" -' r' " i if' A Home Newspaper -Published . in the Interest of the Peopie and for Honesty in Governmental Affairs. Vol, vii no. 41. Salisbury N. C., Wednesday, September 27th, 1911. Wl,H. 3TEWART, EDITOR I6KSH4KT, DELUDED iD SUPERSTITIOUS 'M&uisct tkitttiir et Worjhl'! ir to If til Ctsiltioas Distrii fcj Cithollclss. Naples, Sept. 22.-A hurricane wept over the province of Naples today, killing twenty persons and .doing enormous damage to . prop erty. Hundreds are missing and -it ta believed that the list of dead wilt fcei greatly dnor eased when re sports from surrounding towns and valley a. re-reeeived. v The hurricane was aeoompa uied by -a cloud busrt,, which caused great, rivers of mad to iflowiiow the side of Mt. Vesuvi- i as. The town of Resina, six llet iiistaut. wssaJmoiK totally I destroyed, and at Torre del iJGreto fttepersons were drowned and much, damage was none oj th tA vhifih in some sections Reached second story windows. Th nonnla cf Naples and out- . lying towns ar terrorirad and the urarautious reeau e thai ithe blood of St. Janauns, " A kant in a small vessel whiob iu the nknmh named aftr that saint, Jailed to liquify la't Tuesday, de- uanite the Ion and louu ijr .of : devout Neapolitans to the patron saint They predicted at that time that the failure of the blood of k. ..int tn 1 in nil meant that there would be an eruption Mt. Vesuvius, epidemics and ' Jamities cf ca This ditplay of ignoranoe and superstition comes from a land, that has been domiuated for . 0JU. nrie b "the only true ohuron the ' Roman Oatholio A fail spmmen. of ; pretension o ,enr ijgbten nd lift up the uaBgM t. a. higher moral and, apirna life Thii ooadition it conjid Jed ideal by that ohurch for it is the athor of the dogma: Iijnorauoe ia tbp; mother of wonhip," whhh mrant o long as it a keep tb, jumii in igjoranea just so long oan they hope to oontcol them. Thus is revealed one of it? objections to the reading of the Bible in our publio.soha'Js, to their own mem hers.reading and lnpretiog itt jnd why efforts are made to pre vent its distribution in Catholio jscu tries, even burciog them when opportunity offex; bufe of. .ossjbI giving, other, reasons Hot laaoli coadaot. In ptotestaut comsuunities, however, iV is iorceditoi eduoats, within certain limits, itr followers for the pur- pose, oi mating it possioie ioi ibem to keep paoe with the more enlightened and progressive protestants. They do not hesi tate, just as the Mormons do, to pjreteud any virtue or patriotism, however absurd. uoh conduct oomptrei with their, practices. With in eye. singled for the con trol of governments and mate- rialism, a dagger is always kept under its so-called spiritual cloak for every institution, the public schools in particular, and persons who become-an obstacle to its, trioks and schemes,. or who dares descent. Aaio man's right to worship jio cording q .thediotates..of his.own oinsiecs,.ihsxe. should .betha wideatposiihie toleration. True christian, worship does not ere, ate avarice nor coercive interfer- encewithotherf, hence wa beliave. all enUghteoed people do not raise, a Question on this "point; but the. church, or sect, that aims at the oontrol of governments .and their institutions ; the instructive i de partments in partioniar, sor here is where a hold . on the oomiug generation is to be securedj de signf thrpngh. avarice, intoller anoe. greed of: power, not -jthe;. simple' salvation of souls, to squelch by the boycott and force, boycott of the business man, boy oott of the politician, and th control of communities .by cun ning tricks, lying, or any other me hods thjay- present ' itself and 6c me under the bead -of "the end justifies the means, etc.," an inquisition as surely and truly as ever, existed, for you know: a leopard cannot change its spots,; it is the same old beast, "yester day, today and vto-morrow;" is properly an object for public consideration and condemnation. No Need to Stop Work. When your doctor orders yon to st?p work, it staggers you. I cau tyou say. xou know you axe weakv . run down . and . failing inJtealth, day by any, but you most work as long as you oan stand.' What you neecL is Elec