-i .- who fiM be:i, fcork4cgia Salis- 1 - ! ' C1AKES,, HOUE OAICING EASY W Dght Biscuit 1'- H f ' Dcliifcms talie , ' 1 w Si llfiintv PcfiioG . ISii j v Fine Puddings I M a inc only Baking Powder made M: W l frbmbyai Grape Cream ol Tartar r i -- 'u r.. 'j vc;.i-! v';' . . - -- A COrr JORRESPOHflEUCE its as of Uterist ti Virions Neighborhoods $irini0iigrjuii4 s " e io not ' print ar ticle it uignerl by the auth or'e redl name. . - April 26 A phone message to B O Eigle aonoauoed the death Thursday mdrning of Mrs. Jane Flick, wifeof Benben Prick, of cesr Orayeaj- N. 0;- Several of the relatives have gone down to attoud the funeral which wit) tak place at St. Matthew'a church. Among the number ar Mr. and-Mra. B. C. Eagle and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Basinger and children ' fi 'r Mr. and Mrs. L M. Peeler have just- returned from Franklin where they had been to aeo Mrs. Peeler'iaaother, Mri. B. A. Elliott, who is very ill. Miss jJadie Ritchie has just re turned from a visit to Mr. and Mrs. L D II. Brawn's B C. Eagle shipped eight pair millstones Saturday. William Foil is making a lot of new graitt cradlva this year and repairing lot of old ones. The new Gold Hill Telephone Ccmpauy hai just vut "in an ex change bioard in Faith at John Rhiuehadt's residonce. Who aid Faith is not growing? - John O. Brown, with hia crowd of carpenters, has the frame the new $hurcb mddition up. s of Telia the Cause of Appendicitis. McPhelson A Co., states? that much appeudicitis in Saliabary is caused by constipation, gas on the atoms ch or tour stomach. These ir'ubles ara almost IN 8TAN I LY relieved and appendi citis guarded against by taking a SINQLEpOSE of simple buck thorn bfrk, glycerine, etc., a compounded in Adler-i-ks, the new German appeudicitis remedy. ' 6eoinl Sbermn's Lettir Hods. "In theVield, Goldsboro, N. 0., 5 April 5th, 1865. " It is a general truth that men exposed to the general elements don't 'catch cold,' and I nave not 'heard a man cough or sneeze for three months but were these sattte men to go into houses, in a mcgjtth the doctor would have half of them. Now- the doctors have no einp'oy meat -Scrir ner'i Magazine. TERRBLE ITCHING RASH CHILDREN 8UFFER WHO COULD QET RELIEF QUICKLY. Try Tbla Remedy at Our Risk. If you have ever seen a child tear ing at its .face-and crying, unable to . sleep because J?l- the awful.! itching rash 'of czemaVtu will bex glad ; to know that; this Jcaa now be prereuted. All yoji need is to apply Saioa Salve, our new remedy for skin dis eases, which not only always stops the Itching quickly but is Lalsor won derfully healing and is as I good for grown persons as for children k Even where the skin is scratched raw, or Covered -with crusta and scales, Saxon Salve penetrates to the very roots, of the disease and de-J Btroys the. germs, at the same,, time stopping the itching so that -the skin is rendered perfectly comfortable. - Many skin remedies are disappoint ing but Saxon Salve is so remark able that jire guarantee it to gfVe sat isfaction, paying J83ck your money if 'ttvdoes iiot, -fc fimith Co., Salisbury, N. C HI a lib V- N :. L friend." overmen, 14 hfW irT,TT7.