V - 1" THE ROWERS COUtfW A Home Newspaper Published in the Interest of tthe Peopie and for Honesty inSGovernmental Affairs. VOL. XL NO. 11 FOURTH SERIES SALISBURY, K, C., WEDNESDAY. HABOH 3RD, 1915. Wm. H. STE WAEl EIH ADD HME ,-v. - w. " ' -.yiv ."s;t:;.-.- . - ''1. ". . - . " The f Rome on Marrtaie Like Uahonm, Us Wrong tor Others to Violate Law, but Alright for Them. B iME ON MARRIAGE The Menace. Perhaps none of R me's teach iuga is more arrogaat or detestible to free Amerioais than those con cerning marriage. It is eeldom that an admieeiou is made iu a Romish paper which discloses the true Romish positions on this pciot as does the ft llowing quostion and answer c'ipped from Tn Catholic Northwest Progress of January 29 published with the approval of Edward John O'Dea, B shop of Seattle, in that city . Hnr it i? in all its fragrai:ce and ! ao : May a Catholic lawyer ssonre a divorce for his cUei.t? A Catholic lawyer may sdv:-cate absolute divorce whn kuow the marriage was invalid, as when it has bau so pro.:oun : 0 by competent ecclesiastical authoti ty. For jast rensous h6 may peti tioo for a divorce, not indeed with the intention of enabling his client to marry giin while spouse is living, but with a vw to ob taining civil effrots in civil -tiibu-oal. Marridge is neither con tracted nor dissolved by civil au thority. Stater's Manual, of Moral Theology in English is com mended to Catholic lawyers. Comment on the extraordinary declarations of this papal organ Pern to be guperflacus, but pie ate n te that "marriage is neither contracted nor dissolved by civil authority " Such is the poatii;L of Rime, and we find :t here re stated so plainly that no oue can fail to nnderttmd it. This states tut half of the Ron. ish doctrine in regard to matri mony, for tbey adhere just as Btrenuoffsly fo the related priiic! pie that marriage is a sanrament that can be celebrated by no au thority other thau the Roman Catholic ohuroh. That preclcdes the poesibiiitr of the papal sys tem rccoguiziug a marriage cere mojuy performed by a Protestant clergyman as the atiswr, above quoted, denies the right of a civil officer to perform the ceremony. Rome c aia8 the sole authority to bind and loosa iu miriage that the Poteritea claim in binding and loosing everything else. For un bridled audacity and unlimited gall the pretentions oi Rome have no equal. NEW HAVRN S HOIYM VIE. The Menace 44 Movies in New H-.ven on a Sunday are prohibited, but when they are ran for a worthy vend, it's diflfreut?" So says thy New Haven, Conn., Register, of Feb. 1, in telling of the Sanday picture show recently installed in the basement of St Roee's Roman Catholio Church of that oity. In an approving way the R-gis ter goes on to say that R)me has so prevailed over the blue Inws ol Connecticut as to ran a Sunday movie for revenue which had 1.000 patroi.B at its opening and cleared tvo hundred dollars net pr fib. It is said that Thcs . F. Egan, Otiief of th3 state police, approves the plan, and that the profiiss art to be ued iu establishing a paro ohial school. Now, just note the full " effeot and meaning of this teautiful :heme to get money with which to "make America Catholic " No otber picture sh' w is permitt ed in Nw Havea on Saaday ia given and tha profits collected in a building' thut is exempt from taxation. Being strictly Romish in ownership and control, it af- lords toe oest opportunity con ceivable for fathering every pep ish scheme from twisting history and misstating facts to an assault on every American ideal. No one would deny the pope's servants the right to teach their peculiar ideas provided they taught at the expense of the par tieajinv-.rested and without privi leges that are ui.ju-t to the own rs of ether shows and to New Havjeh taxpayers. Bpt this is a clear case of Rome obtaining a special privilege o financial value ou the plea that their movie is "run for a worthy end.' We dare say that there are many enterprises run in the city of New Haven for worthy ends that are not favored with a mono poly or exemption from taxation. As a matter of faot every business should be run for a worthy end than this Romish movie graft calculated to set up a papist school to the detriment of the public schools. Is there not enough American! manhood in New Iavdn and in the good old state of Connecticut to stop thin grafs? It is by just suoh contemptible beginnings that privileges undermines the equal rights of a freo people and fattens at the expense of legitimate, tax paying and law abiding citizens. Or is the Sttte of Connecticut already so thoroughly Romanized that the will of the pope and his dopes is to prevail in defiauoe of fair p!y and qnal rights? THEY ARE PQUEALER1. From The General Bapist Messenger. Catholics 0 this oountry are trying to have publicationswhioh . - . 