.it-'; .... i - - - , ' - - - - :-. v .win mim'- - -- r, .., iiiiwim i, - - ' rn. SALISBURY , AND zz ROWAN COUNTY LOCALS riT At NT NOT S "jP ' GET IN AMD OUT AM OAT 'tk; CL VQr fsZZ 1 SVV A0St NO PV)RP Ht OP THAT HOUSE, I 59 7 L-X V Vv 2J Pv W Vandyke of Elizabeth Town, Teun. The man who jo raped firm5 western train No. 12. last Buuday night, has been returned to his home. A tele gram received by Sheriff Krider gave no information regarding the man, but was from tLe First Na tional Bank of Elizabeth Town, and stated that the man's return expenses would be paid Special officer J. F Traziare acoompanied him home. An alarm of fire called the de pattment to the Western Union Telearaph office. The trouble was with the wires which caused considerable smoke and it was believed a fire was in progress It was nothing serious however and the trouble was soon remedied On last nicht Salisbury was viiitedby a ram and hail storm .which only lasted for a few min utea aud did small damage if aiy There was a meeting held at the First Methodist cl.uich Motday nichfe at eicht o'cl- ck to set in C , a mctiou a movement for the build incr of a modern church. With o this in view,, Rev. Jrhn W. Moor preaohed a strong sermon l$m dav moruirg, on the .subject, "A magnificent undertaking,'' The Rowan County Baraca' Association held its c t veLtion ii the old ocurt h-uae Sunday after noon. Qaifceacrowd was preieui to attend the exercises whiuh wer presided overly T.J Andeieon, president of the county union . There are now more than 6?,,0C0 members iu this State. A. at;.v, The police census of Salisbury iuoFu recently craerea ibsbu u tain the city population Bince the boundaries were increased by the recent legislature his been com pleted. The total- shown is 12, 187. The Salisbury public schools will close on Friday, may 21st, and the commencement exercises will take place on Monday the 24th. The speakers have not yet announced. - There was a very serious wreck in the .Greensboro yards Sunday, when the show trains of Smith Bros Carnival collided with a switch eugine, Brakeman W. A. Andrews of Spencer suffered a mashed foot and four members of the snow were slightly injured Lawyer G. W. Garland of Colo rado, spent laBt Wednesday night at D. 0 Lingle'a near Granite Qoarry, and after spending Thurs- day in Salisbury left for South flumlina aad thence to Alaska wher? he wiil spend the summer Mr. Garland was looking well. Son Bryce, colored, who is well known in Salisbury police circles aud who has figured in several stare robberies in Salisbury has been at his old tricks again in Charlotte and has been captured with two oth-rs. The three are ooly small boys. Jacob Sachs, Daniel Ellieon and t? a irViioa tiowa nnmhftBftd t,hf stock of tne Rogers Clothing Com- nanv and will continue the busi- ness at the old stand on North Main Street. F B. Miller who bad the management of this com pny for some time will again gi on tne roaa lor a porirait cum- pauy for which he traveled yea Ho. in which he made a splendid SUC03SB. The congregation of the First i M. E. church are anxious for the building of a new church, and a large crowd was present at the meeting Monday night. A oom- mittea was appointed to look after the matter and arrive at an esti mate of what the proposed struct- ure will cost. By a unanimous vote at the Monday night meeting 4 A.AA th.tha nl.M tn build was on the present site. Several defendants were con victed on oharge of selling liquor in the Rowan Superior Court Tuesday morning but as yet have not been sentenced. Court is iu session again today. R. S Rasan who has had oharge of the Southern Power Company's sub-station in Salis bury ior a number of years has been transferred to Great Falls, 8. 0 and has taken up his work there. His many friends regret to aes him leave Salisbury, I L -V V ) I l .TAAiS WmM - 4?S Xxlr f I TiNK. AS A '- . .TXr.. JT Kill " T. W. Summersett and G. W I f r Wright left for Raleigh Monday ' to attend the State meeting of the Njrth Carolina Undertakers and Funeral Directors Association. Last week someone entered the . .a r- secretary s desk in tne Sunday school room of the First Metho dist church and tcok a small jar oor taining something over 2.00. The jar was known as a birthday . T 1 !j.J jar and in it cmioren aepositeu small sums on their birthdays to be used for ceedy Sunday schools. This is the second time that a jar has