V li r it 6nH Excnrsim to WtshlngtoB, ft C Seit&iri Riilwai. Tbirsdn. ill) 13th, 1915 8peoial train will leav Salia burj at 8:80 p .. airiviug Wash ington following morning at 7-?55 a. m., Returning, will leave Washington at 9:00 a. m. 6atnr day. May 15tb. 1915. Passengers frcm branch line points will use regular trains, to the various juuction points con necting with the special tram. end returning will .use regular trains from such jnootiou. points to the borne stations. Tiokets good k me and return ing on special train only and oan not be extended. SDecial train will oonsist of first class coaches only. Daylight trip through Virginia returning. - A rare opportunity to spend twenty five hours in Washington, giving ample time to visit the manv rjoiots of interest in the Capital oity. Low round trip fares from eta tions named as follows: Salis bury $6.00, Albemarle $5 00 lx ington $5 00, High Point $5 00, Reidsville $4 50, Burlington 15 00, Greensboro $5.00, Spencer $5 00, Thomaeville $5.00, Asheboro $5 00, Siler City $5.00, Gibsonville $5 00. For further information, tick ets, etc , call on any agent South em Railway, or. R. H: DeBotts, D. P. A., Charlotte, N C. Peoples' National Bank Salisbuty, N. . Does General Banking Business WE PAY FOURIPERiCENT on time de posits. Interest payable every 8 months tt-ompt attenion given to any dusi ce8 entrusted to us. Toar business solicited. C7Peoples National Bank John B. Henderson, J. D." Norwood, S resident. . cashier. W. T. Busby, V-'r?rtidflnt. Asst. OMhi Sale ol Yaluable Real Estate. Pursuant to the provisions contained in a certain mortgage trust deed ex ecuted on October 23, 1911, by J. T. Hall and wife, Katie Hall, to J. D. Dorsett. trustee and mortgagee which is duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Rowan County in Book of Mortgages No 43, page 179, default having been made in the pay ment of the note therein secured and at the requst of thehclderof said note, the undersigned will expose for sale at public auction for cash at the court house door in the eity of Salisbury, North Carolina, on Saturday, the 15 day of May, 1015, at the hour of 12 M., the following de scribed real estate, sif uate at Spencer, N. O and described by metes and bonds, as follows: " Beginning at the corner of a twelve foot alley oIF Whitehead Avenue, at a point 202 feet S. 87 degrees 45 minutes W. from the intersection of Third Street and Whitehead Avenue, run ning along sail Whitehead Avenue 110 feet to the middle of a straight ditch, be the same more or less, thence in a southeasterly; direction along said straight ditch 314 feet more or less, to a stone in the edge of Hudson Avenue, and on a southeastern line of lot No. 18, 190 feet more or less to a stake at intersection of a twelve frot alley and Hudson Avenue more or less, .thence in a northwesterly direction, along the line of said alley 240 feet more or less, to the beginning corner, being lots 5 and 6 and part? of lots 7, 12 and 18, in block 9 of the Whitehead addition to the town of Spencer, N. C. This the 9th day of April. 1915. J. D Dob8ktt, trustee and mortgagee. John L. Rendleman, attorney. r,1 Administrators Notice. 1'iving qualified as administrator upou tue estate of William Leonard, dec?aied, this is to notify all persons having claims against the eatste to present the same to the undersigned for payment on or before March 17th, 1916, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will make prompt settlement. T his March, 17th, 1915. . W. H. Leohabd. administrator For Surveying. Farms and City Property, Plots, Deeds. Maps, etc write A Trexler, R. F. D. No. 6, SALISBURY, N. C, 'Phone: Liberty. . 