LocmE NEWS 1 ' of interest toi ALL OF OUR READERS. Mayor Walter H. Woodion left Tnetdy mWning for Raleigh, in the internl ot the city extension bill which; hai already ptsaed iu the Home and which is to come tip in tbndeoate at au early dat. Mayor Wopdioo hai been one of the strongest ad?ooatei of a great er Salisbory and hai talked aud urged city extension wherever op v portunity presented it8-!f dnrirg hii administration. He had given maoh time add thought to the present bill, and hat been the toidjngjtaiJnJrawiDg end h Last J'riaayiiaStiliue;sairkiitiiir of fire was turned in from box 54 corner Lee and Ooonoil Streets and the d e p a r t m e n t wag rushed to' the building occupied Jhj the Robertson Grocery Co. when the fire company reached the eoene groat volumes "of smoke were issaiug from the second story windows, fi toe quick work 01 of the fireman the fUmeB wer soon extinguished with compara tively small loss. A most successful obaroh wuk ers convention came to a clom Sunday afternoon at Faith Re formed church this city. T f pr gram as anuouuced last weeV was carried out. The .seisin. were full of interest and marker by such enthusiasm as also a larAn attendance. Council No 86J1.O.U. A. M. hai appointed a committee to looi after the building of a lodge home for the Juniors of the city cf which there are several thousand - l i' bW aaaaaaBHVBa1aMaaavHgpjppMHHHaHBM HaaM tmmmmKUmtmmimibl MSHSMSBHiHBBVsVWMMMBiHBiiaHBSHHBMsaBi MHaaBHaBHHiHMSBHMSBBBiHMHBBni evsjVBB I . S-v"-"" -x 1 ' Afor er k fcoote. rve IsAre.' you ) who's youfi . ' The largest and most enthusias tic gathering of public school teachers of Rowan county wa that held in the old court house last Saturday. The meeting wa presided over bjLi.ftountysupjrin tendeut R. Q. Kiier and opened with the singing of "America," this being followed by prayer. Several addresses were made, among the beat being that of Miss Lillie N Jones of the Durham city schools who msde an excel lent talk on the subject of writ ing. Rev. J. M L. Lyerly of Crescent made a splendid talk ou the public school as a community cuter and was followed by Prof Kixer who went into full details as to the county commencement be held in Salisbury in April. The peoples agricultural fair association will hold its. fair in Salisbury this year on September 28. 29, 80 and October 1st. These dates being about' three weeks ahead of those on which the fair has been held in the past years inese dates were agreed on at a meeting of ihe secretaries on last Saturday afternoon, Wm. Jamis is secretary of the association. une 01 tne Dest uaraca and rouatnea meetings ever beid in this city was held on last Sunday afternoon at the old c urt nouse The principal feature was an ad dress nude by Rev. Gilbert T Rowe a prominent Mtthodist min later 01 nign romt. music was f urnuhed by the Chestnut Hil band for this occasion. The Stonewall Vaudeville troop of Salisbury will go to Concord on Wednesday to present the en tertainment which so highl pleased oausimry tntatre gcers two nights last week. Concord is preparing to give the Salisbury performers a dance on Wednesday night following the performance in that city. At the parsonage of the First Methodist Church last Thursday vening a very pretty wedding was solemnised, the contracting par iei being Miss Lillie Winders and T. Leonard both of Salisbury. Rev. John W. Moore officiating. Mr, snd Mrs Leonard will at once begin house keeping at 527 Park Avenue and have a host of friends n Salitf uty, who wisu them much happiness and prosperity through ife. MARRIAGES On last Sunday the marriage of Miss Mamie Brooks of Spencer, and Hugh Garrett of Salisbury, was made public. 1 bis marriage whioh took place on January 26;h was planned to be kept a secret for some time, however it was made known on Sunday. Mi. Garrett is an employee of the Southern at Spencer and Mrs. Garrett formerly taught school in the Speuoer public sohooi. Their host of friends wish thm a long and happy lise. Meetiog. of County Conimissiosers Threi Stel Bridges Cootf mpUted. Items of Interest. Other Stop Tbit Cough Vow. When you catch cold, or begin to cough, the first thing to do is to tke Dr. .Beirs nna-iar- Honey. It penetrates the liuings of the Throat and Lungs and fights the Germs of the Disease, giving quick relief and natuial healing. "Our whol6 family de pend on Pine-Tar-Hcney for Coughs and Colds," writes Mr. E. Williams, Hamilton, Ohio. It always helps. 