sir r' AS - itifiiBaM THE GAROUM YATCHMAM. MoROliKP SHOULD E RAISED W fAlQS Giraffe suseLy eouto Bifi ' - ' SJ . ' 1 ....... ' - -V .. ist ? . ". ' , .. . I. 3 Stewart, EDITOR AND OWNER ' Published Every Wednesday, 120 West Innes Street. subscription price: Watchman....! yr $ .75 Record. .......1 yr.....S .75 Both Papers.. 1 yr.....$100 Advertising rates reasonable. Entered M second-class matter Jan. lth. W06, at the post offlee at Salis bury, N. Om under the aet of Congress of Marsh 8rd, 1879. Salisbury, April 29th 1914. Two years ago yon could hardly read a paper without running up with an appeal to pass a oalf law The members of the legislature, mistaking the newspaper argu ments for the to ice of the people prooeeded to pass suoh a law. Now, sinoe it is learned the calf law was not wanted and these who were interested in passing it have been criticized, these same newspapers have not offered the least defense of their mislead statesmen. We now have a some-, what similar situation in regard to the extension of the oity limits, and two of the candidates, before the primaries and convention, have deolared their, not the peo pies', nor the party's intention, to force, (that is what it means, force) the extension. Would it not be better to have these gentle m?n instructed as to the wants of the people and include some our don't wants. of A WI8E BOY turn i- atnr I thought I gave you la nkfcel to tay in the parlor last night with Sis and her beau. You (were only in there half an hour. ' WBttt 81a bean gave me a dime to No Financier. TaV shouted an officer to hla Irish Servant, "here's a shilling to get me some cheese, and a ahllllng for some biscuits." Pat started on his errand, and, after long delay, returned, fumbling with the coins in his hand apparently in great distress. "Well, Pat, what's wrong r said the (officer. "Shore, sir, Oive got the shmings tsilxed, and dont know which is for tcheese and which is for biscuits ? Tit-Bits. Sufficient Unto the Day. I tell you, sir, each new day con fronts us with a problem that has to Ibe solved. Take your case, for hi' stance you have two daughters Just growing into womanhood. I call this ja problem that you must face at once, Klon't youf T understand you thoroughly. !Kight now the -problem with my wife i ad me is to keep Maud and Ella 'from buying matinee tickets to the problem pJaym."-rSt Louis Republic Getting at the Facts. "The train struck the man, did it not?" asked the lawyer of the engi user at the trial. It did, sir," said the engineer. "Was the man on the track, sir?" ithundered the lawyer. "On the track ? asked the engi neer. "Of course he was. No engi neer worthy of his Job would run his train into the woods after a man. i Ladies' Home Journal. In the Anteroom. Creditor May I go in and see the (baron?. FtBtler Oh, yes; certainly 1 Creditor Bay, my friend, how Is it thr.t you admit me so easily today, "when at other times you usually send me away with one excuse or another? Butler Well, today the baron scold- ted me. I am angry at him. Boraazem SJanko (Budapest). Thought It Was a Waterbury. An officer of a riser which sails from New York vouches for the fol lowing story: "On a recent trip I was on deck talking with a passenger when eight bells sounded. There goes eight bells,' I i aid. excusing myself, t must take my watch below. M 'Gracious !' she exclaimed. Taney having a watch that strikes so loud. ". New York Tribune. Paid Back. "Has Owens' ever paid back that $10 ryou loaned him a year age?" "Oh, yes; he borrowed twenty-fire more from me last week and only took fifteen." Not Particular. ; Guard on Elevated Train What eta jtloo do you want, friend? Returning Reveler What' ata'shuns dot t Judge. ROCKWELL, ROUTE 2. Messrs, Peeler and Lyerly of Granite Quarry, have purchased several large derriok poles io this vicinity which will be hauled t Granite Qaarry in the near future. There was an exhibition at th Sloop school house- on Saturday uight, April 18ib Quite a num ber of our people attended and al report a splendid time, John Bast has aooepted a posi tion as blacksmith at Peeler Bros quarry. The farmers have been very