LOCAL NEWS of interest to ALL OF OUR READERS. W. W. Taylor, oue of Salisbury's coming merchants," has a niw ad vertisement iu this ptper. Mr.! Taylor is on-.- of the moat courte ooi and accommodating merchants in the city. He always hat a wel come for the farmer and invites him to make bis store headquar ters while in the city. The Bank of Spurcer, one of the strong aud successful institutions of oar sisters c ty, has a report of its conditi'u in this paper. The Redpath Lycam 'coarse is to be palled off iu the old coart h nse at an early date. It will be conducted under the auspices of the community Y M. C. A work and the proceeds will be used to eularge the Salisbury play ground work. The season tickets will be sold at $2 00. The Coucotd Presbytery whioh just completed a successful sta tion at KanLapjlia deoided to meet at Cleveland next yea?. The regular annual meeting of the convocation of Charlotte will convene in St. Paul's Episoi pal Church on Chestnut Hi t, Salis bury, October 18sh, 145b, 15th There will be representatives pr 3s ent from mch parish iu the con v cation, also members of thn Woman's Aux-.lury. Contracts for the drainage oi Kerr and Sills creeks will be mad at an early date. Two cottages aud a small stor building beloi gin? to Et wau an : Charlie Howard, situated on tb extreme h ist ei d cf Bank Stret, wra destroyed by firs SMteoabe' 14 h. Char'ie H- ward Ciirrin $550 iusuraLcy on his, but tilers was noteou the others. Tb crigin of the fire has net beon Jeari.ed W. A. Bailey, of Advauce. Davie County, whose death wa noted several weeks ag left a: estate valued at over $200 000 The estate is divided between tw. brothers and a sister. Mr. Biiley was at one time the biggest dis tiller iu Dvie c"uuty, but le j uued the Methcdist church and among his beqaests is an item of $60 per year to the church. Jay Goodman, of Chiua Grove, who is in the navy, writes that bis ship, the Nebraska, will leav Boston October 10th to join the Atlantic fleet The Jewish new year, 5G75, began Monday. The day was ob served by about all the Hebrews iu the country. This day ushers iu a tsu day holiday which will coih with the day of atni.emeut. or Yom Kippnr. Cordon Lodge No. 1G8 I O 0. F., has moved their meeting place from the rcom over the Sin ger sewing macuine tffije ou South Main, to the Eigle s hall overtax Wachovia Bmk. Th9 following are reported to be arranging to erect dwellings at the places named: Rev. W. B Duttrea will build on the corner or MoDroe aud.Eili?, H. Gr. Tyson will build cn Monroe near E. lis, ard Frank Raakin will erect two on West Ccuucil and one ou corner of Le and Henderson. Secretary James of the Peoples' Fair, is arranging a three days' trip in the near by townB aud comities to advertise the fa r He is endeavoring to get the auto mobile owuf ra ot the oemms ni'y to join this trip and assist .in the wcrk. The diys selected gre Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, 02fcnb6r 5, 6 and 7. A regal ai schedale has been arranged for the ttree days. Th Pisdannt Automobile aud Truck Co., is the name of a new Salisbury firm iast chartered by the Secretary of State It has an authorised capital of $25,000 but can begin bnsiuess wheu $900 has been paid in. Dr. C. E. Smith, the dentist, who hag bieij located on Forth Main Street for a uumber of year? has located on the fifth floor of the Grubb building. The Gem City Laundry is hav ing a deep well bored at their place near the city hall. Dr. J. II. Ro2zell, who has been quite ill, having spefct severs! days in the Presbyterian hospital in Charlotte, is able to bs ab:ut again, his many friend3 will be glad to learn. In the motorcycle race last week from Salisbury to Mooresville, 8tatesvile aud Salisbury, the round trip was made in one hour and thirty-eight minuses by E. Michael who rode a Harley-David-son. The secoud best was L. S. Indiau. one hoar ai d forty-one minutes; third by A E Brown, who made the trip on a