: -y..- - -r- -r... - , t -'.' A- A A- A"4- A ! X. ' - - 1 : A AfA A-V - 'r A Hbme Newspaper Published iiL. the Iaterest:of4 the.rPeopie:and forH Governmental Aflfairs "V tr"".- '-w,-. wtr ' A:::--l AA1B a - , - -' : ' T : ? .; wn7jTSTMT?ilifiSp ill VOLVIII No; 20 " .A - ?SALi8VNO.;EDNAS!?TJ9J2 A" "iA TBE C0L0XEL'5 GUUTIOI. Ri Asks Wij tki f rislifjnflts'ill la fsrmilsiat Hinl, Kaj K;r Procsed r iHgiiBst tsrCorsrttlM; - - Oyster Bay, 1 Y , April 25- Joitifioattoa : or &huft tkilare to proiecate the hatyeitdt irnit dar ing hii preBlderr ; ii -claim sd by Oolonil Booeyallliu a, dictated iatement ' of aiiare than 2,000 wordt giv&n" out by him late o day a Sagamore Hill. The ezvresident, makinK his tateieDi aa reply to the at taek of . the hamater dooameDt made tpnblie at Washington yet terday, aayi h was adTiied. by hit oabinet to follow the eaggef? tion it Commisjioner of Corpora tipni Smith, wbo asked that no proiectition be ordered uotil he had completed an investigation deiired by th aenate. Roosevelt points oat that' sitting on his cabinet when " the decision to su pend the proceedings was reaohed was Mr. Taft thn secretary of war i -. ' The colonel in giving ont the statement especially drew at tention to Lis observations as to the alleged influenoe of the Mor gan inters sts in: his handling of the haprreiter trast. In this con neotiop he asserts that when the Northern Securities sait, involv-4 ing Mprgan( was filed under his inst roc tion s he was about to ran for the presidency. This was in 1904 Ii He makes the point that he had no fear of Morgan did not knuckle to him The oolonei also particularly points oat thai Mr. Taft did ncthing with the har vester trast, although knowing all that had gone on daring Roose velt's regime until five days ago. Roosevelt wanted especial em phas is made upon that. Roosevelt heard this evening pf the attack made upon him in ' "Springfield "this""" afternoon ; by President Taft. A correspondent of the International News 8ervice showed him a telegraphic report of the president's denunciation and Roosevelt read it slowly; The colonel's countenance be trayed no evidence of anger as he read Mr. Taft'r characterisation of him as: '.'too dangerous to be trusted with the' presidency. With equanimity he read the telegraphic report that MMr Tafi, his voice shaking with emotion, warned toe people tnat tnev were in danger t)f a dictator who. ones he received the third term, won Id cling like a leech to the white house and never leave it until death intervened." The ex-president handed the dispatch back to the correspond ent aLd smiled. "That is the - first time'! ever heard of a die- he remarked cynically. ...Asked if he would reply to Mr Taft's exoortation of him, Roose yelt quickly answered : "I will reply to it, bjit not to night. 1 . will answer it on my trip . to Massachusetts. You misht say. the rough rider went on, snapping his words, 'that the fight is on. I have only just begun." Coafiderata Yetsraas 1st Cosses of Hfloor. ; The United Daughters' of the Confederacy have decided that no more crosses shall be presented to teierans after Noyember 1, 1912. Any veteran entitled to 'a cross is requested to maketapplioatiou as - soon as he possibly can. All or ders for crosses mastf be filed with the custodian at las three weeks : before the day of 4 bestowal. The 10th of May isthej'hext day for cross bestows Is, Hon John S. . Henderson, if called ; e at his, - office wilLoheerfully .make out the blanks. " A A Mas. John S. Hsrpiissoif , -: Prest. Rsbert FHoke Chapter What Texsn Admire is hearty, vigorous Ijle according to Hugh Taiimsn.rot. Dan , Ante nioA MWe fiLd, ha writesiA that Dr King's New Life Pills tarely out new life andl energy tnta ' person. . -Wife and lelief e Vhey are the ? best made." i&xeeuent for stamach, liver or kidney ioblet . 