tllfe CAAOLirlA YATCHMAH. Salisbury, April 29th 1914. Iltkt Your Ciadidati Till - Stands. . Where He "Every time heretofore that weroad8f and thatif aobunty cannot bare sent a candidate to the Leg islature from our county," said a publio spirited citizen to the writ er yesterday) "we have been buying a pig in a poke. We didn't know where he stood about anything . In fact, a oandidate seemed to think it his chief purpose to keep the people from knowing where he stood instead of to let them know." . "But we are going to change all that this year," he went on. "I don't know who's going, to be oar Senator, but one thing sard, ie has got to tell the people where he stands. He has got to give ue bis platform." It is "to be hoped that voterB in a thousand counties in the Sooth are feeling the same way. Oar farmers need to give less atten tion to electing candidates aud more attention to selecting them. Have a county platform if possi ble, but if you can't get that, at any rate make every candidate for the Legislature give his views on all snob issues as we suggested last week, and then vote for him aooording to whether his platform is good or poor. The only real test is as to how a oandidate stands on these mea sures for the upbuilding of the county and the State. We hva eaid that we want to see more farm ers in the Legislature, but we had rather have a constructive, progressive lawyer any time than a standpat, unprogrsssive farmer. We have known some farmer leg islators who had become ultra conservative and "set in their ways" and did more harm to the farmers' interests than anybody else in the Legislature. The Pro gressive Farmer. Civil Service Examination tor Stenographer uljjiwnur, Fun Service. The UBited States Civil Service ouBiuiiniou announces &tx opan competitive examination at Ashe ville, Charlotte, Greensboro, Sal- isoury, on May 10, to provide a register of eligibles from which to make certification for filling va cancies as they may ocsur in posi tions requiring qualifications of Bcenograpny. typewriting, or stenography and tyye writing in federal classified civil services in tne vionity or. tne places 01 ex amination. Women will not be admitted to this examination nor to other stenographer and typewriter ex aminations for the field service in the fourth oivil service district until February, 1915, Applica tions should be made at once to Secretary, Fourth Oivil Service District, Washington, D. 0. Spring Laxative and Blood Cleanser. F'uih out the accumulated waste and poisons of the winter months; cleanse your stomaoh, Jiver and kidneys of all impuri ties. Take Dr. King's New Life Pills; nothing better for purify ng the blood. Mild, non-griping laxative. Cures constipation; make3 you feel fine. Take "n"o other. 25o, at your Druggist. Buoklen's Arnioa Salve for All Hurts. Gold Hill Roller Mill Burns. Salisbury, April 22. At Gold Hill, Rowan County, today the r )ller mill of J. A. Prather was destroyed by fire, entailing a loss of $6,500. The origin of the fire is unknown. A large amount of niiohinery, grain audflour was !30 destroyed. $106" Reward $100 The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that soince has been able to cure in a 1 its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure now known to tt medical fraternity. Catarrh b iug a constitutional disease, re q urea a constitutional treatment. h ill's Catarrh Cure is taken in t rually, acting directly upon the bi ;od aud mucous surfaces of the sv item, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and asiisting nature in doing its work. Tue proprietors have so mush far bin its curative powers that tliny offar One Hi)iHrd Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address: F. J. Cheney & Co,, Tolrdo, Ohio. Sold by all druggist, 75c . Take Hall's Family Pills cc alligation fnr II , Don't Yon usr mm When will our people appreciv ate the value cf the iplit log drag? When will they quit thinking that they oan have passable highways only by spending thousands and thousands of dollara for surfaced afford these, its people must pull along through mud and ruts till Gabriel blows his horn? When will each county arrange to pay some farmer for dragging the load nearest him alter eaon wet spell? And when will you, Mr. Reader, when will you talk over this mat ter with your oounty commission ers and your road authorities? We have printed stories enough showing the value of the drag, but here's another from the. Monroe