i arc ii 0IiC7 A Home Newspaper Published in the Interest o." fche People and for Honesty in . Governmental AflaM, VOL. X MO. Q Salisbury, N. O., Wednesday, May I3th, I914. Wm. h, Stewart, Editor VETERANS ENDORSE WiLSQ'S PROGRESS THE DELEGATES ARE EN ROUTE ATTEMPT TO MOB BARHETT. Sf UTHERN PLANS FOR DOUBLE TRAuK POST TOASTiE KINS COMMITTEO SUICIDE MINISTERS WANT TO KNOW THAT ALL-THE YEAR 6ARDEN. Battle-Scarred Men of the South March Vigorously to Martial Music. Jacksoyil'e. F!a. M iy 8 Ea dorsmut of the policy of Presi dent Wilson ia handling the Mex ioau situation was cue of the. last of the actions of the twenty fourth aunuvi U litsd Confederate vetirans eiuioa wiich aouo ni-d here tonight. A general odus of veterans, and visitors began thiB afternoon and continued to night. Aoproval of the policy of the President was ciDtinued . in ta- followiug res Motions adapted by the veterans this afternoon: 'Whereas the present unsettled con iui n in the oomm uwealth of Mex co appears iiko'y to iu olv" s'me aeMi'U on the - pa:t-cf the Uuit-d Siata hi it reslvd "That this cai.vution cf th coafoderate Vetera, s rasogrrz 8 the H iscreticn of sh Presid-):i ol the Uiiited dac a'id heirti ly support such action as he m y take, iu vry y -ai e wy. " Gjinmaiid r B uunt Yoaiitj was nstrare' t.ae c nvtmticn t. f rw.4rJ th9 r at!'"!; t ?re?i .ieut vViUou. Amn.g otbr re .'jlati rs a'!cp' d v.s8 ore ar-prc v ing thn pe-ice ju' i!e t held iu Viaksur, M ss , aspxt year The ras iurions state that the in vitation to F-dara1. veterans t "m-et the Co: fed:rte s ldir on Southern 901I is appr,v?d, pro vided thfl spirit of the occasion be to accord tqiiai hT!:"r for patrio tism to J-ff-irsoij Davis 'eader of the people ot' the rfoath. nd Ab raham Lir.C"!:'), leader of th' peo pie of he N r h Tae pr"a ut partmntal com ma iders G-)J'-ral Taeo ti. GimettT of N irfnlv. o im n do-r c f the Arm ot Nrthru Vrgini-i, Gen eral George P. Harr.am, Opelika A'a., comminiflr Department of TVnuesseH, aiid GfiDrtral K M. Van Zmdfe, Fort Worth, Texas, c m mander D psrtment otrranB-Mis-Eissippi were re-eiected by ac clamation. t Survivors of Korrest's Calvery t iiht gent "President Wilson a copy of the resolutions adopted yesterday cffering the sprvices of 100 men from their ranks for duty iu Mexico in the event of troubls with tLat country. Thoosands of visitor loudly cheered eurvivor8 cf the Confed erate Army who participated in their twenty fourth anliaul pa rade. Wai!enot so picturesqae as former parades, because only a few attempted to march. tbesp-C' taaie formshad a thrilling sigLt to huudres who saw the haroes for the first time. Veteraus, maids and spccsem in uearly 2,0C0 automobiles took part ia the pride. All of the departmental, officers of the three dtyiaions were on horseback, us wall as a detachment of Forrest's Cavalry. Rain fell ju9t before time f( r the parade to bestiu, Participants and spectators were forced, to rush for shelter. The downfall lasted only a short while and bright euushiue pve vailed during the greater part of the day. The weathar was ex-trt-mly warm. Papers with dispatches from Waehirgtcn and Mexico in regard to the situatLn were being sold amoDg tho spectators as the pa ra.de passed through the busmeja section of the c ty H iring the cry cf the newsboys, maLy of th veterans iook it up and waging battle-scarred Confederate flig they shcu?ed "O.j t . Mexico " There wre naimr.ui ambn lance calit during the pr gress t f the pnde bat, all cases wjra re ported by hosp tal autbcrties t be du j to exhaustion. Gen, Bennett H Y'ung or m rriander-in-chiaf led the parade. Fouteen breB3 bands were sc it t red throi gh the line of marsh There were nearly 2,000 giily dec orated autononbilea ' in the pa geant. The comma"sdcr-in-chief was followed by the triu3 Mississippi dpartmut oomp ;sed of vnt-rans fr m Texas. Arkansas, Missoari, Oklahcmi, and Western States, N xf. cft'HH t';ie Army of Virginie, c n-ist" ? of soldiers from Mary la -d Virginia, Wst V.iginia, H 'rlh r; d ut.h Carolina. - Tho arm of TeuDssee was ;n third pl. C9 With veterans from Ala.1 ma,, ICo'ucky, Fkrd'a, (re rgii, M!.s:9?ippi and T-jir-. ess thii department had thf5 1 irg-it iiT:tibr of rapreeaative i f any in th i pi ade. Fjrresi's 0 .valr, mounts:! and ia automobi'.-'s f r;ned the iast di vision. 