mi .71 V V XD THE ROWERS COLLECTKm A EComeNewsjiap1s Published in'ithe IateMSt,fe Eeopie and forHonesty insGovenjmenti! 1 i fi,;. vCuMwF fourth; series SALISBURY, IT, ?0L, WEDHESaaX JULY 21TH, 1915. it K 1 : - V " . NCrs CncfitnUi tattoo" who Wast to Ktarritfairt Boat Affairs. Electipg jaa: their cffioials who hire served darirg the past jear, thermembers of the North Caro lina Good Roads Association Thar ida v brousbt to a- close at Ajiheville the most successful withering m the history of the organization . The officers ere: President, Henr r B. Varner, Lex- ugon, ; secretary, ir. ubjju ytie Piatt Chapel Hill ; treas ufe, Joseph G. Brown, Raleigh; dfrfeotor, D; (Tooker Brown, - Rel efen. Thursday 'a session was given over princi pally to the .dia caision of plansr. a"eaJHpaign looking tb h'e .malntenace of rd$ds throughout the State ; and in fesojutions whioh were adopted bythe orgauiiation- the oicy aud oounty oflaaiali of 'North Carolina we urged ito pit forth their very rjsit efforts to keep-in go?d con dition the ililghjrayiirwhich hbve bean bailt V - . , The home oMayor Wv BJ"Sian lay of tligbiaud, which laopaud jftjt east of the Hioiory bk&U Ulinafaetaring 0 o m p a n y in Bokoryt waa fired .mid with a piitol .toy some ,onkQown perton Faiday miming about 1 o'okom aud the mayor . acd his wife iar iorly esoaped bing killed, whle isfeep in bed. Two shots jeeTft flAd, bdih through an open ' wm- i " . .- . . . . . . dow, by which the bed in wbiob ttarpr, -Stanly and his wife were aleeplagralood, one shot striking the headboard of the bed about 12 or 1$ inches orer Mr. fitsu ley's head and the other going dtagon t jr m I .1 i i iv urnii tniL innm inn rmi nr ' another window. . No arrests have been made in oonneotion with the ahobtiogast nightand it could not be learned whether suspioion had j been - fhre"oted towards any pajrkioular person. 'The total enrollment of boys engaged in the olub work in the State is five thousand four hnu dred and fiftynine," says T. E. Brown. The membership is dis tributed as follows: Pig elubs. . . . poultry clubs . 8eiOt .1,056, earn clubs .3 558, total. .......5,456. Beltou 0. Shuford, manager of the Brookford Cotton Mill Store, was seriousjy injured, and his two children, Carl aged five and Both aged three, were killed outright Sunday evening when passenger traiu No. 12 struck, their auto mobile at a crossing in Longyiew just west of Hickory. Mis. Shu ford, Miss Bettie Hollyard, Miss Lola Monday, other occupants of the oar were slightly injured Mr. Shuford's injuries were, right leg crushed and head bruised. He i now in a hospital here. The bodies of the two children were turned over to an undertaker . The body of the boy was found on the pilot of the engine with one .lag out off when the train was brought to a stop. Conductor .Hanger waa in charge of the train, Engineer VV. W. Pitts was at the throttle and was greatly affected. a He aooiaent happened at a cuive in the road. Mr., Shuford had driven upon the track when he saw the train coming. He stop ped and had got nearly back off when the engine struck them. Two of the ladies jumped and Were slightly bruisea by the car " Striking them. ' ttow'a TbU? : Weoff-sr One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall Catarrh Core. F. J. CHENEY & Co. Toledo, O : We. the undersigned, h a v knojrn F, J. Qheney tor the last 15 yeats, and - believe him perfectly hooerable louall business transso tlona and financially able to carry oat any obligations made by his ftrm. , NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE, Toledo, O. Hnll's Catarrh Care is taken in torpallyWabting directly upon the Ifiood and mucous surfaoes of the system. .Testimonials sent free, rrfef 75 cents per bottle. Sold by rnggists. - Take Hall's family Pilli for constipation. Late War Mews Whit is Oolog Across the Set in Uia Way of Destroying Ilea and Propirlj JnTy 18 The Argonne forest in France, the region ; directly to the . west of that wood aihel sector to the north of ArriB areff the soenes of the most . yjoient in: fantry fighting now in