T7- V o aroiin A Home Newspaper Published in the Interest 'of Me'f eopte and for Honesty in Governmental Affairs. m ii Vol. X No. 17 Salisbury, N. O., WednesJ M APRIL I5TH. 9 4. Wm, h. Stewart, Editor it. - - - The C Wateliimffli v-i HOME BULE AND ROMftNISM. Ulster and the Orang-m -n are Right and Will Win. Great Britaiu is facing a condi tion such ai confronted this coun- 1 try at the beginning of the Civil war. Aud, strange to say, the British government has beeu play ing the part of oar Buchanan ad ministration, even g' ing that weak kneed president one better. For, whiln Bujhanaa refn el to coerce the states that clamored for home rale ai d threatened re volt agiinst the federal g veru ment as a means of getting it, British statesmen go to the lergih of forcing heme rale upon 'the 'Irish who are by no msaus uuaui mui in desiring it. Suppose, if you can, the old ee cession sentiment to ba alive in Alabama. Suppose the err of "home rule f.-r A iibama" to be in the air and the trdt -ra! govern ment at Washington dwtermind to set Qp state sovereignty with out limit whhin that state. Whit do you thiuk the white people of that state would say to ench n proposition knowing that hoaif rule for Alabama w u d aiqan m gro mle for Alabtui ?. Tbn whit , Protestants of Ireland, the mjn cf Ulster, fiud themselves in ju-t such a predicame.ii) They as everyone ki.cw?, that rdle (or Ireland mea- s rhe rule of Rome for Ireland. ;. a e black are intelligent enough to pr ;er the imperial rule cf Protostaut England to nominal hornp rule whioh would be in reality subj ca tion to the ecclesiastical domina tion of a dago pope. No wonder th- men of Ulster re fuse to be kicked out of their de position as British sntict3 and forced into the position of noetic and rebel slaves to R me. No wonder they declare their inten tion to Bhed every drop of their Froteitant blood before they will submit to such delegation. , This ii not the first time they have taken the same stand, and! they are goirg to win this time just as they did when the men of juTster defended Londonderry from the attacki of Romanism in the brave days of old. Great Britain has temporized with the papal power too 1 ng. The liberality of the British pjo pie toward polic.cal refugees has attracted Jesuit scheming with the results that now appear. The men of Ulster stand like a rock in the way of Romish intrigue and are forcing the issue that must be met sooner or later, and the soon er the better. Wnat is the mat ter with Ulster? There is noth ing the matter with Ulster, She is all right and her people are all right. In the dark hour at bind when the bloody hand of papal power shall be raised against the nations of the earth the whole world will rally to the support of the Ulster Oraugemsm for the re servation of national integrity aud the defense of personal rights. The Menace. Milk Values, Why Ewy Family should Have Plenty of Gows. If you do not appreciate already the value of milk in the diet and the importance of having plenty of it at all eeasong, jast consider hew much it takes of other foods to equal one quart of milk in nourishment. A standard quart of milk contains 8 3 per cent pro tein, 4 per cent fat, 5X per can, carbohydrate and .7 per cent min eral matter, or a total of 13 per cent nourishment. Here is what it takes of each of certain other foods to equal a single quart of milk in food values: 18.9 ounces beei ; or 88 2 ounces oysters: or 10.2 ounces boneless cohfiab ; or- 19.1 ounces eggs; or 6.1 ounces cheese ; or 5 1 onuces wheat fljur or- 4.9 ounces macaroni ; or 5. 