Harley-Davidson, in oue hour and fifty-one minatec. The distance covered was a little "er seventy-two miles. Unkiiown thieves, probably nr ifetisiot al afe crackers euterea ihB nnut effije at Kannopolis, twftiitv miles south of Salisbury, Thnrartv niaht. blew open the ouf an 1 carried off its contents Uis said frty odd dollars in cash a l and savra! hundred dollars worth t km i9 core taken. As uauai Bnch cases the thieves made 10 theit escape. E. A. 1 innerk. one nf Raliabnrv'a letter earner?, was called to Cm ciuuati last Thursday to attend, the funeral of hs mcthr-in-law. j Mr.s Lipperit having gone there , i J - - 8.me days before. Ihe State Jewelers Association i ho va afiA aA t j- atxrk tfia mvif.D. t . I year . With the State Sunday School Association and the Kuight ot fytnias this mean? three con ventions will be held in Salisbury during 1915 The manager of Swift & Com pany's branch packing house here is reported to have purchased six bales of cotton at ten cents, and,: it is stated this firm has instruct , td that a late be bought by each cf its numerous branches. Last Thursday night deputy sheriff Nash aud James H, Krider, arrested a N?gro by the name ot Will McBride, wanW at Lumber ton for the murder of his wife several years ago. He iB said to have cat his wife up, packed her iu a trunk aud made bis escape. He has been working ai Spenoer and of late at Isenhour's brick yard. Policemeu Braswell of Lumbertou, aud a woman cam here Friday aud identified Mo Bride. The officers took him back to Lumbertou fcr trial. &. B, Saleeby was elected one of the vice presidents of the State Sunday Sch o Association. Frank J. Linuey, State chair man cf the Republican exeoutive committee, passed through balls bury Friday afternoon en route to, Tayiorsville t attend the Re publican congressional conveo tion of the eight district. Mr Liuney expected to be nominated to oppose Mr. Dodghton in this district and was not diSBapointed M r. iv.uuev is a son of the late B oi tnuiug Z J inney and a brother Mrs J. O. Doisett, of Spencer. T. "F. Kiuttz, Jr., who has been wit h the Cnarlotte Observer, first as reporter aud later as associate editor, for seme ten or twelve years, has resigned and will take up newspaper work iu Washiug 6 y. , D. 0. Mr. Kiuttz is well quipped for his chosen profes siou and is cf considerable weight wnsrd he takes ud the pen. His inauy friends here wish 'him con tmued success. Sparks' circus has been til about Salisbury during the week aud is playing to deservedly large audiences. It haa been given ou that the circus will winter here as usual, which is good news to the show's mauy friends here. H-race E. Blackwelder of Mor gau Township was before the county owurt Saturday, charged with aud convicted of s auder. He was nued $50,Nappealed to the superior court and was plaoed an der a $200 bond bail to await the next term Balk-Harry Co., one bury's most successful firms, has a chauge of of Salis- busiuess advertise- meut iu this vveek s Watchman This is a good plao to trade. L)w nrices. courteous treatment aud freeh goods are extended to ail. They are now ready for the fall busiueas and invite your pa tronage. Judge Adams who was presiding over the Rowan Superior Court last week, made a awop with Judge Lane, of Reidsville, who is pre sidii g ever the court here this week Judge Adams is presiding at Carthage, Moore County. A neat transfer wagon built by the Rock Hill, Buggy Company, Rock Hill. S. C. has inst been received by the Lazareth Orphans, Home, the orphahagu of the Ro formed Church located at Cressnt, this county. A wagon like this will be of considerable aid to this splendid institution. Bessie Moore, the unfortunate white woman convicted ot con- dnctinc a disorderly house in the Superior Court last week and sen tsncfid to one vear in iaii. it said, attempted to commit suicide bv takine poison Monday night, She is said to have been in a serious condition Monday night and