-L HU MBSKfe---iife - , m ... hi: n c k-aA Uw4 7 nfAti -J ffrwl Mnrimn who haa beno At- " tf" -Copyrights && -III aiso makes a smendid soil im- I --flrl W3Cf . a fi I " JKT l - DUNN'S MOUNTAIN" . Jkonl 15 Wolll Y3. we all tolerable, hew are you? We have hid quite a lot of rain aud farm wirk has teeu euspendid for a few dys. Most of the ppople.are oppo-d to the new $125 000.00 court nous-, b wever some are iu favor of it, just h came; and - i)me fa vor it lecaose they deal in build ing materia!, granite for rnBtanc We heard one of Salisbury's I ig men tay, speud enough ou tb" present one, fix it up and tber by ea?e th- c uuty. $120 000 00 This sou ids mre like goo i judgment to most evHrybody an I is exactly what should b done. We h pe when" the primarv comes off th&t a good body of mei wi'l be in the race for all office. Get a set ol County CommisBion- erB who will consider the people and will go after things, jast to g t their names cut on the corner stone of a new oourt : housi There will be a Lim for all to have our names carved on some kind of a stone, and we veuturn but few will be set up at the wrong placd . VVe .notice that Morgan Town ship has awakened and hope' that Jos. W. Miller will have good reason to go to Salisbury on the first Monday in each month after the November el eotiou. The ccain gang nas left our section and we of the muutain country have a 3ne road but for some reason thoae below us did nit d'seive a road so they will still continue in the old rut. ' Bartlktti. Mif Arbltrati Trouble. New .York, April 27 The whole dispute between th loco motive engineers and fifty eastern railroads over the wags question will ultimately be referred to en arbitration board. It is belie v ed in well informed circles,' Commissioner Neill and Judge Knapp believe their conference witn aispuants win not prove unproductive. They decline to reveal the preient status of the negotiations. Georgia Uob Kills Negro. Jackson, Ga , April 27 With the finding of the body cf Henry Etheridgey a negro in Towaliga river, the .fsct regarding the lynching of the black man be came known. The body was rid dled with bullets. Thearms and legs were tied together. '.A nub went to Ethridge's h-me Wed nesday night and oal i: g him out began firing It is said Etheridge was active iu seenriug reoru ts for proposed African colony, i This was the basis for attack. -J . Snniior Saw ifgh's en Vessil. j New Orleans,' April 27. A. F Omant, mml er of the New Or leius ootton exchange, oue . f thj survivors of the Titanic, arrived here, Omant said , that while in a lifeboat he plainly saw the lights of a vessel passing -within five miles of the Vd natter. O m and ;i sa id fhewas one 'i f . the players in $he bridge game -which continued long after the collision. aro very 'glad t - a'e Misi'Daisy Fred MorgaD, ifho has been at- retdrued' fiblifd T f . .fcri--.v,a-J ". Luther ' Cauble.-. of , Doun'r M uitaia, aDd -Mia JosephitiA M rg'ao, of M rg iu Tqwinhip, were toarritid Apnl 7th,' at Rev Johal llodge'sa. We with, th m a long aud happy Iif.: ' -' " i ... - - Charlie Brii gle viaite Jami B asmger's vry often. W' Ihiuk lie goes on iQiprtaD& business. 1 f . i Mii9 Poarle Crock, who baa b-eh visiting her siater, "Mr.":,"T L. Lenti, 'of Sails n'rV haBHre tarcedihome. . - ' ;- -. Miss Jf-BBie Reid took a trip to Salisbury last Tuesday . 