1 1 1 criticise tnas csuron exoiuaea rem the mails. Of course Cath olic popers t at criticise Protest ants are all right. When cue eading paper says two thirds of the citizens of the United States are ''unbaptized heathens," there is nothing wrong about it. Iu Guam the Catholic governor in a is official report says: So far as the native population is con cerned, practioa'ly all children orn of parents not married by she priest are reported as illegiti mate." That is what Catholic- m says about the babes of Pro- vstaute, that they are lllegtimate. rhey are a floe gang of squealers 1 How's Thi? We offer One Huodred Dollars waror-for any ntsrof Catarrh that caunot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo, O. We, tbe uud-nigoed, have snown r. J. uueney rcr tne last 15 years, ad believe him perfectly honorable in ail busioess trans actions and nnancidllv able to carry out auy obligations made by his arm, National Bank of Commerce, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon tno blcod and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials Bent free. Price 75 i cents per bottle. Sold by all Druggie's. Take Hail's Family Pills for constipation. France Loses Another Vessel. Paris. Feb. 26 The destruction of the French torpedo boat de stroyer Dague in the Adriotio Sea was announced today by the French Ministry of marine. Tbe official announcement fol lows : The French torpedo boat de stroyer Dague, while escorting a o nvoy with provisions for Mon tenegro struck an Austrian mine ff the port of Antivarl (Montene gro) on February 24 and sank. "Thirty-eight of the orew dis appeared. The acoidendt did not hiuder finishing the work of pro visioniug and the return of the oonvoy. "The Frenoh cruiser Desaix mad) a demonstration against Akabah (Arabia) on February 23 A landing party.- aided by the ships cannon dispersed and put to flight a small band of Turks oc cupying the village." Ah! The Invigorating Whiff ot The Pine Forest! How it clears the throat and head of its mucous ailments. It is this spiiit of Newness and vigor from the health giving Piney For ests orought back by Dr. Bell's Pine lar-Uoney. Anticeptio and healing Buy a bottle today All druggists. 25c Electric Bitters a Spring Tonic, The Concord Post Office contro versy interested Roptesentativ Djugbton on last Saturday Two candidates were there and ere saeaker Mr. Sherrill is the favo rite as he has the endorsement of Senators Simmons and Overman Odds favor Mr. Sherrill for Con cord postmaster. latest far News The G u 1 mans Ptive Back The British Airy and Then Join Thsm in Battle. London, Feb. 27. Great Brit iao, France nd their allies have advised neutral countries that they hold themselves at liberty to stop all shipping to ar d from G?r mauy and the ooantries of her allies. Public announcement of this aotion will be made early next week. The txt of the de claration will set forth that this decision is necessary because of German submarine attacks but that Great Britain and France will respect the lives of orews and passeagers in any rtepB they may take. London, Feb. 28 With Rus- siap successes in tne region 01 "Przasnyzs, North Poland, and Kolomea, East Galioia, the suc cessful progress of the operations of the allied fljet in the Dardann elles and the deoision of the allied governments to stop all shipping to and from Germany, Austria and Turkey, the war, it is believed here, is about to enter upon a new phase. While the sucoeai reported by Petrograd covers only 8 small por tion of the long front in North Poland, and the Germans have been able to record a counter suc cess near Kolno, the general im pression among