HE OAHOLIHA WATCHMAN. WH. tt. STEWART, Ed. and Ptop Pabliihed every Wednesday at ISO West Iunes Street. Entered as second-class matter Jan. 18th. 1805, at the poat office at Salis- VUI) 1 V I U1IUC1 uuo caw V W " ot Mareh8td, 1878. Salisbury, N. C. Nov. 20th .1912 Thsrs art not a sufficient num bar of poatoffioes to go round but tktra will be no shortage of applicants. strong desire to usher in the ru'e of the beast as spoken of in the ! 18th chapter cf Revelation. Of course there is nothing to be gain-1 ed b bantering words- with such, characters, even though we might be able to do such suv jeots jaitioe aud mete out to them the punish ment so richlyjdeserved, so, know ing that uo'g'iutlemao will insult us and that no cue else can, and jharitTself r. speot forbids our parsaingth? 8bjaot further. How are some of these Chris tian gentlemen who so constantly pray, 'Thy kingdom come," go ing to explain their voting for the devil to take charge of the com munity? Our neighbor, the Salisbury Post, came to us yesterday m the bap of a twenty-six-page indus trial edition. It was a very credi table affair, handsomely illustra tad, and puts Salisbury's bast foot forward in a way that is sure to ba of lasting benefit. If banking reform is naedad no doubt the incoming Democratic administration will be able to realise its duty and do whatsoever the combined wisdom of our re presentatives consider best. We feel perfectly safe in leaving the matter with them. Nothing would give The Watoh his mora pleasure than to test Editor J, B. Sherrill be mad postmaster of his city as hie many friends there seem to desire. If Senator Overman is wise, wh.ch no one doubts, he will see that the newspaper man are at least given a square deal. Whenever a little, vain, ignc lant snob is elevated to a position of authority it never fails to go to hit head and expose the real character of the man by an exhi bition of little, cowardly and, cod temptable acta and a pretense of superior virture, bragadocio and petty tyranny. The North Carclina Drainage Association will moot in Raleigh next Tuesday ar.d , Wednesday Possibly some interested in drain lag from Salisbury will be pr ent. The people of this couutv are not taking much interest in this sabject, but there is no ob jection to those who wish their land thus improved doing so. We notice Josephus Daniels, o the Raleigh News a'nd Observer, is being spoken of for a position in President Wilson's cabinet. If tkat position should be the Post master Generalship the newspa per men throughout the land might expect justice ai d thereby have cause to rejoice, There could not ba a more suitable appoint- xaent far the position. There are a whole lot of thing To Watchman might truthfully say about a certain fellow in thie coanty who has proven himself a pastmaster of the Ananias Club, a fellow who showed that he would gladly persecute a man for con seience sake, who tried to incite the passions and prejudices of mei to do something he did not have tke manhood to attempt, and who exhibited by word and dead a BAD TASTE IN THE MOUTH, Dizziness, and a general "no account" feeling is a sure sign of a torpid liver. The remedy is Simmons Red Z Liver Reg ulator (The Powder Form). It exercises its greatest re storative effect in the liver, yet it is effective in the stomach and bowels. Indigestion, con stipation and their attendant evils disappear before its pow erful, regulating influence. Try. its wholesome purifying properties. It will give you a good appetite, sound digestion and make you feel well. told by DtaWs, Price, law package,1 $1.00, Alk forth, gnolne with the Bed Z on the lab.. Row. a Supsrior Court. The November term of R)wau Superior Court which is only a oue-week's term, opened Monday morning with Judge C. M. (Jjok ou the bench. The judge made his charge before uoon and at the close the docket was taken up ud the trial of minor oases waa fceken up, there, being nothing. of maob importance to be oonsidere i Tho grand jury is composed of tke following gsnslenjeij : J S Hall, foreman; J. 0. Sher rill, J O. McOubbins, J. W. RideouUf, Juo. V Friok, S H, Wetmore, J. Will Corral), J. L. 8imp'son,Cha. C Sechler, O M. HoUhouser, Max Holshjaser. Joel A Lowder, Milas M. Ketchie, B O.