Vol. Vilf No. 44 Salisbury N. O.,, Wednesday; October !6th; vM. H. STtvART, Editor ADYAiTABES OF A MOTORCYCLE. Seas of tsi Various tU ta Wuieh i - UotorcTCle can lis Put. " That a good motorcycle is a inmg macii to dw uesirpu will be aDDdrent after read- inrr lli V' fitlliiwinc na rratiori SJ .-- - an authority oa matters per- THE JfOTORCYdLE AND FARMER A motorcycle is a luxurj to the city man, but to the farmer it is both a luxury and a business' necessity After the chores are done he car get on his machine, go to town . in fifteen or iv) enty minutes, go to the theatre, or spend the evening at the club or park, and not have to put in three or four hours on the road with the old lamiiy plug. The motorcycle ntedf .very little care; if inexpensive to operate, and is a piece o machinery that very tarnv r who can afford it should have. Leaving out .the pleasure side, the motorcycle is very useful on the farm in making quick trips to town. Maybe the housewife fiuds thai, she jg going to ran short of gro, ceries for dinner It is only a matter of half an: hour to make a trip to ' to wn and get the needed supplies. : ,Sup pose it is during the wheat harvest and the work is rush ing, a bolt or castiug i? broken and the wholecrevv iB-thrown out of work. You can make the trip to town on your motorcycle, get the needed part and have the machine running in less than an hour, while if you had to hitch up the family horse and make the trip it probably would take half a day. A motorcycle is very handy in case of- emergency. Speed in getting the doctor or some medicine has saved many a life. Every motorcycle should be equipped with a luggage carrier. With one of these a load of eight or nine hundred pounds may be carried. One carrier may be attaehed back of the seat and another in tront of the handlebars. In this way a motorcycle may be used in making butter de liveres in town, and taking vegetaoles and other pro ducts to market and exchang ing them for groceries and other necessities. A chair attachment may be' used on the front of the motorcycle and a luggage-carrier on the back. Two persons can ride then, for pleasure or busi ness Some persons who own motorcycles use them to run the washing machine, churn, cream separator, and other machinery. A belt is at tached from the rear wheels to a flywheel on the machine. This is using a motorcycle to a great advantage, but ac cording to a motorcycle ex pert it should not be used for running machinery. A motor cycle engine is made to be air-cooled, and this will not be properly accomplished un less the machine is in motion. The engine should not be run more than three minutes standing still, or the piston may begin to stick. The guard must be removed when a 1 a m a t oeiting it up, ana on some machines this requires con eiderable time. The mac hines must also be held steady or it will throw off the belV Ihis is usually acconv plished by. means of a rope, If the the belt comes ff it may get mixed up with . the wheel, causing considerable damage. r A - motorcycle en gine will not do its best .work unless it is running at about 1,000 revolutions a minute. and this is almost too fast for the.average piece of machin ery. oome arrangement it needed to reduce the speed; .A - 'Ik. i n a couniersnait usually is used for this purpose.": It is not a paying propose tion to, use a valuable motor cycle engine to run machin ery, when a stationary en gine can be . obtained for v: i . low price to do the same work. , GOVERNOR W00DR0W WILSON . Democratic Nominee for President" of the United States, Tk! Cotton Pick'ng Machine. Many visitors from the ad joining counties, as well as hundreds of Scotland county farmers, are here this wek to witness the operation of the Price Campbell cotton picking machiues which are being demonstrated by Theo dore H. Price of New York. It is the unanimous opinion of J;he Fcfcctators that the machines are already a suc- Lcess, aitnougn tneir are some improvements . which Mr. Price will add before another cotton season. The machine picks one row at a time, and gathers at least ninty per cent of the open cotton on the first trip, and after going over it the second time, it is estimated that not more than me per cent of the cotton is left in the field. The cotton gathered is not altogether free from trash, but is much cleaner than that picked by the average negro. The stalk is left uninsured, open blooms and morning glory blooms being left intact. Mr. Price will remain here with his machines about a weekH 1 o n g e r. Laurinburg Ex change. The alderman of Speucer held an interesting oaucu3 Wednesday night discussing the waterworks pr-positiou now before the town . Almost a' l tbe aldermen were present ai d the board was found to favor a purchase of the plant cf the Spencer Water Company now in use provided of course a satis factory price can be agreed upoD, A. recent appraisal made ny ex perts ho -inveatoried tbe plant placed the value at about $20 000. James A Rosemond and Fire- man 1j l) ferKins were severely injnred on th Spencer yards Wed nesday night by falling in a man hole It is stated they walked across au openiajr, covtrea by plank, which broke and they were precipitated upon each other in the hole. Mr Rosemond sustain ed i ijuries in his back and leg. and is now off duty on account of the aocideat. ' . In other words, using a motorcycle engine to do this Kind oi worK is hkb using a fine driving horse heavy work on the J. M. Palmer. for the farrn. For sore throat, swollen tonsils pimples on the tougue. gargle the tQroat or riii9e