ft, J I1 " J 39 5V 4. .Sv: '' ; ; vJS ', j - . ' :- ' . . I 3' I: - ; t : V, The Carolina Vohhman . fl ., -p. . v 0-.--v-i !A;;;r;:vv,i;;:.. a Wbl H. STEWART, Editor and Owner PabUshed Every" Wednesday, ; 120 West Innes Street. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE Watchman, 1 year, . . .75 Record, 1 year, . . . - The Progresslv Fanner, 1 year, 1.00 AH & for a year each, only $1.50 ' Fulfil in second-class matter January Wth, 105, at the post office at Salisbury, N. C, under the actol Congress of March 3rd, 1879.9 Salisbury, N.C. Feb. 3rd, '15 "A poultry elub girl." sounds good. That Some people seem to thii k graft is alright to long ai they are the beneficiaries thereof. Most people ave of the opinion that the war in! Europe will last until it is over. North Carolina is svsid to have the handsomest Governor's man ion in the United States. Penn sylvania eomei next. A bill to make the minimum sentence of bank deafulters ten years, was voted down by the Sen ate. That was a specimen of namby-pambyism . Yea, Salisbury is the only place in the country where a lot of puie. ly private olubi are oared for by the oounty under the non de plume of a community oenter. Those who refuse to see the dif ference between the Catholio reli gion and political Romanism are like the fellow who pays no atten tion to the direoting signs at the fork of the roads. Mr. Ex. P. Taft is quite ready with suggestions as to the conduct of national affairs recently. Will MxIitt have to be thrown down the stairs three times before hei ill realize that the people do not ant his advice. Perhaps he is conscience stricken - The unmitigated gall of the P K, is exemplified in the faot that it gives notice that it will soon provide rules and regulations for the oontrol of the people's prop el ty. the old court house. Did the people elect them for thii pur pose or the oounty commissioners? We see one W. H. Taft thinks the one-term idea for our presi dent! ii a good one. Of oourie we would not dare to whisper where Mr. Taft might hear it, but juit between us, it seems that this is a question the people have p oven their ability to settle satis factory for themselves . There are something like 2,200 members of the Junior Order United American Mechanics in Bo wan County, all tax payers and voters who are doing a great work fostering education, and patriotism morality! 7e tne7 8 no room in the old court houie. Why shonld selfseekers be given the prefer ence. The Pestiferous Klob, after hav ing the merchants of the town waste their substance and time trying to prove to the denizens of London that Salisbury's the place, and in one mstanoe took money from, mere boye and gave it to an inierloper and fraud, has the e merity to say it will continue to do business at the same old stand and, we suppose in the same old way. Our people are now reaping the reward of their folly. . w taken with a severe headache and cold, which Many brought on constipa tion and bowel trouble. Physic, of all kind, were used, and we were obliged o resort to the fountain fringe for help. I could but it did no good. Salts were of no use. The do tors were puzzled. After using three bottles of Peruna Lii" ,m7e entirely JJ"i Pecan St, fcort Worth, Texas. KJ10GK8 M KlIKS For Young atil OId The acute agonizing pain 6t rheumatism is Bobthea at once by Sloan's Ianiment, Do not rub it penetrateato the sore spot, brmging la comfort not dreamednoruntil tried. Get a bottle today. RHEUMATISM Hare Wht Other, Say i "I highly recommend your Liniment aa the best remeay tor rneumatum i ever used. Before using it I spent large suma of money trying to get relief of the misery and pains in limbs and body, so I tried your Liniment both internal and external and I found quick relief, and now am well and strong again." Geo. Curti; ItS N. 16th St., Springfield, IlL Here's Proof "I wish to write and tell you about a fall I had down fourteen steps, and bruised my neck and hip very bad. I could not sleep at all. I sent my wife for a 25 cent bottle of your Liniment and in two days' time I was on my feet again." Charles Hyde, 13l6fi Prairie Ave., St. Louie, Mo. for neuralgia, sciatica, sprains and bruises. All Dnwgiste, 25c Send four cents in stamps for a TRIAL BOTTLE Dr. Earl S. Sloan, Inc. Dept. B. Philadelphia, Pa. General News Matters Items of interest to our Readers and Condensed for Quick AssimttHtiou. Vanceborc, Maine, Feb. 2 An other international problem inci dent to the war thrust upon the United States today by the action of Werner Van Horn, who operat ing on the Canadian side of