'.t ' i i " r ..-r - t 'J - 1 A Home Newspaper Published in the Interest oftthe People, find for Honesty I- SALISBURY, N. C, WEDNESDAY, FEBBtjj&Y 3RD, 1915; VOL. 'XL ITO. 7. FOUBTH SERIES X7m.'n. STEWABT, ED. AHD JOK - - - y ' -" ; - '2 4 : : ? " ' J Hn'4" " IO l; 0 A ' .: -vi, riO plr f !kAJJc - '" " ? i - . .... " K i 4 , - - . - .f'l . - fi- .. ... . r - , . . - - .?-. -jr. a ite .. ... .... 'VVi"-' jJv- " I Saiga ' jr.: I'M - .( IDk Women. Better Hot Vole ttii ExibIim Aigtinuts For Suf t$l ail OietiruTbsB UrssobH. Keirf ao4 Qbaervar. Tq Ihe Editor: The present LegtfUture will bo taked to tab mit jthe qaeition of woman's iuf ffags ta the voters. I am opposed to woman suffrage and I have do pstiecoe with those who demand thejjrote for women on the gronnds tiat therb is no reason why they shottld not We bflieve that whw a lcng established eastern is abat to be changed, there should be tome good reason for the obaisge. Therefore we feel that the Jrnrdso of proof is with them to ajh0m some good reaion why thsfjshbold vote. : Qjtetof their leading advocates has said that a single fact was worth a ship load of argument. We hare yet to cee a single fso that have presented. Yet they hsvevjQooded the country with ship loads of arguments. F-r years their greatest claim has been that their vote would eud the whiskey trsffio. That was the argument . N.w let us calmly look at the facts. Of the eight dtstes that were prohibition np to . 1913 wo men voted in only one of them. That was the State of Kanias and ISMS&rs-, --th&t was prohibition before wo ttif'men votwi In Virginia" r;.. without. woman s vite went prohi ??bitibD by thirty thousand msjori 0f Inrl Colorado voted on 4-State-wide prohibition and failed tcln:1914 they voted again and it by. a little over eleven honkmnd mafritv. not enonsrh to thara: :In iha Mm a veir two bth er States where women vote, Oali- vofe ior prpninision ana. raiiea la the same year tsix counties in Kentuoky where they have many distilleries and noted for its whis key iaud where women are noted for their ;!?eauty and not for their j votes, went prohibition. Again, they claim that women would purify politics and make la wymote respected . In the State of uolorado where women vote there has existed for several months a state civil war between organized labor and State offioials, and what is woman's answer to this, the same old 'If." 'If wo men were holding offioes instead of men things would be different." They olaim that there are bet. ter laws in . States where women vote. We herewith present some laws recently enacted by Cali fornia where women vote and Ohio where they do not, a comparison will show cue to be just as good and progressive as the ether. California Workmen's compen sation act, Mother's Pension act. Rural Credits Commission to study European system, Minimum Wage act, a Blue cloud act, Red Light abatement act, law provid ing for wages being paid convicts . Ohio, A Blue Sky law, Torrents' system of land tenure, State Bank regulation with regular inspec tion, jury verdiot in civil suits by a three-fourth vote, thirty million dollars for good roads, a State Commission for regulating liquor traffic, a widows' and motheri' pension aot, a pension act for the blind, restriction on number of work hours per day for women, oonviots placed under indetermin ate sentence system. It has been the pratioe of those favoring woman fuffrage to seleot the best from States where women vote and compare them with the worst where men voie. Bui whn ther is au honest oompari- Dn there will be found that there is no aiperence. mat nriug us back to the question. 