the muth with D A R BY'S PROPHYLACTIC FLUID diluted in a little water It will-quickly ree'tbre norma conditions. Bathe thi skin with it to reduce swilliugs," aure insert bites or. sting?, ash out ragged wjonas, oia sires or narDed wire tsuts. jilt "disinfects the : wuud and heals the flesh. Pried 50 cts. per bottle. Sqld by All Drug J gut Last Year's Lessen, Don't Rush Cotton to - C)tton. selling last fall for-1 eight or niue cents a pound before it was known just what a "whop per1 the crop was is now selling for etevea cents (nearly twelve). And this, despite the fact that the fficial statistics now show that the crop was over 16,000,001' bales Higher than anybody dared pre dict in the beginning. The advance has come after the great bulk of the crop has passed oat of th hands of the men whose sweat and labor brought it into being. Millions and tens of mil- iocs of dollars that should have gone to enrich the plain farmers of the South have gone into the bands of speculators, merchants and c-tton buyers. But for last fall's stampede to tell the wholesale flooding of an already satisfied maaketthe farm era might have gotten eleven cents last fall aB easily as the specula tor gets it now. ' . It was a risk to take, because as Hmry Grady said, "CUtton is a darn fool," but The Progressive Farmer did take the risk of con tinually urging farmers to hold for batter prioes. We predioted that cotton would be twelve cents 'y spring, and if the crop had beeD no bigger than conditions then in dicated, it would have gone to twelve before, now. Even with a 16,000,000 bale crop, it is nearly twe've. And our readers who fol lowed The Progressive Farmer's oudbbI, refusing to- be frightened by tbe decliniag market or by eight and nine-cent offers have profited notably. The big lesaon that seems to stand oat is the need of warehous. g and gradual marketing, pottii g the crop on the market through a period of twelve mouths instead of a period of three. "The laborer is worthy of ' his hire," and this spring advanco should have gone to those who earned the wealth, not to thos ) who merely trafficked in it The Progressive Farmer $100 Reward, $100 The readers of this paper will he pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in ill its stages and that is Catarrh tlail's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known- to the medical fraternity. Catarrh be ing a constitutional disease, re quires a constitutional treatment Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in ternally, acting directly upon the blood and naucius surfaces of the system, thereby destroying - tbe foUudation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building op the constitution and aesifiting nature in doing ils work." The proprietors have" so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dol lars fur any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address F.J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo,. O. Sold by DruggistB, 75). T Take.Hall'a Family, Pills for I constipation. ! TWO BIG ISSUES, : SAYSPLLIER'S The Tariff and the Proper Treat ment of Monopolies. WONT TIE TO . ROOSEVELT "Actively Disagrees" With His Views About Trusts and eWastes of Com petition" and ' Supports tfle Candi dacy of Wilson and Marshall. - Collier's is out forWilson and Mar shall. .It refuses to support Theodore Roosevelt, plus George W7 Perkins, Elbridge H. Gary and the rest of the steel trust-harvester trust magnates. Its open opposition: to the third term ticket was Indicated In the issue of Sept. 14. In the issue of Sept. 21 its reasons for espousing the Democratic cause are clear and forceful. The leading editorial, "The Wastes of Competition," says: "More and more the campaign is coming down to twoJ pressing issues, the .tariff and the proper treatment of monopolies. Collier's actively.- dis agrees with the view of monopoly be ing .urged by Messrs. Roosevelt, Per kins and Gary. "They talk a great deal about the wastes of competition. The necessary wastes, of competition are relatively Insignificant, and the wastes of unfair and destructive competition are wholly unnecessary. They will be largely eliminated when competition is regu lated. . , "The La Follette-Lenroot and the Stanley bills to perfect the Sherman law and the Newlands-Cummins pro posals for an interstate trade commis sion are all directed in part to that end. The remaining wastes of compe tition may be likened to the wastes of democracy. These are obvious, but we know also that democracy has com pensations which render it more effi cient than Absolutism. So it is in in dustry. - The margin between what men naturally do And what they can do Is so great that, the system which urges men on to effort is the best sys tem. -- "The necessary wastes of monopoly, on the other hand, are enormous. Some of these can, of course, be eliminated by regulation.. An efficient interstate trade commission, acting under appro priate legislation, could put an end to much of the oppression of which trusts have been guilty. It could prevent un just discrimination. It could prevent ruthless and unfair use of power; but a government commission would be powerless to secure" for the people the low prices commonly attendant upon competition. . v "As no means exist for determining whether greater net earnings are due to greater efficacy in management or to excessive profits, large net earnings would be followed by compulsory re duction of prices, which in turn would create a Bense of injustice suffered, paralyze individual enterprise and pro duce