plrognas on any of the numerous battle f fonts, although H a .belated :Conslaoti iople report , says that on Monday the allied forces made deteraiined laud and saa attacks against Turkish positions on the Qallipoli Peninsula, which were repulsed with heavy Josses, v At other points in the west Inhere is a continuance xf the ar tillery action and an allied air FraiJon Liberoourt between Douai and Lille, was carried out suc cessfully by a squadron of heavy aeroplanes, which threw down many bombs. ' . '-:.: South of Lublin there-has been serious. fighting in which he:B,rjs sians claim to have captured dur. ing the week ending July it; rjffl- oers and men to tne numner of 23 761. The Russian war office also reports that trenches extend ing over a territory of about one and a third miles on - the 'right ank of-the Pissa river invPoland rwhich were captured by the Qer- mansion July 18 were retaken by the Russians by a strong oouater-r attack. Iiicidently Palis deolares that the German gain" iu, the Afoane Tuesday id id uojb exoeedv at - any point a depth of over a quarter of mile. The Qermana asserted that in this region they had takeu 4y storm Freuch positions over a, width of a mile and four-fifths and a depth of three-fifths of a mile. ' -j . Although many thousands, vof coal miuiBrs inODutir- waier nave decided to oontinue work many more thousands .have determined to stop work despite the govern ment's application of the muni tions of we r act tothe coalmin ing industry, making the min6T9 liable to heavy fines when they quit the diggings. The president of the British Beard of Trade, however, is to resume negotiations with the miners at the point at whioh they were lecently broken off, and this according to London dispatches seem to offer a way put of the difficulty. The Italian commander-in- chief, General Cadora in his latest official report, says merely that the situation in the Italo Austrian campaign is unohaged. London. July 18. The Rus sian frnt, running from, the Bal tio in the north to Bessarabia in the south, a distance of nearly a thousand miles, is being subjected to-violent attacks by the Germans and Austrians ansk in places has, according to the German official report, been pierced . London, July 16. The Austro German armies, which appear to be working in perfect conoert as as the result of the German orga nization are giving the Russians little rest or time to reorganise after their retreat from Galioia. . Simultaneously with the Ger man effort to reach Warsaw, the Austrians have attacked along the Dniester and have orossed that river at several points. . General von Maokensen's army, which doubtless had been waiting for Field Marshal von Hindenburg to move in the north,' also has come to life again and fighting has bein resumed in southern Po laad. .. , In fact, there is fighting of more or less severity all along the Russian front exoept in centra V i Poland, where the Russians are in such strong positions, that in the opinion of military men, it would be impossible to break through. The Germans claim further pro gress in their northern operations but with the Russians retiring it is not likely that the main forces have clashed as yet. The com bined operations are the most gigantio yet undertaken, the aim 6irBia Boat FIrtlTerpiSo at Llaer iBi iTBM 5h8JlaarAB8!iai ds iMarl. hlvdrljner'onla tronl Livetp6dJ totkew York.f wili27 ptiogerf J including 22 vAmwrioaja;j5aa af-fi taerwithdulruihiaii mansubmBriuw othtuoruog 4fML tujog July 9, it was learned on her ar'4 -Twei av- yard, of the Lusitahia off OJd Head; of Kinsale the Otduna es-j caped the LusitaniaVfate byCono half ft seoQQd of time drj 10 feet of space, the Qerman torpedo oburh ing the water that distance Lehiildj the linens luWer&Theii the Ot duna sped away. , She waa folloir ed by the submarine which rose tot the surfaoe, manned a gnu add shelled the fleeing atiamerr Tha attack waa timed at 10 minutes )to 6 oolocki in the morn ing when ill bat few pasaeugers were f Fofr hftlf tn hr thf OrdnBa showed her neels to.thet Iassailm Through marine glasses