Tho Carolina Watchman Wo. EL STEWART, Editor and Owner R&Sshed Svry Wednesday, 123 Weet Innee Street SUBSCRIPTION PR1CB t NfiTtarhmOT, I fftr, $ .75 BeootdtlfetV Tht ftogiealvi Farmer, 1 year, L09 AH 3 foe a year each, only $150 Entered m second-class matter January Nth, 19G5, at the poetoiflce at Salisbury, N.G,tnxIertheactotCoQsre39oIltarcb Salisbury, N.U., Dec. 42(515. ! THE CONQUERING RE TURNS Mr. Hicks has a larga number of friends in Spencer and Sahs bory who are glad that his ex perience is aft an end and who are as loyal, to him as ever. Salis bury Post. There is little or no difference between wishing a thine and ex. pressing it, bat there is consider able difference between assuming the responsibility for an expns siou and trying to make it appeal merely as the sentiment of others, baft, so far as expressions and th assuming of responsibilities go, uumerous principles of right and wrong follow, and, in the fiua analysis, it is rather difficult for man to ba found on both tided of the same proposition. It has trot been long since this same pa per (The Post) spoke of the mayoi of a near by town, one of the all round most contemptible inei Thk Watchman, and many other hare ever known, as a 'High toned Christian gentleman," and with bis awful pioture flaunted it in the face of the deoent men and women of Salisbury. Salisburi- ans and Spencerians, the man honorable, virtuous and truly christian men and women who make their homes in th6se places, deserve far more consideration, iu fact it is a greas injustice, if not deliberate insult, for them to 1 1 ignored while the criminal, im moral and brazen faced lepers oi society are played up in the pub lic prints in terms that can onl) pre parly be applied to the right eous. Whether intended or not this is the sum. total of the mat. ter. Where is the honest, modest gentleman jaat home from the penitentiary who wants his name spread before the public in, "box car "(type as (hough he were a con queriug hero? And where ts the paper who has so little regard for the proprieties as to do such a thing? Salisbury's the place The caitom of greeting convicts return home has never before been exercised in North Carolina save by Negroes, end this even has LeeL r undly denounced by every rep o table citizen and paper in th State No one save a brazen faoed criminal ready to oommit other orimes cao reasonably look for anything like a hearty reception. The Watchman does not set it salf up as a diotator, or leader, morally jor otherwise, far from it, bat it frankly admits that it is jealous fcr the good name of its home town,' for the good name of its home people, for the good name of the good men and women who havo adopted the place as their home, for the institutions of oar town, for the reputable business interests of our town and for the customs, friendships and high ideals of society that obtain here, and for the many noble Christian examples of our people. We see these things and more, we admire, appreciate andean oo -operate ful ly with their every effort to reach greater heights, yet the road that leads on and up is not without its snares, temptations and at tacks by the enemy; the eiemy, what a broad and ever expanding view of rank weeds is before us; verily from-the short comings of the fool to the most diabolioal conduct of satan himself, whose attaoks on the citadel of Right eousness never cease, bubble, cuu n:nff. sneaking, threatening. Ivinff. brazen, day by day he plys his attacks, bv writing printing. word of mouth and example, and, it is only by a like vigorous and i j f iL.i L. e l neraiaieut aeieueu (UHt lun 11 not overwhelmed. Let's on with the fight, th nation will not be . sweot from its marines bv the hv-l AIL pha iated citizen nor will Balis-; ioiptisonmect will expire on the tor v. 