unprogressiVe, slipshod manage ment The attempt to secure low price through price fixing would prove as impotent a the statute which have sought to protect the pub lic in railroad rates "by limiting the dividends. "The Interstate commerce commis sion has been invoked as an argument In favor of licensing monopoly. That commission has stopped many abuses; it has practically put an end to cor rupt and corrupting discrimination in rates; it has protected the shipper from oppression and arrogance and in justice; it has prevented unreasonable advances in rates; but it has -secured comparatively few notable reductions in rates, except those involved In stopping discrimination between per sons, places or articles. It has teen powerless to reduce operating costs, and greater reductions in rates can come only with reductions in the cost of producing transportation. The In justice and corruption attending the earlier railroad period were extremely serious. But we must not forget that tfte sweeping reductions in American operating costs and rates belong to the earlier period of competition among railroads. In the ten years from 1889 to 1899, while competition among the railroads was active, the freight rate per ton per mile was gradually re duced from .941 to, .724. The years 1899-1900 marked the great movement for combination or ."community of in terest" in the railroad world as well as in the industrial world. The freight rate per ton per mite began to rise. In each of the eleven succeeding years it was higher than in 1899, and. in 1910 It was .763. "The deadening effect of monopoly is illustrated by its arrest of inven tion. The shoe machinery trust, form ed In 1899,, resulted in combining, di rectly arid indirectly, more than 100 shoe machinery concerns. It acquired substantially a monopoly of all -the es sential machinery used in bottoming boots and shoesvas well as many oth er machines. It believed Itself unas sailable, and shoe manufacturers had come to regard their subjection to the trust as unavoidable. Nevertheless, in 1910 the trust found its prestige sud denly threatened and its huge - profits imperiled. It was confronted with s competitor so formidable that the trust, in flagrant violation of law, paid $3,000,000 to buy him out Thomas Q. Plant had actually succeeded in devel oping la about five years, while tii , troat jraa atoM twaa Bsoaosoly. - GOVERNOR THOMAS R. MARSHALL Democratlo Nominee for Vice-President of the United States. Sell Brought to Test Newspaper Regula . Hons. Suit to test the right of the gov ernment to enforce the Federal law of August 24, 1912, requiring newspapers and periodicals to pub lish their circulation figures'twice a year and imposing other public ity requirement, has been filed in the United States District Court in New York by the Journal of Commerce and Commercial Bulle tin Company, publishers of the Journal of. Commerce. The suit is directed against Post-master General Wickersham, United States District Attorney Wise and Postmaster Morgan of New York. The petitionercharges the law is unconstitutional and prays foe a temporary injunction restraining its enforcement until final adjudication. It also re quests that the defendants be re quired by Bubpoena to answer. Back of the actions, aocording to Robert C. Morris, of counsel for the complainant, is the American Newspaper Publishers' Associa tion. The association decided re cently to file a test suit and this suit, it is said, will be backed by the association . Pi ope r Use of Lime. There are millions of tons of lime reck in the South that could be prepared for use and laid down at the nearest railroad station at a cost of from $1 to $2 a ton, and there are millions of acres of land that needs this lime ; but as yet we have not realized the true use of lime in our agriculture. The application of lime to the average soil for crops like cotton, corn, oats and hat is not likely to be found highly profitable, and con sequently many have concluded that lime is not needed. Lime is needed, firBt, for the growing of more and larger crops of legumes, and with more and larger crops oi legumes, then larger crops of ev erything And then, lime will al so be valuable because it helps to set free and make available plant food in the soil. This is the cor rect purpose in the use of lime and we need more of it. The Progress sive Farmer. substantially complete system of shoe machinery which many good judges declared to be superior to that of the trust. "George W. Perkins, apostle of the economic and social efficiency -of mo nopoly, quoted to the senate commlt tee on interstate commerce the state ment that: " 'The corpoirations'that Mr. Edison's business inventions had made possi ble were today capitalized at $7,000, 000,000. - "The Inventors' guild, an association in which Mr. Edison is naturally prom inent, said in a memorial addressed to the president: '"It is a well known; fact that mod ern trade combinations tend strongly toward constancy of processes and products and by their very nature are opposed to new processes and products originated by independent inventors and hence tend to restrain competition in the development and sale of patents and patent rights and consequently tend, to discourage Independent Inven tive thought, to the exeat detriment of Don't Waste Lab jr. Isn't it, when you come to think of it seriously, just as unwise and as extravagant to waste labor as to waste money? . It all amounts to the sam" thing in the end, for to fritter away time and strength doing unremunerative work, or work