''' 'f - "' '" X.""' ""' ' II - j i in I MTIrMM. r , W II1II 'II .1 . i .MII'IHM , n.i-1- i i Newspaper Published in the Interest ftfie 5Pe6pieanH"foffl - 1 1 - 1 in r f n.i 1 1 j rt ii . - J-ii , I i i.-rn n , . in - i r -."J1 ' VT s 11 1 1 ' i i- " -' ri j . . nr. . . ' tVouVHI:No;.4Bl , . . -v. A - Home mm .litst ClUuCrfnt Wimutt fer Biis. -.Again air.OSiac. cn of the E'toprieton of the Rot Club on 8rwtrwM before odge Mil ,; ItVlionday morning for violating the prohibition lawt which, iwh.h tame items that have recently ap peared in print, it "4a thought, arred ai n-eye opeuet and Judge " Uiller ordered varranti iimed for il elnbi io the oiunty which have paid the federal tax ipr resaiuns. There are aome thirty in the coun ty and thU order of Judge: Miller's nas canted them to reiarn ana take notice. The . State law v taakee the payment of the federal tax prima faoia evidenoe ot tio latiug the Stater prohibition jaw, if the caiei are Dashed.- as ther ahonld be. great good ; may be . acoompliihed Strength' to the Judges arm.' It is now tip to fiolioitdr Oraige. ' fktliEistSpiicir A fire, in Bait Spencer shortly .before daylight Sunday morn ing destroyed the homes of George Foster and John Whitaker. two indastrions colored .men Xhe origin of the fire is unknown, imd'the blaxe had gained muct headway ; when tha fire department Jttaohed the soene Naarly ell of the hoosehold effects were lost and the damage is perhaps $.000 or more, with little insurance. John Whitaker, had allowed his insur noe to expirsi a month ago . The fire department sabred mush prop erty by hard work. BtxtstriC:a EicU tsClo Jt October 26. - ; The registration books are now open for the regiitration of such Totert as haye not already rigie ;tered in Ithe preoinct or ward , in which they now, reside. V-The reg- '3tratiooSbooka will be cfosed at sunset ' Saturday, uetooer iso -,A11 voters, should lookafter..thi' , matter o: registration : and see fthat they fare properly registered in their proper rotihg precinot or irard. There iiif no general new regis- :.,:v t tps.iion fo rhcMa who htva hereto fore) registered in the - precinot or VM: ismimwm:mx injrJiica:heyi noejraaidft. Ibnt all young men coming o f i ge nd all Tofeers who haTe moved from one precinot to another more than four months before the day ;pf election are required 1 3 register before ther can vote in the No4 if ember election.: Hon. R. L; boaghtcn. "Farmer B 3b,' will fill. four, appointments Ha Rowan county - betweenf now nd eleotioh "day, as follows: China Grove, Monday, October 48th, at 5p mT Landis Sohool House, Monday, October S8th, at 7 :80. t " Granite Quarry,- Tuesday, Oo r tober S9th, at 12 p. m. Pool's Sohool, House, Tuesday, -October 29th, at 7:80. Tl P.i Orjialzi Ciiic Lush. The ladies of Salisbury ere making an effort to re-organize a civi league and fc keep Salisbury r on the list of clean and attractive .cities. The Industrial olub has 'offered the ladies & the assembly room for their meetings. A meet Ing will be called in a few days, ofiloers elected and the work will ba mapped out for the first year V work. The citio league m, Salis bury has not been active for . a good while and the need was nev r very great. " Maw Trlit For Allans? , Riohraond, Va Oo tober 18 . Petitions containing the name of hundreds of oiticms of Bedford and other counties, of the ' southr t west; have been received by Judge t James Keith, president of the su preme oourt, praying . for, aV new trial for the Aliens. N j new fea tares are contained in the peti tions, which recite that it is the : belief that the' Allen gang did not get fair treatment atr the trials. jThere is nothing legal In the way the petitions were presented, cou Issqoently they will have no bear ing on the final outcome of, the petitions which will be filed , by fthe counsel ' of the " condemned tmen . Saves Leg -Of Boy . ;'It seemed that my 14-year old Hoy would hare to lose b:s leg, on account of an ugly ulcer, caused ?by a bad