1 Cure for Stormcti Disorders. D sorderg of the Blom ich many hi avoided by the use of Chamber i .in'e Tablets Many very re nsarkable euros have been eff-.cted b these tablets. For Sal by All Dealers. Hundreds of Americans Are Stranded in Mex cj Cl y. Mexico City, May 9 Luis Elsnro. 'Austin Roderieu-z and LAmelicano Robsa, the d legates appoiuted to attend the m diatory o;uferfuced at Niagara Falls by Preeidpnt Huerta, lft here today for that paro se. They were provided with a special train which will take them to Vera Cruz. More than 600 Americans still remain here Fow haye the means wherewith to pay for tbeir transportation. Sir Lionel Car den, the British minister, advis ed all britiBhers aguu to leave for Vera Cruz. ilnerta's minister of foreign af fairs reo4ved a letter today truua the mediators in which it was stat ed that the trace s ntween the United States and M-xico does not naessairiy mau that armed action between the Huerta forces and the constitutionalisms must case in M xico Washingtju, Miy9 All Amer icaiu have be n ask d by the c.u stituti ualists to leave Tamp ci at once as tie rebels are about to be gin a bombardment cf the cit with a number of heavypeiops of artillery which were placed in position last i.ight, acordin to a dispatch to the navy department fr;ua Admiral May forwarded by Admiral Badgar tonight, Aimiral Mayo reported that a constituicnalisfes force of more than 5 000 mn. is prebairing to make a final assault on the city, which the federals hate been holding against their repeated at ta:ke. Madams Nordica Died ia Batayia Yesterday Batavia, May 10. Madame Lil lian Nordica, the celebrated cpe ratio singer died ner- today, after an ilness, resultiogfrc m exposure caused by shipwr-ck ou Torris Strait, January last. Mme Lillian Nordica was per haps the most distinguished s'ng er ever born this side the Ailautic The year of her birth, accsrding to the best accounts, was 1859 She was a "Way Djwu Easter," a native of Farmington, Me. Eer childhood days after B vhort Bchoohug weie spent in a Boston dry goods store. As Bhe was tidying up the rolls of cilico jest after the shop closed one night she cegan singing t hers? If. A customer who happen ed to be delayed heard her and marvelled. "Vbat a voice child 1 Have you ever bad it trained? No, ma'm." "Will you let me give you les sons? Oh, that would be grand " And s Lillian started on h9r musical career. By the way' her name was orriginal y Lillian Nor ron and she was a granddaughter of ''Camp Meeting John Allen " a famous Ma'ue character in thf old days. Her father wis Edwin Norton a farmer. ReidsvllLe Plant Robart Harris & Bra. is burned Reidsville, May 8 Fire waa discovered in the top of the large tobacco manufac turing plant of Robert Harris & Bro. this morning at 1 o -clock Th-j fire department responded promptly but. own ing to the big start tha names had gaiued before discovered it was impossible to save the building. Soun tob icco and the oifije fixtures were saved. The plant was completely de stroyed inclu Ting about 150. 000 pounds of leaf and Man ufactured tobacco, The to tal loss will probably reach 70.000 only partially covered by iusurance. The firm had lately been reorganized by Richmond and Ueidsville capitalists and was just getting under good headway. Among the pro ducts of the firm is the well known ' Pride of Reidsville, brand of smoking tobacco. The company has made ar rangemehts with J H Burton & Bro, to occupy part of this firm's large factory temporal ly until new building can be erected. ; Keep Bowel Movement Regular- Dr. King's New Life Pills keep stomache, liver and kidneys in healthy condition. Rid the body of poisons and wasr-e. Improve your complexion by noshing the iiverand kidneys. "I got more relief from "nY box of Dr. King's New Life Pills than any ov-dioine I ever, tried," says 0. E. Hatfield, of Ohioago, 111. 