25 dual all arBS2Utfi - 0LHi6E. " Tlin in two this, Suit tad Scar, TBI FoiBerjBriPopalir.A- X)ld age is that period of man's existenee when his enthusiasm and teeth begin to slip awy from him It is becoming quite an easy matter to piok up bargains in teeth, but at three score and ten a man's enthusiasm for joy rides and the light fantastic fades out faster than the colors in a 6 cent gingham. Old age is large ly a state of mind. Its outward symbols are wrinkles, and amind preference for corn meal mush, together with a tendency to arise early in the morning land shake do wn the f urnaos j dst when the rest of the family are trying to collect in a little -lost sleep. There are two. kinds of old age, sweet and sour. The former is the more popular of the two, and is generally surrounded by love and a collection of bed slippers. A sour old age gives a great deal of pain to all concerned especial ly at the time of probating the will.. Some people are naturally contrary and arrive at old age sev eral years ahead of their schedule, siddeningthe home with saroas tio comments relatsve to the qaalty of the pie orust, while others trip into the 80's like .an animated sunbam, scattering un selfish service and silver threads among the gold along life's path way. The old age which retains its interest in youth and flowers and books and politics is the most beautiful thing in this world, bar none, unless it is tne origntness of youth as yet unspoiled. The man of fifty who turns into Old Age alley, acoompanied by crows- feet and the sound of a slipping clutch, had better start repairs on his' bank account. Worry hur- ries more men into old age tnan whole lot of people who are laying in supplies for a rainy day for relatives who prooeed to blow in what is left on bright green lim ouBness with cigar holders and reading lamp. H. L. Rank. Cesfedirata Yeteraa's Special Train to Uacon. 6i., Uoadij Hij 6tl, 1912. For the accomodation of Vet erans and all others going to the Confederate Veteran's Reunion at aeon, Ga., the Southern Rail- ay nas arranged to operate a a i -1 m m special train leaving unanotte, 0-, at 9:00 p. m., Monday, May 6th, via Atlanta, arriving at Maoon Tuesday morning, May 7th at 7:00 a. m. Will also operate a speoial train from Raleigh, N . 0 . , and Intermedi ate points cn same date. These speoial trains will con sist of first olass coaches, stand ard Pullman sleeping cars and Pullman tourist sleeping cars. The berth rate Charlotte to Macon in standard Pullman cars is $2.00 for lower berth and $1 60 for upper berth . Berth rate in tourist cars is $1.00. Bach berth will accomodate two people. By using this special train you leave Charlotte after supper and arrive at Macon in .time for breakfast. Passengers from all branch line points can use the reduced rate tickets on all regular trains to Charlotte, Blaoksburg aid other unction points in connection with the special trains. A great opportunity for persons going to Atlanta and other points to make trip at small cost. Reduced rate lonnd trip; tickets will -. be sold rom Macort to i many points- of interest; Within a radius of fits hundred miles, during the Re union. - Following round trip rates will apply from statins named. Rates on same'' basis- from all other points on Southern Railway, Charlotte . .$6 60. Conoord. .... China Grove. ..$7.00. ..$7.45i Blacksburg. . . . . . . Rock Hill........ 'Statesville. . . . $&00. . . $6.10. ..$7 80. Mocresville $7 00. Shelby -, ...... .. ...$ 6.80. The reduced rate tickets will be sold to Macon, Oa,. May 5-6-7 and 8th, with final limit May loth, by depositing ticket with joint agent at Maoon and pay ment of fifty 'cents. : Stopovers allowed . at Atlanta' and many other points on either.; going or return tnp- or both within limit of ticket. - -c . Pullman reservations should be made itf adTance, Af R. H DbButts, division passenger agent. Charlotte, N, 0 Gslci Diclms Acwiei MostJitineaa J Jalleilca F New Orleans, April .26. De- -olaring that since President.Taft issued his recent proclamation toA merioans in. Mexioo life for Americans in all parts -of that republio had beoome unbearable; Clement Gmon, owner of . the Julia Carlisle mines in Chihua huar arrived hsre today andae serted that conditions below the Rio Grande are ao serious tha nothing can prevent the inter vention of the" American govern ment within sixty days. Mr. Guion declared that the manner in which American voit, tens have been left to the meroy of bandits in Mexico is Uittle short of a crime . " In Chihua hua, he said, ' 70 per oent of the Americans had left and the other 80 per cent' remain there simply because they cannot leave. A Mr. Guion is a mining: engineer )f New York and formerly was a lieutenant in the United States navy. His father,' he said, was president of the United States Mail Steamship Company of New York. Helps A Judge In Bsd Fix. Justice Eli Cherry, of Gill is Mills, Tenn., was plainly worried. A bad sore on his leg had baffled several dootort and long resisted all remedies. 