7 TRADE WITH C. Pa SHUPLTJG Farmers will find it to their intereet to see me when selK ing their produce We pay Highest Cash Price 1 for Chickens, Eggs and all kinds of Produce and selling :you groceries at the very ; lowest prices. Headquarters for Watkins Medicine Co. C. P. SHUPIfJG. g3mo - - Plain i-Pacific Expositions, Sin Francisco and Sin OiegQ, ClHf orola. - , - , . r . - -.. , . - Very low round trip fares, -Dates of salt' March" 1st o Nov ember 80th, 1915. ' Final return imit three mouths from date of sale, except that these tiokets will not be good to return later than Deoember 31st, 1015. Low round t trip ; fares from prinoipal p o i n t s aa follows: Charlotte $84 15. Salisbury $84,15, hliga fomt $84 ID, ttreeusboro $8415, Mount Airy $86 25. Gas tooia $88 15, -North Wilksboro $87.85, Statesville $84.15 Hickory 83.2D, Morgautou 82 20, Wins stou Salero $84.15, Shelby $82.60. Fares from other points ou same basis Fares to Seattle or via Portland .and Seattle at higher rater These tickets will permit of diverse rooting and will allow step-over on Dotn going ana re - -'-mi turn trip within limit of ticket. Southern Railway oflers choice of several routes of historic inter; est from which to select; going One way and returning another. Through counejtion and good service via Memphis, St., Louis, Ohioago or New Orltiaui Through cars daily via New Orleaus and Sunset Rute. Spe cial car parties now being arrang ed, affording opportunity to make trip without change with select oompany on outgoirg trip; re turning at leisure via and route you may choose, stopping oft at your own pleasure, thereby avoid ing all the discomforts of going and returning with large tour par ties, being compelled to follow the crowd. In going lndividuaIlyor ith special Pullman oar parties y?.n spend your own money, stop where yju please and go and obme to suit your own convenience and save money paid tourist ag'nts for escorting jou around. For farther information apply to Southern Rsilwav agents, or R H. DbBdttb, division passenger agent, Charlotte, N, 0 JOHN R. BROWN, OPTOM STRICT. Fitting Glasses a Specialty Relief or no Pay. EiammaliQB tfitbsui Drugs or Drops. China Grovk, N. C. b2-l STOMACH TROUBLE Majority of Friends Thought Mr. Hughes Would Die, But One Helped Him to Recovery. Pomeroyton, Ky. In interesting ad vices from this place, Mr. A. J. Hughes writes as follows : "I was down with stomach trouble for five (5) years, and would have sick headache so' bad, at times, that I thought surely I would die. 1 tried different treatments, but they did not seem to do me any good. 1 got so bad, I could not eat or sleep, and all my friends, except one, thought I would die. He advised me ' to try Thedford's Black-Draught, and quit 1 Red Devil Lye Makes rain-water of the hardest water and your clothes let go the. dirt. SAVES CLOTHES Red Dwfl Lye is powdered, and dissolves In--stantly. Is in sifting-top cans and you can uoe much or little without waste. It is the up-to-date) lye. No cutting of cans, bo waiting. You will never use the out-of-date .Don lye ogam, once you try Red Devil. Get a can prove it to yourself.' GDrA big cans' tW.-.J.-'.- fsfck Visderbtlt ca Deck is Ship Sank. London, May, 9 Thomss Sli- dell, of New York, interviewed in London today said he saw Alfred G. Vaodsrbilt ou the deck of the Lusitania aa the vessel was goii g dpwn . Mr. Vauderbilt, who could not swim was equipped with a life belt, but he gallantly took it off. Mr. Slide 11 said, and placed it around the body; of a young wo man " Then ho went off to iek another life belt. The ship sank a few leoondalater. V . Through inheritance from bis f a t h e r, Oornelios Vanderbilt young Alfred got an estate ol $100. 000,000, and paid, $6,O0O,OCO to his brother, Cornelius, by which a contest of the will was avgider He waa not very much on society, but he was a spbrt and a horse man, and his coaching ventures abroad brought him much notorie ty. ne was also much in print at the time hie first wife, who divorced him, committed suioide in London, It was Mr! Vauder bilt, who is said to have torn up the telegram he received just be fore sailing warning him not to gc oh the Lusitania. Mas Takes tilt own Medloine Optimist. He has absolute faith in bis medioine be knows when he takes it for certain ailments he gets re liei. People who take Dr. King's New Discovery for au irritating Cold are optimists-- they know thia cough remedy will penetrate the linings of the throat, kill ti e germs, and open the way for nature to act. Yon can't destroy a Gold by superficial treatment you must go to the cauBe cf the trouble. Be an optimist. Get a bottle of Dr. King's New Discov pry today. J. B. Brown a looal pharmacist of Charlotte, received a fine ol $1,000 in the recorder's court, ou a oharge of