SUautauqua Week o o o o o o o o o o O Band Music O Grand Opera O O Choir Music Monologues Humor Bell Ringing O O o o Lectures on Literary Subjects Sleight of Hand Vocal Solos Vocal Duets Instrumental Solos Playground Workers Story Hours A Social Hour with Your Friends o o o o o o 6Q3ooooodqoqoqoooooooqoooooooooooooooo GOLD KNOB April 20 Nothin doin among the farmers. V j iuuou raiu t u few have planted c rn. Good bye "o I Ea ter rabbit,'" will see you later. Mr. and Mrs. H, F. Morgan ep-nt Easter with Mrs. M-rgan's ptu;.t at Craven. Misses Maggie Park and Dura Lingle of Chestnut Hill spent last Saturday night and Sunday at N. 0. Park's. Miss Pearle N. Lyerly is on th lick list this week . Mrs. T. A Ecamhardt is very sick at her home near here. Cbas E. Park Came in frcir Lenoir Bollege to epeud Easter with his pared ts, Mr. and Mrs. G, W. Park. On yesterday there was an eiec tion of cfihers at St. Peter's ehorsb, which resulted as follows: For elders, James M. Trexler and Jams A . Morgan, for deacone, Marcus O. Lyerly and John L. Trezler Ou EaBter Sunday April 12sb, while he was at Suaday school the friends and relatives of Arthur L. Kluttz was preparing to give him a birthday surprise party which they very olereriy succeeded in doing. Ii being the 32 id mile post in his j urney cf lifp. He was kept at church by the choir until everything was in readiness and all from the Sunday school had gone to his home without his knowledge. When he returned home h found most everybody there, about 100 friends had been in hiding only to face him when he got home. After all the ex oitemeut was over Aurthur was escorted to tae rear of the house where a sumptions dinner had been prepared and awaiting him. The table grunted under the heavy load of good things to eat. Prof. E. Lee Trexler be inpresent was spokesman for the ocoision. After all present had filled their aching void tha presents were b: ought ut and presented bj Prof. Trexler, whioh were higbjy appreciated. We will take time right hereto lay that although no on6 wants to be surprised lfke this, we wish lo thank all who took part in the u -prising and also these whgave the gifts will be .remembered as friends in deed and in truth. That we may g"t together often and that we may see many more birthdays it cur prayer. A number of our popla attend ed the exhibition at Poole's boooI house Easter Monday atd report having had a good time . Mrs. John Barger was called to the hed.ids of her sick mother at Orescent last week ! . Miss Either Trexler has return- I ed from Statesville where she pent a week or ten days with her brother. Narvey A. Trexler is content p lating buildiDg a house cn bis firm at this place in the near future. William Hooki has purchased the lands of the late Elisabeth Poole. I guest every body will get an even start planting corn this year t Mill Luoy Barger is visiting old fohool mates in South Carolma this week. This entire Bill of Fare may be ordered for $2.0d if purchased of the local auspices while the supply of season tickets which they guaranteed to sell lasts Drama Oratory .Recitals Magic JY'hu Goodman of Mt Pleasant, whD bought the land's of Rev. J. A. Linu at this place, is preparing to build a dwelling and move on to tne farm this fall. The Easter egg hunt at St. Peter's Easter Monday was a sue ess. Aftf-r the regular exercise Ue. II A. Trexler made and ad- p-is o thojorigin of Easter egg. vnral men were hiding the fggs bile the exercise was being ren lered, after which the children were turned loose and another such a time was never seen. A o. iz8 was offered the meet success ful hur ter. Maorios Kluttz be ina the winner, he having found :t pggs A total of 22 d'zen eggs --re iu hiding and 21 dczn wen 'ound, leaving or dozen to the -ibbits for ct-xt Easter. Ief. ORGAN CHURCH Mn Ellen Sifford visiteb at J. I . J4isenheimer'8 Sunday evening. Miss Florence Weaver visited her frienb, Elizadeth Sifford, Sunday, April 19. iiranpa Venus was a visitor in? our commuuity Sunday, April 19 While visiting he took several pictures. We don't know whether taking pictures is Sunday, work on not. L. I. Cauble visited his mother last Sunday. J. Sifford visited his friend James Cauble Sunday even ing . Mrs. Caudle, an MrsMisen heimer went to Rockwell on buisness. C. W. Harrington and chid' ren visited