. v 1 i .... f y . ' ui THE CAROLINA WATCH tllH HM. tt. STEWART, Ed. and Pro loMUfced ery Tuesday at 130 West Inn es street. Entered as second-clsss matter Jan. 19 th. 1S05, at the post office at Salis bury, N. 0., under the aet of Congress it Harsh 8rd, 1678. SAtiWDBT, N. C.Apb 24th, 1912. Io order to vote this year yonr poltasx mast be paid on or befor May lit. Ouly one week remains to attend to this very impor tant matter. If yoa are opposed to the conrt hou sobeme, the spending of the. ad fuodi on a few miles of road to the neglect of a'.oufc all the other roads of the ccnutv and the giving oat of contracts to pets at higher rates, sometimes paying two dollars to have one dollar's worth of work done, make it a 4 From Forty-Five to Fifty Are Much Benefited by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. The change of life " ia a most critical period in a woman's ex istence, and the anxiety felt by women as it jdrawa near is not without reason. When her system is in a de ranged; condition, - she may be predisposed to apojdexyy ir con gestion of some organ. At this time, also, cancers and tumors are more liable to form and begin their destructive worki ' ' :' Such warning symptoms as sense of suffocation, hot flashes, headaches, backaches, dread of impending evil, timidity, sounds in the ears, palpitation of the heart, sparks before the eyes, irregularities, constipation, vari able appetite, weakness and inquietude, and dizziness, are promptly heeded by intelligent women who are approaching the period in life when woman's great change may be expected. These symptoms are calls from nature for help.-- The nerves are crying out for assistance and the cry should be heeded in time. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is prepared to meet the needs of women's system at this trying period of her life. It invigorates and strengthens the female organism and ' builds up the weakened nervous system It has carried many women safely through this Bay den Clement Esq., is a candidate for the distinction of being a delegate to the National Democratic convention to be held in -Baltimore. With the candi dacy of Whitehead Kluttz, Esq , previously . announced, Rowan bat two candidates. The Watch man would be glad to serf both of the aspirants seleuted, they are worthy and capable young men. WOMEN TAKE NOTICE! A man cannot understand the torture and suffering many women endure vnoomplaininfly. If the majority of men suffered as much pain and endured with patience the weakening sicknesses that most women io, they would ask for Immediate sympathy and look for a quick cure. v Many women have been saved from a life of misery and suffering by turning to the right remedy Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription a remedy which is safe so take because containing no narcotics, alcohol or injurious ingredients. It is an Iterative extract of "roots, made with pure glycerin, and first given to the public fey that famous specialist in the diseases of women Dr. R. V. Pierce, of the Javalkls' Hotel and Surgical Institute of Buffalo. N. Y. CiHiHIii' f belk-haIy colitis, point to learn h:w each caudi didate stands before votiug for him. The Democrats oannot af ford to put up men to be defeated in November. Off for Target Practice. The following members of the 4th 0 A O. left for Gastonia Sui -day night for a three days' target practice: Capt M F Hatcher. Sargant C O Jenkins. Corpora's J I Linker and T O Kesler, and Privat-s Geo H Cox B I Newsom. W BKlut'a, J 0 Goodman, C M Liuebarrier and Hallie Cor1. They are expeoteb home i in the momiig. J N Maxwell organiser, aud W A Fogleman, State secretary, of Salisbury. Chas A Peeler, S'ate oouucilor of Faith, and a number ofothsr delegatus wt; ever io High Point yest rday and to-da to attend the sessions of tfap State CouDcil of the Daughters of Liberty which convene there to d y. , ft ffirs-ferellaGillispie fl ONE CASE OUT OF MANY TO PROVE OUR CLAIMS. St. Anne, III "I was passing through the change of life and I was a perfect wreck from female troubles. I had a displacement and bearing down pains, weak fainting spells, dizziness, then numb and cold feelings. Some times my feet and limbs were swollen. I was irregular and had so much backache and headache, was nervous, irritable and was despondent. Sometimes my ap petite was good but more often it was not. My kidneys troubled me at times and I could walk only a short distance. I sa w your advertisement in a paper and took Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound, and I was helped from the first. At the end of two months the swel ling had gone down, I was re lieved of pain, and could walk with ease. I continued with the medicine