J i Safety razor with every $10 purchase. T Safety razor with every $10 purchase.. MAI Ml) A SjfO HOLIDAY SPECIA 1500 pair men's shoes, $2.00 values, holiday special, 700 pair boys' shoes, i .75 values, holiday special, 250 men's overcoats, nice dark patterns, with the new presto collar, $10.oo values, holiday special, $5.98 2o6 boy's avercoats, worth 7.5o, ho 1 i d a y ?y y)t Jf fJ 2oc men's fine all wool suits, elegant pat terns, worth flften - dol lars, your choice, '.'rfjffliu:r.n f toil . ike House of Kuppcnhdmef Chicago $3.98. lk of iwiiNt U.0THIV-- 2oo men's suits placed on the bargain counter worth ten dollars, holi day special, t-opynght mi The House of Kuppenheanef Chicago IPDRIEIE. Absolutely free with every pur hase of ten dollars we will give one of our beautiful safety razors. ess 750 Boy's suits, sizes 5 to L7 years of age with knicke.rbocker pants, nice dark patterns, worth ' 3.00, holiday special price, You Wi ve DVfloflnoy to Shop a B5S5ggSg-J 1- , " ' msjim...mmi,W ii, ,L1, 1,, , , i ,, T t B WaSSaee Ss-.Sons $3.00 Hats reduced $2.50 Hats reduced 1,50 $2.00 Hats reduced JL--J.!mj.gJU,l-J.JJ 1 - MWm Salisbury, Greensboro, High njj3teta"g:jtLL- -1 - III Point, N. C. 1.