'eighteenth of this month. This When a community permits the pardon is granted for the reason criminal and immoral to cooupy that Jadge Long who tried the de the poiitions of honor in its gv.v fendant, on his own initiative, re eroiu mt, iu its pnblic prints nd quoted xae to do it. The defend in it j song, it is oertainly time ant has made an exceptionally for cUce-fc people to call a halt. god prisoner." Athts "time; of cheer: ".and gcod will that should extend from all to all, Thb Watchman enters its S8rd year, or its twelfth volume, fourth series. Much history bas been made by our town, county. State and nation and most of it has been reoorded in these oolomus during its long career. Thi Wat hmah feels that is still young and shall proceed on its ray as heretofore, and, if pcsaible with greater energy ..and greater loyalty to the community and its people in whioh and . with whom it exists . It greatly appreciates the patronage extended it and the good will of its friends. In turn it extends ite heartiest good will to all, hopes that none will be without the oheer and comfort emblematio of the coming of the Babe of Bethleham, that the new. year be pregnant with prosperity and succeis for all and that that peace that has been ours so long will remain and, like the star that led the shepherds of old will guide our people beside the still waters and in pastures green . Losses Were iDsipificait futkisb and 6erman Sources Siy British Losses Were Enormous. Deo. 21 In asking for another million men for the British army, bringing it to 4,000,000. Premier Aeqnith told the House of Com mons that Great Britain needed every min fit fcr military service. There was further u timation that unless the number of men enlisted under the plan of Earl Derby came up to expectations conscription might still have to be enforced. The Irish Nationalist party for whom John Redmond was the spokesman, placed itself on record as being ready to oppose eonsorip ion by every means in its power. The representative of the Labor party announoed strong opposition by the Laborites to consoription, although the auocessor of James Keir Hardi?, 0. B. Stanton, lead er cf the miners, declared that if the men would not volunteer they should be brought to the colors. Referring to the retirement of the 100,000 British forces from the Suvla and Ansao zones on the Gal lipoli Peninsula the Premier an nounced what he admitted, it seemed to almost incredible that the operation had been carried out without loss of lif and with the wounding of only three men. The Rnssians are reported un officially to have bombarded and occupied Varua with a sufficient number of men to hold the Bui- garian Black Sea port against at tack. The town, apoording tp this report was laid in rains, and the Bulgarian garriton suffered heavy casualties. 1 The French have eaptured with infantry after preparation by ar tillery an important part of the German works at Hartmanna- Weilerkcpf, in the Vosges Moun tains. Elsewhere on the Western front there has been nothing bat artillery bombardments. Vienna reports the annihila tion of two companies of Italians who were attempting to make an advance on San Michele Mountain in the Isonzo zone of the Anstro Italian battle line. A. W. Hicks 6ets Pi r do a it List. With just two days remaining on his term, A. W. Hicks, senten ced to two 3 ears in the State Pris on from Rowsn county in Novem ber 1918, Cor the teohnical offensi oi maxing improper entries in books of the Spencer branch of the Wachovia Loan and Trust Go's bank for which he wai cashier, was last Thursday granted a par- dop by Governor Craig. Several times daring the term of the prisoner, strong efforts has been made by the friends of the convioted man to have him par doned. Governor Craig has, here tofore, resolutely declined to in bnl-.terfere wfen n course of the 'jodgment of the ccurt. Prior tt !hi8 conviotion Hicks had proven a splendid reputation and had been & man of considerable iufluenoe in t ha nnmmnnitv ..j . A In bis statement of reasons G - veruor Craig said: The term of the defendant's Fa' Uo'os'oMfel Dec 30-31 SalUt ury, N, q. R. D No. 6. Dt-c. 20, 1915. The 4th quarterly met-ting of Rowan Couuty Farmers Union will be held with "Oak Grove" Local, near Lowerstone hatch, on Thursday and Friday Decem ber 80-81 1016. Thfe meeting will be au important meeting. It will be theoooaiicn ot the elec tion cf rffioers for th eueun g year. R:wan County now stands at the headof the 6oanties in the State, having the greatest number of members with Iredell a close second The bounty