txio Bitters to gyre tone, strength and vigor to your system, to pre vent break down and build you up. Don't be weak, siokly or ailing .when Electric Bitters will benefit' you from the first dose Thousands bless them for their glorious health and strength. Try them. Every, bottle is guar anteed to satisfV. Only 50ovat W" CAHADIAN RECIPROCITY DEfEATED; Pirtl tkil Its Besa Prwer for Flftui Years; Ttnil Bam. Montreal,' Sept. 22 Canadians awakened today, confronted by a startling new .situation, developed from the fact that- reciprocity with . the United States was re jected, that the Laurier govern ment was defeated and that R. L. Borden, will shortly be called upon to form a conservative min istry.. That the changes enacted dur ing the past twenty-four - hours by the : Canadian eleotorate-re radical,' is shown by th over whelming majority, whereby the voters turned down the agree ment which Laurier .made with the United States for the mutual removal of duties on food and other natural pr )dnots, by vthe defeat of seven cabinet members nut of thirteen who went to the polls and by the political land slide which retires to private life, Sir Wilfred Laurier, acknowl edged as one of the British' .em pi res biggest figures. Out ? of nine Canadian provinces only Qaebeo, Lauriers nativp place, remained anywhere near faithful to. him. Ontario, the greatest of the provinces dealt Lurir a terrible blow, going, almost solid against hiov The same may be said of Manitoba and British Colombia. Saskatohewau and Alberta, two great, wheat, raiting proviuceB gave minor tappott to reciprocity. T ie result by provinces epressed ;u returns, ieoeivedrJup to au early vnt today, showed the following v : .: Liberals 84, ConBirw tiVtii!82,. Themtgaitade of the laudsli ie appears to haw b tunned the liorals who have held ofSoe for fifteen consecutive years. The Jibefais-haTe believed they were destined to remain in power many years. Laurier's clean and gallant fight, on behalt of rwi preoity is recognised by his op ponents as well ias supportera .as one of the rmoat notable cam paigns v,er;un4ertaken' in Canada; Laurier is inr Quebec tJay. Borden is in Halifax. Both leave ahortly.for Ottawa, Laurier to close up hia goveramentiTs -fix fairs, and tender hip . resignation and Borden to accept the,calls of the. governor general to torm. a now ministry and consult with party- leaders about the appoint-; ment ot his advisers. It is un likely the reciprocity agreement will be heard of again soonin Canada. Those who have kept in touch with the course of Canadian reoi- nrooitv legislation, the past two sessions of congress piedist an effort will be made next session; to accomplish through tariff leg islation what was intended to be aooomnlished through the reci procity agreement. This agreement was supported by Demooratio congressmen on the around that it was providing lower tariff duties on -articles imported to this oountry from Canada.- They, seised upon the recommendations joftheadminii tration because they, considered them in jfeneral line with the Democratic policy of reducing the 'schedules. It is believed the Democratic majority will giyu-the subieot attention . w hen , tariff, re vision work, is undertaken. Oftrt Uotber 25c i Philadelqhia, Sept . , 21 .Felix WaUowitz, of 285 East.Vanango street, who owns eight houses, of fered to pay 25o. a week for the support of his 70-year-old moth er, in the. desertion court yester day. His brother, Stanly, who anlv owns two houses, having re- cently sold one for $1,500 was un willintr to oav even tttat mucn. 