Euqairer that we pass along: 'People coming over the Wades boro road last Saturday mmiLg found a rouzh piece of road from Rook Best to Lee's Mill, the wheel ruts deep and many of them, and travel slow and difficult Return ing late that afternoon they fcuud that same stretch of road fiuer than any $3,000 a-mile maoadam road, a smooth surface.and a road which was a delight to drive on . What made the change? Why, J. J. Morgan had used a King road drag for a short while, that was all. Just one man and a team and that drag had done the work and the bill for the taxpayers to foot will be less than $2. The road drag, the man who invented it should hare babies named after him, and may his feet press the golden streets when he leaves this old world. The road drag, let it be used more. It is the cheapest way to make a 'good road, when used at the right time, j Use the drag. When used promptly just after the March rains end, it will level down the ruts and ridges and insure smoother traveling the whole year through. But to be really effective it should be used after every wet Bpell;" The Pro gressive Farmer. Found a Cure for Rheumatism 'I suffered with rheumatism fot two. jrears and could not get my right hand to my mouth for that length of time," writes Lee L. Chapman, Mapleton, Iowa. "I suffered terrible pain so I could not sleep or lie still at night. Five years ago I began using Chamber lain's Liniment and in two months I was well and have not suffered with rheumatism since." For Sale by All Dealers. Mr. Hudson Wifbdraws. Certain busineis affairs having arisen since I entered the cam paign for Judge of Rowan County Court, which will requ're praoti ally all of my time, it will be im possible for me. if nominated, to devote the time to the Court that the duties of the Court demand. Therefore I feel that I cannot af ford to make the sacrifice by re maining in the race. ' I deBire to .thank the many friends who have supported me so loyally in my campaign. T. F. Hudson. Check Your April Couth. Thawing frost and April rains obill you to the very marrow, you catch cold Head and lungs stuff edYou are feverish Cough con tinually and feel miserable You need Dr. King's New Discovery. It soothes inflamed and irritated throat and lungs, stops cough, your head clears up, fever leaves, and you feel fine. Mr. J. T. Davis, jf Stickney Corner, Me., "Was cured of a dreadful cough after doctor's treatment and all other remedies failed. Relief or money back. Pleasant Chil dren like it. Get a bottle to-day. 50a. and $1.00, at your Draggiit. Buoklen's' Arnica Salve for All Sores. Comin g The Including a Day Grand Musical Festival BOHUMIR KRYL AND Hl'S t BAN D -TH E BEN GREET PLAYERS Grand Opera Humor 5 i A Musical Program Every DtV! The season tickets purchased by the local committee, altljfow V mm - - - - - ' --rAT- , S THE MEXICAN SITUATION. T be Mast important Itents of tne Week- as Told by Telegrapnic Dispatches. - . Washington, April 26 Span ish Ambassador Riano announced late tonight that he had received private advices from Mexico City stating that Gensral Huerta had accepted the offer of Argentina, Brasil and Chile to use their good offices to bring about an amicable settlement of, the difficulty be tween the United states and Mexioo. This information though unof ficial was aooepted as anthentio by the Ambassador, who expectp to be prepared -to plaoe General Huerta's formal acceptance be fore the representatives of the three Sonth . American countries tomorrow. - The interests of the Hoerta Government in the United Statee were taken over by the Spanish Embassy whea Charge Algararleft Washington. Ambassador Riano reoeived the good offices from the three peace envoys last night. It was cabled immediately to Mexioo City. When the formal acceptance from Mexio3 City is in hand the South Amerlcon diplomats will be ready to proceed with their plan, no intimation of the nature of which as yet has been given. It generally has been understood here, however, that the peace en voys expect to deal direotly with ithe situation created by the Tarn- pioo incident and other offenses against the honor and dignity of the United States. Administration cffioials appeared to be much gratified at the proB peot at having proposals of the great South Amerioan Republic listened to by General Huerta. Washington, April 26. United States Consul General Phillip C. Hanua, at Monterey, reported to Secretary Bryan tonight that he had been humiliated