military men iu London is that not only has the German effmsiva in the North exhausted itself but the tide is turning in favor of the Russians, wh", with railways at their back, have been able to bring up mote reinforcements thin the iuvaditg army, whose c mmuuioations af ter Germany territory is left, must crcsB a country of marshes andfYerfiowing rivers:- - Much mere fighting, however, must be waged before a final de cision is reached. Meanwhile the battle has ben resumed iu Cen tral Poland where thi Russians have made a slight advance, end the engagements in the Carpa thians, eastern Galicia andj Buko- wina continue witn unabated fury. London, Fe'. 27 After hav ing completed the distruction of forts at the entrance of the Dar daoelles, the allied flet of British and French warships, the greatest which has ever been in aotioD,are now attacking the inner forts, which heretofore have stood be tween Turkey aud invasion by tbe sea. Apparently the outer forte could not withstand a great bom bardment aud when tbey had teen levelled and deserted by their defenders, man were landed from the ships to complete the work of demolition, while mine sweepers cleared a passage for ships in the straits. More serious work is now ahead for the all-important fortifications areatKillaa Bahr and Chanak, which gnard the narrowest part of the straits, which the fleet is approaching. There is no doubt, however, th t the allied 00m- mandeia have instructions to make their way to Constaniinople in spite of all obstacles and have been supplied wieh the best means for carrying out these orders. Paris, via London, F$b. 27 1:55 p. m The following ffioial commanicat.ou was issued by the War Office tonight: "Iu the duoes near Lomabert zyde, one of our patrols captured a German trenoh, killed the occu pants and took a machine gun. "Iu Champagne our progress of Friday evening to the north of Mes-nil lea Hurlus has made us masters of 500 meters of German trenches, where we made ab ut one hundred prisoners and captur ed two maohino gnus and one quick firer. This attack was bril liantly carried out with the bayo net. 'A strong German counter-attack was repulsed during the oourse of Friday night. Today we made fresh progress to the west of Perthes and to the north of Beausejour. In Loraiue at Laueu veville, near the forest of Parroy, a German attack was repulsed," London, Feb Jg8:2fi p. m. The Admiralitanriounoed te night that daring; the bombard ment of the Dardanelles fortiflca tiooa the battleship- Agamemnon had been etruok -and that tire men were killed .The announce ment says furtiieriuat the Darda nelles operations re still proceed ing, . Petrograd, Mardb 1 -410:24 p m via Lond6k,larch 2.-12:52 a. m An c fficiiimmunieatioD issued tonight t vita War Office ' We conct ufi& est erday the operations at Przansyiz, where we defeated sud hae thrown back to the frontier not jess than two army corps. Tbe fcrermans, hav ing compelled the retreat of our Tenth Army, set themselves the further task of joiiing battle with our troops operating successfully in the Mlawa region . Their plan was first to drive baok, by a dem onstration in forc.oor left wing in this regie n, and then apparent ly by a headlong dash against our lght wing in the Khorgele (Ohbr zellen) districi, td 'oyerthrow' our troops iu the direction of the Vis- tn'a. i.r "Ou the sixteenth the enemy took the offflnsiveAin the Lippo-Sierpeo-Biezna district, bringing five divisions into the operations. About the middle of February the enemy had teaohejd the Plonsk Raoions front, bat a result of desperate battle on the sixteenth and seventeenth we stopped hie further progress irithis section. London, March 1 10:10 p. m. If the 00 mbined fleets of Great Britain and France can prevent it, no commodities of any kind except those now; on the seas henceforth untiljthe conclusion of the war rhall reach or leave the shores of Germany. This is Engiardji . answer to Germ any s'f sufnalrine 'blockade and it is to be effective forthwith, Priemier Asqnitft reading from a prepared statement, made this announcement iu the House" of Commons at a session today. Studiously avoiding the terms 'blockade" aud "joatrabaud" for these words occur nr. where in the prepared