1 ounces c )rn meal ; or 25.7 ounces potatoes; or 5.1 ounceB dried beans: or 61 2 ounces cabbage; or 39.2 ounces apples; or 27.7 ounces bannanas; or 6,8 ounoes prunes. The Progressive Farmer, COMMISSIONERS MEETING. List Tek rs Nam d And The Jury Was Drawn Last Week. Tha board of commissioners were in see sion for two days, Mon day and Tuesday April 6h and 7th, transacting business, largely of a routine nature. A jury wti drawn for tin nyt term'of court and a u umber of other items of interest wera attended to. The matter of drainage of Grant creek, the plans for same having been gone ever, law complied with and work will soon begin, it was asked that the county reinstate all 'ridges' thai were interfered with i i the drainage of the creek. The c nimUsioners agreed to do this piece of work. he special school election' frr a special tax in Salisbury district No 5, Chestnut Hill, was fixed 'or May 19th. Adam Hart-man was named for registrar aud W A. Baker and T. C Earnhardt judges. It was ordered that Rowan jouny co-operate with Davidson i d Iredell c unties in urging the 'Vntral highway through upper R 5wau and that the board oommit R 'wan to do what she could to awards securing thi Central high- vvay. It was ordered that no tax I e i-vifd against the Chautauqua 7 muig here soou under the direc - on of the Salisbury merchants. Th following were 8ppintd l-st .takers for the various town ships of the county: Atwell, J M Furr; China Grove, Q J Peeler; Cleveland, R M Rose brro. Fraukliu. J C Miller; ttold Hill, Z A Kluttz; Litaker, H C Farmer; Locke, J E Briggs; Mor gan. Jits S Morgan ; Mt Ulla, J C herrill ; Providence, L A Kesler; Scotch Irish, F M Byan ; Steel, J S Hall ; Salisbury, A M Bice; Spencer, P M Nassman. Contract for supplies for the month awaided to Peeler Grain and Provision Company. The following list of jurymen was drawn for the coming term of R-wan Superior Ccurt, for the first week as follows : R A Shuping, J A Kesler, W J Hatley, R L Young, George A Klattz, J F Ludwick, J B Kern, John C Morgan, M M Ketner, W C McCuhbii s, John Morgan, Wil liam EBostian, Alex Cook, John I Patterson, H J Peeler, Luther A Lentz, R H Knox, Eli Kerns, T L Gillespie, Noah Morgan, George A Rogers, H E Sheaf, Henry A Kar riker, L J Ketner, Levi Trexler, Henry C Miller, F G McKinley, L M S Ketohie, G B Owen. R I Whitaker, O E J.udwig, A M Kluttz, M McBrown, E A Good man, Jue A Freeze, B W Barger. Those drawn for the second weok are as follow?: Messrs, Chas O Rigors,' Homer G Foil, E J Chilson, J L Rogers, G?o W Hill, W C Kluttz, J A Fisher, T A Cartner, Peter B Gar ner, Thos S Wilkie, J Smith Gra ham, S K Knox J W Rogers, II B Shive, M A Dowlas, J W Ride outte, S C Bust, C M Henderlite, W W Canup, E W B st, Thomas Moyle, R I Weddington, D H Thompson and W L Edwards. $iuo Reward $ioo The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh Hall's Catarrh Cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, re quires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, is taken in ternally, acting direotly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient otrength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The' proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that thev offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure Send for list of testimonials. Address: F. J. Cheney; & Co., Tokdo, Ohio. Sold by all druggist, 753. Tke Huil'a Family Pills for constipation. Noted Dramatic Baritone, fhtj Has Sung With World Famous Orchestras, Conn Chautauqua Week 1 Ff:;:::i::::::::::::::S M ARCTJS A- KELLERMAN, matic baritones in America today. He has toured,s vOipal soloist with the New York Symphony Or chestra under Walter Damroschi the Minneapolis fmjiliony under Exnil Oberhoffer, the St. Paul Sym phony under Walter Rothwelt, and iia appearanc&wilJ4 the Boston, the Theodore Thomas and the Cin cinnati Symphony Orchestras have gained for. him uniTer-J'cooidndatiou. Kellerman is a native American, but some of his greatesfiicf esses have been achieved in foreign countries. In Germany, for three years, be sang leading, baritone rolesSgit the Berlin Royal Opera. It was while achieving success as an organist that Keltiman' discovered his ability as a vocalist, and, ap preciating the increased opportunity offered in the fl&ld of 4ijig, ;he prepared himself for the task. After a few years Kellerman abandoned his brilliant, pirnisliig operatic career to engage in lleder and ora torio singing. The great success he nas already attained indicates. that concert patrons are quite fortunate, even though opera has lost an artist of The Gospel of Manure. Manure is so belpful that . I am stating the results of years of observation, putting it iu a tiny LUtshell. 