busy this .week. ' Rev. R. R Sowers has purohas ed a valuable tract of timber laud near Organ Church. M. A Holshouser has a fine field of clover. James Nance is building ah ad dition to his barn. D. A. Wiley will try an experi ment on aa acre of corn this sum mer. Milas Jcsey is building a shed! to his granary. Thire was quite a heavy win1 storm at Rockwell April 20sh. J. D. A. Fuher, of Faith, v'sit ed at Jackso.i Boat's April 26th. Mrs. Annie Sifford has been sick the past few days MrB. J. F. Park has been quite sick with mumps dun g the pat several days. i W. H. Earnhardt has b en haviug quite a tussle wita mumps during the past week. Victor Clark of Salisbury, vijit ed relatives near Organ Church April 20th. The public road leading from Salisbury to Mt. Pleasant is in a very I ad condition at a number of places below Faith and is al moat impassible. It is hoped by the tax payers of this part of th ouutrythat something ozn be done t thic road as soon as possi ble. We hope that a word to the wise will be suffiaent and we will not need to say auy thing mere in regard to this road. The confederate veterans of Organ Church camp will hold their iuuual reunion and decoration lay at Organ Chorea ascension day, May 21. Diuuei will I r 3?ived in the grove and good speakers will be present All the iid soldiers, and toe publ o are cordially invited to attend and bring filled baskets M.eses May and Carrie Raoey of Faith, visited their sister, Mrs J:hu Ketcer, April 26h. Samuel Deal has been quite on well the past week. Mr. Ilolshorser of fi ckwell, has been quite unwell the past few days. N M. Brown left Monday, April 20th, for tbe Southern part of South Carolina where be will re sume wcrk io selling fruit trees Uncle Bij l ROCK Farmers have been very busy for a week, and will be busy for several weeks more Mrs. E; D. A. Sifford is in a very bad condition with rheTima tism. Dr Holshouser has been to see her several times. W. H Earnhardt is still unable to get out. Mumps are keeping him in Dr Fisher treated him several times. J D L.Brown and H. A. A Kluttz were in Salisbury Satur day afternoon. J., .fnuiips nnds his new horse does not work well. R. I. W. Kluttz was in China Grove Saturday forenoon. uiay Miinn nas neen giving1 chicken hawks trouble ; he has killed three or four this spring;. Mrs. J. F Parks has not been doing- so well for a week or more: mumps are rough John Shuping recently bought a nice calf of Allen Houlshouser; ina day or two the calf got out of Mr. Shuping's barn and got into the woods, and he has not been able to find it. jt has been out several days". S.- A Holmes is turning a cold shoulder to the flies by put ting in screen doors and. windows. The farmer's Union had a meet ing: Saturday night. Saw FAITH April 28 Rev. and Mrs Jor dan and family have gone to visit Mrs Jordan's parents and will be gone for a few weeks . Venus spent Sunday night with Danier Eagle's. They have five children: Clifford,' Callie. Lee Mamie and Allie They own a large farm have live stock and fine rifiht in the heart of the granite belt. There are large granite boulders all about the barn jand house. They are good livers and have plenty of every thing about themi A young gentleman at George Peeler's April 26th. - A B. McSwain with his mot or Coca Cola turnout, was out on the granite belt And put off a big load of Coca Cola to the mer chants. He is one of the best motor engineers we ever saw He runs at a moderate gate and s very caref ull noU to . run over the geese, chichens and little ones We visited J. W. Frick and Sons factory at Granite Quarry recently. They are as busy as bees putting up grain cradles. Three more Italian block mak ers just arrived in Faith and are stopping at the Brenton board ing house John H. Freeman was out at Faiths with a motor wagon loaded with Pepsi Cola for the merchant. Charles Peeler recntly took his autmobile to -the motor hos pital at Charlotte to have it treated Young lady at Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Lentz in Faith April 20th. Mr and Mrs. Lewis Eller and family ot near St. Luke's church visited their son Earnest, near Granite