1 Miss Odessa Morgan is stayi' g with nor bro'ber, Eugece Morgan, at Pool Town 5 Mrs A. B. Lisk visitd h-r lister last week, Mrs B'-'S Parker, Mra P A. K-tchv. , who has been staying at S $phetf Ketchin-'B nuar nft;:cr, has returned to' H-r old home. V Grant Wyatt visits up about the mill very ofte'i ; Look rut Grant and don't fall iu the riv-r What has become of Irvii g? C m'i on Irving with the news. Ralph likes your items flue. What has become . of Aunt Patsy from Richfield Road, and Aunt Betsy from Panther Creek? Come on and give us the news from your way. If all sign? dont fail Ralph thiuki he cau report another woddiug soon. Ralph. Stops ia Pains i Sloan's Liniment has a soothing effect on thd nerves. It stops neural gia and sciatica pains in- i Here's Proof '- Mis. C M- Dowkerof Johannes bair, Miph., writes . " Sloan Liniment u . the best medicine in the world. It lias relieved me of Neuralgia. Those pains ' kare all rone and I can truly say your . Liaiment did stop them." - ;l Mr. Andrew F. Lear of 60 Gay Street, Cumberiaod, Md.. writes u have, nsdd Sloan's Liniment for Nemaleia an I certainly-do praise it. very much." ,.- .j is the "best remedy for rheu matism, backache, sore thtoat and sprains. - - j At all dealers. Pricm 23cSOc.and $1.00 Sloan's book on Horses, Cattle, ' Hogs and Poul try sent free. -r 9. Address Dr. S. Sloan Roipi,Masa, The Caiolioa Vafchraao or Rowan Record and the Coaf ederaU Ye! eraa W ill xe sent for $ 25 per annum ' If you have uot seen The Veteran, write tic NasheviJle, Tebn for a sample copy, aild! then subeoribp h rojigh - t h i a offioe.-- T h 9 WaTOHMAH, SaHnbnrv N A 1 ; 7 V "V1 ' i - f TV rr - tT'J For f6Fty8sttra kt greatly reduced stock Neuralg ii irvr sw tt Vi i II JLUAll if&ki v3 J : - - .cludea Dew SUeffs, new'Shaws, new Bennett & -oretzs, new Kohler & Campbell aud other makes of new pianos and many different makws of second hand pianos that have been thoroughly repaired. -refin ished etc. in our alio p. 'All of these :p?anos.t. are excellent bargains. : We. hope to move this stock " rapiaiy ana it price Has . sale it will go ;qujckly; r': mmmmm 5 Weiatpefti mi mmmmrnm : - - dm 'Ol Wrt rt i- " t .3 "wmnrftepposite noaaemy , of r.7uslf after Jdtte 1s. 1012.; O hH'JH sv . . ." r n .t4 r- -Copyrights &c a'AnTOnMndlng sketch and deMxiptton tatr-r cnt freak uinesi atroiicj yi oomuiu"" - Pateuw. taken lbrourh llnna A.'QOiiXeoei .1 i tpeeial notice, .wttheafrehanfO, ia the . t L s smwi mmm .,- JkbaAdBomelrTHnstrsted weeWjf. i3,ivvMtigt i - catotlon of any gfitentlflo iournal. Terms. (3 a ;: . year ! W montha.41. eold by all Tiewsdealerj. ... - HUNflS Co.38,B"ilewJork.r ' Brine OU fa V 8t Washtnaton. 1 a V tnunt sBMuon lot Sundai Mtaaf fweaM McAnwt dyawair mmstrnm . - TELL US -i-- ' How you st at yoor sewing machine and" i WE WILL SHOW you ;0. Something of vital interest To, Your Health, f ' . Y u canuot act too quicMy in tbi ibattsr, 'so Com-e today and let us explain : -'J The SitStraigtit "STANDARD" - Central Needle Idea . . . , - . j -?'r'-"i ' 1 A sewing machine that giya y u psitiv Heilthfiil ex-rciee Brown Shoe Co., , Salisbury, N. fJ. Special Pemon8trators - The Straigh.t.a,nd Cotved, Lines, PMlUon far Stmdanl Sut4 porillan lor otdlnwr NmcD Machine. 'ss Dr- F. Thomas OSTEOPATH. Successor to Armstrong and Monger Offices " 103 W. Innes. Telephone 120. ORyERAGLAND VETERINARIAN. Office aud hospital on Innfsn St., near ' laansion : House corner.