the psbf sengera; watched the - low QsrmmafarshDm on t but the; Ordunat flrght ?trl thanbe .ujteitf:ia shots had been firddNituout oflel the eubmariDivep he chase. .WstahiI.f!Miuto tht grave a!tionjt between the United .Stataamnd Usrmany over -the si the juusitania was inrusj anoine?, issue toda y when at-jsjis . jeyjealBd.. that the British Bt aamtr Otduria; carry iDfc a score of ; Americans, hac been attacked , by a Qerman sub marine. Should first aporta. $U$n at tempt to torpsdo witlWufe warniug be borne out bjr an TjfraHhves tigation about j be instigatsd, it wftsittdicated in official Quarters lhAt 5 ihs 'Dieted tSM)rfebablv would regard the incident M ad ding a grave -lemautsto the al ready straiued relations between the two oountries. being, -according to military ex perts, to jqueeae the Russians out ofWartaw and the .great slice of ooun t ry w hie h they hold to the north, south and east of that city and at the iame time attempt au invasiou ofBaaarabia . So long as this effort to crush Russia orto break her power of: offensive oontiuues there is little! possibility military writers say of the .Germans attemptingany im portant movement iu the west, for it is believed that the Austro Germans will for a long while re quire all their available troops in the east. Four German army corps composed of Pomeranians and men from Sohleswig, are said to have left Thorn to reinforce General von Hidenburg. The German Crown Prince did try to break through the Frenoh lines in Argonne, but it is tip op inion of military experts that his intention was simply to weaken the Frenoh hold on Verdun. A German offioial statement olaims that one result of this offensive was the capture of 7,000 French soldiers in three weeks. On the other hand, the French claim to have regained most of the ground they bad been forced to give up and which they state did not ex ceed 400 yards in depth . Fighting it now in progress oc the Lorraine frontier and in Artois, where ? the French contin ued their attempt to oapture Sou qhez. Further progress is unofficially reported from Athens to have been made by the allies on the Galli poli Peninsula in the Dardanelles campaign, and as the Atheba dispatchs are, generally ahefd of the offioial reports this statement is credited here. More important is the pews that Roumania has declined to aocede to Germany's demand that Rou mania i allow munitions to pass through that country for Turkey. The Entente allies announce another viotory in Africa where they captured Ngaundere, an im portant trading center of Kama run a German colony in wsstern equatorial Afrioa, Mie BEpls f haw Allatai'tr gl pTWtt -tari is Hits' UadsrHean E;tf Peiftfrtg Appeal. bail today after Jotticft Hendrick had upheld the -dwision of the ed I him sane r grip of it l$wtt6tortowu;JrcMway to tb) plitiw wmirl- croat- ed the lefry t aemy uity, uaae t tntrifr rgooipSJ-- mud whirled away, toward Pelphia, with hit bar hrowing3iit en atpro- 3eision of automobiles oiled with oaarspaper meni swier aordera to stay! with him. JBCfciiieafihed v Ne- drfcap iiniletway bettt 2 o'clock and atoppeor lupcheon. A ceow4 Jisdckiy isenabled ip the atraat outside t& restaurant . Thehtered. onAis exit and Pha wrt aiilirigYJttappreciatipn , fesumed his trip , 4 announced! intention waa to iotor to Phila dalphia4 about lOpailes by road wayrand there take a train for Pttttbnrg. OoUif Newark, Tbaw lpat tome otjtheeara which fnilnird . him l&DDarentlv he headed bck: for ew York as a ruatjW eldde thStf wspaper men. Thia craated aomdapeoulation as he had Drevi6ua'lv ?id ha wanted to attend a theatrick) performance! oUviBtroadway o iiight aud had abaudoned the idea rather reluot- antlv when he saw .the liae of the crowd awaiting his departure from ilb court home. Fir the first timp since he kill- eu otauxora naiwvitui mauiwu Sahara; Roof Garden more than iriha'vear agotlaw was free today to go and oolie at he pleas- ed. When Supreme Court- Jos Vice Hendrick who presided at the' jury proceed ingr wniou ended Wednesday wtthlr- verd ict that 'law.wai.ttaii unqed . from the