" r. ; ... - - The Carolina Watci lan H. STEWART, Editor and Owner PtabUshed Every Wednesday, . 120 West Innes Street.. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE x Watchman, 1 year, $ .75 Record, 1 year, 75 The Progressive Farmer, 1 year, 1.00 AM 3 for a year each, only $1.50 Entered as second-class matter January 19th, 1905, at the post office at Salisbury, N. C, tinder the act ol Congress of March 2rd, 1879. : - f Salisbury, N.C, March 3, '15 Senator Millers ..bills seem to ba launphed njerely in thejntereit of the offioe holders; We have yet to tee one sparjc .of sympathy in anything he has attempted that would be of interest or benefit to the masses. Probably onr good friend has bee uermamzed, or perhaps he has imbibed too freely of the Vanderbilt idea: "The peo pie be D- ' Onr attention has beet, called to the fact that the Sjathen Railway's "transfer sheds' a r c now partly. a bong two t ; irds, itMirthfoity1 tfmi8 Hicfr iontrary to the statements gv d .ad have not been publicly denii ed, by the press in. this vicinity. The Watchman is glad to make '-.his corr ctioD and also glad to know that the Southern did aot insist on privileges not granted to others. ... Onr recant vremarks u this enbjeot were trampled, .not 40 much as. a criticism, of the rail-. ays and other, big dorp.crationt is. thev ware in . reference to, the. people's servanta who, quiteoften permit auch thir gs to occur r MOTH And we are to have a brand new importation, fresh stock to arrive, aB it were, to take charge of the oommunity. A new secre tary for the P. K. Of course gentleman can spend their money as they please, but it's strange that men who have the interest of the oitj at heart will go away to get an employee while we have capable material in an abundance here. How long are the citizens of Sal isbury to be played for suckers by pretensions strangers? and, How long will it take onr people to learn the injustioe of causing our home boys and business concerns to suffer by continually giving patronage and preference to the fellow who is here today and gene tomorrow, pay no taxes, do noth ing but harm and then dodge the sheriff to get out of town? How long, How long? Ford, Roberts, Windy Billy.-et alii. The State Senate, from our view point, has made a great mis take in refusing to pass the anti jug law, and a greater one by referring the matter to the people. If this was a question on which the people had not been, given an opportuninty to pass the matter would be entirely different. On of the greatest objections to the present prohibition laws is the constant statement that they do not prohibit. Real prohibition therefore being the thing the peo ple voted for and want, any . leu to bring it about should be passed without hesitation. If submitted to the people again it will be car ried by a greater majority than before, and instead of the Demo cratio party shirking a responsi bility, it will engender strife, dis cord and brand itself as a quitter besides spending $40,000 to $50, 000 of the people's good money and only accomplish what the legislature should have done hi fifteen minutes. The Quinine That Does Not Affect The Head Because of Its tonic and laxative effect, LAXA TIVE BROMO QUININE is better than ordinary Quinine and does not cause nervousness nor ringing In head. Remember the full name and look for the signature of E- W. GROVE. 