25c, at your Druggist. Romanists in Butfalo Sui round Church and Threw B.ick Bats Through Windows. Bpff ilo, April 15 An immense meeting, addressed by the Rev. A. E. Barnet; u Philadelphia, was disturbed ? ni practically broken up by a mob of Roman Catholics last night in Grace M. E church. The mob fcllowed the speaker, aftwf the meeting, crying ' kill him I" to the postc ffice where be eluded hem, escaping to his ho tel and from the city while the mob filled the tre)ts howling like a pack of hungry wolves and de manding his life. - While the hoodlums or the out' side were throwing bricks through the windows, a Knight of Colum bus, named McOrnr.ck, demand ed a paper in the possession of the speaker and abvanoed to the pul pit in a disturbing and threaten ing way. Someone got hold of him and hurtled him out when hundred of his kind in the back of the church rose and rushed to the front. Those on the platform drew tc-Z- ther, and, with the aid of four p. linemen, repelled the attack, the meeting being dismissed short ly after, since the mob outside made it impossible to proceed. The speaker escaped the waiting mob and started away under es cort, but was soon followed to the post ffioe which s-emed to be the only safe place to go. The sher iff camo to the poatoffi-je with several deputies and escorted the spbakor to his hotl where he hur riedly made preparations and left the city to its rioting rabble of Romanists. It would eeem that the city of Buffalo, under the pope's mob rule, is desireons of maintaining the notoriety gained whan Presi dent McKinley was shot down here, Only a few months ago a socialist speaker was mebbed, and the beautiful spirit that animates the Knights of Mob and Murder everywhere iB here predominant. Venus Sees Jacksonville and Took P ctures. Jacksonville, Fla., Saturday, May 9. Venus is now in Jackson ville, Fla . having a fine time. First one automobile and then another tak' us arouud ovar the city. We are meeting peopU from rraLy different states, are getting their addresses and we will have more items about this great national veteranes re-union than we know what to do with. We took our kodak along and took up five rolls and expect to have some flue pictures from this city. Friday night we had a big heavy rain storm, but up to this time tne weather was fine. The crowd was so large that'we only gt to see Sa!isburiau9 occasionally. We mit Mr. and Mrs. T. P. John son and otters. The fiddler Mr. Basiuger of Rowan was hero a:.d the people dropped ten dollars in nickle9 iu his hat for playing Lit different timesk We saw the ot triuh and alligator farms and got a lot of beautiful pictures. There were alligators from a few inches locg up to hundreds oi lbs. and lots of other liv-3 animals. We will be at home some time n xt wfek perhaps, I never bsw bo many people iu all my life. Every bady is mioglin a : d tilking and parading the streets day and night. All re as happy as can be We would not take one thousand dol lars for our trip. Venus. How's Tbif ? We off or One Hundred Dollars Re sard for any caie of Catarrh that canuot be cared by Hall's Catarrh Care. F J. CHENEY & CO , Toledo, O. We, the undersigued, have known F. J. Cheney lor the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligation mad by his firm I NATIONAL BANK OF COM- MERGE, Toledo, O i JIall's Catarrh Cure i9 taken in Eternally, acting directly upou the s blood and muccua surfacis of the ( sy8t m. Testimonials sent freo. i Price lo cents per bottle told by all Dragguts. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Stockholders to Ratify 120,000,003 Bond Issue for Sucti tfoik June 2. One of the most important announcements made by the directing heads of the South ern Railway is that of its pur pose to extend its double track from Charlotte south to Armour, Ga . a distance of 263 miles, just as soon as the necessary bends, which are to be issued within the next 30 days, are sold. A meeting of the stockholders of the Atlan ta & Charlotte Air Line Rail way, one of .tha; constituent properties of the Southern Railway system, has been called for June 2 at which time the proposition will be presented of approving a sup plemental agreement with the Southern and also to ratify a proposed issue of 820 000,000 of bonds at not more than 5 per cent interest the proceeds thereof 1 3 be mainly used as required in- the double-tracking of its main line from Charlotte to Armour, Ga. This double-tracking is sim ply an extension of the dour-ble-trackiug that has been in progress for the past several years between Washington and Charlotte, all of this main line being double track ed except a few short sr.reches in Virginia and also a gap of a few miles length between Coucori and Harrisburg, where