been stolen from the same room. The friends of Lindsay Garrett will be pained to learn of bis critical condition at a Baltimore hospital where he went some dayirta duath was blood poison cans ago to ' undergo an operation for ed bp burns received several weeks an affection of the jaw caused by , ag0t ' Deceased is snrvivvd by, a the extraction of a tooth. Upon ! the receipt of a message anuouno-' in his oritioal condition bis son Hugh Garrett and two son-in laws went to Baltimore to be witn nim. Joe Mevlin, a former Spencer man and a machinist, was instant- j iv killed in a motorcycle race' j w last week at Springfield, mo., Mr. Newlin was 28 years of age aud was an expert rider, lie in some way lost control of his ma- chine which ran into the fence. The remains were carried to Bor lington the old home of the de- ceased for interment. The District meeting of the Jr. O IT. A. M. will convene at Albemarle on Friday. May 7Sh Four counties ino udiug Rowan will make up the District. E.G. Shore and Miss Annie Holder, of Spencer, were married iaBt Thursday evening by Esq. W. jjay ftt gpencer. The young 00nDle left for several points in Virginia and upon their return mnkfl their home in Spencer. Msnueiit to lie UiTtiM The Granite Quarry Camp, W . O. W., will unveil a monument to the memory of their deceased brother, Sovreign J. rank isyrd iu the Reformed Cemetery of Faith dunday afternoon at 2:80 o clook Pastor 0. A. G, Thomas of the First UaDtlBB UnOIOB, DSHIUUIJ, and the Albemarle quartette will furnish the music, f he public is invited and quite a crowd is ex pected to be present. is on iu) vi uiaui v u iv - Anneal Veteran Re-Onion On Pridav. May 14b, the an nual -re-uufon of the Confederate vetsraos of Rowan County will be held in tne Salisbury Uraded School building under the auspices of the R ibert F. Hoke Chapter, U. D C . The exerciies will begin at 10:80 a. m. Dinner will be serv aA at tVia cnnclnsion of the 6X61- oies. - I 1 v " vj , I Is .jSlcs A iylAA 1 k Dtr I I Mrs. Tessie Hearn, aged 72 years died at her home on Che tnut Hill last Wednesday afternoon at four o'clock. The funeral took place Thursday afternoon at 4 o'olook from North Main Street M. E. Church and the interment was in Chestnut Hill Cemetery. A telegram received here Mon day night from Pensaoola, Fla., anncunoed the death of John M. Roberts, a brother of Mrsr Charles Price and Mus Carrie Roberts of this city. The cause of Mr Rob- wiff , one brother and two sisters. He was well known in Salisbury pinimi-PiClfiC EXOOSitlOIS. SlB FfMCiSCO ( gl California. Very low round trip fares, Dates of sale March 1st to Nov ember 80th, 1915. Final return limit three mouths from date of sale, except that these tiokets will not be good to return laser than December 81st. 1915. Low round trip fares from nrincipal points as follows: Charlotte $84 15. Salisbury $84.15, Hieh Point $84 15. Greensboro $8415, Mount Airy $86 25, Gas touia $88 15, North ' Wilksboro $87.85, StateBville $84.15 Hiokory 288.25. Moraautou Win ston-Salem $84.15. Shelby $82.60. Fares from other points on same basis. Fares to Seattle or in Portland and Seattle, at higher rate. These .ticket will permit of diverse routing and will allow Btcp-over on both going and re turn trip within limit of ticket Southern Railway offers choice of several routes of historio inter est from which to seleot; going one way and returning smother. Through oouneition and good service via Memphis, 8t., Louis, Chicago or New Orleans Through cats daily via New Orleaus and Sunset Route. Spe cial oar parties now being arrang ed, affording opportunity to make trip without change with select oompany on outgoirg trip; re turning at leisure via and route vou may choose, stopping oft at your own pleasure, thereby Avoid' :-n tha riiBnnmfnrta of amino and returning -with large tour par , ..: irttkr --.! ties, beiDff compelled to follow the crowd. In going individually or with speoial Pullman car parties ysu spend your own money, stop where yu please and go and come to suit your own oouvenience and save money paid tourist agents for escorting you around. For f orther information apply to Southern Railwav agents, or R H. De ButtS) division passenger agent, Charlotte, N. 0. Invigorating to the Pale and Sickly The Old Standard general strengthening tonic, GROVE'S TASTELESS chUl TONlC.drives out Malarianriches the blood, build up the tytenv A tra