bench shortly before noon! that he had adopted the jury's verdnt the writ committing Thaw to Matteawan seven years ago an tomatioally became inoperative. The State's lawyers appealed from Juttice Hendrick's decision and Thaw was released in 185,000 bail pending the result of the ap peal Under the terms of the bond he is to bold himself amen able to the court's orders until the appeal is fiually decided Meantime he may go wherever he pleases. John Peebles Found Bslltf. Wayhesville, July 17 The jury in the case where John Peebles was charged with the killing of A. M. Bennett, after deliberating since Friday noon. : returned a verdiot late Saturday afternoon of involuntary manslaughter with a resommendation for mercy to the court. The killing ooourred at Sunburst, in the depot of the Ten nessee & North Carolina Railroad, last month. From the evidence given in the case it appeals that Bennett had gone to the depot on business and was leanipg on his elbow at -the window of .the-station, talking to Peebles, who had a pistol in his playing with it, hand, carelessly when it was dis- charged, the- bullet striking Ben- blood. net just above the left wrist, Frank knew of the demonstra ploughed its way through the en- tions against' the action of Gov tire length of his forearm and en. teriLg his left chest. Sinoe the shooting roenies, wno is a young man about 25 yeart old and of ood appearance, has been in a state of depression, aud while on the witness stand broke down iev. eral times while giving testimony. He claimed.fchat th shoot)ngrwas purely. acoid?Qtalantl ttratihe hnd Bennett were on fnendly i terms. Peebles ia a Salisbury boy and a ton of the late L, A Peebles. Diarrhoea Quickly Cured. "About two years ago I had a severe. attaok of diarrhoea -which 1 sited for over a week," writes W. 0, JonaSf Buford, NvD. "I bcomae so weak that I could not stand upright. A druggiit reoommen- A nk. ivi kafl.in'a 1 HaIia ' Vi 1 am and DiarrhoeaRemedy. The 'first dose relieved meaiid vinthin. two days I was at wall as ever." Ob tainable every where. Leo 11 Ml'i Throat CHI Fallow Prisoner Ujis a Batcher Knifa Witft Terrible Ettact. fraafc llay Recoier. Milledgeyille, Ga., July 18 Leo M. Frank lay in the State piison hospital here tonight with! what attendants said 'was a fight ing chance for reoovery. Physi cians had suooeeded in stbppingj the flow of blood from a jaggedj wound in his throat made with an; improvised knife in the hands of William Creen, a fellow convict, also serving a life term 'for mur der. The blow was struck while Frank slept in his bunk in the dormitory late last night. This latest and most speotapular phase of the two-year's fight for Frank's life may be the subject of an in vestigation, by the Georgia Prison Commission, which refused to re- commend that Frank's death sen tence for the murder of ''Mary Phagan he commuted to life im prisonment. Reports from A lanta were that Governor Harris intimated today he would stsrt suoh an investigation to ascertain if Creen aoted entirely of his own voiition. Creen said today, when taken from solitary confinement long enough to be questioned, that he planned and executed the attack alone. He was not communica tive today and gave as his only ex cuse that 4he thought it should be done.". He said, however, that he regreted bis act. ranx was quartered in a uor- mitory with about 100 other pris- oners and oooupied a bunk about 40 feet from one of the two doors to the large room. Creen's bunk was fourth from him. No prison er is allowed to leave bis plaoe without permission from one of the two guards on duty. Short ly after, 11 o'clock list night Oreeii cajiea out ror permission so gcvvp-flLaat and it waa grauted . He started down the line of bunks toward the one oooupied by Frank. As he reaohed it he quick ly grabbed Frand by the hair and delivered one blow with the knife he had concealed. The attack was witnessed by the guard who rushed to the bunk aud prevented Creen from striking again. Creen was overpowered and among prisoners who rushed to Frank's aid were two physicians, one