'I thought it was a canoer," he wrote. "At last I used Booklen's Arnica Salve, and was completely cured." Cures burns, bcils, ulcers, outs bruises and piles. 25 cents at all drug gists. Baaaatt, French Basdit Ludir, Kill td. Paris, April 28. Bonnott the leader of an organised gang of automobile bandits, who ; -have been terrorising Paris and the sur rounding district for , months past, and Dubois, a ' notorious an- archlstrwere shot to death today in the most thrilling encounter in the annals of French crime. A garage at Ohoisy-Le-Roi, 6 miles south of Paris, in which' the bandits bad taken refuge, was blown up by dynamite after these two men nad kept at nay tor hours a large part of the police broe of Paris, a contingent of gendarmes, two oompanies of re publican guards and a company of engineers. Ten thousand spectators viewed the battle from points of vantage. Bonnott was captured alive. He was riddled with bullets and died on the way to a hospital. The great crowd that had gathered with cries of "death to Bonnett," almost tore the bandit from the soldiers several of whom were in- jured. Ut. Plaasaat Defeats Coicord la Ball 6aai. April 27. Concord lost the by game with Mt Pleasant today the score of 4 to &V Both sides played well throughout the entire game. It seemed as if Conoord was going to win, until the ninth inning when Monroe got a two- base hit, scoring two men, which made the score a tie. . The tenth inning Mt Pleasant scored one more, which untied the score. The line-up for Mt. Pleasant was: Foil, P., rf; Moose, of; Lyerly R., If; Welsh, ss; Beaver, lbfFoilT., 2b; Lyerly G., 8b; Anten, c; Monroe, p. The game was interesting to all wno were present. Anotner game is expected to be played between the same teams, May 4, at Concord. Escapes An Auful Fate. A thousand tongues con1 d not express the gratitude of Mrs. J. B. Uox, ox Joiiet, in , tor ner won derful deliverance from an awful fate "Typhoid pneumonia had left me with a dreadful cough, she writes. "Sometimes I had such awful coughing epella I thought would die. I could get no help from doctors treatment or other medicines till I used Dr. King's ew liiscovery. . uut l owe my life to this wonderful remedy for 1 sosroely oougb at all now Quick and safe, its the most reli able of all throat and lung medi cines. Every bottle guaranteed. 50o and $1.00. Trial bottle free at all diuEjuti :tl - THE AYCOCK liElJORlJlt ASSttCUTlOU Rotia tabt Organized and Cimmfil for To the People of orfchoilA The movement to bai mon ument to the late Hon Charles Brantley Ay cock; VBtioa4ont Goyener" of North Oiitlftjn amrnrated under the auspibet Of Memorial A8s5cutioo, is one of the purposes whi?h should appeal with responsiye" ef fect tovery citisen of-the Old North State, of every age, condi tion and avocation, for his . great work in promoting public educa tion was not limited Wanylass or caste,, but made for the uplift of the masses, that, withjiyes to see and ears attuned to . hear and mindsr schooled to comprehend, they might, as paifited inhlaTbwn last Words to the people of his State, whom he loved, ,enteriip on a new day, the day of equality, of opportunity, the hotir when every man shall be free vto . work mightily f or himself nntii his soul, filled to satisfaction shal oveTflw with a common beneftfe-4a man kind, owing no tribute to anj; One; and bound only to his ellwmen- and serve bis God as to him ' iny, seem best . 