n v AND A SOUR STOMACH ARE SIGNS THAT YOUR UVER IS OUT OF ORDER. TAKE REGULATOR Arid Feel " UUe Yourself Again.' 9 THE GENUINE has the RED Z Trad Mark on the front of each package and the signature and seal of . H. ZEILIN & CO. on the side, IN RED. Dr. L. 5. FOX; THE BUSY DENTIST, It will pay yon to find out. TERMS STRICTLY CASH. Mortgage Sale, l 'rsuant to the provisions contained in Mortgage Trust Deed registered in book No. 32, page 241 made by Caleb Heilig and wife, Patsy Heilig for the protection and benefit of the under signed, on the 9th day of April, 1908, default having been made in the pay ment of this debt, which said mortgage was given to secure, the undersigned will sell at public sale for cash, at court house door in Salisbury, on the 5th day of April next, the following property : 1st. Beginning at a stake, Bern hardt's corner; thence south 21 east, 2 85 chains to a stake, a newcomer; thence south 86 E, 3.50 chs to a stake' on old line ; thence north 4 west, 2 85 chains to a stake; thence north 86- west, 3 50 chains to the beginning, be ing one acre more or les. 2nd. Another tract of timber land beginning at a stake, Ellen Hall's cor ner ; thence north 4 east, 5.51 chains to a stake ; thence south 86 east, 3.75 chains to a stake ; thence south 4 west, 5.50 chains to a stoiit ; thence north 86j west: 3.79 chains to the be ginning, containing 2 acres more or less. Conveyed by the said Caleb Hei lig and wife, Patsy Heilig, to satisfy the debt provided for in said mortgage. D. C. Lixgle, trustee. February 13, 1909. 2-16 Mortgage Sale. Pursuant to the provisions contained in a Mortgage Trust Deed registered in book No. 28, page 226, etc.. made by Caleb Heilig and wife, Patsey Heilig for the protection and benefit of the undersighned, on the 6th day of Au gust , 1906, default having been made in the payment of this debt, which said Mortgage was given' to secure, the un dersigned will sell at public sale f or cash, at the court house door in Salis bury, N, C, on the 5th day of April, 1909, next, the following property: i Beginning at a stake, Palmer corner on Miller line ; thence 21.86 W. 7,80 chs. to a stake on Miller's line ; thence N. 140 E. 5,40 chs. to a stake ; thence S. 86 E. 7.80 chs to a stone ; thence S 4 "W 5.50 chs to the beginning, containing 43 acres. Also a lot of timber land beginning at a stake Ellen Hall'3 cor ner ; thence N 4 d E 5 51 chs to a stake ; thence S 8Q d E 3.75 chs to a stake ; thence south 4 d W5 50 chs to a stone ; Thence N 86 d W 3 79 chs to the beginning. Containing 2 1-10 acres, ''conveyed by the said Calab Heilig and wife, Patsy Heilig. to satisfy the debt provided for in said mortgage. 2-16 D. C. Lijngle, trustee. February 13, 1909. LOSt Brown stumped tail female doe. Liberal reward for her return or information that will lead to her recovery. Cable B. McBbide, Route No. 3, Box 18, Salisbury, N. C. 1 mo, pd SPECIAL Smith Says For Pure drugs, Prescription ac curately filled, aud anything in an up-to-date drug store at lowest prices call at 01UII, or phone 133. Formerly ir-.i T. W. Grimes Drug Co. 2-16 6mo Kidnapper Feared Violence. Heavily mauacled to Sheriff Chess, and gaurded by several de tectives, James Boyle, one of the kidnappers of little Billy Wbitlas was brought here today from Pitts burg and lodged in the Mercer county jail. His wife, it is said, will be brought here from Pitts burg tomorrow and the couple will be formally arraigned on a charge of kiduapDing in a few days. Boyle feared violence on his arriv al in Mercer, and on the journey from Pittsburg asked Sheriff Chess if he thought the crowd would harm him. The prisoner looked greatly relieved when he saw only a scattering of people at the Mercer station. Boyle waB hurried into a waiting room but taken to jail where he was locked in a cell on the second tier. An armed guard was placed in front of Boyle's cell, and a patrolman will be stationed outside the jail all night. Sheriff Chess said that the jail would be guarded until the trial of Boyles was over. The officials questioned the pris oner about his wife's identity but other thau to say that there was no question about the fact that he was married, he would say noth ing. Mercer, Pa., dispatch. Near Death In Big Pond. It was s thrilling experience to Mrs. Ida Soper to face death. 