vesterdav. but it is not thousbt her attempt at aelf de Rtrnction will prove of more than temnnrftrv illness . ,r n - u i, j enterprising cotton nuyer, nas purchased a bale of cotton at ten omts has it on exhibition in front of his office on South Mam Street. Go thou and do likewise. The Southern Hotel, reoently closed by order of court has been re-opened by D. h Arey, pro- nrietor of the plase, with B. H. fs nhour in charge as manager. We understand the name of the place is to be changed and that Mr. Arey hopes to sell, lease or make some arrangements whereby the property will be renumerative. Of course decent neople will not be caught patronizing the place and the officers should see that the other kind don't. In the county court yesterday Joe Lee, Jim Williams. John Hflaley and Will Hoi sin, Negroes, causht gambling oy omoers in a house on West Liberty Street, were fined $10 each or 80 days on the roads; Irone Crump, : beinc drunk, was taxed $5 00 and joosts.orSO davs on the roads; John Moore, white of the Cresoent i 1 ' 41 T neighborhood, was given 80 days on the roads tor larenoy, ana, heating j more. his board bill, 80 days "" " mmi Miia Mnfff llama l r-wt n a.ir i la4 Thursday night at her home at Brevard. The remains were brought to Salisbury Saturday night and the funeral and burial took plaoe Sunday . The services were held at the residence of Mrs. W. C. Blaokmer, Mrs. Boyden's sister, conducted by Key. F. J. Mallet of the Episcopal Church. Mrs. Boydec had been ill for a long time and it had been known for months that her care was hope less. She was the youngest child of the late Major and Mrs. B Hayne Davis of Statesville. She was born and reared at the old Davis homestead near Statesville and lived there until after her marriagd to John L. Boyden of Salisbury, who died a few years ago. She is survived by two young sous, a sister and two brothers: Mrs. W. C. Blackmer of Salisbury, Col. Riahmond Pear son Davis of the United States army and Hayne Davis of New York. Fred Henry, the one-year-old ion of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rary of Park Avenue, East Salisbury, died Friday night from theeftecta of diphtheria. The funeral was conducted from the house Satur day afternoon by Rev. G. W. V'ck, aud the interment was in Chestnut Hill Cemetery. G. L. Goodnight, the 28-year- old son of Mrs. M. S. Goodnight of the Mill Bridge neighborhood, was drowned at Christiana. Florida, last Wednesday while out in a oanoe. Mr. Goodnight a re mains were brought to Salisbury Thursday night, were taken to the undertaking establishment of G. W Wright and prepared for bun- al. Friday morning the body was taken to Mill Bridge and the funeral was held daring the after- uoon from Thyatira Presbyterian Church being conducted by the pastor, Rev. James Grier. Mr. Goodnight had been in Florida for about a year, was working in the phosphate mines there and was well known htre. Besides his mother he leaves two brothers E. B. and C. N. Goodnight. Mrs. H. J. Beeker, aged 70, the widow of the late S. A. Beeter, a noted Baptist preacher of Davie County, died at the home of her son, W. A. Beeker, at Jerusalem. She leaves two sons, Rev. S. J. Beeker of Ktnnspolis, and W. A beeker or Jerusalem, and one daughter. Mrs. J. Frank Hoffman f Granite Qaarry, this county. William Patterson, proprietor o the Tuxedo Pool Parlor on South Maiu Street, was called to Brad ford. Pa., last week to be at the bedside cf his father, who died there Tuesday night, September 15h. Mr. Patterson has many friends here who sympathise witn him in his bereavement. Mrs. Stewart, the wife of R. G. Stewart, died at her home on East Counoil Street, Monday morning, after a long illness with consumption. lhe taueral was held yesterday afternoon from ber 1 ite. residence, fastor U. A li Thomas officiating and the mtfer- m9Dt waB in Chestnut Hill Oeme terv. Mrs. Stewart leaves a hus band and several small children to mourn their loss