1 Aa a . r The man who held and' adlrooa ted such an ideal for the people of his State as a whole. deseys-that his name, his memory an'iiis life, work be perpatuated inf such manner as would be bestjftaleu,-. iated to vitalise the prinoipies f or which he stood in the Viiearis'bf the passing generation, through all the tomorrows, HiU thi; lt syllable of recorded tim?. " "Equal 1 That is the wrcff on that word I plant mysalvand' jny party, the equal right of r every child horn itm. earth to have the opportunity to burgeonTbatll thattherdiiwithirIrtiii.,rh9eei; his last words to the people of North Carolina, should be in scribed in perpetual character. not only upon the base of a bronze statue erected to him in State Capitol, but also upon some permanent educational memorial whose benefits should go - down the ages for the help pf needy ohildhood struggling upward to the light It is the dejire and purpose Jof the "Aycock Memorial Associa- tion" to give every man; woman and ohild in North Carolina the opportunity and privilege of con tributing to this memorial fund. The follwoing constitute the Stste Association : ' Geo R Royal, president, Golds- boro; Matt H Allen, secretary, Goldsboro; B R Laoy, treasure, Raleigh. Vice-Presidents: First. District, E F Aydlelt, Elisabeth City, Seo- ond District, F A Woodard, Wil son, Third District, Earnest M Green, New Bern ; Fourth Dis trict, A 0 Zollipoffer, Henderson; Fifth Distriot, B S Royster, Ox ford; Sixth Diltriot, AW Mo- Lean, Lumberton ; Seventh Dis trict, R F Beaiely, Monroe; Eight District, Hayden Clement, Salisbury; Ninth District, O Max Gardner, Sheiby; Tenth;District, Jete C Priohard, Buncombe. Executive committee : George 0 Royal, Goldsboro; Matt H Allen, Goldsboro; Judge R W Winston, Raleigh; 0 W Tillet, Charlotte; Hugh Chatham, Elkin; W A Er win, Durham; 0 A Webb, Ash ville; 0 J Cooper: Fayetteville ; E C Duncan, Raliegh; Francis D Winston, Windsor; George Roun tree, Wilmington. The vioe presidents, with the aid of the executive oommittee, will organise oach County ia their respective, districts, and the offi cers of county associations will appoint canvassing committees in every town and rural districts of every township, whose duty it shall be to make a speedy canvass, extending to every person in their respective districts,- the opportu nity to contribute A 7 1 It is earnestly desired to raise a fund not less than $50,tXXrand if the county associations are prompt to organise and the can yass pushed vigorously and every person ia soiicitea we tee no rea- Uexlco FtsitlTreisarr Motet to Streagt&- -A fc a w Amy. '""aaaa XMeiicdOityrAp authorising the ; ;fiotatiDn of treasury notes to f the' amouni of 20,000,000 2 pesos, - to be used to raiie the fighting strength of the altsoyJo arm heiDdaiipg:the present campaign, has passed the chamber of deputies. The treasury notes are to be for" five yeajt at riot over 4 1-2.1 per oent. and are to be floated at ninety-twOA - Braulio Hernandet, who until a few days ago was the representa tive of Orozco in the United States and who now is in prison at El Paso, sent a telegram to President Msdero today, stating that he had abandoned the rebel cause and was sending to Francis op de La Barra a manifesto to the Mexioan people, calling upon them to rally to the support of the government. - . ; ; A A band of rebels operating ir 'Tamaulipas, near Garcia, has disbanded and is supposed to hav crossed into American territory, according ioiof ormatipu received at the Interior Department. kr A Acqalrleg A Good-YYIII. 'Speaking nf the high oost of getting1! start in business a friend in a" near by town tells us that the sum of $5,000 is asked for the "good trill" of a certain small concern, exolusive of stock and fixtures." The business is sup posed to pay $2,000 a year inolu- ive Of owner's salary." It costs so much to buy out an established .business, unless the same is forced on the market, that starting a new concern, oom- monljr seems more hopeful. But it. , in the old time way, a man simply hangs;out his shingle and wailitiBtopme( th prime of life may be gone before he gets it. The same result can be Lad in a fifth the time by effioient adver tising. Enterptise and truth telling are the qualities that draw trade. To prove that he has enterprise, and is wide awake enough to pro tect the customer's interest, a merchant must take the initiative and make a vigorous push for business. A newspaper advertisement can be plaoed in every home for 1 per oent of the cost of personal -soli oitation. It is read when people are at their leisure in a mood to listen to what the merchant has to say. Good advertising gives an im pression teat tne mercnant is alert and energetic in meeting publio needs, and a publio im pression of that kind ia a "good will," having a large oasn value. It is like money on interest in the bank. Returning to our starting point if instead of paying $5,000 a year for tnat business, a man should spend f 500 a year for two yeajf m advertising, he would have $4,000 to his pocket, and a better business standing. son why the fund should not be $100,000, whioh would enable us to found such a memorial to Gov ernor Aycpck as would be both oreaitaoie to tne state and an honor to his memory and a bene-. diotion to the masses for all time. Very sincerely, Geo. 0; Rot all, president Ayoook memorial Ass'n . How's This. We offer One Hundred. Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall' Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENNEY & CO., Toledo, O, - We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfect ly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. W alding, Kinnan fe Masvin, -Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O Hairs Catarrh Cure is taken internally, actings directly . upon the bipod and muoous surfaces, of 1 the system . Testimonials sent free. Price 75c per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. ,. 1 Alaa&i aal la:::ltf; While in almost every, pirt of the civilised worldpjariieltlat the increasing Mtiopiusajtj.in the population, there are some lo calities which seemVothQotheif hand, to be becoming less infested,. eO.to?; eeikv withA thevirusbf inentali disease. One of thit ap peara to 1e the , state of Kansas, which ha:in 1904j- 66.2, commit ments, to iti asylums per hundred thousand of population. I; In 1910 the numberV, for each hundred thousand had fallen . to; 42 3, and ii 1911 to 68.8, and the members of tha .State oard 4 Cpntrplp and the asylum cffieiala are said to criit this5 1 ihetrichi f omentfjtair prohibition. lafs pf the" state an the ; 'consequeni diminished conso mption of alco hoi . pf course ' there must be some leakage over the border, bnt it seems to be a fact that Kansas is praotically a "dry"tate. ; The Journal of theAmerioan Medical Issr oiatiou say that H-TS not sur arising that insanity should de- sreae with the diminished con- umptiou of an article which ; is sredited by alienist with the direct causation of at - least 10, and probably a considerably higher, per cnt, of existing insauity, and which indirectly is a more or less important factor in a very much arger-percentage of cases. The Kansas figures come reasonably close to those of the expert statisti cal Aaaaal Confederate Dliaer. The annual dinner to the Con ederate . Veterans of Rowan County will be served at the Salisbury Graded School building on Friday, ': May 10th, immedi ately after the. Memorial Day ex ercises. There will be an address with, music by the Salisbury nand and singing by the school children. x - - , A large attendance of veterans is desired. Veterans entitled to crosses and not having received any must make written applica tion therefore, and, those for Hwhom crosses have been obtained should attend without fail. Mbi. John S . Hxndbssov, president Robert F. Hoke Chap ter U. D. 0. Sued bf Prayirs. Washington, April 29. Col. Archibald Graoie, U . S . A ,one of the survivors of the Titanic. told of his experience to 1,500 persons in St. Thomas' Episoopal church, on Da Pont Circle to night. Every seat was taken and every aisle in the hall was crowded. Several women, who beoame faint from standing and the heat, had to be removed from the church. Most of the 1,600 person's who perished Colonel Graoie said, died from the shock of the cold water. "I am here to testify that I am a living illustration of the efficacy of prayer," said Colonel Graoie. "If there ever was a direct answer to prayer it was on this occasion. I recall, while in the water swim ming for life, that I thought my last hour had come and that I asked the Lord to put me in communication with my loved ones at home. Sure enough, He did." Questions Of-Life Are fully and properly answered in The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser by R. V. Pierce, M. D. As a result of knowing the laws of health- and nature, happy marriages are sure to follow. Ig norance leads to misery and ill nealtn. in jne Knowledge a young . man pr woman, , wife or daughter should haveT is contain ed in this big Home Doctor Book containing lOUo pager witn en- ffravinsu and colored olates. and bound in cloth, (nearly 700,000 conies formerly sold for $1.60 each) is sent Free to any one sending 81 one-oent stamps to prepay oost; of wrapping ; and pos tage.'; There are no conditions to this' offer and the reader must not associate this book with the advertising pamphlets prepared by quacks throughout the Anntrr. Address. 