officials es pecially would love to see every local ib Rowan County represented aid that strenuous efforts may be launched to hold the State banner county. It can be easily done if the proper machinery is put to work. J. Y. Green, State organ jse and lecturer, will be with us both days. Ou Friday, 31st, the meeting will be opened to all. Tboie wishing to go by rail will buy tickets for Reck well arriving from Salisbury at 10:5 a.m.. or 5:05 p- m. All wishing a convey ance frcm Rookwell to Lowerstone should notify G. A. Fisher, chair man arrangements committee, Rookwell R. D. 1, tHiug him whioh train you will be ou. All together for a better and greater Farmers' Uuion. Fraternally yours, Abthur L. Kiutiz, SecyTieas. Rowan County F. U. Villi 6epertls Rudi for Puce- El Paso, Tex. Deo. 20 A though a number of his generate have entered into peace negotia tions with 4he de faoto Govern ment of Mexic, Gen. Francisco Villa was reported tonight to have gathered 4G0 armed men somt wnere in the State of Chihuahcs to oppose bis former organiza tions. The Otrranza de faoto G:veru mens is in official control of the former Villa State of Ohihauhau by virture of an agreemeut reaob ed between Generals Robertc Limon, Manuel Banda, Lieut Col Flaviano Paliia and Col. Eduardo Andalon, and Andreas Garoia, of the Carrausa Consulate here, by whioh about 4,C00 troop and the organization of the Villa Government, including the oitiee of Juarez and Chihauhaa and all border points, aooept Carranz domination. The agreement grants amnesty to all btt Gener al Villa and his brother Hipolito ' The generals entered into con ference yesterday as delegates from General Villa to confer with Mr. Garoia upon plans to tarn over the entire territory and all troops and armi, end for himself to leave the Capital without any following. They reported the result of their eonference last night to General Villa at Chiahuahua City. Late today they had received no reply from General Villa and instead, learned that after re ceiving tneir advices uenerai Villa gathered 400 men and left Chihuahua City and that his whereabouts were unknown. Invigorating to the Pale and Sickl The Olc Standard general strengthening tonic GROVES TASTELESS chill TONIC.drives out Mli rianricbet the Wood, builds up the system. A trrs Tonic For adults and children. 60c There is no danger of a "good citizen' beii. g sent to the peni tentiary, so when one is thus in caroeratad it it because he has not been a good citizen, but should he make 'an exceptionally good pris oner," it is manifest ht has been placed where he belongs. Whenever You Need a General Tv f Take Grove's The Old Standard Grove's 1 jv - -; shin Tonic is equally valoabie -General Tonic because it contain. t well known tonic properties of QUI Ni 3 and IRON. It acts on the Liver, i : oat Malaria, Enriches the Blood finOtonp the Whole System. SOceo't' Do You Want a New Stomach? If you 'fo "Digestoneine" will? give you me. For full particulars, literature and opinions regarding this wonderful Discovery which is benefitirig tiousands, apply to SMITH )RUG COMPANY SALISBURY, N. C A. h jo received one oar load of assorted baskets, Bill Ytt Parkers, if not Assist Your Stomach To Get Rid of the Poisonous Gases and Fermenting Food. A good long fast will do this, sometimes. A trip .to the moun tains. Tramping. Roughing it. Yes, very good remedies. But are you going to avail yourself of either one of these remedies. No? Then the next best thing is totry a bottle of Peruna. Take it according to di rections. You will have a natural appetite. All gas and fermenta tion in the stomach will dis appear. Read what Mrs. Emma Bell, Box 204, Fort Pierce, Florida, says: "I was taken suddenly, with swelling of the stomach and towels, and great distress. Very painful. Three doctors gave me no relief. Could not eat any thing. Everything soured. I was starving to death. I began taking Peruna and was soon strong enough to do work. After taking five bottles 1 can truth fully say I am well. I gained twenty pounds. ' ' Mortgage Sale of Real Estate By vii tura of thj powers contained in two certain Mortgage Deed execu ted by A. J. Boger and wife Ellen Bo- ger to D. (J. l.ingle one of said Mort gage Deeds having been executed on the 28th day of August. 