his parents at Mission, N. C, last week. Mrs. Docia Bost Lippard visited over Easter. Vbeen working at Rockwell returned home to spend the enmmerv Miss Mable Sowers visited her friend Misses Lola and Lizzie Cruse, Easter Monday night. Amicable. Sprains, Braises Stiff Muscles are quickly relieved by Sloan's Liniment. Lay it on no rub bing. Try it. Ankle Sprain and Dislocated Hip. " I sprained my ankle and dislocated my hip by falling out of a third story window. Went on cratches for four months. , Then I started to use your Liniment, according to directions. I must say it is helping me wonderfully. We will never be without Sloan's Lini ment anymore." -Chat. Johmoa. Lawton Station, N. Y. SLOAN'S Kills Pain Splendid for Sprains. " I fell and sprained my arm a week ago and was in terrible pain. I could not use my hand or arm until I applied your Liniment. I shall never be with out a bottle of Sloan's Liniment." B. B. Springer, Elisabeth, JV. . Fine for Stiffness, " Sloan's Liniment has done more good than anything I have ever tried for stiff joints. I got my hand hurt so Dacny that 1 had to stop work right in the busiest time of the year. . I thought at first that I would have to have my hand taken off. but I got a bottle of Sloan's Liniment and cured my band." Wilton Wheeltr, Moms, Ala. At all Dealers. 25c 50c and $1,00 Send for Sloan's free, instructive book on horses, cattle, hogs and poultry Address Dr.EARLS.SLOAN,lnc BOSTON, MASS. LMIMEMT cm'trritrfttn o HI Jt P O o o o o O O o o o Sermons O O o o o o o o o o Q LUTHERAN SYNOD MEETS IN BURLINGTON President M. M. Kinard Issues Call for tbe lll'h Annual Convention. The Evangelical Lutheran Syn od and Ministerinm of North Car olina will inset in its 111th annual convention May 6 to 10, 1914, with Macedonia 'congregation, N. C., Rev. T. S. Brown, pastor, at 11 a. m , with the synodical sermon by the president, followed by the holy communion. In Speakers and Subjects--Wednesday, 8 p. m., educational even ing : "Beneficiary Education : It's Use and Abuse," Rev. V. Y. Boo ler. Thursday, 8 p. m ., Missionary evening: "Our Japan. Mission: It's History, Present Condition and Future Needs," Rev. R. A Good man ; "Synodical Home Missions Past, Present and Future," Rev. J. L. Morgan; fifteen minute reports by representatives of the boards f Home and Foreign Mis sions, v Friday, 8 p. m., Laymen's even ing: 1. The Call of the Church to Her Men, Prof. Q. ;F. McAllis er; 2. The Laymen's Place and Opportunity in the Church Today, Claude 8. Reitiel; 8. Our Men and the Sunday School, Prof. W. L. Cooper; 4 Our Men and tbe Use of Their Money in theChurch, H. E. Bonitz; 5. The Lutheran Brotherhood: Its History and Purpose, A.H. Snider. Sunday, 11 a. m , ordination serrioe? sermon by Rev. B. a. Brown. M M. Kinabd, president. Theo. 0, PARKKB,secretary. SPECIAL hot:oe. It is our desir3 and purpose to provide free entertainment for all members and delegates of North Carolina Synod, school, etc., but in order that all who desire free entertainment notify us not later than May 1. Unless we are so notified, we will assume that free entertainment is not desired. L. 0. Chfistma-n, Chum. Entertainment Com. South East Rockwell. April 20 n Some few farmers have their Irish potatoes planted. Some verr few of them have some corn planted. U. Jl Bost of near Organ Jhurch has some corn plant ed;- - Mr. Huffman near " Lower stone church has some corn planted, don t thing he has any cotton seed planted. H. J. Bost planted cotton seeb last year on the 4 th of April but he has not any corn nor cotton planted yet this OQ Ye?J- J , , Wheat, OatS, rye and Clover are all looking nice now . t . . 1 suppose harvest will be yhere about the time the far niatism, and cleans out nd iength Kr. ens the stopped-up. inabtiTejdneys. Caliie Miller &C0 Will move their saw mill ou to Charlie , " "" 1J'UU1' SDOUSer S Store at L.0Wer Stone Church, time this week. They !dder disorders. ' YoU ;'wiS iind at will hflVfl n whpIt nr rpn dflvQ rent from" all other' tedies. Will nave a WeeK Or ten days There is nothing else on eartDike it.. Sawing. It matters not how oldi'iyou re,' or H. J. Bost and son George, howA.lo? 7 ha,v,e s1?5" are going to China Grove WXTs. the ioller mill to qay . April You will find relief from the t t few 20. They givt40 pounds of do.s?i