Tonic. For adaUs pad children. Nc J- vMMS-MMwBavawMMMaaBMSSM0aBwaJ iMMMMMBgigMaMBMHMMainaMHMBMMBtfBBhsWh-- THE COUNTY FAIR By Peter Radford Lecturer National Farmers' tJnlon The fanner gets more out of the fair than anyone else. The fair to a cfty man Is an entertainment to a farmer it is education. Let us take a stroll through the fair grounds and linger a moment at a few of the'pointB of greatest interest We will first visit the mechanical department and hold communion with the world's .greatest thinkers. , , w. ? You are now attending a congress of the mental giants in mechanical sci ence of all ages. They are addressing you in tongues of iron and Bteel and in language mute and powerful tell an eloquent Btory of the world's progress. The Inventive geniuses are the most valuable farm hands we have and they perform an enduring service to mankind. We can all help others for a brief period while we live, but it takes a master mind to tower into the realm of science and light a torch of progress that will illuminate the path way of civilization for future genera tions. The men who gave us the sickle, the binder, the cotton gin and hundreds of other valuable inventions work in every field on earth and will continue their labors as long as time. Their bright intellects have conquered death and they will live and serve mankind on and on forever, without money and without price. They have shown us how grand and noble it la to work for others; they have also taught us lessons In economy and effi ciency, how to make one hour do the work of two or more; have length ened our lives, multiplied , our opportunities and taken toil off the back of humanity. They are the moat practical men the world ever produced. Their In ventions have stood the ac'd test of utility and efficiency, like all useful men, they do not seek publicity, yet millions, of machines sing their praises from every harvest field on earth aud as many plows turn the soil in mute applause of their marvelous achieve ments. RURAL SOCIAL CENTERS We need social centers where our young people can be entertained, amused and instructed under the di rection of cultured, clean and com petent leadership, where aesthetio surroundings stir the love for the beautiful, where art charges the at mosphere with inspiration and. power, and Innocent amusements instruct and brighten their lives. To hold our young people on the farm we must make farm life more attractive as well as the business of farming more remunerative. . The school house should be the social unit, I properly equipped for nourishing and building character, so that the lives of our people can properly function around it and become supplied with the necessary elements oi human thought and activity. For Today OofrtMtment luwefca at every maa'a 4oor, but la often or dered eff the aremlsaa ae an Intrude. Beid Thc Waxohhak and Record A Thought HOOSEHOLP HINTS CARAl&EL. NUT CAKE. Cream half a cupful of butter with two cupfuls of sugar, add a cupful of milk, teaspoonful of yanilla and three cupfuls of flour, sifted with, two heap ing teMpoonfuls of baking powder. Fold in the stiffly beaten whites of four eggs and bake in three layers. For the filling cook together for three-quarters of an. hour two cupfuls of brown sugar, one cupful of cream and one tablespoonful of butter, take from the fire, add two tablespoohfuls of vanilla and a cupful of walnut meats. Put layers together with fill ing and cover the top with caramel icing, garnished with half-walnut meats. For the' frosting use i acup and a half of brown sugar, taree-foarths of a cup of thin -cream and one-haH tablespoonful of butter. Boil until' it forms a ball In cold water. TO CLEAN NICKEL. First rub well with kerosene oil. then make a paste with strong vine, gar and whiting. Spread this over the nickel thickly and allow it to dry on. then polish with chamois. Hmi W. Miller, Vice President Southern Railway. Henry W. Miller, heretofore assistant to the president of the Southern Railway, has been pro moted and elected vice president, resident at Atlanta, Ga. The office of first vice president has been aboli hed as a mark of resp9Ct to the late Col. A. B An drews, the only incumbent sinOH the organization of the company ROCK GROVE. . -May 3. We had a fiae rain last uight. I guess cottou aud com will show up now. There will be an ice oream sup per at M. L. Orercash s store Sat urday night, May 8tb. Eveiy body is cordially iuvited to come out and enjoy themselves. ' There will be preaching at Rock G-ove M E. Church the 8rd Sat urday night in this month .