statement the Pre mier explained that tbe Allies considered themselves justified in attempting and would attempt "to detain and take into port ships carrying goods of presumed enemy dbStiLation, ownership or origin." Tbe Premier emphasised, how ever, that vB3lea and cargoes bo seized wera not necessarily liable to confiscation, and begged the patience of neutral countries in the face cf a step likely to injure them. He added that in making such a step the Allies had doneso iu self-d-fence, San Fransisoo, Maroh 1. A Nation-wide and ultimrtely world wide boycott on Japanese produotB is the aunouaced aim of a Chinese society organized here today. The embargo has been started by Chinese-AmericauB in an attempt to force Japau to recede from her demands on the Chinese Govern ment. A propaginda spreading cam paign for the formation of similar societies in all the larger cities of the United States was begun aim ultaneously with the organization of the parent society. "Ccnsumptiou of Japanese goods of all descriptions by the Chinese of Amerioa is enormous, ruuning into the millions," said Secretary M. Q Foug. ,4Jly our tailiug this sanously we hope to make Japan think twice before she enforced her demands . Are You Rheumatic? Tri Sloans. If you want quick and real re lief from Rheumatism, do what so many thousand other people aro doing when-uer an attack cornea ou, bathe tbe sore muicle or joint with Sloan' Liniment. No need to rub it in just apply tbe Liniment to the surface. It is wonderfully penetrating. It g:es tight to the seat of trouble and draws the pain almost inline diately. Get a bottle of Sloan's Liniment for zoo. or any druggist and have it in the house against Colds, Sore add Swollen Joints, Lumbago, Sciatica and like, ail ments; but it does give almost instant relief. HattER lti!s,of Interest tit Rsiiirs 6itheftY ? acfl Condensed firisfici Asstaalatioa. . Washington, Feb. SO. Repre- fwntative Page's bill to authorize the 8eoretary of tha Treasury to kudit and adjust certain olaims" of North OardHna jgrowlng but oi sidered by the Congress at ths) predent aessioo. , iage will reiQwoauce tne mil next session, ana the poutWe on CI aims will then 'take it up. Sen ator Simmons will interest hint- self in tha bill in the Senate . .This bill, its friends say, should be passed in order to place -the State of North Carolina on a pari ty with the other States of the I Union in the matter of the re- 1 tuuuuisui u uei w iuuui suu lanI..l ' 1..- J expenaisurea in sne payment ana equipment of the State militia palled into the service, of the Un ited Stales durrng tha War of 18UJ to 1815. It provides that th Secretary of the Treasury be au thorised- and direoted to reopen, examine ad audit the olaim of the State cf N rib Carolina on tcoount of advances and expendi tures made by the State in the War oftf-1815, with Great Britain anof ascertain and deter mine, in accordance with the ml applied iu the settlement ot the like olaim of the State 'of Mary land under provisions of tne Act of Congress approved March 8t 1857, tbe amount remaining un paid and due to ths:State of North Carolina, on account of advanoesT and expenditures and appropri ates whatever sum is found sodbe neof ssary for the payment of Said olaim. Raleigh. Feb. 26: There will be sr definite and thorough 'inYeititf gation by. a special commission from the House of Representatives into the Judge Frank Carter- Solicitor Charles L. Abernethy contempt case from Newborn and of the oharges against the moral charaoter of Judse Garter that have grown out of the eonffWii of the contempt judgment. This was finally settled this evening in Judiciary Committee No. 1 of the House by a unanimous vote to report favorably resolutions by Representative Clark Of Bfaden providing for such an investiga tion. The resolutions will be re turned to the . House tomorrow morning with the favorable report by Representative Alfred of Johns ton Counly for the committee. London, Feb. 26. Franoe, Rus sia, England, Serbia and Belgium are said by English officials to be in absolute accord as to reprisals to be made on Germany, Austria and Turkey in retaliation for the German submarine campaign . England was in conference with her allies concerning reprisals be fore the reoeipt of the last Ameri can note making informal repre sentations looking to tbe disoontin nnoe of submarine activities and to the admission of food to Ger many for her oivil population. While it can be authoritatively stated that the nature of the re prisals has not been agreed upon absolutely as yet, England and her allies have decided upon the main points whioh probably will be announoed Monday by Premier Asquith in a statement for the press. 