nrheCarolina Watdiman TOo, II STEWART, Editor and Owner l2shed Every Wednesday, 123 West Innee Street. SUBSCRIPTION PRICEt C3BOIIi80f TUf Ftosressivn Farmer, 1 year, AH 3 fort year each, only $t 50 Entered second-class matter January Wtb, 19C5, ct the post office at Salisbury, N.a,undertheactolCooxresolUarch Salisbury, N. O., Nov. 24, 15. Dollar Day The Whtchman and Rboobd'b dollar day if Saturday, November 27ih. This is the biggest offer ever made in Rowan County for a home paper and it's up to those who have reoeived notice to take advantage of the very liberal pro position made, This offer leaves no room for argument about dates, arrearages, etc., but oleans up everything and puts you one year ahead for both papers. Gome across promptly and we will both be made happy. Remember Saturday, November 27th. Our office is up stairs . AiM German German Nmi Attache Cbuged Willi Pin ing Conspiracy Head Roll. New York, Nov. 28 Oapfe. K. Boy-Ed, naval attache, with head quarters at the German embassy a leading $.7S .75 LOO j in Washington, played No Special PriYilep to Greece Confusing Reports From the Balkans. Teif tons slaking Progress but Vim Slowlr. London, Nov 28. Instead of declaring a general blockade of the Greek ports, the Allies have, aooording to a statement issued by the British Fortign Office today, withdrawn, or threatened to with draw the special privileges which Greek oommerce has enjoyed sinoe the outbreak of the war. What these special privileges are is not specifically Btated but as an example Greeoe haB teen al lowed to draw her supplies of coal from Welsh oollieris, To do this, Greek merohants required speciel permits, as ;the ei ports of coal from the British Tsles is allowed only under a special lioense. There are many other commo dities, the export of whioh is per mitted only to certain countries . Invariably when orders have been , issued against the exports of such commodities Greece has been ' among the countries excepted. tNow, unless she concedes the de mands made bj the Allies for as surances for the safety of their troops in the Balkans, Greeoe will be struok off the list of countries whioh have these privileges. While (this less vigorous "atti lude on the part of the Allied Governments has oaused some &s aatisfaotion in quarters where strong measures are advocated, it has eased the situation, and the belief now prevails that Greeoe, having been impressed by Lord Kitchener's visit and the threat to her oommeroe, will concede the demands. Of the fighting in the Balkans the reports are more confusing than ever. The German acccuntB still claim progress for the Austrc German and Bulgarian troops and recount the capture of thousands of prisoners and many guns from the Serbians. But from the towns mentioned their advance appears very slow. 'It may be as reported from Italian sources, that the oampaign is waiting on a change in the disposition of the armies, so that the Germans may be the first to enter Monastir. This would avoid the trouble like ly to arise through Greek objec tion to Bulgarian occupation of the oity whioh is near their bor der. Dispatches from Athens, how ever, state that the delay is due to the faot that the Serbians have defeated the Bulgarians who were advanoing on the town and that the Serbians have reoeonpied their front on the Veles-Prilep f line . Perhaps the real reason for the slowness of the invaders' progress arises from difficulties of trans port. Nothing of importance has oc curred on the other fronts. The Auatro-Germans, acoording to Russian reports attempted an of fensive in Galicia and actually moved some advanced guards aoross the Stiipa but since then ' no news has been received, the Germans apparently not consid ering the operation worthy of mention in their official report. In the West the artillery is still aotive and the Arrival of clear, oold weather may make possible an offensive movement by one aide or the other. The Germans are reported to have brought large reiuforoements to Flanders but whether for offensive dr defensive purposes time? lone will tell. role, aooording to witnesses in Federal court here today in the alleged conspiracy o f several Hamburg Amerioan steamship line offioiala to',! deceive and de fraud the United States by send ing neutral relief ships with sup plies to German men of