and, you,wiH e s?gr4 h?w ,,q ? an FWU"r quickly all your misery aii -jytetpg good flour to 60 pounds Df Jriii end. . M f Wheat and 12 pounds bran An original package oxone and they mate good flow too 5 -ffi breorge lives adOUtl4 or 15 thorized to "sell it on a posi'OL- aoney miles from China GrOVe. back guarantee. Three dfr, a day xio lives luaqarrus uouns ty. i Lis. ANNOUNG "I hereby arinowifs 'yself a can didate for the office, cfpieriflf of Ro wan county, subject t:' Demo cratic primaries and rgfivention. t JAS. SS'KRIDER. FOR - dRlSM I hereby annotnfce ipyself a can didate for the officeof -Sheriff of. Ro wan county, sublet the Demo cratic primaries ?ani invention. Pd - JFRANiMILLER. - for TmrHoJ I hereby announce thaIi am a camM didate for nremtfersftipics ate nouse of Representative's lhf z&G, General Assembly of North, arlira, subject to the action of the? D3oeratic pri mary and convention. . Wm. C. catGHOUR, Jr. FOR REGISTdr. DEEDS; I hereby announce m elf a candi date for the office-. of T Register of Deeds of Rowan otirift: subject to the Democratic prii?iav":.s and con vention. V" WALTER SEjBCKMER. . (Mr. Rlackmer is" soof the late Luke Blackmer andynasays lived in Rowan coufltv:h'e hriever held or asked for a public jpfficbjit is fully qualified to fill this- fesonsiDie posi tion.) ' ? ;t for cdfiONE. ; I herebv announce imtTilf a candi date for the office of K3orer for Ro wan county, subject '-to tj Democrat ic primaries and ectrivewVon Pd T. W. SUMteSBSETT. for jtnGi: : I herebv announce nrfe.4f' a candi date for the office of Jude of Rowan county Court, subject tthe action of the Democratiu ;5rir,4irjes and convention. i . Z- f Rf3. .O.KL-TON. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER.. I herebv announce rttvylijf I'a candi date for County Com'ifiis&ixiner.of Ro wan countyj subject: ;6 action of the Democratic priqjar2 and con vention. J ' - ' I Pd IR A RANEY. FOR STATE SEMITE. T hAVAhir A-n-rki-kiirtiia date for State Senator ivni Rowan county, subject to jthe a? fan of the Democratic primaries Janotjvention. - nr FOR TREASURE. I hereby announcses 'fciygiyf ?a candi date for Treasurer!: of Ryviiin coun ty, subject to the action crst&e uem ocratic primafies kn c?V-ention. Wl&LiM.VSHWlJN. FOR REGISTER OF SEDS I hereby announcfeMttiyst f a candir date for Register of-;De for Ro wan county, subjects to tis" action of the Democratic primrregjjjand con vention, t 'f ? 4r Pd E. BLFJfVE, Jr.v. FOR CLERK" SUPERiar COURT. I hereby MaEnouncd rnyl a candi date for the-office jof, Qt.:k of the Superior Court of Rqwan cinty, sub ject to the action of ' xaeIemocratic primaries and conventfenl FOR REGISTER; OV fEDS. I hereby announce py&jii a candi date for Register of Sled of, Rowan county, subject to the saf jan ;Df the Democratic primaries a& county convention. ' L5 ft fsfc J J. C. DEATOfrUais, N. C. FOR COUNTTnsj?.AirRER. I herebv announce? mvsikJ a candi date for the office of oii-ey 'Treas urer, subject to thl Mctif a . of the Democratic pi imaries ; angr- conven tion: GEO. SHAVER. FOR CLERK SUPEIpRiOURT. I hereby announce invseiv' a candi date for the office of Cierkl the Su perior Court of Rowjtti cotity, sub ject to the Democratisifrifi Jiries and convention.. I ilf Jt! 1: J. FRANK f&CTjgBINS.. FOR COMMIS$inI.!; I hereby announce mfseM a. candi date for Countv ConimisS3nTiV fnr t i viv.i!;;i. t-v ivuwau cuuiil, auujeuv vy demo cratic nrimary and ctaweTf on J. SttPilLER. FOR SHERjtF.J 1: 1 hereby announce irivfeefea candi date for the office of SerS of Ro wan County, subject tj i&M demo cratic primaries and -ionvBoh. Pd IrJsJALL. MAKES KHEUIU PROMPTLY DISAftp Chronic, Crippled -up S wferer Find Relief After tWes of New RemeHyi a"- . Taken? ' ' It is needless to suffer; a longer with rheumatism, and be anppled up, and bent out nf sftaniw-ith It heart-wrenching pains, JwhejjtyoU can surely avoid it. . 4 Kheumatism comes fjroth vcak, in active kidneys, that failLtd f lr from xne Diooa, tne poisonotswate mat ter and uric acid: and it fs unless to rub on liniments .or take -if dinary . ; longs can't possibly cure you. 