5 Santa Oiaut. Tl abont. through vitfrll Jfchii work now except gtUing up their winter, wood and letting aronndtthe fire. It is rpoEte$tht V force of bauds will be pai on -the publio road here this week ito, gire, it a genuine repair. We are glad to hear of this as onr road U in bad condition. . Tfie pablib ichool here has open ed wjjtb.good attendance,. We look to have a good eohool this winter. L. HEller is building a new addition to hi house. W. A. Wagoner of Stanly oonnty is do ing the work. The Baptist Sunday sohool has planned W.haVe a big Ohriitmai true atcthe oharoh on Ohristmas day. Mug LoayQrr.is to, be organist for the Ohristmas exercises at Trading ford ehnrch. daring Ohristmas. G. A. Peaoook is planning to build a handsome residenoe daring the winter, and spring. The W. O.. W. here is enlarg ing ttrsir membership rapidly by members almost Sam Snort. w -new, taking erery; meeting. '3 ROCKWELL. Noy. 22. Rer. J. A. Koons, pastor of AbjBjRef ormed ohoroh of this place, has returned to take up his work after spending some weekg with his -father and 'home folkigin Pennsylvania. Miiiee- - Blanoha Trexler and Mabel Canup "Of East Spencer, Tinted, at W. R. Miienheicaier'e Sunday evening . tfe8jpf.V. J. Orow and 0. P. Barringojr were Rockwell visitors Sunday; A. hi Binehart visitsd at Rich ard Brown'e Saturday night. Toots thinks she will be able to report ajwedding soon. Jas. Park is the champion Ford driver :He oan make a mile in three-fburthB of a minute. Any one wishing a good driver would do well to see him. Wild, Bill visited Toots Satur day night and Sunday; Mrm. Sallie Goodman visited home, folks Saturday night and Sunday. Mr. Cleveland Misenheimer of Rockwell, visited at Jim Mesi- mera Saturday night. Lewis .Lyerly visited at Alex andei-Trezler's Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. Dal Fisher of Salisbury, visited at Jno. Linker's Saturday night. Toots. all LOWERSTONE. Nov . 22. The farmers around here are about done sow ing wheat and oats, and are plow ing stubble land for corn. We sure have had, a pretty fall for sowing wheat and oats, and for gathering corn. Now next will come hog killing time a J. R. 0. Fisher of No. 6 town ship. Oabarrus County, killed two hogs last week. One weighed 258 pounds and the other, weighing 278 pounds. H. J, Bostof near Lowerstone, killed a hog weighing 814 pounds last Friday, November 19th . James Hipp made a - good crop of latai Irish potatoes this year, making 150 bushels . H. J. Bost made 25 ; bushels of late Irish potatoes and about 60 bushels pf ground peas, or pea nuts on just a small pieoe of land. Now h$ is selling them in Salis bury at 5o per quart. He thinks they pay better than raising cot ton. Harvey Fonts sowed 85, acres of wheal and oats this fall. Who ever can beat that trot out your man. That is sowing some. Colds do not UavOVIIIlntfy. Beojauss a oold is stubborn is no reason why you should be. In stead 'of iu wearing" it out, get sure relief by taking Dr. King's New Discovery. Dangerous bron chial and lung ailments often fol low a 'cold which has been neg leoted at the beginning. As yonr body faithfully battles those cold germ a, po better aid oan be given than the use of this remedy. Its merit his been tested by old and young; Get a bottla today. 5Qo; and fl.OO. Nov. 23, flhariss Holihouser tat wturned home from the Uni ted 8tates Army where he has taaator the past year. v ' VF, A. fymc has returned from Ttxai where he has been git ning ootton and reports only half a crop there this year. Jaok EUer planted ten rows of irish (potatoes .fifteen steps long and made twenty bushels. Who beats it? r Dave Peeler's little boy fell and broke his arm, the dootor fixed it up and he is getting alright again. Gorge Rasher 'has the finest little buggy horse we have seen lately. Charles Jones, went, 'possum hunting and got f otir big ones. John Bost .has gone to Franklin Institute to take a business oourse, E. D. Ritchie has an eleven pound 'possum up fattening. Who can beat that? John Jaokson has five 'possums up fattening. , Young lady at Rich L. Barger's November 18th, 1916. Young lady at Burt Fink's No ember 20th, 1915. Young lady at Tom Beaver's November 9th, 1915. Here Where they raise fine 'pos sum dogs. There are eight ready for the 'nossum hunters as soon as they are six