8imulaneously the posi tion of all the opponents of Ger many toward neutral countries whose trade is so vitally affected by the present naval methods be submitted to the neutral Gov ernments. G. W. Bowers, of Glenn Alpine was found dead at his home at that place last Friday morning by his son-in law. Bowers was prob ably 90 years old and when found he was lying in the fireplaoe with a large cut on bis head inflicted by the shovel. Bloods pots on the floor indicated that he was knock ed unoqnscious and then dragged in thef fireplaoeV He had about $28 on his person when found. As a result of a preliminary conference of the committee from the House of Representatives' to 6! investigate the Judge Carter, - So licitor Abernatby, contempt case a!nd other charges of immorality against Judge Carter, there are to be introduced in the House at onoe resolutions supplement to the Clarke resolution for the in- n 1.1 lhe committee in I " sesssion behind closed doors for three hours, acd here were coun sel for both Judge Carter and So-' iicitor Abernatby. . The Child LaborbjU bar been" killed in the Senate. 4 A m an snail earn. hi bread bv file-sweat of Ibis brow," fays the Bible, M fefy any man & find ai tflbltca vjuukiuu uai m una snail earn his bitad by the sweat pf'bii chii,. WreVs brow'deolared Senator W. B, Snow of Wake County during the debate in tbe Senate of the Weaver Child Labor bill. The bill was taken up as a special order for boon. From that time until tbe vpe was taken- at 2:80, the argument was heated. The con iideration of the loeasure brougb' ft the ?ei6icu aud Drobablv mort of real feeling than any delate hat yet oocasioued. The mill men jaauufacturers, were charged oi. one side with heotoringthe Gener al Assembly while fr m then, came the charge of agitating. Health Promotes Happiness. , Without health, genuine j yy u impossible; without good diges tion and regular bowel movement you cannot have , health. Why neglect keeping bowels open auo risk being sick and ailing? You don't have to. Take oue small Dr. King's New Life Pll at night, in the morning you will have a full, flee bowel movemens anu feel much "better. Helps yonr appetite and digestion. Try one tonight. dloWTHTcTntosTiia moonshiner was killed near Hamlet by officers. Mr. Fry the man who had the still was a brother-in-law of the man killed. The other two mem bers of the party fled and have not yet been captured. The in quest was held by the coroner and the jury exonerated the officers from all blame. The deceased .was formerly a resident of Moore County. Ni Use to Try to Wear out Your Cold it Will Wear You Out losteai, Thousands keep on suffering OoughB and Colds through neglect aud delay. Why make yourself an easy prey to serious ailments and epidemics as the result of a negleoted Cold? Coughs and Colds Bap your strength and vi tality unless oheoked i 1 the early stages. Dr. Kings New Disoovery is what you need the first dose helps. Your head clears up, you breathe freely and you feel bo muoh better. Buy a bottle today aud start taking at onoe. Washington, D. 0., Feb 27. Plans for an extra session for the Senate to ratify treaties aud oon firm nominations immediately af ter Maroh nave been abandoned. The foremost of possibilities being considered today was an extra ses sion beginning probably on Octo ber 1, two months earlier would assemble. Leaders today were agreed that by assembling about October 1st and early start could be made on the remainder of the administration program, which inoludes the Philippine bill, the conservation bills, the regulation of issue of railroad securities and the ratification of the pending treaties with Nicaragua and Columbia. The situation on the ship bill still is indefinite. To tne Housewife, Madam, if