662 Washing- I ton St., Buffalo, New Yorkv SAK1TATI0M. StuoiiBla EI;t$ for a fiaaitii SBriat iif J t. : Spring iimp!j '-; the "cleaning up tta? Every? home has awumulatwns ff rub bishlmdillthrat thjpipf win-t tor.: Clean it up.5enkerp it' cleanTnesa aoctt&Iaiipns pf' trashed filth aervSllb useful1 pUTpoAQn4her hand,J they may serve directly or indM rectly to promota disease. Re-; - j member pui wiii have no flies this Bummertmless your immedi ate- surroundings furnish them ', breeding plaoes. Remember alsa thatthetnumber of flies in and a " bout your house is a telltale on you'We now know that homely with few or no flies are invariably ' 1 clean homes, while an abundance of flies u a sure sign tof nearby :; ' filth. We also knoVthat, these: dirty homes are dangerbua homes. I They are dangerous because of thif ; easy transition . from filth, ' , through flies, to disease. A Note; that flies are the oonnfjoting link, and to avoid the first is o avoid al three!. . : A - - Put up your fly . and mosquito soreens early; See that they are all fly-tight and mosquito' proof.; Inside the house use sticky fly pa per and arm the imalLboy pr girl with ten-cent wire fly swatters. Competition is a gieat thing where' there are two or more children. In cleaning up don't forget the; mosquito. He is a tiny pest to say the least, but his little bitaln. may give you malarial chills an$ f avers , that will last you weeks and months. It is easy topre-A vent mosquitoes.- They breed a A long the edge of stagnant water, f in pools, ponds, tin cans, broken crockery, barrels, tin spouting, etc'- Destrpj pr remove the tin; cans and other vessels, repair the spout?ng, ABd draiu the" wwairrpa an i pools. ' If for any reason anyA stagnant water can not be drained, : ' pour cpal oil on the surface at tha -rate of one-half pint per hundred! square feet. Reapply the coal oil every ten days. If this;kis not ., praotioal, thoroughly stock the ; pond with fish and minnows. They , will consume a - Urge quantity of ' the mosquito eggs. If this is im-t practical, scree a the water in ..: question . As a final safeguard, 1 carefully screen every doer and" window with fine screen. A wire ' soreen having twelve meshes to the: inoh will keep flies but, but to.t: suooessfally exclude mosqaitoes ;; use a soreen having eighteen mesh es to the inoh. Good health '-and, comfort for the summer are the re . ward for sach timely vigilance and J diligence in cleaning up, while; disease and possibly death may ba t the punishment for the slothful. ,.; The Demons Of the SwampJ are mosquitos. As they sting they put deadly malaria germs ia the blood. Then follow the : icy chills and the fires of fevers. The appetite flies and the strength f fails; also malaria , often paves he way for deadly typhoid. But E leotrio Bitters kill and cast out r the malaria germs from the blood; g give yon a fine appetite and renew your strength. "After long suf- " f ering," wrote Wo .; Fretwell, of i Lucama, N. 0-i "three bottles drove' all the malaria-frpm my system, and I've had gocdhealth ever since." Best for all stomach, t liver and kidney ills. 50ots at ail druggists.' , Died i Poor Uaa Afttr 6iilag Away Ulllleos Chicago, Ills., April 27. Dr. Danl. Kimball Pearsons, aged ninety-swo, who during recent years gave five million dollars to colleges in the middle west, died Utn4a1 a:' flMaffinm sa rAAl s iearsoni mide r f orluo f oat of. HMoiim:ihdir hie ambition in old age to Aiie popr. WalSljp1itold sdrtfestering woundi and uloess with JJARBY'S PROPHYJiAOTIC VbVtD. It ie a wonerfnl disinf ectant and heal- srsalriopgUnalng; tfeat will notyield to airdlnary liaimeut, because 4 itdestroys r poisonous germs, cleanses. the sore of foul matter and helps nature tc repair the damaged flesh. : Price 50 ets. per bottla, 8old by ; all dnsiij4 1 n -A' nit- it ,--s a it t. i i 'A k - if- . ; AA

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