and placed in jail by Mexican Federal officials on April 22 and left behind the bars until released two days later by the Constitutionalists . when they captured the city. The con sul's message is as follows: Consul Hanna's telegram fol lows: Monterey, Mexioo, April 26, 1914. Secretary of State, Waihington, D. C, April 24, 1 p. m. Ou the twenty-first of April a Federal military officer, Captain Alyerez Del Castillo, evidently instructed by the Federal military command er to, tear down all American flags, arrived at this Consulate with a street mob which he had gathered about 4 o'cloak in the afternoon and pounded in the door and de manded that the American flag over this Consulate be immediate ly lowered or he would shoot it down. The other Federals pro ceeded to tear down all American flagi, standing on them, makiug speeches thronehoub the oity of t Monterey, burning some of them ai d tearing them up and leaving them piled np .in the middle of the sireeti. 'It is the most insniting aot I or any of the people of Monterey ever have'witnessed. They then placed a police guard in front of this Consulate and all the inmates in this building were considered prisioners. "The next morning about 10 o'clock a police lieutenant arrived with a force of men and advised me that he had been instructed to search the building.- The insult ing search was completed about noon, when your Consul General was taken prisoner through the streets with the moh and oarri d Light Opera Instruction ' $2.50. Attendance by sibfle admission "on first it'ift penitentiary and after wardvj ne. state uovejiiment placlci building has been for ioai$ 6;&o, military quarters and fortftl'd wa the object of P3:Jtf t$4ok by the attacking lorces, 'i 'i VTSnstituticnalist officer, Mai iifiuerras with a company of m55fckrt into the lockfd dcor earlfSnioTning, furnishing me with, 8-dded horse and acocm pautf) tae o the suburbs of the city 1 u'& mJ General Antonio "Villwa'wbc"will be Governor of ipny with General Vil lareagtV some of the "foreigi Ccnsjiaji&9presentative8 in Mont aiev5fsraceeded' to the Statp oala jire speeches were mad' v . t .... to iha sjjpfe who assembled 11 greaC'rtiC?oe9!in front of the State 'Hcujj$ing assurances of fu p,oteii o all foreigners end uoL-lncuCit'anvs aud the fnltett degree". .f freedom and protection to at V'ttf disposed, law-abiding people j ''Sfcrvy : after our arrival at the StTfc Hoc 89, General Pablo Gonji .vis larrived, accompanied bv his lwa' large force of the Corititjialist troop9. He wa eutnercaiiy received as wat also ta;f-Villarpal and other - .J T i ufBcifB.J ? ; G 4f f Tei as, April 27 Th tut t-lC fQace sounded in tb medir t jgotiations proposed l n.!,!1 J '1 iw k : ' t.. publics t?solve the Mexican trou ble f ? not'eoho here tc day in the u?r'fd preparations to em. bark .aavuftiittoual fizhtiuu force to VV'a Xtm AlKdulopg the quartermas ter's i 4pmnt rushed ths worfc 01 rftity& toe ireigner oan mar oos lip Army transport and tonigfi t steamship was loaded with (lup-yiea and ready to ssi toraoc?j' ?with a troop of the Sixth Otfalry and several tat- teriestt9 Ftourth Field Artill ery . ,z Ver4?Dfi, April 27. With al cerem;iaIihei firing of a salute and dcSfe-parade, the AmerioaD flag s&sgais'ed today divisiieadquarters over th of Rear Admitafrsnk F. Fletcher Over t)e li8tomB house the flag has ben tgnug Hinoe the landing of beorican f oroes, but until now trjiadbeen no ceremony indicaQhe' formal occupation of VejGjIjJ.r, The4sp0"rts with Brigadier General tuoston's command aboarsM off the port late to day, but-Wroihas been no indica tion tllabij military forces will be 8en'0ere at this time. " If the AxtrM lands, the blue jacketr urwon duty here will go aboardh ships, but the ma- rines wSM'bu left for land service 6n, April 27. The tensenDtithe: Mexican Bitnation was c(jfcn5Hy relieved today when tti rcreseutativas of Ar- Pflt,ntk. .r AtiA fihiU - unn o -v T portedy pasare ircm all Liatin A meriofetfciif'rom foremost pow ers of Q&Mpi, Concentrated their efforta ?-rd a paoifio adjust ment of iebrisis. The &i?)fJi of the first steps to ward mditaflQQ, the prompt ac ceptance United States and the ancriement of Spanish Ambaasjgkpiat Huerta bad ac cepted tie&tidbr of good offioee prcduoe'd? jftfeeling of distinct hfcpe wB4 was" reflected not only in Adm;it?atfon quarters, but in' CongiriSheie v'war talk" gave wayifo j spirit of concilia tion. k"k. To 1 , .. rij t ie$t Blood Poisoning TI apply at os---thi. wonderful old reliable DR. POKTER'SgriS-JPTlC HEALING OIL. A sur gical dressECjhfey iweves pain and heals at the same U&c-: Ifet animent. 