1. Manure is a plant food, rich and available. 2. It spreads helpful soil bac teria. 3. It 19 the beat of humus, 4. It remains in tha soil for years. 5 It should be applied at once do not wait for it to rot. 6. Spread it on a growing crop bo as to catch all the gases. 7. Do not mix lime, ashes, or commercial fertilizer witn it, ex cept ground rock. 8 Do not plow it under, for this will bury it to deep. Let it soak iu. 9. ; Use as muoh litter as pos sible to catch the liquids and aid to the supply. 10 Manure from farm stock is worth from $10 to $25 per year per head, dtpsndiug on s:ze, feed and litter; so save this by-pro duct. 11. Cver as much land as poi sible each year rather than make a heavy application on certain parts. I Vf. Hawkins, in The Progressive Farmer. Strengthens Weak aud Tired Women "I was under a great strain nursing a relative through ' thr9a mouths' sickness," writes Mrs. J. C. Van D Saude, of Kirkland 111., and "Electrio Bitters kapt me frm breaking down. I will never be without it." Do you feel tired and worn out? No ap petite and food won't digest? It isn't the spring weather. You need Electric Bitters, Sjjbart a month's treatment today; noth ing better for stomach, liver and kidneys. The great spring tonic. Relief Or monV hank. fiftr and 1.00, at your Druggiii. 3R MARCUS A. KEIiLERMAN who is to. appear here fcMng; Chautauqua T" -r i first rank. Ii -8K "Mule Fpot Hogs" AiiCholera. According to tests ISadei of four Mule-foot hog 8 adverted ias "The Cholera Immune. Hofef the vet erinary department ohiGaorgia 1 State College of Agriculture finds that they are no me immune than any other breot?.,: 1 1 Four pigs were purcase from a breeder, who. waaadverfciBicg them for sale as cholt (immune, and each was given tb";ce,iitimeter of blood from a' hojsiok with cholera. All four pr&apfrly deve loped cases of ch ilera-aDtd died . Post-mortem examitifns' left no doubt as to the cj&sef - of the death. f 1 This demonstrationjwae made for the benefit of the ijiud'ents of the college and thefteneW of the State who might be fiis investing some moi ry into the in breed undtr a misareljensLOQ, and a'so to obtain vi-flis for the hospital which manuctons and tests hog colera serunyi U Dr. W. M. Burson.'IFofessor of Veterinary Science aJTh'e College, while claiming that t9deatroy the claim of chQlerg?iimmunitY, states that the breed thrifty one, prolific and'reacear-i.y ma turity, and is gro winain? popular favor in some sectiiisl ;of the coiiutry. The name 'iHt'ulefoot,'.' of course, is given bacitjiaj'of the solid or unclciven hoor-pha's. A. Whittle, iu The Progriiiya'm- r. Cough Medicine frulldren Too mush care ,cat ke used in selecting a cough ndioine 'for children. It Bhould iMr pleasant to take, contain no h)nil sub stance and, be mosV' effectual. Chamberlain's - pougi Remedy meets these reqairem- and is a favorite with the pothers of young children every wrs For Sale bf Ail .rj&lefr . 1 fx f 1 - I I week, is one of the greatest dra Disllilm Being Ciptured. Durham, April 12. The sheriff and his deputiei Saturday after noon brought in another big still and captured John Carroll, a white man. who was at the still working when the officers made the raid.1 Carroll had an assis tant at the still when the officers arrived, but he proved to be a bet ter runner than any of the sher iff's meond made his escape. The still was captured a short distance flfrom one raided Friday by the sheriff in Lebanon townhip which had a capacity of a hundred gal lons, but the one brought in Sat urday was 50 per cent larger than thison. When the officers ar rived the still was running full time. The fire was burning under the copper and double distilled whiskey was being turned out at a rapid rate The men working the still seemed to be rushing their ran today in order to get it out before the officers oould get back to that vioinity. They had been