maintaining whiskey for sale. He gave notice of an sp peal to higher oourt and bond was fixed for his safe appearance. FOR FIVE YEARS taking other medicines. I decided to take his advice, although I did not have any confidence in it. 1 have now been taking Black-Draught for three months, and it has cured me haven't had those awful sick headaches since I began using it. 1 am so thankful for what Black Draught has done for me.1' Thedford's Black-Draught has been found a very valuable medicine for de rangements of the stomach and liver. It is composed of pure, vegetable herbs, contains no dangerous ingredients, and acts gently, yet surely. It can be freely used by yCung and old, and should be kept in every family chest. Get a package today. Only a quarter. The Secret of a Good Figured often lies in the brassiere. Hundreds of thousti.ds of women wear the Bien-Jolia Brassiere for the reason that they regard it ""saryasacorset It supports the bust , and b ick and gives the figure the youthful outline which fashion decrees. ILflE ; (BS-AN o -i are the daintiest, most serviceable garment imaginable. Only the best of materials are used-fpr instance, "Walohn". a flexible bon- ing of great durability absolutely rustless-1 ' permitting laundering without removal. They come in all styles, and your local Dry Goods dealer will show them to you on re quest. If he does not carry them, he can easily get them for you by writing to ns. Send for an illustrated booklet showing styles that are in high favor. Benjamin & johnes 50 Warren Street Newark N. J. hard or A - r, l4mg -J General Nevs Ilallen terns of litirist to ear Retdars fiatftertd and Condensed lor Olid Assiaalitioa. Seven persona were killed; and much property was destroyed by a tornado in the Pee Dee section of South Carolina late last Friday. A eyolone -passed over.; San ford about ,4:80 p. mM Friiay, May 7, and did mubh damage to the . resi dential seotion in the' norkhweat end of the town, lo liveswere lost bat some narrow escapes were reported. ' Paul Anderson, a yonngwbite man, who lives abent three miles from Mooksville, has been arrested od the oharge of starting Mocks villa's bis fire and also on the a charge of larceny. Anderson is only 18 years old and has been in trouble a number of times but al ways managed to get clear. - - With the election of officers and the appointment of oommitteeit the State Federation of Woinan'- OIubB on last Friday adjourned its 1915 session1 in Goldsboro and will meet next year in High Point. The officers elected are as follows : President, Mrs. Thomas W. Lingle, Davidson ; second vice-president, Mrs. C. C. Hook, Charlotte; cor respond tug secretary, Mrs, M, L. Stover, Wilmiugtou; treasurer, unexpired term, Mr. T. B. Tyson, Carthage; auditor, Mrs. Max Gardner, Shelby ; general federa tion State secretary , Mrs. B. K. Graham. Chanel Hill. The terms of the first vice-president Miss Gertrude Weil, and the recording secretary, Mrs. A. O. Avery, Jr., nave not expired and they will continue in office. The Rsvenue men operating un der the Greensboro office in charge of Col, W. H. Chapman, broke ail records last month, when 105 illioit distilleries were taken in the territory covered by tie forces uader tnis omoe. l ne reoora in dicates mcreaaed activity on the part of buth the blookaders and reveuue mau. Forty-six of the uumber were io the fifth Nortb Caroliua district, or the western part of the State; 81 in eastern N)tth Caroliua; 28 iu South Caro lina, and 1 iu the small sotioii of Virgiuia ocvjred by the effico. One Ford automobile, a shotgun and other property were taken. The sixteenth annual convention of tru boatneru iSaptiets, repre senting 2,600,000 souls, will con vene iu Houston, Texas, today. The Baptists are to have a ohau tauqoa of their own at Wrigbts- ville Beaoh June 21st to 27ib, for wbich a lengthy aud lutertating program has been arranged. Monday ueo m . Frank was re sentenced to be hanged on Tum day. June 22, tor the murder of ot Mary I'nagan. sentence was passed by Judge Ben H. Hill, of the Fultou County Superior Court Mary Pbagan was killed April 26, 1018. Before seutenoe was pro uounced Frank made a statement to the court, reiterating his inuo ceuce. Ceoil Lent z, a