your husband is like most men he oxpeots you to look after the health of yourself and children. Cough and colds are the most common of the minor ailments and are most likely to lead to serious diseases. A ohild is much more likely to coutrsot diphtheria or scarlet fever when it has a cold. If you will inquire into the merits cf the various re medies that are recomended for coughs and oolwB, you will find that Chamberlain's Cough Reme dy stands high in the estimation of peope who use it. It is prompt and effeptual, pleasant and safe to take, . which are qualities es pecially to be desired when a med icine is intended for ohildren. A mm BitiBriBr of tHiitftWfflti'' Has Miar Criscnt. ; Friday, February 26th, .trie children and husbanrl of ;MrsAl L. Lingle of Orescent ave her a very pleasant surprise. This day being her birthday. Eatly in the morning a neighbor sent for her as planned, 'Mrs, W. T. Lif gfe who lives nearjby watched when she left home nd with thesaut anCe of A. L. Lingle. built fires add arranged the home for the in vitadguests.' Between 10 and 11 o'clock her children, grand chil dren, mother, brother and sitters' brother, and sister-ia-laws, tieices and nephews, friends and pastor. Rev. N. D. Bddie sWd wife had arrived and she was sent for, to come home. In-every detail it was a complete surprise at tbe noon hour a large table was erect ed on the - lawn and the ladles brought forth their well filled baskets such as the oountry pan -tries are filled with . Rev Bod ie evoked God's blessings on the viands and all present ateto their hearts content and an abundance left. At this time the gifts were brought forth and another. sur-v prise was in store A. L. Liugte the father was aeked to com forward and take his place beside his wife as his birthday wai not too far off to be remembered also: He had worked and planned secretly to foil his wife and he was caugfiVin J he same trap. Ray." Bodie in a very delightful way presenfed the gifts whioh were man usf al as well as valuable proeuts from kindred-and friends. Mr. Lingle with bis wit and humor brought much merriment to those present in mankind a few remarks of thanks in behalf of himself and ilfe. He howeverli 1 mTttedthat' he was surprised till he felt really foolish and could talk aud say funny things to make you laugh all evening. The Liugle aad Fish er families were w il represented and all in all it was a must de lightful day spent together. All left for their respective bomtB as the sun was going down in the west wishing Mr. and Mrs. Lingle many more happy birthdays . t For the Slomach and Liver. I. N, Stuart. West Webster, N . Y,f writes: "I have used Cham- berlaip's Tablets for disorders of the stomach and liver off and on for the past five years, and it af fords me pleasure to state that I have found th m o be just as re presented. They are mild in their aotion aud tbe results" have been satisfactory. I value them highly." Harry B. B )langa, twent-tbree years old, of Cresswell, N. C, aud a student awoke in his boaring house a few days ago to find that he had fallen heir to $2,000,000. He could hard y realize the fact and read for the second time the letter which coi.v uoed the amaz ing news. This inheritance will be received in 1916 according to the letter which was from a cousin Mele Lulius Del Lafayette of Bordeaux, France saying that her father, hi uncle, had died in December aud remembered him in hiB will. Total value of estate is placed at $40.0O0,00Q. Best Treatment f ir Constipation. "My daughter used Chamber Iain's Tablets for constipation with good resalts and I can re commend them highly," writs Paul B. Babin, B ushly, La. Tbe attorneys for Leo Frank, are watching with renewed interest the rep orts of the argument before the United States Supreme Court. Louis Marshall of Now York opt n edthe argument on Thursday after noon . Recomm?ods CbambarUios Remedy. Cougb "J ta'te pleasure in recommend ing Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to niv customers became I have confidence in, it. . I fiud that they are pleased with it ai ball for it when again in need of such a medicine," writes J. W. Stxsont Montevllo, Mo. 11

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