icared up by the raids of the offi oers yesterday morning. Carroll was carried before tue commis sioner here and is now trying to arrange his bond. After lying in wait a whole night and a long chase in the ear ly morning, Carson Wicker, i blockader of Lee oounty, was cap tured Saturday morning by i corps ot revenue omors near Jonesboro. Wicker was taken to Jonesboro, and given a prelimi nary hearing before United States Commissioner Keely, and in de fault of a $209 bond was placed in jail there to await trial at the next term of court. To Cure a Cold In One Day fake X.AXATIVB BROMO Quinine. It stops the Cough and Headache and works off the Cold. Drusrarists refund money if it fails to curt. B W, G&OVB'S signature on each bos 290. THE POPE, ARCH SINNER OF EARTH. C. A. 6. Thomas Preaches an Illuminat ing Sermon on Romanism. After a lapse of several weeks 0. A, G. Thomas, pastor of th First Baptist Church of t hit city, resumed the preaobing of a series of very iUeresting and instructive sermons on Romanism, Mr. Thomas' subject Sunday night was: "The pope, the man of sin and bid of perdition." He read the second chapter of Thessilon ians, and used verses three and four as his text. This chapter reads as follows: 1 Now we beseech yen, bietin Ten. bv tte oomiue of. our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him, 2 That ye be not s)on shaken in mind, or be trouMfcd, neither by spirit, nor by word uot by leiter as from tus, us tht the day of Chris.t is ajt hand. 8 Ln no mau deceive you by any raHRiis . tor that aay shall not oom x-jppt there comes c falling Wdv fift", and that man of siu be i rev-. 'l, tbrt s'-n ot perdition; 4 Who cpptfth and exaltetb himseif above all that is called fi d, t t at. is worshipped; so hat h as Gd eittth iu the tem ple ( G d, sheii g himself that he is G)d. 5 Rmembfr ye not, that, when was yet with ycu, I told yon these thi:jg6? 6 At-.d uow yt know what with- holdeih that ;e might be revealed in bis time. 7 For the mystery of iniquity dcth already work: only he who uow letteth will let, until he b takeu out of the way. 8 Aud theu shall that Wioked be revealed, whom the Lord - shall cousame with the spirit of hi mouth, aud shall destroy with the brightness oi his coming: 9 Even him, whose comius is after the working of Satan with all power-and signs and lvine wonders. 10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the troth, that they might be saved. - r 11 And for thiase God snail send them strong, delusion, that tney should believe a Ire: ' 12 That they all nrght be damn ed who believeth not the truth. but had pleature in unrighteous ness. 18 But we are bound to give thanks always to God fcr you brethren beloved of the Lord, be cause God hath from th begin ning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spir it and belief of the truth : 14 Whereunto ' he oalled ycu b r our gospel, to the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ . 15 Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle. 16 Now our Lord Jesas Christ himself, and God, even our father whioh hath loved us, and hath givetf us everlasting consolation and good hope through grace, li tVomfort your hearts, and es tablish you in every gocd word and work. Mr. Thomas said that there is do other man who so completely fits these prophetic words of St, Paul, that all protestant scholars agree reference is here made to the pope, and fitting the de scription as he d.ep,he if the great est sinner, greatest importer and the most colossal humbug on earth To prove this chanter fits the pope, Mr. Thomas read from. the 'Garden of the Soul," Leguo ri's theology and other eminent R mish authorities which very plainly and. defi litely sustained the contention. The pope's as sumption of divine powers, the ability to forgive Bin, and the false and ridionlous claim of tran- substantiation were given atten rr i i ... lion, ne pom tea out tnat no pope sinoe the first one, St. Roni- faoe, in' about 600 A. D., even though they set themselves up as God himself, supreme on earth, in heaven and hell, ha