'Theu why should they." I am not one cf those that think woman is inferior to man, for know she is not, and when I hear men say women haveo.t "eense enough tc vote, then I know that man has a' any sense at all. There are many women of stronger intel lect and scundr judgement thau many m o. vet the general, aver age oi women u neither so strong or well trained in pablio matters as the average man. I do not be lieve that the present franchise it the best for the country ; on the contrary, I think that very many men at pres nt endowed' with vote for ill qualified, either in in teligence or patriotism, to use lit That some women who ha?0 Dol the vote are better qualifisd to est it than many men who have it, ja no argument for giving it to many woman who are even less fit to use t than men: I think the real question is, would , our political fabric be strengthened? would leg islation be more respected? would our public anddomestio life be enriched? I think not. Some one writirg of the "Old Fashion Mothers" has this to sa; : "Old fashion mcthers, God bless them 1 who followed us with heart and prayer, all over -the worl lived iu our lives and sorrow ourgrieis: wno anew more a patching than poetry; spoke uojoo dialect but that of love, never I preached nor wandered; made melody with their hearts and sent forth no books but living volumesf that honored their author and blessed the world." If women have a broader mil- sion now, in Heaven's nana let her fulfill it! If ihe have ought to- sing, like the daughterj0 Judah, let her sit Waters of Babel, and the world shall weep; like Miriam let her triumph-strain fljat gloriously over crashed but giant wrong, and the giant 'wrong and the world shall hear; but let triumph and lament issue, as did Oracles of old; from behind the veil that cannot be rent, the "inner temple" of sacred Home. Within should be enshrined the divinity" of the plaoe. Here, and hers only, would we find woman ; here im- kprieijnr4je, rapvteozh lrer?-J5tJi- the.lighthouse ray,, that flopnt, pure as an 'angel's pulse iojfthe night and darkness of the world, star beneath the cloud; but brightest there, warmest there, always there where Heaven did kindle it, within the preoinot, the very altar plaoe of home. It is related of Madame Lucciola, a re nowned vocalist, that she ruined a splendid voice by her efforts to imitate male singing. Many a sweet voice and gentle influence in the social harmony has been lost to the world in ihe same manner. There is nothing more potent than womac's voice if heard not in the field or the forum, bat at home. The song bird of Eastern Btory, borne, from its native isle, grew dumb and languished, seldom did it sing and only when it saw a dweller from its distant land, or to its arowsy peron mere came a tone nttara long ago in m ownJ ocds. So the song that weman sings best is heard within home's sacred temple. Elsewhere a trum. pet tone, perhaps a clarion cry, but the lute like voice has fled, the "Mtzzosoprano" is lost in the discords of earth. Deep down in the heart of every man ne tun wen Knows tnere would be no peace, happiness nor even common oomtorts vt life without wjman. For her society he would make a sacrifice of every man he knows, of evsry interest in life which the buseness world counts material For her smiles and kisses he would do such bat tle in the very front of war, as neither patriotism nor any other inoentive oould induce him to face. A great emergency arises man shrinks baok from it awed and dismayed. "I dare not, oh I dare not," he cries, and then the eye of some sweet woman looks into his, her soft voice whispers,. uDj this for me" and fear it forgotten and the danger is bravely, trium phantly faced, and the world pays a tribute to man's daring which o'omag'i influence gained. This is the all-powerful influ ence woman has without the note; Will the- vote strengthen it or weaken it? I believe that it will weaken it. James DxMPdEY Bullock, Wilson, N. 0. For Sale. l Fcx Typewriter, wtypewriter desk, 1 Filing cabinet (sectional) 1 small Mosler tafe. Apply to Johx L. Rksdlsmas. pjlperieit P-sXfkt fiflUiati ileddfers in Jgnirai, cTt all detest a busybody and can hsrdly flod words strong hough to expreis our feelings to wardt bnsx who does nqt attend to bit own business. Some people are so dirpossd that they cannot rest easy until they have investi gated their neighbors business, and even uegleoted their own to do to. This is due to envy on the one hand and slander on the other. Envy oaoseaus to desire to possess the good fortune we see falling to others. The meddler is satisfied when he finds out eve-ry little thing about others iff airs and is pleased better if there is no good be found. ' ' g is based on egotism s not only to undue one's ow' abilities