Rocky River crosses the line. Just as soon as the line can be double tracked to Armour, this will give the entire main line the proper equipment for any traffic de mauds 5n the future between Washington and Atlanta. The factis well known that this main line is the heaviest traffic road in the South and when it is double tracked it will provide the greatest con venience imaginable. Lightning Burns Church af Cleveland Row an County Salisbury, May 8. During a severe electiic storm which swept over this section of the State early this mirning lighting set fire to the Baptist Church at Cleveland, Rowan County. The blaze was dis covered about daylight and created quite a spectacular fire in the quiet little town. There being no fire company and no public water supply the citizens were powerless to save the building which burn ed rapidly. It was a frame structure and the loss amounts to about 82,000. No other buildings were damaged. Crimson Clover in Corn A correspondent who does not sign his name nor say where he lives, and hence is not entitled to a reply, wants to know if crimso'u clover can be grown successfully by sow ing among corn at last work ing. Now there are some parts of this country where it is thus grown with success, but iu most of the South that will be early, and you had better sow peas in the corn and cut and shock the corn at matur ity, ani then disk down Hhe peas and so-". the clover in September. If any one wants an intelligent reply he should sign his natim "to his letter and tell where he lives, for it is evident to all that I use no one's name in the paper. VV F Massey, in ihe Pro gressive Farmer. Coughed for Three years " I am a iovor of y:ur godsend to humuaitv and .sieoce. Youi medicine, Dr. King's Now Discov firy, cured my cough of threi vhp standing, ' says Tenui F lemming,' of New Dver, Ohio Havi you.au suaoying cough? Ii it stubborn and won t yield treatment? Get a fiOj. bottle to of Dr. Kings New Discovery to-day What- it did for Jennie Flemminj it will do for you, no mafer ho? stuoo ru ;r ohrauic a'cough may be. it stops throat and luu trouble. Relief or money back 50a. and $1 00, at your Druggist nuoKien s Arnica salve Pimplei. for Wife and Ended His Life Santa Barbara, Cal. , May9. S. W Post, multi million aire cereal food manufacturer of Battle Creok, Mich., com mitted suicide in a bed room at his residence here today by shooting himself through the head with a rifle. Post was sixty years old. His wealth ises timated at more than $100 000,000. For many years he had suffered from neuras henia, but only yesterday ne was pronounced by nis doctors to be in good condi tion. It is thought he was temporarily deranged when he fired the fatal shot. Post secured a 40.72 rifle from a closet during the tem porary absence oi Mrs. irost and the nurse and lying on his bed he placed the rifle di rectly over his right eye. It is thought he palled the trig ger with his toe. The bullet tore eff the top of his head, plunged straight throughtthe bed and through the wall of the adjoiuing room. Post had returned to Santa Barbara three weeks ago to day from a race with death which he had made to Roch ester, Minn. There he had undergoue a critical intestine operation by the famous Mayo brothers, tie had - rushed here in a special train accom panied by a staff physician. Applying Lime to Growing Crops A reader wishes to know if he 4 may apply ground lime stone to growing clover, new- y sowed oats and clover and rape and oats, the land on which the rape and oats are growing to be sowed to alfalfa this fall " The place for lime or lime stone is in the soil, hot on it; but since these crops are on the land thev will riotr be in jured by the grouncl lime stone and will probably be benefited, or at least some of them will by scattering it over the surface. This limestone should have been applied last fall before sowing any of these crops. As soon as the rape and oats are grazed off, the limestone should be well worked into the top soil a month or two before sowing the alfalfa. The Progressive Farmer. Political Advertising. It is a . great inoonvenienoe to walk a long nay to get ycur money and then have to go baok a time or so to get it. Why not elect a man county treasuer who wi I keep the office in the court house. - Why not have the county treas