son of Dr. W lliam Cheuault who lost h's life in the Confederate army, when hi" j s n was an ii.faut. lhe elder . ,r , , J , . - , n T i that both were away from homV Cheuault organized Company I, t V F rty-ninth N-rth Carolina regi. , entertd the house by afront win ment, which v nt to thi fr -nt dow and stole there from a valu April 1st, 18G2 " It mi His Leg. 'All thought I'd 1. se my leg," writer J. A. Swenson, Watertrwn, Wis. Tmi y-rs of eczema, that 15 doctr c-- uld not cure, had at t i i FT- I T 1 I list lam me ut?, men isucaien s Arnica Salve cured it sound and we.il." Infalii -le for Skin Erup- ti .i.c, Ecz ma, Salt Rwm, Boils, Fever Sire, iiurns, rfcaids, t'utb j aj.d Piles. 25c at all Druggists. STATESVILLE AND IREOELL COUHTY. Postal tlrfh ZCitaSge. . NgfO Cltizeb Shows Much Pctillc Spiri. 8tatesvllle Labdniark. Feb. ?Srd-26th. Mi $i Rae Cue visited in S t buTy last week. P J. E. Alexander, of Salisbury, spent Sunday here with his pa r nt- f Mr. and Mrs. J, S Alexsn jder. Lee Clark, colored, of Bethany township, has a granite mine on his place, the contents of which he is giving to the country to macad- emize roads. The granite is of a very fine qualify of hardness and a car load was secured from one blast Friday. Lee brought The Landmark a nugget of the granite and a specimen of pyrites. E. R. Echerd, who has held a position as clerk in the Statesville postofiSce for some time, has ex changed positions with B. B. Webb, railway postal clerk, who has a ruu between A heville and Lake Toxaway. The postoffice department has passed on the ex change and the itrai.sfer will be made about the first of next month, when Mr. and Mrs. Webb will come to Statesville and Mr. Webb will take-up his new posi tion i-. the postoffice, aud Mr. Echerd will go to Asheville aud take up his nbw work as railway postal clerk between that place and Toxaway. Mr and Mrs. Webb, who are Statesville people, desire to make their h me here and for this reason the transfer; will be made. John Clendenin, who died at bis home iu the edge of Rowan county Thursday, wee a brother of MiBs Grace Cleudeniu, formerly of Statesville, now a teacher in a school at Hot Springs, N. C, and Miss CleDdenin was called home to attend the funeral. The Statesville friends f Miss Bessie Smith, Who was for some time a stenographer in G. E. French's office, will be interested to know that she was married in Jacksonville, Fla.,'last Tuesday to John C Dulin, of Tampa, Fla., tho marriage taking place in the First Presbyterian c' urch at Jacksonville. The couple will livH at Tampa. The Statesville recmi it g station of i he United States hi my, which has been in existence something over a year, will be discontinued tomorrow and Private Homer Ma son, who has been iu charge since the transf -f of Corporal Gilbert to As'ieville, will return to Charlctt Fred Ab.rnethy, the 10 jear old sou of John Abemethy, of Oak Forest commuuity, who was bitten by a rabid dog a week ngo yesterday, w s 4aken to Raleigh Tuesday for the Pastuer treatment. The dog's head wa sent to Dr. Shore, tate biologist, Sunday, and Monday a telegmm was re ceived statiug that the animal was rabid. Sheriff Datrn has received a Loheck f- r $25 from the Nrth Car- olina Bankers' Association, an aupreciatijn from them for his services in bringing to justice R L Cloer, now iu Iredell jail charged with forging numerous checks. Geo. P. Hoi laud, who was in jured iu a runaway at Loray s- me time ago and hid since been at Billingsley hospital, has recovered from his injures and left for his home at Philadelphia Wednesday. Last night while G vo. H. Lentz was at the opera h use and his I wife w is at the home of a neighbor able watch, a pistol and a small amount of money. The burglar left the house by the back door and left "the? door ajar". Don't wait until your blood is impoverished 'aud you ire Bick and 4 w. unii;...'D w ?, . ,p " Z? yr?'