I never lived a life sufficiently pure and devout to be canonized, or be considered fib' for saiotsbip. Think of "God himself," judged by his own flick has not been pure enough in 1800 years to -become a common saiut. If this be true of the head of the church then what is one to think of these beer-guzzling, liquor drinking, card-playing, lioensu ous bachelor "fathers" who go about administering the mass, handling with such filthy hands, Are Romanists Traitors? Are Romanists patriots are traitors? Let them answer for themselves. This from the ''Live Issue, " the Romanist sheet left at our offioe.door: A storm of protest has arisen among Catholics throughout the country against the proposed tend ing of Ernesto Nathan, ex-Mayor of Rome, to this country as .Ital ian Commissioner. to the Panama Exposition.The Catholic press,fol lowing the snitiative of the Moni tor of San Franoisco, are oalling upon their readers to get in touch with the president at the Panama Exposition., The Catholic Federation, at its semi-annual session in Chicago, adopted the following resolution. "The Executive Board of the American Federation of Catholio Societies, in Bemi-annual meeting assembled in Chicago, protests against the coming to this coun try of Ernesto Nathan, ex-Mayor of Rome, as Italain Commissioner to the Panama Exposition to be held in San Francisco next year. "Ernesto Nathan, while Mayor of Rome used several occasions to flagrantly iubuU the Holy Father and his sacred ministry and by these insults he haB outraged the feel it gs of the 18,000,000 of Ca tholics of the United States and the 800 000.000 Catholics through out the .world. ' We call upon our national or ganizations, State and county federations and affiliated societies and institutions to resent the com ing of Nathan to the United States as the official representative of. Italy at the Panama fair and to register their protest with the president at the Panama Exposi tion." : Now what do true American oitizens care about Nathan's and the pope's personal affairs. ' If true American's first allegianoe ii to out government and flag, of what concern is the pope more than any other prince, king, or president? For instance if a Spanish subjeot Bhould insult Don Carlos, the pretender, and King Alfonso XIII should appoint said subject as commissioner to the Panama Exhibition, what exouse oould loyal Americans make for refuair.g to reoeive him? Roman ists betray themselves when they shew thus that their first allegi anoe is to the pope, a foreign pre tender. This evident allegiance to a foreign power is why it is not safe to put a Romanist in an American office, from school teach er up. They will play the traitor just as sure as the opportunity is afforded. the ''actual body and blood of Christ," and pretending to for give Bins. -This of course, . was re-hearsed for the purpose of showing up the class of men who are striving by all means in their power to get control of our government, foroe such dogmas down the throats of protestants and make America Catholio. Every good citizen who cares for the future welfare of America and posterity should hear Mr. Thomas' discourses on this all-important subjeot. Mr. Thomas says if the necessity arises he will take the platform and leoture throughout the south. Those who wish to subsjribe to The Menace, the biggest little pa per in the world, the strongest an tagonist of Romanism and the strongest advocate of a free press; freedom of worship and America's uplift, can do so by leaving 25 cents at Thb Watchman office. Straight at It There is no use of our "beating around the bush " We might as well out with it first as last. We want you to try Chamberlain's Oough Remedy the next time you have a cough or cold. There is no reason so far as we can see why you should not do so . This prep aration by. its remarkable oures has gained a world wide reputa tion, and people everywhere Bpeak of. it in the highest terms of praise. Far Sale by Ail DuWri , "V ! l si 5 .lii if 1 :;x: ""ft

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