25c. 50c. flJXX. Rgapath 51 ft Bell Ringing Magic iSfepiration it ,t see program"f6ii Complete list of attragtiOnsi iROcUstATlOl ISsUEll IT VttR CAU2 . Rear Admiral Fiifcnsr Pjsts i Sotic? to All Citizens OfC'ti. -Vera CruzrApril 23. The first proclamation issued in this city by Americans since the war between the United States and Mexico ended in 1848, was posted today and read with Tiuterest by the Mexican inhabitants. The proclamation was is-! 1?ned by Rear Admiral Fletch er addressed to the "People pf Vera Cruz" and. read: !'To the people of Vera Crnz: United States that are under my command have occupied temporarily the city ot Vera Cruz to supervise the publ'C administration on account bf the disturbed conditions which at present prevail in Mexico. "All employes of the muni cipality of this port are invit ed to continue in the dis charge of their offices as they have done up to the present. , "The military authorities .will not intervene in civil and administrative affairs so long as good order and peace in the town are not impaired. "All peaceful citizens may confidently continue in their usual occupations certain that they will be protected. Tha commander signing gives assurances that there will be no interf -irence with the civil authorities, except in cases of absolute necessity and guided always by the observance of the law and order. 'The taxes due and the use of them will continue being made in the same form as up to the present time and in conformity with law. "Rear Admiral F. F. Fletcher." The proclama tion was printed in Spanish and posted throughout the town. ! SOUTH ROCKWELL The small grain are begin ing to come out and look fairly well. ' 0. W. Harington is getting his part of clock and watch repairing tb do since he open ed up in the little town of Rockwell. The writer bought a pair of pigs from John Rinehardt which need some crutches. If any one is up On making pig crutches we would like to hear from him. C. W. Harrington, son and daughter, visited Mr. Haring ton's father, Dr. I. W. Harr ington, who has been serious ly sick and seems to suffer a great deal with having had two strokes of paralysis quite recently. Nies Carrie Bost has re signed her position with the Rockwell company and le turned home to help her father with the farm work.; Amicable seems to think Uncle Bill deserves praise for his last week's items. Clipper thinks Uncle Bill is up on his job all right. The Loafer's Union is still in a boom, Jim Houlshouser says he hopes there wont be any more initiations than he already has. The loafers department hafe a tricky cat which .they have a lot of fun with. It has no claws nor any whole foot there fore re have to feed it and we hope the members will all give something for it. We would like to see John Brown or Carson Fisher, put out for county commissioner There is no doubt that we would elect them if they come euti Clipper. Chautauqua 7 Literary Lectures You Can't Afford to Miss for sale, may be had while they last each entertainment would filnLS HOltlO Bf SUVE atCHEltS Girls ffsk fielr listo. Escip; from Root's Slai Pans Santa Barbara, April 10, Exhausted from their hide and seek among the moun tains, Lena Oache and her 16 year old co.npanion, Helen Powers, who escaped from St. Catherine's conv-mt Mon day afternoon, were taken today by . Deputy Sheriff Brank Shepeard near Sh'ep- ard's inn at the mouth of Casitas pass. Jbour nights and three days the girls eluded the most skiN ed bfll iers and rangers "and only lack of food aud fit'gue were responsidle for their capture. They explained that the first night they waudered all night long, hi ling in the day- . time, and that several times i the officers were within a few . feet of them but the dense 1 brush concealed their hidine nlaee At one point the officers for half an hour held a couu cil of war within earshot of i the girls, who took advantage of the information tuus gai,n - ed. lheir clothes were torn in rags and their shoes wbm through when taken. Untaxed and with an ab solutely defiant attitude to wards all efforts of the estate to pass inspection bills which will enavde the officials of the state to examine the inside workings of their inst'tutions the Roman Catholic couveuts and slave pen? of this nation offer the" r.ext problem for SMOTHERING SPELLS Sour Stomach, Heart Burn In October, 1910, we received a letter from Mrs. Hall, from which we make the following: ex tracts: "About twelve years ago my health began to fail. I couldn't eat anything without suffering for it I had ripnrt rnrn smii stomach, palpi- i51 tation of the Box36S.