of whom also was serving a life term for mur der. The two convict nhviieiant a&vb flrifc aid ftud fcreated the wouna until Dootor Compton, the prison physician, was summoned from his home half mile awry. The three men took 25 stitohes in Frank's neck. Dr. H J, Roaen burg, the Frank family physician arrived today with nurses. He said that while Frank's oonditiou is precarious he has a ohanoe for life. The cut extends from the front of the neck around the left side to almost the middle of the back bf the neck. Neither the windpipe nor the spinal cord is hurt, but the jugular vein is partly severed. The physioian'e greatest fear to- night was that some of the stitches misht slip, causing more loss of ernor Slaton, whose term recently expired in commuting his sent ence and also threats to take him from the prison farm by force Those who reaohed hia tide fleet last night as he was wounded be Ueve Jbe .had all .this in mind when he said : I guess they have got me now." He did not lose ooniciouinen and after being taken to tne hospital he requested that his assailant be forgiven. Creen wat sentenced from Col umbus for killing a -mau named Kitchen, Shortly ttfterlhe crime a jury inquired into hisanity but declared him sane. 'Saturday he was helping to kill hogs withjxth er prisoners. He -odBCealed in his clothing the knife he used ;n the butchering and later, it is believed marDtpA in it in his bunk. Read Tbi WixdHXAJi and Bxoosd General News Malters Items t Interest toiovr Readers Gathered and Condensed tor Quick Assimilation. The price of cotton will advanoe at least three, cents a pound if the Amerioan note to Great- BMiain as forecast in Saturday night's dis? patohes from Washington, proves effective, according to the belief of Senator Hoke Smith. The jblb suranoe that neutral porta will be opened to shipnaents of cotton would, he believes, take care of the most of the surplus of last yeat's crop now held ia the South. Four dead, scores injured and more than two million dollars worth of damage, as the toll of floods Thursday night and Friday in central Ohio. Hundreds of acres of land are under water and vast aiess iai peri led b y weak levees and embankments i Bids for 16 new submarines ad tbonsHd by the last oongress was iot to be opened until Septembei .9, S cetary Daniels announced Thursday, in order that two hip bui ding companies which bav iLtaiued u.tent rights to build ooi,m cl u Kuccesifnl type now ased by two or more of the Euro pean belligerents may have a ohauce to oompete. Tens of thousands of nativei, it is estimated, have been drowned uy tn8 floods iu the Chinese prov nt irmntnna nk Kiangsi, aud the desolation in thb devastated districts is terrible, ad- pording to the latest reports. A fire swept area of one mile and rag flood a are handioappirg reeoub work in Canton. The oity wab in darkuess oue night, the water having inundated the electric light plant. Missionaries hava arrived at Hong. Kong seeking the assist ance of the United States gunboat Callao to ajd in the work oi reacue. reporta?iwnnt3Ipon JM? communication was cut jays the Christian hospital is in danger. Germany's admisiion of liabili ty and expression of regret for the German submarine attack on thb Amerioau ateamer Nebraskan, pleased officials in Washington, but it was the general opinion thalt U gal points raised would require the dispatrh of a note further - to conserve American rights in the war z-ne. A memorandum stat ing Germany's position reached the 3tate Department through Ambassador Gerard a t Berlin. Legal officers of the American gov ernment who examined the Ger man memorandum ..pointed out that in many respects the case re sembled that of William P Frye, the Amerioan ship sunk by the Prinz Eitel Friedrioh. In both oses Germany has expressed re gretand has offered to compensate Amerioan citizens, but the action of the German commanders has been deolared jnotified. To ad mit this, officials here say, would establish a dangerous presedent. Benefited by Chamberlain. Lini ment. "Last winter I used Chamber lain's Liniment for