unnecessarily hard is to de crease the profits of the day or the year just as Burely as would be don j by scattering dimes or dol lars . Yet there ate many farm ers who would lament the loss of a nickel but who, day after day and year after year, do work that is absolutely unprofitable. To put the potato patch, for example, ten minutes' walk from the house, when there is plenty of land avail able right at hand, and 10 make necessary a lot of extra steps and some extra time every time pota toes are wanted for eating, is just as truly a waste as it would be to throw away the prioe of the extra time required in going to this dis tant patch for the potatoes, -'-The Progressive Farmer. Pirtisianshlp Gone to Seed. That is what the .decision of the State Executive Committee in de termining who may vote in the senatorial primary amounts to. If none are Democratsjexcept those who vote for everybody whom the Democratic party puts up, the ranks of the party will be won derfully diminished, and ought to be more so. It is nst a pleasant doctrine to party organization leaders, but the sturdy independ ent voter is the hope of the nation It may do for the ambitious poli tician to boast of party regularity but the man who will vote for a per son whom he knows to be unwor thy or unfit for the position, pos sibly a menace to the public good, simply became he has secured the endorsement of a political party, always represents something somewhat less than the highest type of manhood. To make such a course a test of party fealty is partisanship gone to seed. The attempt to enforce such a rule is a slap in the face of the sturdiest manhood of the State; and at this time when "party ties are held somewhat loosely, it will cost the party heavy loss that attempts it, and it ought. Raleigh Advooate. Fortunes In Faces. There's often much truth in the saying "her face is her ; fortune," but its never said where pimples, skin eruptions, blotch s, or other Flemishes disfigure it. Impure blood is back of them all, 'and hows the need of Dr. King's Ndw Life Pills. They promote health and beauty. Try them; 25 cents at all druggists. ; - ' THE FASTEST HUSTLER GETS THE MOTORCYCLE. PRODUCTS OF 1HE SOIL IUPR0YED. Sods Things Thit Lnlier Barliaiiks, tti hint WIztrflThisllone. A.uttTo ueara oi unmans Jisi as i nave heard of Edison, bat 1 A. 1 ' 1 1 , 1 wuii6 oiii ne aone tnat is of nrao tical and lasting value?" asked a maEno waa discussing Luther. Out of the results of forty years of daily achievement, it is hard to pick a single illustration thai will answer the question ; ""What has he done?" But there is Jot example, the common potato. Thirty-five years ago potatoes were round, red skinned and small. The potatoes of today are long white-skiuned and large. - It would be difficult now to find specimens of th;se little, round, r9d-ikinued potatoes of olden daya for the Burbank notato h&a hw- oome practically universal, it no longer pays to raise the other kind. Luther Burbank did three things j tne Dotacoe: He increased its sue. Hejiuoreased the namber tha And third, he imnroved th quality and flavor. The United States Department of Agriculture at Washington, in one of its bulletins, has said that the Burbank potato is adding sev enteen million dollars a year Vo the agricultural income - of the country. On this basis, and remembering that Burbank products are . not limited to America, but ' are, in faot, batter, known abroad than, at home, it is easy to compute that the Burbank potato in the thirty five years Bines: its discovery, has added to the farm income a grand total in the neighborhood of six hundred million dollars. In other words, Luther Bur bank with this one single plant improvement, has given the farm ers of the world an added in come which compares favorable with the whole estimated earning! of the Standard Oil Company sinoe its inception. And the casual inquirer, who had eaten Burbank potatoes all his life and who had never seen, tasted or even heard of any other potato, asked what Burbank had done that was practioal 1 v Or, to pick at random another example: Amerioa'a most precious tree, the Walnut tree, is practically ex tinct, at least as a source of mas ketable lumber. The walnut tree, as nature planned it, is slow to grow. In tweuty-five years it usually reaches a height of twenty feet and a circumference of eighteen inohes. Burbank has produced a walnut tree, equal, if not superior in the quality of the lumber, which is only seventeen years, has attained a height of eighty feet (as against twenty feet in twioe that long) and a circumference of seventy two inches (as against eighteen inches in twice that long.) At the cost of $2. per tree for planting, this new walnnt can yield Or twelve years a lumber value of three thousand dollars per acre. Or, to put it another way: in these days when forest conversa tion is an acute issue, Luther Bur bank has given us a short cut to reforestation, has enabled us to make good a lumber shortage, due to our own wanton recklessness, and to do all of this, not a gener ation from now, but in the mere span of a dozen years. Yet the question is asked : "What has he done that is practi cal?" Saves Leg Of Bo jr. It seemed that my 14-vear old boy would have to lose his leg, on account of an ugly ulcer, caused by a bad bruise, wrote D- F. How ard, Aquone, N. O. "All reme- till we tried Bueklen's Arnica Salve, and cured him with) one box." Cures , burns; boHs, skin eruptions, piles. 25 oe&U at ali druggists, 'ir-rSv--'

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