but that yon can at- tend business better mselves. than thf Slande y usee in the pterfere where busybodie tthere is no tneir services. Thsr i fency in human nature t t V 1 J, out and makelh-Oermany long live France,' known to "world the faults of others. jftt44h: petty defects down by ihlfof omc.hdlBje;:lifeMi given to the publio and by donttant repetetion SOOD assumes gfgantio . sire, as snow balls rolled over and over by boys sot&B'haf pinees of soma life is destroyed by a malicious busy- body. r Trying to attend to the business of others when we should be about oar own, is the cause of many troubles. Those who blow the ooals'bf others' strife may chance to have theparks fly in their own faces. ffieWthtcfc mote pmwtvei4tisve 11 t. M. XI l L L !; rW 1 than others but generally more for others than ourselves. People often meddle so at to have something to tell, but they are narrow minded and full of tin. They talk about people Ind not things. Mere gossip is degrading, the cultured not only slum it but do not allow themselvps to be tempt ed to indulge in it. It is a dirty business and rages in this com munity like a peat, , The ohurohes are hurt by it, and many made enemies by it. Be on your guard, or you will oontraot this bad habit busybodies mean to do harm and they are not sorry when they ssrooeed. They are oonstant dis turbers of the peace. One never meddles into another's affairs but with the purpose to do him mis chief. Busybodies cause much trouble br provocation. ms ' ine moss dangerous perssn in the world is the go between who, under the mask of friendship acts the part of a double traitor. The less business a man has ofhis own the more he attends to somebody else's. Do not be a curiosity seeker, for in your own mind yon have trouble enough The cariosity of an honorable man restB where love of truth does not urge it on, s,nd love for fellowmau bids it stop Busybodies never hold their curiosity in reasonable limits. Busybodies are seldom moved by the spirit of charity. Thev are not curious to find where they can lenu a neipins nana, if it were, it would be an admirable trait instead of detestibie. Any Ohristain gentleman will strive to be free from meddling, he will leave that to the low and shallow brained and respect himself too much to be classed with them . Have nothing to do with other's affaiis, only to lend a helping hand AwLthen be sure your serv ice wiriMflift and bring them nearer to God. L. L. Smith. Your Cold Is Dangerous Break it Up Now. A Cold is readily catching. A run-down system is susceptible to Germs. You owe it to your self and to others of vuur be use hold to fight the Germs at once. Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-honey is fine for Colds and Coughs. It loosens he Mucous, stops the Cough and tootnes tne Lungs. Its guaran tetd. Only 25o at your Druggist IM far flews War Adiocates In Break op a Peace MetWg. Rome,' Jan. 81;rl:45 p. m. Troops with fixed! bayonets today re established or$et at a meeting called by Sanatory, members of the Chamber ofr Deputies, and other prominent persons to for ward a moymwfcyor of Italy m aintaininf3t Many pertltytlyiii cans, who cpposeJaVutrality, gathV eredat the estrahce to the hall and attaoked the neutralists: The ears of Deputy Braho Belmonte, leader of the neutralists, were boxed and some one spat in his face. He defended himself with his cane. During the disorder cries of "shame, Prince von Buelow has bought you,-ycii supporters of Austria," rote from the anti-neutralists, f J?U Police failed toJiandle the situ- ation and troops restored order. .After. thwiic4nt 4he anii ueutrahs' a AtteJlid-to approaoh toes r AjEoifcwsy. crviiir. l"doSrith liAuitria," "down aud "long lifOle ar." The troops again dispersed the, crowds. : London, Jan. 8l?7-8:55 p m. 5Che toll taken by the German submarine U 21 in its raid late Saturday in the Iib8ea, in the vicinity of Liverpool still stands at three ships, the 'steamers Beu Oruaohen, Linda Blanche, and the Kilooan, theflasi a fnall ves sel. The Kilooap,s ' crew was landed today on thffrlsle of Man by a coastwise steamier. . London, Feb; 1. -11 : 85 p. m. The batteries protecting Dcver opened fire touighJL on what it be- man raid, but whether by Z9ppe lins or eubmarinei, orboth, has net been aicertained .: ;An early report from Diver laid that five Hostile airships .were observed there and a later report announc ed they have been driven off by the gun fire of the forfs. Another Dover message' declared the fire had been directed Jaj&fiMin sub marines. . . - 3 London, Feb. 1.