and now I do almost all my housework. I know your medicine has saved me from the grave and I am willing for you to publish anything I write to you, for the good of others." Mrs. EsTEILA GlLUSPUS, R.F.D. No. 4, Box 34, St. Anne, Illinois. . The Ncrth Carolina Public Service Co., the corporation that recently purchased the Salisbury Spencer street car line, has pat some new cars on and adopted B3me new-fangled rules Cor poration like they will conde scend to allow a person to ride, provided ha steps up with his ready fare and will be real good. It is a great pitty Salisburians doi not own and condact our public utilities. MM est Lizzie M. Hesshsimeb, of Lincoln, Neb., 529 C " St., ); "I send a testimonial with much Dleasure so that amna flittering woman may know the true worth of your remedies. "Wfcs a great sufferer from female troubles but after taking one bottle of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, wliich a friend -advised me to take, I found myself very much Improved.- After taking three more bottles, and using two boxes of Dr'. Pierce's Lotion Tablets, I found myself on the road to recovery. I was In poor health for five years but now I am cured. "I hope all women suffering from female weakness will give Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription a fair trial. Doctor Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate and invigorate Stomach, liver and bowels. Sugar-coated, tiny granules. My Doctor Said Try CardttL writes Mrs. zJv. SpelL of Hayne, K. C MI was In a very tow state of health, and was not able Io be p and tend to ray duties. I did try Cardui, and soon began, to feel tetter. I got able to be up and help do my housework. I continued to take the medicine, and now I ant able to do my housework and to care for my children, and I feel as though I could never praise Cardui enough for the benefits I have recdved.'! TAKO Mil Cardui ts sty women, ana acts, s Cardui does one iz, and cccssntL pacific fab the great success which it has had during the past 50 years. In helping thousands cf weak and ailing women back to health and happiness. If you are a women, feel tired, dull, and are nervous, cross and irritable, it's because you need a tonic Why not try Cardui? Cardui builds, strengthens, restores, and acts in every! way as a special, tonic remedy for women. Test it for yourself. Your druggist sells Cardui. Ask him. m snoot Will Smith, of Faith has bought a five passenger automo bile with which he will carry passengers from Faith to Balis bury and back. Saturday he made several trips loaded eaoh time with passengers. We can't wait on that railroad any longer. The population is growing so fait we are bound to have some way of transporting passengers, rail road or no railroad. GoiBtBeictment Exercises it Crescent. The Fourteenth annual ocinmencement" of Crescent Academy, Crescent N. C, will be held on the 25th and 26th of April. Thursday night the Pri mary Department will give an intertainment conpisting of drills songs, recitations, etc. free. On Friday, atll a. m., Rev. F- S. Zaugg, of Albemarle, will deliver the annual liter ary address. At 2 p. m., the declaimer contest will be held. A debater's Medal, and one for best declaimers, will be given. Friday night the school will present a drama, entitled "The Reck oning," in four Acts. A band will furnish the music. FAITH. April 22. Mrs. John Eller'of Craven and her brother, Wesley Frick, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Moses Eagle and other relatives. On April 20th and 21st two more young ladies arrived on the g'fanite beltj near Faith. We notice China Grove is running Faith a close race with new in habitants. The Roan Record of China Grove has a large circu lation in and around Faith. Mr. and Mrs . Will Morgan of Gold Hill visited their friends, Mr. ai d Mrs. W. F. Smith Satur day, and Sunday. Misses Sadie and Pearls Morgan of Gold Hill visited their uncle, W. F. Smith, last week . We had a heavy rainfiunday night and Moi.day, April 21it and 22nd. A force of carpenters starts work today, April 22nd, to en large the Lutheran church here. The work will be completed as soon as possible. The church will be made as large sgain as it is now in order to accomodate the large congregation which con tinues to grow larger every year under the leadership of Rev. C P Fisher. I believe in ten years it will be again made larger 6y the erection of a r large Granite ohurch. Come along Somebody and give us the news from Frogtown. We sre always glad to read your items. Lawson Ludwiok if mowing orimson clover and will haul it to the Salisbury market as soon as it is dry enough . Whoever can beat that trot out your clover field. Vikui. The WornartsTonie