brujser wrote D F. How- mra, Aquone, n. u. '"Air reme dies and doc tqrs treatment failed 'till ws triedBuoklens Arnica I rt - i a a. 0itTe, . ana curea nim witn one Jbox." Cures; burns, boils.! skin , era ptionf, piles. - 25 cents at all tarugzuss. ' -W. HENRY HOBSON, Republican Candidate for Regis ter of Deeds. -A thoroughly trustworthy,, and capable young tnan. '" Slekett Spoki Hirt 5atarflaj. mgbt. : 'Attorney General Bfckett spoke in behalf of i State and .'National Democraoy here .Saturday .night to a fairly good audience." He was introduced by T. G. Furr, J&styi of the locaL ...btrai a , g&pd man for Govenoir in 1016. Mr. Biokett saidJbhat the reason for the Democratic fight in, the State are that it is a good time to get into the ranks - of the -party 20,000 young men hov have never vcted and to reolaim -those rho teft .the party in the nineties He spoke of the. divided enemy, f Tom Settle's ''campajgn'. on hia jwn pet platf orm, thatTof local ption . He predicted National iaooesS for Democracy with.Woc d fow Wilson ' as- leader and said that the Republican party ; died at Chicago amid hisses, howling and neral disorder, - e did not discuss the tariff lt- 4oe: but compared the records oi he three caudidateB for President, pronouncing Wilson tne gieat oope'of the people, f ; ; UlfllltlS Sptti Ul tl UlfCll Trill. R, J. Sole, - manager of the North -Oarol ma i Public ' Servioe Company in Salisbury, made a record - run by automobile from the Southern station in Salisbury to the -Spencer depot one n.ight last week, outrunning the' South ern's fast vestibule train No 88 between New : York and ? Newt Or leans.-- A well known young" lady from one of the Northern cities was returning home after a visit in Salisbury. ; There was some de lay in checking her baggage at the Salisbury station and the train pulled; out , leaving her on the platform. Just, then Mr. Hole, who happened to be a close friend of the yc ung lady who had enter tained the visitor, drove np m a raoing automobile.- Learning that the train had lefs the would be passenger, Mr. 'Hole offer sd to take the young lady to Spencer, a distande of three miles, and make the fast tram which had already eft Salisbury. He drove with a peed never before witnessed here and caught the train at the Spen- cer depot and the young, lady pro oeeded Nortt. It s estimated he drove at not less than 75 miles an hour at the beBt stretches .of the road, and the dash for the train was made in safety, Wilson Dettrmloed to Retin From FlgM. Princeton, N. J., Oot: 20 Gcv. Woodiow Wilson returned to his home here tonight having made his last campaing speech, he said until Colonel Roosevelt shalMiave recovered. - The Governor said he had made no plans for the immediate future or the remainder of the campaign that ' request for speeches were many, but he was firm in his in tention of keeping off the stump while one of his opponents was in capacitated. He probably will express his views on publio ques tions through statements and an nouncement. . - -.. ' The Governor rode home with his family from New.York. They had visited friends in New York and attended tha First "Avenue Presbyterian " church, t -On, the train a number of pe6plexl recog nized the Governor, The Gover nor will divide most of -his time in the next fewdays between. Princetown and the State house in Trenton. Gflieroor Kifchln Uondaj W. W. Kitohin, who is drawing a salary trom the state icr tne purpose of -occupying 7 an office in Baleigb and serving, the tax pay ers to the best of his ability as governor, will be in Salisbury and mak a speech, in the opera house. in advocacy of his candidacy for the United - States Senate ' and to denounoev Senator Simmons be- cause.be has the' jdb and wants to be re-elected--Tbe Goxernor's campaign has been voonduated- on a plain that does not compare fa vorably with the ex halted 'posi tion he seeks. 