-786 p. m. The Commission fotrrelief in Bel gium has received ijo reply to its offer to purchase 'lhe foodstuffs cargo of the American steamship Wilhelmina, diverting her from Hamburg and avoiding an inter national incident, 4 hich is believ ed here to be inevitable if the vessel tries to reach Germany. Recognized Advantages. You will fi -id that Chamber lain's Cough Remedy has recog nized advantages over most Medi oiues iu use for oooghs and colds. It dees not suppress a cough but loosens and relieves it. It aids expectorations and opens the se cretions, whioh enables the system to throw off a cold. It counter acts any tendency ot a cold to re suit in pneumonia! It contains no opium or other-. i narcotic, and I may be given to a Child at confi- dently as to an adu t. We will speak odt. we will be hearoj Though all earth's system crack ; We will not bate a single word, Nor take a letter back. Let liars fear, let towards shrink, Let traitors turn away ; Whatever we have dared to think That dare we also say. We speak the truth, and what oare we For hissing and for soorn, While some faint gleaming we can see Of freedom's coming m rn James Russell Lowell . Colds and Ctoup in Children. Many people rely upon Cham berlain's Coagh Remedy implicit ly iu cases oi colds and croup, and it i ver , disappoints them. Mrs. E. H Thomas, Logansport, Ind , writes: "I have found Chamber lain's Cough Remedy to be the beit medioine for colds and croup I have ever used, and never tire of recommeudmg it to my neigh hnra And frianria. I hava nivan ife to mv children when snfferina from croup, ai d it has never fail - ed to give them prompt relief." Session 21 Dais Yin No Big Legislatioo Bat Wa Beiag Cleared lor Actual Work. Monday's News and Observer. "Looks like ever'thing in the world oomar right if we jes wait longfnough," says Mrs. Wiggf, remembering it took Noah 600 years to build his ark. The suffragettes of North Car olina and chief Justice Walter Olark must agree with Mrs. Wiggt when they think of the woman Hptaridt public bill, now a law.. : ufcactual legislation, of State wide lWabon, ib ti te pftsi weeb has beenplrici The assembly his lost 21 days its fair young life and reaohes 60, or therea passes into tne great or MutSh time, howeverHoat. beet devoted during the la-Bix work, ing dsys to commit hearings on big subieots. ThiVe' ?4b the fish hearing, the it '-afc'd the short haul ri. All "ot these took time and all Ira ve, cr will t ear rf nits. ' '-'JP The- Hcao r -poaled- the lonjr and short h n c . u.-.i of the Jus tioe aot. The sentiment in the Senate seems to be along the tame line.' It is regarded at an act of justice to the thort line roads to repeal this section of the Justice act you know. The Anti-Saloon League's liquor bill trotted into, the assembly Friday; It was accompanied, preceded and followed by peti tions asking for its enactment into law. Just how many petitions and letters have been received will never be known. But there wss some petition, believe that. This Legislature is going to past tome sort, of prohibition enforcement I . . 1 II. 1 ' some members say, travel all the sunny road with the North Caro lina Anti-Saloon League. JjThe bill would absolutely stop the shipment of liquor into North Carolina. The insurance question will possibly be heasd this week. The committee hearings resulted in but little additional light being thrown on that dark and myste rious mystery. Possibly the out come of it all will be the enlarg mnet of the insurance poweit, Anotuer state wide primary bill saw the light of day during the past week. It's the Weaver W ft wv . ixoDgooa measure, witnout say ing anything for publication about what the house will, or will not do, thereV strong opposition in the Senate to any effective pri mary law. The Workmen's Compensation Act is in the hopper. While