-: Day . phone 1 Night phone 480. x 4-270 .25- CHICHESTER S PILLS l LiK- - - TUB DIAMOND BRAND. ldiesl Ak yrmr Brmfglnt fee . wmwun uiumrt Hrand I'Ulaia BfJ and fxs, sealed with Bine Ribbon. 7aJcB as then. i Ba mt DIAMwNP JIRANi PtLiM, tor S years knon as Best. Safest. Aiwsrs Reliable SWDBVTOQrSRMRWHERF . R BROWN, Jeweler and Optician. CHINA, aROVK, - N. C Id years experience. Prices moderate. lolice to Creditors,, . r Having qualified aa administrator of the estatt of I aura L. Morgan, this ia to notify , all , person having claims against the said decedent to file an iletniwd, verified statement of same with thi& undersigned on or before the 28f h dav of March :1Q!H. or thin nnf:irA Cjiwitl bd pleaded in -bar 'of their re wrery.' ronunn inaeuieu to earn es tate ate notified to make prompt set' ttetnent.k J Tfiis-2lgt day of March, 1912. 8t - JoHw J . ETtewABT, Admr. Dor Building Material win please von, .: .Our beiiing and siding a $1.00 per 100 feet will tickle you. Good man iibm her Co. , 'Phone-405L W' will 1 6ffer! our entfre -: price!.' This stoik' in ' any thing to do with" the ;' 0 - " S.' mm & 2 Ham. s w JNO EE 9 The ' , larseat-vieldinfi' and (Summer forage crops, also makes a splendid soil im-iprpverT-Iovrer in price than C01V1 Peas this season. 'WoorT Crop Special gives information about this valuable crop and also about all , SeasbbableJ5ee4ds: v German Millet, Sorghinns, ' ! Cow Peas, Buckwheat; - : ' Ensilage &ed Corns : . late Seed JPptatoes,, etc.1 r Write for .o odaCrop Special .givingprices and in teresg information. Mailed free on request ; l;t;w.flyoaD tsons, . SEEdSMEN, Richmond Va.f ? ItlTERtlATIONAl HifTiAiianu . i i U Ifl lUNUn I i 3 ' THE MERRIAM WEBSTER? Because j new crea- ' TION, corermg every field of the . world'B though : 1 action,' ami ctilture. The -only yaew. upabrideed .dictionary m i-1 many yeara."- t ,si ' Because defines over 400,000 . .i 1 , Words; jnore than ever. "Defote appeared ' between ' two" " covers. , a 700 Pages. 6000 II . .lustrations. - 1--..,.--- . DfLrBTice it Is the only dictionary """T rith'the new divided Wts&e; jS.""Btroke 3 Genius. ; ,t - ; - '.. i Because it la encyloPedia in rgi Rrm it is commended by the fJW"ic Courts, the Schools, and the Treea aa.the me saprem& V authority. DaM.M'he who knows Wins peca ,fr Success: luct va tell ; you about this new yrqxk. .. WErf?pec&osnof tteBSwfitliWpagft. -A C 4C.BIERRlAMC(X,PBlMlhmpdii.Jaat. sfanMoa Mils ipT, rscatwrEEB sst ofyoefataiapa. PLOPLES NATIONAL BANK ' ' ' ' : '' BAE18BURY, N. C.' Does a ?eueral Rank tag Business 41 . JJFn? vDjtat ft pay 4 per cent on.' time; de posits. . jjiterest payaoie every three mouths. ' Prompt aiteutiou given to any UUS1UHBB BUHUSIHU lO U8. Your business solicited,.. Peoples! National Bank. John Si Henderson, J. D, Norwood, president.' ' cashier 1 DiL.GA SKILL, Wi'T. BU8BV, V. -president. asst. cashier The H. f Norman Co., FoiBral Directors anl "Mailers. No 131 N Main St., .Noa Goi.rt House, Salisbury, N. C. Every, detail Carefully Look ed after by Competent Licensed Men. Day Telephone No. 222. Night Telephone No. 311. M&tice to CrerJitors r Having qualified as administrator of the estate -of Pink ' Johnson,':, de ceased, this is to notrfy all persons having claims