4 --- ' Harriman's $50,000 For Tort's Fund .. ...... itosswsssa t Time and again ColonelJEfeodore Rooserelt, the third term party's can dldate for president of the TJnlted States, has stated that the famous $240, 000 raised by the late B. HHarriman In the fall of 1904 'was for use In th New York state campaign. He also declared most positively a few weeks ago that he had ordered Chairman Cortelyou of the Republican national oommlt tee, not to accept any money from the Standard Oil company in that cam paign and to return it if any had been accepted. -, .'On Honday, Sept 30, O. C. Tegethofl, secretary to. the Late B. H. Harri man, produced the above receipt of the Republican national committee, signed by Treasurer Cornelius N. Bliss, for Mr. Harriman's Individual contribution of $50,000 to this "fund, proving conclusively that it was used in behalf of Mr. Roosevelt's candidacy. The day following John D. Arch bold, president of the Standard Oil company, produced the documentary proof that his com pany did give $10,000 to Roosevelfs campaign fund and that it never was returned. RnJesjiPeck Real Dot of Cbarcb. At a recent session of the union meeting of the South Yadkin As sociation, which was held in-the Enon church; near Salisbury, a committee was appointed to consider the moral status of Jesse Pack a would be Baptist minis ter, who was reported to have two living wives. After due consider ation on the part of the oommit tee, resolutions were offered and unanimously adopted to the effect that said Jesse Paok, formerly of Davie County, but recently from the West is said to have had and to have now, two living wives, and that said Paok is now representing himself as a Baptist minister and is pretending to exeroise minister ial functions as a Baptist. it was further decided by the committee to repudiate all his acts and representations, and to warn alt Baptist Churches ; and people everywhere and the papers in the several- conn ties around were requested to publish the de cision the committee. ; The resolutions are signed by Rev. J N. Stallings, moderator, and C. R. Myers, secretary. Mexican Troiibls Gathers Interest Washington, Oot. 21,- Official interest here today centered upon , l? a. ! M -m - . me sivuauon lnimexico, wnere tne rebellion has taken on a new and formidable phase, -as a result of the revolt of Gen. Felix Dias, I 'I The return to Washington of Secretary Knox from his Japanese trip; the presence here of Henry Lane : Wilson, - Ambassador tc Mexioo, and interesting and im portant developements in the military situation at Vera Cruz held by Dias within the past two days were elements that served to concentrate attention, upon the Mexican trouble ... linyiBima, The Baraca Phllilhea Meeting Sooilay. -The program as arranged for the Baraca-Philathea Union of Salisbury and Spencer Sunday af ternoon in the First' Presbyterian Church at Spenoer was f ally car ried out and was as follows: Service opened by singing "On ward Christian Soldiers," prayer by one of the pastors present ; a few words' by president of the Union, James H. Warburton; re ception 6t new member! ; Baraca National Hymd ; tribute to Father Hudson, by E W. Tatnm: Baraca-Philathea Temple and what it it will mean to our classes by Mrs. Hatcher, teacher Star Philiath9a class First Baptist Church ; birth day offering ; Scripture reading ;f volunteer one-minute talks and and olasB work ; upward steps ; at Norfolk convention, by Secretary Stephenson, Spenoer Y. Mv C. A. ; our text book the Bible, bv Rev. J. W. Mooret round table f of terr minutes : singing ; close with Ba- raoalienediction. - .7 ' CilebntUn it Yqrkiowa. f Yprktown Va., Oot: 19 The surrender of Cornwallii here . 131 years "ago to Washington was cel ebrated today with an elaborate program.