Quarry, Sunday. Stona Lodge No. 273, 1 ,U, O O F at Granite quarry are mak ing arrangements to have a bar becue on the fourth of July and varrius other entertainments At night they will have an old time fidlers convention and a grand old time is expected Every body will be invited Misses Eva Cauble Pearle Peeler and Lewis Peeler, have just returned from China Grove where they went to attend the closing of the high school there Mr and Mrs Dug Dunham and litt'e daughter of Granite Quarry, visited at Mr, and Mrs John Brenton's at Faitb Sunday Fisher and McCombs ha;e just opened a fine granite quarry for their own use Miss Lillie Hess and Lula Brown have returned from Salis bury where they have been visit ing at Mr. and Mrs G B Fink's J T Wyatt shipped three pair millstones today . . There is more work comingont on the granite belt than there has been for several years And everybody is getting crowded This means good times and lots of money in circulation out here' Venus'. ' ROCKWELL. April 2 Th? furmers are very bmy n w prpa ng land and plantng their crops The ram baB put us all a little back with )ur work. Th9 mumps have abntdied out in our community we are glad to note. ' D S Lentz has fiuisbed sawing it Bill Rimer's and is niw at James Bast's- Oar public roads in the lower Judge of Litaker township have gotten into a horrible erudition-. Oar mail carrier says it there su'fc something done he will have o report them impassible. Oj last Sunday ce Mrs. Con ell was driving along tbe Smith farm she ran into a mud hole, eh3 ind two children were pitched a, over the dash of the buggy under the horse's feet. They came out bruised and scared, and too can imsgiue bow they looked Tom tbe mud Bab for the time ;y action of her brother more se rious results might have taken p'ace. V. M Clark of Salisbury, wac down at Orgtn Church last San day in his autcmobih and in going from the cburoh to his fath er's a distance of 1 miles, hip machine stuck in the mud -hres times We hcp somethiug will be dene for our roads soon. Wheat and oati are looking flue. (1. L. Yost and wite visited their daughter at Knnapolis on last Sm day A Subscriber. . The split log drag need ocoas sionally on these roads would work winders. The old Confederate soldiers of Rowan County will hold their annual reunion at the graded school building- on Wednesday morning-, May 13th. The ladies will furnish a splendid dinner as usual, the Baraca band is expect to furnish music and several speakers are expected "to make addresses of interest . Salisbury is always glad to entertain the old soldiers and it is hoped tK"at every one will make it a point to attend. A good time is in store for all. v . Panel andracev for Making a Porta - iiAlso Frequently Used in (Prepared 1 ihe Un5ted states Depart fafiji of Agriculture.) Sheep lbandry should receive more att4ntian from the farmer of this caunferythan it does at the pres- j ent time. ''XJjfluestionably sheep rais ing could "$rtably! be fitted into the general maiffement of thousands of farms -wherehere is none at the pres- ; ent- time. 'JaT many other farms the size of th )ck 'could be Increased and moril' s,$itiotf given to thle branch of farming with resulting profit to theowneraccordmg to the depart ment of agryultureV; It has $ie&$ estimated that sheep will eat $0 Jgr cent, -of all trouble some weedsgThey- are, in, fact, com monly used cleaning up weeds from fields, feiews, roadsides, stubble fields tufdlcin fields The common belief amfcgJarmers is that weeds eaten by. khp are ; so broken up In the digestfe eProcesses that the seeds ,'will not ;5ninatd -after passing through tjkedy as in the case of j other live t:. However, weeds are 1 rarely perto'Ted to) go to seed If enouglju sh&efetftre' turned In the field .while the e4 are young and tender. r In some tiestigatiohs carried on by the 6anaJgb government among a considerably jmber' of sheep to de termine thSE"18 o weeds eaten by them,, it .'WJji'generally agreed that sheep woujfa Snsunie jdl but a. very few extreml-iA4inpalat5ble ones, such as muHein.lSpiich thistle, etc. Upon inquiry as &M2e specific kinds eaten. 