'Twof men wbc own as muoh Drooartv as you and will not sop Dort their old mother are beneath contempt." observed Judge Bar ret., VEaohof you will pay her 12 a week, and give real es tate security to guarantee judge ment." r Bi i litivfaetBrer. . High prices brought down by use of L . & M. Paint., because you make nearly half cf it by addmeiof-a 'trallon of Linseed Oil to eaoh gallon of paint It. costs then 1160 per, gallon . Besides von wont need to re paint for about 15 years. Thirty-nve years sen era I use has proven it It's all paint, real paint, reli able paint, and the best paint that oan be made. , Salisbury Supply & Commission Co, "Write postal for "Money Sawer JCriee List No. GO." UUUgHIBU U. 1UI1 HUM) A, STATE HEWS." Items of Interest SatMrei Fran thiAtlin- tlC I0h8 Appjl6ltUEJtS. The Pepsi-Cola plant waseom pletely destroyed by fire Friday morning. ..resulting iu a loss j of several thousand dollars to the owners, D. W. Davie & Sons.. The buildings were burglarised and then fired. The combina tion of the safb waa torn outuidJ $183 in cash removed. The books were destroyed. A three-gilloh kerosene can not owned by the company was found in the buidr ing. A , man was seen tolrnn 'away from the building justbe- fore tnename burst out.U -An ansuocessful attempt was made to burglarize the safe abonj a month ago. The new jnotor patrol wagon for the Greensboro p )lioe depart ment has arrived and, is now ready for use This is a luxury that comes, with , good . govern ment. The patrol is ' quis a handsome car and - looks very sporty, Jndeed. When superior oourt oonvened Monday for two weeks, Judge . R. B. Peebles .found -as many, as three murder cases on the docket. There are 125 cases to' be. tried including forty continued- from the last term, aad it is expected that the court will be busy dur ing the entire term. Raleigh Times-: The usual every-few-day mur der among the.oclored population of Wilmiiigfeon happened . with its accustomed frequenoy Friday night, when Solomon J)a vis, col ored, shot and killed William Stevenson, and also shot negro woman, Alice Suttou, in the arm. Norval - Marshall, she negro who was convioted of - a criminal assault on a white woman in Warren ooanty, has bem taken, to the penitentiary to await electro cution October 27th. He does not seem to be affected over his sentence. Govenor Judson Harmon, of Ohio, has accepted an invitation to speak in Raleigh during the fair on the, 18th of October. Cleveland, county has a man wnose nrss nve letsers in nis lni-j tials and name are the first five letters iri the alphabet. A. B. C. DePriest lives at Polk vi lie the upper part of the oountry He.is a prpminent merchant of that piacev being a member of the firm of DePriest & Yelton, Ino . In an interview in Raleigh Gen. J . 8. Carr put an. end to, , the .per sistent reports that he would be in the .rao for Senator. "An old man iieo me ooesn't stand any chance. I have-quit .that sort of contest, however much I would like io round out the, life I have givn Kortn uoronna witn the United- states senatorship ' is the way he expressed himself in regard . to the. senatorship A. H Parker, a. "prominent a a M W buisness man" ox Jiiokory was sentenced to twelve jnontbs.on the roads, last week, for viJatieg the prohibition law. He took an ap peal and ib out. on a foCO bond Last weeek fire destroyed, the dwelling of John H. Clement's in Mooksville. The fire originated; in the kitohen in an unknown manner. He had ' $1,200 insur anoe. A murler case of more than ordinary interest came to a close at Smithneld last Tuesday eve ning, when the jury returned a verdict of murder in the seoond degree. against Jesse T Jones for the killing or James nun, a ne gro boy, at a , fiih pmd near Kenly, on the . third day of lait May. The jury was out a little over an hour. Rev. E. K MoLarty, paetor of West Market Street M. E. church, Greensboro, has arranged with Herbart Booth, son of the great leader: of the. Salvation Army. to go to Greensboro late in January of next year and condnct an evangelist mission for ten days . Mr. Booth has quite a reputation as an evanghst and the meeting will no doubt bo one of the, great est Catherines of its kind ever held in that city. As the roll of students stands today at the A. and M. College, 524 studeuts have registered for the fall term. This is the largest enrollment ever in the college and the enrollment shows an. in crease of forty-nine students over last vear. The secretary of state granted a oharter Saturday to the VVilming ton Marine Railway company to maintain a marine railway, dry docks, storage warehouses and wharves in Wilmington.. The, capital is $15,000 subscribed and $100,000 authorised. , The, Presbytery of Orange will hold