25c. at your Druggist. How to Prevent Bilious Attacks. "Coming events cast their shadow s before.,, This is especi ally true cf bilious attacks. Your appetite will fail, you will feel dull and languid. If you are subjeot to bilious attacks take three of Chamberlain's Tablets as these symptons appear and the attack may be warded off. The Cannon Manufacturing Company of Concord filed with the secretary of State last Fridav and amendment to its charter in creasing 18 capital from $1,000, 000 tn $5 000 000 Invigorating to the Pate and Sickly The Old Standard general strengthening tonic. GROVE'S TASTELESS chin TONIC.drives out Malaria,enricfcea the blood tm3dnp the tytteta. taw T,ooic Fw adolta tad children. 60c What Oilers Sa? While Alabama is in a prohi biting mood it ought to prohibit Sunday baseball. News and Ob server . If there were half a dczen men in the legislature determined on a change we would expect to see s methiog oome of it.' Durham Herald. Individually the members of the legislature may not be strong for prohibition, but collectively they will give the anti-saloon league what it wants.- Durham Herald. This government should require ves.els flying the flag to keep the strict letter of the law and then require Great Britain and all other nations to respect them,- Dur ham Herald. Whenever You Need a General Tonic Take grove's The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is equally valuable as a General Tonic because it contains the well known tonic properties of QUININB end IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives out Malaria. Enriches the Blood and fiuilda up thaWiole System. SO Ou last Mnndsy morning the board of County Commission ers met in regelar monthly session with all me nbers present with the exception of chairman, H. C Trott, who was at sent for the first time since his eleotion. J. W. Peeler, chairman protem presided aa follows: - -- It was ordered that the local military company, 4th, Co., C. A. 0., be allowed $100 for the year 1915. " Dr E. W. Currie, oounty health offioer, reported the oounty insti tutions in good condition. A franchise was granted the Weaver and Bostian Telephone Company to establish a phone line from China Grove to W. G. Oorrell's h.me. The usual monthly allowance! for paupers not confined to the oounty home were made. Ordered that Superintendent Thompson see his road supervisor and have the necessary marking boaiglt erected at all necessary points throughout the county. Ordered that the oounty coroner be allowed necessary expenses on tripB made when called to view body and where no inquest is held. superintendent rnumason wf.s instructed to go and investigate the road at Garner's creek. The board ruled against the guard at the oounty workhouse taking his family with him to this institution. Ordered that Superintendent Thjmason and Ccmmissioner Gray ljok over the proposed Eannapo lis road, and act as they deem b.st in ahe matter. It is ordered that the Virginia Bridge Co., be given order for one steel bridge as per their contract. Highway Engineer, O. M. Mil ler was instructed to get bids o one 85x12 foot and twj 40x12 steel bridges. Chairman H. 0. Trott, commis sioners E E Gray and C J. Flem ing and County Attorney E. C. Gregory were instructed to meet and oousider certain business per taining to the County. Mrs. Patterson, keeper of th VcouLty home, reported 5 whit" and 5 colored inmatbs at that in stitution. The contraot was awarded the Peeler Graktand Provision Com panyo forSlah supplies to camp N. 1, the county home and th work house, with understanding that said firm is to furnish a good quality of lal goods, and the same stipulated contract is awarded to J. J. Sbertll & Co., of Mt. Ulla to furnish supplies to camp No . 2. Ordered that certain sections of ! road crossings near Mrs. F C. Seohler's and Dr D. O. Swearing- er, west of Uhina lirove, be die- continued . Ordered that actiop.4arftferred for the time beine on the road froni Mill Bridge to White Oak tree near J. F: Turner's, a dis tanoe of .about three miles. Tne board then aj turned to meet again on Monday, February 18. Cleap Boar! at Farm LifelScliool Experience of thr first thirty days has proven that board, room, light, heat at d schooling at the Farm Life School, China Grove, N. 0., cost the pupils only $7 00. This is a remarkably low figure for nuoh excellent service. DO YOUR OWN SHOPPING Onyx Hosiery Gives die BEST VALUE for Tour Money Every Kind mm Cotton to Silk, For Afeft, Women mi Children Any. Colot-nd Style. From 25q to $5.00 per pair- Look for die Trade Mark! SoW hj AH Good Dealers. wholesale Jjorcl & Taylor NEW YORK Reliable evidence is abundarit that women are constantly being restored to health by Lydia Pinkham's Vegetable Compound The many