-Ntblook, J. O Briugle, Thot. 0. Peeler, Julius Friok, J. E, Briton. TLe petit jury consists of the folk wing: Cbai. L Rodgers, Juo W. MoNeeiy, J- B. CaxrutHr, J M. B nacn D. A. Sifferd, Eruest L Sioop, M. S. Varuer. Juo. A. Moreen, S. A. Rudhill., Aibert L. Sechier, W. W. Canup. Fred W . Down. The following cases have been disposed of since the opening of thecourt Monday morning; In the. Barber Junction Club jase the defendants appeared and ihowed that they had obeyed the jrder of a former court aud wore d stmssed to appear again at the February term and show that they bad continued to obey the order. Weed Hairitcn, a. and b, goi ty judgment suspended on payment of the costs. Fred McKnight, larceny, not guilty. Luther Harris, larceny, two oases, guilty, two months on roads. George Stacy, retailing, guilty, judgment suspended on payment cfoata. u. rt. uwen, nuisance ana as sault with deadly weapon, guilty. Frank Allen, iarseny. sentence not pronounced, Frank Allen, f. nd a., guilty, sentence not pronounced, Chas. Brown, breaking ator, guilty, two months on road. James Mable and Sylvester Ma sou, crime against nature, guilty, 12 months on roads each. Coot Hayes, larceny from per son, gm'ty, sentence not pro nounced. Bill ClodfeUer, a. w. d. w , guilty, 90 days on reads. Ide Hairstou, a. w. d. w , guilty, CO days on roads. If yra cuiot gaMt, remit to u, we will send it br ail. BMtpaM.- Hobou Liver Eeeulator it alio nnl 1b Ilaaid form for those who prefer it. Price 1 00 WaU. IakIarUieedZ Lab.l. J. H. ZOBI t CO, Props., St louts, Mo. T The storeroom next to the Smith drug store cn Main strest, which was recently vacated by W. H. Lnouard's j iweliy store1, is now being fitted up for the undertak ing business of the R. W. Not mn Company. William J. Branigan, manager of tha Lorbran Motograph Com pauy of Philadelphia, will be witr che Philadelphia boosters next woek'and will take a moinu pic tucsd of Salisbury, and will giv it to the Balisbary Industrial Ciub, Rev. J. C. Rowe, presiding elder f this district, preached his last erov i in the district Sunday in She x1 ;rat Methodist church, H aaa L eu on this work for four i rare and will go to anothor a the meeting of the Methodist Goalareuce in High Point. Th- R. W Norman Furailure Company is doing considerablt enlargiug. They are opening an undertaking department in the utore rjom next to the Smith drufr store, and in add'tioa to this they are changing the balcony in theii miin store into a complete second flor. W. M. Eaton, chief dairyma- of the North Carolina Agricultural Department, is pudii g a day it two hore in the interest of mod ern metho.is in dairying in Rowan County. He is hre also to con fer in regard to a co- perative creamery for Rowan. The-' Salisbury C.ttou Mills closed down Saturday for a short time for the purpose of making repairs on some machinery that naa.been givng trouble for ame time. As soon as the work is done the mill will start again. This mill is making considerable en largements. The young ladies who won the Bermuda trip in The Posi's con test which closed Saturday night, November 9 b, left Monday night for New York and sailed today for Bermuda. The young ladies mak iDg the trip are Misses Edna May Boyd. Gussie Aaron, Lucy Kern, Grace Ritch, Maggie "Pag-, Nan notte 2 Ramsaur, Parle Trexler, Josie Kluttz and Eliz.beth Van Poole. Mayor Thompson has decided to put a stop to the night riders of J I You Can Ge t "'Real Fisherman's Luck m for Duke's Mixture Smokers" Good tobacco and a good reel ! That's surely a lucky combination for the anglei and here's the way you can have them both. All smokers should know Duke's Mixture made by Liggett 4" Myers at Durham, N. C. Pay what you will, you cannot get better granulated tobacco for 