war. One of these witnesses swore that Capt. Boy-Ed personally di rected the expenditure of approxi mately $750,000 whioh, unsolicit ed an unexpectedly had been de posited to the witnesses' credit in a New York bank in September, 1014. The witness testified that $350,000 of this money was tele graphed to the Nevada National Bank at San Franoisco; $218,000 was paid, iu several amounts, to the North German Lloyd Steam ship Line here ; about $75,000 to the Hamburg American Line here and by cable money order in Ham burg and some of the remainder was still on hand. All of these disbursements. thiB 'witness as serted, were made by order of Oapt. Boy-Ed. Distress In the Stomicb. There are many people who have a distress in the stomaoh af ter meals. It is due to indiges tion and easily remedied by tak ing one of Chamberlain's Tablets after meals. Mrs. Henry Pad- ghan, Viotor, N. Y , writes: "For some time I was troubled with headache and distress in my stom acn alter eating, also witn con stipation. About six months ago I began taking Chamberlain's Tablets. They regulated the action of my bowels and the head acne and other annoyances ceased in a short time." Oar Semi-WeeUr Thx Carolina. Watchman is published on Wednesday and Thx Rowan Reoobd on Friday of eaoh weex and, bo far as news and servioe is concerned, admirably answers tne purpose ot a semi- weekly. They give you all the county news, specially prepared for their readers, condensed so that you oan get the faots with out having to wade through col umns of childish prattle, and ar ranged so that you can read the home news at a glance, whioh is given not only the preference but oorreotly. These things, in addi tion to the faot that it is a home uewspaper, owned by home peo ple, employs nome people and stands for a square deal for home people, regardless of loss or gain should oause every loyal son o the oocnty to make it his business to subscribe for them first, last and all the time. We are giving from now till January 1st free to all who subscribe now and pay fl.UU cash, which will pay up to January 1st, 1917. Catarrh and Colds To Be Rid Relieved Catarrh Is a great achievement. Most people would be well and happy were it not for ca tarrh. It is worth ten years of any one's life to learn how: to get rid of catarrh. PE-RU-NA will show; yoti, much quicker than any one could tell you, how to get rid of catarrh. THE PERUN A CO., Columbtu, Ohlm Mrs. Emma Gannon, 107 E. South St, Kewanee, Ills., -writes: "For fifteen years I had catarrh of the head and stomach. I could hardly walk. My attention was called to 'The Ills of Life.' I read it through. Then bought a bottle of Peruna. I am entirely well now." SOKE OF MWM'S OLD FOLKS. HARNESS When in the market for Har ness of any kind and horse goods maka it a point to oome to see us. We can save you money. We do all kinds of repair work: on short notice and at reasonable prices. Work guaranteed. Oome to see us. GOLD HILL HARNESS CO., Gold Hill, 0, We are ttiJ 1 getting names for our old folks column and filling in the dates of birth of others and making slight corrections. Any aid extended will be appreciated. If you know of any person in ypur neighborhood who is 80 years old, or older, drop us a postal giving the name and date of birth. We believe there are over a hun dred folks in Rowan eligible to this list and we would be glad to have their name at once. John Pethel. Landis. born 1817, now 98 Miss Mary Newsom. Morgan Township, born 1818. now 97 Mrs. Elizabeth Gartner, Scotch IrishTo'wnshiD. born November 19th, 1818,. 97 Mrs. Luvenia Thomason, Franklin TownshiD. born 1819, now 96 Ohas. Morgan, Morgan Town- shin, born November 23. 1821. 93 Phillip Sowers. Salisbury Township.born Feb. 18, 1824 91 Abner Walter. Atwell Town ship, born May, 1826, 89 Hiss Mary E. Gillean. born April 15th, 1826. age 89 Evan L v e r 1 y. Providence 4 township, born October 20, 1826. 