its 28 rd semi-annual session, with Midway Presbyterian church, six miles nertheast of Greensboro i mt i JV was hold T lesday afternoon at 8 o'clock; Uev. R. M&rpby Wil liams, the - retiring : moderator, preaohedhe annual sexmon, af ter which the assembly ; was call ed to order aud newofiicers elect ed. . . Sessions are being held daily until "Thursday night, with preaobiug: at the evening jessiops. The Preshytery of Orangui is the oldest of Presbyteries in tha south, having been set prlfrom Hiover Presbytery in 17701. tt. once in eludedjatl of Iforth; Carolina j and part of C on tb par olio , The Corporation , CommiBsion issued Saturday an order .dismiss ing the petition of th$ ."people ; of WIL?Tb;i'! 7 " and theSouthern BeH long vdis-1 tanca lines, to be requiredito cop nect so that the local tubscrLbers to, the Jtsheboro excusing' ootjld have tbe benefit of the Belli long distanae lines. . . ' "iT'l George L. Lyon, of1 "Charlotte, N . O , in? the Weity Hogan'ihot, which ended at Atlantic City Saturday, defeated Lester Ger man of Aberdeen, Md.,' for the cup, which carries with it the "inanimate" target : champion ship of the world, 1 he two were tied with 179 break! out of 2UU and on the shoot off at 70 -mixed targets, Lyon won by: a toore of 65 to 64. In Guilford superior court Fri day a consent verdict of murder in the seoond degree was entered, in the case of Sol Pntohard, ne gro, for killing Nannie Mines, neerc, and the defendant was sen tenced to seven years in the peni tentiary. This was. oonsidered very mild punishment for the man. - It is stated that the business men of Hendersqnville are pre paring to investigate the murder of Myrtle-Hawkins, and, if pps-. ible, bring . the murderers to just'ce. Bessemer City, Sept. 28 One of the moit , distressingly shtok- ina accidents ever known in this community occurred Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. fimeit L. Froneberger, when their litt le 18 months-old baby, Ruth, ohok-: led to death bygettiog some for - l eign aunstanoe, anpposea so nave i been -Jreaa i its inroa. While riding on tb&- brake rod of one of ta big urimtn moving vans which was progressing up Middle street loaded with a col ored band,. Saturday evening Henry Davis, a negro boy be tween' 4 and o years or age, in some manner lost nis noid, ten Leneath the wagon and was so badly crushed that he died two hours and a half later. Char lotte Observer. The jury in the oase of Brad Basleo, on trial for the murder of Chief of Police White, of Wil liamston, August 15, after being outior.an, hour and. 80. minutes, Saturday, returned a verdict of hoaurdex in, the. first degree. In terest in the case was intense and the verdict was received with gratification by citizens. At Monroe Saturday night about 12 o'clock Guy Orowell, a white boy about 17 years old, shot Irving Tomberlin colored, and about' the same age, inflict in a wound that . may prove fa tal. The, oause.of the shooting is unknown. The, . bullet , entered the, negro's headn frcnt of the right ear. and, came out at the back of the head on tb.6 let t . side. Guy Orowell is in jail in default of a bond of $600. Dnring a terrrao electrical storm Saturday the farm resi dence of John F. Carpenter, six miles f roan Oherry ville was struok by lightning and burned to the grpund' Th; building waa a large twu-story structure and valued at $2500, with no; insurance except county insurance. It was tenantedby Neal.Elam and, fam ji who are left deatitute. A negro t named Ed Rouse, at thjBj GampT Manufacturing Com pay sawmill near Warsaw, Siaiday night, sariously,' per hans fata)ly; cut with, a raaor, three-young ',wiite employes .of thafOomyany, B.' H. Boiling,, J. 8. Boiling and J. O. Pridgen. uegro had become rowdy in thfjcompany's storeand was or deid out. He layc in, wait and attacked the young men in ;thj dark an4 - made, -hil. oscaje. , ff. it uoinng may oe iataiiy cue. Alredyffthememhers .of the MorgVutoh . Poultrjr Asfoojation. ares r9guining, so lay pUns for:the.seoond annual pbul-. triiBhow:toheid :from.