25c A CARD. To the Public When it was suggested that I take the management of the North of Bay Counties Exhibit Cars from Califor nia, I answered I WOULD ON CER TAIN CONDITIONS; namely, that they furnish the FINEST EXHIBIT CARS ever sent out by any other sec tion before, with its own electric light plant, so we could exhibit evenings as well as in the daytime, and gather, their WONDERFUL PRODUCTS from their orchards, vineyards and ranches, put up by experts, so it would be a "WONDER' itself, and secure a Marine Museum and Curiosi ties from ALL OVER THE WORLD, so the OLD and YOUNG, RICH and POOR, EDUCATED and ILLITER ATE could visit and spend hours profitably. They have done so, -and I extend an Invitation to all, knowing that we have the most original, new and UP-TO-DATE EXHIBIT ever brought to your city, and a perfect" system of convincini; the public of the fact that onr five counties contain .more induce, ments for the Homeseeker and the Tourist looking for a perfect climate and beautiful scenery. COME- AND SEE FOR YOURSELF what we are doing. We make a small charge of 25 cents for admission, to help defray expenses and .enable us to give valuable sou venirs suggestive of California Something all will keep to remember sby. i Yours very respectfully, M. LEAK, Manager North ef Bay Counties Ex hibit Cars. WE DO NOT SELL LAND, but we want to interest you In our section of the Golden State. Will show at Salisbury, March. 15, 16, 17, 18., AdS mission, 25c for .adults, and 156 for children. ER SUPERIOR ROSARY HILL HOME fells How Vino); T. Restores Strength and vitality to the Weak, Worn-Out Ones in Her Oi 00 00 00 4)0 Rosary Hill Home. Hawthorne. N.Y "I have been at work among the "sick and poor for nearly eighteen years, and whenever I have used Vinol for run down, weak or emaciated patients, they have been visibly benefited by it - One D&tient. a young woman, was so weak and ill' she could hardly creep tdmvcloor for aid, and was leaning on a fnend'a arm. I supplied vinol to ner liberally and in a month when she returned to thank me I hardly recognized her- -She was strong, her color charming and her cheeks rounded out. inese words are uttered from my heart, in order that more people may know about Vinol, as . 1 - j 1 " - . 1a t ? were is nouung manes me nappier in the world than to relieve the sick." Mother M. Alphonsa Lathrop,Q.S.D., Hawthorne, N.Y. Such disinterested and reliable teati monv should convince everyone of the merits of Vinol, our delicious cod liver and iron tonic to build up, health ..and strength for all weakened and nervous conditions, whether causeorirom over work, worry or chronic cougtu and colds. If Vinol fails to benefit we teturu your money. Smith's Drug Store. Salisaurs, N. O . Kow an County Farm Life School : opens Jaii aary 7th, 1 915 ; Thft stnrA that sells for cash and for less. No profit ndd- 00 ed here to cover bad accounts. When you trade v. uh us you only pay for what you get, not what? some other fellow got and didn't pay for.- No profit added here to cover such things. This is why out ' business continues to grow. Here are a few of the specials to be found here. ' IFPrepares'tOientr Without examination Jthe v ireghraan lass-of any ataudaro eollege'm the' State., . In. , addition: to the. above- cultural AA courses, a four yeai course iu agriculture, ) J " ''farm'carpen'try and shop work. .is offerd. for A'f' boys, and a coiiree in: Domestic Science jan4.. i "Ifohie Ecotibtnics is offered for girls. . V T J. union tree. . . . . .. . . IGirls 'boarcfedln "dormitory, at cost! , .. . or further infofmatipn, :ddrf ss ... . . . . 0 00 00 00 OOOOOOOOOOOOWOOOOOOOOOQOO R. D. JehkinsrSupt " ' "CHINA GROVE, N" 'Sc.'.'. ;"' Roysters Fertilizers! HMtade Cotton Goods. 7 Dress and apron GfDg6aaLf.;r 5C Best 8-J alimanoe iu "dress" 'styles Cin' or shirt stripes for VZV Best 10c cheyiate for shiHs dark ... o.