young white man, was found dead Sunday morning about 5:80 o'clook oh the porch at the heme of his father, L. A Leulz, of Vfouut Pleasant. An ?x ammation of the voune man s body showed that he had been dead several hours, his death be ing attributed to straugulatiou caused by falling over the railing at the porch. A call was sent to Concord for the coroner, Dr. S. E Buchanan, aud, on his arrival, the examination was. continued. The coroner decided that there was no evideuca of foul p'sy- and that death was due to stranguUtioxli Claf'il was a hrnthar nf'Panl T.snti I'"'' t nf SalisJ nrv Punl R. T.Ant ; "it native of Mount Pleasant, but who has been residing at Mt. Holly, died - Saturday, morning. le was an ancle of Cecil Lntz. Some Forms of Rheumatism Curable Rheumatism is a disease ohm aoterized by pains in the joiuts aud it the muscles. The most common forma are: Acote.aud Chrouic Rheumatism, Rhenma tio Headaohes, Soiatio Rtyeu matism T aud Lumbago. . All of these types can be helped lutely by applying some liniment that nonafcratea . ipso. good . An application of . Sioaps Linimenf is good for pain, and especially Rheumatic Pain, because 4t peoe trat to the seat of the trouble, socthes the sfflioted part ud draws the pain. "Sloan Lini ment, is all mediciue.'' Gt a 25c. bottle, now Keep it haudy V Jipm's Oeaiai of Cbifli for Mini's Good, Washington, -M ay 9. Silence - . steadily maintained by the Japa nese embassy here throughout the long-demands onOhina was brok en tonight by the issuance, of a statement prepared by the Tokio Foreign office, outlining the Japa nl onVAtnmAnt'a roaoona fnr an'h. tpitting demands at this time and- reviewing various statements ci the negotiations. - I ... .'Since this statement was writ' ten apan has presented an ulti matun . resulting in China's ' ao oeptauce of a revised draft of the demands and the averting of a great crisis in the Far East As accepted, th dar ft eliminates or pats aside for future consideration some of the demands most objeo tionable to China, and it is upder stood to contain no features which Amerioan officials regard as con travening American treaty rights. "The Imperial Government have in the proposals lately presented to the Chinese government, says, the Japanese statement, ''made it their main object to adjost mat ters relating to and to meet the new situation created by the war between Japan and Germanv; to strengthen the friendly relations sul sisting between Japan and China, and thus to ensure perma nent peace in the orient. They, in formulating these proposals had taken special care to avoid those whieh might be deemed to conflict with the territorial integrity, tqaal opportunity and the open door which Japan had occasion, time and again, to declare to the powers. A FAIR WARNING One Tbif Sbould be Heeded bf Silisbori Residents. Frequently the first sign of kidnay (rouble is a slight ache or pain in the loins. Negleot of this warning makes thft way easy for more serious troubles, dropsy, gravel, Bright's disease. 'Tib well to pav atteution to the first sign. Weak- kidueys generally grow weaker and. delay is often dangerous. Residents of this community place reliance in Djau s Kidney Pills. This tested remedy has beu used iu k duey trouble over 59 years, is recom mended all over the, civilized world. Read the following (Sal isbury proof of their merit. Mis. J. L. Hunter, 122 N. Ellis St , Salisbury, says: "Several years ago my kidneys oaused me a lot of annoyance. My back ached and I felt bo weak that I could hardly get about. In thf morning I couldn't get out of btd. The first box of Doan's Kiduey Pills did me good and after tak ing savsral boxes, my baok felt as strong as ever aud my kidneys acted regularly," Price 50o, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy. get Doan's Kidney Pills, the game that Mrs. Hunter had. Fcster- Milburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. Conftderati Vetenn's Special Train to RictiinoDd, Virginia, ou Monday, May 81t via doutboru Railway, Premier Garrier-ol the South. For the accommodation of Con- feaerate Veterans, their friends and all others, doujjhern Railway if ill operate speoiaT train from Charlotte, Salisbury, Qreeneboro, Reidsville aud