-Clty heart, smother ing spells, pains in my sides and back. In fact, I suffered all jover, and a cough almost like; consump tion. Doctors failed to relieve me; in fact, they didn't seem to know what ailed me. I continued to grow worse until I was able to sit up only a part of the time. I had almost lost all hopes of ever being any better. "But one day some one threw some books in at my door. I read them and found them to be Peruna books. "They described my feeling so truly I sent at once and got a bottle and began taking it. You pronounced my ailment systemic catarrh, and gaVe me some advice. "When I had taken two and one half bottles I began to eat without suffering. I continued to improve.' "When I had taken eight I was like a new person. That was nine years ago. "I think Peruna the greatest fam ily remedy there Is, for so many ail ments are due to catarrhal trouble. I would advise any one afflicted with catarrh to take Peruna and I am sure It will leave." In the Revised Tils of Life" we have many similar testimonials which should interest sick people. . every where. Sent free by the Peruna Co, Columbus, Ohio. People who object to liquid medi cines can now obtain Poruna Tablets. i...... Will Pay Highest Cash Price For HOP PLANTS, Delivered at 220 S. Jackson St., Salisbury, N. C. IHUHUIIUUBUI Oratory Monologues Playground Worker at $2.00. All season tickets thereafter will Ha exceed $8.00. II NOT SIT IIP 1 v.- Now Does Her Own Work. Lydia EL Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound Helped Her; Irontbn, Ohio." I am enjoying bet ter health now than I have for twelve years. When I be gan to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound I. eouH not sit np. I b. .;. fomale troubles anJ was very ner vous. I used the remedies a year and I can do my work and for the Jast eight months 1 have worked for other women, too. I cannot praise Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound enough for I know I never would have been as well if I had not taken it and I recom mend it to suffering women." Daughter Helped Also. ' "I eave it to my daughter when she 1 was tbirteen years old. She was in school and was a nervous wreck, and could not sleep nights. Now she looks so healthy that even the doctor speaks of it. You can publish this letter if you like." Mrs. Rena Bowman, 161 S. 10th Street, Irohton, Ohio. Why will women continue to suffer day in and day out and drag out a sickly, half-hearted existence missing three fourths of the joy of living, when they can find health in Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound ? If yon have the slightest doubt that Lydia E. Pinkham's "V egeta ble Compound will help you, write to Lydia E.Pinkh am Medicine Co. (confidential) Lynn, Massif or ad vice. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman and held in strict confidence. the solution of the American people. The torture and suffering iDflicted upon innocent girl hood in these hell holes of iniquity must be something terrible when they are wilN ing to take their lives into their own hands and brave the torments of hungeraud Jthe inclemencies of the weather for days id "and effort to make their escape. You can hardly pick up- a daily newspaper in which you are not regale with heart touching stories of girls who have either lost their lives in an effort to escape from these ecclesiastical jails or who seem always willing to neg lect the legitimate .duties of their office in order to con stitue themselves slave catch ers for the pope of Kome. Some day the Protestant people of this nation may abandon the mad scramble for the almighty dollar long enough to take some action looking to the preservation of .virtue and womanhopd of the nation, but it seem that it must be after the flower of our womanhood has been sacrificed to popish lust and greed and the fairest maidens of the land fed to the beast of lust that has the mauhood of the American nation at its feet cringing in the dust. Would to God that we had even a hundred real men on" American soil today? The Menace. air This Event WOMAN COULD Big Days !3SS3SSSSSSh99T. . - : - ....... t - .-ft ;

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