there is no opposition apparent to the just principle involved in the bill, it will not piss in its present con dition. The objeotion made to it by members who hare studied the provisions is that is too sweeping by far. As usual, the pendulum of reform has swung to its extreme limit. That may defeat the bill just now hung up provides for the inspection of convict camps and jails by the Stats Board Health. uonuitiont are very bad in some ot tne oamps and the bill is in tended to remedy these conditions . The joint Committee on Fin ance met informally during the week The one great problem faoing the assembly, as always, is that of revenue and taxation. But they will solve that problem they always do. As Senator Gil liam says : "It's a orowd of pretty leve headed buaines) men in the assem bly. Thbt's just what they are level hoaded business men." The cry tor inoreased appear ations has come from all tmSgi&te institutions. And it is a cry tba is insistent, that rings continual ly in ears of the State's Legisla tors. ine Lar Heel State nas ever had the rebutatiou for oaring for its delinquents and its unfortu uate. The need of the present institutions is great, and the, need ot additional institutions just as i 8" But the revenue of the 1 Saatio is limited and all the de 1 mands may not be satisfied, tidet'are lining tip for the . ohlairlhe bUl in the istembly 1 'pCticif the ohildren asks Jht ';:maa;lipproDiUtioiK only $ 6000 atoalltc The bill's 4daterihai the, great State of North OarolinlTmay easi. iy Afford this mm to protect even a few of its children from exploi tation, - TJiat't about all theJiappeninge of the State-wide interest. The, usual flood of local bills keeps up, fhrflood will increase to a torrent as fhe session is onithe wane. It' 4lwayt and molt invariably does. The folks down home don't seem to know what they want until 12:80 o'clock on the day nreoed- iurhment. The assembly e id for it,whjBn at matter iof faol balnnva vUf. where,- . Another week and the life of the Legislature will ave been half sent. From now on the, actual work of the assembly will be done, if ' M tnd done as weljJoircumstancts cirmit v fhe week was memorable,- of jjjurse, for Mr. Bryan's address toth'e assembly . Practicaly even legislator listened to the oommon ip's message, as always a message pregnant with good for the com mon people. Many members also attended the different sessions of the North Carolina Conference Or Social Service. Those who.did mast nave profited by the deferent re ports reads. Reports prepared and read, by North Carolinians, dealing with conditions in North Carolina, and based o i first hand knowledge. . EJfd The assembly has much worV4i before it;jsome of which must be 1 r " . . . . Ik "ifOTcmi?nvsT rtlaw T have sold Cham ibei erlam s Tahlfitft 'fnr anvAral veara. pie who have used them will tike nothing else. I, ean reoommend them to my customers as the best axative and cure for constipation that I know of, " writes Frank Strouse, Fruitlaud, Icwa ' Seven Evils of Papacv. Dr. Josiah Strong, author and well known congregational minis ter, sums up the evils of the pa pacy in his word. "Our Coun try," in the following convincing and powerful words : "1. The supreme sovereignty of the pope is opposed to the sov ereignty of the people. "1 The commandments of the pope instead of the Consti tution and lavs of the land de mands the highest allegiance ot Roman Catholics in the United States. 48. The alien Romanist who seeks citizenship among ub, swears true obedienoe to the pope, instead of renouncing forever all allegi ance to any foreigu prince, poten- tare state or sovereignty as requir ed by our laws. "4, The pspaoy teaches religi ous intolerance instead of religious liberty. (See first amendment to the Constitution.) "5. The papacy approves the union of church and state instead of their entire separation . '6. The papacy is opposed to our public sohools. "7. The papaoy demands the censorship of ideas and the press instead of freedom of speech and the press." Readers will notice that these evils are notqiestions of religion, bat matter pertaining to oivil rights, things in the domain or politics. These constitute the menace to