because it Is made especially for ally on the womanlv constitution. does it well That, explains $'00 Reward, 100. The readers it this paper will be pleased to learn that ther is at least one dreaded diseaep tnat soience nas been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Ca tarrh. Hall's Catarrh Care is the onlv postive cure now known to the medica' fraternity. Ca tarrh being a constitutional die ease, requires a constitutional treatment, nails Uatarrn is taken internally, acting directly npon the blood and masuons sur faces of the system, whereby de stroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the con stitution and assisting nature in doing its work The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that tbay offer One Hun dred Dollars -for anv caae thafc it fails to cure. Soud for list o testimonials. Address: F. J. GIIICNEY & Co. Toledo, O. Sold by Druggist , 75c. Take Hall.s Family Pills for constipation. 1 s -sa m - A union Sunday school mass meeting was he'd in the Grubb theatre Sunday afternoon and it was well attended although the weather was quite disagreeable The principal feature of the meet ing was addressed by Rev. Frank lin McElfresh ' D D internation al aeoretary of tea'her training, After the song, "All Hail the Powr of Jesus' Nam," Rsv. W B Dnttera introduced Dr. Mc Elfrssh. Dr. Elfreeh a remarks concerned the four phases o teaching io the Sunday Schools to visit Primary teaching, chil dren under twelve; teaching these in their teens : how to reach th adult, and lastly the instruction for te&ohers. He sid these di visions of the work is being gveu great attention at this time, and that the work of the Sunday schools had increased greatly within the last few years. After the address about 150 children from the primary grad of the Sunday Sohools of the city came on the stage and sang "On ward Christian Soldiers." They sang well and presented a very beautiful picture. The meeting dosed with the benediction by Ray F. J. Mallett. WHEN THE BOWELS ABE UNCOMFORTABLE and you miss that line feeling of exhilaration which follows a copious morning operation, you should put a small quan tity of Simmons Bed Z Liver Regulator (The Powder Form ) on the tongue and wash it down with a little water. Its action in the system is purifying and strengthening. It drives out hard impactions and impurities and gives tone to the musculaT structure of the bowels. It overcomes the tendency to chronic constipa tion, relieves a bloated feeling in the abdomfen, sweetens the breath, and promotes vigor of body, mental alertness and cheerful spirits. Sold by Dealers, Price, large packase, $1.00. A.k for the genuine with the Bed Z on the l.bel. It yoa cennot get It. remit to ui, we will .end it by mll, po.tp.ld. Simmon Liver Begal.tor i pat np Uo In liquid form forlhote who prefer it. Price, 1.00 per bettU. Look far the SedZ label,,. JCZQUN & CO, Props!, St Louis; Mo. 0 SATURDAY 0 0 Ginghams 3ic. 2000 yards of regular 7o apron Ginghams in short lengths, Saturday and all QJft next week, w2w Better Gingham, full piece 5o Best grade of 5o Calioo for 3 1-2o Extra good factory check 5o Good grade of shirting dark colors 7 1-2o Bed Ticking at 5c, 7 1-2, 10o Good Feather Tioking Best 25o guaranteed feather ticking for. - i Mattiug, Shades & Curtains. Fall stock cf Matting priced from 13 1-2c. 20c, 22 1-2 and 25c, Plain Cloth 25o window shades all best j colors for 20o Bettei Bhade With nice sprint; 25, 35 &48 Curtain poles! . . 10cf 3 fOP 25o For cash only, ANNOUNCEMENTS. Fob House of Representatives . I hereby announoe myself a oaudidate for the House ot Rep resentatives from Rowan County subject to the Democratic pri maries and convention . b. P. S. Carlton. For State's Probeouting Attor ney. I hereby announoe my self a candidate for State's Prose eating Attorney for Roan Coun ty Court, subject to the action of the Democratic primaries, b. Kerr Craigb. For Register of Deeds. I here by announce myself a candidate for Register ot Deeds of R .wan County, subject to the action of the Democratic primaries and con vention. Pd. b E. H. Miller. For Sheriff . I hereby announoe myself a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Rowan county, sub ject to the action of the Demo cratic primaries and coanty con vention. B J. H. McKenzie. For Prosecuting Attorney. I hereby announce myself a can didate for the nomination of Prosecuting Attorney of the Row an County Court, subject to the action of the Democratic prima ry and ooLvention. Pd-B T. G. Furb. I hereby announoe uivself a can didate for the office of Register of Deeds of Rowan oounty, subject to the aotion of theDemooratio con vention. P. E. Wright. China Grove, April 4, 1912. For