'i'For years a severe lung trouble Iv fO0 "nH BPvpr,l t.lmpB nflftrlvi8enlment ha8 beoome prevalent caused my deatn . All remedies enery ten thousand- marriages Germany lags pitifully behind us with a bare one hundred and sixty five, and even France can show only eighty-six. The fact is, the domestic life of this country is in appalling condition, says the Rev. Madison C Peters, D. D., in the April New Idea Woman's Maga zine. Excessive fashion is one great foe of home-making. Why the race for riches? For vulgar display., great houses so many houses as to have no home sumptuous furnishings, costly equipages these are the things that seem to constitute for many American women a perfect para dise in prosperity only ; for when the Eden is gained the hot breath of a simoon has withered the ver dure and the flowers, dried up the fountain, and slain the singing birds, and there is little or no domestic happiness or life, Many a woman would be will ing to sacrafice for the sake of be coming a man's wife, but most men who do not marry on the pretext of economy are persons who could marry if.they werewill ing to sacrifice some of their luxu rious habits and private vices and were content to begin life with simple, honest, wholesome comfort to be increased as life went out. But, no; they must start where their parents left off; they must cut a dash ; they love their pleas ure too much to sacrafice any por tion of it for domestic bliss. The fiailed and doctors said I was incur able. Then Dr. New King's Discov ery brought quick relief and a cure so permanent that I have not been troubled in twelve years. I is. Soper lives in Big Pond, Pa. t works wonders in Coughs and Golds. Srre Lungs, Hemorrhages, liaGrippe, Asthma, Croup, Whooping Cough and all Bronchial affections.- 50c and $1.00. Trial )bttle i?ee. Guaranteed by all Druggiste. 1 bb- SOCIAL ILLS DUE TO EXTRAVAGANT. Love of Display Causes tbe Decrease of Marriage in America. The divorce rate in the United States at present is sr mething like six hundred ana twelve out oi that a man must make his fortune before he marries; that his wife must have no sympathy or share with him in the pursuit of it, in which most of the pleasure truly consists. This unfortunate attitude fills t)ur country with bachelors who are waiting to make their fortunes endangering virtue and promoting vice; it destroys the true economy and design of the marriage insti tution, encourages inefficiency among women, who are- expected to be taken up by fortune and pas sively sustained without any con cern on their part. rvr W Trust e odors If you are suffering from Impure blood, thin blood, de bility, nervousness, exhaus tion, you should begin at once iv ith Ayer's Sarsaparilla, the Sarsaparilla you have known all your life. Your doctor knows it, too. Ask him about it. i 'Unless tliere is dally :irtion of the bowels, poisonous products are absorbed. c:'.ii"sinu lieart uriie, biliousness, nausea, dyspepsia, and tlius preventing tlie Sarsaparilla from doing its best worn. Aver's rills are liver pure, aci genuy, all" vegetable. Hade by J. C. Ayer Co.. tiowell, Mans. Also manufacturers of 7 HAIR VIGOR. AGUE CURE. CHERRY PECTORAL. yers i We have no Beorpts ! We publish the formulas of ail our medicines. THE SumiMsett Undertaking Go. 108-110 W. Time St., ! Salisbury, N. C, In sickness, if a certain hidden nerve goes wrong, then the organ that this nerve oontrols will also surely fail. It may be a Stomach nerve, or it may have given strength and support to the Heart or Kidneys. It was Dr. Shoop that first pointed to this vital truth. Dr. Shoop's Restorative was not made to dose the Stomach nor to temporarily stimulate the Heart or Kidney'B. That old fashioned method is all wrong. Dr. Shoop's Restorative goes directly to these failing inside nerves. The re markable successess of the pre scription demonstrates the wisdom of treating the actual cause of these failing organs. And it is indeed easy to prove. A simple five or ten days test will surely tell. Try it once, and seel Sold Gornelison & Cook. The WatcMe and Beeii MMCfllfist Crazy c.;nake is leading the tribe of Creek Indians in a revolt. - Have you a pain of any kiud, anywhere? stop just a minute and think I It matters not whelher it be womanly pains, head pains, or any kind of a pain, one of Dr. Shoop's little Pink Pain Tablets will surely stop it in 20 minutes. Formula plainly printed-on the 25c box. Sold by Cornelison & Cook, Rowan county court will begin here Monday, B. B. Miller, judge. Carry a full line of Caskets, Cof fins and Burial Robes. Latest im proved equipments consisting of Hearses, Casket Wagons, Church Trucks, etc. Special attention given to all calls, day or night, by their un dertakers, Mr. T. W. Summersett atjd Mr. R. M. Davis. rl h iti calls : day, 224; night, 529 or 201. ! Embalming a Specialty. A Third Prize, a Booby Prize and Prizes for all who Receive More Than 5$0O Totes. Something: for Raisers of Small Clubs. A Last Ahanne for those who May Enter the Contest. Things are Getting Warm. With the addition of a copy of that interesting hotik on the great California earthquake to all who receive 5,000 or more votes in The Watchman and Record's voting contest no in full sing, we pre sent a fine list of prizes to all whs may do just a little in the way of obtaining subscriptions and renewals to these splendid papers. If you are not yet in the contest there is.still