- Senator Swanson was one of the speakers . The Feder al Government. sent troops to par- vioipste in cne exercises, v : . c j Fortunes I a Faces. c There's often much truth in the saying her 'face is her 'fortune," but its never said where pimpled. skin eruptions," blotcht s, or other blemishes .disfigure it. Impure blood is . back of them all," and shows the need of Dr. King's New Life Pills. They promote health and beauty. Try them;; 25 oents at ill druggists, - ; ,rT WaBRIAGES jennetttftwb of Spencer's well jluowh :yoD,ng peopie, weremar ried"Wedu8aday night atthe home o the .bride's parents, JU r. and Mr i. S A. Hn ffi n es . in S nfin- cerV'Tiiet ceremony was perforat ed in the IpreseDce, of 4. a f wutw mate friends - by 'ReyGeorBe H; Cox, pastor ,of! the Lutheran Church, The honoe'was.beatif ul ly decorated for the occasion an d Ml8BjiYinnieDaal played "the" wedv ding marchJany valuable pre sents were showered .upon tha happy- buple'1 :f Bdfreshments were served,vfter Vhich the coupleleft for Baleigh They' will reeidft in Spencer, jwhere, the groom is em ployed by the.Sou'thearnJRailway. ;'-"JesseffBlackfi Townehipimd Miss Viola Iirftiri of the same community were mar ried in, Spencer Sunday afternoon by Justice W. JL, Ray. -The cere uiuuv was periurmea. at nia nomj and only a few friends of c the oouple were present..; They re turned to Providence to live. . v-v rArmairiage which! has been keit a secret for the past lfohr months was made public Monday. It was that of . A. Jll Gaubleof thecar department of - Spencer shops; to Mies Mamie.E: Eudy of Mil ling- pbrt 8Wjr?.fiity;;tb; cerempr ny havingeeTat perfornp p? : - - 5 June at the?Ford Hdtelin i.. bury; RevHC. Sprinkle, past r of the Spencer M. E. Church, of ficiating. f The ojualwi 110868 were present, but alpartie wre sworn to secrecy - until Mnndy, wheniMr,, and. Mrs. Cauble de-. oidedTto'. vmake:theirIriage known. Mrs. Cauble is. now wit h her parents inStanly County; and is expected' to join-her, husband in Salisbury today. After a trip to Jacksonville, Fla,hey will reside in Spenoer. t" Invitations bearing the fallow ing have been sent put: ; '. r DrJ Willian Xamar CrumF . requests the honor of your presenae; - at the marriage of his daughter ;.r " r' Tjehet ' n' -4-- "- ; : to:.. ' " Dr. Eugeae Price Gray . Wednesday, November the sixth . at half after six o'clock First Presbyterian Church ? Salisbury; North Carolina. Miss Crump is one of Salisbury's most charming, - popular and ac complished -young ladies, and Dr. Gray, who deserves hearty con gratulations, is a prominent and successful young physician of Winston-Salem. . Buu Won Whltaei Lands. The Southern Aluminium Com pany has closed a deal to take over all the lands owned by the old Whitney Company, . lying on both sides of the river in Stanly and Montgomery Counties. When the. first deal was made by the North Carolina Electrio fe Power Co., these lands were not include ed, the purchase including only the dam, machinery and about 2,000 acres of land , 601 JohosoQ Assumes Leadership of Parti Chicago, Oat. 20. Governor Johnson left here this afternoon at 2 :45 o'clook over the Pennsyl vania lines for New York where he will complete arrangements to fill Colonel Roosevelt's speaking dates in the East during the re mainder of the campaign" and di reot the fights The complete itinerary has not been given out. He will travel by speoial train . Before leaving the Governor is sued a statement directed to the citizens of California explaining his reason for returning to the East. It follows: "Mv campaign was oompleted in the East last night in Chicago and my preparations had been made for departure "today to-ar rive in otir State Wednesday next. I had expected to devote; the re mainder of the time before elec tion time to California. C VThe attempted assassination of Ool. Roosevelt has completely altered our plans, "I had felt it my duty to i re turn to my native State, but : my enlistment-in this cause for which we strive was not for a -day but for all time and when the leader of that cause was suddenly strick en and I found, him helpless here it seemed to have f al leb tQ me to bear part of 'his burden and- to continue the-struggle , as we had planned for him to do - -' Reluotantly - -therefore, ? for there are many reasons for my re turn that may be readily under stood, I bave yielded to - the re quest of the Progressives of the Nation and shall insoiar as I am able." continue .this ' great battle tbat means so much fot ? orj hu tatnity," ':. ' - 1 ..I- II' II . I ? - - c , - V 'v- A .;: :.:-:'.