1906, and reg istered in Book of Mortgages 28, page 276, and the other Mortgage Deed hav ing boen executed on the I6tn day of November, 1906, and registered in Book of Mortgagee 28 pai e 664, default hav ing been made in the payment of the n ies cured by each of sai 1 mortgage duties, the undersigned Mortgagee will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the Court House door in Salisbury, North Carolina, on Mouriay, December 27tb, 1915, at Twelve o'clock M., the following described real estate: Beginning at a stake on the Concord road. Ada taolmes' corner; thenee in a Northernly course with said road 110 feet to a stake ; then on Bwink's cor ner; thence in an Easternly course with 8 wink's line 146 feet to a stake; thence in a Southernly direction with 8wink's line 42 feet to a Htakp; thence in an Easternly course 52 feet to Jutios Menius'line; thence with his line 68 feet to Ada Holmes' corner; thence with her line 198 feet to the beginning, being part of I. ts 10 and 11 in the plot of the Fair Gtourds property. . This the 28th day of November. 1915. D. C. 1. ingle, Mortgage. P. S. Carlton, Attorney. IVlannfactnrerB of HARNESS J) All sort of repair work in leather. Spee.Hl orders taken care of. Prepared to make, "Iter and repair anything in Leather Goods. Gold Hill Harness Go. Telephone No. 24 Gold Hill, N . O. Trade with C. P.SHUPING THE GROCER, He curries a full line of Higb Grade Groceries at very low prices. Buys all kinds of Products Chickens, Eggs, Bacon, and vegetables. See him Headquarters for Watkiue Medicine Co. 'Phone 57. 119.VV. Inniss St. c.p. sHUPiroe POPlJIiRMCBANICS A1AGAZINB 300 ARTICLES-300 ILLUSTRATIONS ITEEP informed of the World's Procresa In Engineering, Mechanics and Invention. For ratner ana ion and All the family, it appeals 10 ay ciasses Old and Young Men and Women. xi ib ine x avome Magazine in tnousanas oi homes throughout the world. Oar Foreign Correspondents are constantly on the watch lor things new and Interesting and it is Written So You Can Understand Iti The Shan Nnt.. n.n.p.MAn. on WmiI nrmtKlnal Cojuiuu u ao urngs aronna tne nome. kmateur Mhil 17 Pimal fnr tVin Tlnva and i l ounuui uinu ior nop worK ana easy ways iur vun Girls who like to make things, tellshowto make Wire iitHB ana xeiegrapn Uuttita. engines, Doats, dsowh saoea, oewejry, iteea i urnltnre, etc. Domains ln btrnctions for the Mechanic, Camper and Sportsman. Or4r from yaw nndMlir or rst from th ftflrtirJ - Sampl copy wll b soot en rvquMt. I 91 -SO PER YEAR SINGLE COPIES. 18c POPULAR MECHANICS MAGAZINE! 6 No. Michigan Avonuo, CHICAOO 0I CC get immediate relief froifl rlLLj DivShoop'sMacOintccsL CherD-Colaj Ready to Wenr. Buy a new Coat Suit now at after Christ mas prices. $10 GO Coatisuits ' - "-' for $4.98 Few Coat Suits ' left--from last seasons styles also few of this seasons worth $10 00 and 12 50 for $4.98 $10 00 to 15 00 Suits for $7 .48 Nice lot of this seasons Suits worth 10.00 and 15 00 close out price $7.48 All better Suits Greatly deduced to close out. - N Men and Boys Clothing. Buy a new Suit for Christmas and buy from us it you want the best for the least money. . - , . . You can always have the good feel ing of knowing you have done; the Best and gotten your goods at the very lowest price when you trade at Five Chinese ProiiiiCfs Declare Ttielr In ufptndenCB. San Franciso-, Deo. 20. Tong Koug ChoDK, president of the Obi Uftie Republic Aesooiafeiou, ti ceived a cablegram from Bhang hai, China, toi ifeht which stated that five Chioeie provinces had deslared their ludepeudeuce of the rale of Ynau Shi Kni, The praviuoes cono rned in the revolution were, according to the cablegram, Kwangtong Kiaugei, Yuanuau, Schuen and Kweichau Mr. Toug. who hae preaided re cently at several masj-meetit g ot Chines frcm all parts of Cali fornia, said tonight he believed the acfeiou of the five provinces would be followed by similar de: claration f torn all part a cf China He sid thp Chinese iu America were strc Dgly oppnpd to the r.