County Commissioner I hereby announce myself a can didate for the offioe of County uommissioner subject tc tne ac tion of the Democratic primary and convention, Julius Frick. B. Rockwell, N.C. For County Commissioner. I hereby announce myself a candi date for County Commissioner of Rowan County, subject to the action of the Democratic primary and Convention . J. W . Peeler. B Rockwell, N. 0. April 8, 1012 Fcr Prosecuting Attorney I hereby announce myself a oandidate for the nomination of Prosecuting Attorney of the Rowan County Court, subject to the aotion of the Domooratio primary. Stahlb Linn. Fcr Hcuskof Representatives I herebv announce mvself a candidate for the House of Repre sentatives from Rowan County subject to the Democratic pri maries aud convention. W. D.Pethel. b-pd. Third term of the United States district Court oonvened in the government building here Mod day morning, Judge James E Boyd, presiding, Col. Cowles clerk, solicitor Holton and ether officials were present. 1 Toe following gentlemen are present for jury duty: J. F. Burgess, J, T. okodman, P i. Greene, P. H. Clin. J. E. jMejPtfwell, L. C. Crcuie, Eugene TaeffBour, H. L. Xowder, S. B. BfYwley, R. C. Venkins. E. S. Noblett, Walker Lyerly, J. H Gobble,. J. M. Lambert, H H Walton, R P.Cloud, D. M. Alex der, E. N. Montague, Thos. N. Dry, W. M, Crotts, Jas. A. Dunn, R. M Leonard, L. L. Fink, W. H. England. Extra, L. J. Burgee, J. T. Walton, P. W. Patton . Berry Bssinger, of Rowan, charged with illicit distilling, was called and dismissed. A number of other miner cases wsredisroied of. and ALL NEXT WEEK. Millinery. Visit our Millinaiy Dpttmrit yoo will certainly find a hat to please in ityls and prioe. $1 .60 Black Turban Hat ....... . . . C3o 2.00 Ready-to-wear Hatt for $1.25 Very swell and stylish hats for ' $1.50, $2, 2L25, 02-50 end up. Nice lot of children1! and brya hats. 15o aud lOo proof 20c Shoes. Good Shoes at Reasonable prices. Lot of odd and ends to be closed out at half price. Women's strap slippers for 01 and $1.25 Women's patent or gun metal pumps for $1.50 and 01.00 Velvet, tan, pumps for $1.05 and 01. CO Better Shoes $2.50 and 03.C0 hut at a lower price. For County Commissioner. I i i .ail nereoy announce mvseu a cauui date for the offioe of Oounty Com missioner subject to the action of the Democratic primary and con vention. Pd.b P. A. HlRTMAW. For County Treasurer. I here by announce myself a candidate for the offioe of County Treasurer subject to the action of the Democratic primary and con vention. b pd. W. Lawson Kluttz. For County Commissioner. I hereby announoe myself a oandi date for the offioe of County Com missioner subj-ct to the action of the Democratic primary and convention. W. P. Barber. Pdb. koR County. Commissioner;! hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of County Com missioner subject to the action of the Democtatio primary and cotf vention. Jackson Goodman, Pd-b. Cleveland, N. 0. Fob County Commissioneb . I hereby announce myself a oau ditate fcr the effioe of Couuty Commissioner suVject to the ao tion of the Democratic primary and convention. Joseph W. Miller, of Morgan Township. Riohfield, route 2, N. 0. b-pd, Fob Tbial Justice. At the soli citation ot many mends l an nounce my candidacy for the of fioe of Trial Justioe of Rowan Ccuuty Court, subject to the Democratio primaries aud con vention. Theo. F. Kluttz This April 16, 1912. Fob County Commissioner. I hereby announce myself a can didate for the office ot Oounty Uommissioner subieot so tne ac tion of the Democratio primary and convention N. White Menius, Litaker Township. B-pd A BaV HOfSI out at large with spot in forehead the finder will please notify me at once, will satisfy for trouble, L.. A., Goodman, Rockwell N . C. Oar Building Mittrltl win piase you. Our ceiling and siding a. $1.00 per 100 feet will tiokle you. Good man Lumber Co. 'Phone 405L. sale of Lafld tt Make issets. Under and by virtue of an order of th Superior Court of Rowan County. maua in tue special proceeding en titled Floyd B Brown, Admr. of Min nie Leaser vs. H. M. Leaser et aU the fame being No. 106 upon the special proceeding aocKec oi saia court, the .1 : l r s , ... t unuemgueu, uummuuoDW, will on Mcnday, the 6th day of May, 1912 at the hour of 12 uu, or as soon there after ta possible, at the residence of the late Minnie M. Lieaxer in Atwell Tctrnahip , Rowan county, offer for sale to tne mgnest otdder for cash the fol lowing tracts of land ; lt. Beginning at a Spanish oak. ramp uvercasn's line; thence N 88 poles to a hickory ; thence E. 61 poles to a red oak in Martin Boget'i corner; thence South 83 poles to a. stone ; thence N. 51 poles to the beginning, containing 26 acres, more or less. 2nd . Adjoining the lands of DeWitt uvercasn, Aaoipnus Wallace, betrtn ning at a stake on Dewitt Overcash's ine ; thence N, 1 deg. W. 100 feet to a stake in said line , thence N. 71 dec. w zuureetto a stake, a new line thence S. 1 deg. E 100 feet to a stone: tnence s. 71 deg. K 200 feet to the be ginning, containing 20,000 so. feet. ' ru. Also another lot, adjoininglhe aooye 10c, susana Uat hton and H. R Plaster, beginning at a stone, Wm. A Lazer's corner to the above lot: thence N. I den. W. 100 feet to a stake! thence N, 71 deg. W. 62 feet to a ftone thence S. 1 deg. . 