-?", WOg. Mountain Tea now. It will pow-vthat invites appendicitis, curing tively drive out all winter impuri-1 Oonitipatiou, B i 11 lousneBs, Chills, ties. 80 cents, Tea'or Tahlets.' Malaria1, Headache and IndfovA. Cornelison and Cook. tire Me ktm lheHctciat. f imr Is Sfr'irenifJiPiratists. l 'x!nrton DUpatcb.Fel).2rth - 01 in Davis, m ere h aut at C horch- ttra, was hacked" ba'aty tli other day . by a little irJ who, with 'a merry twinVle xn ber eye, mqmrea the price of eggs. Being ui buo BBjtBu wnat nine were 1J -1 j vf i !r worth, and then proceeded to trade oat that amount I Receiving her good, ahe passed over the counter a little paper box containing nine undersized, cuiSousty-shaped eggs, nona of whicli was much largei A. L. ll J " i mi uiftu fcuoae oi quai-i. me mer- cui was ' rattiea. out was game. However the young lady explained it was a joke, that wbkt she got would be paid fok Mr. Davis fetched the. eccg to town Wednesday and exhibited them in the office . . Some are found, some long and slim, allver small and One like a. gouird . A grown hen laid them in successicn for nine days . Mr. Davis jbas added them in his collection of curios". Saturday, Frank Mayab, an aged farmer, was sttickeh wifeh paralysis while crossing the street in front of the oourt house, the stroke affecting bis right side. Dr. Vesta) was. summoned to at tend him and he" was carried to the hothe fcf Mr. Byerly, his sob- in-law, who Hves north of At last report he was living t Mbuay,, Charles Hediripk4 aJ Silver Hill farmer, wts here tb have Dr. Biichahau to dregs' a Me8b woxiDii ou tbehip, inaSe rty a 88 calibre pistol btfll said to hate 'been fited by Wiley Klej, ft white jnan of that section, who was also here, Monday. The re port iB that Mr. Hedridk Was sit ting Id, his home with his family when Kepley tired iota lhe honse twice, one ball natrowly missing 1 t;2ii -i.L ' L"': i it- j. i ! juh ouy. auu ,ine otner . s stria ing M. Hedrick on the- hip, the ball passing around the bone, making a painful tho.ngh not i rioue flesh wound. No action has been taken 'by the officers as j&t. Not very much could be learned about the affair. A manufacturer who employes blacksmiths saye that these wdrk meu Te scarcfet than members of any other craft. Asked why he didn't train apprentices after the note h her orf old, he reiHe'd that the trade is too much like work and too bluok for the young men A th day . They all; want clean jjbs, nice white cuffs-aud-coUar positions, he sy8,nd the supply of black8Uiith is as a nault fsitl ing t ff more nud more, until it is difficult to fi id one. Mrs GtJfidnlgtit Hurt. Mrs. Clurica Goodnight, who lives iu the southern suburbs of town, a few days ago started to visit her grandson, "Mr Gip Good night, only a few htttrdred yards diptant, when in walking in some way h- r fo t became entangled iu a stra: d of barbed wire fi.dden iu the' lea ves"; causing her1 to fall to the" ground and wrenching her left leg at the hip so badly that she was unable to walk. She was carried to her home which was nearby. aud a physu ian was seut for ho discovered that the hip-' Uone wjas'badly'fJaCtuTed afidthat "it would be a long time, .if ever, before she would be able to put much weight" upohr her foot. Mrs. Gb"d3higb5t is a verjr ageel wpmen, btfiag in her 74th year, and' it is doubtful about her 1 ng