weeks old. Young lady at Daniel Canup's November 20th, 1915. Fisher & McOombs had pay day Saturday. Venus dreamed tnat be saw three United States flying ma chines sailing over the country and that from now on there would be plenty of them. Stokes Eller has moved from Faith down near the Yadkin river towards Bringle's ferry. The remains of D . L. Lents who lived next to Clark's store and who was killed by his automobile Saturday, passed through Faith Sunday, from the sanatorium in Salisbury to his home from where the burial will take place Monday evening. Nellie and Sadie Yates was vis iting at Mr. and Mrs. Boyden Lefler's Sunday. We have just recently had a fine rain and all small grain is doing well now, lots of clover seed has been sown. We took diuner at M. G. M. Fisher's and Mrs. Fisher had green roasting ears right from the stalk for dinner. Who can beat that for late green corn trot it out? Venus will mail twenty-five of his fine strawberry plants on re ceipt of twenty five cents. Now is the time to set them out, to bear for next year, Wanted to exchange a fine 'pos sum dog . pup for three groan voune hens, or a pis, or a little goat, or two dollars in oash . Can send and reosive by express if you live at a distance. t Ten cents will get one of the oiotures of thit large historic chestnut tree, that was planted about the time of the revolution . . sry war, and is still standing in a bie onen field, and is still bear ing ohestnuts every year. It is in Rowan county, and the piotuxe is a beautiful one. J . F, Litaker and J. L. Flem ing from above China Grove, passed through Jfaitn today in their automobile with a fine i lot of things for the Orphan's Home at Crescent, consisting of pears, potatoes, etc . Onr crops are good this year and the good people of Rowan county oan well afford to remember our own orphans. W. H. Earnhardt made 660 gal Ions of molasses np to the close of the season, he made over 150 gal lons for himself . Who ever oan beat that trot out your mail. Mrs. W. A. Sides of China Grove has returned home after spending a week with her daugh ter, Mrs. David Peeler. G. M. Shuping the foreman at Shaping's Roller Mill has opened up a store and t is doing a good business. Banks Friok brought to ur yo fice and gave to us an ear of corn 8f inohss around and only 2 in ones long and welif ormed Who can beat that? Rev. John R.'.Jordan the ;Bap tist minister here has resigned as. pastor of Faith and will take oth er work at Spies, S. 0. The mem bers all regret to see hun Jeaye, but wish him and his family good luok in their -newhojnff Jordan was a good minister and everybody liked him .t He w ill be missed in this community. VmUjs, David S. Lents, aged 49, met with an unfortunate;: and fatal ao- oident Saturday afternoon while on the Gold Hill Road en route to, his home in the vicinity of Or gan Ohoroh. . Mr. Lents, his son Bernard, and a friend, Robert Gray, were in the nar and were going with considerable speed down Tar Kiln Hill, just beyond the two; mile post, when Bernard,. who was . driving the machine drove too near the ditch and cans ed the auto to lounge sidewise, when Ur. Lents was either thrown or jumped out. He struck hard ground and it was seen that he Was was badly injured. In great haste he was taken to the sana- torium in Salisbury for profes sional attention but died shortly after his arrival. Mr. Lents was a well-to-do farmer oa saw mill man and was well thought of by those who knew -him. .' He leaves a wife on son and a brother, Charlie Lents of Elm wood. His remains -were prepared for inter-, ment aitd were taken home Sun day. The funeral was held from Organ Church Monday afternoon, the, pastor, Rev. R. R. Sowers, officiating. The two young men were not injured - and "the, auto was only slightly damaged. It Always Helps says Mrs; Sylvania Woods, of Clifton Mills, Ky., in writing of her experience with Cardui, the woman's . tonic She says further : "Before I began to use : Cardui, my back and head would hurt so bad, I thought the pain would killjne. I was hardly able to do any of my housework. After taking three bottles of Cardu I began to feel like a new woman. 