Special Sermons on Money Matters Pastor C. A. Gr. Thomas cf the First BaptiBt. Church, has arrang ed a series of very interesting ser mons od the Bubjeot of "Money Matters." which he will deliver on Sunday nights, having begun last Sunday night Pastor Thorn- is I as is a pleasing and forceful speak er on any ouniect and oan be ex pected to make the subjects given below as entertaining as any, ootn frcm a worldly and biblioal view point. Me has eight subjects and invites the publio to come cut and he? r them discussed, to wit: Hard Times, illustrated with DiacKooara. litis i Economy the Bulwark Against Hard Times. Contentment the Sheet Anohor of the Life. Honesty the Beit Business Buil der. The Use cf Money a Test of Character. Great Temptations Hide Be tween Buying and Selling. Debts, How to Mak and How to Pay Thpm. The Best Prayer for Hard Times. Rheumatism Pains Stopped. The first application of Sloan's Liniment goes right to the painful part it penetrates without rub bing it stops the Rheumatio Pains around the joints and gives relief and comfort. Don't suffer! Get a bottle today ! It is a fami ly medicine for all pains, hurts, braises, cots, sore throat, neural 1 gia and chest pains. Prevents in for.feotion. Mr. Ohas. H. Went ; worth, California, writes: Wit did wonders for my Rheumatism, pain is gone as soon as I apply it . I recommend it to my friends tor r.e uese iiniment i ever usea." Guarenteed. ! gist. 25o. at your Drng Farmers Hell Meetisg Saturday' i Resolutnons in Reference to ihe Cetton Situ ation. Wirt Meet Again Sitardiy. At the call of a number of farmers interested in the cotton situation of the county, a meeting was held here last Saturday. M. W. Menius acted as chairuian ai d explained the cause of the meet ing and R. W. Freeman was made secretary. A letter was read from Dr. H, Q. Alexander, president of the State Farmers' Union, and considerable discussion waB had relative to ways and means of rendering the assistance needed, if any, after which the following resolutions were pat Bed. Resolved: That it is the sense of the farmers of Rowan County in meeting assembled that they market their cotton crop slowly ; when feasible to store in ware house either rented or oodstruot for suoh storage. Resolved fuither that we, the farmers of Rowan, heartily ap prove and endorse the movement throughout North Carolina and the Soath to curtail the South's ootton crop from 25 to 50 per cent and not only so, bat fcwe pledge ourselves to reduce our acreage to this entent for the next year, provided the other ootton states will curtail their acreage. Resolved still fuitner that we are in sympathy with the purpose of the meeting of the Governor of the nine cotton states North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas and Arkansas to be held in Washington oity Mon day to consider the scheme of issu ing $250 000.000 in state bonds to fiuanoe the South 8 ootton crop. Resolved farther: That we urge that no ootton farmer sell his ootton for lesi than ten cents a pound, that he concentrate his best effort to hold his cotton for even a higher price, and farther more we request that all creditors be as lenient as possible with their debtors who are depending upon cotton for settlement. A cotton committee was tnen appointed to investigate the oot ton situation in Rowan to nna oat whether warehouse accommo dation can be seoured in Salisbury for Rowan's cotton, what price can be seoared on properly ware- housed cotton ana to aeiermiue an questions relative to handling this year's orop. The following compose the committee: R. W. Freeman, C. JN. Urown, B. u, tiailey . This committee will re port at another meeting next Sa'.