intermediate points to Riohmoud Monday, May 81st. Schudafe and lares as follows: Leave Charlotte 7:00 a. m., round trip iate S5.VK); Coucord 7:45 a. m., round trip tare $5.45; Cbina Grove 8:10 a. m. round trip-fare 5;20; Salisbury S :30 a. m., round trip tare $5:00 Lyxing too 9:20 a.m., round trip fare $4.70; Thomasvilie 9:35 a, m, round trip taru $4:45; High Point 9:45 a. in. rouoa trio fare $4.80: fSreensemSlO: 10 a. m.. round trip fare! $$:8J; Reidsville 10:45 a. m. rouua trip iare so:oa; Round trip fares from other poiute as shown belcw; Shelby $6 75. Gaoma, $6 85, Norwood $5:65, Sauford $4.25, Blaoksbnrg $6.85 Mcoresvitle $5.55 Albe marltt f5,65, Asheboro $4 90. Fares from all points uot shown above on same basis. Tickets on sale May zvth to June 2nd inclusive, with final r. turn limit June 10th, with privi lege of extension until June 30th. Special will arrive Richmond 4:80 p. m., making entire trip in day time. LuuoheB and coffee 89rvdpnjtraiii enroute by Dining Cat Department. Very low side trip fares in ef fect from Richmond during tbo Reunion to a number of points of interest. ' - A rare opportunity to visit his toric r Richmond, the Capital .of the Coufederaoy f For additional information Call on your Dearest . agent or write, . R. EL DbButtb, D. P A., . r ' - JUGt 1 " W.-.-W. -TAYLOR'S Spring Goods, General line White Goods, Ginghamr Shoes, Pants, Overalls, etc, When in need of Dry Goods, Shoes, Hats, Cap3, No tions, Crockery, Groceries, Tinware and about every thing kept in a general store,, come to see me. Farmers are invited to make my place headquar ters while in the city. Very truly, -W. W. TAYLOR, 'Phone 39. 103 S. Salisbury Bank &Trust Co's x facilities for the care and protection of J your Money are modern in every respect. IB The many new depositors we are gaining: indicates a growth of this bank which will permit au added and larger usefulness to the com munity. XHj Is it not foolish to keep your money in your house where you will-always fear it may burn, or where a burglar may break in and steal it and kill you at the same time? We pay four per cent, interest, compounded' quarterly. SALISBURY BANK & TRUST CO. W. E, MoWHIRTER, Sashier. Let me send you FREE PERFUME W rite today for a testing bottle of DO YOUR OWN SHOPPING Onyx Gives the BEST VALUE for Your Money Eoerp Kind from Cotton to Silk, For Men, Women and ChiIJren Any Color and Style From 25c to $5.00 per pair Look (or Um Trade Mark! Sold by AH Good Dealers. WHOLESALE Lord & Taylor 3-in-One is a licit, core o3 com- tmtmd that never crums. nerf ecUv sewing machines, tvpewriters.bicycles, locks.clocks. . 1 awnmowers every 1 tuns mat ... 11 No crease. No acid. A and in nolisnes Denecllv au veuecreu V. . .. 11 J Spri: nkled on a vard of black cheesecloth 3-in-Onft ahsolutelv Prevents rust on fixtures, gas ranges, everything metal, indoors or out, in any climate. It sinks Into the unseen metal pores and forms a protecting "overcoat" which stays on. Free 3-In-OneFree. Write today for generous free bottle and the 3-in-One Dictionary of hundreds of uses. 3-in-One is sold in all good stores in 50c (8 oz- X pint). Also m new 3-IN-ONE OIL 42 DA Broadway The LnJachovia Bank & Trust Co. ; Is the Strongest Bank in North Carolina, . LARGEST CAPITAL. LARGEST ASSETS. This gives Safety and Protection to our Depositors 4 per cent, paid on Saving deposits. You can open an account with one dollar and upwards. 4 - At Main St., Salisbury, N. C. ED. PINAUD'S UlAC The world's most famous perfume, every drop as sweet as the living blossom. For handkerchief, atomizer and bath. Fine after shaving. AI the value is iu the perfume yol don't pay extra for a fancv bottle. The quality is wonderful. The price only 75c (6 or.). Send 4c for the- little bottle enough for 50 handkerchiefs. PARFUMERIE ED. PIN AUD Department" M. ED. PINAUD BUILDING NEW YORK Hosiery NEW YORK IKI 3-in-One lubricates . 1 . ! . ever neeas oumg m youuiome 4 uttle 3-m-one on a sott ciotn cleans or vanusxicu xluuilillc buu wuuuwuii. T 1 ij 1 I ' it makesan ideal Dustless Dusting Cloth. gun barrels, auto fixtures, bath room 3-size bottles: 10c (1 ozj, 25c (3 oa), patented Handy Oil Can, 25c (3 ozj. CJOAtPANX Now Twk CUy X .1 io caio of einergeDcy i