the border dynamited the railway bridge over the St. Croix river and then esoaped into Maine. A few hours later in a room at a note here Van Horn submitted to ar rest but immediately proclaimed himself an officer of -the German fat my and set up the claim that he had oommitted an act of war and having fled to a neutral country, could it be surrendered legally -ajs tut so sue r atnerianq he Canadian anthoritiea took 'a fdifferent view of this however and immediately instituted proceed ings to excraaue tne prisoner on a oharge of destruction of railroad property. Pending the outcome of these efforts Van Horn is held at the immigration office here in oastody a deputy sheriff. Washington, Jan. 29. Secre tary Daniels hopes to be able to carry out the original intention of Congress at Hampton Roads as the starting point for the cruise through the Panama Canal to San Franoisoo. This became known today with the formal announce ment by the Secretary after a Cabinet meeting that the opening ceremonies at the canal had been postponed from March until some time in July. -'A Aitnougn rapid cnanges in Mexican politics have brought the authority of General Carrarjza back to Mexico City. The eva cuation of the capital has resulted in no injury to foreigners accord ing to official report. senator Overman will vote against the immigration bill, H says; "I don't agree with th president and will vote to pass the bill over his veto should the bill oome baok to the Senate." Sixty-four persons, including one woman and two negroes have taken examination before th State Supreme Court for license to practice law in North Carolina l" VLDOltIO c WEYflriTERiiArionAi s 1 Ttt KBSIAal KfESSTEl Brery day In your talk sod reading, at ' Dome, on the street ear. In thn nffi. ilvn 1 and school you likely question the mean- I 1 !RSJ"ome Mam word- A friend asks: 1 e Wbst mskes mortar harden?" Yon. seek 1 S the location of iocAatTTjwor the pronun- g M elation of JuJnUu. What is -aaO 1 g This New Creation answers all kinds of s S Sa5PH,nLanrnage,History,Bioffraphy, g r ituua, roietgn woroa, iraaes, Arts and s ocicnces, tntuxnaiimuierUii. k S 400,000 Words. 1 6000 llliratratlesjsw i Cost $400,000. 2TOA' mm-mm 1 1 The only dictionary with 5 the new divided pap. char- acterized as "A Stroke of 1 Genius." On thin.' nmtnm rimw i tion to own the Jfsrriom. I India oaiier. Whit sntia. ! s ncuBicr in . xorm so ugni One half the thickness and i s weight of Regular Edition. : RegnUrEtBtioa: I strong book paper. Wt s 5 inches. 3 writs tesststasi UlwtratloBa, mtt. JUDUeauns i pnbUeitio. s aadrwMlvs S nSBasaS etc. CO, i ISttMsBN SLOAM'SJ, SSI - Mfflffm i ma mm m mm namm 6arzrHes-Wt Mexcj. Mexico Oii.y,Jan. 27 Provi sional President Garza and his government left the capital party oday for Ouernavaca, where a new scat of government will be estab' lished. ihifternoon the last oontine hta armv cf evacuatior throne h tbo streets I he jyrbisycf occupation 1 -tigers lii- the ontrkirts of the city, but is expected to enter soon. Ail the commercial houses ai d banks and even private dwelliLge are barred aud shattered, althoopb no disorder iias attended tt e feel ing cf the Zapata and Villa forces. The national paiaoe, the federal telepraph aiid posteffices and otb or government establishments are closed. The incoming Oarratz- forces are commanded by Gtnerxl Alvarado, former post cotnmaLder here. Food- prioes hae soared ' eyond the reach of the needy. The supply of food is low and un less the railway line to Vera Cruz is opeued soon it is believed there will be much suffering. The gov ernment's decision to,ai6 the capital came after a heated dis- lon at the session of the con Tuesday night. It w&6 deoi esident Garza, his gov iftfm jd meubers of the con ventionswold proceed after mid uight to Cnernavaca. Col. Garza and GeneC Ernesto Santosco) are reporteoVo have departed on apecia I oajSive. The dep. who have not yet already wiiTTSe forced to proceed from te city in automobiles, a there is no fuel for the loco no ' V8B. Zipata's troops are entraing it thirty electric trains in Xoohimil co and Moerlof . There is a rnnoor in circulation that the vanguard of Gen. Obre eon's troops is four miles from the capital advancing. WHEN THE TIRED MOTHER GIVES OUT What Then? The Family Suf fers, the Poor Mothers Suf fer Mrs. Becker Meets This Distressing Situation. Collinsville. IlL "I suffered from a nervous break-down and terrible head aches, and was tired all over, totally worn out and too discouraged to enjoy life, but as I had four in family and sometimes eight or nine