100 feet to a stone on uasnion'a line; thence S.-71 deg. . 62 feet to the beginning, containing 6200 sq. feet, more or less. This April 5the, 1912. Fii jtd B Bbown, commissioner and admr. Minnie M Leazer. John L. Bendleman , Attorney . ll-llll II TllSlEIB Ttffl LtlS til FlFEIlf Lets. Pursuant to a judgment and decree of the Superior Court of Rowan Oounty in the cause entitled "T. L. Thompson and others vs. Thomas Hellard Sr., Floyd Thompson and others," appoint ins the undersigned commissioners to sell the real estate of the. late Jesse Hellard for division and partition, and ordering a seeond resale of certain lots and lands, the undersign ed will sell at Sublio auction at the Court-house oor in the eity of Salisbury, on SATURDAY, MAY! THE 4TH, 1912, 12 o'clock m., the following describ ed real estate : FIRST: one tract of land fronting on the western Kallroad, adjoining the lands of J. H. Carson and others , and containing between 15 and 20 acres, and being the balance and resi due of the tmet of. land fullr deaeribed by metes and bounds in deed register ed in the Register's Office of Rowan Oounty in Book 114 page 833, to which reference is hereb) made for -full particulars. " Bidding to begin on this tract at $176.00. . SECOND: Twenty six vacant lots near the portion of Salisbury known as Fulton Heights and being a part and parcel of the R. A. "Wheeler Ad dition, and fully described by metes and bounds' on the map of R. A. Wheeler registered in the Register's office in book 104 page 602 to which reference is hereby made. 8a id lots are located as follows t Lots Nos 1, 2, 8, 4, 5. m , 8, 8, 10, 11. , 18, 14 15. and 16 in - Block No. 8 of said map: lots Nos. 11, 12 and 18 in bloek No. 5 of said map ; lots Nos. 8, 9, 10, 17, 18 and 19 in bloek 24 of said map ; lot No. 20 in bloek No. 10 of said map. All of said lots are 60 by 150 feet and are very desirable for building purposes, being on and near the proposed street ear line ezterdins from Pallsbury to Concord. These lots wll be sold as a whole, and bidding will commence at $1465.20. This AprU the 2nd, 1912. T. L. Thompson, W. T. Wbathbsxax, . t . . commissioners. A. H. Prioe, W. A. Bristol and R. Lee Wright, attorneys. Ittiei te Crtsrt Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of J. T. Barber, deceased, this is to notify til persona having claims against the said deeedeat to file an itemised, verified statement of same with the undersigned on or be t he 27th day of March 1918. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Persona indebted to said estate are notified to make prompt settlement. r This March 26th, 1911. (Mrs.) OosarauA Bakbsx. Admr. autt. Butt., attorney11- ?? m Pursuaat to a lodgement auddeaw-e of the Superior court in the matter of Mary Smith. Ida Campbell, Thomas Campbell and W. M. Campbell. p Ppiutfog the undersigned, commis sioner to sell for partition and division the real estate of the late Allen V. Smith, the undersigned wUl sell at public auction, t the court house door in the city of Salisbury, at twelve o clock m , on Monday, May 20th, 1812, one house and lot in the part of Salts- linow?.f Jrtey City, and de scribed as follows: Beginning at a stake, 100 feet east from the inter-section of Oraige and "aid stake being on south side ot Kerr street ; thence with edge of Kerr street, eastward 60 feet to a stake, corner of lot 21 ; thence at right angles to Kerr street towards the W. N.O. R. B;. 200 fast mora or less to a stake; on edge ot alley aloag said railway ; Uxene wfth saia alley westward to western line of Aohen baeh land ; thence with said line north ward to a stake, earner of lot 20, -nd thence" te the beginning. Being lot 22, of John 8. Henderson, plat or the eight acre Achenhaah land, . being lot No. 4. of thet lots conveyed in trust by deed from John S. Henderson, amd Elisabeth Henderson, registered in Book 67. page 881, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Bowan county. Terms ofaale cash. Sale will be left open ten days for ten per cent bids. This April 12,1912. WM. O. COCOXBXOUB. Ja.. flam.. A. H. Price, R. Le Wright, attorn t; -:',--y. fj? - '1 ' ' ,1 V i4