- arday. September xoih wnen every cotton growing farmer in Rowan interested in the matter is urged to be present. Murder at Gold Hill Monday. Will Riohardsou aud Sherman Peniuger, negro employees at the mines of the Gold Hill Conioli dated Campauy, at Gold Hill, had a misunderfctaudiog about a board bill which Richardson claims he was compelled to pay twice Vengeuce therefore lurked in Rioh ardson's bosom aud he decided to get Peniuger, so, armed with a revolver, he goes to the boiler room where Feuinger waa at work whereupou Peniuger threw a shovel of coal in his face aud attempted to escape but without success Richardson followed and made fcur shots, one takiug effect iu the leg and another, after Peniu ger Lad fauen, in the bead, pro ducing death immediately. Rich ardson then made his escape, but Sheriff McKDZie and hu depnties were notified and blocked every 7enue of eacape, bo that night the fugitive was caught at Rock well, probably awaiting a tram to get cut of the State. Peniuger is said to have been a Negro ot good character ana was blameless in the matter. Diarrhoea Quickly Cured. "I was taken with diarrhoea and Mr. Yorks, the merchant here, persuaded me to try a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. After taking one dose of it I was cured. It al so cured others that I gave it to," writes M. E. Gebhart. Oriole, Pa. That is not at all unusual. Au ordinary attacx ot diarrhoea can almost invariably be cured by one or two doses of this remedy. For Sale by All Dealers. me weaaingcon-rieming mule case has been heard in the Su penor wan turn who una tne seoonu nwu ibuii(i mio mistrial. The oounty Camp of the P. S. of A. will meet with the China Grove Camp to morrow night and a large number of delegates expeoted to be present. are EeT Lyertj to Preach. There will be preaching at Mt. H)pe Reformed Church in South ern Rwan, September 27"i, Sun day evening at 7 o'clock, by Rev. W. C Lyerly of Mt. Pleasant, pastor of Bear Creak Charge, This will be his first time to preach iu this chcroh and it it de sired to have a large avdiense come and hear him. M. A- J. R as Only One "BROMO QUININE" To eet (he eenuhie, coll for full name, I&XA. TIvgtROMO QOININB. Iokforigiiatnteof B.W.GKOVB. Cureta Cold inOneDay. Stops congli and heftdacblsB4 works ofi cQ..3Sc MARRIAGES The marriage of Miss Lee Coop er, a daughter of Mrs. M. A. Tao kersly, of Salisbury, and Lee King, an engineer of Spencsr, took place at the parsonage of the First Bap tist Church in Salisbury Sunday afternoon, Pastor 0. A G. Thorns s officiating. J- Ruasell Felts, an ex-typo in Thk Watchman offioe, who is now foreman of of the Mt. Olive Tri bune, at Mt. Olive, and Mies Thel ma Smith, of that place, were mar ri d Monday evenit g. September l4ih. Mr. and Mrs. 'Felts were in Salisbury last week visiting Mr. Felts' parents Thk Watch man extends best wishes to Mr. aud Mrs. Felts. Announcement of the marriage of Miss Ruth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Barnes of Wil kinsburg, P.. and John Steele Henderson, Jr., son of Mr. aud Mrs. John S. Henderson of Salis bury, has been made. The mar riage will take plaoe on the 10th of October and Mr. and Mrs. Hen derson will be at home after Jan uary 1st at Wilkiusbure, Pa., where Mr. Henderson now resides, being a prominent eleotrical engi nee of that oity. The engagement of 01 lie Mea, daughter of Mr. and Mrs J. 0. Ripple of Winston-Salem and Dr. John Wesley Zimmerman, of Sal. isbury, has been announced. The ceiemony will take place some time next month. Dr. Zimmer man has just reoently located in Salisbury for the practice of den tistry. Miss Ollie Trexler and J. J. Rogers, who -lives near Moores ville in Rowan County, were unit ed in marriage at the home of W C Mills, about three miles soutb of Salisbury, Sunday afternoon September 13th. Rev. E. M Avett, paBtor of the Granite Qaar ry M. E. Church, officiated. Aftet the ceremony and a short recep tion Miss Mills served a delightful wedding supper. Toey will make their home in Western Rowan at the home of Mr. Rogers. Miss Mary L. Owen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Owen of the oounty, and S. B. MoMilloc, nf High Point, were married in Salisbury Thursday