5c than the big ounce and a half sack of Duke's Mixture. And with each of these big sacks yeu get a book of cigarette papers FREE. Get a Good Fishing Reel Free by saving the Coupons now packed in Liggett 8( Myers Duke's Mixture, Or, if you don't want a reel getany one of the hundreds of other articles. In the list you will find something for every member of the family. Pipes, cigarette cases, catcher's gloves, cameras, watches, toilet articles, etc. Those handsome presents cost you nothing not one cent. They simply express our appreciation of your patronage. Remember you still get the same big one and a half ounce sack for 5c enough to roll many cigarettes. During November and Decem ber only, ws iv:l! send our new illustrated catalogue of presents FREE. Simply send us your ' name and address. Coupons from Duke's Mixture may be assorttd niik tats from HOjtSE SHOE, J, T.,TINSLEY'S NATURAL LEAF, GRAHGER TWIST, coupons from FOUR F.O.jEJ; (lOc-fin double cotiiflu), HCK PLUG CUT, PIFD- mont Cigarettes, clix ci garettes, out other toes or coupons iss'.icd vy us. Premium Dept. St. Louis, Mo. DO YOU ENJOY EATING Or Does Everything You Eat Distress You? Experts declare that the reason, stomach disorders are so common in this country' is due to hasty and careless habits of eating. Stomach, troubles and run-down conditions also usually go together. John Lind, of Oneonta, N. Y., says: "I have been troubled with a bad stomach trouble for fifteen years, and became so weak that I could hardly walk or do any work. My .appetite was very poor, and it seemed impos sible to get any relief. Since taking two bottles of Vinol I find that it has already made a remarkable improve ment in my health; my digestion is much stronger, and I have gained in weight" Vinol makes weak stomachs strong because it strengthens and tones up the weakened, tired and overtaxed nerves of the digestive organs. Vinol Is easily assimilated by the weakest stomachs, and is delicious to the taste. Try a bottle of Vinol with the understanding that your money will be returned if it does not help you. P. S. If you have Eczema try our Saxo Salve, We guarantee it. 8 nith Drug Co., Sai si urv. N, G Our Building Material win pioase vu Onr coiling and eiding at $1.00 per 100 feet, will tickle yon. Go id man Lumber Co. 'Ph4053ne L Possum Dog Wail'Sd. Call on J, H J iiea, 0 6 V L'berty St . -ah&hnrv N 2t. pd RM FOR SALE. automobiles aud bicycles who 'o not carry lamre. H has given th m til! the first of D.. cumber t aet. t.heir lnrrR and n'f fcer that i im every ridr within; a light aftflr'dark on t,bo struts of Sa'is ' ur will betaken up aud thf! lim if. r' the law will be v him The Watchman is right, there wi' h tho Mavor Enforce thu law u our slogan and we aro always rady to uphold the hands of the -fficbi who even half way triea to do hi? his duty. Mr and Mrs Walker, of Wiu-ston-Sa'em, came to Sa'i9bifry Monday ai d spent tho day h -r? looking over tho prp--rty hold ' y Mrs Walker. Sh owos s m n' Sahsbiry's m ist valuable Ijusines property and is at t h i time con sfttnplat'.ng erecting a very de- airabbi building on the corner of Inuea ani L' e street?, a modern bniidiug for a larg garag-. ARars Gliance and Easy Terms. P,irsu-nt to an order of the Superior roii'-t of Rowtin County in the special prt.eec dings entitled M O. Linn et al "X parte, I will offer at public sale on Saturday, November 23rd, 1912 at the court hou1 e do r in Salis t)ury at 12 M one of the best farm? in Row an County, known as the "Hicks jilace" and formerly the home of R. V. Lcntz, fully described in deed?-registered in Book-43, 121 ; 43. 