urer's office ' in the court house where it will be more convenient for the people? - Then vote for G. H, Shaver. What good has Geo. H. Shaver doaa to get the county treasurer' effije temporally at the court hc.use. He has oome out for treasurer? Then we ought to vot for Shaver. Vote for Shaver for treasurer he wants the good people of Row an to have less trouble to get their money. He wants the office in the court house. How long has the county treas urer's office been at the court h us-j? since G. H. Shaver has come out. Then we ought to vote for Shaver. Vote f : r G. H. Shaver for coun ty treasurer and you will not have to walk half a mile to get your money. float Prompt and Effectual Cure for Bad Colds. When you hav9 a bad cold you want a remedy that will not only give relief, but effeot a prompt and permanent cure, a remedy that contains nothing injurious. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy meets all these requirements. It acts on nature's plan, relieves the luegs, aids expectoration, opens the secretions and restores the system to a healthy condition. This remedy has a world wide sale Secured Weapon During Absence of and use, and can always be de pended upou. For Sale by All Dealen. Count! Candidates Arr Asked to Speak Out oo Law Enforcement. The Ministers Association of Salisbury-Spencer appointed a committee to draw resolutions in whioh they would put the candi dates for office in the oounty on record as to their attitude towards law enforcement in the county. This committee approving a set of resolutions as would have can didatis to express themselves on this important matter, the resolu tions reading. ' Resolved, by the Salisbury. Spencer Ministers" Association that we call upon all candidates iu the connty to commit them selves as to their position for the enforcement of all laws and the enactment of such others as may be needful for the preservation and maiutenanae of public morals and iivio righteousness, including the -mforemeut of laws prohibiting t,he sale of intoxicating liqaors. We respectfu ly request that 'rH candidates, answer to th-; b v- bn published in the Caro i Wtcbm:i over the Bigua ir . f ? h i individual candidate." ' Th -ilv.ve re-oiations were en ! Ti:d and giveo The Watchman vith "q .est tht-t they be pub lished. iiiilfjtd Creanmy Doing B'g Business From Start. Greensboro, May 7. The Guil- tord County creamery, recently established under the auspices of the Guilford County Farmers' Union, is doing a splendid busi ness and it is believed that the promises of promoters in the out set will be more than realized. J, A Hornaday, formerly conducted a creamery at Liberty, iB in charge of the enterprise. Loyd Combs oi Illinois, an expert maker and test er, is assisting- in the work. Farmers within a radius of 20 and 80 miles of Greensboro are now sending their milk to the oreameij., ra fauroad company has made a special rate on cream shipments in order to assist the farmers and encourage the new metnod . a nve gallon can may be shipped from any of the near oy points to tne city tor tne sum of 12 ceats. John J. Phoenix, who has just returned from the gathering of Knights Templar at Newborn, re ports an additional $500 subscrip tion toward olearing tha Masonio and Eastern Siar Home of indebt edness, which brings the total to $5,000, or one-half of the neoes sary amount. Mr. Phoenix be lieves now that the success of his campaign to raise the $10,003 needed before the end of the year is assured. Superintendent R. L. Davis of the Anti-Saloon League hes ar ranged for an anti-Saloon day to be observed in Greensboro May 17 At this time special addresses will be made in all city pulpits by well known speakers. Appointments havs already been make for the larger churches. The purpose of the meetings is to outline the work that is ahead of the State and National organizations and to enlist the sympathy of local peo ple in the work. Annual 20th of May Celebration Charlotte, N. C, May l7thto 2ist,l9l4. Special train Norwood and in termediate to Charlotte and re turn, on the morning of May 20th. via Southern Railway, Premier Carrier of the South. Schedule and fares for round trip: leave Norwood 6:10, $1 55; leave Albe marle 6:40, $1.55; leave New Lon don 7.05, $1 55; leave R chfield 7:14 $1 55; leave Gold Hill 