afternoon by a justice of the peace. Ihey left for High Point where they will make their home. An Unsual Character Gecrge MacKenzie of Edinbsrc, Scotland, will be in this oity in the course of the next few davs. While there are numerous Scotch men in th:a section of the oouutry, many a day's travel would be re quirnd to find one like Mr. Mac Keosie. Altnough born in Scotland. Mr. MacKeuiie spent his boyhood days in India and Egypt where his father served for twenty yeare as ripe-Maior in tne uritisb Army. The gift of coaxing sprigthly Scottish melodies from the bag pipes he inherits from his father and it is said by those who know. that Mr. MaceaKcie is unexcelled by none. Mr. Mackenzie's peoniarity in dress is unique, as he still cling' to his Scottish highland garme. t which is really a regimental uni form and his jaunty militarv car- riage readily recalls dim memories of Stevenson a "Alan A Breck." "D.vid Balfour" and "Treasure Island." At the present time Mr. Mac Kenzie is combining business with pleasure, having recently associat ed himself with the well known firm of McOormick & Company of Baltimore, and is now touring! America in their behalf, we are gisa bo welcome mm bo our oity. Mr. MnKon7!in waa hora Wn and will mobabiv be here nntii Thursday morning when he will leave for Statesville. State of Yirpia Votes Erv by 32,000 Majority Richmond, Va , Sept. 22. The Statewide prohibition forces won a sweeping viotory at the polls in I Virginia today, returns at mid- morhfc ahnwinor tnafc tnev nan won h r maioritv of 82.fl25 This - figure will be increased largely in tor fftTOr of the drys when further re- a turns are received from counties whinh tnnicrhk ata inaro.ftaaihlp O.I With oomplete returns from the cities and 44 of the 103 ooun ties and with scattering returns from other counties, the total vote is 121.763. It is estimated that the final total will reach 150,000. Of this vote drys received 77,453 as against 44,628 for the local op- tiomsts. ine cities wnich were expeoted to roll up a majority the local optionists sprung a sur prise by giving 1,315 for the drys Only four cities. Alexandria, Nor folk, Williamsburg and Riohmond returned majoritses for the weti The total vote oast by the oities to was 40.977 of which the drys 21,146. Piles Cured In 6 to 14 Days Your druKgict 'will refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to enre any case of Itching:, BUaa, Bleeding- or Protruding Piles In 6 to 14 Jot first application gives Base and Rest IN ALL OUR NEIGHBORHOOD -. There Is Hardly A Woman Who Does Not Rery Upon Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg etable Compound. Princeton, 111. "I had inflammation, hard headaches in the back of my neck and a weakness all caused by female trouble, and I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound with such ex cellent results that I am now feeling fine. I recommend the Compoundand praise it to all. I shall be glad to have you publish my letter. There is scarcely a neighbor around me who does not use your medicine. "Mrs. J. F, Johnson, R. No. ifBoxdQ, Prince ton, Illinois. r " Experience of a Nurse. Poland,N. Y.-"In my experience as a nurse 1 certainly think Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound is a great I certainly think Lydia E. Pink- medicine. I wish all women with fe male troubles would take it I took it when passing through the Change of life with great results and I always re commend the Compound to all my pa tients if 1 know of their condition in time. I will gladly do all I can to help others to know of this great medicine. " Mrs. Horace Newman, Poland, Her kimer Co., N. Y. If you are ill do not drag along until an operation is necessary, but at once take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. If you want special advice write Lj (Ha E. Pinkham Medicine Co., 'confidential) Lynn, Mass. J. D. Dorsett, who has oonduct d a general merchandise store at Spencer for a