'one farmer?ftr$Ied that he could not , give any dHte Information oh the subjeet, as sheep kept his farm so free froc pfids that he could not see what kigejyjiey actually ate. Where shjs&ii have: been kept, but where' for Jsot reason they have been disposiSdisjli a striking difference has usuallvf-iforarred' In the Rnnear- " - ' - - - -r- " ance of. the .f aHH Weeds have sprung up and growniere they had former ly been kepti xheck. There is no better solutioo the weed problem than a . flock; at'sheep. The farmen&Msheep should be a wool and mr sheep, with empha sis upon mutttX2' This "dual purpose sheep, if the" ne be permissible, Is a proved sucofes and it is already represented ?.frrbme of the breeds. ' - -Si ;t - ' S . i -h u n 1 1 U t i i'i 2 ; X 3 St :ji If J - 3P0 L fit J . Combinatioif pk for Feeding Hay and Grain. . j - Either Side. 5f The best typ&;the n0st profitable ditions. . In the majority of cases, how combination ot Vm and mutton. The ever, ice is not available on the farm. i i 5 wiiiu. uuuru mui- cate that shee fuming for wool alone Is unprofitable, Sin investigating 543 flocks of the igbol ection of Ohio they found thajtien tjiere was a net credit to wooa percentage of re ceipts from .wg! wasj 38 and from other sources '&fj If he raising of sheep for woolj&4?e does not pay in thfj region, it ablj would not in any other part ovhe fanning section. In establishing flock it Is better for the farmer start on a small scale, unless heJas previously had experience. Whe one is dealing with small numbers,! Mistake in manage ment or an erropjfjn judgment Is not so great. importaf as where larger numbers are invaded. 'Starting with a small flock requ less capital also. If it is desired to segment the size of the flock, this cgiS be' done -by the natural increase, re best ewe lambs being selected eggf year for the pur pose.. This" shouTQ prove more eco nomical than buyir: all the breeding stock outright. Mfierei tho stock is produced on the fiV only the cost of production can lightly: . be tjhtly'. be charged asaiuBL ii, om wrLefe it is purchased 1 . ,1 .... .-. .:-. - f . .- PfDdvjion-plus a nroflt and very often th&rice of the repu tation of the brer must be paid. By producing the feeding stock him self, the farmer sfijld secure a more uniform lot and, oqVbetter adapted to his own particular Hnditions. Anoth er advantage of sl11 numbers, espe cially where capites limited, is that better animals caipj$e purchased. 1 ne ram has aa?; much influence upon the flock as f3: entire ewe flock tough Medlclrilf or Children - p3f 'M Too much ca retail not be nsed in selecting a corii medicine for children It sboSd be pleasant t j take, contain n;rharmfal eab 8tance and be hpoai effectual. Chamberlain's ugrf Remedy meets these reqaiv'jtrnints and is a favorite with. mothers of young children evtiy where. For Sale by M Dealers, , ' ,1 -:!''( ' ! ' sr.;. 'i-'- . "a if ble Sheep Fence. Wire Fencing la the Construction of Panels. orea to mm, wnich ract gives rise to the old saying, "The ram is half the flock." The selection of the ram is thus seen to be a matter of prime im portance. Improvement in breeding can be brought about in a flock at less expense by the use of a good ram than in any other way. A good 'am is a valuable Investment, and the few .extra dollars In cost over the price of a mediocre one multiply themselves in returns on the lamb crop. The wise selection of a single ram has in many cases made a flock famous. Probably sheep are subject to more Ills than any other class of domestic animals. At any rate, they seem to be more helpless in repelling the at tacks made upon them. This need not discourage the prospective shep herd, since good care and manage ment-will obviate most of these trou l . oxes. .upon ims care, and manage ment depends the "luck" of the shep herd. Flocks are known to exist upon weeds and waste roughages with lit tle or no attention, hut the returns are proportionately meager. A well-trained sheep dog is one o the greatest friends of the industry, while the car dog is one of its worst enemies. The Scotch collie is the sheep dog of America, and a well trained one