string euuh for her walk. We taarn she is resting very Well, thhtigh suffering mtrbh pain. IChIIs WcuIdBe-Slayer. A mercilesr' murderer is' Ap pehdicitls with mahy victims. But Dr King's New Life Fills kill it by prevention. They gently stimulate stomach, liver and u . Jtiou.4 at U 'Drnftgisk A NoDDer jjt BMef ntf aterf $lltia4Wgf Miss Pearl Holahpnser xeturaed home Saturday after speudimj a eek in Salisbury vaititjf her cousin Mks Addie Hoffman. Miss Olah Linn visited onriittle city on last Monday and attended the Martha Washington Tea at Mrs. Dr. Ramsauer's S3w spetit the night with the Misses Siffrd acdjeturoedhome Tuesday. Miss Lilla May, who wen ito the Presbyterian hospital about five weeks ago, for treatment, we learu is regaining her health slow ly Las substantially. It is rumored that the Chair manufactory at this place, which has been standing idle for quitea while, will start to work about March 1st- So mole itbe. The Old Fiddler's contest !came off at Landis last Saturday higrii, according to nreViohs aririofinnA- ment, and was a grand success. Everybody went away well pleased with the whole programme, which was carried out to the lefcler. Little Frank, the , baby boy of Mr, aud Mrs. Mack L. Ritchie, is very ill with pneumonia, though we hope he is not seriously ill and will soou-ecover Rev. and Mrs. S. W. Kuhns, of Salisbury, spent Saturday aud Sunday at the home of Mr. aud Mrs. C. 'J. Deal at Landis. '0u Sunday -at 11 a. tn. Mr. ICuhna preached a very 'inte'restiUg 'and instrhc ive sttfmoii to a lare con- gregatiou at Mt MuTiah church . at Hidway, Edward Ludwi; who has been livihg'bire aopji time; move '. with his family to Safisoury laet weei, where he has accepted a .position in a cotton mi IK Some of his children will be mploved in the trill. Kannapolis is, cpminA to the front. A ba I a boose has been built for the accommodation of the law-breakers of that commun ity Mrs. M. J. Graham, Miss .Flor ence Eddleman and Mrs'. .&nt ton will leave to-morrqw, for Balti more, where they go for the jpux pose of ,purcha8iog their sprmg stock of millinerv eoode' Thisv win pr ?oaoiy oe gone sr week or teu'days. Cater Wilsop, depst agent At ITann.nAl!. n H n J L !. f uauunpyiiB) 1UUVCU f XI IB IftPtfiy here last Saturday. They oqenpy the Reformed parsonage, whjsfe they will, live in the futpre. Jfe. Wilson comes. home on No. 42. at night and goes to Karniapol ipD No. 45, which passes herearly.in the morning. On or about the T5th df Mah the Patterson-Young5 MercSntfle Company will open a hardware, u.vu.w -wuu uuuoivn&iug 'Store at Kannapolis. P. B." Gobel, 1551 his incubator ahset it oing three weeks agolasV, Monday, Onon day afternoon' this week" he was greeted by 115 littie chicles5, jost hatched. He was so wel ptea'sed with his hatch thaV he1 now has two lncuoators At workyone with 150 and another with 200 eggs, rom ,wn?b he 'hopeV get as good result The infant child, of Mr. and . Mrs. D . B. Garyer died Saturday f tern wn .The. litt jeiafferer, hvad been quite. ii for mow than ,ten days with whopping cough from wlrch it .sneenmbed. The &iiiral waa; preached by Rev. C. A. Brownnd the hurialservioei was conducted byJRD!. J. Off map, after.which thelittje body wain terred iq t..Mpria,h churah Cejn tery. The iommanjty wtteQdjto the bereaved .family Ahiet heart i elt sym pathy i n thier sad , k ss, A spring tonic, that nakes.riQh, redj . Wood. -Brings rengtb, health nd: hsppiqesa to; the whole ilyi-N;otbing, eqnjilsiHoms ter'a Rocky Mountain .!ef s5, 3 ii oar' rt i opirmg regulator. . oo cenu. vur uulisju and. Cook;

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