-. ..... , . coif r 82 inch DfP88 Gingham fast Col ors iu real pr-tty spring styles for 18o Hydcgiade Galatea the' best ' made oar price 15c 36 :nch white madras for Cotton poplins white and ooIotb for Oc 5c Oc 15c Hosiery Special. LacH 10a black hose fr 5c 5c "Men's 10 blaclf scks for Childreus hose OaToli a tnadrt. This is an extra gocd valno all sizft 6 fo'9 o-ir special 10o r 3 for , Ladies real nipe silk h -b black, tan and eto oar special Wintm Underwear All winter uuderwear wompns' chi. dren's mer? aud boys redocd- to ooet boy now and save till nexi winr. I will pay 25c Trade at our store. Its the people's store. Where you gi can get what you want without paying a big price for it. on sale at tO Loan Applications receiv ed for loans from $100 to $10,000 )n improved an unimproved town property and farm lands. Inter est 8 straight. Interest payable annually or semi-annually. Time: one to ten years, Applications for loans will please give descrip tion, location, and valuation of property offered as security for loan. State improvements and valuation of same. We want county representatives so receive applications for loans, appraise property, and serve as )ur exclusive representative. At torney or real estate man preferr ed. Applicants for lpam, and ap plicantB for agencies positively required to furnish at least two character references and forward postage, five 2o stamDt for appli cation blanks, fall particulars, and prompt reply. Write Suth.. rn Office, Southern Mortgage Loan Assn., Fourth Nat'l Bank Bldg., Atlanta. Ga. 2 24-4 t U EOHI. o) fez Inl mm It pays to use the best Q and you Mil certainly o find none better. It costs x x the same as other brands COMMENCE THE - NEW YEAR opeun g a bayking account witb NORTH CAROLINA'S. STRONGEST BANKING INSTITUTION, Our Capital is. $1 250.000 00. We pay 4 cwpded quarterly $ w II open aft Acct. IT WACHOVIA BANK & TRUST CO. . ! 1 In tKe rowiri and complex relation smpr in business today there Is need for souncl advice on all anatten per, taming to money traj-uractiorw. Yova Will Arid tke Officers oP tKiy Bajik r-esidand Willing to cooperate -vVitK yo at all tin?e for tke aurkirt. W5 PAY 4 PER CENT. ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS AND CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSITS. FIRST NATIONAL BANK, Salif bury, N. C. Consult 1 JtjTf 1 Consult 1 - OFFICIAL EXpiTfROM FAMWAJ SfiUFDRNIA To.the Public: ... . . ...... ..-- ... .. . We, the undersigned, have loaded up the two Ttarrshown a1)3ve with the Choicest Speci mens from our Orchards, Vineyards and Rantrhes, and sent them EAST far' your INSPEC TION, with literature descriptive of oar section that WE KNOW is the BEST for Climate, Scenery and Productiveness in th Golden Stare ;"an(f added the Famous Hettrich Collection of Curiosities, , over a Thousand in number fromall over the-world, with the MONSTER SHARK CAUGHT IN MONTEREY BAY, eALIFORNIA-,-36 Feet Long, Weighing 10,383 Pounds, and 460 Yeats Old, as an ATTRACTION, giving you a REGULAR "WORLD'S FAIR" ON WHEELS. We bring it to your city, giving you the Greatest Exhibition for iittit money you ever saw. ... . v ... v, . , s . If INTERESTED after INSPECTING-our EXHIBIT and want nidre" INFORMA- TION, WRITE TO US. t . MR. S. H. WYCKOFF MR. E. H. BROWN . MR. FRED HOLMAN MR. I J. BULBN' ... MR. C. B. SHAW Mr. W. O. POAGE ..... MR. 8. Il" OLMSTED . . MR. j M. ALEXANDER MR. G. B. ANDERSON mr. p: H. MILLBERRY MR. E. F. JEWELL .VI ROBERT NEWTON. LYNCH RespectTully, . ... Secretary Napa Chettfbef " of Commerca. 