. - Ktu Sell aadL KEjpiaiLip' g. EASTECa lE(SII-iL 0 I -t. :f"L3:7--;-!:'-":-; Trf 0AB0L1HA VATCHf.lfltl WM. H. STBWAKr, Bd. and Prop f ltliilMd Tery Tvnday at 130 West Innintreet. Entered m ieoond-olaiB matter Jan. lttk. 1801. at the poit office at Salia korr.N. O., under the aet of OongreBB mt liirehSrd, 1878. 8A.LXUUXT, N. C.Maboh 27,1912. THE COURT HOUSE STEAL. Recently when the House of Representatives voted an addition al $75,000,000 for pensioning about all who sympathised with the north during the great war, tht rtmara were full of com ments on the 4 Tension Steal," "Back Grab," etc , yet Congress claims the right to do saoh a thing if the members thereof were so inclined, regardless of the wishes of the people. The peo ple, through the press, howeTer, were not long in letting it be known that, notwithstanding the so-called rights of Congress to en- aot such a measure, they were most emphatically opposed to what was openly and very-aptly called a "steal." ust as in the present new court house propo sition, the people consider that their lights are being infringed upon, money is to be taken out ot their pockets and. spent for a eause that they object to and, no matter how little the amount taken from an individual, eaobrfeel just like a man does when a pick pocket has taken his purse or watoh. His permission is . not asked, he is ;not allowed to say what amount shall be taken and he has no voice in sajing how his money is to be used. When such legislation can be forced upon a protesting community there is certainly little of value left in our so-called self-governing rights, and the official has gotten as far. from the tenents of true Democracy as the east is from the west. Congress either saw the justice in the peoples' protests or feared their wrath, and has, for the time at least, dropped the intended steal, but our great county commissioners, clothed, not in an official trust for the people, like congress and other legislative bodies, but in a "divine right" to rule as pleases them, do not intend to give heed to the almost unanimous voice of our people to either tlx up the present building in an appropri ate manner, or if a new bnilding is to be considered, submit the matter to a vote of the people at the coming election. If congress oan listen to the wish of the peo ple it seems passing strange, that our Big, $2500 per year, county oomminioners cannot condescend to also give heed to the burden bearers' right . But they will not, and it therefore necessary 1 or the people first, in order to preserve their rights and second ly, to blook what may also may be termed "The OourT House Steal," to take up the matter in a systematic manner, by proper and effeotual methods, and de mand the right to be heard or have the law giving the commis sioners suoh arbitrary powers re pealed This will necessitate taking the matter into court to secure an injunction restraihg the commissioners until the legisla ture meets, and' in the mean time sleot men to the legislature who will see that omr rights are restored by the repeal of the iniauituous law. This action should be : taken without delay ind itshonld be settled thorough ly, once for all. If any one has anything to say - at . ,"a on the subject, we would oe giaa . to hear them, Attention is tA tha tatters from num bers of the i best people and larg Mt tax payers whioh are appear t khim . "naner. Sneak out gentlemen, our columns are open -ind free to m. 7 , :iiUD THE WAT0H1UH' I OAS IN THE STOMACH comes from food which ha fer- p xnented Get rid of this badly digested matter as quickly as KMsible if you would ; avoid a bilious attack. . 8lfjir.10N6 RED a .CIV E R REGULATOR (THB ZOWDSBOXH) Is a cleansing and strengthening medicine. It Is a liver tonic first of all and the liver is always affected when the stomach goes wrong. It puts life in a torpid liver, helps digestion, sweetens the breath, clears the complexion of sallowness, relaxes the bowls and puts the body far fine, vigorous condition, solo v muhw. rmoB. lams Menua, .. . -A.k for th. genaiii. with th. Sd m th. Ub.1. If ftm cmnsat c-t it, mnl n, v. win Msd It br ouil, pMtMid. Slmmaas Ur.r BrItOT U pat ptteotaUqaiafonatortfcoM who pvto it ftlcaU.Qw bottle Lwk lor th. 1U4 X UbA ' 4. H. ZE1UN 4 CO., Don't tie your hans by mak ins promises to support oandt- dates this year. Find" rnt ho they stand on the ocurt hoaie and other important matters and then in veskigate for yourself . It