against' the eaia dece dent to file an'itemiztsd," Verified, state-: ment of same with ihe undersigned on or before- the 19th day of March 1913, or this notice will be pleaded in bai xf thei r re cove.ry . Person s indebt to, 8aj3 'pstateare noliflpj tq make prnmpfc settlement. ; This March 27th;'i9i2; . , . !6t. ; , ? John J. SritwiLRT. admr. North Carolina. - Rowan County. Leifeie Lttlejohn ) In Superior Court! Vs. Action for Divorce. F. W. Littlejohn Notice te Non- ' Resident. The-defendant above named will take .notice that a civil action entitled as above' has. been , commenced' in - the Superfdr 'Jour t' of Rowan County , the purpoaa of whioh is -to obta:n'n divorce from the bonds of matrimony from de fendant, on ihe ground of, Xoi nicajtion and adultery ; and said, defendant ; will further lake notice thai; he'is required to appear at the term of Superior Court 'f said count y, to b held at the Court House , -in Salisbury, on. the ninth;Monday after the iat Monday. in MarchTiai and answer or I demur .to the: Cdmplaint in laid actiorrV whifih- i now'fited m theoffiee hf the Klerk on this court, of piaintiff. will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint.: Thi March 8th 1912 Jv Klntfiiff Klnttx nttronasrV . mi I TheJRbad A vanished thirsta cool . body i refreshed one ; the sure: waythe way is via a glass or bottlerpf ; ; Ideally delicious pure as purityrcrisp ; and sparkling as frost. ; v IT1 - Onr rifW-Konlrlet. tellino-. . A of Coca at Chattanooga, Demand the Genuine : -as made by, THE COCA-COLA CO. ATLANTA, GA. : ff VAfJTED -A RIDER AGEfJT IN EACH TOWN and district toiide and exhibit a sample Latest Model Rangr" bicycle furnished by us. Our agents everywhere are mknir jnpney last. . JTritt far full hsiWt rm. NO MONEY" REQUIRED until you iwptvfi nrt anhrnvA nf vhni 1 1 jKOiii Minri IDlCyCle. DO NOT BUY ffrifs until you receive our catalogues and learn our unheard of fcmr iCf? and rtmrnrkahit special ofert to ridr agents. YOU WILL BE AST0MISHEnrjT.?5'-'f5? vwm im . a ' f.,17.. 1 ' m ywif ow prtrv we can make kfvt r.0B5Ltnnany other factory. We are satl ailed with L00 profit atoT factory coti, CICTCLE DEALERS, vnn trn so aiii kinvAiaa nnL,..A.....n i Ii Orders fHWI th ri,, Ui - " SECOND HAND BtCYCLES. Vatn fyl a number on hand fan, in r - Kr - 1 plnBrrom3 ar).. pesCTiptivo bargain lisU mailed free.- . CuASTEnaBnAiCES. inf whi Imported roner ehalnt and pedals, parts, repairs and V y H W Sfcti "''MIVSgfwoipMtltfiattfciil. regular relaulprT - 5 n rmai Hcdgethorn I I Ml I CAlf.ha4linfyT;iiA. A SAMPLE PAIR ill JWlS-HWHiailIIJija LJ X. -X 2 ntregularretail friceof that tint It. - va.wer fair, tut tc intndut tot. muttiiyumsMmpu talrforf.SOtath xoitbm-dert4.SS, KQMraETRCBBLEFROMPUflCTUBES i MAILS Tacks, or Class will net lot the sir out. A. hundred thousand pairs sold last rear. ' DESCRIPTION- Made in all sizes. It ridintr. iverv durahla and lhrl inoria with. a special Quality of rubber, which never be comes Dorotl S&nd twhich clopa im small punctures without allowing the air to escape! We have hundreds of letters from, satisfied customers statiner that their tires haveonly been pumped up once or twice in a whele season. TheyVeisrh no bioi-e than an ordinary tire, the puncture resisting qualities bcine given by several layers of