1 soon gained 1 35 pounds, and now, I do all my housework, as well as-run a big water milL 1 wish every suffering yroman would give The Woman's Tonic a trial I still use Cardui when I feel a little bad, and it always does me good." Headache, backache, side ache, nervousness, tired, worn-out feelings, etc, are sure signs of woman- ly trouble. Signs that you need Cardui, the woman's tonic You cannot make a mistake in trying Cardui for your trouble. It has been helping weak, ailing women for more than fifty years. Is IV Get a Bottle Todav! f Jm mm mm m. Mm ia ! Seat Ustfal Billitles yog Should Get. Followina are the names and numbers of various bulletins re quested of us. Ir is better that eaoh persons write direot to the United States Department of Ag riculture, Washington, D. 0., if the desires them. 142. Principles of Nutrition and nutritive value of food. 84. Meats: Composition and Oookmg. 86. Fish as Fool. 128. Bggs and their uses as food. 250. Preparation of Vegetables for the Table. 289. Beans. 298. Use of Fruits as Food. 298. Food value of Corn and Ooru Produots. 882. Nuts and their Uses ss Food. 868. The use of milk as Food. 668..: Popcorn for the Homes. 610. Honey. . 875. Care of food in the Home. 188. Meat on the Farm: Butch ering, Curing and Keeping . 208- Canned Fruits, Preserves and Jellies. 869 Canning Vegetables in the Home. 8S9. Bread and Bread Making. 891. Economical Use of Meat in the Home. 496. Raising Belgian Hares and : other Babbits. 621. Canning Tomatoes at Home and in Club Work. 694. Shipping Bggs by Parcel Post. 64. Daoks and Oeese. 154. The Home Fruit Garden : Preparation and Care. 255. The Home Vegetable Garden. 185 Beautifying the Home Grounds. 474. Use of Paint on the Farm 607. The Farm Kitchen as a Workshop. 270. Modern Conveniences of the Farm Home. 54. Some Common Birds. 609. Bird Houses and How to Build Them. 898. Habit forming Agents. 450. Some Facta About Mu- laria. 459. 449. 473. House Flies. Rabies or Hydroph .bia. Tuberculosis Qat rid of Those Poisons la Your Sym- tem! You wiHifiDr- King's New Life Pills a must satisfactory lax ative in releasing the poisons from your system. Accumulated waste and poisons cause manifold ail ments unless released. Dizziness, spots, before she eyes, blaokuess and a miserable feeling general 1 y are indications that .yen need Dr. King's New Life Pills. Take a dosa tonight and yon will experi ence grateful relief by morning. 25c. No Hops For Ur. Ross's Recoveri. News from Wilmington Satur day night was to the effect that there is no hope for the recovery of Richard 8. Rose, who was in jured bythe accidental discharge ofa pistol eight or nine weeks ago. , , His x mother, Mrs. C. A. Rose cf China Grove, his sister, Mrs. Annie Liek of Chiriotte and his brother, Janice 'Rose, of this city, went to his bedside Friday. He is a nephew of Mrs. AfcJ. Crowell of this city and a son-of the late Rev. 0. A Rosa who was fcrnorl v a pastor of a Lutheran Church near Salis Tfca Gsbta That Doss Not Affect Ths Hssd Became of It tonic and laxative effect. LAXA. BKOMO QUININE is batterthan ordinary and doe not cause nemmnuu nor ahead. Remember the full nameand CStWaptS,WeBaV!S. 2S6 TXVB gamine SuiSinaT FREE! FREE Those who subscribe for The Cabolin-a Watchman and Rowan Recobd, Rowan's leading newspapers, ma&in? a lively semi-weekly, and pay one dollar cash in gdvance, will be given from now till January 1st, 1916, free Now is the time to get your home papers, prepare yourself for your winter readiug and keep posted with your State and County affairs, and the progress of the great European war. Re they are edited, owned, published and printed by Salisburis ans, gives home people the preference in every way possible and asks for a iair deal by home people. Send in your subscription at once and get two months free. Go to Texas via Cotton Belt Route direct line from Memphis through Arkansas Two trains daily with chair cars and electric lighted sleepers. Dining car service. Trains from the South east connect at Memphis with these Cotton Belt through trains toTexas. Winter Tourist Farea daily to many places in Texas, Louisiana and New Mexico. Stopovers. Long return limit of May 31, 1916. All Year Tourist Fares daily to certain pointy in Texas. 90 day limit. Stopovers. Low Fares with liberal stopovers and long return limits should induce you to Make a trip to Texas now! See what finef arm opportunities Texas offers. Bend today for free illustrated book about Texas, and get full information about low f ares from your town to Texas via Memphis and the Ootton Belt Route. H. H. SUTf Ori, Dist. Passenger Agent. 