might be a good idea to stay out of these faroical primaries. Think of how the people were treated, two years ago. Your votes were stolen and tLe con vention nominated the least on the ticket. Think on these things. "The Men and Religion Forward Movement" which is now sweep ing across the oontinent is of the greatest importance and most worthy, of devout consideration! It deserves the encouragement and assistance of every man, and we believe, if. given a half a chance, will pr ve a great bless ing to every oommunity as " well also the State and nation. The W 0. T. U. has taken up the work of attempting to redeem the fallen women of the com sanity.. This is a very laudable Fondertakingand they should be hearlily enoouraged in their ef forts. " It is another example of the failure of the officials to per form their duties and a sample of the depths to which some "progressive" property holders, will stoop to make a dollar by renting their property 'for suoh purposes. This is the spirit of commercialism and greed that is constantly howling. progress and bigger Salisbury, instesd of "Better Salisbury." Dysentery yields quickly to DARBY'S PBOPBYLATIC FLUID. Cramps, wind colic, and sick stomach also disappear before its marvelous correcting influence. It heals outs, sores, or woonds on the surface of the body with equal readiness. It purifies bad odors, destroys germs and is excellent in the bath water for cleansing the skin. Price 60cts per bottle. Sold by all druggists. , Sbsip to Kill Weetfs indBaslies. Mine is a cabbage, potato aud livestock country, and the farm ers are modern in everything in the machinery line. - I differ with I. Q Rrss, of Walnut Cove, N. U., about the mowing maohine being the best tool on the arm. Of course, it is a "good labor saving tool, but the farmer in this part of the country keeps a nice flock of sheep and they keep down the weeds and keep the fence-rows clear, and enrioh the soil better than any other animal, . and are the least expense. J. D. Alexander, in Progressive Farmer. A WOMAN'S CKOD jLOOKS Depend oh her general health and freedom from pain. - Many a woman looks old before her time because of those irregularities wnioh are essentially feminine. Starting from early womanhood, she suffers from frequently recurring derangements that upset her womanly .health. If she be beautiful she grows into that mellow age without wrinkles and crowfeet about the eyes or the blue circle underneath. It is invariably the rule that such women, suffer little, or not at all, from womanly derangements which sap the health and leave in the face the tell-tale story of pain and suffering. Dr.R.V. Pierce,the famous specialist in the diseases of women, found a prescription in his early practice that soothed the organism, peculiar to woman . hood oiled the machinery, as it were, of the humarr system and helped the woman to past those painful periods that scar-lined and, aged her face. This remedy became PROPS., ST. LOUtS. Mo. CQUKTY CORRESPONDENCE items af litrtsf In Virions Kelgbborbofids Sent in hi Oar Frlaad - . ' 1, w P"?1 I orVr rSr 7 ' - TOLL BRIDGE v NEIGHBOR-; HOOD OPPOSED TO A HEW COURT HOUSE. uaron zo. liee mo Bride, wbo has been living at Spencer, has . recently moved into one of John S. Henderson's houses near the IVkll Rai4Ta ' TTa ii aawlrin i i - the section for the Southern. The three ohildren of David Easter that have been sick with pneumonia are improving we are glad to say. L. T, Yarborongh recently received a letter from his unole John A. Young, of Bowie Texas. Mr. Young sayf they have had the coldest winter there they have had for several years. The thermometer stood 2 degrees bolow aero, with lots of rain and snow. The writer thinks that old North Carolina is the best State in the union yet. ' The Editor of Thb Watohmah was a welcome visitor in cur will- lags the other day. Come again we are always glad to have you in our midst. John Y. Hedrick, who has been confined to his room on aosonnt of sickness, is able to be out again we are glad to note. As to the building of a new court house fcr Rowan County, we do not deem it wise at present, because thee present one . accom modated the courts when there were only four a year, now we have court six times a week. The Rowan County Court has jaridietioh in all minor cases, and we don't see why the superior courts should be orowded so that a new court house is" necessary . Yamot. FAITH. March 25 M. M . Pence