rheumatio pains, stiffness and soreness of the knees, and can conscientiously say that I never used anything 4h3at did me so much good. "-Edward Craft. Elba N. Y. Obtainable everywhere. Weatier Forecaster Jal j. From July 3rd to 12th, fair with local threatenings around. . From 12th to 19th, cool rain, showers and windy like, stormy. From 19th to 20th, changeable and mild.' From 26th to August 2nd, wind and rain, some stormy. Some sections still dry ' this month as rains are scattering or broken by times of moon's rising and setting. Fair, means' oloudy and clear with threitenings, H. Reid, R. No. 8, Salisbury,' N. 0. Beiutruore ibia Skla Deep, A beautiful woman always has I good digestion. If your digestion I i. f.nltv. nhaJmbarlain's Tabletf will do you -good. Ubtainanis etery where. Tne Good Old Somner Tine Is Hera ni Ram folliwill Eajai Wialias. The time for family re-unions, picnics, Sunday School oonven tiens, farmers' institute arid gen eral gala daya, ia at hand ahd the date3 for quite a number have been set, -program r have been ar ranged and most every dne la lock ing to the pleasure of attending ne or more of them. Of dttrM there are others, but the list strfar eonsiata of the-foHowing: July, 22, Southern Oonferenne Lutheran Ohucch,' Faith. 28, Atwell Townthi S. Convention, Steele XRoads 10:30 a. m. 25, Salisbury Township eg. S. Convention, lidthetan Church, E. gpeneeri'8 pinij 27, Litaker S: S. CoHven tkn, St. Pauls, 10 a m. 28, Cleveland-Scotch -Irish S. S. Convention, South RiverXShuroh, l(h80 a sm. 29, Morgan S. 8. Oonrin tion. St Mathews, 10:80 It m 80, Northern Cdnfereiice Lutheran Church, Salem. 30-81, Farmers' Union bus insss meeting and piohio at w Woodgrove Local Aug. 8, Looks 8; S. Convention, . Graoe Ohuro, 10:8Oa.im. 5, Nazareth Of phansHotae Picnic, Crescent. 6, Public Speaking and pio- - nio, China Grove. 7, Providence 8. S. Conven tion,. Christiana Chttroh, 10:80 a. m. 10 'Lentz Lingie Re-uiniOn, Fulton Heights. 3 1, Farmers Institute aMt tflla. -- 12, Overoash Reubibn, Mocksvilte. 18, Gdld Hill S. 8. Conven tion, RdckweU 'Baptist Chuich.; - 'r . "V ' 16, FarmeVB' IdstituVat China Grove. ? 18, Franklin To wnshlp'S.'S. Convention, Gay's Ohapel, 20, Unity TdwcihipcS . 8 . Convention, Unity Presby terian Church, 10 :80 a. to. 21, JuaioTB'; P. O. S;f ?A. and Daughters of LAbery'a field. day and' big 'picnic at fair grounds, Satil bury . 22, China' Grove 8 . 8.' Con vention, Mt.7Zion Reformed Church,' 2 :80p.n. 26,' Brown Re-unioD j Granita Quarry. Sept 1st, Yost reunion, JMt Hdpc Church Tired, Aching- Muscles Relieved. Hard work, over exertion, mean stiff, sore muaclea" Sloan's Lini ment lrghtly applied, a lit tleiuiet and your soreness disappears oiike magic. 'Nothing , ever nhsirped like your 8ioap's Ljwm.ent, j can never thank vou enough." writea one grateful user. Stops soffering, acnes ana pains . au exoeiiena counter-irritant, better Andeleln- er than , mustard. - All Druggists. 25o. Get a bottle today. Pene trates without rubbing. Thursday members of the Winston-Salem polioe .force .found 10i gallonsvof corn liqupr from a, Boa- I noke distillery hidden in affin in the rooms of the Eagles' Ql ub, just after it had been unlpadod from an automobile nd carried .into the rooms. Th wbiekey j,waa found on the ; seconds floor j, the. building oooupied by the Eagles. The casket was . a part of the pharaphemalia , of the club. No arrests ;were made , at. th rtjme, but later, John Barnes, fa.suember of the club, waa arrested,, obargecL with being implicated with two othtrsin takMig the. wbrakoy into the buildings. -No ofBcers.of the Eagles knew of the affair, An Easy Pleasant laxative. One'or twdDr. Kin'FNSwIiifa Pills with a tunibier fwer ak night. ' No bad nausea'tingj1lits; no belching gas. Go righ t to bed. Wake ap'in the- morilinlgnjoy a. free,' easy' bowel -moVsmsnt, and feel fine all day. Dr. King's New Life Pillaj are sold by all ' Drug g'isU, 80inan original package, for 25o. .Get a bottle today en joy this easy, pleasant laxative

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