'SecTet&vf Santa Rpga. CJxamber, of Commerca. SecrpUr.WiUi ,Cha.giberof Commerca. . Secretary, Calistpga. Chaniber. of Commerca. Secretary" cioyerdale. Cbmber of Commerca. . gecredi ryTjyabiilCaxamJ)er, of Commerca. Secretary Sair!Rafaat Qftwier jjf jCommerqa. Serfttar JlealdBburji;. Chamber of Qommerca.. Secrery Sjt,JHelena Cbamber of Commerca. Se5retary Xakapprt'-' GJiamber. pJL Commerca Secretary S ebastQjjpl Cbaraber of ,Commerc fteeratary" North iof Bay" Counti' Asaooiaton, Pataluma, CH'tnia Some Facts About Potash POTASH is higher than last year because of scarcity brought about by war in Europe and recent decree by Germany entirely prohibiting further exports, but the increased cost, if proportioned to the amount of fertilizers used per acre, is a small item. For Potash in mixed goods, our charge at this time is at the rate of $1.50 per unit potash , (present market price $2.50 to $3.00 per unit): in comparison with 11.00 per unit last season. A difference of only 50c. per unit. This increased cost, per acre of land, is insignificant, as you will see by the following: 2 POTASH GOODS Increase 50c. per Ton for Potash 200 lbs. Fertilizer per acre Cost of potash 5 c. more than last year. 300 lbs. Fertilizer per acre Cost of potash 7c. more than last year. . 400 lbs. Fertilizer per .acre ...Cost of potash 10 c. more than last year. 600 lbs. Fertilizer per acre ...Cost of potash 12Jc. more than last year. 3 POTASH GOODS Increase $1.00 per Ton for Potash 200 lbs. Fertilizer per acre . Cost of potash 10c. more than last year. 300 lbs. Fertilizer per acre Cost of potash 15c. more than last year. 400 lbs. Fertilizer per acre '. Cost of potash 20c. more than last year. 500 lbs. Fertilizer per acre ..Cost of potash 25c. more than last year." This is a very small increase in charge for Potash when you consider that Muri ate of Potash is now selling at about $125.00 to $150.00 per ton (equivalent to $2.50 to $3.00 per unit of Potash) at ports, for cash in large quantities, whereas our present charge of $1.50 per unit is for goods delivered, time payment. Our price per unit of Ammonia delivered is $3.25 against $3.50 last year. A reduction of 25c. per unit, although Cotton Seed Meal is now selling approximately at the rate of $3.40 to $3.50 per unit of Ammonia. Our charge per unit for Avail able Phosphoric Acid is the same as last year, 60c. per unit. If you want Fertilizers, containing Potash, write or apply to our . nearest Sales Office.' T-C SALES OFFICES Durham, N. C. Winston-Salem Charleston, S. C, Colombia, S. C. Richmond, Va. Norfolk, Va. VIRGINIA CAROLINA n o cv-c Fertilizers v rHCMirAi C iti-i uvri, 7-.. 'V V-C SALES OFFICES Atlanta, Ga. Savannah, Ga. Columbus, Ga. Memphis, Term. Montgomery, Ala. Shreyeport, La. THE. Ordinarily you would not risk growing your Croo without Potash. Why do so this year when the cost per acre is so little mor than In nr-trw-Mi. o afford to take such a chance ? you 6 ..... i DR. R. H. ELLINGTON, . UEN'IIST Salisbury. - - N C. 'PHONE 617. Grnbb Building Fifth Floor Will show in Salisbury," Soutliern l station flftday, Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday, March 15, 16, 17, W Exhibit opens Monda a. m. -'8114111' cdntittttd tintillThiffsdayP Adults, 25 cents. , Children, lcents. P1AIMO TUMiMC E. S. VAN ALSTYNE, RESIDENT TUNER. Highest Local Reference. 2v9 W. Bank St., Saiiabnry, N. C. 'Phones 101, 95 or 61, 2-12 it it is auytliiiiff in Ihef Ijew'elry Hue I iiave it. Kl it is watcher, I have . the i a rgest . and fi est assort rnent I have ev a handled Vly prices are right and the best, " for the lenst money ever ottered rn Salisbury. w . . . .. i - wm. UrnaLsRy, rrop , of 8"alkbi ry Pawn hop kill IS II FOf Sale.r-1 J'cx. Typewriter, 1 . typewriter desk, 1 Filiug cabu t (sectional) 1 small Moeler safe. Apply tO JOHH L. RB5DI.EMAM . . Uet my prices on uure- aeemed pledges, sewing ma chines, organs, bicycles, jboes clothing, hats, pis- luih, buoi gnns, suit cases, trunks, violins, guetars, 'jaujos. The best line of oineical instruments in the iiiy are always to be had " h jnow is the chance a gel special bargains ii watch hp, 6wlrv.. di. rnoude, clocks, etc oalisbury "awn Shop, Urb.nsky Prop.