can not be appreciated unless seen' at work. Their tireless watching, even at night, makes them Invaluable to the sheep herder.: By their barking they warn him of any prowler that may be lurking about the flock. Much of the sheepy flavor of mutton comes rrom tne generation or gases in the stomach after the sheep is killed. For this reason sheep should be dressed as rapidly as possible. A platform six or eight inches high is a convenient thing to work on and aids In keeping the blood away from .va. UiWU O VT CLJf U VUI .the body, insuring a cleaner carcass. After dressing, the carcass should be cooled to , 40 degrees, or as near that as possible. In the summer it will be necessary to have ice for this purpose. Where there is a farm re frigerator the carcass can be placed In it, provided there is a circulation of dry air and no objectionable odors are present. Mutton can be kept for a week or ten days under these con- 8heep Can Feed From Under these conditions the sheep or iamb, as the case may be, should be slaughtered in the evening, the car cass allowed to hang out overnight (where nothing will disturb it), and taken to a cool dry room or cellar in the morning, before the flies are about. If the carcass is split it will cool out more rapidly. Under these conditions it is a good plan for two or more farmers to club together, each taking a part of the carcass, so that were will be no danger of the meat spoiling before it can be used. T A in me winter there is little diffi culty about keeping the meat A eood way to keep mutton at this time is to allow it to freeze up and to cut off enougn for use from time to time with a saw. A single freezing does not injure the quality but alternate freez ing and thawing is harmful and should De avoided. Lamb and mutton should never be used ror food until it is thoroughly luu,eu out- JuimD is as good as it ever wui be as soon as it is thoronh. ly cooled, hut mutton improves with iijbuiuk ior a week nt 4(1 n A.K "V - uc- grees t Mutton nor, a v.. it is hot as palatable nor is it aa mi. tritious as the fresh meat The hams are sometimes spiced ,and are consid ered by many to be a delicacy when prepared In this way.' Select Vlaopoua Rlrria If you are working for eggs be care- iui 10 select the most vigorous birds for winter layers. Market all h rest as broilers. Weaklings are no ac count as egg producers. 5 FOR YOUR DEN Beaut fu Colg9 Pennants Guaranteed Wear-Ever Hosiery For H J ITT otcii ana women Ladies' Special Offer All beet quality felt with felt heading, streamers, letters and mascot executed- in proper colors This splendid- assortment sent pdstpaid for 50 cents and 5 stamps to pay postage.- Send now. Howard Specialty Ooian'y Dayton, Ohio. r !"Flereest Lion In Captivity" Captured by Darky With Piece of Rope Wa Right 8mart Rambunctious. . "Did you'all lose a giraffe?" he In quired. !Tep," returned the owner; "I sure did. Have you found him?" "Yas, sah; I done found him." - "Got him with you?" "No, sah; I reckoned I better inquire first, sah, before I fotched him over." "All right; you fetch him here and m give you a dollar for your trou ble." "Yas, sah; hut I reckon de trouble am wuff mo' dan a dollar. Dat pie gi raffe am right smart rambunctious. He done tried to bite me." "What are you talking about, nig ger?. Giraffes don't bite! They kick. But you bring him along and I'll give you $2.". "All right, boss; I reckon you am mo familiar wid dat si-raff e dan I be; but he sure made signs like he would bite hie." ' ; rne darky departed, and about a half hour later there was a sudden commotion on the front porch of the store, the door was thrust -open and in came the darky, puffing and wild-eyed and pulling on a rope. At. the other end of the rope, squirming .and snarl ing, was an enormous Nubian. lion "the fiercest lion in captivity," accord ing to show bills. "Dar, Mis tab White Man," ex claimed the captor, throwing down the rope and pointing to the lion "dar's your ole gi-raffe; and I tell you Ihe do bite!" Lipplncott's. Amnesia. A case described as "The Twilight State and Subsequent Amnesia After Slight Concussion of the Brain." is re ported in a German medical journal. A woman, thirty-one years old, mur dered her four children by drowning. The deed was committed after she had sustained from her husband some twenty blows on the head. ' The im mediate, effects of the crime and of her future caused not the least dis turbance in her mind. There .was en tire absence of any recollection of the murder, in fact total amnesia. 