moved into J, M. Wyatt's residence March 14th. Stokes Eller moved from Gran- afV A. W f A ise vjuarry inso jars. j. v. a. Fisner's residence March zutn, to be near his work. At Crane Creek on the Stokes ferry big road the high fill was washed away on both sides of the bridge which was left standing high and dry on the concrete pillars; The distance on the Salisbury side was 54 steps long. We are having cold rainy weather, here again'. J. E. Rhinehardt moved, March 19th, into the William Basinger the well-known Dr. Fierce a Favorite Prescription, that has benefited thousands of women and saved them from misery and suffering at different periods in life. r- - - " Mbs. Habjcelt E- Pikecb, of 844 Bright Street. Saarbia, Ont writM i I am now a weH wonan after offeriner for three years and doctoring? with several different doctors, each one saying: it waa something: differ . ent, and tho last oaa, after putting' me through a thorough axaminatim. said I was suffering from a growth, which, in tune, would result to cancer, and said. I would not live mora than two years if not oper ated upon right away. I became hopelessly discouraged But wouia nas consent to the operation as I was too weak and too riuch afraid, but at last, through the advice of a friend, I tried Dr. Pierce's medicines, and after using two bottles of - the Favorite Prescription ' I immediately felt a change. 1 also used two boxes of Healing- Suppositories' and eight boxes of Lotion Tablets,' and can safely praise the name af Dr. Pierce's medicines to all who Buffer from any female disease, for these medicines are ail they art claimed to be, and I bopa wul help ethan aa (bar have halped m? residence rtfcentlv vaoated :by T; Lingle; , The Li taker nublio sahool closed here. Friday, March 22nd Little Miis Bealth Stirewalt : and her sister, Mertie, were awarded prises for good behavior, and little Miss Oleb Barger received a prize for good attendance as she never missed a da V during the school. :;- 7 r "r Tom Lingle has been sick, bad to call in the doctor. The following named pupils in Miss Mary Heller's room, of the nnblio school here were awarded prizes for good work in spelling Eula Bell Farmer; Vernell Stire walt, Pearle Peeler, May Peele May Ritchie, Lillian Stirewalt Pauline Lippaid, Pearle Fisher, ,0llie Holshouser, Lethie Hess '(Myron Bruce, Roy Fesperman jrene Peeler, Sudie Bame, Fannie Misenheimer, Lillie Trexler, and Tbelma Brown. Tho Hohnol at Faith nas six Bix sets of twins in the school if any other sohool in our county ein beat this trot out your school ' menoed blooming Maroh the 19th If any one had earlier than that peaoh bloom tret out your locality. Adolphua Gant hes commenced the erection of a large barn. The first story will be of granite. The underground part will be for horses and. cattle. It is on a hillside and he can drive in from th) upper side. J.T. Wyatt will exchange 10 grains of oorn for as many long handle gourd seed. His corn grows many ears to the stalk and is considered a curiosity corn. He will ales send you a picture of the Daniel Boone monument fcr 10 oents. Many quarries are starting up and from now on every body will be crowded with work and there will be lots of hauling to do. The steam drill is running on H W. Cauble's big granite ledge, preparing to make another big lift of granite, which has turned out to be the equal of any on the granite belt. Housekeeper at Mr. and Mrs. George Peeler's.SMarch 23rd. Granite cutter at M. Hess', Maroh 22nd. Granite cutter at Tom Beaver's, Maroh 22nd. Miss Mary Heller started a two week's subscription school Mon day, March 25th. Vbnus. PARK'S ACADEMY OPPOSED TO NEW COURT HOUSE. March 25 .Miss Benlah Lad- wick, of Silisbury has been visit ing at W. H. Earnhardt's for the !pMtfew days. Frank Overcaih has been clear ing on a lot for lvey motts in the Rocks whioh Mr., Klutts will build on soon. Unole John Basinger traded his little cony off last week. Ic walked too fast for' him to farm with. We learn that G. M. Shaping, Esq , will open a milli nery in the new addition to his tore. He will have hats at all prices and will be able to suit everybody. Miss Benlah Ladwiok who has been visiting at W. H. Earn hardt's, spen't Saturday night at EliD.NA. Sifford's. , Lather and Banks Orercaih visited at John Barger's at Kan napolie. Saturday night and Son day. The farmers are all behind with their work iu this community. Mady roads and the building of a new court house"?! all we hear now. The. roads are in a bad condition. They . haven't been worked for several yean in our community. We have no over seen on our roads, Some places - - : r 1.. . . -. -.v.. - New Silk Dresses. We havejbn sale a nioe lot of NienTv mad -latest sfcvies. good quality oi Foulard Silk, value for , ..... .. . . . ... New Spring Silk. Japonika Silks in dos also inFoul ard pattern, 880 value, for.. . . . ftuv 75o all Silk F mlard i 8 wide in pretty shades I Vol blue, pongee, etc. Our special, Jifig pr yard, f U v 75o Black Taffeta. 