122; 43 li3;68 413 i'his farm contains about 255 siires, splendid bottoms, a small Uvellint:, is w- !1 ti'nbered and water d. Il lie-; on both sides of Dutch Second Creek three miles from the l&pklly growing town of KocVwell It will b. sold in three tracts ac f.ordii'g to the recent survey of J. C. Bernhardt, map of which is filed in this proceeding and can be seen af. he iahce of the unde. signed. Ihe nr?t tract, on which is the dwelling, con ruins 86 and 14 "cres ; the second tract, running parallel with the first, co! tain bH ai.d 1-4 aires; the third tract lies -.hiefly on the other side of the creek and contains 82 and 40-100 acres. Any ,-ne of these tracts makes a line firm, while thn tfho'e place would be hard to surpass for a stock farm or for fa ming on a large scale. The. tt-rms are easj: one-third ca?h, balance in twelv months, with inter est . Title will be made at once when on --third i paid, and th? remainder secured by moitefage on the property. This is a rare opportunity to buy fine farming land. Whitehead,Kmjttz, commissioner Mrs. E. L Kirk did at her no-r e cn East Liberty etret M nday morning between 10 and 11 o'cK ck, following an illness of vi-ral months. A hubDd sur vives. The funeral and burial ook place at St Jade's Episcopal church in the c unty, yeitrdey ifternoon a'2 o'cI jcs, and wag n i-dncSfti by Rv. W. L, Lcftir. ti Bd Sno.es at; BELK--HARRY CO.'S and the price is no more than you pay for shoes not near so good af some stores. Goodman's Shoes Gtfbdraan'd all solid leather shoes for women, and children are positively the very Best shoes solcl hi this section for the price. Goodman's shoes for child ren in kid gun-metal and royal calf. 5 to 8 for 70c, 75c, 85e and 98e. 8 to 11 for 98c, &1.15,$1 25 lHto2for$1.15, $1.25 and $1.48. Goodman shoes for womn in kid or Royal calf for eve ry day wear, cap or plain toe, also feet linei, price $1.50 Women's button shoes made on newest last $2.00, $2. tO, and $3.50 Men's Shoes Men's $1.50 day outing shoes for $1.25 Men's heavy blucher all solid work shoes, as good as any $2 50 shoes to be found anywhere, but our price only $2.00 B elk-Harrf Company 1 1 IT FOR Men's real nice dress shoes, patent or gun metal, button and blucher at $2 00 & $2.50. Good solid leather shoes for bos that will give good wear at reasonable- prices. ' Elkln Shoes . Full stcck of El kin Shoes for men-, women and children. Men's lkin, $2.00 - Undewear. Extra good value tih all kinds of underwear. Ghildren's real good heavy fleeced union suits 25c Boys' extra heavy under shirt and drawers' for 25c Women's 50c 'union suits at ' . . 38c Women's grey wool vests and pants 75c Women's red wool vest and pants 98c Men's heavy 50c under shirts ar.d drawers for 98c. Coats and coat Suits. Special bargains in coat suits and long coats. elk-Harry ompaoiy Jo f am! High riees! These aj?e beyond a doiibt two important Factors in choosing a Dentist. TATENT SUCTION OUR METHODS are the up-to-date painless kind not the old-fashioned nerve-wi eeliing kind that made so many dread tlie dental chair. 3 O . OUR 'PRICE entirely sweep away all competition on work of a similar high character. Guaranteed 15 Years- Philadelphia Painless Dentists, Ire. Full SetTeath $5.09 Fillings in Gold. Silver, Plati num and Porcelin, 50c. and $1.00 up. Gold Crowns and Bridge wojk, $3, $4 and $5 a tooth 126 North Main Street 'Phone 763 Salisbury, Pi. G. 0 II I Jt' 0 i it j s a 3 4 Women in tnfJdls ca oil :.i c of life- when their deciQ. Dr. Pierce's Fworile Prescriptvv- from girlhood to woinanuc-oa ; .'i'.i ; Cl: I C-:slscs, They are at that stage tonic assd helpiag-nana which oniy r.i. Ms-;v von-en sailer needlessly hot d to eld sge w'th backache, - - , . dizziness or headache. A o:.-.i wxes jjcep.ess, aervou., down," irritable and ZccU llrcd irc.T, r: to nirl.t. Xvhen pcins and aches rack the womanly system t frequent i u-r, c.;.- your neighbor aoout Doctor Prc73 Fcorfio Prscfi'ipticn. Mas. J. IMHOP, of 321 S. Benialon Street, BaI'draoro, I.T;1.. says: I wrote you about nina mon:'.:; :.jo, t i!:r..? : u f my c ....iuon. I have a fine baby girl she wetehed nine p- v.v :s bcrr. f is my third i-tuld and the stroncret of thar. cil. Hy e-.-fTet:.-.T v.-p.s only foV tv.-o hours. I took several bottles of Favorite j'ro. -jiv ..; .or. ' end one oC Dr. Fieinc s Smart-Wed. I never hau a v.'-il c.sy b-.uo; I t.;c:c yiur medicines. I waa surprised how weii I feit C0';H ee - a .