-K.::.: x.:.Xw:-::.vr:.:.:.:-: - ' I si ! 1 1 HON. LOCKE' CRAIGE, (next governor of n; c.) 1 1 - f ; who preached.. "Equal Rights tp Ai.1. and bpeciar Prtvileges to none" in the court heuse .. here recently. " China firofi rfsws Matters . Henry Blount, North Carolina's t or dmos tf hamoriit, appea red be fore a Chh a Grove audience Fri day night and -in the role of Rip Van Winkle- ' ' Laat Apri", t he stockholders of the Bank.ot China Grove in annu al session, instructed the directors no select a site tor aJank build ing, as the bnsmess had grown to that point here more- room and better aniinenb were nnnPBaarv The directors in semi-annual ses sion a short time ago, reported that they had agreed on a it-aud at a call meeting the stockholders ratified their- choice Satuadgy. The building is to be 36x40 feet, two stories, modern in all its con- L struotion of brick or fcramt?, and will contain a fireproof vault and other conveniences. ; The - upper : story will be used for offices. The site seleoted is near the depot on the east side of Mam street l and is known as h ,S ;chkr Store prop erty. Work" will bgin as soon asUns ar(SmpWtedrS ' R. W. Gray -has ' commenced work on a new residence on Main street. The building will be of enameled oement and have -ten rooms. ''-. '-'-? '- " Ma r tin Col umbus Le'azer, aged 57 years, died rather suddenly Thursday night, a 1 little over a mile from town. 5 He- was buried at Miller's Chapel in Cabarrus County, Friday .x ; ; George Litaker of China Grove, has sold one of his farms; and ex pects to move to Salisbury as soon as he can find a house to suit him or a lot on which to build a home. There were several transfers of real estate at Landis, this county, Saturday. G. O. Lipe bonght from Deal & Corriher a piece of property, on which he expeotB to build ; J. L. Shulenburger bought from W. M . Brown his residence on Chapel street ; W. M. and 0. J. Deal -bought from Ernest Ayers his property, including; the resi dence and store house, also the grocery stock, fixtures and meat market. Mr. Ayers is moving to Norfolk. . - Kifliog at Uaaroe. Monroe, Oit. 20. Bob Phifer, a white man employed about town this afternoon shot and killed , a three year-old negro child just on the edge of the town. '; Phifer whom it is alleged was in an intoxicated condition, pass ed the house where the child was playing in the yard. The child laughed at his drunken condition when Phifer told it that if it laughed again he would kill it. The child being tod 'young to in terpret his threat laughed again when Phifer drew bis gun and shot it through' the heart. Realizing what he had done he attempted to esoape but was soon discovered hiding in a barn near town and was arrested and placed in jail. - Phifer is about 40 years old. : Saved By His Wife. . She'a a wise womSn who knows just what to do when her husband's life is in - danger, ?but. Mrs. R. J. Flint, Bramtree, Vt., is of that kind. . "She insisted on my usins Dr. King's New Discovery,' ' writeg Mr. F. "for a dreadful cough when was s so weak , my; 'friends all thought I had only a short time to live, and it completely , cured me " A quick - cure for coughs and colds, it's the most safe and reliable medicine for many throat and lung troubles, grip, bronchitis croup, N whooping cough, quinsy, tonsiiitis, hemorrhages.