number of years, has moved his stock to Albemarle, vhere the business will continue vith A. J. Marahburn in charge. Mr. Dorsett has a host of friends here who wish birn""much suooesB at Albemarle. His friends will also be glad to know that he re mams a resident of the county, occupying bis home at Spenoer. How To Give Quinine To Children. FEBRILINE is the trade-mark name given to an improved Quinine. It is a Tasteless Syrup, pleas ant to laice ana does -not disturb the stomach. Children take it and never know it is Quinine. Also especially adapted to adults who cannot take ordinary Quinine. Does not nauseate nor -cause nervousness nor ringing m the head. Try it ine next time you need Quinine tor any pur pose. Ask for 2-ounce original package. The name IjiilUWNE is blown in bottle. 25 cents OOOOOOOOOOOO O rTTIla lr?1H1AI'fi SUt?Tl IHT fallS O O DIiamoHOI O Qo1;01mtt v n O ZS THE it. An m TO B XJ"V YOUR -9332 22333 V O We handlfl a full lino r. v -i i S I m 1 tiftn r-T TTnni ami T r-r Mooes W ouu iui ldoo, uoauc, viu v did. xiiiaiio, w O Vetch and other plants. O e k68 farmers aa to q Call for our Poultry supplies before you buy elsewhere Q oooooooooooooo oooooooooooo New Line of FALL AND WINTER GOODS now on hand at W. W. TAYLOR'S. all When in need of Dry Goods, Shoes, Hats, Caps, No lions, Crockery, Groceries, Tinware and about every thing kept in a general store, come to see me. Farmers are invited to make my place headqnar ters while in the city. Come to see me when you come to the Fair. Very truly, for got W. W. 103 S. Main St., day. SQc, Rport of the eondttlon of THE BANK OF SPEIICER. at Spenoer, in the State of1 N. 0., at the close of business September-12th 19H. EESOTJEOES. Loans and discounts ........ S92.8flS 2K Overdrafts secured Vtofi. Furniture and Fixtures.... L100.00 Due from Banks and Bankers $ 26,578 09 Cash items 477.99 silver coin, includ ing all minor coin currency 848.66 National bank notes and other U. 8. notes 5,679.00 33,083.74 Total LIABILITIES. $127,202.10 . $25,000.00 Capital stock paid in surplus iund Undivided profits, less cur rent expenses aud taxes paid Deposits subject to 2,000.00 1,637.46 check ... . $73,750.74 Savings Deposits 28,591.20 Cashier's ' Checks outstanding 1,222.70 98.564.i4 Total $127,202.10 State of N, C. Oounty of Bowan, ss : I, J. K. Dorsett , cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. J. K. Dobsxtt, cashier. t orrect-AttesK V Z' "x' . x1 . hakkib, jji rectors. H.L.Monk. ) Subscribed and sworn to before me. this 16th day of September, 1914. w . a Woodman, notary public. SALISBURY MARKETS. Corrected weekly by D M. Miller & Son Bacon, sides per ft, 16 to 17. shoulders, per lb, 16 to 17. ham, per ft, 20 to 22. round, per ft , 15 to 17. ( it Butter, choice yellow, 20 to 25 Chickens, per lbO to 12, Ducks, 20 to 30. Guineas, 25 to SO. Eggs, per doz, 28. to 30. Corn, per bushel, $1.15 to 1.20 lour, straight, per sac, $3.00 " pat, $3.25 to 8.50 Hay, per. hundred fts, .75, average. Honey, per lb, 18 to 20, Lard, N. C, per lb, 12 to 14. Meal, bolted, per bu. 1.20 Oats, per bu. 60 to 70 Potatoes, Irish, pe? bu, 85 to 90 Wheat per bush. 1.30 to $1,35 Onions, $1.00 to 1.00 Rye, per bushel, $1.15 Turkeys 15c per lb. Geese, 12e per lb. rJachovia Bank and Trust Co. Salisbury. N. C. KBXT TO COURT HOCSK Will pay yon 4 per cent on your deposits and compound the interest quarterly. This is a Big Bank, why net open an account with us? The Bee Brand Piper V Will Demonstrate Bee Brand Spices in Leading Grocery Stores. And such Spiaes such tasty, tangy Spices you never had beforev The care we use in selecting the heed wo pay to the grinding and our forethought in using metallic air-tight tins accounts (or the extra good ness you find in Bee Brand Spices. 1 0c ooooooooooooo IflK Coct Cickap Straat O nf all kinrla of fiflld and i?ar. O r TrT aT u r Uonvta I 1 1 r irana A Iralra I 1 See our testimonials from O its value. Q TAYLOR, Salisbury, N. C. 'Phone 39.