-. Mrs. Ida Basinger is sick wJtb la grippe. M. A. Overcash and wife visited at H. U. Roseman's Saturday and Sunday. Luther Orercash visited near the cross roads Sunday night. Mr - aud Mrs. M. L. Overcash visited at C. R. William's Sunday Daniel Powlas visited his people in Kannapolis last week. M. L. Orercash had his house painted last week in Kannapolis. : BBRRY. RUTHERFORD COLLEGE. May 8. As tcdsy is the beginn ing of examination week' every thing is on the go, aud everybody preparing to tell what they know, The Kutberford Oollegs "Min streP gave a? good performance htre Saturday evening, after which a reception was given by Mi.s Lala Abernatby, to the school. Everyone enjoyed the delioums refreshments. A few wefks sgr M. W. Wintis of Yudkii.ville, N C, and Mi'f "aigaret Louis of Abland, N C both students of Rutherford C If ge, pre secretly married at the Methrdiet paxrenage. after which tl ey braid-d weet'l'ouj d train Ne. 11 Pnd lrft fir Nw Caitle, L d., wi ere they will make their future h( n.e. We wish fcr thm a lore at d napns me. Ort of the most interesting ff stores of our commencement, is the graduating txeroiaeB. Ibf jeoior c ase has aa enrollment ol thirteen boys, two of whom are Rowan boys, Joseph H. Brendull Jr. of .Granite Quarry, and I. Leroy Shaver of Lower Roau. Thre orations rre to be delivered by the following three gentlemen : Robert Weaver Edwards of States ville, N. C, Isaac Liroy Shaver, of Richfield, N. C , and Willis W ray Morse, of Portsmouth, Va. The commencement program is as foil ws: Surday. May 9, 800 p. m. Y. M C. A. Sermon by Rev. Oiin-W. Dowd of Gibton, N. C. Monday, May 10, 8:00 p. oi. concert by the victorial Liteary sooiety. Tuesday, May 11. 11: a. m annua! sermon by Rey. Hairy M. Nv rth of Duiham, N. 0,, Tuesday, May 11, 2:80 p Dolaimers contest,. Tuesday, May 11, 8:00 p m. m Inter aooiety debate, Wednesday. May 12, 10 a. m Graduating exercises. No commenced using it. Soon got better and am now entirely cured and feel like a new woman. Peruna Is my comfort. I will never be without it" Mrs. Thomas M. Morgan. R. F. D. 2, Wadawortu. Ohio. Si sKnVKK4Kn.OVn;sK & r3 n l i'lp arms If you want to buy a Farm, Large or Small, see us. Lf vouhavea Farm to Sell, List itwith us. !f SALISBURY REALTY and Inourance Company. POSITIVE PROOF. ihoold Convln :e be 6rei!et Skep'lc In Salisbury.. ' Because it's the evideuco of a aliibury citizen. Testimony early investigated. The strongest ei dcrsement cf m-rit. The best proof Read it: Mrs. M. B. Graham. 614 E . Fisher St., Salisbury, says: 'I suffered a great deal from sharp, piercing pains across the smill cf my back. I couldn't straighten nivctppmng and the muiclea bftTwwrmy shoulders were so rev felt badly all over. After tak ing Doan's Kidney Pilla fcr awhile, I wai better in evry way, J use them when my kidneys get Mut of order and they always ben fit me," Price 503, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get D an's . Kidiify Pil's the same that Mrs. Graham bad. F-s-tr Mil burn Co., Props , Buffalo. N. Y. Wednesday, May 12, 11:00 a. m commencement address! by Hon. Clyde R Hoey, of Shelby, N.O. Wednesday, May 12 2:80 p. m. Alutnui addreis, by Prof. W. Frster Starues of Weaver College, Weaversville, N. 0. Wednesday, May 12, 8 00 p. m. commencement play by College Dramatic olnb. Everbody is cordially invited to be with us May 0, aud 12tb. Bill. Aches or Pains - Peruna Did It f or Me. "1 find Peruna an excellent spring; and summer medicine and am glad to call the attention of my friends to it. I know by -experience that Peruna is a good medicine, and always recommend It whenever I have an opportunity. I can truthfully say that I have no traces of my old complaint, and have neither ache nor pain, and enjoy life. Words cannot express my appreciation for the good Peruna has done tne." PERUNA THE SPRING AND SUMMER MEDICINE. "I use to "get cramps In my stomach. I had sick headaches. My stomach nearly killed me. My family physician only gave me temporary relief. I got out of patience and had given up all hopes of recovery. I then wrote to Dr. Hartman and he advised me to take 1 Peruna. I got a bottle of Peruna and voir &ue

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