8eek Radium In Colorado. State autnorities, of Colorado are making a thorough study of minerals having or supposed to have radio activity, and authorities now assert that every curative mineral spring in Europe can be duplicated in that state. It is said there are fifteen springs in Colorado having radio activity. Over two hundred springs have been tested. An effort is now being made to secure the services of the highest authority on such sub jects in Germany. Cleart Complex on Removes Skin Blemishes. .Why go through life embarass ed aDd disfigured with pirrples roptions, blackhead?, red rongb stein, or suffering the tortures of Eczema, itob, tetter, ealtrbenm Just ak. yonr Druggist for Dr 4bson's Eczema Ointment Follow the simple snggtstioDc it d yonr skin worries are oyer Mild, soothing, ff otiy. Excel lent for babies and delicate, tei ler skm. 8top9 chappiug. A;, ways hMps. Relief or monnv back. ROr t vr.r DTzeist. Notice of f ijcu Ion Sa e. State of North Carnlira, Rowan County. Notice of Execution Sale, Klein Mfg. Ccmp'y, v. Brown & Fisher. J By v'rtue of an execution din cted to the undersigned from the .Superior Jourt of Rowan County in the above entitled action. I will, on Vtonday. Jui e 1st, 1914. at 12 M., at the court house door in Salisbury, O.. sell to the highest .bidder for cash t" satisfy said execution all the right, title ancfinto! est of Norman . Brown v and to the following describ ed real estate One house and lot in the West Ward f the town of Salisbui y and. facing on the-extension of Fulton Street and described as follows: Beginning at a slake on the txtension oi Fulton Street and runs theqee in a South Easterly direction with Fulton ctreet 75 feet to a stake; thence in an Easter ly direction 200 feet to a stake, Wm Smithdetil's line ; thence in a Northerly iirection with C. L. Kelly's line and Wm. Smith leai's Lne 75 feet to. a stake, Dr Corriher'a line ; thence in a Westerly direction anil along with said Corriher's line 200 feet to Fulton Street, tne beginning corner. For bajk title, see Book of Deeds No. 82 . page 233 This April 27th, 1914. J H. McKenzik, She-iff of Rowan County SPECIAL HOSIERY OFFER Yale and Harvard, each 9 in. x 24 in Princeton, Cornell, Michigan Each 7 in. x 21 in. For Limited Time Ojly 6.x pair cf cur finest 35s valne ladies' guaranteed hose in blaok ortan eolers with written gnaran tee. for $1,00 and 5 stamps for postage Special Offer For Men. For a limited time ouly, six pairs of oar flues t 85o value Ouar auteed H se with writteu guaran tee and a pair of onr well known Men's I aradise Garters fcr one dollar. aLd 5 stamps for p stage Yon knew these bos' ; tbey sto d the test when all others failed. Tbey. give real foot comfort. The have do seams to rip They nver beoom-i loose and baggy as the shape ii knit in, not pressed in. ihey are Guaranteed for fl eues8. for style, for superiority cf ma terial and workmanship, absolute. ly stainless and to W9ar six mouths. wi'hpvt holes, or a new pair free, Don t delay send in yonr order before offer expires. G:ve oorrect size. Wear -Ever Hosiery Co.. Dayton, Ohio. SI Complete Shaving Ootflt: $1 . 10 Artic es i 10 To advertise our Universal Shavind Qutfit and Universal Pioducts we wifl for a limited time only .end ffiia well' worth43C0 8havfni ' Hit lor ll.OCrX We sell oar produ r -1 1 unsumAt direct and ti er . j .tr'saeTall agents profits win h at uu how are very large. 1 Hollow Grouri I i aajr. 1 5-inch Lather Bru-h 1 Razor Strop. Oanf Bak. 1 Nikel Easel Bak Mirror. 1 53-inch Farber Tnw-ll. 1 H-ir Shaving Sohj . 1 Bca Talcum Powdi i'. 