boarders. I kept " I saw vinol advertised and decided to try it, and within two weeks I noticed a decided improvement in my condition and now I am a well woman." Mrs. Ana Becker, Collinsville, IlL There are hundreds of nervous, run down, overworked women in this vicinity who are hardly able to drag around and wno we are sure would be wonderfully benefited by Vinol as Mrs. Becker was. The reason Vinol is so successful in building up health and strength in such cases is because it combines the medici nal tissue building and curative elements of cod's livers together with the blood making, strengthening properties of come iron. We ask every weak, ner vous, run-down man or woman in this vicinity to try a bottle of Vinol on our guarantee to return their money if it fails to benefit. Smith's Drug Co., Salisbury, N. O. February 1st, marked the olose of the ootton loan agreerrent fond when all applications must be ii the hands of the ootton loan fund committee. So far only 12.000 has been applied for according to reports which will be tak?n care of outside the $185,000 OvO fund in order that it may be kept it- tact and redistributed . representative rou nas recom mended the nomination of Bart Galling for postmaster at Raleigh. i He sent the endorsement in Feb mary2ud. Keep It Handy for Rheumatism. No use to squirm and wince aud try to wear ont ycur rheumatism It will-wear you out instead. Apply some Sloan's Liniment Need not rub it ii jolt let it penetrate all tbrcngh the affected parts, relieve the soreness and draw the pain. Y u get ease at once Slid feel so much better yen want to go right cut and tel otber off-rers abrut Sloan'. Got a bottle of Sloan's Liniment lor 25 cents of any druggist and bav it in the house against Colds, Sera Ip gwollen Joints,. Lnm! a- go. ttvioa and like ailments nCtlMor for Sale, T50 egg capacity New. Call on or write to 8. A. Hartman, R. 6, Salisbury, N.C. pd How To dive Quinine To Qhlldren. TEBRILINB18 the trade-mark name given to an y Improved Quinine. It is a Tasteless Syrup, pleas - j ad does not disturb the stomach. Children take it and never know It Is Quinine. . w 3sJly adapted to adults who cannot taite ordinary Quinine.- Does not nauseate nor tanse nervousness nor ringing in the head. Try I " th next time you need Quinine for any pur E8' Ji?- tor 2unce original package. The People wit h kfduey ills want to be cured. Wbeu oue sufferti thrt tottnres of an acbi: g back, relief is eager.y sought for There arc many remedies today tna rliv, but do ut t cur Djhu's Kid iey Pl :e have brought lasting t suits thoutandv. Here is aJlst ury evidfuce of their crerit. Mary TrexlVr, tjS?. licondart St;, Salisbury, N QViayit'F01 tome tune I had dhpu tr.ob f6 with my kidneys:: My back hurt me so badly thafc.it -set md as if it would brtak. I fellamw when I got up in the m )yiing atidfTwae tiwi and la iguid. , I ws-subject taizzv ppells ai d my'sighV blur red. The kidney secretions wert unnatural. AUnx(ht I to k n uumber of remediesI didn't gt any relief. I begto uiig Doau' Kidney Pills cniT". relative's ad- vioe, although I did not have mncn taith in them. I wss sor priced at the prompt reiTef I re oeivitd. 0o6 bol mads me fe b tterTu every wsy. I haveoftei rea5mmeudf d Doau's Kidnsy Pills AO my i eihburs. Price 60o, at all dealers Don't sitnoty ask for a kidney-remedy get Dau's Kidney PUU- ihe lame that Mary Trexler had Foster Milburn Co., Props , Buffalo, N Y. It is much talked in legislative circles just now that the Stat- Anti'Saioou Lieague bill to probi it delivery and receipt of liqurr for beverage pufp ses, the qaasii f woman's 8nffraffp. th S ate wide legalized primary should b referred to the people, pass the bill for the Anti Saloon League subject to ratihoation at the do) Is is was the orainal Drohilition i'l; let the women of tie State v te uuder coqditiocirthat they w )utd really reflect the wishes of the mai ritv of the women and if there must be State-wide primary bill, pass it bum ot to ratification ny tne people at the polls, also Governor Craia satrtrfsts that hi vote of the women as to whether they want suffrage be against tb census of women in the State. Btwue of omiDiuts for Citurb that Con tain Mercurj. ie mercury will sorely destroy the sense of smell and completely de range the whole system when en tering it through the mucous sur facts Such articles should never be naed except on prescriptions from reputable physicians, as tbp damage the? will do is ten fold t be good yen can. possibly derive rrcm them. Hall1 Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney &0o., Toledo 0. contains uo, mer oary. and is taken internal act ing directly upon the blood and furffceicf the system. In buy ing Ball's Catarrh Cure be eur ycugetthe genuine. It is taken iuternally and made in Toledo Ohio, by F. J. . Cheney & Co Testimonsls free. Sold by Druggists. Price 75o per hhn iy, Take Hall's Family Pills for Q( nstipation. latest War Ms London, Feb. 2 The Oermant have been making deeperat eeffortf (be last few days to break the fx tender! deadlock on the eastern and western fronts. Tbey have delivered a series of attacks, al wavs preoeded by artilery activity on tb allied lines in Flander and France and, while in almost evdry case they have thus won b preliminary ad y act age, before th fighting was oonoluded the French British or Belgians have regained the trenobes temporarily lost, and in some cases have occupied the German position. Loudon, JikU. 20. 10:25 p. m. With the armies in France and FlanderB recuperting after stren uous fighting of earlier days of the week and no local actions be ing recorded, interest in the war situation has ren transferred o the Russian offansivp in Eat Prussia and the attempt of a strong Austro German army to dislodge the trccps of Bmperor Nicholas from their positions in th Carpathians. In East Prussia a Rusian of fensive has developed in the ex treme north, where renewed fight ing seems to ccifirm a belief that definite effort to advocate north of the Mazuriau Lakes district where previouslyv the Russian fre de'eaUd has been decided on by the Russian General staff. m SBSvflt 1 ' Promt Action Will Stop Your Cough. When you first catch a Cold (ofteu indicated by a sneeze cr coQgh), break it up at once The idea that ''It 'does net mat ter" ofteu leads o sericus com plications. The remedy wbiob immediately and eaisly penetrate? the liuii.g of the throat it the kind demanded. Dr King's N- w Discovery sxrtheB the irritation, loosens the i hleam. Yi u feel better at once. 'It ueemad ta! teach the very spot of my Cough" v one of many honest testimonais. 1 50c. at your druggist i J 1 III x u u u U fcr U U U U X---,w n CI 0 0 0 O o 0 0 0 0 o MONEIP Now is the time to buy your needs while you can make a dollar go more than its usual limit. We are selling goods awfully cheap during this sale. Winter Goods, such as Coat Suits, Goats, Men's Suits and Overcoats, Shoes, Underwear, etc, all at GREA.TLY REDUCED PRICES. COTTON GOOD. These goods are all advancing now and "will be much O 0 0 0 0 0 o o o 0 0 0 higher. The pric cotton. I If you r A oooDyvpi. fliakc Umc conader. Icu an the deSaer; ymi must JL seled Hie pattern (or your fchme. A hasiy tarl woril liasten success. Eadi time you ckanie your mini ani shirt your occupation vou musk releant ajwl re-earn. Untilou elect a definite course, you vxusi Wbept Every swccessv inan's advice to-day; is, J M5ave your Money-? Heed it. Start today: Saving malce men! Ma AC4.-fltS9Stff FIRST NATIONAL BANK, Salisbury, Union Warehouse & Trading Co. Must Go Quick. Luther V. Fisher, TRADE WITH C. P. SHUPIHG Farmers, will find it to their interest to see me when selN iBg their produce. We pay Highest Cash-iise for Chickens, Eggs ana all kinds of Produce and selling you groceries at the very lowest prices. Headquarters for Watkins Medicine Co. G. P. SHUPIHG. 2'3mo. OVB GREAT ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE WILL CLOSE FEBRUARY 8TH. - ae are making are been to this sale, , come by all means. Kaufman. W G FAY PER CENT. ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS AND CERTIFICATES OF DESPOSIT of STOCK of Receiver. For Farms and City Property, Deeds, Maps and Plots, Write N. A. TREXLER, R. F. 1). No. 6, . SALISBURY, N. C. 'Phone, Liberty, Casbfor Old Stamps. Look amrp your old papers for stamps ieen ed before and daring the war. United States aud Confederate Some of then are worth big money Don't take them off the envelop-, but bring them Tu to me and ge' cash for them. Wm. H. St wabt Watchm&n effioe, Salisbary, N. 0. 0 0 0 0 O o o 0 0 0 0 o o 0 u 0 0 o o o 0 0 0 0 equal to about 5c. 0 0 0 uiJance JOHN B. BROVfJ, OPTOMETRIST. Fitting Glasses a Specialty Relief or no Pa, Examination Without Drug cr Drops. China Gb;vu N C. b2-l C W. HARRINGTON:' 9 Is now able to do any kind of fancj d r"i'r Aliu UP H ate i nirravmcr Tn;,;.i j c work, -win fSHj. -tr& sr Will save the b ijer from JO to 2t clock and iewplrv wl-h us a ri-l We also do sewir m4 or 'phone "T Writ G 17 Harrington, ? Rockwall N n 'or 'phone Irt werstor'e fiUTSO.1 i ycm 1 t.lttil N. C.

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