a chance for you. to get-in and be a winner. Having decided to addia copy of the above named book to our list of prizes, a contestant will need' only 6,006 votes to obtain one. If you are not now in the fight and desire to join in the fun, you may do so by following these directions. Read over the rules and if elligible, proceed to cut out one of the Nominating Coupons," flU it out with your own name and address, renew your ojvn subscrip tion, if you have not done' so, then hustle around among your neigh bors and friends and induce them to renew or subscribe, bring them in with the cash and they will be credited to your account, votes be ing given as noted in the rules governing the contest. According to this it will take only four full subscriptions to our semi-weekly, The Watchman and Record, to get one of these valuable books. These books retail at $1.50. With the addition of the book offer, noted above, our prize list stands as follows : No. 1. A splendid top-buggy worth several months good,, hard work. Can be seen at J. O. White Oo.'s shop. No. 2. A firet-clasB sewing machine. To be seen on exhibition at The Watchman Office. U No. 3, A good pair of shoes, or a good1 hat, at option of the win ner of this prize. No 4. A copy of San Francisco Earthquake Horrorincluding the eruptions of Vesuvius and the World's Great Disasters, to all who re ceive 5,000 or more votes, with the winners of prizes No. 1, 2 and 8 excepted. No. 5. A handsome, stripped, two-legged five-cent jumping jack. The real thing, something to please everybody. The name of the winner of this prize will not be published without contest. All not having more than 100 votes will be dropped after this wsek. STANDING OF THE CANDIDATES. NeelvLisk. Gold Hill. No. 1 70.750 Votes. John Moulden, Rural No. 7, Salisbury .48,550 1. L. Hoffuer, Rockwell, Rural No. 2 11,800 L. A. Ritchie, Rural No, 8, Salisbury 10.850 Albert T. Eag'e, South Shive Street, Salisbury .9,350 Edwin Lyerly, Rural No. 6, Salisbury . .9,250 Wm. Marlin, Rural No. 5, Salisbury 6.575 T. J. Loftin, Rural No. 6, Salisbury.. . 3,450 Clarence A. Brown, Rural No. 6, Salisbury. . 2.675 Harvey L. Trexler, Salisbury, N. C ..... .2,200 Rev. P. W.Tucker, Granite Quarry, N.C 1,650 Robert A. McLaughlin, Cleveland, N. C . 875 M. A. Lemley, No. 1, Salisbury, N. C 625 Jno. S. Watson, Rural No, 2, Salisbury .475 H. L. Ritchie, Richfield, N. C .100 Walter Ribliu, Gold Hill No. 1. 100 H. C. Kirk, Salisbury, Chestnut Hill 100 M. L. Eury, Rural No. 4,, Salisbury 100 J. E. Gaither, Rural No. 5, Salisbury 100 Duke C. Trexler, Mt. Pleasant. N. C 100 H. P. Cranford. Woodleaf, N. C , 100 J. H. Sime8on, Spencer. N. C 100 W. T. Peeler, Granite Quarry, N. C 100 Marion Rufty, Rural No. 4, Salisbury 100 L. M. Agner, Rural No. 4, Salisbury 100 Voting Coupon. t t ( ' .4 ( it ( ( (( II I II II It .1 II K (I II II II LEFT 01 HER DOORSTEP FOR THIS MOTHER Mrs. A. O. Tuson, of Livermore, aL writes: "I picked up frca my door step one day a little book in which I soon became very mucii interested. My little girl of . five years of age had been troubled for a long tims with loss of agpetite, extreme nervousness and undue fatigue. She was all run down and in a very delicate condition. "This little hook was very compter hensively written, and told of the new method of extracting the medicinaljele ments of the cod's liver from the" oil, eliminating the obnoxious oil which is so hard for children to take. . " 'Just the thing,' Bald I, Tor my little daughter,' and I immediately went for a bottle of VinoL It helped her won derfully. She has gained rapidly in flesh and strength, and she does not take cold half so easily. "I a,m extremely grateful for the good it has done her, and I hope other mothers who have weak, delicate or ailing children will be benefited by my experience and just give Vlnol a trial. Smith Drug Co., Salisbury, N. C. Rule 1. Partakers in the con gest must be subscribers to The Carolina Watchman or Rowan Recobd, or a member of the sub scriber's immediate family. Rule 2. The,contest is open to any respectable white citizen in Rowan man, woman, boy or girl, except no member of The Watch man's or Record's force, in any capacity, or any member of their families,will be allowed to partici pate.. Rule 8. Voting coupons will be used only to those who obtain and pay cash on subscriptions to eith er The Carolina Watchman, of Salisbury, or The Rowan Record, of China Grove. Rule 4. Five votes will be giv en for every cent paid in on sub scription, exoept as foHoWB : For ,50c paid in subscription, 250 votes. For two years' subscription to either paper at $1,00, 1,000 votes. For one year's subscription to both papers at $1.00, 1,500 votes. Rule 5. Coupons will be issued to all who pay on subscription. These coupons are to be deposited at the Watchman office, in Salis bury, withing 15 days after theyjl