7:32, $1 65; leave Rockwell 7:45, $1.55; leave Granite Qaatry 8:00, $1.55; leave Salisbury 8:25, $1.55; ldav; Concord 9:05, $.85; arrive Char lotte 9 :50. Returning special train - will leave Charlotte at 9:35 p. m. May 20th. Round trip tickets fr m all points will be sold May 17h to 2l9t, l914, inolusive, with final return limit May 21st. For ticket!, information etc., call on ticket agents, Southern Railway. J. V. Barringer, ticket agent, NorwoodvN. C. L. 8. Whitwoith, ticket agent, Albemarle, N. C. K. H, DsButfr, D. P, A., Ohar-lotteN.O. Some Valuable Hints to Those Interested Id Raising Vegetables for tha Home, Are you going to have a garden this year and all the time till this time next year, or are you going to plant a truck patch for early crops and then run to weeds and breed cat worms and nut-grass in the fall? Every now and then some one writes that he has a garden fall of nut-prasB and wants to know how to destroy it. The only way I know is to keep the soil so busy growing good things that nut grass nor any other weed has any chance, The way to get rid of weeds of any sort is simply not to allow them to grow and seed. The man, then, who plants a garden in the spring and does not follow up the early orops atonce with succession crops, but leaves his garden in the late summer and fall with a rank growth of weeds, dead tomato vines and dry oorn stalks, will have weeds in abun dance, nut-grass included, and will have his early plants next spring eaten down by cat- worms, for the eggs that produoe these are laid-in the grasB and weeds and hatched out in spring as the oropa are planted. Five years ago when I bought the land on which my garden is, it had been lying out and growing weeds for years, and the first spring I attempted to make a gar den, I had s regular battle with out-worms and the nut-grass. But that summer the garden : was kept absolutely clean, and the next spring there were few cut-worms and nut-grasa was oaore scanty. Again the nut-grasa was chopped off daily and the whole garden kept constantly at work growing something useful, and sines then I have hardly found a cutwtr, nd nut-giasa is the scarcest weed in the garden. On the east side of the garden, around which I have a oaiokeu netting wire fence to keep out the neighbors chickens, there is a stretch of vacant lots held by a realty company for sale, and all down the outside of that fence I have to cultivate a large strip to keep the rank weeds from blowing their seeds on my garden, and running their roots under the fence and taking the munaure I give the garden, for before I did this I found that there was a strip three or four feet wide outside, where the weeds grew as high as my fence and were evidently feed ing on my manure with their rob ber roots . This year I propose to plant something lw and useful on that outside strip, a row or two of blackeye peas for instance if the chickens will let me, for on the other side of the fenoe I want to set tomato plants or something else that I can train on the fenoe and I do not want the rank weeds to shut out the sunshine from the east. The owners of the land do not oare how much of it I culti vate, and it would be well if all these vacant lots were cultivated by someone instead of letting them breed weeds for the neigh borhood W. F. Massey, in The Progressive Farmer. Picnic and Entertainment. There will be a picnio and en tertainment at Yost school house Ascension day, Thursday May 21st. The picnic will be in the afternoon and, beginning at six j'clock, there will be a box supper given by the Yost dramatic club, the proceeds ot which will go to help bear the expenses of the en tertainment. Begimingat eight j'olcck three plays will be given by the club the titles of whioh are: "The Heart of a Hero,' "Too Much of a Good Thing," and "A Night iu Tappan." No admission will be charged so come and bring your friends . - Health a Factor In Success. The largest faotor contributing to a man's success is undoubtedly health. It has been observed that a man is seldom sick when hift bowels are regular he is never well when they are constipated. For constipation yoa will find nothing better than Chamberlain's Tablets. They not only move the bowels but improve the ap patiteand strengthen the diges tion. Far Sale by 111 DnUrt. I iJi V - V -. .r