'iZ ; ?fthnJy wy to cu, inatis.m 1 13 to remove the cause. ,,Thfew dis- covery, Croxone, does hi tause it neutralizes and dissolves 1 he poi- tZSil" anA Vrfjc Ad tht lodge in the joints anmwles. to scratch and irritat rhi- the blood and drive it oj arV out of thi system. i r croxone 13 the mo5t':'3idertui medicine ever made for curiSTchron ic rheumatism, kidnev belt's, and , mver ne,-ded to cure the aback- chfi fil fiiiicoffl? urinary fikrj, EVENTS s-- -j FOR COMMISSIONER I hereby announce , myself -a candi date for County Commissioner for Rowan county, China; Grove Town ship, subject to the action of the Democratic primaries and conven tion. E. E. GRAY, J Jhina Grove, N. C FOR COMMISSIONER. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the nomination for Commis sioner, subject to the action 'of the Democratic primaries and conven tion. If elected I will vote to levy lower taxes." W. LAWSON KLUTTZ, - ? Salisbury, N. C. FOR COMMISSIONER. I hereby announce myself a candi date for County Confmissioner for Rowan County, subject to the action of the Democratic primaries and con vention. OSCAR H. PHILLIPS, Pd - Providence Township. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. I hereby announce myself a candi date for re-election- as county Com missioner for Rowan County, subject to the action of the Democratic, pri maries and convention. Pd , R. B. BAILEY. FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS. I hereby "announce myself a candi date for Register of Deeds of Rowan County, subject to the action of the Democratic pi imaries and conven tion. FOREST J. ELLER, Pd . Koutet4. FOR COMMISSIONER. I hereby announce inyseJf a candi date for County Commissioner from Morgan Township, subject to the ac tion of the Democratic primaries and convention. JOSEPH W. MILLER. FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of Register of Deeds of Rowan County, subject to I the action of the Democratic pnmar ies and convention. GEORGE B. WETMORE. FOR THE HOUSE I hereby announce myself a candidate for the House of Representees from Rowan county, subject to the action of the Democratic primaries and conveution.D T.D.BROWN. liflant M " iliiigi j it Dr !ia h t- WANT A SEWING MACHINE? Sew;ng Machines of ail Oeserlptlons Do you want two machines in one? It sews with a lock stitch and a chain stitch. If so get the Domestic. Do you want the New Home? It is auto matic and ball bearing. Do you want the New Ideal? Do you want the Goodritch, or the Ruby or the New Model? Or do you want your old ma chine overhauld and cleaned up so it will eew like a new one? If you want Bupplies for any kind of a machine, shuttles, needles, belts, oil cans, sup plies of any description? If so, write or 'phone C. W. Harrington, Rockwell, N. 0. Or call Frick & Lyerly 's store at Rockwell , as I will open a machine shop and office there. Xf you want to live and let live, see rae. Yours to please, C. W. HARPINGTON. Notice. State of ) In the Superior North Carolina, Court, Rowan County.) Before the Clerk. JohnJ. Stewart ' vs Nellie Howard, Ida Howard. P. D. Howard, and wife Minnie How- Notice. ard. Rose Parrot and husband E. L. Parrott , and The Salisbury Real ty & Insurance Co. The defendants above named will take notice that &n action entitled as above has beencommenced before the Clerk of the Surorior Court of Rowan county to partition the land in which each-of the defendants have an inter est actual orrcon tin sent : and the said defendants will further take notice that they are required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the ' Superior Court of Rowan county on the 6th day of May, 1914, at the new court house in said county in Salisbury, JN. u., ana answer or demur to the complaint in said action , or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint. J. si. McUubDins, Clerk Superior Court. This Slat day of March, 1915. Will Pay Highest oah ptioe for Hop Plants delivered at 220 Sonth Jackson St., Salisbury, N. C. OVER 65 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs CnovRir.UTS Ac anlcklr ascertain onr opinion free whether an invention Is probably patentable. Communlca. tlonsttrictlyconndenttal. HANDBOOK on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for secunngpatents. Patents taken through Munn 4- Co. receive tpecial notice, without charge, in the Scientific American. A handsomely illustrated weekly. Larjrest dr. culation of any scienti0c journal. Terms, $3 a year; four months, $1. Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN & eo.38,Bro"d"- New York wruneri Offlnn. (OR F Rt. Wwhtnrton XL C , CHICHESTER S PILLS l,r. TUB DIAMOND BRAND. A Lmdiea! Ask your Drucgrtst for , m-ciMW-wr'S vtamoaMl IS rand 1M1U In Red and. ttold metallicN boxes, sealed witk Bhie Ribbon. i otnery uoy or your w Dracrlst. Ask fcr Cli l-OIfES-TEK S IUAMVND It RAND PILLS, for S5 years known is Best, Safest, Always Reliabla I EMU AiflansDrnk" JIQhmansDrini- $veribocltfsT)ttnk Z1 " t igorously good and keenly delicious. Thirst -quenching and refreshing. V The national beverage and yours. Demand the genuine by full name Nicknames encourage substitution. THE COCA-COLA COMPANY Tienever i see an T.v think - i Gcla, Atlanta, Ga. GO TO G. W. WRICHtf Furniture LET US MAKE YOUR Special Train to Jacksonville, Monday May 4 19 4 via Souinero Railway. On account of the Confederate Veterans Re union at Jacksonville May 6th 11th, Southern Railway will operate BpeciaJ Train from Charlotte Monday. May 4th, leav ing Charlotte at 10:80 p. m, ar riving Jacksonville following morning. Special train will con sist of both day coaches and Stan dard Pullman and Tourist sleep ing can. . Following low roond trip fares will applv from stations named: Charlotte $8.75, Salisbury $9 50, Statesville $9.60. Gastonia $3 75, High Point $10 80, Concord $9.15 Hickory $9.65. Shelby $y,OU, Rook Rill $8.20, Winston-Salem, $10 40. Fares from all oher points on lame basis. Tickets on sale May 8rd to 7tb.' final limit May 15th wwn priviiBUB u. .u -u.wu l . 1 "1 C tSFJ ( imiB unui. jnne n uy P"- nia 7.65. Statesville $9.60. Hick ing ticket and payment of 50 Qrv SO 00. H,rh vU 7Wr cents. Very low round trip fares trom JacKsonvu e win o. so.a oil nm nU in Wlnrina. A 1 ft ha m a A f t Ml 111 Mississippi, Georgia and Havana on May 6th to 10 with final limit June 2ud. . May is a most attractive month in which to visit Florida, a rare opportunity to see the wonderful Land of Flowers, orange grcves, pine-apple and coconut- farms. Fishing at its best in May. Passengers from all points can use regular trains into Charlotte, ooDnecting with the special train from Charlotte, Monday, May 4 Special cars will be arranged from any point upon application. Pal I man reservations should be made in advance. For further and detailed information apply to any agnfc Southern Railway, or R. H. DeButtj, D. P. A., Charlotte, N. C. Shrioer's Special lo ijianla Via Southern Railway. Tbe Southern Railway has been selected as official route to Atlanta by Oasis Temple to Shrine meet 9J 3 00 88 :: Undertaker HOME A REAL HOME. ing, Mav 10-18th. Special train will leave Charlotte at 11 :00 p. m,, May lQth, arriving Atlanta following morning, and returning win leave Asianra as a:uu a, m., F. T., Thursday, May 14th, arriv Charlotte same morning. This special train will be com. posed of the latest design Pullman compartment drawing room, steel, electric lighted sleeping cars, din ing car and baggage car. The entire train will be parked as Shrine Park during the Atlanta meeting and every facility will be arranged for the comfort and con veuience ot those ocoupying the cars while there. The following low rouud-trip fares will apply from stations named: Charlotte $8 25, Concord $8.90. I Salisbury $9.60, Winston-8alem ------ -j.. j -f V t Wi $10.75, Greensboro $11.10. Gasto- ( Rcck aiil $7 7Qe I l f : 1 1 AIT rrn. ' , Fares f rom u fa , . r""" " same basis. DateB of sale May 7th to 12fch inc'usiv, with final return limit May 20th, with priv ilege of extension of final limit until June 20th by depositing ticket and payment of $1 00. Passengers from other Aoints may use regular trains into Char lotte, connecting with the speoial train. ' In addition to the Oasis Special there will be extra pullman cars operated on a number of regular trains to Atlanta to take care of special car parties and general travel. Arrangements for special oars should be made in advance. All applications reservations on Oasis Special starting at Char lotte should be made t: Thomas Griffith, recorder, Charlotte, ft. C, direct. Applications for re sjrvations in all other oars and all arrangements for special parties, cars, etc., should be made through any Southern Railway agent, or. R. H. DkButts. Div, Pass. Agt., Charlotte, N. Ct I. .-f'i - ---l5jM'- - -8 ' ' 1

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