$fafwt, ber82 to 24. B. L. Simmons of rihar'otte was the .iudsa of . last year ' show,, And .. his work, jstifc wath wcK satijfactosy .aDpipyaJt khkk ha has bean chosen ! far this yaarVjudge, T3ie. atore of T. P. Pooled iWiwiIIa . ldLdinn.: nunvtHtfnr -Art wginpeiionoioprthig oountry. Tea importers Asheboro for the AsheboroTel xtJ : the matter j te 6ENERAL MATTERS OF INTEREST, Big Events Reduced to Little Piitgnphs for tba Readers ef This Paper. San Francisco, Sept. 22, Two million pounds of tea, valued, at fivd hundred thousand dollars: is held at the port of San Francisco, pending .-examination to deter mine,, whether , a coloring sub stance has-been, added in the prooess of curing. Collector Seratton annouuoed he bad been instructed b,the treasury depart ment in Washinii,iou that tea containing ' coloring matter shohld not 1 be given - entry into th4J0urts Muoh lots of hfa and property was-oauid by typhoons in For-- brought by thtearaexj;Papamv Maru Severat W W according' to; . aavices laeswerdestroyed or submerg- ed. 'Acton: a Urge city; was de- molished.- The total less of life is estimated at several . hundred, Thousands, are being fed at the miUttary, concentration camp at 1 Tkto -TT Automobiles and - parts thereof portedtiram the United States dunng. l9U, will aggregate ap- proximately twenty million dol- . - . . . TJ- - J . I lars in value. Figures of the bureau of statistics, department of, commerce and labor, show al ready for the seventh month .of the year for-which export statis tics are available, over . nine - mil Hop dollars worth of parts .there of othertbaQ tirei, and one, and a half million dollars worth . of tires, makipg .the aggregate for the seven months, twelve and; a half million dollars. Mr nd Mrs. Georee Smitn. of 1-1 II- JLlum-i vanta. who. a raw monvns ago resisted arrest i and drove Sheriff n XPmmmtw ilVia-flpA fwnm thai P v. r u " Ik " HSifflttSl'S --7t; hmwpww, ;StrB That Nas Jafiav hM within ifca I -h"?n:,::9 Ji - ;,v,nrr TJrL-JZZXf? U ! irxnand ZZaZt-i .1.1. kA..j .M.nw -u-i yi""iirLS'" STk. i.T. al:..i ru. .1. TlLVntXa nh Un questing him o, " aal Circum86aMce,s wouiu war- tftn. V . Youngstown. aeps. eour men were killed. and.. twelve hurt in an explosion at thet Kepupiio Steele and iron company s plant at Youpgstown, O., Friday. The dead are nungarns. Qeneaal Reyes has annouuoed his withdrawal from the presiden- tial raee in a public statement in which he deolared that hia legal election woald be lmpossioie, oa- cause De La Uarra supported; ia- derio. Rejea denies, tht he is planning a new kwmu, ero is now the only canuwase ior tne presmenoy oi meiipu. Robert anb 24b reterson, moun- taineers, Friday morning , shot and killed Robert MacKay, a rail- road contractor engaged in build-- ins the Tennessee railroad in western nortn uaronua, auu i- tally wounded two negroe iaoor s. Forced into the air by jeers of thousands who called him a cow ard, Frank H. Miller, aged 23, a Moledp, O., aviator shot into the, sky at .twilight Friday evening and the height of two hundred feet was .burned to . death , before; the eyes of the terrified; speotatora on the Miami county fair grounds- at Troy, north of Dayton O. ThAJAfit-aahool census showed 20 -000.000 yotng persons eurolleb institutians of the While no fieurea for the nnunt vnaf are obtainable. I itiis - J Lti,Aa -hat , common schools a i An a h. at lA&at is.uuu.uuu nu- piUt. Pnrtland. Maine. Sept-, 28.r- Obediah Galdder of Rockland - was aDDointed United States senator bv-robberS'acly -Saturday mru- ingA. Mr.fEggleatcn, a .clerk; m tbe store, and Mr. Tinsley; cf Greenajipr.0, had. been , 'possum hnntinir and upon their return abt o'clock Jar. jsggieston Sjsi iio v wat . going .down. tothe store, to put up : some omckans, When Mr. Eealeston reaohed the 1 stora he was held UP by the bur- glar.s, coteredwith , pistols, , and - handkerchief; tied over, his mouth. .Tha robbers . then ontered ; the store took.the, stamps, and mney and such, other t; things as1 thfy oared.for.. ! : :Eiauia-HamMtonther J rundqwnntw9 weeks agp-by tnnnir. car, driV.n by U. 0. ;Bridg dienlfaurd wurnenaa in .OrOvidiu Ahe. bast Friday to succeed, the Senator William Fry e. Mr. Oardner iwas democretio candidate foa Govenor j of Maine in 1906. Cheaper sugar