35 in. I AA wide, nice rustling quality fcf8G Wool Dress Goods. Full stock of Wool Dress Goods in Black, Na w, Crem and all colors .ranging in price from 25c, 48c, 75o, 90o per yd. . : ; Cotton Goods Special. Cotton Vous are all Jhe rage and showing nice selections insolid colors and stripes, 28 in. wide, at. . We sell for cash the credit stores. are so bid that it is dangerous to venture to go through. If the county commissioners would hsve them worked, or see that they are worked, it would mean more and be more valuable ' than a new court house. The only way the commissioners can get the new building is to have it built at nnce, for the people are anxious to vote the proposition down and, when November comes, the voters have already decided to see if there is not a set of men that will carry out the people's sentiments. Get ready old farmers we must look forward for the November election. v G. M. Shuping lost a fine shoat last week. ' , 4 f John Quanttz is taking advan tage of leap year. Good tor him. George Fisher, who holds a po sition with the Southern shons at Spencer, has been at home with the mumps for the past week. But he is now able to be but again , Mrs. Jam)s Castor and chil dren spent Sunday evening at Charlie Miller's. Mrs. S. J, Shinn has been kept in the house on aooount of tooth ache and nenralgia. The Farmers' Union at Park's looal have been doing business on a big scale. They ; hive added several new members lately and several more intend to join soon. Quite a number attended tbe eounty meeting in Salisbury Saturday. What has beccme of Columbus and Somebody? I guess since winter is about over and the frogs have awakened and begun to holier that they will wake them up again. Stir out, we wnt to hear the news from down your way. -Oleaford Shupiug, sen of Sam Shuping, has been very sick for the past week, but is improving. Mrs. 'John Brown was taken sick with a chill Sunday evening the 24th. ' Suedes to The Carolina Watch man and Rbcobd. Happy. ROCKWELL. . March 25 We are having plenty of rain along now. The cotton mill has stopped night work, we are sorry to say . Muses Carrie and Ruth Trexler visited Miss Mae Frick Sunday, They report , having had a moe time.' .Mrs. Gertrude Staokleather fend Mn. Eltha Park visited at M. L". Trexler'i Thursday. Gay Trexler and Lewis Lyerly Cotton Voils, 40 inches wide, in the . QC A .r: 'pKttyjevining shades, at per yard &Ou Sea IsisidlTissuef instripei j and f QJk. small checks, colors faotrl83val. Soirsette, looks like- silk but wesis much better, 80 inches wide, always sells QAA for 25 ceDts. Our special price only &vtf Silk Dresses, ard made 't $10 .77. S7" Mercerised Bengahne, muoh prettier thai. Poplin, valne85, our special Mercerised Poplin in all the popular shades, at only. . .7. . . . " Miliary. The-hats this season are beautiful and prices very reasonable. Give us a oall for your easter hats. We'll do our best to please you in style and prioe. I. I! - - New Spring Oxfords. Never before have we been able to show such a pretty lot of pump strap sandals and oxfords, ranging in price from $1.00 so $4 00. Leather, patent, vici, gun metal, velvets, snide, also tans. ' : Men's and Boys' Clothing. Extra good values in Men's and Boys Cloth ing. Come in aLd see our stock. we are 15c only and can afford visit at Rockwell quite often, iruess thev mean bnaineia. Clarence Kluttr yisited at Rockwell Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Peeler and family visited at G. T. Hols houser'a Sunday night. Rev. J. L. Yeariok preaohed his farewell sermon Sunday night, we are sorry to say. Berley Miller visits on Fac tory Hill quite often. J guess he must nnan business. -. - - t- ' Clara Goodman has returned home from Albemarle where she has been . visiting for quite a while. Miss Mae Frick and Miss Ruth Trexler yisited at Mrs. M. L. Stackleather's Sunday evening. There will be preaching at the Lutheran Church Saturday night and Sunday, Maroh 80th and 81st. On or thb Girls. There is more Catarrh in this section of the country than all other diseases put together, and until the last few years was sup posed to be" incurable. For a great many years doctors , pro uounced it a local disease and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incnrabU. Science has proven oatarh to be a constitutional diseas and. therefore reqnires oonstitutioa al treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F . J . Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohis, is .the only constilutionial cure on the mark et. It is taken internally in doses from 10 drops so a teaspoon? fal. It acts directly on the blood and , muoous surfaces of - the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure Send for circulars and tes timonials. 1 Address : F. J. CHEEY & Co loieuo, umo. best and most reliable motor Sold by Druggists, , 75c. cycles to be had and a good l B Family Plll, fyri bicycle as the second prize, constipation. Anyone who means bnsiness . . , , and desires to enter this con- Republican Primary. ,test will please send us his A meeting of the County Re-' name and address at once, publican Executive Committee ! WATOra and Reoobd, Sal was held in the cityhall Satnr-, ishuTT r N. C. day, Chairman W. A. Fogleman presiding. Saturday, April 7th, was decided upon for holding the primary and the following Satur day, May 4tb, the day for the convention. A full ticket will be put out this year. Simple Mixture Uaed In Salisbury. Many in Salisbury are now using tho simple buckthorn bark and glyaerine mixture known as Adler-i-ka, the new German.' Ap pendicitis remedy. A SINGLE DOS E relieves constir ation, sour stomach or gas on the stomach almost INSTANTLY. T h i simple mixture antisepticizee ithe digestive organs and draws off the imparities and people, are sur prised how QUICKLY It helps. MoPheradn & Oo.V dxogjp!ita 2Sc 25c to sell cheaper than MoiBieit to So.tlera Womu. The first monment to be erected independently by a state to the women of the Confederacy will be unveiled in South Carolina, April 2. The event will be an impor tant one, attracting a full attend ance of tho United Confederate Veterans and the United Daugh ters of the Confederacy, as well as all the distinguished men and womenof the state. The monu ment shows the southern wbman dignified and beautiful, about to be orowned with laurel by the winged figure in the rear. On either side are child figures ; bur- dened ith laurel to lay at her feet. ' A pioture of the monument appears in the April Popular Me? chanics Magazine. SALISBURY MARKETS. Corrected weekly by D. Jo". Miller. Baeon, sides per lb, 12 to 18. 4 . Duwiuv.cn, per to , 14 CO XO ham, per Jb, 16 to 18. 7 : . round, per to 1 Butter, choice yellow, 20 to 25 Chickens, per lb, 9 to 10. -' Ducks, 20 to 8Q. Guineas, 25 to 80; Eggs, perdox, 18 to 20. Corn, per bushel, 90c. fef f .95 Flour, straight, per sac, $2.40 " pat, $3.00 . Hay, per. hundred Ss, .75, average. Honey, per lb, 12 to 15. Lard, N. 0., per lb, IB to 15. Meal, bolted, per bu. .90. Oats, per bu. 60 to 65 Potatoes, Irish, pe- bu $1.00 to $1.20 Wheat per bush. LOO to $1,10 Onions, 1.25 to 1.40 Bye, per bushel, $1.15 Turkeys 15c per lb. Geese, 12c per lb. Country sausage, per lb 2 15e ' pudding per lb. 7 to lOo 44 mush per lb. 5 to 8. Cotton, good mi dlieg, 9J. obd are figuring on BtarN ing a contest and ivinar 'awav ftR first. nrir.A nnonf tia IdHw U CrBtntow: Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Laura L. Morgan, this is to notify all : persons - haying claims against the said decedent to file an itemized, verified .statement of same with the undersigned on or before the 28th day of March, 1918, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. Persons indebted to said es tate are notified to make prompt set tlement. 7 - This 21st day of March, 1912. 6t Johx J. Stitwabt, Admr. v lolicij wrt2to; Having qualified sis administrator of the - ertate v of Knk Johnson, de-" ceased, this is to notify all persons having claims against the said dece dent to file an itemized, .verified state ment of same with the undersigned on or before the 29th day of March 1918, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Persons indebt to said estate are netlfied to make prompt settlement. . Thia March 97th, 1912. at. Jon J.8sMaBsadmM

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