1 Decorated China 'u- 1 Aluminum Barber O. iu'j. I Bi istle Hair Brush, gents need not write. . Each outfit packed in neat box $1 00. Ooin or Money Order, poitege 10c ex tra . Universal Products Co., Dayton, Ohio. r SEXUAL KNOWLEDGE" ILLUSTRATED 320 PAQES Tflls all about sex matters : what- young men and women, young . wives ana nusDanos ana- al' others need to know about the saored laws that srov- ern the sex forces Plain truths of sex life in relation to happiness in mar riage. "Secrets" of manhood and womanhood : sexual abuses. oeial evil, diseases, etc. The latest, most advanced and eom- prehen-ive work that has ever been is- -ued on sexual hygiene. Priceless in structions ror those who are readv for tli true inner teaching. This book tells nurses, teaohers, doc tors, lawyers, preaohers. social wnrk. ers, Sunday School teachers and all others, young and old, what si! need to Know nuouc sex matters. By Wmfield Scott Hall, Ph. D. M. D. (Leipzig), , Newspaper Comments; " 1 'Scientific tl I v c rreot Chicago Tribune. "Accurate md up-to-date " P iladelphia Press. Stnndj.rt Kr.!, of knowledge " Philadelphia Lfdrtar ihe JSew York World says: ' Plain truths for those who need or aught to know them for the prevention of evils. Under plain wrapp er for only $1.00. Coin or Money Order, postage t n cents exira. Miami Publishing' Comp'y Dayton, Ouu . AUTOMOBILE TIRE3 AT FACTORY PRICES. Save From 30 to 60 pep cent. 1 ire t 7.20 7.80 10.80 1190 12.40 13.70 H8a 16.80 17.85 19.75 1985 21.50 24 90 Tiibe Reliner 1.65 $1 35 195 . 1.40 2.80 1.90 2.95 2 00 3.00 2.05 3 35 2.40 3.?0 2 45 3 60 . 2 60 'aftO 2.80 4 85 8 45 4.90 3.60 . 5.10 3 70 5.90 4.20 stock . Non-Skid 28x3 30x3 30x3 3-'x3 31x3i 32x4 33x4 34x4 38x4 35x4 36x44 37x4j 37x5, au otter sizt a in tires 15 per cent additional, red tubes ten per cent, above gray. All new, jlean, fresh, guarantee 1 tires. Brst standard and independent makes. Buy Jir ct fri;m us and save money. 5 per csnt discount if payment in full ac companies each order . O. OxD. on 10 I per cent deposit. Allowing exam nation Tire Factories Sales Co., Dept. A, , Dytou, Ohu, PPJJflLudcn Taug5" Neoklace rllDD KveKn Thaw" Bracelet ' two beautiful pieces of popu lar jewehy are the craze among so ciety women in New Yoik and the lar gest cities They are neat ind elegant Zo'l fl ished articles that will gladen ihe heart of every girl or woman, no matter how younj. or old. Very sty lish and attractive. Our Free Offer. We are advertising Srearmint Chewing Gum and desire to place a big box of this fine, healthful gum into every home. It sweetens the breath whitens the teeth and aids digestion. It is refreshing and pleas ing to all. To -very one seeding us but 50c and 5 stamps to cover shipping cost we will ship a big box of 20 regu l r 5j package of the Spearmint Gum and include the elegant ' Tango" neck lace and ' Evelyn Thaw" bracelet ab- . solutely free. This offer is for a short time-only. .Nt more than 2 or 'ers to one arty. Dealers not allow d to accept this. United Sales Company. Day&ju, Ohio. Box 101 PREMIER if' 10 m Guaranteed 7,500 Miles Service Thase tires bear the greatest known mileage guarantee, yet are sold at a pric even less than tires of ordinary guaraitee. This guarantee covers punctures, blow outs and general w a . Guarantee covers 7,500 miles service against everything except abuse. These tires are intended for mjsi, se vere service. Orders have been received for these "tires for us in Un ted States Government 8ervice. 'As a SPECIAL IN RODUOTORY offer, we will allow the o 1 jwing pr o s for the next ten days. T'RES TUBE 3 Tire , Tube 28x3 $ 9 20 i 2 00 0x3 10 25 2 80 80x3 13 60 2 80 dx3 14 05 3 00 34x3 ,15 25 8 20 31x4 17 00 8 25 32x4 18 00 8 30 83x4 1950 3 40 34x4 20 40 3 60 854 2100 8 80 86x4 . 22 10 , 8 90 35x4 26 00 5 00 83x4 27 00 5 10 37x4J 27 50 5 15 37x5 82 60 5 40 All other siz s. Non-8kids 20 per cent extra. 5 per cent discount If pay merit 1n full accompanies order and if two are so ordered, shtepinff ch arses will be paid by us. C. O D. 00 15 per cent of amount of order. Our output is limited, so we suggest early order ing. We sell direct only, giving pur chaser the advantage of all middle men's profit 9. Strongtread Rubber Co., Dayton. Ohio. rJrf I 1 m y4

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