within a fort night is predicted by Edward F. Atkins, vice president of the American Sugar Refining Com pany. He says: "Deliveries of the domestic beet sugar crops , of the west will be made in two weeks. This will be 580,000 tons. The Louisiana crop, of 825J000 tons will be on the market No vember 1. These are sufficient for all requirements until new arrivals from Cuba, January 11" Tired of the reign of lawless ness that has existed for many years, and has made Breth itt county, Kentucky, a by word; -for lawlessness all over the country, the city - of Elkpapa. of that joined in a rnais jneetfog ,"UI "trvfr w one saai, wm mbes in i"8' the county seat, early in VUJUU - . rrogressive repuoiicaus naye begun their warerare on rresi- j a. rnr.- s... . mi . n Vi " As " -t ." w. fk""- K?-J 1 r" ",k1 wSTi " . nf mnma man nlha ihtn f ha n.an. dent to head the republican tick et in the 1912 campaign. This announcement was made at the headquarters of the progressives in Washington Saturday. The first United States mail ever transported by aeroplane was carried today from the aviation field on Nassau boulevard. Long Island, td Garden City, a distance of 5 miles, bv Earl L. Lovinston in a Bleriot maohine. Mis night feature of the international meet's opening day. Lovmgton took only one bag of mail, held it between his knees when he was over Garden City and dreppedit on the sienal of a man who ure-arrawred. Thli ba contained aboutS ... At a conference whion was concluded Saturday 'afternoon, at and General Manager Francis H. street car, oompany and ?repre- sentative. of the neWiy-organixfed union of carmen, the company re o gwnt the demands of the locked men and aBked to te giTen until MondliV( when it Wl possible that they woald submit a oounter proposition. The newg of the aotiou gpr6ftd iiKe wUd fire among the laboor syni n-ihiWs and a demonstratidn qaiokiy followed. On Magnolia street, opposite the court house, when a car stopped for the oar men to turn a switch, Conductor R. w Goisett was attaoked and severely beaten. Former Governor Joseph M. Rrown. Qf Geomia. who waa d- f ted for re eieotk)n by Gov. Hoke gmltb , Saturday announo- ed hia candidacy for the governor- ship, to be made vacant when Qovernor smith resigns next month to assume his duties as United States Senator. This makes three avowed candidates in the field, the others being Judge a jsussei and j . rope Drown; i in a raid on the stock invest ment offices of Jared Fiagg en I West Fortieth street, New Yorki Saturday, Flagg and ..seven other I meu were arrested on a charge , of fraudulently using the mails iu a gpeoiee of endleBS chain scheme .to defraud investors. Among the I prisoners were former United, states Treasurer Daniel N. Mor gan, of Bridgeport,- Conn. The; prisoners when arraigned plead not I guilty. Bail waa fixed for Flagg at S25.000. assistant district Attcr- I nev Smith asking for high bail because, he said, "heV understood Uhat Flaatr had $1,000,000. Mor san was - reauireu to iuiuwu un ean was to the amount of $10,000 Hei will be given a hearing today. While acting as peacemaker in a difficulty between two. negroes Sunday. Fletcher Yarn, a white man. of Branchville, S. O, was nrnhahlv fatally stabbed by one of the blacks named Will Schuler. Yarn shot the negro but the lat ter made bis escape. Aviator Gailbraith P. Rodgers, who is trying to fly from coast-to-coast, came to grief Sunday at Red House, N. Y., where rhis bi. plane dashed into two barbedwire fences and was wrepked,f Rod gers was not injured. The Michigan Staa Federation of labor in annual convention , at Rattle Creek. Friday adopted, a resolution condemning the . Boy Scouts "whether shey be called by that name, minute men,' children of the republic or anything else. " It seems to want a monoply of the organization vbnisness Passengers aboard vthe Southern . . .. ..... ; . i - Railway train tbAtiiisTadwi WAS A SPEECH OF APOLOGY . - , S .... j- Iflslouited Tbit Hi Wtr Pltffgad by tbi CcDieit loa to Veti Tariff Bills. Peoria,1 111,, Sept. 22. Presi dent Taf t hurled himself with all his vigor into the 1912 campaign here today, proclaiming, himself a ' middle-of-the-road" man