testimonial letters that we are continually pub lishing in the newspapers hundreds of them are all genu ine, true and unsolicited expressions of heartfelt gratitude for the freedom from suffering that has come to these women solely through the use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Money could not buy nor any kind of influence obtain such recommendations ; you may depend upon it that any testimonial we publish is honest and true if you have any doubt of this write to the women whose true names and addresses are always given, and learn for yourself. Read this one from Mrs. Waters: Camden, N. J. " 1 was sick for two years with nervous spells, and my kidneys were affected. I had a doctor all the time and used a galvanic battery, but ndthing did me anjr gqfod. I was not able to go to bedftmt spent my time on a couch or in & sleeping-chair, and soon, became almost a skeleton. Finally my doctor went away for hia health, and my husband heard of LydiajIS. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and got me 60me. In two monw? I'ot relief and now I am like a new woman' and am at my usual weight. I recommend your medicine to everyone and so does my husband." Mrs. Tttj.tb Watebs, 530 Mechanic Street, Camden, N.J. From Hanover, Penn. Hanover, Pa." I was a very weak wpian and suffered from bearing down pains and backache. I had been married over four years and had no children. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound proved an excellent remedy for it made me a well woman. After taking a few bottles my pains disappeared, and we now have one of the finest boy babies you ever saw." Mrs. C. A. Rickbode, Ub. 5, Hanover, Pa. Now answer this, question if you can. Why should a " woman continue to suffer without first giving Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a trial ? You know that it has saved many others why should it fail in your case? For 30 years Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has been, the standard remedy for fe male Ills. No one sick with woman's ailments does justice to herself if she does not try this fa mous medicine made from roots and herbs it has restored so many sufferingwomen to health. I- TWrite to LYDIA E.PINKII AM MEDICINE CO. Lr- (CONFIDEHTlAli) LYNN, MASS., for advice. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman and held in strict confidence. IN 3-hvOne is a lk-hL trare oil com- Twrmd that never nuns. 3-in-One lubricates nerfectlv sewinsr mprhiTux i u i wwt Iters. hirvg1ea.locks.clocks. is. lawnmowers everxthiue that ever needs oilinz in your home or" ttffice. Na crease. Mo acid. A little 3-m-Une on a soit ciotn cleans "mriA nolishes nerfectlv all veneered or varnished furniture and woodwork. Snrinkltd on a vard of black cheesecloth it makes an ideal Dmstless Dusting Cloth. y . . f 1 1 m 1 . M - 1 1 J J - 1 - L-flt IMIWI MiHme HDSouiieiv m events ri uu kuu lkuxcis. buhi iuliiucs. uuu &vuu fixtures, gas ranges, everything metal, indoors or out, in any climate. It sinks into the unseen metal pores and forms a protecting "overcoat0 which stays on. Free 3-fci-One Free. Write today for generous fr$$ bottle and the 3-in-One Dictionary of hundreds of uses. 3 -in-One is sold in all good storm in 3-slze bottles: 10c (1 oz.), 25c (3 ox.), 50c (8 ox, pint). Also in new patented llandy Oil Can, x fift oz.. S.TN.ONB OIL COMPANY k C 43 D A BrMlwv . flmrTwkCitr The Rowan County Farm Life School opens Tto Quinine Thai Does Not Affect The Head Because of its tonic and laxative effect. LAXA TIVE BROMO QUININK is better than ordinary Quinine and does not cause nervousness nor riafina; la haad. Remember the tail name aad loo foe fbt aigsatart c4 S. W. QSOV. Sc COMMENCE THE NEW YEAR by opepitg a baukmg at NORTH CAROLINA'S STR0N6EST BAN Oar Capital is $1,250 We pay 4 compounded quarterry. t with INSTITUTION. 00. jpill open an Acc). (A (&8 1 too Aft o5 WACHOVIA BANK & TRUST CO. I January 7th, 1915. 1 Prepares toenter without examination the treshman class of any standard college in the Stated In addition to the above cultural conrselnipfour years' course in agriculture, farm carpentry and shop Cwork, is offered for boys, and a course in Domestic Science and HomeEconomics is offered for girls, f Tuition free. TCirls boarded in dormitory at cost. IFor further information, address R. D. Jenkins, Supt. CHINA GROVE, N. O. fflf Sill.! ' Bbx : Typewriter, 1 for Rent Store room on E. Innea -typewriter detk, 1 Piliptr oabioet St.. at nreient ocifropied by D. I. (eotional) 1 abiall Motler aaf e-? Oaoble. Will be vaoant by Fb; Apply to Johh L. Rbrdumas . lit. Gall 'phone 480. t. i A