- A trial will convince you 50rcts. and $1.00. Guaranteed by all ' drug giiti,r ermaa Balloonlsfs Fill Tires Uiles ;$BerlinOet;2L-The announce ment of , the ,dealthterday 'of Lieut. Hans Gerickle, winner of last year's international balloon race in tho UditeUcStateg created a senaation here'. today. He was thrown f roia ; his - balloon at a Jieighth of S-miles by? the explo 8ion of the gas which' ia believed to have been struokvby lightining, Hi3 aide Lieutenant .teler, was also killedr'l' ' Gerike and Stelen were making a trial fl-'ght to test the new bal- loon - which .they expected to use in the 1912 international races, -Just above the town of Groisen hain , they ' met a thunderstorm wbfch they attempted to avoid by rising. When a mile in the air their. oraft. was caught in an eddy and became unmanageable, Afjr a terrible plunge straight npwslrd the bag burst. Both men drop ped three miles to the ground. They were dead when picked up. The' . shattered instrumepits whioh the ballopnists carried on their flight were examined today. The recording aparatus showed they - were riding at a height of 6,000 feet when they were sudden ly hit by a vertical : gust of .wind which pushed . themtstraight lip r.th the violence"ofa :. hurricane to a height 6! over 15,000 feet At this - altitudethe bag burst, ei ther from the sudden! change in pressure! 5r more likely, from being struck by a lightning' bolt. As It Is Dona la Obla. v 4 'l: Columbus p.bot2Mr-o? cording to the report of State Ex aminer made public today , orfi cials of Darke County are said 'to have paid out illegally: $291,148 54 within the last fire yearsil?T)i report states that the public treas -ury was boldly looted; 'f:t- : The alleged corrupt oonnty ofil oials usei the basement fOf aha court bouse for drinking land . oa rousing, according teHreport, which staged thatestrag" was usually divided at " these gather lflgi . One of the. aooused ' is now in the penitentiary ; another, under sentence ann several moWBtjo..- Taffs Claim. In the press dispatphei, yester day, President Taft.was quoted, as predicting bis re-eleotion . He is certain Roosevelt will be defeated. . At Republican', headquarters . in New York, the calculators -are a little more definite.' - They give Taft, as matters now atand,f 254 electoral votes. It .takes 266 fo elest. This would leave -Taft only 12 votes to gain and these. the Re publicans expect to get in some of the doubtful States, probably from Ohio, New Jersey, Main and Colorado. The Republicans bavs abandoned California; to Wilson. Among the doubtful" States, they claim Maryland.' Delaware," Ten, nesse, Virginia, Arizona, Kansas, Nebraska, West Virginia, Nortn Dakota. The States which they claim for Taft are: Connecticut, Idaho, Illioie, . Iowa, Maisacha : setts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mis souri,; Montana, Nevada, ' New Hampshire, New Mexico New York, Oregon, , Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, tUtahV Vermont, yVftshington, Wisconsin, and Wy oming. They " give Wilson tha solid South and the lone States of California, Kentucky, , Oklahoma and South' Dakota. With this as the basis of their hopas, we should say that any uneasiness as to the election of Wilson may as well be dispelled.- Charlotte Observer Cbeck Flasher Cets $5.00 A. young white map b.o.,Jias been'stopping at the JJmpire Ho tel here, gave his name - as. F, A. Jewell, Friday afternoon want to on9 of the local banks and 'pre sented a draft onD.M. Miller for $5 and .; tame -was ; casbed. When tEa bank "disbovered -ihat the shrnatnre of Mr.; Miller was a bforgery, the man bad ieftr.fneity and his whereabouts are unknown to the ofiicers. ' .:" ' L I Wednesday night in the? First Methodilt church .the twenty third anniversary of the Woman's Missionary Society was celebrated. The program was arranged in. the form of a day - at : district school and classes recited) in the various branches usually taoght in such a school.' Miss" Marguerite V Ray, graduate in a school of expression , -represented Jfche elocution .class . Mrs. Ti R. Garner is a tt behead of the school and bad her asiisW ant teachers, ,Mrs;Dy ABagver. Mrs. T, E.-Oonley. v.yterday a canvaas-of ..the, city waa jrfad, On the church membership fot tha purpose of seouring new inenv bew for the ioqiety 1 ,r- - - " " T9-' St J '1 -'j. - - f