are issued, and after having beejr voted cannot be transferred. be published in every issue of each paper until the close of the con test. Rul- 7. The contest having opened Monday, January 18th, will close at 6 p. m., Saturday, May 1st. 1909. Rule 8. The person having the largest number of vot?s to his credit at the olose of the contest, will receive the buggy. (This buggy will be a first-class top vehicle. It is now being built at the shop of J. O. White & Co., and is guaranteed to be a neat, substantial and meritorious arti cle in every respect. Mr. White promises to give it close attention and will see that it will be some thing for its owner to be proud of.) Rule 9. The person having the next largest number of votes at the close of the contest will be awarded the sewing machine. (This machine wilt be of good make, durable and first class in every respect. It will be on exhi bition at The Watchman office. All wishing to enter this contest should do so at once. Don't de lay but get in at the beginning and .rnake up your mind to win. Those wishing to' enter the con test can do so by filling out and I mailing to either paper the follow- Rule 6. A statement of the standing of the contestants will j ing nominating coupon Nominating Coupon Good for 100 votes. March 30, 1909. I, the undersigned, a reader of THE ROWAN RECORD or CAROLINA WATCHMAN suggest the name of , Write tbe name of your candidate here. ' Address...... as a suitable person to receive one of the prizes to be offered' in the contest now in progress and cast my votes for i..... Signed . ... Nothing in the way of a Cough: is. quite so annoying as a tickling teasing, wheezing brbnchia-CougB; The quickest relief comes perhaps from a prescription-, known to Druggist' every where as. Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy. And be sides, it is so thoroughly harmless that mothers crive it with rjerfeoi safety even to the youngest babes. a no muuttr leaves ui a aimyiv mountain shrub, give to De. Shoon's Couah Remedv its remark- able curative effect. A tew days' test will tell. Sold by Cornelison & Cook. Job Printing of all kinds neatly and promptlv exeouted at the Watchman Office. REPAIRING & DONE ft on It is now coming the time of year that you should have yotir bewing Machine put in running ondition. To get this done call Dm C. LentZp 1144 North Main Street, op Stairs. Don't forget we do repair work on Watches, Clocks, Je welry and Sew ing Machines. Any one having repair work of this kind to do we would be glad to have you call and give us a trial. We assure you that we will do everything that is in our power to give ynti satisfac tion. When you come to town come up and see what is doing. Rsspectfttlljft tf. D. C. LEOTZy 1144 N. Main St.. op stairs, Salisbury, N.C. ubi: Capital M Surplus $30,000.00. RAL ESTATE, LOANS, INSURANC I. Salisbury, II. G. We offer for Sale 88-acre farm mile from depot at Gran ite Wuarrv. adioininflf Balfour Quarry, abont half in wooer tim ber and half in cultivation, good building and water. Also a 40-acre farm, six miles out of Salisbury on the old Mocks- ville road, good two story dwell ing, splendid orchard, land in nice state of cultivation: this place will double in value soon as ma cadam road reaches it. You can-get a bargain in either of these farms if you look them up at once. Call at our offiee for des cription and prices. HARRISON Farmers' Edaentional ami Co-operative Union of America. PREAMBLE. Speculators and those engaged in the distribution of farm products have or ganized and operate to the great detri ment of the farming class. To enable farmers to meet these con ditions and protect their interest, we have organized the -Farmers, Educa tional and Co-operative Union of America, and declare tbe following purposes : To estaDiisn justice. To secure equity. To apply the Golden Rule. To dischaige the credit and mortgage system. To assist our memDers in ooyfng and- selling. To educate the agricultural class m scientific farming. To teach farmers the classification of crops, domestic economy and the process of marketing. To sy stemize methods of production and distribution. To eliminate gambling in farm pro ducts by Boards of Trade, Cotton Ex changes and other speculators. To bring farmers up to the standard of other industries and business enter prises. To secure and maintain profitable and uniform prices for grain, cotton, live stock and other products of the farm. To strive for harmony and good will' among all mankind and brotherly, love among ourselves. To garner tbe tears of thedistreMed the blood of martyrs, the laugth of in--nocent childhood, the sweat of "honest labor and the- virtue of a happy home as the brightest' jewel known. - For particulars address T. D. Brown, county organizer, i route 3 , box 60, Salisbury. N.- C .

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