89 Joseph Ben. Ballard, col., born Nov. 20, 1826, now Abner O. Gartner. Sootch Irish township, born July 12, 1827 Capt. Wm. A. Lucky, Cleve land, born Sept., 1827, now George Deal, China Grove No. 1, bom July 4th, 1827 Mrs. Mary E. Menius, Steele Township, born February 26th, 1828 Nathan Morgan, Providenoe Township.born May 31,1828 Alison .Overoash, Cleveland No. 1, born Feb. 29, 1829, Miss Sarah E. Seohler, B. D. No. 2, Ohina Grove, born November 6, 1829, now. . . . Samuel Deal, Ohina Grove Township, born January 17th, 1880, now Jaoob A. Ktutti, Franklin Township, born April 87th, 1880. M. J. Walton No. 4 Salibury, Go. A, 57th N. G., born April 26, 1880, now Mrs. W . H. Neave, Salisbury, born January, 1831 Levi Powlass, Unity Town ship, born April 11, 1831, old soldier, has been blind for 18 years, now Martiu Bltok welder, No. 1, Ohina Grove, born Sep tember 1st. 1831, now Dr. B. M. Eamea, Salisbury, born Sept. 15, 1881, Capt. J. O. Low, Salisbury, born March 20, 1882 Mrs. Margaret J, Goodman, Looke Township, born April 28,1881 Martin L. Efird, China Grove, born March 15, 1833, now Mrs. Eva O. 'Trailer, Rockwell, born Nov. 18, 1882, Mrs. Amelia Sloop, Landis, born May 9, 1888, 82 Mrs Adaline Yost, G Id Hill town ship, born March 17, 1830, 85 Mrs Catherine A Sloop, Atwell township, born Jan. 11, 1827, 88 Louis Wilhelm, Scotch Irish township, born 1829, 86 Mrs. Lovise Jaoobe, Franklin Township, bom 1834, 81 Sandy Partee, Ohina Grove, age estimated from 85 to 102 Mrs. E H. Marsh, Salisbury. born May, 1832, Rev. Jhn F.4Hodges, Morgan Township, bcru Oct. 19, 1885, W. J. Rosb, Salisbury, born May 28. 1631. Mrs. KJiza Freutis, colored, born 1804, now Mrs. Margaret Riley, Eiooh- ville, born Auguet, 1826, Mrs. Sarah Goodnight, Euochville, born Deo. lkt-, 1824, Jacob Barringer, Landis, bom 1884, Rufus Roders, Euochville, boru 1831. Monroe Voils, Atwell, born 1681, J. O. Gasper, Obiua Grove, born 1M5'85, Henry MoNeely, Salisbury, born 1834, Allison Gorriher, Atwell, born 1833, Mrs. Ann Earnhardt, Atwell, born 1881, Mr. Amanda McLaughlin, Atwell, born 1829, Mrs. Millie Weaver, China Grove, born N'v. 18, 1881, Rev. G. H. Cox, ED, Spen cer, born 1835, Mrs. P. E. Kimball, China Grove, born May, 1882, Mrs. F. E. 8hober, Oalisbnry, born 1832, Mrs. Suaana Rodgers, Landis, born 1885, Mrs. Saiah Ore rc ash, Enoch- villi, born 1888, John Ovarcash, Atwell. born 1836, HAVE YOU A CHILD ? Ifammmi Inner fnr children, but because of some curable physical derangement are deprived of this greatest of all happiness. The women whose names follow were restored to normal health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vcgeta- Die Compound, w rue ouu bs& wem ui 89 88 88 88 87 87 86 86 85 85 85 88 84 84 84 83 84 82 83 83 80 84 111 89 91 81 84 84 80 81 82 84 86 84 80 83 83 80 82 "I took your Com pound and have a fine, strong baby. " Mrs. ohn Mitchell Mas- ; sena, IN. x ; "Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is a wonderful medicine for expectant mothers." Mrs. A. M. Myers, Gor donville, Mo. " I highly recommend .ydia E. Pinkham's Veg etable Compound before child-birth, it has done so much for me." Mrs. E. M. Doerr, R. R. 1, Con- shohocken, Pa. "I took Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Com pound to build up my system and have the dearest baby girl m the world." Mrs. Moss Blakeley, Coalport, Pa. "I praise the Com pound whenever I have a chance. It did so much for me before my little girl was born." Mrs. E. W. Sanders, Rowles burg, W. Va. "I took your Com pound before baby was born and feel I owe my life to it." Mrs. Winnie Tillis, Winter Haven, Florida. Mortgage Sale ot Bomb and LttEas Spencer. Pursuant to the powers contained 1c a certain mortgage deed of trust SI ecuted by Sanforu Hairston and wile Robenna Hairston to E. J. Roseman trustee on the 25th day of Nov., 1918 and recorded in book No. 47 Page 901 in the Register of Deeds office of Row an County N . O. , default having been made in the payment of the indebted ness which said mortgage deed of trust was given to secure the under signed trustee will sell to the highest bidder for cash at the court house door in Salisbury, N. C, at 12 o'clock m., on Monday the 6th day of Dcembar, 1915. The following described real property in the town of East Spencer! beginning at a stake the North Eeast corner of the intersection of Washing ton A vp. and Brown Street, and runs thence along the line of Brown Street South 34 1-40 West 200 feet to a stake ; thence South Sflde East 659 feet to stake on the bank of Crane Creek; thence along and with the meander ings of Crane Greek about 200 feet, more or less, to a sfake on Washington Ave. ; thence about North 88de west 788 feet to the beginning; containing lots Nos. 4,5, 6, 7, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 22, 23, 24 .and 25, same being 15 lota known as part of the Haden Tract, and lying South East of Long Street in Eaet Spencer and adjoining the lands ot Harvey Bernhardt, Henderson and Woodson. Another tract of land adjoining the above described tract ind being lot No. 50 in the Spring Hill Tract of land as appears on Henderson and Woodson map of same and bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake the North corner of lot No. 51, and runs thence North 55de East 4.75 chains to a stone the West corner of lot No. 50; thence South 40de East 10.50 chains to the Creek at a stone the South corner oi lot No. 49 thence by the 'Jreek as it meanders to a stone the South corner of lot No. H ; thence North 40de West with the line of lot No. 51 11.50 chains to the beginning ; containing five and one quarter acres, more or less. Re serving a strip cf land on the North side of the last named tract to be wed C3 a roadway and always to be kept at en for the benefit of all lots on the Spring Hill Tract. Thid October 26th., ! 915. E. J. Rosk-MAd, tristee. Trade with C. P.SHUPING THE GROCER, He carries a fall Hue of High Grade Groceries. at very low prices. Buys all kinds of Produce, Chickens, Eggs, Bacon, and vegetables. See him Headquarters for Watkins Medicine Co. 'Phone 57. 119. V. Inniss St. 80 Bead Tarn Watch ah aa&BsooBD CP. s hoping Peoples' National Bank Salisbjty, N. , Does General Banking Business WE PAY FOUR PER CENT on time de posit 8. Interest payable every 8 months Prompt attenion given to any busi ness entrusted to us. Your business solicited. SET Peoples National Dank John 8. Henderson, J. D. Norwood, president. cashier. D, I Gaskifl, w. T. Busby, V-rresideut. . Asst. cashier OR.KING'S NEW DISCOVER) L ttiU Surely Stoo Thai Coeb U1WJ Saturday, November 20th, Monday, Nov. 22nd, and all wc ek. Oar Store is packed full ofe g)od merchandise most of which wss b night mnch cheaper tbati we cao bay it for u iw. In faofe we are Belling same goods f-r mnch lss than w cm.' bay it .or uor. Ootm and y "ar share whiU these goods last. Coon here to do your Fall trading and yoa wtl Bay goods cheaper than any where else iu t.hi section. Bavng iu aoomhinatioo ot hn Bilk's twelve stores enamb'es as to bay good v.ry cheap 3nd we sll for Cash. This is wh why we can ander 811 others Sweaters. Infants wool sweaters for Ladies 2 03 red wool sweaters only Ladies' very fine all w rl red sweater for $1 .98 and Ladies S 50 fine wool sweaters l it 1 25 Fiannelette kimono for Ladies 2 50 bath rob, made cf Beaoon blankets, for $1 98 and Children's bath robes, made ot' Beacon bla- rt. for 4 to- 8 years $1 25, 10 to 14 at Out Gowns. Children's outing sleeping gar ments for only Children's extra nice outing gown for only Women's real nioe full biz 9 oat ing gown for 50c $1.50 $2.48 $2 98 98c $2 98 $1 95 25c 48c 50c Millinery. Hats for women and children at special pricBs Special lot Hats 98c Lot of Ladies' and Misses nice winter hats, worth op to 8.00, ohoice 98c 2.50 Beaver hats, nicely trimmed, ready to wear, for 98c and $1 48 Bearskin baby cps for only 25c 25a wool plaid Tam O Shanta for 10c Nice lot of silk bat y cans fnr 25c and 48c Winter Shoes and School Shoes Oo(d honest solid leather shoes that will etnd the hard winter wear Shoes that will prove satisfactory and at prices you can afford to pay. Infants soft sole shoes in tan, pats and white for 25c Childrens button vioi shoos, with wide heel, for 50c Goodman all solid leather shoes for children, siz 5 to 8 for 85c md 98c Goodman'i all solid snbool noes all sizes for $1.25 and $1.50 Jack and Jill shoes for children, made on nioe wide last, nioe and soft, Goodyear welt. Jask and Jill shoes givn the bett cf satisfaction Size 5 to 8 for $1.50 Sze Si to 2 for $2.00 Big misses 3 00 low heel gun metal welted shes for $2.50 $1 2d women s fleet lined shoes for 98o Women's $2 00 bluober vLi or b Special nioe lot of shoes. hutt.M solid leather x calf, plain toe on patent tip, all sizs for $1.50 women's drese f-r for $2a00, $2.50 and $3.00 Men and Boys Work Shoes Men s heavv blucher shoe? for $1.50 Men's 2.50 BlaokBnok Elk blncb- er for $2.00 Men's blue stone work shoes, blue sole real 3 25 for $3.00 Linou Brand blue leather work shces, the best work shoe sold iu this section. Some