- I vays hvingrv, r.nd never had a sick stomach. The n-rso -who v.'as with jr.?. f sid .e medkine w.is wonder ful because I got nlonsp.C- nicely after havi...-. hi ro rrvt h trov.b'.e ttf-jre. She intends to reeomrrend iz to all be ssSsrfttg pr.tiar.t2. Eivtryboiiv is astonished at ma because I oaly v.'i: hoi V'l pou ids 021 ore ar.d now I weigh 135. 1 have had se veral bdies come I j mo and aK about Dr. Pierc -'3 medicine. I am wiiiins to recommend it to ell who suCer and want hc, If any want information I v;iil be glad i, give it." SOU) BY rX?.TJa-C3-IRTS. World's Dispensary Medical Associations Proprietors, BTJITFAIiO, II. Y, cyan Timnp & frm-n, P; esbyterians a Have Supper To-mirrow Night Invitations to the annaal men's sapper of the First Presbyterian Church to be held Thursday night at 8 o'clock in the Armory Hill in the Wa8hiugt;n bniidiug, were -eiit out yesterday. In addition to the supper served f ,r the men of that.Charcb, there w.ll be sev eral speakers present who will ad greatly to the effdir Rev. Byioi. "'lark is pastor of the church an. t.ho invitation commitlee oonsist' f E B. N aVH, Frank R Brown Oeorgo Wonil le, This is always a well attended and very pleasant affair. Our good frieiid, John Harke-, an old veteran of the i?alfm chuioh i npighboihcd,wae iu town Saturday j i)-; brought! along a lone-handle ' j urd. It is a jfi e Jopf cimen at d measures 89 . inches xh length. W ? will huve to give Venns sotre H- d na ieT mm try Dgam next summer. A beautiful mariiage ceremony waa perform td in . Salisbury Thursday night when Miss Lena P-arl Hess became the bride of R chard T. Curd. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Byron C ark, D. D , at tbe home of thf bride's mother, Mrs. S. C. Wocd, .-mi North Fulton Street in th ; recLce bf only a few intimat frind?. The bride and grocm hnve many friends in Salisbn;y and viciuity' who will be inter-gt- H,d to 1-aru of their carriage Mr. Curd was for sevcrV -vr-. foreman iu The Watckm in .fil-' where he did Bplendid wojit. IT3 is now with The Sails nrv Pes.. Mrs. Curd had jus? re trnd frem a visi'- to her sifter, .Mrs Chas A K attz, of Aev villes Mr and Mrs Curd will r su'e a. 221 Weet Moj.roe Street ir Salis bury. Mrs Curd is a chtruaing young woman end is also a prin ter bnvit g learned the trade m this office. . Flagged Train With Shirt, Tearing bis sbirt fr. m his I ack an Ohio mm flagged a train and eaved it from a wreck, but H T. Aiatou, Raloigh, N. 0., once pfe vatpd a wreck with E ectric'Br-tf-rs. ' I wis i i a terrbb p'igh wbon Ibgan to us- them," write3, "m? s'omach, head, hak and kidneys were all badly aff ct fd ati.i my liver-was in had condi tion, but f ur bottles of EMctrio Bitteis made me feel lik- a new mau " A trial will convince you of their matchless m-rit for any stomach, liver or kidney trouble. Price 60: at All Drnggists. am Pains All Over! You are welcome," says Mrs. Nora Guffey, of Broken Arrow, Okla., "to use my letter in any way you want to, if it will induce some suffering woman to try CarduL 1 had pains all over, and suffered with an abscess. Three phy sicians failed to relieve me. Since taking Cardui, I am In better health than ever before, and that means much to me, because I suffered many years with womanly troubles, of different kinds. What other treatments I tried, helped me for a few days only." TAKE IDUI in The WomatfsTonic Don't wait, until you are taken down sick, before tak ing care of yourself. The small aches and pains, and other symptoms of womanly weakness and disease, always mean worse to follow, unless given quick treatment You would always keep Cardui handy, if you knew what quick and permanent relief it gives, where weakness and disease of the womanly system makes life seem hard to bear. " Cardui has helped over a million women. Try it Wrttt kx Ladies' Advisory Dept. Chattanooo. Medicine Co., ChatUnooo. Tena, lot 8tdal Instrument, ad 64-ptxe book. "HooMTresnt for Woen." seat free, J51 i