109 W. 9th St..Chartanooza,Teiin. 0 "Silver Plate that Wears' 1 1 Since 1847, the year Rogers Bros, originated electro-silver eating,silverware bearing the trade mark "1847 ROGERS BROS." is been renowned for quality, wcarability and beauty. 847 ROGERS BROS. xs TRIPLE tamped on forks, spoons and fancy serving pieces is a guarantee of heaviest plating, perfect workmanship and exquisite design, assuring long and satisfying service. Any article of silverware marked "1847 ROGERS BROS." may be elected without further investigation. m -SSl7 kadin2 dealers everywhere. Send for catalogue v"L showing all patterns. : HERIDEN BRITANNIA CO., IImMm, CoiUk r (International Silver Co Saoeeasor 5 I PAY HIGHEST PRICE! CREEWJHNDES. CHAS. S. JULIAN, 10 27 8m Salisburr. N.-0. TTJachovia Banti & Trust Co. Is the Strongest Batik in North Carolina, LARGEST CAPITAL LAR3EST ASSETS; This gives Safety aiid Protection to-onr Depositors - A'per cent, paid on Saving deposits. Yon enn orjen slu account with one dollar and upwards " Hx7B 7$ 7 TWTWThKH 3 If you want to buy a Farm, Large or Small, see us. iv If youhave a Far. a to Sell, List it with us. ' SALISBURY REALTY And Insurance Company. BvBy w w io vk my uu: -aMvy Cliero-Colal No. Six-Sixty-Six This it a prescriptioQ prepared especially for MALARIA or CHILLS & FEVER. Five or six doses wih break any case, and if taken then as a tonic the Fever will not return. It acts on the liver better than Calomel and does not gripe or sicken. 25c Floe Frostproof Cabbage Plants by parcel poet. Jewey. Wakefield. Ohar. leston Wakefield and Snocension. 1.0C0 for $1 .00 postpaid 100 for 15o postpaid. R. O . pABira TTlnh N.O, -B-IO-kr RUB-MY-TISM Will cure Rheumatism, Neu ralgia, Headaches, Cramps, Colic Sprains, Bruises, Cuts, Burns, Old Sores, Tetter, Ring-Worm,-Eczema, etc. Antiseptic Anodyne, used internally or externally 256 notice. To Creditors, Havinar aualifiad rt K 4 KM WVa. Ji : the estate of J. R. Wallace, deo'd, thif is to noiiiv an persona havtns; claime against the said decedent to filg an itemized, verified statement of game with the nndnrRicrnnrl r n 26th day of October i916, or this notice win ue pieaa in Dar oi their recovery . Persons indebted to- said estate are notinea to make prompt settlement. This 0,5tober 16, 1915- ' A. A. Walla rar Adm'r. Theo. it. Jkicttz Attorney, SALISBURY'S BIG GENERAL STORE. " A Full Line of General Merchandise Constantly On Hand. FOOT REST HOSIERY, whether it' 8 appearance. you want in hosieryor wheather it wear yon will get it if you get "Foot Rest " And this too an endnce ment to most of us. You'll SAVE MONEY. NEW SECURITY FRUIT JARS, f reshJot just re ceived. Pints, Quarts, and half -gallons. Spring and Summer goods, light weight underwear for men and womau, also Dress Grood, Shoes, Pants, Overalls, Hats, Notions, Crockery, Tinware, etc. GROCERIES. I have a well selected atoek of staple and fancy groceries, country produce, feed stuff, etc When in need come to see me. Farmers ar invited to make my place fieadquar ters while in the city. Very truly, W. W. TAYLOR, 103 S. Main St., Salisbury, N . C. 'Phone 39. Grandmother s Comforter SINCE we got a Perfec tion Heater, Grand mother keeps cozy all day long. In five minutes the Perfec tion makes chilly rooms comfortable. It is light and easy to carry around. When the furnace breaks down and during cold snaps, it is the most useful . thing in the house. The Perfection gives you ten hours of comfort on a gallon of kerosene the most inexpensive form of heat. Use Aladdin Security Oil or Diamond White Oil to obtain best results in Oil Stoves, Lamps and Heaters. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (New Jersey) BALTIMORE Washington, D. C Charlotte, N. O. Norfolk. V. Charleston. W. Va. Richmond; Va. Charleston, S. C TjTrktr fnr tYttk TViflntrl TraHpmark. fZ Sold in many styles and sizes at all .r hardware and general stores. - V2 Highttt award Panama-Pacific Exposition r R. BROlVfJ. OPTOatBTBIfT,. . Fitting Glasses a. Specialty Ralief oi no Pay;.- ; Examinatioi Wirtoat Oragt m Mw, China Grovb, Ni'0.:b2-1 I I II CI I JTk I lit la. . ZJiBK uwar' lt. I : I CI - - ..v .-110 - fill V JTyt -t?.-Z"?iMTl lfel m - I . .