of oar customers wear them 12 month? too good for only $3.50 Boy's Linon Brand shoes for $2.75 Boy's good heavy work shcs for $2.10 Full stook of M""-' fin" dreis shoes at $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00 Men's Clothing Men's and Boys' underw3ir. Y n get it here cheaper, Saturday Specials. Cotton goods at 6 12 md 7 12o Cotton Calico 3ic Big lot of best calrc es in shcrt lengths, light are dark colors 5c3 5c? 5o 5o 80 7o yard wide sheeting for only S Light or dark outing exra good value, while it lasts, culy 10- yard wide chain! ray and drees gingham short lengths and s Id only l.y piece of 2 to 8 yards. Price, for Saturday only, per yard, Sa'iebnry made chevoit, best 10c grade in t-hort lengths, 2 to 15o and sold by piece only. On sale Saturday per yard only Best 123 dress outing in dark colors for Extra sood heavv otton flannel for 1 fin Best lOo Sea Island 89 in, wide 7 12p Bst heavy AAA sheeting, worth l - 10c for 7 1-2b: Yard wide embroidery cloth 10c 10c colored border curtain goods for 5c 24 in. Bird eye, 10 yd bolt, j er bolt 75o? Women and Children Ready-to- Wear. New lot coat suits brught at half price or leas. Fre9h, new, this 6ESju styles. N vy on Bale $15.00 and $20.(0 Gnat Su. $10.00 This is a lot pickt-d up from a manufacture lest in N w York at close out after Christmas prices. Material, jioplm, serge, fur trimmei or plain, tailor d, black, br- wn and -navy, $15.00 and 20 00 Crst . " Baits. Price only $1000' $25 00 Coat 8mte $15.00 Ladies very stylish Suits f"r c l iar, braid trimmed a!ao rather pia u tailored etylee. msde of fiuo quality of Broadcloth, surges and j.oplins, fr Satur- ' -day. Price $ 5.00 Ladies bud children's coats at $2.95 $3.98 $4.98 veiy low prices Ladies loi-g black coat for Women's S5.C0 long blck coats nioe vlpt c Mar, i r Wome. 's $7.50 vaiue loi:g black conts. fancy velvet collars, ex ua good, for Lidi s' and Misses' nice stylish coats for $3.98, $4.98 and $5,95 $4.00 CbiitWbii's, 8 10 14 years coats, for $2.98. Lot of children cats, 3 o 6 years, to clean op 98c Infants 1' ug wHr ca- f 98c $1.43 and $1.98 Big lo-. of children's u-.d isaes cot ts, only one ur two of a style, rat anig in prie $1.98 to $5.00 Misses $5 CO wool cordur y o. ate, in brown aud blue. 6 to 14, special N-jW lot of ladies' srge dresses, nico'y made up, good stvle. $7.50 value for $3.48 $5.95 Shirt Waists. Beautifnl silk or voile waiafc. Tbefe aro nicrly made up, real 1.50 value, for 98c $2.50 Uiep&-de-chin waist for $1.98 5.00 Orepi-de-cbin' riH lao waist for $3.00 und $3.48 GONE SATURDAY SALISBYRY, H. G. Our Letterheads can't b matobtd it price, quality cr. workmanship Thd real Salisbury Printing OffiC' Wh2 Innes Street, up stairs Ditto billheads, note beads, state rnents, envelopes, etc. Do You Want a New Stomach? If you do Digestoneine" will give you one. For full particulars, literature and opinions regarding this wonderful Discovery which is benefiting thousands, apply to SMITH DRUG COMPANY SALISBURY, N. C Moved to II9 East Fisher St. I ma sohejiDesi. 4 doors below where we wers locted, Where VOU Will ftlwava finfl a full lino of Field and Garden Seed, and for the laaies- uurJS AMD FLOYVEK SEKD. We sell SAL-VET Stock Remedies. PETALUMA INCUBATOR8, and a full .line of SPRAYtJ and INSECT POWDERS for trees and plants. .Piione 1191. Farmers' Seed House, 119 East Fisher street, 7 21tf Salisbury, N. C. Our Second Sheets should be in every office, 40o per 1 000 . J he rea; Salisbury Printing Office, 12a I West Innes gtieet, up stairs. North Carolina. ) In the Superior court Rowan County, i Not ember term, 1915 Bessie Thomas ; vs uotice of summons etc Ii.aiah Thomas ) To Isaiah Th:rna.a, take notice: That plaintiff has commenced the above entitled a-jti-n in the Sue-ior court of Rowan county against you icr the purpose of being divorced from the bonds of matrimony upon the grounds of infidelity, and that you are hereby notifi d to appear at -November term, 1915 Rowan superior court, it being the 11th Monday afier the 1st Monday in September, 1915, court beginning on November 22 1915 and answer or demur to the compiaint of plaint iff which has been tiled, or the relief therein demanded will be granted. ThisOstobei 9,1915 J F. MoCrBBiHS, l clerk superior court, Rowau coast?

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