-' turn of China to the mouarchial form of Government. Large Boms, be said,1 had been pledged by California Chinese to finance a general revolution. Cures Old Sores, Other Remedies Won't Cure. The worst cases, no matter of how lone standing, are cured by the wonderful, old reliable Dr. Porter's Antlsepac fieaiinsr Oil. It relieves Palowd Baals at the samiTume. 25c.S0c.SlX0 Oir Second Sheets should be in every offioe, 40c per 1,000. The real Salisbury Printiug Office, 120 West Inuei Street, op stairs. A Touch of a Match Brings a Touch of Sp"rin Touch a match. In five min- chill-free and cosy. Pick it up ;, utes the Perfection Smokeless and take it wherever you want Oil Heater is spreading comfort extra heat. Light and easily , and warmth. carried. Smokeless and odorless. Ten hours glowing warmth on The Perfection Sold in many styles Highest Award at Panama-Pacific Exposition. Look for th Triangle Trademark. Use Aladdin Security Oil or Diamond White Oil to secure best results in Oil Stoves, Lamps and Heaters. STANDARD (New Jersey) BALTIMORE Wsshmjton, D. C. Norfolk, Vs. Bickfaoad, Vs. PERFECTION f, ZSZjP&Xg " J 6 I I I p SALISBYRY, TJ. G. 0C!L NTH CHURCH. Deo. 13 N W. Morgan and Sou saw mill company is sawing for J. A. Morgan neat here. Miss Amanda C. Morgan is ou the tick list at ihis writing. Levi Trexier is cu the sick list at ths writing. Jas W. Morgan tud family spent Friday Light, December 17h. at Ivey O. Morgan's. Mr. b i. d M.S. Jchj Rjgers aud little daoghtei, Carrie, are visit ing near China Qrove. A B. Lis k is Hawing lumber for Ed Tiger near here. Wil lam Mornj has 1 een cattiug ties ior.S. C Morgan the past few days. It lias been reported that we hav-i one caee.of emails x iu the comai unity If thia be true we "hop" the patient will recover scon. Clarence Morgan end family spn.t Snnday 'at G Jd H;ll, N C. ,W 'e th:nk ii Yeuxit woult wat up and com to himself ci.c' he Would quit dreaming sd much. The writer spent Saturday, Dh oinbar 18th iu Salisbury. . JchuRibel iu aud family of Df er i her hae novd near Badi. , N C , oere they will mak thsir future home. Q . M . He ff man aud family vii ited t E. C , Morgau'e Sundav, December 19th . School at Jackson Collpge w: 1 1 clcae thrc ughout the hrilida e. I will close wishiu? the Editor land the readers cf The Watch man a Happy C irietm te JrpiTEP. keeps any room a gallon of kerosene oil. and sizes at all hardware and general stores. OIL Charlotte,-N. C. jsf II I Charleston. W. Vs. 1$ :-'. S S. If I t Charleston. S. C. rU"t f I Mens $7 50 Winter suits mixed Cashmere all sizes for , $4 98 Men and Boys pr.yoath S10 00 Blue Serge Suits all wool for . S7,48 Big value in Mens Suits for 8 7.S 9 75 V' ' and 312.59 Styleplus Suits foJ men with plenty of style best workmanship real S20 00 Suits one price SI 7.03 Nice lot of Boys Suits all Ser--e at Slv98 2 48 to $5 .00 Men and Boys Underwear. Mens 50c heavy fleeced or fibbed shirts and drawers for 33c Mens 97c ribbed Union Suits for .,. only 75c CeBffjflerate P b In Mi a Nea-ly tan thQusdnd dollar is beirg handed Mirbv Clerk rf trie Court J F.ic)ub''in8. for the Ccnfedf-rate V;Vrru:iB peiisicu claims. -Stilt auditor W. Pi u Wood bas just em.t, v uc:er to the clerk of o urtOfor thn pavmut oftheRiwan Goti(-dY& Vtier ana. There v r' : fiv classes of thee pe!; v i , tirt, second, third, fourth iiui Md .wB oi the Confederate Vrd;,. who re- 0-lV d 5 h- f i:o:ii g a -:. UUt TO spctivpy: ui uj h, iaB class 72-, 2nd c;aes $G0, 3rd class 48, 4' h and 5 ;i i-s . f82 each. While th , viHi... uts appear (O be sma l, y ?t d ib a great help to the eld Bold ers; J thf ir wid d:w Thw averajj-i nu.o;,jt paid to each i; i "-?r i, . . hnnt $35 . h. - c i (it: : ;-.uai pen- : he 'iet, but n iiiegibla in this county ioiif.r arn t.-v c nn Tfe din ! : fe : : evetai Ljiv : cl o during tut, asc y f ur t. ta!U ' i i i-i r v c r; Mty . lhv r annum p . id ' i m nig I $i) Th- Wflt - !:! UI i i iu this cont r a a!- r l ht re are '--r in thu ;vn 120 per ih y iuBlall- t nonsionerB S72 r-ceiv The "lufeSra -hst Dec- -t ct. The Head Bec.ise ot ite tonic a. id it -.hi -,ve effect LAX1. TIV!i HBOMO QU1.N ri xijh , ,nter than ordinal QutMne aiid upes not cat's nervousness nor tineuig- bsrc Keinfm'r (be tull name and

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