free institutions and liberty. This is our fight. We aocept Rome's challenge and no power on earth can drive us from the field. The Menace). A Test for Liver Complaint Mentally . Unhappy, Physically, Dull. The Liver, Biuggish and inact ive, first shows itself in a mental state ui. happy and critical. Never is theie j y in living, as when the Stomach aud Liver are doing their work. Keep your Liver active and healthy' by using Dr King's New Life Pills; they emptv the Bowels freely, tone up your 8tomaoh, cure your OonstU patxon -Andvphrify .the .Rlood 25o. at Druggist Buckle n't Arnioa Salve excellent for piles, Wmcli Brings Four i m sad ConjililV upiiiinia or urereai to all. United States $enaie, 'i January 1, 1915; ' n The Menace Publishing Qo Aurora Mo, Gentleman : I am in receipt of your letter of the 17th inst. ask-1 me to read theJatest" issue of your paper and oppotetoe movew ment designed to exclude it VonT the mailt. 1 Whatever my pinion1 maybe" about the polioyrof your paper. I have no intention of Vt1diior an 7 measure whoh would exclude it from the matls. I believe' both n liberty- of conscience and he lw You deny the. first and clamor for the last. Those who oppose you assert the right to .ex eroise the former f or themselves. . and to deny the latter to you. -Such a condition well illustrates the dangers which must inevitably flow from a snooessf ul attack' upon any Cor s titution al right how guaranteed lo our people, YDgr paper would exclude those whom you disagree as to matters of religion, from part in govern mental affairs. Thosei whim -.von1 oud 'thus oondemn t: natutkliv retaliate by dems nBfnff tfieexclu- . x sion of your paper from the matls, Candidly, but with no desteA-v ive offense, the movement agust which yon protest is quite as jntjS. and reasonable as is the moveinent ake ! offense', at any .paffft v .7 wnion you onampion. bviu aref w4 fundamentally wrpng. Hf l if Siirnldl 0:a:&miTt- tK '2-- r-T"tTT, ' r rt.-S, ' I'YSmmiimK lttttf-DlfhV adherence to freedom jof consci ence and of the press. ?The one is of equal importance to the other, If there is any difference in the value of the two, freedom of conscience might properly be given the first consideration, But Senator Thomas is serious ly mistaken in supposing that The Menace is denying freedom of ooLsoieiiee to anyone. The pos sibility that there may be others who have formed the same erro neous opinion suggests the pro priety of discussing that phase of the question in these columns. It is preoiiely because Rome, through the deorees of her popes, denies the liberty of conscience, thought, speeob, and press, that we take issue w'th her and oppose the activities of Romish olergy and orders in American politics. One papal document, alone, is sufficient to prove that the papal system not only condemns free dom of conscience, but condemns popular schools free from her own authority, and condemns all reli gions but her own. This height of intolerance was decreed by Pope Pius IX in Bis notorious 'Bull Against Civilization," is sued Dec' 8, 1861. My authority it The History of Romanism by John Dowling, D. D., 1881. On page 820 of the volume men tioned may be found the more important items of the syllabus of errors which formed part of the "encyclical against errors" to eaoh of which is perfixed the num ber it bore in the original docu ment. These are the words cf an . -: "infallible" head of the jpapalV system that no ecclesiastical !an- thority bat attempted to set aside. They are today the law of R-me subject neither to repeal nor re vision; Permit me to quote : 21 It js an error to tay that "The Church (Church of Rome, of oOurae) has not the power of -defining dogmatically .that tha ; religion of the Catholic Church is -the only. true religion " V 42 It -is Ian error to ;sfa? that "In the case of conflicting laws -between, the two powers, the oivi 1 law ought to prevail." V 41 It is an rror to say that "The best theory of civil tociety requires 4hat popular sohoils open to the children of all classes,' and I generally all pnblis jntiitutioLS intended for instruction in letters Continued on page four. Siea, . .iSSi A,. 'mm 2- 4J vr-: -. -r-". sf:. i if: a. IT :fi s