thin, specially prepared uurreoa inn treaa. xne rg-uiar price or tnese tipes ; II is $10.00 per pair, btrtforadvertlsinsr piirDOses we are ' making a srjecial toctory price itxr the rider,ot only SiJMpr-r pair. All orders shipped day letter is received. AVp ship C. O. l..onpproval. You do not pay a cent untl have examined and fonnd tliem sehrit.lv-ai KMionf0fi . .v" JJi'il,n JicaJmh i'9co"ir-t of 5 lwr cent (thereby making the price 4.SSper pair ir TOO Send FULL CASH WITH ORDER and enclose tins ererrhment. You run no risk In sendlngus aa "rderMta tlMS TanaVba. iMturnedBtOUR espense if foranyreasootbey are not satisfactory on examination Wea peSSrelilS and moneyenttoiis lsasfvtfeas 14a bank. It yo ordera pair Ofbese 1 1 rraou wtu lln that th? lrtdS easier, mn farter, wear feetter. last-Ion ger and look; finer than any tl re you bavVeref sed or stenit air nrtei We know that you wkl be so welt pleased that whe en want a blcycte you wllVlsyoSder .P2 tyontoBeDdosaWalcratr(.hencethi8remarkab!etiteoJer. youroroer. wwaa DO tVOliWiS tJtonly crBfs-Tstalt6learneverFthin3 Wrltett ftW. J.LiEa0D3LEG9LlPAnYrCI!IGAG0,ILL. QUE THE HOPE OF SAMPLE SHOES H $1 BIG LIWE JUST RECEIVED. every member They ivill wear 1 I 111 N. Main St. Real Estate-Insnraace-LoaDs If j a havj Mil a?tt t sail, all 6j sea m. - U yi .YijU t bif nil alite, all to sad a. lfyd neallaaMOca. Bit'iftrlifd orflre, all to see us. ' If y i wUh t brrv rnaif all to see us. If ya hivif mnf to la id, all to see as. - ; We aro well prepared to guarantee all loans and pay sir per cent -ior same, anl will examine titles, make up deeds and mortgages free i of con to all parti 's who will place tfceir money with as, and we wilt pay interesrtwice a year at our offioe. Notary Public in our office to - prepare all pprs. We earnestly ask that you call to see us when in : thrycit and.learrf of our plans and methods of business ; 122ri,r.1ainSt. As ' ' .' - ''or-. Here's . ?S-r; to Gomfort - Cola vindication for iheraskingy .Whenever , you see aa. W fartitula ttani ttteiel elcrt mm, ind a 'V'':i. . only r bicycle. We" ship to anyone anywhere in the D, 8. mithout m in advance, tttta, freight, and allow TEN DAYS FREE TRIAL during? which Ume you may ride the bicycle and put it to any test you wish. If-you are then not perfectly satisfied or do not-wish to keep the WcjJeshjpittmcktous at our expense and job will not btoutw tu FACTORY PRICES We ,urnlsh the highest grade bicycles It Is rnwi vns rnibKo pogsiHo. to m3ke at one smaU profit aboTO actual factory cost. You save $10 to $25 middlemen's profits by buy- ' Insr direct of nsand navei tho nmmfact ft. htpvIftrn- B MU nf fmm - . at-. w " ' nvuuj VU1BUJWIU lUOUCIBSbV " yoa tbla year. We sell toe b (chest ermde blcyclea for wv ' u,yluouuw vur nml..li.ii?Miw.ij i...j mi i it i :X - ."f. "T""T "riT."Lvir.JJ2ry!" Punoture-Proof Notteo the thick rabbertrmd "A" and BusluMariu"Bi and "D''also rim stria MH' rp to-prevent ritn cutting .Thin tire will outlast any other make-SOFT, CLA8TIO antl Mar kidihg. same until you - - ' rr""!"""-" " f 1 STOIt33SWr - in in R XL TaiMTRODUCEJJHLY k . .. f- SsSS.v . ..BMa ! .11 HIDE SHOES for of the family. you 12 montho. u 1 6 Salisbury, N. C. 1 & Insurance Go L. Smoot. Seo. & Treas. mi -'-Nil rr

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