and bonifd to periue the half way path between the progressive' and retrograde element. Dropping, reciprocity , as an issue oi , nis campaign an issue upon wnion ne nad counted De- fore tb e defeat in Canada' to off set, the sentimept ' against his veto -of the tariff measures,, the,: presi dent took up a vigorous defense of -his administration. He al lowed it to be known that from now on he will appeal 'to the peo- ttor; use the sober second Uieught; inonsidering.his acts. Iheiresident,riyerted to his ef- forts at -reciprocity then touched the issue no more; Mrr Taf will go before the people, no w , on ; his tariff veto. maintaining that the party ,wbisn elected him, expected, hun. to., ob tain accurate information On the industrial situation" with respect to: the : tariff 'to be- fixed 'before urging any legislation. And in using the veto the president , in sinuated that he merely fulfilled an obligation placed on him be fore elected 4y th convention. President Taffe? witasfti enabling voice, assertea -tn8rjnej -wouia hsvd done the tanae .thing Jinder any condition if it had 4oost him hit life.' He was deeply ieribai in discussing his veto arid Onee look ed as if he would civ way - to his overwrought conditions. The A w presioens wnn a0 ogoe ,qi jxegian, admitted.that.h had mad : mvt- takei bat . Btrongiy jnsntea. -that he had tried to steer the, right course, ne wantea tne peopie w ooniider his explanations before condemning: him. Although be waa. in; a - nghtiDg mood the president's attitude was one of apology. Mr TaSt made the speech of appeal at lunoheon of thw ' country club which was attended by republican leaders. Before the luncheon the president conferred, with (Senator Oullom .and other's, who had . fig ured in the reciprocity ngnt ana was urged tooome but withaTitrong defense ' of : his - adsoiuatration. EveD- if his campaigBrissuerhaB to be a pegaive defwejof , vetoes they told him it was essential to squarely put himself on record. Mr. Taf t also spoko to the Knights of Columbus ; on.' work in Philipinea . He left at midnight for St. Louis,. . a swicon engine on reontrao Creek trestle, hear Atlanta Fri day night iwere- foroed to spend the night -in the eoaohee--of 19 train at the soene of the wrapk. Marooned above the .creek, .were nearly lSOperppns. many of them injured waiting for reletr wnicn the maooessability of the- place rendered difficult. All night long members of r working cr ew strag gled to remove a mass of ..scrap iron, to rescue tne, niangieoL otoes of Eoginear J. A. ' Ferries ' and Fireman N ;M. Robinaon.the - only persona-killed. Ranking as -one of the greatest warships .ever construotedf or any government in the Oworld,; the, Ar gentine Battleship , Moreno was launched Saturday aiternoon xrom the New Ydrkhip building com pany .at; Camden, - The Moreno uamed after Marinha Moreno a figure in the history of the 'South American . Republic, represents th. last word id I the- present day development of .the 12-incht gUn battleships Sho; is greater: in point of iengthi. and displacement than the , Uth; and r Florid,' the greatest shipa now, in service of the United States government and these two giant American fighters outrank any ship afloat in any other foreign navy. The one hundredth . annual ses sion of lUniod" Theological Semi nary, Richmond, Va., the oldest and jargati11 eohool in the South and the one which trains more ministers for the Presbyte rian Church than all others put tosether. has begun with the- larg- estiumherof stodentson ground that haya eer been pvsient In the opening week; One of the largest financial deals to be consumated in Georgia in recent' years will; be con loud ed within the next few days when a charter is granted to- the -Georgia Railway &.Power Company, with a capitalisation of $27,000,000. Among the waterpower develop ments' to '' be consolidated ' under themew compaay ire 4he plat ts a toBull Slake. h Etowah Power plant , and, M the ,Tailulah plant now in course of copsruotion. 'Dr. J. QQlarke.whP made an attempt , to go. up in a , monoplane Monday fell 2bv feet and sussaiun be dtad4 i i ?tl 0 sou wse;, a o . ope fVV ff ! vh r1